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Please b.b.c. Radio across the south. Thanks b.b.c. News at 11 Hi Mike Powell David Davis the directed minister says M.P.'s will be given a chance to vote on any final deal between Britain and the e.u. But they've been warned that if they block the agreement the u.k. Would leave without a deal the pro e.u. Labor m.p. Chris Leslie says what could have been a welcome concession looks like a sham I think there is a majority in in the House of Commons across all parties for I think what you might call an arrangement that is close to a single market frictionless tariff free trade across our neighborhood within within Europe and if Parliament is deprived of the chance to vote for that that would be an absolute outrage and still the government trying to take power out of parliament and a 15 year old boy has been arrested at a Nottingham school on suspicion of rape Police say the teenager was held on Friday afternoon at a secondary school in the city and also arrested on suspicion of possessing a knife an 18 year old man has been granted bail or Nottingham Crown Court after admitting killing a 14 year old boy Cole Mackin pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of receive grave it will be sentenced next month a woman has said she was 16 when the former us President George Bush Sr groped her as she posed for a photo with him and her mom Ross seen Corrigan is the 6th woman to accuse Mr Butch of touching them in similar circumstances the foreign secretary Boris Johnson admits he was wrong when he said a British Iranian woman in jail in Tehran had been training journalists when detained speaking in the Commons Mr Johnson apologize and insisted no stone would be left unturned to secure the release of NASA means a Gary Radcliffe the labor m.p. Paul Flynn. Called on Mr Johnson to consider his position could you reflect on this and the rest of his conduct as foreign secretary to realize that his brand of. Incompetence is a joke it's no longer funny I'm concerned it will be replaced by a competent politician who will attract the respect of the world I'm not but the ridicule that here for the 1st time since 1988 Italy have failed to qualify for the World Cup They were held to a dollar stronger in the 2nd leg of their play off with Sweden the Swedes won the 1st leg one nail a new ferry in Sydney will be named ferry Merc ferry faced after the name was selected in a public poll it follows a train in Sweden named training met train face earlier this year and a horse in Sydney named horse ema course face Nick last year the trend started when a vote to name a British research vessel was won by boat boat face the board overturn the decision instead calling it r.s.s. So David Attenborough tours rather less cold and rather cloudy in the south drier and brighter in the far north b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 11 b.b.c. Radio across the sun we've. Got a very good evening Monday evening rolling through towards choose the morning we'll come to our talk a bit in the next hour in just a few moments well done if you took part in the bag this evening though because the world sorts of thank you rotten question would like it. One How did you do let's take a quick look at some of the emails coming through Barbara Hello Barbara Barbara who sent this rumor i Pad's had 5 for me like the. Am and Keith Turner got 3 tonight sheep 1000 and Europe that's from an income of the world on to the tax to the pam pam contractor the power to see their last Immunity one. She said 2 for me. She said. Next one this is from Rosie and Jeff in Ramsgate Rosie Jeff said we are 5 and we listen to the show in for adventure last week so cold in the snow even if you weren't in your last week for it with your very nice you still be called tonight 3 degrees on the temperature gauge coming in parking. Is Irene Irene who said Hello Tim I got 4 with a guess the answer to get the answer and scattergun approach is fine with us Robert in Dorking said I've got 4 Maggie Maggie your with me Maggie this is Maggie's unfair and said only 2 on the quiz tonight and Robert's in Dorking said I got 4 And Robert in Bracknell got 5 on the back he said I got the year wrong isn't convinced out of me and I thought 180900 81. We're talking names listed before the news some explain more after Kim condoms. And. She's doing 7 x. . To me as. A. Cause. The. Reason. If you. Get. Skin cancer and Bette Davis Eyes it's the b.b.c. Across the south for a Monday evening hello good evening if you've just joined us this is Tim in for Paul Paul and his holiday through the courses weeks I hope you and I can can kind of do this pretty much most nights this week with with you if you can that would just be lovely all the regular bits and pieces after midnight tonight so we get into the request Mondays is the only night when we do this but songs that you haven't heard on the radio for a long time I will tell you how you can touch on that just a little later but between now and then we're talking about snakes all before we get into that I must say Well done to Ray Ray in Hastings he said the procedure was the old currency is spent John f. Racking my brains think it was and it was in the pace and that person but Satan peseta aperitif finished being legal tender 1999 in Spain and in Andorra so great thank you for that. And said this and Steve in Southampton said he said he set me in the Mrs got 3 pieces that is the winning 6 now but nice trustee So we're talking names then we're talking names about your ancestors your name now and if you could have your dream job what would you name be said let's just go back over what we're saying who told me this in the office Mr Russell and I were talking about this in the office and all the team on this program at the moment Paul Miller Russell crew Tim Butcher we all have surnames verts initially came from trades or jobs or professions. And the jobs and the occupations of our ancestors so at some point in in Paul's past one or more of his family was a mill or. Really a relative of mine musta been a butcher somewhere Mr Russell has a descendant who probably worked on a ship or boat so there's lots of names which as we were saying can come from that cart right wheel writes Smith Cooper Fletcher and so on and so forth and it got us thinking if you were named after your current or last job what you'd be called Witness and from what what would your name be and if you were named after your dream job what would that be for example and we would talk about this. I'd be working alongside Russell producer instead of us would be working with Russell producer but he'd rather be known as Russell Premier League footballer that would be a triple barreled surname I would be presenter or some such similar thing but when I was young I want to be a map maker so I could be Tim cartographer what about you want should you be called and what would you like to be known as that's what you've got to think about knows lots of people these days working in call centers in takeaway food shops in charity shops and so on and so forth and if we scrapped your current surname. Would something be known as. Or they take away. So what do you reckon we'd love to hear from the the ceiling you know from with us we'd like to know what your your name would be if your surname reflects your current or last job and what would your name be if you were named after your dream occupation told him butcher 345-3030. 303961 b.b.c. Radio I cross the south. What would your dream surname be if it followed the job that you would like to take in your wildest dreams and let's go back in time you know if you had a name from an occupation of years gone by and maybe that that's you married out of that name maybe you've changed your name by deed poll we'd love to hear from you on the phones 03453039610345303961 you can text me. First would have a text Mina or you can email it's Paul Miller Show at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Paul Miller show that b.b.c. Talk oh don't you hate old Jim Butcher 345-396-1345 Saturday SETI 961 b.b.c. Radio I cross the south. A. Game. Player. Michael with the Jackson 5 and a.b.c. So we're talking names we're talking names. And your ancestors. If you could what if you had to go back via your job way back when your job or occupation. Maybe you know if you didn't distant past what would your occupational name be mine is butcher pulled is Paul Miller and Russell is Russell Crowe So you know most knots of names to choose from but if you name the few current or last job what would you be called and if you were named after your dream job what would that be as well see how we do this on inside Jim Even Eddie are you saying how are you I'm well thank you and you are not too bad thank you not to you guys I mean to that we're talking names then Eddie Yeah well I was in Timorese dream job and as many of you know on the show on the signalman So there are white but we're not allowed to say signalling anymore because it's politically incorrect in a lot of rubbish so we say signaller so Hmong would be any sick with. Us This is actually a really cool name isn't Eddie signaling simpler and also it's more interesting job I'm lucky enough since a little boy was wanted to work on the route white and work in the cigar box are actually working today so I'm quite lucky really the only thing more young. Thing to. Have you ever been a signalman a lot of you always been a signal. All religious icicle man but I can see where we have to start a sequel and also you know we suppose I was a sick woman at one time we were fed to a sick woman so if we say sick woman now we 'd can get into trouble believe it or not the sign that we are very sorry sick. And we kind of think of your profession Eddie as being something of a male dominated Yes session is a lot more women coming into the industry now which is good of course is good but funny enough you know even some of them sell you know I'm a sick woman so you know we're not outside we are very sick for mouth to sink I suppose offense but inside radio I guess it's our priests but even if you think. Which I thought police officer now don't wait. Yes funny yes you know you go into a restaurant he will say hi guys you know and I just. Sort of gender nonspecific but. Are you here to go it was very my always how you know now it's deafening there's more females coming into the industry which is good because obviously it's good to have female security and I doing you know what we do yeah I've got to tell you Mr Russell's just come through and he said that if you actually take your name and just shorten it very slightly. You could actually some a bit like a pool hustler suite at the signals. Is ridiculous sweet any signals a lie that I would get if I was told about the Santa Anas al are supported. Support So I think of a song my neighbor pick a minute actually. I actually see would see the meaning of it maybe I mean I'm not going to trying to start my fire for it's interesting about the meaning of that was you know it. Could be cartoon it online for something to do with the river isn't it Lange I'm not sure what it is because the language especially with villages and things and since unless there's a bigger one same I might say why but I also got to see Eddie but thank you thank you for getting started to catch fire and. I. Could be the signal or we can like that let's go to Christchurch and say even Nick. Lowe how you this evening fine thank you and you. Let's let's go to your name then. We talk about a dream job are we talking about your actual name what name is. Double r r r e w c which is a pair and usually. Be a double Barrett Yeah. Right because because normally it's Barrett isn't it yeah that's right it's a bit unusual really. Any idea where it comes from I think I've heard it might come from France somewhere a long time ago but I'm not sure that's what I heard about it it's fairly is it is unusual as well but if you had to go back with your your career Nick and you were named after your career or your professional occupational the last job you had what would that be one of the last the last job I have was in a grocery shop but out in the garden that for 45 years all right. Gardener which is very common name anyway isn't it is a common how yeah yeah yeah Nick sales assistant not quite so so so alluring perhaps but yeah yeah Nick Nick Gardner very very common name gardeners a regular name somebody said to me the other day about Carter as well cut Carter was was consciously made barrels I think I think the count was only an average Cooper oxy Cooper makes barrels What's a Carter I don't understand as a Mr Russell you have no idea but yes Nick Gardner could be your name but but Barrett and you reckon that comes from from France originally I heard it there are not just what I've heard by a few people but it's most unusual. Nic we'll see if anybody can come up with some answers to that one as well but thanks for joining us on the program tonight we'll talk to you in our a good job very lovely thank you very much indeed Yeah thanks Jim. By pushing all the right buttons hopefully in roughly the right order as Eric Morgan will set but if you will come through the ceiling We'd love to hear from you on the phones we're talking names and say names derive from old jobs the same mine answers the somewhere would have been a butcher in Mr Russell's case it would be a crew member mentioned there already Carter wheelwrights Cartwright Smith Cooper Fletcher What would your name be if you were named after your current job or perhaps your last job what would you be called and if you were named after your dream job I guess he was saying what would you be called there please call Tim Butcher only 34539610 Sharif or 530-3961 b.b.c. Radio I cross the south. Sea This will come from Craig Craig who's in new breeze in our fishmonger he said so I could be he said before she met fish face maybe. It is this Linda who's in Red Hill said Hi Tim She said My ancestors were French and made the baskets for the gear teen. And their surname was called my saying that Michael Bay when they came to England in the 18th century is changed to Corby That makes perfectly good sense Linda said retired but my last job was in exporting So I guess you call me Linda shipping. Should. Betty it's the b.b.c. Across the south for a Monday evening hello good evening this is Tim in for Paul through the course as we thank you because so far all 345-3039 seats one if there's a number normally use June the day then you can call that one as well because that comes through to us how it all works I have no idea but if there's a number you normally use on on your station during the day and call out one and that'll get you through on small minds as well 345303961 text coming in goods and think the savings will go to some of those in just a few moments let's go back to the phones in the it's Bill hello Bill. A name they were talking about names them building talking specifically about names that derive from jobs your current job maybe your last job and maybe you dream job tell me where my name is. From. I have got a trade name my name my surname is probably a clock as in one who works in an office Yeah luckily my dad was you know beat you know family. No. Ok so no be Clark All right but you'll still clock them Bill you had a wide and varied career Yeah yeah so what are the names could you have been an engineer until I was 40 years old when I was a school caretaker until I was 7. So you see Bill can take his good that's that's perfectly Ok Bill and I'm not sure we go with Bill and me and if you had your dream job bill if you had your dream job what would you name be then. King. And get much more exulted than that really does Bill King Well we need to build a country. And you reckon you could do that by being on the throne be a bill. By doing this Parliament when we're not going to get into politics tonight but but I didn't see you just saying Russell just popped through to me he said he said as a caretaker shortly for being Bill Keyes Yeah I thought yeah as good a man he was just said Bill malt. Now I go keys I like keys I think Bill can I played with his school stuff they made me a sweeper. It did a right yeah Ok yeah Bill you see that all that all goes with the profession as well the net Yeah very good bill right Bill let's give us some to think about and you can one day aspire to being Bill King Absolutely I think it might take a little while I think I might have a bit of a task on the hands but yeah nice try then Bill. Bless you thanks vehicle Good bye bye bye Bill who's in jail if you want to be Bill King Let's go to Terry who's intending I was intending to not only got a Terry. Oh so now you're like yeah I'm good thank you there's been a bit of a pause I thought we had satellite delay and you know. I know only what I know you can say I was just I happened to go to the old t.v. Studios I had to go somewhere new You're not mine eyes new flattery. I wish you the price pressure places run that huge We have what the person is but that ground as a Japanese businessman and I imagine I would be classed as like. 2000000 plus the got sunken in swimming hole with everything but everything and one day Terry be able to afford that I wish you well it's just about this let's go back to May just go back to names because we're talking about names with trades and professions and if you had to have a name with your your last job or profession what would that be Terry Bill Bill I was asked about our summer in a place. That's right that sounds like that really sounds like a station in the Terry Bill I simply carry Sorry anything Bill this that anything like. Terry copper. Quite a couple you know. What rank did you get to Sergeant Terry Sargent perfect. Before I did the place I was always in the army so I don't often think as you do you do all of these these these are all genuine names on day yeah if you know you look back yeah yeah yeah yeah you jobs in your names like yeah. All right let's dream on then Terry let's dream on so we've got the it could be a say Terry copper could be Terry Sargent or whatever it might be if you had your dream job let's go to the dream name or that the Trump. Sets I said again. That's what I thought you said explain more. Well everybody agrees not to this Mr Trump are not. Politics but I like the guy as he was before before he got to where he is now or I you know you know you seem to like to make people happy some money be happy smiley faces in America where we're just a spread across the world kind of thing that So you reckon you carry trump the you know I just think it's this guy doing the president it's a hobby to him where. Some might say. Right Terry Terry Trump then Terry Trump. Do you want to join in on some of the suggestions Mr Russell's come through with your name because of your profession he came up with Terry copper and he'll end up going on with Terry rasa was a rather good and then I think you might want to punch him on this one he said What about Terry flatfoot. He has been a marked man. Very nice to. Me It's. All right Terry niceto What about Bob I keep records coming then 034530396 when we talk about names and as a very good on the Texas even. Came from Norah Eleanor Norah who's in Eaton Wick and Norris name at the moment is Nora Kent and she said my last job she said would be called driver as a Nora driver members for a famous Betty Driver who was Betty Turpin Coronation Street when she said and she said to if I was lucky enough to do my dream job that would be fall as in Kelly Falconer on the telly but Nora Falcon I think that's a fact that's very classy name isn't it that's a very classy name in deeds and like that one. Is this one from Mark that it was mocking crawly. The. Retail bear when we're talking about jobs your profession your career whatever it is you doing mom as in you know Paul Miller Russell grew to butcher mark in Crawley said my name with Mark retail. And I wonder what sort of a retailer I mean would it be Mark shoe shop or Mark grocery store market men's what Marc men's way that sounds like a Hollywood actor that Mark men's wear and Phil Phil who's in Pass a Green said when I retired was before I retired he said I was a a mill rights Sydney Film mill right when our film Will Saletan all right again Hollywood actor Philip Morris keep the course coming over 345303961 holds embouchure only 345 1st 396-103-4530 extension 3961 b.b.c. Radio I cross the south. Lovely takes going through. Some females in just a few moments. Ok. Dumbass minute. Break. Down Oh. Boy it's time for love you know. Damn. Longing I like. Playing. Flame cold. Against the Dark. Tough oh oh oh. Oh oh oh reaching. Out. For. A brick road. Make me. Do make me laugh you. Gave me a burning. With. Concrete Charlie. Rose. Magic. I'm feeling magic. So. Let. Me. Play. Magic in your own. Magic. Johnson good. Play. And abracadabra by the way to say thank you for the most messages of the come through on Twitter and so on Simon Simon isn't West thank you for your message from a little while ago actually Irene also Emily as well Jane rich and Michelle as well nice to hear from you thank you very much indeed always good to get in touch. Again at Tim Butcher b.b.c. To butcher b.b.c. On Twitter I do. Want to e-mail by the way e-mails or we're doing it so we gets along to chat on that one that's up pull militia at b.b.c. The. Show at b.b.c. Talk it's Tim in for Paul speaking of pull Let's go to Paul who's in Peckham evening Paul hello 10 now I know we're talking about names some with names of your job your current job your last job and your dream job what you that's right yes well but secret identity as told by you can as in break 1st yeah. But to say no to my last job I would have been called poll 6 shop. That's the best one so far. Because a lot of the man if you know 6 year old really yes. Paul said that Paul sexual that could be sort of like a $950.00 s. Policeman couldn't it. Show wonderful you know yes I like that one very good indeed I want to go back to sex up in just a few moments he said about bacon by the way why bacon. What you mean but no that is my domain name all right Ok right Ok Great post yeah right Ok so that should name so that is your name now if you don't dream name of movie you will be social you can see a bit of the same developing have polls. Yeah I can see a theme developing. As we see exactly the sort of you know you got what I met my wife I actually fell deeply in love but not in love. Bad off the 37 you answer right there what you wife's name. Patricia she listening at the moment oh yes you know you see should be should be no I was going to she would just be blushing just a little bit which is nice I do like that that's quite definitely the best one so far pull sec shop. Excellent pull that is very good I do like rather than I just say something that I wouldn't actually cite a poll because it gave him a big dog on just how much I enjoyed being part of the Paul Miller family so many wonderful people phoning in and it warms my heart and I was so many dollars people out there but do you know something that this is you may well have heard me say the beginning of the program I said this when I saw him on the program a few weeks ago after I've known Paul for 20 years something like that around and about and I listen to the program I'm a listener Yeah and so to come and do this and to actually get a chance to talk to the people that I listen to you know for me he's just just made up during the. Let us all yes that's right it's just same just like a fantastic punch in the here and the nice thing is right the way across the south and you get people from all walks of life are going to be honest and say you are the 1st person I've ever spoken to that's been a manager of a sexual well. You know that's what I love this and I do love this program and I think the more people get involved with this the better it is and I'm glad you see the thing is because on the so much in love for my wife are just so faithful you know what they wanted Yeah or you know I had no interest in you know or anything else so. Apparently a lot of the other. Managers were younger than I was and were sometimes a bit sleazy you know yeah I guess I had more and more women coming in that shop because I wasn't. You know. Interested. In you know how they're going to give up the job will not you know in 99 so what 18 years going to be with my wife or with oh I'm not a huge deal or anything just so I can't be you know wife from a lovely thing to say nice there Patricia if you're listening you've got a lovely fella there excellent nice to Jodi and thank you but I said I wish I knew Tim all the best and. I buy. In Ascot's when it's Ascot with that's where Jackie is Hello Jacki now it's same Welcome back oh oh thank you very much it's very nice you're going to stay away from us not could you know exactly that was a you know I've been listening yes it's a case of I get to get my hands on talking to you now which is the nice thing going up all the questions you about then think I wanna be sex shop but then Russell did say you gotta get anybody other name you want to. I just think that's wonderful as a sound don't believe either as far as I know I don't think I've ever spoken to a manager or former manager of a sexual before you don't know me or keep kind of quite what we had he didn't start yeah that is saying just let him wherever. That's got a trick you Ascot's but we're going to find out just a little more about you because we want your career or profession years gone by then Jack would that be serviced analyst. Double barreled name I like that Jackie service analyst Yes What we do is you tell them specifics 1st diagnostic test for a network company. Around the company yes in a call center so they would put phones through to a call but we would do 1st doc nonstick testing but instead of being called Call Center analysts we were called surface and this was we were providing a service and I'm very nice to this at least we have a name now if you try to put in a new driving license you wouldn't get much space left on that we're not these days now if you see them. I got my new ones that change from the green to a pink quite near dental card not huge Not that they come in Braille. Sections I would send out the driver with but never mind Mr Russell just said by the way were you Jackie help desk no never help desk operate out of that list or Jackie spreadsheet No no country spread sheets either knock on wood. Or I said that's what you were there Jackie Now if we went if we went to a. Dream job yeah yeah Formula One racing driving test a car you certainly wouldn't get on your driving license no not in hell not one. Formula one racing driver Yeah I'd like to test the car for the lieutenant's and go into the car but to be able to test the car 1st of all you know when it's when that when they actually made me 1st go out and then you let them loose with Lewis Hamilton or whoever so you could have a speed demon Jackie not tell the truth the me going to let's just say I can do practically no off the other 3 as you know I joined you know Great Britain and yeah Southampton in just under an hour. Yeah. How many points he collected over the years such were really I've never been stopped I haven't got no points I've got nothing could I have just been a very very lucky person I think sort of the Chinese couldn't catch me Jackie Formula one racing driver test car person can't person I want to know the tester of the you know when the car there's a coming off the thing and I need someone to actually test the car 1st of all for letting them loose on to the Formula one try to cool naturally let the cars loose on you truthfully I know this and I can jump or. Not a bit I did I say that I didn't say a word did I say well if I you know if I'm going to break them. Why not why not you know if I thought that right that we know that Lewis is going to be safe that's the way to look at there we go Ok Jackie lovely It's nice to speak here again I speaking at a deli in the wake of Ok then but I not only hope to if you like a bless you thank you mostly. Jackie who's an ascot can get from Bracknell to Southampton and you know how that's pretty good going. Yes so you can keep the girls coming I'd love to hear from you 034-530-3961 text me 81 triple 3 make the 1st word of your text Miller You can email it's Paul Miller Show b.b.c. Talk to u.k. Tech screaming from Susan Sevenoaks and Sue said My name is Warner. Now I'm guessing originally Waller that would be Warner wouldn't it as in that one who built walls and used to be housekeeping assistant. That would be Sue housekeeping. Name again and she said My dream job would be biscuit taster I could then be called Mrs crumbs I like that Susan Sevenoaks well done. Andrew. Jean Jean who's in unison Yes I said hello to my son's name is Andrew this is Andrew Weil He's a car designer and it is his dream job Andrew Weil. The name fit for the job which is just about on Gene and. And she said Hi Tim said years ago she said I was a nurse. However she said my surname was actually pain so my name work was Nurse pain. Yet. The. Me. The song. The song. The so. The song. Eddie Grant and I don't want to dance I knew pick up the baton and run with this one as far as the name is concerned loads of text coming in I'll come to the Texan and indeed e-mails in a few moments let's go to Charles for say hello Rachael Hello Tim and. Now then we're talking names names of jobs gone by. Dream Jobs and the suchlike we're going to start with you well I used to be for 18 years a post mistress. Now what are you going to call me now. Rachel stamp. Right Rachel package. Whatever Rachel in your lap for the I love your postman for how long we had 8 years in Cardiff here and after I had left the army he was in the army or 30 years at the bomb disposal experts Rachael Brown and Suppose an expert wife like that yes that's why you think Cardiff and 10 years in Charlotte thought and loved every moment of it. Alan think right Ok Rachel Frank male Rachel contacts real whatever. Yeah whatever we are we also went through a few. Horrifying experience is like being held up at gunpoint Rachel bribery Yes we sincerely held up at all seriously from yes tell me Tell me about it by 553 men actually. Come into the shop. And they wanted all our money well of course we handled thousands of pounds so I told them you know no did you show me a shot where we were very lucky this is gas in the post office shatterproof said they tried to shoot but of course just the glass just disintegrated. That time my hasn't already got the place we were fine when we did we we were. No injuries to do you know very near my husband was he handled the the sort of the official side of a went got the place and I mean the pay for my. Fantastic but it was frightening hunger was Rachel. It was 2002 we we we saw the office in 2004 so it was 2 years before we retired. How do you again I've never spoken to a former sexual manager I've never spoken really really been held up a gunpoint before how do you respond when somebody puts a gun in your face and says Give me all your money on my bacon on my butt give me all your money what is that like when he wasn't actually he there was a post office screen between me and him and I knew that my husband saw the men coming into the shop and knew straight away so he went down that we planned all this already we knew it was a possibility so he got down on his knees and crawled out the back and he had the police actually in position before they actually came to the counter because the guy that came to the counter went round and round the shop 1st to say how many people so I just told everybody to leave but by the time we got to May we had a place car at the back and we had placement at the front in ordinary clothes so we were very well prepared for how long before the police arrived with you how many minutes of all I don't know because I didn't know they were mine I know there was a car at the back but I would have said 5 minutes probably 5 minutes for the car and the other guys that were out the front I didn't even know their placement because there were no reclaiming but well I mean they were looking around the shop Testaments and they only way with the only pay for not to leave when I asked all the customers to leave so that I knew that they were somebody else coming salute the stunning because I need to come back to the names in just a few hours but otherwise you when something like this happens how long before you can return to normal. Well we were very lucky the post office prepared us for it as a possibility so as soon as I knew we bought it they were there. Ready to replace all the screens the screen and whatever other damage they did damage to the door. And we just had the place guarding us until I arrived was up for it fantastic. Did you ever worry it would happen again yes it was always going to be enormous twice. Twice yes one thing Cardiff and one. No one even when we've been so I mean we are very you know if we live and heartless but you have to. Rachael we've got to come back to names if you had your dream job now. From being Rachel postmistress or all Rachel whatever it might be what would your dream job be it is it would be what I was many years ago and that was a teacher Rachel teacher and I taught in the Caribbean right I taught little children wonderful and I also taught English own level to 14 year olds. I was very lucky yeah that's really nice. Mr Russell just can't be said Rachael beach teach. I like that was another that's one of my favorites Those are great to be teachers Well you know I had a wonderful life. You're very lucky and can I wish you and your husband a long healthy amount you retire from 3 years ago. Yeah yeah I was quite shocked but wonderful wonderful man yeah Rachael lovely to talk to you Ok Tim thank you thank you hi miner bye and it is again this is with this program just astounds me sometimes the things you hear things that you know go on in life and you never expect to encounter them 1st. It's all always good to hear from me and thank you to Rachel for coming through on that. Let's come to some of the text because the facts Rachel is just saying about a dream job teacher and this came from Linda Linda who's in Emsworth and she said she said My my dream job as a youngster was to be teaching my name would be Linda teacher and Diane Diane who's in Ashford in Kent said Hi Tim said my name from my last will be Diane. He said That's all right you know that that's that's quite an easy to remember easy going name to my dream job would be a florist's Diane flowers 990 somebody. Away from this who has a surname flowers but you know so Diane flowers. And she also said Can I have a dedication just a little later on for my husband Dave and I love him so much our Dave and Diane in Nashville will see we can do as far as the request is concerned just a little later but let's come to some more of these of cargo hold of e-mails just see if I can open these yet there we go this came from Janet and Janet said she said My surname is tester which I'd like to think is somebody who's made. A very ornate 4 poster beds tester 4 poster bed from the 14th century Jan nice to hear from you Tim said that my grandfather's my grandmother's father's name was gun which is Viking Norwegian pronounced go on a not gun that means war as in going to war which is where the name of gun came from from weapons of war I didn't know that. And Tim also said he said there's a clan going in case this Highlands of Scotland their descendants of King Eric the 1st King and this was the Norway king of Northumbria and so it goes on but as I just just love the kind of want to find on. It it is and. This is Irene some of this said my dream job was to be an air hostess so I've been I mean attendants or I mean hostess Irene stewardess my last job I worked for was the post office Irene money or Irene give me a stamp. Very good indeed thank you for picking up the baton and running with this one tonight we'll have another talk he session tomorrow evening between 11 and 12 of those say it just doesn't work without you in any way and the law is digital radio and t.v. And this is b.b.c. Radio.

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