Using the last few days before the general election to ramp up the rhetoric about how important polling day is that conservative leaders say is historic and a chance to move towards Bragg's it the Labor leader says a vote for his party is supporting the most ambitious plan to transform our country in decades thousands of people are expected to take to the streets of Hong Kong later for a pro-democracy rally the police have given permission for the March and the government has appealed to people to express their views peacefully firefighters in Australia say they've used better weather conditions to help tackle some of the 96 bush fires burning in New South Wales only half are contained and temperatures are predicted to rise again next week the minister for emergency services in New South Wales is David Elliott we're talking about President numbers we're talking about. Activity and of course this is a result of in many respects the drought that has been facing over the last couple of years and therefore the Bush plan is just a tinderbox version trains is being replaced by advance the West Coast from this morning the new operators promising more than 200 actually services a week by 2022 and thousands of people are spending the night camped outdoors to raise money to tackle homelessness The Big Sleep power which is in its 4th year is taking place in more than 50 cities across the globe so Chris Hoy is among those taking part at the event in London well this is the 4th year I've done it. None of us have an idea what it must go to sleep on the streets and to not have a home to go to go back to last 3 years but honestly. That's not what's fun it's it's it's a pretty grim experience that's one night you know only one night and you get to go home to. Get some food spore now has Katie Smith and see Joshua says I'm a warrior at heart it's after reclaiming his world heavyweight titles for him and he really is Junior the fight when the distance in Saudi Arabia with just your winning by unanimous points decision he's only the 4th heavyweight champion. History too in his titles but at the time of asking well a.j. Has also called on fans to head over to the 5 live Twitter and tell him who to fight next Pep Guardiola says Manchester City have to try and continue in the size of a race then 14 points behind leaders Liverpool after losing to once rivals United the f.c. Had while Liverpool won trouble once again they People misremember way a stunner from some young men was just one of 5 the top men as they thrashed Burnley efforts and climbed out of the relegation zone with a 31 win over Chelsea and it was goalless between what fit and Crystal Palace in Scotland have appointed former Bonzi boss Daniel Stendhal as then the manager and at the u.k. Snake a Stephen Maguire alibi 6 frames to nail to pick his place in the final he takes on China's decision way for the title this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound it's small speak of. The weather why it's so windy for most of us overnight got continues into Sunday the north or west will say so if. The south and east think spells showers average temperatures 9 degrees Celsius b.b.c. Sounds music radio podcasts not sure if you've heard but there's an election coming up it's not going to be me to be very. Obviously we've made a podcast about 6 election casts election cast from the b.b.c. Join me I'm slamming and the b.b.c. Politics team is be taken good hard look at the general election 29 c. Is my real bar of cash bigger than yours are newspapers not as big as yours and therefore we're responsible for trying to make sense of us all know when there's anything if they tell you they know something you don't believe them election cast on b.b.c. Sides loads of free to listen. This is all for not go far above one. Of the programme of the authorities down under given up trying to put out the mega blaze raging across New South Wales the Bush is out of control good is it uncontrollable also the week's news from Chile where. Women have taken to the streets to embroider a large tapestry in the midst of all the social unrest is going on there will find out why the world's youngest country we mentioned a couple weeks ago on a full night now the people of bougainvillea which is part of the island group this contains Papua New Guinea have gone to the polls this weekend to vote on independence and we'll hear about our own week ahead as we approach the elections on Thursday the prime minister Boris Johnson and the Labor leader join me called me nor him brawled in a spat with regards to government papers that Jamie called in is calling on the prime minister to publish and the prime minister say no need for that the moment more about you k. U.s. Trade negotiations and Russian interference in our elections later but 1st Australian fire officials have warned that a mega blaze raging across a 60 kilometer front northwest of Sydney cannot currently be put out the fire is an hour's drive from the nation's most populous city people who cannot defend their property from approaching fires of intel that they should leave immediately that speak to our correspondent in Sydney Phil 1st what is the latest with regards to this blaze that seems to be spreading uncontrollably may fill. Well on Friday dot and there were 4 or 5 separate big fires that came together to conspire to create what officials here are dubbing this mega blaze cities burning as you say to the northwest of Sydney about an hour's drive to the north of Australia's most heavily populated area and we understand from fire authorities that the size of this fire is bigger than the size of Sydney self so that just gives you an indication as to how severe this threat is and as you say the fire front is 40 miles long and the author to say that is as it stands they won't be able to put it out until there is significant rainfall so at the moment what we're seeing is a military style strategic plan to try to keep this fire away from populated areas and properties but in the meantime forests National Park and farmland and grasslands continue to burn and the reason why this fire simply can't be put out is not just because of its enormous size it's also down to resource is Australia's most populous state is New South Wales there are about 100 fires burning here so of course a finite amount of resources men and women water bombing aircraft and other appliances they have to be spread around the state to deal with various threats so at the moment this mega fire continues to burn and burn ferociously How did that go down when the 3rd is admitted to the they won't be able to put this fire on. I think most Australians the vast majority of people in this country Dalton appreciate the firefighting effort is tough it is exhausting and it can be very very dangerous and the last 24 hours of water bombing helicopter crash landed to the north of Sydney Thankfully the pilot escaped with only minor injuries throughout this emergency this bushfire crisis that's now into its 5th week here in eastern Australia many firefighters have been injured doing their job and you have to remember that the vast majority of people on the ground fighting the fires here in New South Wales are volunteers they are supported by professionals also from other crews from across the Tasman Sea in New Zealand also Canadian crews are flown in along with their American counterparts the emergency line is spread very very thin and when Australians hear the old fart to say look we simply put this fire out most Australians will say look we know you're trying as hard as you can and people will appreciate that the emergency effort is times heroic and all the other times very very strategic and if the authorities say can't be put out then the the people of Australia know that it's not through lack of trying to tell us about this military style containment to. Try and keep the money away from people's profits and what form does a containment. They usually don't and takes the form of fighting fire with fire you have an advancing fire fronts and because of very sophisticated. Weather forecasting another imagery they can tell well they hope they can tell in which direction the fires are moving depending on the wind direction for example so if they think the fire is a point a and it's heading towards Point b. Where people live in between points a and b. They build these containment lines no these could be bulldozed through a forest to creates a physical barrier and what they do also is something called back burning This is where fires that deliberately lit ahead of the main fire fronts the aim is that the auto official auto officially fires then burn back towards the main fire front the depriving the main fire all of the fuel in the forest that it needs to keep on barreling towards other communities so it's very strategic it's as we say military like in planning and the earth or it is so far have saved thousands of homes and if you look at the Bush crisis as we say it's now going into its 2nd month 6 people have died and about a 1000 homes have been lost and you know I don't mean we're talking about fires here in Australia a decade ago during the Black Saturday disaster in the state of Victoria 173 people died during that tragedy this time around I don't say just 6 people because clearly any loss of life is tragic but relative to other 5 disasters this one has been exceptionally well managed by the authorities every year Australia gets better fighting these fires there are more early warning systems giving residents the information they need but still the dangers. And I would suspect Dalton that in the next 3 months of summer here in Australia it's going to be a pretty brutal time for many people in the fire zone thank you from there in Sydney the women gathered in the capital city Santiago. Chile to embroider a large tapestry to highlight the need for a peaceful protest after weeks of social unrest across the country with more on that story in other news making headlines in Chile I spoke to upwards changes this is an interesting thing being so many rallies but this one is actually sounding an embroidery and talking about a 1000 needles for dignity and it's going on that used to be corrupt I said got me out but now it's been renamed Prasad they lead the need that say dignity square and lots of women got to get that so I may say this is part of a political intervention and actually it was happening in places all around the world that it was kicked off by Chile and these rates go back to the time of Pinochet where women were in the open. About what was going on in their life and things that they didn't like so this was a huge tapestry What does it mean for the women of Chile in particular given the current social unrest Well it means that they're thinking about a new future that trying to define how they want Chile to be bad talking about these dubs that peace and things that have gone on in the past and just making life better for women in Chile but that's not the only thing that's been happening that's been another massive intervention this week which was also a kicked off by women and that's called Last basis and this is the theatre great of some women who come from that but it's a portside town which is being really really badly affected by all the social. West and lots of looting and rioting and problems there and they came out and they choreographed this dance which is just kicked off all over the world and it's all about how it's called a rapist in your calf and they had people doing in. France in London outside Chilean embassies in Argentina in New York I mean just everywhere it's gone absolutely massive and it's the whole idea of you know how women are treated not just in Chile but all over the world and how it is unnatural if something happens at their rate they're often made to feel that it's their will for what they were wearing and so a lot of the lyrics refer to that that this has been another massive thing so so women in Chile have you know really kind of at the forefront of these protests and leading the game and being very noticeable what they're doing on Wednesday night that was their senior version which I think read it's anyone over 40 I'm not sure I want to be seen and got 40 but there were lots of women in their seventy's and eighty's some in wheelchairs and they all went along to the national stadium in Santiago and did some rehearsals and that also went viral so they've got all these and interventions going on so you've got this dance and also on Saturday the embroidery so lots of women's things this week of these things coordinated these different approaches coordinated this is surprising that the women in Chile are getting radical for America this foreign. No I don't think it is surprising I mean you've you've had it with the students and a lot of the student leaders from before and you know this was happening in 2005 complaining they would just been going us which means the Penguins because of the black and white uniforms that they wore they were complaining about education and many of those leaders were women and there have been lots of protests but you know these particularly have been viral and yet they are coordinated I mean I think people are getting in touch with them and saying We love this we love you we want to do it elsewhere so it's spreading everywhere and it's actually been seen as the anthem that it is I'm around the world is this weekend and interact on what's going on on the street on the ground level are good also are. Very much I mean it's what everyone is talking about this week but there is a sense that people still pushing for change and although you know the government says they're listening a lot of people are frustrated and think that things are happening fast enough and think that they need to carry on with these protests and being very vocal about what's going on in Chile to really make sure things happen I mean in April there is actually going to be a debate whether they will change the Constitution which I'm sure many people will say they do want to change the Constitution because it's something that happened that was put into place during Pinochet's time that people are still kind of worried that that won't go far enough and things aren't going to change enough so you know these groups of women and you've got lots of different groups pushing just trying to keep the momentum going and the finger pointed at the president. Yeah absolutely I mean there's a court case being put to him which he's busy with his lawyers preparing to defend himself because there are a lot of allegations of human rights abuses I mean the former president President Michelle Bachelet acting out what they do and aides had a special envoy looking into this and they've been very critical about these protests which you know happened from They've been going on since the 18th of October and there have been a lot of problems I mean one horrible thing is that the rubber bullets at the police many people have lost their eyesight I don't want to I sometimes very sad in both eyes because of the rubber bullet so people are saying that this happened under President been yet as watch and he has to answer for it so some people particularly opposition leaders are calling for his impeachment and don't forget that Chile now should have been hosting the climate talks cop 25 which had to move to Madrid only recently Chile had to cancel it that should have been here. The president in yet is not in Madrid at the moment he feels that he needs to be here because there's such a crisis in the country but a lot of people are very critical of him I mean his latest popularity ratings up 4 percent which I think is you know the lowest any president has ever had because people just say he is not responding to the crisis as he should he's not showing leadership. And what's the situation like this street not charities in a crisis I think it's fair to say in all sorts of ways social and economic and so on I know the football season has been brought to a premature end as a result of. International summits as well what's it like on the streets of people every day. It difficult I mean there are still protests going on it's not it doesn't seem as difficult as when it all kicked off and no I mean then there was a curfew that with the minute you're on the streets that was very unpopular so they stopped the curfew that any went on for about a week and they took the military off the streets because it was sending all the kind of wrong messages but it's hard I mean there's a lot of social unrest the protests are continuing and now there's talk of a massive recession I mean lots of these poor businesses you know in places like the center of Santiago where these protests happen of just being completely and I lay to it because they've been that shops have been looted people are going to the hotels around the area are anymore bookings are right so it's tough it's very tough at the moment and people are worried that I guess there's also a sense of hope of what could be and that you know in the right hands with the right things happening she could change for the better and be a lot more than equal society because the big problem it is people talk about how unjust and the inequality here there is still hope from people like you know the women here embroider things can change for the better that this this things can get better although at the moment it is difficult there must be a fair. If there has already some ways have from there must be roof here as to what the future holds yes there is I mean there are lots of rumors flying about about who's behind this that has been lots of looting there's lots of talks of kind of. Small hard core group of anarchists who are taking advantage there's lots of dill girth now ghosts of drug dealers who are also moving into the space and taking advantage so if there is fear you know some people talk about maybe there'll be a civil war of the sea I very much hope there won't be but yeah it's a difficult situation and there's lots of again thing to point. President been yet f a not been tough enough and why when all these metro stations there was a kind of symbol to any of us I can't remember maybe 12 to 20 of them all attacked at once back in October why they haven't found the people responsible and there so much. And why these. People say they can identify them at the protests they all go to the same place they wear the same kind of clothes why the police are arresting them so there's lots of kind of unrest and lots of worrying not questions about what an ass going on and why things aren't being being handled in a better way. Jane chambers in Santiago we've been following the events in the streets of Chile with all this unrest for several weeks now and when we covered it on the wall for fun in just a week or so ago about 8 days ago it did get a lot of you talking about the way that the people for many people even though we've covered it for a few weeks for many people that was the 1st they were hearing about it through what should have been a phone in about football but the fact that the Chilean Li Football League's it'd come to a decision to bring the season to an end prematurely made people really realize that this was happening on the streets of Chile is actually quite profound and I've had a lot of commentary about that of the week and will carry on keeping an eye on what's going on in Chile over the next 3 weeks now it's often a question in pub quizzes what's the world's youngest country. Now not South Sudan and may still be I don't know well the answer might become big gain really later this month because bougainvillea is an island group that's part of Papua New Guinea and on Saturday voting on independence they're closed Natalie Whiting is the Papua New Guinea correspondent for a.b.c. Australia Good morning Natalie good morning doesn't it's the morning after the the day before the polling day before any indication as to which way people voted. That's right the excitement all come to an end we've had a 2 week voting period he up because voting bill is. Quite difficult terrain he there's a lot of people living in remote villages it's quite hard to access that actually had to in some areas walk the ballot boxes into villages to make sure everyone had a chance to go to the voting thing going on the 2 weeks that came to an end on Saturday no indication at the moment of how things go and they're not giving us any preliminary they're not going to give us any preliminary results at the moment they're just scrutinizing the ballot boxes but we expect counting to begin shortly was the issue of independence even come to a referendum. So the South referendum was inscribed in a peace agreement which is almost 2 decades old so there was a terrible bloody civil war here in Bergen fills in the light I.C.'s and early ninety's and I actually saw a test method between 15 and 20 percent of the population sorry 15 and 20000 people die which was about 10 percent of the population they can imagine 10 percent of the population killed in the almost decade long civil war and that was a secessionist war that was about trying to it it became about trying to get independence from pop when you get a said the peace agreement that brought that conflict to an end inscribed that they would be this referendum now it's non-binding but that the vote would take place in 2 decades time so that's where we are now Campbell gives you cope as an independent nation. There's a lot. That still need to be crossed now where expecting an overwhelming vote in support of the independent studies widely anticipated we are expecting to see the papers are going to vote for independence however the vote is nonbinding so once it handed down it's going to be up to Papa New Guinea and Bergenfield to begin negotiations there those discussions could take a number of he is a villain and the issues of of how ready are going to lead to to step up and function as its own country will certainly be POTUS that its economy will be one of the major issues trying to get industry up and running to supporters. And as has been a if you like a political vote a policy sound clips cool. Is this an issue that he fought in the political considerations or is it a if you like Vote with your hearts rather than with your political mindsets. It certainly vote with your hot here in Oregon Hill and the vast majority of politicians Seeburg Until has a local government supported independence but it's certainly a vote with the hot some of the conflict very fresh in people's minds and people feel that the thousands who died that they're saying you know we always to them to vote for independence. There is a very strong sense of. Duty Oh my seeing that Raghad politically how if that becomes an issue reach the top when you getting up and again he doesn't want bogofilter the saide it doesn't want to say part of a country dignity the politics is going to come into play after we get the result when those discussions between pinching and goes at the beginning of the any voices within Bergen who believe in the union. Well yes there are some there are some but that they are. Being somewhat dwarfed I think there's also a lot of pressure on people not to speak you know not to be saying to be supporting something other than independent cuss and I think there is that that pressure on people because it is such a popular sentiment. From the that say you know are we ready for independent you know this that the university is no gyal you know health services on up to scratch you know people to travel to mainland Pincio the to the capital Port mostly for a lot of these things so there are some people who are looking at that and raising concerns but as I say that their voices is certainly being drowned out by the majority and when we find out what the results of the referendum is going out on a tug. Well the counting is expected to go pear chapel at the Fed learned a schoolyard in all the ballot boxes and are going to make all of the vote. Regions be defined as having voted one way or another. In the calving will begin west we're going to see a result possibly around the couple of days of caffeine and then we should be getting it out that it does seem from what you say is good self in a mess preferably Guinea that is the the mother country if you like because. What you've suggested is that this referendum is going to. Full. Independence the last thing that p. And g. Wants but it must be preparing itself for all of that how does the exit Kate itself out of you know still quite the same conundrum we have here with regards to to brag sit in the referendum on the European Union but you have to give you in fact we need Guinea you have a government that is allowed to referendum as part of a peace deal but it doesn't want any Once the referendum to go one way. That you think if he had been there on the had there done that is going to be the big issue after the start you know I think the vote was always going to be the hard work will start afterwards I think what the level of if we see a vote for independence what percentage that is how far the percentage of support is well certainly planes are saying I think you know I've spoken with the Minister responsible from the p.m.g. Government and he said it will be a different scenario he said I've learned that their support as a person because you know 70 percent support so I think the level what level of support we say is going to play a part because it can be a lot of international pressure on pay entry to come into this and we're very Shakespearean artillery and I guess respective use of Bogun bill but as I say these discussions are going to be very difficult and could take you know potentially 5 years small it's not going to be happening in a hurry nicety thank you very much Natalie Whiting there who is the Papua New Guinea correspondent for a.b.c. Australia referendum say there's the late says far more headlines are his job. On digital b.b.c. Sound does not speak. Face b.b.c. Radio 5 Thanks doth announced he just was regained the world heavyweight title as he lost to the Ruiz Jr In June it beat the Mexican on points in Saudi Arabia more not in the sports news next month as the city says anyone found guilty of racist abuse will be handed a lifetime ban is after someone United players were reportedly targeted during yesterday's Darby a video on social media appears to show support or making monkey gestures they can say to parties pushing its immigration policy on the come pain trail today is promising entrepreneurs the chance to come to the u.k. Even if they haven't got a job offer and Labor's looking at social cab for the pants off a free personal care to older people and an additional $10000000000.00 pounds of funding sport now is Katie Smith. And Anthony just you are is back on top of the weld was there her rank. Yes he beat on the resume in Saudi Arabia in a unanimous points decision to retain his belts he's only the full heavyweight champion in history to win his titles back at the 1st time of asking but what next that a.j. Doesn't want to talk too much because I've done a lot to put in the past I think of it myself it's not what people respect someone who is it action was what people respect so whatever we can do I will do said just play the other champions that it would be just so be it that's quite enough and I took 5 in 2 divisions so be it but. Yet if I decide Manchester City a 14 points behind Premier League leaders Liverpool after losing the Manchester derby to once united at home on the edge of Pep Guardiola says they're not giving up on the title they were no Champions League enough to have to try to continue so there are many things to play for. Or because it is so difficult because they'll put in 16 if you are to be true so incredible run in and end with reports but our duty and what you have to do is continue Meanwhile Liverpool won 3 mil away outdoor mess to reestablish their 11 point lead over Lester son who men finished off an incredible individual run to school one of the goals of the season as taught in thrash Burnley 5 now Renia seems more pleased they to see his side pick up their 1st clean sheet since he took charge at all that last time we need to field a clean sheet as a collective project. And not local keeper or dissent to their standards as a collective as a collective will be shown that sinking the 2nd of the boys they felt that they were up to it so until didn't Meanwhile everything climbed out of the relegation zone with a 31 win over Chelsea and it was goalless between what's that and Crystal Palace in Scotland hearts of a point to form a poncy Boston you'll stand out as. Then the manager and some sad news to bring you the former Aston Villa manager Ron Saunders He won the league title and cups has died at the age of $87.00 the players web black on bans against Leicester. In rugby union Champions Cup holders Saracens last 13 to Munster some were beaten by lengths to their also wins the Glasgow 90 to see them acquire will face in the final of the u.k. Snoo could championships in you'll have the beating month by 6 frames to nil while at 38 years young Maguire says Hell's relish the opportunity don't come by a dolphin especially for me but as I said it's only only one more guy a.b. And I was 10 frames ago I didn't make big off the big. I just think anything anything's possible there were 3 more medals for Great Britain at the European Short cool Swimming Championships was a 2nd goal for Freya Anderson she won the 200 metres freestyle Silva in the full by 50 metres mix freestyle relay washable Maria Connor won bronze in the 200 meters I am and in golf Sweden's Henrik Stenson has won his 1st title in over 2 years that was a hero well challenge in the Bahamas that's the latest now from b.b.c. Sport this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound small state. Hello there good morning we've got nowhere to windy weather to come over the next couple days was the rain is going to be heavy at times I think it's the strength of the wind that will have more of an impact across the u.k. Without some rain overnight the last 30 sweeping away the southeast of being good but it's remaining very windy starting today with some strong even force winds around suppressed and coasts of 1st Scotland or the West in Scotland through the obvious see gusts of 60 miles an hour because of the winds it is a pretty mild start to the day and it's going to be a really a mixture of sunshine and heavy blustery showers on Sunday not too many shows for the eastern side of England those could be both frequent now to the west those shows will gang up provide some numbers spells of reading about shipping for the. Northwest just over the. Very windy to. 7 degrees in Scotland. Typically. Southeast of. 13 degrees is. Tempered by the strength of the wind now the strongest of the. Evening. A tear just so squeeze the winds strength and the winds across our island in particular. In the southwest it's here we're expecting the strongest the winds. With gusts of 70 miles an hour. Gradually ease with. The holding. With some a wind. But those winds. Are the. . The prime minister. Investigation is needed. But read it earlier the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn renewed his call for the government to publish the Commons report on Russian interference in British politics after the leak of a document about u.s. Trade talks was linked to Russia Labor says the document shows the conservatives want to include the n.h.s. Do with the Americans Bruce Johnson has denied that Insead proper procedure had been followed for the unpublished Commons report I spoke to the b.b.c. Blue Cross what to Jonathan bloke and ask him what we know about these papers Well the documents have become a bit of a fixture of the general election campaign they were 1st shown off by Jeremy Corbyn at a news conference at the end of last month about 10 days or so ago and subsequently he showed them to the cameras waved them around during the 1st head to head to bay between him and Boris Johnson Some days later in their full uncensored form and many people pointed out that this report which was details of initial discussions between u.s. And u.k. Officials about a potential trade between the 2 countries after breaks it had been online in its full uncensored form for some weeks on the online news site Reddit Labor has said that it obtained the document initially through a Freedom of Information request although not one made by the party itself and it's unclear where it obtained the full uncensored version but the new development is that read it has said that it has traced the posting of the original document to a campaign which has been linked all reported to be linked to Russia so it doesn't pin it on individual individuals specifically it doesn't say that this is in any way a someone or people acting on behalf of the Russian government but it does say that there is evidence of coordination. It is happening so more questions about these documents and where exactly they came from but nothing which really I think changes the debate of the substance of them which is obviously proved such a hot topic of debate during the election campaign what the Labor Party claims that they show versus what the Conservative Party claim that they don't show namely that the government will be willing to allow us greater access to the u.s. Firms greater access to health care market in the u.k. The n.h.s. After Breck's it and the Conservative Party of course denying that that is indeed the case were although things would be clarified if the papers were simply released and published officially would mean. Well no one is disputing the authenticity of these documents and the Labor party appointed that out throughout the government doesn't dispute that this is a genuine document a genuine record of over an official discussions between u.k. And u.s. Officials the United States hasn't questioned its authenticity either so what's not up for discussion really is the fact that this document exists that it is a record of discussions that were had between the u.k. And the u.s. And what has been up for discussion throughout this election campaign since these documents came to light is what what it can be interpreted as and that is as I say what the Labor Party claims to be a government position of allowing u.s. Companies greater access to the National Health Service the government denying that and saying that it proves nothing of the sort there was discussion about drug pricing and patent. Length the length of patents on drugs. But not necessarily anything more detailed than that so really what was only up for discussion now is how these documents came to be online in the 1st place and. Whether there is any linked to people. Someone or some people acting in Russia and obtaining these documents to publish them online in the 1st place and for his part Jeremy Corwin has said that the Labor Party obtained these documents they believe them to be correct and has not gone any further in saying where they got them from today Boris Johnson has said that we need to get to the bottom quote of how these documents came to be online in the 1st place so it sort of muddied the waters a little bit about. This this document and the part it's played in the general election campaign but I think both sides will continue with their arguments about it any evidence that this is played any. Part in the general election campaign it's all a learning has. Well it's played a big part in the general election campaign you've had Jeremy Corbyn arguing at every turn that the government and the conservatives will allow the n.h.s. To be you know in his words put up for sale. And you've had Boris Johnson and the Conservatives arguing against that it's become a central part of the Labor Party's campaign to put out there this notion that as part of a u.k. U.s. Trade deal Boris Johnson would allow Donald Trump of the United States greater access to the n.h.s. In the u.k. Which is something that the government denies it would be willing to do you had Donald Trump in that news conference he gave when he was in London for the NATO anniversary summit saying I don't know where this room a came from of got no interest in the National Health Service we have a very successful health care system as he put it in the us and have no interest in in any greater engagement in the n.h.s. In this country that's despite earlier on this year saying that everything will be on the table in a trade deal when he spoke at a news conference alongside to reason Bay which turned out to be somewhat awkward moment for her so there's no doubt that this discussion of the n.h.s. . As part of any potential trade deal with the us has played a huge part in the election campaign and because of this new development and read it saying that it is linked the posting of the documents originally to a campaign that is reported to be based in Russia I think we're going to hear more about it in the closing few days were should have asked was if there's any of us as to where these revolutions have affected the way the voters consider the vote of the election are I don't know it's difficult to argue that when we were another because the movie seems to be. It is you know it's a classic one side says one thing one side says the other I suspect that you know what this rather. To solidify support on either side and it's not necessarily something which voters will. Make their minds up on but who's to say you know the n.h.s. Is prized territory in any election campaign and both parties will argue to be the the one that will protect it going into the future and both parties have made a huge amount of the investment that they're promising into the n.h.s. If they were to win the election so it's definitely a subject which is close to many voters hearts and one which they will pay close attention to the arguments on that sharply to course want to Jonathan Blake now let's find I was making the headlines in The Sun on Sunday this morning with its political editor David Wooding Well it's looking at swing voters in the key battleground well often of them probably some of your listeners now will know in the area that they live in that if they put a Labor candidate or who is a peg wearing a red rose that Henri conservator is a pig wearing a blue rose that or a yellow one in lip. They'd walk in because there is so heavily safe seats which is the parties have had for many many years or decades. So often these elections are decided in these marginal seats were it only takes a swing of a couple of percentage points to take it the other way and this one is even more difficult to reach a conclusion on Datsun because it's not just whether they're blue or red or yellow it's whether the lead will remain and so you get these areas were you've got 70 percent of people voted. To leave the European Union in the referendum but it's a Labor stronghold perhaps it's not that strong and people are making nice to see. Over whether they pack labor where they've traditionally voted or they move to the conservatives who they may feel more likely to deliver breakfast for them so we've been looking at the seats and not an end when you actually work out the figures of the number of people who need to move votes in some of these areas if you look in some constituencies like for instance. Dudly nor 22 people that's the that's the number of people. More who voted Labor than voted for the nearest party the Tories and some of the seats you know in we didn't see yeah you know not only am here in Austin not defending that one this year he stood down as you know. Not defined yet if it's just 26 that is no he's not under the like who with anymore well the other one was was Tom what's the deputy leader who stood but it looks like in his seats. He's got about 7 I think about 7000 and Tom Watson safe he says he saw likely to keep hold of that from the intelligence we're getting in there and the better bet it but again those are what some seats I mean push the Balkans another one which which is felt might go conservative for the 1st time in am I right saying in history but certainly in in in a 100 years or so then there's about 50500 so seats will base your ballclub So you toss up the number of people need to change votes of course which 5 and so it doesn't need to turn it turn it blue it needs 251 or 2 new 52 people to change votes and it's gone the other way so you win you out toss all those up together and the number of constituencies that are covered in it's about 10000 people who probably don't realize that they're the ones who will decide who holds the keys to Downing Street in well 4 days 4 days from today that they may not realize they may not read as well I'm sure the main parties Well the parties realise i'm are right in presuming that that is where the election battle is concentrated on these marginal constituencies over next few days yes it will be very interesting to see where the leaders go because that will tell you how it's looking so for instance if you see one leader go into an area where. The rival party. It has a slight majority that it shows that they think they can win that if you see them going to a lot of their own seats in the final week then they're actually a little bit worried that they're going to lose seats and they're playing a defensive game to be like football it's all the men are behind the poll or if they're all running full so you will get a bit of an idea how it's look at when we see where they go over the next few days and I think they'll be a lot of fronts of action because nothing is in the bag for anybody the polls are showing and every anywhere between 6 and 12 points for the Conservatives so if this is if the Conservatives have a 67 point lead we are really going to be in hometown home parliament territory and that means we're back in the same situation we were in depending on how how bad it would be for Boris Johnson and I would decide whether he retains the keys to Downing Street or whether Jeremy Colvin becomes the leader of a minority Labor government but if he gets up beyond 78 points then he's moving into the territory where he will have a bit of a majority and there has been a lot of talk of Texaco voting much evidence of that in some constituencies where for example the party that you buy follows have no chance of winning the you switch your vote are either to support. The conservatives or to some for the Labor Party or even more the Lib Dems Yes there is evidence that that's happening and there's been a lot of publicity and some newspapers have been carrying how to stop Bracks it by voting while all the papers are how to how to help deliver Bracks it if you're if you're in or if you're to turn a vote for an anti Bracks a party and you've got a pro Breck's it policy sitting in that seat then you have to decide which is the the best party to vote for and in my Mobi they will not you won't and that sort of thing is going on I have to say though Dot and I. I don't think many people really get asked a lot of people with the biggest sorting has to go on often a Most people probably just clam vote for the person that they want to be other their prime minister or the local candidate who they want in that seat but nevertheless there is quite a lot of of publicity around this in a secular the the stopper exits campaign is best for Britain they call themselves they put out. A release to see the last evening saying. Saying that there's about 36 seats which if tactical voting is used concerning the election again the fits in with what we're saying before about 10000 voters so they get pushing out that these are the seats where you can you can make an impact and in fact I've got another thing in the Sun on Sunday this morning about. Based on betting and I'm you looking at stakes that have been placed. In various seats on whether it will go one way or the other often punters have a better idea than the pollsters where it's going because they don't just based. Their bets on what people tell them on the telephone that they're on the ground talking to people they see people knocking on doors they get a fail a pick up gossip and often that the betting industry is far more in shame with where it's going and that seems to point to about in the the work we've done $81.00 vulnerable Labor seats the so-called red wall in the north in the in the middle and now it's it's book linga little bear it's crumbling a little bit in places but it's not collapse there are some areas parts of Yorkshire and the Northwest Missouri side where it's virtually impenetrable but there are other areas where it is taking a bit of. A bashing and there's a bit it's a bit shaky so we're talking probably about $37.00 of the $81.00 those vulnerable seats which are possibly likely to. Be penetrated by the blue Messala. Of Boris Johnson's armies that was the only way to go spend a minute to help you know I don't know if you follow this up as well because one of the other new developments over the weekend is just you know the Tory grandees Or you could argue former Tory grandees now who are saying. To their own supporters the Tories on the ground don't vote Tory in this election either vote for the former Tory M.P.'s who have left the party who've been kicked out of the party the independents if you like conservatives or even go vote Lib Dems It hasn't featured at all amongst would be yes I mean not that that because. It was later to come out and say that was me yeah and Michael Heseltine was almost a prime minister himself a was he was around at the time of Margaret Thatcher and. A very highly rated minister in his day a true blue conservative and he's saying you know. Don't focus served 7 that. Is the biggest foreign policy disaster ever well I'm not thinking in his lifetime I think he probably forgets about Hitler but you know he's. I think what it shows is the Bracks it has become it's almost like a virus is infected people they pick that they become slightly irrational and some people would even say that becoming hit on Ange's because. In true blue conservatives and labor can people are throwing away their own loads to their party and they're actually going quite strongly against the policy they've been a member of for many many years they feel so strongly about. Or against Bracks I mean you know if you just look back I mean that this is this story's been in the Conservative Party a problem it's brought them virtually every prime minister John Major had trouble with the master Tracey and then. The mother self a problem Exactly yeah and and then you know you remember Tony Blair trying. To promised he tried to bring in the single currency tapered into the euro struck the pan but the conservatives then 40 against that but it was a it was mostly an issue within the Conservative party where there was a minority of M.P.'s who were against. Britain's membership of the European Union and we removed remember what John Major called them by the way but yes. Absolutely and of course they now are running the show and what's what's really peculiar is it was an issue that members of the public didn't talk about much and if a newspaper ran a story about a fight within the Conservative Party about Bret's it and stuck it on the front page the sales went through the floor nobody was interested it was just an issue that nobody spoke about. Another little disease which was infecting the conservative policy only has now spread to the Labor Party were all acute about the Liberal Democrats. And the whole country everybody finding an argument about him even if you go because I think you make a really solid 4 and even though you might think whom the gods wish to destroy they 1st make mad amongst themselves applies to politicians for they really arguably you could say well hang on does that not reflect the divisions that affording apart on the street level amongst voters as well I wonder how masking the 2 you know to extrapolate from this what you couldn't possibly know but I just wonder if you've got opinion on this whether whatever happens on Thursday whoever gets elected. Every guess and form of government how whichever way people vote level with election if you like over the North will be decisive when you know it could be but we don't know that whatever the outcome is of the nation I wonder whether it doesn't pose more problems head because if people are throwing away the old party loyalties to vote or breaks it once and that is not an issue anymore once you know that's done and dusted design issue what happens then at the you know in terms of party loyalties what happens you know if if the prime minister wins a majority predicated on Braggs and then bad support Abe's a way after Briggs always Jeremy Corbyn wins a majority predicated on Briggs's or no break say or you know 2nd referendum and that simple way after that is done and dusted won't work how can I the party or any party claim a mandate that's a fascinating scenario looking ahead in the crystal ball and I and I think you've you've actually play still finger only on the number of this the realignments of British politics it has thrown everything up in the air it's like a kaleidoscope being shaken and what will probably happen here is either it will destroy one of the parties perhaps we could lose a party a major policy as a result of this or it could be an opportunity for one of the party so let me just give you want example Boris Johnson who's going for those working class northern and middle and seats where people voted heavily to Breck's for Bracks it feel up there being betrayed by the other parties that may have voted for such as the Lib Dems all the. Labor polls you don't have a clear Breck's it strategy. Then they if they sort of hole and those and vote for Boris Johnson and then Boris Johnson delivers thing which pleases them he does things for the h.s. Their schools their constituencies bills their new hospitals or whatever he does and improves their life in some way and can be seen to be a friend of. Section of society then he can win them over and change the whole direction of British politics and it's again it's something that was probably old thinkable before breakfast rose but Bracks has just thrown all the cards up in the . Diverting there of the Sun on Sunday telling us about well there is to play for and in Sydney a decisive week of a stretch to say in terms of British policy is a Whig where we go to vote you go to cause you vote on Thursday in food coverage obviously hair on 5 Live and across the b.b.c. As well but that's about it from us on our fortnight so many thanks to you for listening thanks to the squad as always we're back with you tomorrow from one. C.b.c. . Good morning it's 5 o'clock am Joe Mitchell lethal the latest headlines 6 months after losing them and Josh was regain the World Heavyweight title as he lost to his junior it be the Mexican on points in Saudi Arabia full details in the sports news next political parties are making a final push for votes ahead of the general election but labor on. Conservatives say Thursday's poll is a chance to transform the future direction of the country as our political correspondent Jonathan Bleich Boris Johnson describing this as an election which not only has the potential to shape the next few years but set the course of the u.k. Over the next few decades. Taking a similar tone saying it's a once in a generation chance to grasp an opportunity for real change North Korea says it carried out an important test a rocket launching sites analysts think it could be a ground based test of an engine to power a satellite launch or more than 30 people have been killed in a fire at a factory in India's capital Delhi authorities say they expect that number to rise fire fighters in Australia say better weather conditions have helped them to tackle a huge bushfire north of Sydney they say half of the 96 fires across New South Wales are under control our correspondent Phil Mercer is in Sydney what we're seeing is a military style strategic plan to try to keep this fire away from populated areas and properties but in the meantime forests National Park and farmland and grasslands continue to burn more than 60000 people have spent the night sleeping outdoors to raise money to tackle homelessness Newcastle Cardiff an Edinburgh our own u.k. Cities which took part in the world's big sleep out events are happening across the world these people stayed in London's Trafalgar Square. Because it does really show . Something even this is. Not the same as having people on the street to me I've had a few friends there actually maybe like I'm here in my life. I was like yeah that sounds like quite a nice thing to do it every day is money sport now is Katie Smith and Joshua says I'm a warrior at heart it's often reclaiming his world heavyweight titles from Andy Rees Jr The fight went the distance in Saudi Arabia with just 2 winning by unanimous points decision. He's only the 4th heavyweight champion in history to win his titles but at the 1st time of asking well a.j. Has also called on fans to head over to the 5 live Twitter and tell him who to fight next Pep Guardiola says Manchester City have to try and continue in the skies a race that now 14 points behind leaders Liverpool after losing to once rivals United the f.c. Had while Liverpool were in trouble once again they People misremember way a stunner from Sunday in men was just one of the Tottenham as they thrashed Burnley Everton climbed out of the relegation zone with a $31.00 win over Chelsea and it was goal less between what's that and Crystal Palace in Scotland hearts have appointed former Bonzi boss Daniel Stendhal as then the manager and at the u.k. Snake a Stephen Maguire alibi 6 frames to Nel to book his place in the final he takes on China's decision way for the title this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sounds small speaker. And you know where there was one for most of his overnight that continues into Sunday that windows the north and west will see some thunder showers at times the southeast sunny spells and showers is about 9 Celsius cardboard breakfast. With the standard food on the Treasury. Something. Nonna good it does happen doesn't vary by race when you eat it then you have a bull's eye on the street and I wish I could quickly read this one for the for the 2nd year in a rug the toilet sounds with cos it will have a read upside down from will take pride of place so much very much an advertisement of my son Alex which feels like the main reason I will never forget the look of love and pride he gave me when he presented it to a tree made it a nursery all those years ago 4 o'clock breakfast back Monday morning from 6. Coming up from 6 o'clock 5 Sunday breakfast with Chris Warburton and Sara Brett But 1st it's 5 Live Science of programmes prerecorded so please don't text or call. Hello welcome. To 5 life science I'm Chris Smith from The Naked scientists in today's program climate change is a carbon neutral future even feasible and new gloves that enable you to reach out and touch virtual reality and as the office party season gets into full swing have scientists in India discovered the perfect hangover remedy Let's hope so plus it's going back to the embryo and it's mimicking signals that come from adjacent spaces in the embryo and when we find we get the mimicking right then we start to get this very large scale anatomy starting to form probably we talked to the scientists who are now growing new kidneys in the culture dish that make it scientists are 5 lives . First this week the u.n. Climate change conference cop 25 has been taking place in Madrid the purpose of the conference is to take the next crucial steps in implementing the global.