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A receptionist at the emergency department a hospital is one non-clinical support of the year at stuff recognition awards amount it says every job in the hospital is important for patients such wonderful I love helping patients or anyone should come into it department people walk into him and lotion and you listen take onboard a saying touch of a shortness quickly she can and and I don't think when you do see someone in distress which is why that cloudy and increasingly windy this often ain't staying dry for many but some patchy rain around highs of 9 Celsius that's Fahrenheit and staying cloudy and windy tonight with blustery showers but really mild Lays of 6 Celsius b.b.c. Radio news it's 3 minutes past 12. In common with Cat 5 different songs 5 separate tracks and from. That's something that. So we come up with coming up. To the top see. move move move move. Move the ball. To smooth move. The boob move the sad. News. Groups move. Move move move move move move so. Smooth smooth move move move. The smooth. Moves. The boat. Close. To sort of smooth 0. 000000000. 000-000-0000. 000. So let's. Start canceling shots the top it is b.b.c. Radio Oxford and it's tiny it's legs it's income come in with cash it's so welcome . I hope you're feeling victorious. So it's a good feeling to sort of go in to the game feeling victorious and feeling confident that right well there will be as there always is 5 different song clues and from those song to use We're going to have a dong good go at coming up with the links that something that sort of. Random thing as it can be quite often that links all of the songs together. And every single song clue has a part of course in the link. Now I will start us off with a couple of song plays right now by the way just remember I haven't had these I've no idea what's before us I haven't got a clue but we are all team cat playing together and helping each other out in fact you help me much more not help you because very often I don't have the subtitles on the artists like yesterday. 109100 is. The hotline number between you and I owe a toll at 109100 let's have right now song clue number one. Inside gets you oh that's Frank Sinatra Come Fly With Me. I've had the farms up really just. Once I guess you. Mean home. Slow suffering so not sure how to fly with me I mean it could be about. Plane travel. Well let's have some clue number 2 right now. There with me Norah Jones. With me is us come away with me quite simply come away with me there we go again is this about holidays. Is anything to do with holidays I'm thinking well we've had Frank Sinatra Come Fly With Me and Larry Jones come away with me. Come I see some farms from the producers area and I'm not getting any thumbs of the moment just some steely glass. Oh it's 810-9100 if you've got any idea I could be on the completely the wrong tack like yesterday I'm gonna attack. I was fairly convinced that I was in the right one. But I fell into the producers trap that could be another trap for us today Oh it's oh wait 109100 if you've got any ideas so so far 2 clues 3 to come we've had Frank Sinatra Come Fly With Me. And we've had Norah Jones come away with me. And if anything to do with the word come perhaps I wait I wait 109100 Come Fly With Me come away with . My $100.00 income and raise cats on b.b.c. Radio Oxford. Absolutely a 3rd. To come very very shortly but so far you've been actually at what is a very common thread she is thinking about Dad's Army Gerald in right playing at put that forward and so did Lisa and Paul from Oxfordshire fitness both sang Dad's Army spies we got corporate jet from North Jones that was the 2nd claim the 1st one Frank Sinatra Come Fly With Me. If you have any ideas do get in touch $19100.00 what we need to do is a come up with the link we've got 3 more clues to come of course that there will be 5 in total but just from those 2 do you have any ideas Gerald and at least from Paul has but not the right ideas yet so Frank Sinatra Come Fly With Me Norah Jones come away with me those were the 1st 2 song clues we'll have another clue coming up for you in the next 5 minutes. Radio tonight from 630 join us for the side minute fans. A chance to put up the united management on the spot. The way people. May disagree respectfully you slice them have you got a burning question want to know what's going on behind the scenes e-mail box for the b.b.c. The cut u.k. Will tweet us at b.b.c. Oxford sports and we'll put your question to the top people in Oxford United a 5 minute fan story and tonight from 630 on b.b.c. Radio Works and listening again. For that 1 o'clock Larry Mitchell will be hair and one line extraordinary We have guest Milton Jones who's actually touring with his new show Milton impossible I get local author Joe control will be on live on writing for the Dr Who Magazine and she'll continue to get Christmassy at theaters across the county and and tomorrow she features the last now at the all fast action in Oxford so that's Lily Mitchell from 1 o'clock this afternoon with. It's. Old. Because. It's. Say that. Jonas brothers and sucker. Oh it certainly is that we've had the 1st 2 clues already and I think we're ready for the fun so here is some clue number 3 out in the classic. The night it. All Go To be honest I have no idea whatsoever. All the story I did a song but I don't know who sang it and I did what is called so that's why I need your help with the best things going so well so I fuck up fast too but to some clue number 3 don't know I haven't got a clue Oh wait so wait 109100 if you can help me with that one now but these the clues that we've had so far on one side gets you so Frank Sinatra Come Fly With Me is right Fox. News just. Call. Me van we had no jackets come away with me. Which is kind of putting me. On a day spirit I was thinking maybe it was something to do with them. Going away on holiday getting on a plane. I met still could be the case me but I don't know what song play Number 3 is so I do need your help right now. 109 of 100 this is the song. That I do not know I don't know I don't know the song title. But I did. It's 109100 if you know what the song title and the artist is because I feel like i'm done i father because I don't know whether I'm on the right track because I was thinking flights planes holidays getting away that kind of thing I'm getting getting the thumbs pointing to the ground so I'm clearly not on the right side without talking about the drawing board but I feel I do need something number 3 I can't go anywhere without song title please Oh wait oh wait 109100 you know I rely on your good help. You know. Your. Was. They didn't order the clips on the moon. That's Bonnie Tyler Total Eclipse Of The Heart another song coming up and a song from the kick out them. But right now let's keep moving on Oxford just writes. Travel now Gary's back to keep us moving into Guy We have got problems around Milton what causing that it's your gas main works there Cal me a 413 I mean the Milton in to change the temperature of light are causing delays and queuing at the moment along that stretch busy on the northern bypass on to the can't slow roundabouts or eastbound side slow if you're traveling from and shifts wards the walk around about that remained slow would stop still some heavy traffic along the $844.00 going towards the Christmas Fair and The Road Works a block some on the Boundary Road causing delays in both directions time saver travel from b.b.c. Radio Oxford I'm Gary Scott Cohen with your travel. 109. Days a travel let's try common with cats is and I have only got the 1st 2 close because some cleanup or 3 I'm still struggling with in fact very very soon because I do need your help with that one but at the 1st 2 Frank Sinatra Come Fly With Me and Norah Jones come away with me and Gerald in roughly I reckons it's got something to do with the Concorde 50th anniversary of Concorde maiden flight powered 969. Which is a very good aviation image just. It's not. Good . News today. The. Sea. And. Land. Sea. And. You know one that is in excess and needs you tonight it is b.b.c. Radio. Which counts now let's get on with this and thank you very much to Mark in Abington our marquee save the day marks texted in for the answer to song Clue number 3 he's put me out of my misery because I didn't have a clear it's a classic that's the name of the song by Adrian gov It's an apparent it's 90 some as well classic by Adrian gov It's a song Clue number 3 so shall we now have the way is clear for song to number 4. That song 3 number 3 so that was a classic by age and it's that we now know that now that we've put that together along with Frank Sinatra Come Fly With Me and also Norah Jones come away with me so let's get some clue number 4 right now. But somewhere up with you. The people. It's called twisting the night away. And. It's. Twisting the night away 109100 is it. Not Sammy Davis Jr was it no. 109100 twistin the night away. If you can help me with that that would be great so these are the clues that we've had so far we just had the penultimate one we've got one more to come but let's hear all of them so far get some it was that Frank Sinatra Come Fly With Me all the areas right. Just. Then we had more John's come away with me. Now you. Now song Clint of a 3 which I struggle with I didn't have a clue but to mock it up and bring them to the rescue. Ended up being. A song by Adrian governments. And this is classic. Story so I put your working out the link and now we've had 4 of the clues. That this is the penultimate one the full. Now is a twist in the night away better but when Barron's feel good afternoon to you drop it and drop you're good at this song she right now the artist of this song is who Bob. Guess so it's Sam Cooke twisting the night away you see now I doesn't really help Actually I don't I still don't know where the link is going with this one of you got any better ideas Bob. I'm going to screw everything Nora Viola you know. What I do I go through all of these clues very methodically and I always circle the words that I think are possibly relevant to the link but I don't know I have no idea I mean I've circled classic because Agent and Gervase I want to go if it's. Sam Cooke it could be cooking could be twisted it could be night I've done I don't know what they're. Trying to outfox us these producers and so far they're outfoxing me if you have any flashes of inspiration I do want to know about them Bob. You know thank you very much indeed that was Bob embarrassment with. Clue number fall by didn't know that it was a Sam Cooke Kostas twisting or not away oh it's a white 109100 Let's have a little think. This is the latest song from Coldplay right now it's called All sons. From the number one album is why. You was by is can play and often lose it's b.b.c. Radio Oxford at we're playing it Come Out Kast says and yeah we've had a full place we've got to have enough want to come now I have just had some really really good news because bearing in mind I just I haven't got a claim and I think I'm even circling the wrong words but. The good news is the produces can now reveal that one person has got it right so while don't have you I will give you an I check and a bit lighter but they don't reveal anything to me I'm not allowed to know anything I'm just in this sort of capsule. Thank you come with Cat and the course I long we've You hear the song clues together for the 1st time so we will have another clue in fact the 5th clue coming up very very soon but just to go through the clues once more Frank Sinatra was the 1st Come Fly With Me Norah Jones come away with me Adrian governments and classic and Sam Cooke twisting the night away any ideas what the link could possibly be b.b.c. Radio Oxford's bulletin boards the k. Mel Christmas market is on Saturday from 11 till fall with handmade gifts items from the forge and wood tennis carol singing a raffle and seasonal refreshments and. The Helen Douglas House frosty 5 k. Family Fun Run is an Oxford University Park on Saturday starting at 10 am you can walk or run through winter things zone stress to Santa Plus there's children's rides are skating food and drink fan base to concert band have a concert at the Christmas Tree Festival in sin at church on Saturday from 7 30 pm with music from Andrew Lloyd Webber Hertz camp but Star Wars and festive favorites and tree is 5 pounds on the door to post on our boards email bulletin boards and b.b.c. Don't care don't you take a. Guess . Lol. Haven't. Had the time of my life. That we will actually fight you know why would he come in with cats that we will have fiance met while the next 10 minutes will suck because somebody has got it right. Which is of course always what we want to take the game away from the producers but I found it really difficult today and normally what I do because I'm like is very methodical I'm as methodical about this as I am about my supermarket shopping and I like skipping aisles and. And I normally circle the relevant words yet in the close but I don't know I've never read what the other words are that classic has been so classic was circles because I thought well who's going to is going to circle age you know it. Is a gov It's well that's his surname right so I thought well classic is possibly the obvious one but I don't think it is I don't think it is anymore so I've circled it . Said my. God this must be something because you know surnames Yeah you know come out of my things like Yeah let's take I don't know what your stands for but Orman like you know wrote was or man is somebody was I don't know Viking. Scandi Well there we go. Yes Yeah I used to wear those things. With the horn Yeah and my bunches of you know. So maybe give it is a thing maybe it is. Maybe here. Whilst I try and work out like that you've got Milton John do you know what I I spoke to him a little earlier a very very funny man but really good because he pining he puts on a one liner persona I was going to say was it one line is it was difficult to have conversation really difficult Yeah just like done one line at a time and then another lovely guy and I did pick him up on the fact that he is what comedian and tree says he supports Oxford United Football Club so I did ask him for the score last night Ok and there might have been a bit of confusion. Here I'm not I just I'm just saying he might. I have the home kit in his eyes but he's very very funny in fact it was a play on his name so it sticks with the gov It's so yeah he's on after 3 to also touring with his show Milton impossible very clever to even the show it's time to. Go to the doctor he seemed. To hide behind the behind the the velvet chair in. Time when when the music came on. This is really really good for the dollar Yeah of all of those side to man and yeah yeah yeah Tom. Baker was kind of my When I was growing I was kind of my area with the next guy off and I tried it one of those once but it was really scary really scary Well let cool off the joke to all who I think you spoke to a little yeah you'll enjoy that Dr Who you so story that runs alongside the series is out today from a slight accident Einstein and it's called Feel a fairy get mixed thank you very much Louise here from 1 o'clock let's get on with it and come with Kat we need some clue number 5 right now so I went. With count and he was probably song to number 5. As Duran Duran. You. Should. And then. I did and I'm Hungry Like The Wolf yes of course it is hungry like the world to see my brain is running a half capacity that we've been lower. 109100 so Duran Duran Hungry Like The Wolf hungry Duran Duran 100. Catherine. Grace Kelly it is b.b.c. Radio Oxford that we've been trying to come up with cash and I have can honestly say I had this moment I still don't know what it is but well I say I say I say look who it is Geraldine wrote play good afternoon us tonight that I'm like and I babble why you aren't you getting rather good at this now by on the 2nd one and then well that's what I've just been told I've just been told you go on the 2nd one so well you now I'm sure there's a lot of people in fact Marion and Whitney also got it right because as she likes to sit down with a pen and paper and work it out very seriously but I don't what we'll do right now is I'm going to play all of the song clues right now so I'm sorry it's now we started gentle way with that Frank Sinatra Yeah and Come Fly With Me What was the relevant word in all of this. Ok. Well you see I thought we were going you know we were going on a plane at this point. And then I still thought we were going on a plane with more James and Come Fly With Me So which one men was the relevant bit . You know. It is it is absolutely and the funny thing was a little earlier I may have said to. The producer of this show when I think of Adrian I think of Adrian Mole and injury in Mali. And she looked at me blankly my thought I just you know I thought nothing of it or. Something like that I can remember it was a living brilliance I do remember that this was classic but I was going to say agent. Vets. And I will. Say this is a lovely song I just didn't know the song title notice right so then we moved on to where the penultimate play which of Sam Cooke and twisting the night away. Of course he was a fascinating man I'd love to read the Samuel peeps diary I'm sure I read a little bit of it it's cool. And I think I think it's very very clever getting out she just on that to Chris because I think it's actually quite hard today and then we had Duran Duran and Hungry Like The Wolf that was on the wall. Which in you will. You see the brains behind this outfits are the producers as. Gerald wonderful well done I'm so surprised and amazed and impressed. You are getting better actually and so so impressed that you got on just the 1st. Have you have you read any of those diaries or. Any of the Bridget Jones for. His wife so why would you they are very very funny I shall yet to see that the latest one Bridget Jones is baby but some I felt after seeing. Judy I mean that was the performance of our life I thought that was a really brilliant Well Gerald It's lovely to hear from you well done well done and enjoy the rest of the afternoon thank you so much and all the most and most impressed thank you about shelter in the right place if there we go we've got diaries pretty Don't starry and Frank's diary summer peeps his diary and Virginia Woolf very very good indeed well done if you said that you get top marks but good thing was as well thanks to Mary and Whitney and jailed and rightly we still took the game now we get the latest on x. Which is Rose Don't forget as well living Mitchell is on in 5 minutes at 1 o'clock . Radio Oxford your time saver travel I fret about it because listen very carefully because we've got delays around to call have away I'm afraid we have a d. Cat a 4130 really busy in both directions between the tray station and the Milton in change a 34 because of temporal lights in place the gasworks will be full of the quite busy in both directions in Woodstock between the played around and the high street again it's down to north and not be helped by the Christmas market on the way Atlanta and Palace for the exit ring road I'm seeing delays particularly for the East a bypass the north and a long queue here as you go towards the head into roundabouts queuing as you go through the county junction of those trying to get onto the m 4 see a journey to have a Paraclete a 43 southbound it is really busy coming out of. Find . Between. B.b.c. Radio. 100. Save a travel. And there will be some top tips for alternative Christmas foodie Friday I'll be getting a taste of the visit. To be in. Love This is. And it's. A. Good. One. We need to. seen it let me chill here with the let's start with. The screwed. Up stories. It the Tory set out their 1st $100.00 days in power and an apparition at ADFA and her residence in Boston and his supporters United believe relations with heroes are improving after the user and how to train at the stadium out of Saturday's game against Shrewsbury the odds for the woods on b.b.c. Radio Oxford Good afternoon I'm James kitchen 1st plans to build a major development on the edge of the Oxford ring road have been called back said .

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