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Of social care and tonight Justin greening has resigned from the government after being reluctant to move from Education Secretary to the Department for Work and Pensions Downing Street said to resume a was disappointed but respected her decision Miss Greening told the b.b.c. That she would continue to work to promote social mobility saying that mattered more to her than a ministerial career a couple who met on a Muslim dating website have been found guilty of planning a terror attack in the u.k. In the run up to Christmas in 201636 year old minima Hammett had amassed bomb making components with the help of his pharmacist girlfriend for a way to El Hassan the Old Bailey heard they were also considering a poison attack to take to Chief Inspector Paul Greenwood says Mohammed posed a threat to the food factory where he was working because of his interest in rice in and his support for these Lamech state militant group he certainly was a risk I think that food company known had we known of his interest in rice and he's linked to our food company we would have taken steps to protect the public and to prevent him from continuing our employment that 5 men and a woman have been charged with being members of the band far right group National Action the 6 who are aged between 2128 will appear before Westminster magistrates tomorrow a 17 year old from south London has pleaded guilty to carrying out acid attacks on 6 moped riders to steal their bikes direct John who's from Croydon appeared at Wood Green crown court and admitted targeting the riders last July he'll be sentenced in March British Airways is to introduce economy seats that don't recline on more than $100.00 ad bus planes on short haul flights the company says seats will instead have a fixed gentle recline Tony Dixon who's an aviation consultant says the decision is not about money everybody has been annoyed by the person in front pushing the seat back you're all in or a short flight you have for an hour or 2 hours maybe a little ball or just prefer that you know you're not going to go to sleep so. Just accept the fact Andy Murray has had hip surgery and Melbourne the 30 year old withdrew from this month's Australian Open last week the form of well number one says he's looking to return to competitive tennis in time for the grass court season so he can play at Wimbledon this summer but whether much of the u.k. Will remain cloudy throughout shoes day some helpful compact she drizzle dry and Bryson In the far north b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 11. Across the South Pole. Right up in from the step now. Not enough. Interesting question. One shining. Minutes past 11 the b.b.c. In the south quests 12 o'clock as always on a Monday we all need to it's on a Monday there's a special song we can find few will open the phone lines late so they don't phone now because a lot or gets mangled up with the other callers for our a talking point all the rest of it but you can a model text if you wish email address Palma show a b.b.c. . Text you stop the word Milla. Trip through as many of your requests as we can to 12 o'clock. Just slightly out of our reach and bought it is going to affect people who may be listening to us Macon the way down the m one if you're heading down the m one in towards the junction around the a 5 we sometimes refer to. Staples corner the road there is closed in fact there are a number of road closures around Staples corner at the moment because a serious fire. Continues a large industrial far it's a paint factory and there are over 100 firefighters there at the moment dealing with this and the police are asking people to avoid the area if possible so I know that this is of North London slightly out of our region but lot of people listen to us coming down into our region of course load people on the m one in particular coming from the Midlands bear that in mind Ok so that the m one heading south around the a 5 junction around Staples corner got problems there because of a very serious fire so avoid that if you possibly can we'll keep an eye on that one and I'll update you as the information comes in he goes to say as always if you come across any problems on the roads that are significant that we haven't been made aware of providing it's safe and legal few to do so do give us a ring e-mail text tweet whatever is easiest for you and we will pass the information on to others or out we do keep an eye on those roads as ways. Now in quite often in the middle part a show we have a little bit of a natter I have a question for you it can be something that is about you as a person it can be something that is thought provoking me anything really and tonight to have a question that I've never really thought about before to be honest but after chatting about it earlier in the office we realized that this could actually be interesting and also amusing at the same time we were talking about curry a little bit earlier on and how in this country we have a real love affair with Cari and we were saying how it's a food that not everyone likes but a lot of people do is very very popular and even though it's delicious it looks pretty bad Ok I mean just think about what Curry looks like it looks like a lot of slop and yet it is very very nice to eat if you like it of course and there are other foods that are like this so we were talking about all sorts of foods that look pretty awful but somehow taste good and we enjoy them some of our colleagues joined in as they used to do me talking about food and they were saying how some cuisine is present to be useful and it turns out to be hurried it goes both ways it is subjective there's no right or wrong answer it's what you personally think so that we're going to take into consideration but I'd like to know are there any foods where they be just role food as they are or concoctions things are to be made that put you all because the way they look but then maybe at some stage in your life you've tried them and realize that in spite of the way they look that quite tasty Is there something you've never tasted just because of the way that it looks you look at him think I couldn't possibly that and you have no idea what it tastes like you've just got an idea and is there something that we can spin the other way around so is there a food that you know looks fabulous It really looks appetizing or that looks gorgeous but in actual fact the taste of it. He's pretty horrid. Only 345. 396-134-5396 extension 1 b.b.c. Radio across the sun. There's a number that you need to say there's no right or wrong answer here it's very much a personal thing it is subjective like everything in this world there's no such thing as good or bad anything really it's what you actually like and so are lights about foods that you think look pretty dreadful but probably taste quite nice and those things that look really nice but do you think taste pretty awful and is there something that you've always avoided like the plague because of the way that it looks like grandmother was after my reference to believe me I could write a book about her there were lots of things you'd say how about tasting this or not to look at that and you know if she's to make a mind up straight away you could show anything whether it be something that's been bought in a package something that is being concocted something that was just role whatever side you fancy tasting there or I don't like the look of that she would say and for probably about 60 years of her life she would never taste yogurt because she said look like a load of words which is a lot a lot of but she was convinced that it was just disgusting and she kept well away from it and then one day she found herself in a position where she had to taste it and she date and she said well this is quite nice and then after that I think she made up for lost time and used to buy about 4 dozen a week so there you go the way that it goes so we're talking about foods that look great but taste pretty awful and vice a versa maybe foods that you keep away from and you'd have no idea what it tastes like it's just the look of it that puts you off. Only 345. 396-1345. 961 b.b.c. Radio. Across the south. There is a number. You k. Text you start with a word Miller said that 281 trip with 3 if you follow me on Twitter Pullman radio you can also tweet of course I can think of loads of examples of things that I think look really nice and they can be in their original state doesn't have to be a concoction it could be a fruit or vegetable or something like that and you know you look at him think looks really nice and then you taste. Pomegranates you know you look at a pomegranate and that looks really nice to have a juicy big fruity or yeah beautiful and then you open it up it wasn't a frog spawn inside with all those Pips you know he's that's one of my examples anyway what about you. I'm nothing special. In fact I'm a bit of a bowler. You probably fold. But I. Thank you for the music right on his posse Levon the b.b.c. In the South we're talking about foods and this is subjective it's your personal opinion foods that look dreadful but tastes really nice or foods that you've never ever tasted simply because of the way they look more about the other way round things that. Look really really nice but actually tastes pretty bad I've given you a few examples here some very good ones coming through is going to porches Transmeta Grettir on this tigress are. Sweet thank you very much indeed very kind hope you make a most oh I had to force them down to be polite Grettir It was terrible it was it was absolutely dreadful eye to eye every moment was sheer purgatory I can imagine. Delicious delicious. Now than sweetie pie foods which looked great and taste horrible and vice versa what if you got force. Place Yeah. What the 'd world would call our bread but where I come from they call it like. And describe for people on familiar what it looks like see we. Act I have never ever tasted a I've seen it and I've never tasted a very very red. Cross with a nice bit crispy bacon nothing no. Right. Runny cold yes when you say it's reach in what way what does it taste like does it taste like or does it have bread I mean can you describe the flavor is it hard to do so. To do. Something that you think you know a 'd lot of riots right but it. The poor boy. Oh you can see way it's very good for you because there was I didn't I was there was that. Richard toad. That it was well we are. Likely virgin. He believed. To be with that wonderful polo back. And I have to wonder what they're saying so because it does have a slight knock on effect when that day out does it right let's say no more that'll be the I and probably but I mean it's he's a very good example you know I just I've seen it so I know what it is I've never tasted it because in my mind I've got this sort of this preconception us what's going to taste like it's nothing like you just described I imagine it's going to be really sort of salt sea and very. Yuck Well no it's really nice is not sold here so really lovely but you want crispy bacon. Well I may go with it and are. You speaking from experience. I was. Really no place and I didn't think of that right it's a very good example is next I'm sure people listening now thinking I've seen that in the shops or possibly the fact they had black candidates wore on we yes I mean period you know all the black. Exactly which is why you know I think that you know what black drain did that come out of. Very very. Sure it is Ok I'll take your. Yeah and if I'm off work for a few weeks afterwards I'll blame you were right. Oh bless your little heart that makes me feel so much better it's such a comfort. Thanks vehicle Grettir nice to talk to you my love my love thank you bye now bye bye there's Gretry import Chester Have you ever seen it literally is like a sort of black sludge a penny taste quite nice. Caroline from Brighton is mentioned a very good on the text she said beetroot it's no great beauty it's a horrible color but it tastes really nice it's true it's funny how we look at things that are really dark black and think it's going to be horrid when fact it's probably quite nice it's the oddest Schepisi to dairy color Derek. And to you thank you very much indeed so not. Very noisy rejoinder to a proper point mash. READY. It's I was going to say the green stuff is now is that is the problem I've. Never tasted it you know that I take. It that you made. From studios. Of never actually like the look of jelly they always are never even Troy or studios now my mother she used to love it was a knock a member from Canning Town and must have been like the sixty's the supermarket you so it was a law I have yes like for you to take issue yes it's fresh so literally can eventually I just can't stand to look at it same as in a Pope or. Ran cold by. The forward it just puts me off but my father used to love jelly tales and apparently when I was a kid I was an if I used to eat them as well fry used to give me them but I I certainly can't remember I certainly would meet them now the reasons you mention he just looks hoary it's published in partnerships. Your whole point in a nest and what's the big one inlet in London that's closing down a conference call There's one that's been there for years when we can use to get in line. Here one you know and I've been. The one in the West Bank for program and you know for people who don't know Derek the the liquor that you get when you have Finnegan supine mash up was the liquor taste like what is it oh I'm a sizable arc of criteria early but it's got a look possibly in it. And does it taste like I mean is it fishy to taste like policy by super What does it taste like. Because I like the pace so yeah that would make sense it looks like a well it's just at the fire you really. Can see your salivating just thinking about it on air. I've never tasted it I've been pasty. Many many times you know on the. From where I lived I worked for a while and every time I used to walk past the smell coming out was deep was where it was beautiful but then I would sit there and eat these that licorice that green water. With out on I'll. Have to give it a go here pleasantly surprised and a lot of those people just don't like the look of it it's not sushi you know. You know fished in. The one place Yeah absolutely it's a great example you mentioned I'm glad you did and it's one that I can relate to his works I've never tasted other I'll have to do it before I'm in the box so I can experience it only. To be there great to see Derek thanks for your go tonight but by now but by date on the out of Sheppey Yes as a say I've never tasted it when my father was in East Enders He was always used to talk about you know that it's arty percentage that it's easy is that licorice that green stuff and I can see now you go past the you know the You Can I just got this idea in my mind that it tastes like. Ach imagine it tasted like fair fish she. Fishy water with bits of past 3 in and which I suppose. On a minute can just be on the phone he heard me talking about being alive he says that with The Sound of Music get out of it. Only 3453039613453961 b.b.c. Radio across the sun. Eels are alive with the sound of music they do not encourage in these people it's 27 minutes past 11 in the b.b.c. In the South we're talking you just joined us about foods that look pretty yuck but taste delicious it's subjective obviously and things that look pretty gorgeous but actually taste pretty vile Garrion Farrington has text you start to text the word h one triple 3 says you know pull the sweetest apple you have a taste is a russet but it's probably the ugliest thing you ever. Will an ice retro. From Maidenhead So I'm cheating with a dish that tastes just a disgusting as it looks was it to lose all melted duck fat greasy meat skins and Roux invades to well no we don't go there Ok well away from those thank you very much indeed but again again it's shown taste a few you might like it and if you're on the Isle of Wight says I cannot face trying. Rays or. Anything like that because to me they all look as though they're really slimy and they're going to have that horrible horrible flavor funny since this fish thing again. Thanks also to Martin from Kent he says tripe tapioca jetted a ors pig structure's kidneys picks out slam tongues. And Braun now to shrive pov never taste I'm with you on that one Martin tapioca I quite like the my my nan used to cook it jetted Alles I just mention pics trough his nose like you hot. Things when you cook or any tongues to be honest either they look like what they are now I know they will but he just puts you off and the years ago wrote of mice cooking for the dog and Lucy from the from Markham endorsee Hi Lucy says to my husband's absolute disgust and to spot them looking like something you would find behind the scenes in a specimen jar the Natural History Museum my most favorite thing a pickled walnuts what is called Enough of them on a cracker with a bit of cheese washed down with a nice glass of rates and Lucy I'm afraid I'm with your husband on this one. A day probably someone a few weeks goes in to try them pickled woman love Warnock's. Pickled with. His chewed up specimen joy. Grabs. A model when it's rather. Cold dark. A. Big. Stick to. Get. Its life. Alone. 28 minutes to 12. Former chef the b.b.c. In the south talking about foods that look great and taste vile and vice versa it's funny you know some of these things a lot of people actually agreeing on it just goes to show we do take into account the way something looks before we taste it and sometimes it's true to say that if you can't see something and you taste it well then you may have a very very different opinion of it I have seen those test with a blindfold people and they give them little bits of things to eat and 9 times out of 10 they can actually identify it just goes to show you look at it it's going to bear would speak to Jenny how to Jenny Hello Paul Happy New Year thank you Auntie a mother thank you very much 957 How could I forget miscast. I never forget the stars. How do you still got the sash by the Why did you keep it no 2 got the book how do you know radiation got to create but which are you know time 60 years old now but you haven't got the sash Jenny I'm disappointed. You could have worn it round the supermarket couldn't you know I do wear a size for the charity work I do for baldness there Kamya Yeah but not one to be honest she said that in the beginning of the ones I've been miscast Bilbo national ale it's a shame you could go out to people said you know who I am. So to me have. You summed up before Oh yes I know right. You don't and I also read the other lady was Miss Dinah wrote I've never forgotten that either I mean it was classic. Well when I was about 7 I was a milkman interest go and. Get a little sir replied bottles of oh I remember that I was and so of course if you met one Hugo next to one but it was a very hot summer and it made me ill and the doctor said I was not have milk. And I can take milk in sort of. Put custard or something like that I couldn't drink it all so no if you fight me. I can't say they even look all right put in writing not really they but the other thing is the worst thing tripe and onions I have seen it and it looks absolutely why oh yeah it looks don't so I may yes everything about it looks like something that should be disposed off with medical waste Yeah it's just a shame because if. It looks like a Law Party and robber Well Ok robber in white stuff right yeah and that for that matter that place where you say about climax yesterday's that's the bachelor and you know on yes this is a lot of the car as well my husband came from was from stuns me and is. So great you know that's why my dad used to as well. It's not like a party source is it because he's got a posse in it but what is that but what is the liquid I mean what he just to me it could be something that makes it it's not just water or possibly it is it but he's very thin it's not like there's not a steak parsley source it's just nothing nothing nasty about it but it's only with the with the pine the matches we as a people keep telling me this idea in my mind that the pot that they're that source is going to be oh well that liquor is going to go fishy but it's not you say. I must tell you this I do a lot of fund raising around Christmas time and cook hundreds of mince pies for the moment and came in and Mike just got my concern my son in law was West Indian and I came down for Christmas went back to London on the 27 threw off to to my kids on the 20th and what he did in the hold of the plane takes a. But you know 2 dozen mom as far as we. Know the friends just come back from South Africa and I always make a Christmas cake he South Africa Yeah and he put it on Facebook and you argue and he's your Christmas guy in South Africa that is fabulous I mean the whole of the pie you know so I can just see this person making his way up and down the airplanes whatever McCaffery mince pie or Tony will give him or I I want to know you Ryoko know you want. Them too much that would be something to say wouldn't you can just imagine sitting there going off and you all the days and they go over there all mince pies you know and you had not what you got you had a log it means pies Rory's actually means Python might replace trim and got to the mince meat imports to brandy and then a vicious preservative Jenny that's what it is well alongside other things as well but they're a good bit miscast port 920. 120 are not bad I think. If he says. I'd love to have been that is fabulous miscast bodies' wonderful. Sponge cake you know. I love it it's fabulous. You might that same recipe sponge cake to this guy what it was then stick to have something to do every night that it is no I love it and we love talking to you Jenny thanks so much for your coach and I my love to pay them to say good. Night now Babai Yeah beat that to talking to you some time ago about acolytes things that you have achieved being you know the person on the front page of a magazine and that kind of thing and I suppose that lovely lady to be miscast boat and then someone phone through and better than I was Miss Dinah wrote Gabrielle is in Oxford how to Gabrielle try things having me on the Star site and that's a pleasure it's nice to talk to you thank you so we're talking about foods that look dreadful and tastes very nice and the other way around what if you got for us please. I have a piece of food that looks awful the earch at me. I have never tasted that for that very reason it doesn't look so rapid Ty's ing does it know it look wet and slimy and the urgent itself looks very spiky Yeah so what does it taste like it tastes very delicious it has a wee ocean waters taste without the salt and it creamy. Yeah but it's just. The way that it looks is one of the problems isn't it I mean it looks like a you know like Assyria what it is spices in there yeah it looks like you could attack you possibly Yeah and what do you do with them into them rolls they boil them a waltz they cut them open and I've had it with rice on Tuesday . I would imagine it's probably very good for you is it. Good a little RINGBACK but it honestly did very good it doesn't work. And can you remember the 1st time you tried it were you slightly apprehensive bearing in mind it doesn't look a big spiky thing. Yes I was really nervous I was in New York City and my friend recommended it and I was like No I do not want. All people. But I gave it a go and it was delicious and I always look for it whenever I go to. Oh right and it's something that's quite popular is it I've never been a sushi restaurant is it quite popular or not come I think it depends on where you are but it is it is popular I would say is popular I mean it's an exciting food I know there's really no exact here so many things like that things come out of c. You know whether it be something in a Cheryl or something the me it's like ice does they don't look particularly appetizing either do that I know not at all but they're definitely delicious you know you've got this all this this salami thing anything I supposed to do with that you know hope for the best. Of these a very very good idea Mr Ross was just said would you eat fish that still served with the head and tails to the Tajiks in some fish restaurants they do that could you could you do that because clearly you like. I love fish and I have eaten that before but I could not be eyeball they're. Not for me but now you don't do that then things looking around you as they go down. But it is so listen. I've got a friend to eat eat everything but the fins on the tile you know the rest of it all goes in wouldn't or couldn't go with a lot of my attic and chips that would. If anyone doesn't know to where these fish looks like I suppose they have a little search on line and they are saying they spike even then exactly where you're coming from it's a fine example Gabrielle thank you very much indeed lovely to speak to you tonight you take care but by now you by Bubba my love gabber in Oxford it's. What it was a Christian to you not quite right I have official for fishy hedgehog if there is such a thing Robin Burgess he was text says Jebediah was very yummy but I cannot stand the smell of seeing liver or kidneys you know all awful. When it's being cooked has a unique smell and they're all very similar I don't know if it's because they're made of similar things or what but it's it's just a funny smell you know I mean about from Chichester She says many years ago when I was a child my mum used to serve tripe and onions at least once a week I loved it done over a nice and then of course we'd have chitlins as well which were a real treat we won't go there right from a Sting says after looking at cheese in a French cheese shop I thought that looks nice so I went in and quickly came out because the smell overpowering that puts me off some cheese I do like cheese and I tend to stick to the sort of boring ones as people may or may call them and again is the prick open up the cheat if you get a whiff and it's a bit strong. Even though I've discovered over the years some very strong smelling cheeses have quite a delicate flavors doesn't work that way does it and Christine from Ramsgate Stec she says for me well I won't try to frogs legs oysters tripe and snails yuk whatever that was the charge was lamb's hearts and I was old enough to know what they were narrower just carnate them strange I know but I can't hear frogs legs I got this close to try in them once in Iraq they have told you before in a restaurant some years ago and I just couldn't even told they would taste like chicken or live in chicken I've tasted oysters that was horrible tripe I just could not bear I've had snails wants and they are actually Ok they don't taste of very much we're told bonuses what they sow I put with them that sort of you know gives them the gives them the if you know what I mean because without it they taste most of nothing really Lucy in South Sea says there's a Malaysian fruit could a jury I'm hit stinks horrible smell so much so that in places like Singapore you are not allowed to go on public transport if you carry warm it did take me a lot of convincing but the fruit is once you get past the sting. Absolutely delicious I think the nearest possible taste or text would be a lie maybe some Lucy in South say funny should mention acts like she's been mentioned by Angela in Southampton so they look like eyeballs so I couldn't touch them. Stuffy more than to mention he was one going what oh yes this one from. From Carolyn talks and saw that my mother told me the contents were black pudding here I love it and I still do the same these days but I do still have it on occasions he sees what it is and what it looks like this is the big problem isn't it issues the way that it you know. Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck this is subjective of course attempting I don't take these things these things personally obviously Martin just said I've just looked to see what a uni fish looks like he's a big spike Ebola exactly as we told you a big spiky ball in d. Fight suit a few more to come before 12 o'clock you've just joined us we're talking about food than your personal opinion look disgusting but actually taste quite nice well maybe it's the other way round it looks to us but when you taste it. First of all the fine song for Mr Steve you are. Have no this in young Bush this is lately. With no. News in. The news been hanging. Around. Frequently where. Going. With you say Stevie Wonder and lately it's 11 minutes to 12 the b.b.c. In the south don't forget those requests as always off to 12 o'clock 11 the phone lines in about 5 minutes for those begin to e-mail or text you can you can do that now pull me to show. You can text you start with a word Mela send that to 81 triple 3 we've been talking about food the look disgusting taste pretty good and vice versa it's amazing how many things you've actually come up with let's take a just a few more let's go to folks didn't speak to Jim Jim going to call how you tonight well on recovering from a bit of a chance to talk a lot of good stuff as well. Yeah so looks dreadful tastes good taste good looks dreadful what you go when I'm told these things taste good but. Bombing ground with grandpa is I mean butcher shops and things. But you boys only used the same real mate in the windows don't care about. Anybody. About the other types roast people every and most every day so any particular heatedly doesn't know. As he looks like a hotel blowflies. Sounds I mean what he spoke citing there is he also said the line in the bottom of it you know was from blowflies it. Was a particularly That's not what I know only one thing I will say both Every time somebody. Asked me whether or not on the big you know we have a bit on the keypad that's right without being very drunk meet one of them again telly. You know I have never tasted one either you're not alone it isn't something that I've ever tasted either and. I don't know quite what it looks like it's enormous with it yourself so you see there in it you know you go past the shops and see the things spinning round in front of the haters now they want to know what that is looks like has been rolled around for. I don't think what my grandfather would have said about it when he started debating the window now. Have you ever been tempted though just to give it a try to say now I. Can't really bring myself to eat it because I know a bit about Jane and so on I mean Gina can I don't care what people say I'm not going to eat it you know have you any idea just what it might taste like but I would think it's probably a bit like a spicy. Be you know so that I was I mean I know that this was think it probably like yeah probably I've got I've got friends who eat them and you know they always say to me I don't know I'm missing and it probably tastes better off you had a skinful I don't know whether you know it's because it's a big greasy that it soaks up the other drink or what it is but it does seem as you say to be the thing that people run for when they got too much to drink so maybe there's something when we sing our own you know. Years ago maybe my last job. Came in on the morning dew clubbers it was mandated or. So you know that you know that puts you into perspective really doesn't and you know you think Ok so. There's a good word Thanks for corollary to 2 inches away from. It there's gin folks now as you know I've said on so many occasions that I don't do that I've never had a bad I've never had any of those things they do smell quite nice you know I've been with people they have them and they do smell nice but in the early hours the morning it's cold come out of a public club or something or when we used to and. At other they have to go in there somehow they're going to go in their car from Brighton she says and I think chopped red green and yellow peppers are often added to food to make it look prettier but I doubt if many people really enjoy the taste now I don't. I'm not a big fan of peppers Peppers do you Mr Russell No I don't like peppers very much are not fan of them. Barbers tech She says caviar noce Thank you he looks awful I'm sure it tastes awful as well I've tasted it it's just like a lot of frogs board seats salty it's very much an acquired taste Madelyne from Markham says my husband like some squid ink on toast I've seen on the telly I think it's quite expensive delicacy as well isn't it Pam in Coventry says lychee look a bit strange it's quite a sweet taste though but they are a bit strange and going back to the liquor in your pint Masham saw a mention little bit earlier on thanks to Hillary she says the liquor you spoke about a stock that's thickened with flour and they've got loads of pasty with it as well I make my own when I cook Congar real so it's the stock from the conga that is then thickened with flour and parsley It's delicious you know you put me off now because it's the thought of the whole you know. My dad. I'm sure never are in from boxes my food is there the pen pastor I love all pastor but I don't like the look of the shape it looks too slick and chunky I've never ever bought it until 3 weeks ago I bought a ready meal and had the pen pastor I bought it by mistake a week before Christmas it was the only mill handy so gingerly I it it was really nice so after all these years I have now tasted it Susie and Bogner some never tasted broad beans they look like they'll be really bitter they are broad beans are the my grandmother used to eat them raw and I paid a great big. My grandmother she was everything the way I describe. Her are they are quite bitter and Christian Brooke I'm sorry I would like to put forward deep fried baby octopus for bad looking and tasting good I had the pleasure of heroin them in Greece in the mid 1990 s. Both me and my brother had them in a mixed jar us and my sister in law story mind is on how she laughed her head off because we couldn't work out how to eat them and when we finally did get round to it how green we turned partly they were very popular on the continent but not with me says Chris Brown No I don't think I'll be going with those either thank you very much indeed. Put those to one side and to couple more here one from Alison who's in Bexhill she's somebody earlier on mentioned tripe an unusual for me it's just an onion it looks so innocent just a round thing you peel it and it's why it's and yet they are vile The taste is horrendous they make you cry they make your eyes smart give you stomach ache everything about them is bad no thank you and octopus be mentioned here by Craig who's in Dorking he says I went to a restaurant about 15 years ago with some friends from work and I'm not free goods with Chinese food only very much about here but they were ordering all sorts of things and decided they would have a mill for 10 which was a set meal and that suited everybody I went along with it and the dish that was closest to me in the middle was something that looked like well let's just say the cat hadn't been terribly well and then I was told what it was and I kept looking at it and all I could see was those old horror movies when the big squid and the octopus comes down and puts is a big arms around the scuba diver it put me off I have never ever been able to taste it yet I've been told by friends on so many occasions that they are actually very nice. How many people would disagree with any of these things you've mentioned I don't think anybody would they are all perfect examples of foods is subjective as I say examples of food 30 either look great but taste vile all may be the other way around it's like some fruits you know you look at them looks delicious and then when you taste It's really bitter horrible. Like a lemon you look at a lemon you think one of those really nice but then of course the taste of the thing is he's awful unless you like things that are very very sharp. I remember once going into a green grow some years ago in town a relative of mine hadn't been terribly well had lost her taste to Morty something sharp he said Going to the chemist again a razor blade and never went back. Only 3453039613453961 b.b.c. Radio across the sun. Writes there's a phone number and not for your foods but for your requests the lines are now open I say this every week and you do not listen to Paul don't hang about we get a lot of we can't play everything as I say we do this just off the cuff and even though we have a database here I can find thousands I can't find everything just like that particular things that are maybe a little bit more obscure Ok so do bear with us but I promise we get through as many of them as we can so there's a song you would like to hear for you maybe have a night for a long time a song you like to dedicate to someone special we can do that for you as well it could be something that's well known but a good opportunity to choose something or request something that isn't heard very often something slightly off the beaten track maybe because the songs hear all the time you hear all the time give us a ring of a chat where Russell you can email b.b.c. You can text you start the word Mila send Not one trip with 3 for me on Twitter Pullman a radio you can tweet as well. Some good ones coming through here already I can see socialists who we can do with that with some of those in a 2nd the head of the news casts a high. The the the the tripe and onions and the the pine mash and that kind of thing to say hello to Jay in who is who's listening on line she says some I had pine mash once but I couldn't bring myself to eat what she referred to as the green stuff. The mash was a bit wet from a in the pile wasn't my kind of thing either but the queue was huge so I don't think that I was the norm. I don't think so maybe I'll give it a go maybe I'll give it a go now I know what that liquor actually is maybe I'll give it a go and if it's horrible I will blame you all right Ok we've got a deal on the phones hang in there Mr Ross will get you as soon as he can and we got lots to try and get through after the news and weather. Online digital radio and t.v. This is b.b.c. Radio.

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