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The Braggs secretaries warning the European Union the U.K.'s willingness to compromise is not without limits Dominic will tell the Conservative Party conference that Britain will walk away without a deal if necessary our political correspondent has been right the breaks the secretary will make a speech in which will sound quite hardline saying that the U.K. Is not willing to compromise it would never stand for a customs union or being a full member of the Single Market threatening to walk away but even by talking about compromise I think he's revealing that they will have to be some movement on the U.K. Side to get a deal Indonesian government has called for international help as it deals with the destruction from Friday's earthquake and tsunami Well the 800 people are confirmed dead but that number is expected to rise to the thousands as more areas of reached Dr Peter McCawley is an expert in international aid or so you know a lot of course. Collapsed killing possibly We got about 50 people off from the building standards are not strong basically across a lot of in the region including this part of individual infrastructure is weak and it really becomes a problem when there's a disaster the Canadian government says it's reached a deal with the U.S. To renew their free trade deal the 2 countries have been trying to renegotiate the terms of NAFTA which also given governs trade with Mexico a man's had suspected acid thrown in his face while sitting in his car a mole soul in the West Midlands Mike Johnson has appealed for information about his attacker in an online post from his hospital bad. A 28 year old man's due in court later keys of murdering a mother and daughter at their home in Kent Marcus and SHARON HARRIS who are in their seventy's and fifty's were found dead in Hadlow on Saturday the referent Paul White's led a memorial service at a local church recently prayed today for those who are on course he died we pray for the chapters in hospital recovering and we also offer president the alleged perpetrator because something terrible is going on there as well the government's announcing plans to ban restaurants from taking tips from their staff it follows a public outcry over some high street chains skimming off a share of the extra money customers are left Labor says the government's copying another of its policies millions of small plastic beads that can be harmful to sea life and washing up on a beach in Hampshire Hayling Island is one of the worst affected areas in the U.K. Is from the final straw Solon group which campaigns to clean up local beaches really horrified we could see just everywhere there were these tiny tiny little plastic beads they basically poured in their millions and. In the manufacturing process and melted in form to make all its things that we see made us plastic on our shelves but perhaps it is all mishandling some of them are escaping into local waterways and out to sea then washing up on a beach and 31000 BT workers will transfer to its infrastructure Openreach this morning it's believed to be the biggest one of transfer of staff in U.K. Corporate history of commerce ordered BT to make Openreach a separate company he was in Kraft as a sport Francesco Molinari held a team effort as his record 5 points helped Europe to a huge win over the USA at the Ryder Cup It finished 17 and a half to 10 and a half in Paris it's Molinari Ryder Cup win but afterwards he said $28.00 teams was the best team he'd been a part of teamwork was also the priority in Formula one as well as Beltre repotted us was asked to let his Mercedes team mate Lewis Hamilton pass him during the Russian Grand Prix that helped Hamilton go. On to win the race and extend his championship lead over Sebastian Vettel to 50 points with 5 races remaining Some folks scored the winner was barely extend it caught a city's winless start to the Premier League campaign his 1st goal of the season and a $21.00 win in Wales manager Steven Gerrard lost just a 2nd match since taking over at ranges they were beaten one nil by Livingston in the Scottish Premiership sell Sharks would be to 915 by Leicester Tigers in rugby union's Premiership and have guarantee their place in Super League for next season with a 30 points to nil win over witness this is B.B.C. 5 Live on to just hold on line smartphone and tablet look at the weather now and England and Wales will see any isolated showers die away from even trying to deal with funny spouse Scotland and Northern Ireland will start fine but wind and rain will move in from the west later on in 26 days it was Thomas will kick. In 27. Bearings in. 5 lives 28 see it for a brand new young commentator of the year begin to tell for sure if you know young person used 1115 schools and loves talking about this then we would see him in action keep listening to find out more young commentator of the year from B.B.C. Radio 5 life. This is a fortnight on 5 Live. Coming up in this hour of the program in a moment the latest on the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia we know the official numbers. Have has doubled over the last 24 hours with many more people feared now to be buried underneath the rubble and it is really a race against time for the rescuers to save them also did a few people come out to vote in the Macedonian referendum that held a new dawn for its people. And a higher standard of living is all they had to do was vote the country should rename itself to North Macedonia at the insistence of Greece which has it sowed Bassett doesn't want anywhere else in the world to be called Macedonia unless it's part of greys So they're going to change it to North Macedonia but nobody turn up 35 percent of the population to nubs of and they needed at least 50 percent to find that was going on then of course you have the thrills and spills of the Russian grumpy as well 1st days after a devastating earthquake and tsunami struck the Indonesian island of sin away say survivors scouring makeshift morgues for their loved ones even as the authorities struggled to dig out people still trapped in wrecked buildings desperate survivors of turned to foraging shops for food water and fuel and the numbers of dead stands at more than 800 on Sunday and it's expected to climb much higher still well unique Syriani is the Indonesia country manager for the aid agency Catholic Relief Services Yanni we've heard about the logistical problem in getting to the affected areas have your aid workers made progress or not. Currently our team and one small team is already in my mojo says another safety going to follow because we could not get fly and the other team will be on the way to Madrid and possible today as well the challenge with us now is because there is no flights that it can be flown depart or mock us are the puddle so we have to take up try to other cities and then dry and fake of the final I just received 34 from the team in mum would you that the road from or do is to follow is no dents and with the traffic because many people who are on the go to follow and help tourists barn to discuss tropic disgust are they go through Latin from like us octomom or Jew and then to find a. It's great there is said many people who want to volunteer to help with the relief effort but it must cause problems nevertheless for the professionals people like you right now you can say what we usually work together with full of gears and also with the government to organize the for the D.S. The government has made it clear that all for them to use going to health and fire or any other discuss there and you know nations that have to be at a distance with the government. To set their management agency was rife there and they would be organized and they would be of the range where the world and what kind of work they can they can and can do. But when you when you you'll get to those affected areas how Vala sed is the tall scale head of could you give us an idea of the scale of the tall so they face. I think that will be huge cause for them to put it out of made assessment at this point because government is still focusing on search and rescue mission and do it in agencies local organisation is trying to help out with so finding support to the effect that both wish and and because the added affected by did you suffer was quite large with difficult access to some of the few ideas that we we found out and we got reports from fields a morgue and I can access a book that will be a huge cost not only for you McCuddy And actors like C.R.S. But also for the government. Able to provide currently we are still doing a need assessment to identify what needs that need to be met with the communities and what kind of support that other actors including the got the monk i Phone 5 at this point typically in my experience in 50th and legacies in this kind of should joy both their homes lost their assets and they don't have. Me and to livelihood so usually you put for 5 shall thirst temporary shelter for the and also basic needs I say and for you how long will you need to be. Is this a long. Help you know given all do you need to be in and out right it's shoppers and you estimate your colleagues will need to be in the areas. The day Michele assessment to identify the most pressing needs of the affected populations we usually spend a few days one week or up to 10 days to provide to identify the needs while at the same time we mobilize resources based on dirty thoughts from the field that used to really stand by the Dave on daily bases. So initial response could take a few weeks and then after that we would also like to support We believe it got very. Very after a few weeks the government already declared that emergency. Situation on the market the status of this area is on feel the bar for being. Where our people and if you make it work or she will work force we are focused on ever to get a sponsor after that then we can move into early to Guthrie or depending on the situation in the field maybe continuing to get the response because I'm afraid that they still made me feel a good that are not acceptable. Identified yet one can only imagine what people are going through having lost their loved ones in these groups who way and I remember covering the story of the 2004 tsunami very vividly I remember very vividly and are also remember speaking to people a year or 23 years later groups of children for example who was still impacted by what happened on books in day 2004 this is the same region Indonesia same region that we're talking about that survived or that people survivors from there. Struggled to come to terms of that tsunami what about now is it the same you know we have to put ourselves in their positions to really understand what it is like to lose somebody. Taken away are the by an earthquake or tsunami but they will need they will need psychiatric help with psychological help for some time when they need that the people who survive. Absolutely although I'm not expert on psychology but from our past experience into an army in I care and many other emergencies it can often be fashed lack of horse in the lives of people because of the loss that their experience especially the loss of the last one we will be working with other actors with the government and other humanitarian agencies to make sure that our assistance can help them cope with the situation from now on thank you Jani appreciate you talking to Jenny So Jani there who's the Indonesian county manager for the aid agency Catholic Relief Services Jani Sue Jani Earlier I spoke to Louise comfort who is the former director of the Center for Disaster Management at Pittsburg University and her why this tsunami proved so difficult to predict the difficulty is this was a near field a less than 200 miles from shore and the deep dark buoys were best from the middle of the ocean the timing is so short 15 to 20 at best almost 30 minutes and the buoy data doesn't come in so in fact they recalled the warning but they didn't have the data from the ocean. Shore that will Palu they had no data from Palm so this was very unfortunate that they were indeed following instructions they were doing exactly what their. Regulations required but they didn't have the data from the ocean bottom and that's how does the early warning system. Well. There are different parts to it the 1st part in the 1st level warning comes from the land based sites me network and these are the seismometers that are on land and they can identify the location the epicenter of the earthquake and the magnitude of the earthquake but they can't identify whether or not there's a change in the water column there is a 2nd set. And I won't call them sensors Well it's G.P.S. Monitors and type gauges and they provide observational data from the movement of the water but they're looking at the top of the ocean and the tsunami waves come from the bottom of the ocean and that's the data they did not have but there's confusion as well as some ploy in the early warning system is the in the 1st instance is a technological issue but then at the back end of it it's monitored and interpreted by humans is this where the confusion comes in well then they. Actually partly but not entirely the key issue is the seismologists and B.M. K.J. Are fine scientists no question there but they have to have the data to interpret it and the data they need to determine whether or not a sign of a tsunami has been generated is the change in the water column their technical sensors did not pick up that change it's a different kind of sensor and we have been I have been the principal investigator on a National Science Foundation funded project working with Indonesian research years to develop a prototype early detection tsunami early tsunami detection system that would use ocean bottom sensors to provide this data the difficulty is it isn't in place yet did you say what the sense has to pick up is the change in the water color. Water how it's a column of water if there is a big year earthquake or an undersea landslide there is a huge shift in the volume of water and then it's the wave that 1st rolls back and then rolls towards the coast taking everything in its path Louise comfort who's a former directs the Center for Disaster Management at Pittsburg University Macedonia as prime minister has vowed to press on with a parliamentary vote to change the country's name to North messy Donya even those Sunday's referendum on the issue fell well short of the threshold needed to make it valid about 90 percent of those who did vote back the change and the pro European ministers are over said their view must be respected opposition nationalists campaigned to boycott the vote the B.B.C.'s guided Lonny is in Belgrade and he explained how events unfolded not enough of them when surveyed on the referendum is the short answer the referendum needed a 50 percent turnout in order to be binding I mean it's a funny sort of arrangement that's the government has said all along it's an advisory referendum but in order for us to be in some way binding it they need to have a 50 percent turnout Well they didn't get it the lot latest figures that we saw in the electoral commission was about releasing the final status but the latest figures we saw the word that with that half an hour to go before the close of polls about 35 percent of people cast their votes and what has happened here is that the referendum has fallen victim to a very successful campaign to boycott because if you look at the we do know the results of the people who cast their votes about 90 percent of them voted in favor of Macedonia changing its name. Pretty much you can conclude from that the most the people who didn't want Macedonia to change its name didn't turn out the polls and vote no. They boycotted the referendum knowing that this would mean the referendum wasn't binding and they were encouraged to do this by the opposition party the model and also guide the presidents of Macedonia Gavan of who is was appointed by them or all party of so you can see what's happened there Ali So what happens now. Very big question and a Prime Minister's autumn's I've as been attempting to answer that he's saying that he's very proud that so many people voted in favor of Macedonia changing its name but he's trying to say that nothing's changed he's going to go to parliament and he's going to try and persuade the M.P.'s there that they should vote by a 2 thirds majority to make amendments to Macedonia's constitution this is going to be very tricky because his government doesn't have anything like a 2 thirds majority in parliament he's going to have to win around some of the opposition M.P.'s in order to get these constitutional changes at 3 parliament quite how he wins them round as a matter of extreme conjecture does he try to appeal to that better nature say look to really respect the result of the referendum you can see how many people voted in favor it was clear that the no votes didn't outweigh the in favor vote you could all he could also appeal to this being a chance of a generation at least in Macedonia to solve its dispute with Greece and to open the door to membership of NATO which would come very quickly and with the European Union which would come far more slowly but with the benefit of a lot of reforms in Korea accession sons along the way all servants of leaks try for a general election but I would say that's an extremely risky strategy because a lot of people are quite disenchanted with the lack of progress Miss designs government has made since taking office last year on everything apart from this name issue with Greece they really made at the top priority and they haven't done a lot of anything else so going to the polls now might backfire and added to that the fact that we've had elections in Macedonia every 2 years in recent years it's asking a lot of the voters voted fatigue would probably set and so it's going to be a little bit of watch and wait and see what happens for the next few days and possibly weeks despite what the prime minister might want to argue we don't know for sure do either. More message voted to change the name of the country to North Macedonia then then voted against changing the name the country General of Macedonia if we're to take the fact the people abstained by not voting as equivalent to a successful campaign by vnode the No side of the argument so I'm sure there will be there will have settle are just some mathematicians working on this stuff some and you know certain things you can draw from previous elections to take the most recent general election the turnout was just under 67 percent so if we say that the turnout and this referendum is between 35 and 40 percent and then you can pretty much work out where the missing 2730 percent went and they'll do the math and they will say look even if we extrapolate all of this out and take into account the results of the last election and this that and the other I think I'm just just from taking a quick look at the figures I think they could make a pretty convincing argument that yes has won the day if you include you know the people who might have voted but stayed away because they were to boycott I think they could make quite a convincing case for that but of course it's given a get out of jail free card to the opposition party the Liberal they'd set before the referendum Well the referendum is is binding it's valid it's 50 percent at war and people that in favor will respect the results of the referendum and will they through the constitutional changes well but hasn't happened last really because of the models own doing where they suggest people should boycott the polls so here we are again back down to arguments and persuasion and dodgy deals quite possibly as well go to loony 10400000 people tuned into the finale of the B.B.C. Drama The Bodyguard a record breaking isn't. Says but not everyone was entirely satisfied with it Kerry Ken Quinn days for media diversified where they've been focusing on one role in particular we've been looking at the character of the Muslim protagonist in it that was the lady not yet and just how even though this new drama has been praised for being groundbreaking in so many ways the actually the idea of a Muslim woman as weak as she was betrayed in the beginning and the twist being that she's actually a jihadi this idea that they can only really get their power through violence. Is is just a bit of a stereotypical trope So it kind of saying it's not as groundbreaking as it would it could be considering the fact that you know it came on the news not long ago that white men now account for more terrorism than other arrests than any other group just currently in the U.K. At the moment so perhaps would have been most of this if would explode that kind of aspect of this story a story is drama Chiz Co When can they one way or another if you go Chris Colona you'll always be able to pick up where they were wrong and. On the whole you're not saying you made a diversified that this was you know it was a a drama that was tainted with old fashioned stereotypical bison. In some way the idea of the kind of the thing the sort of image that Nadia pro portrayed in the beginning of being quite weak quite although it was an act as we later realized this is nothing new in that so it is a very old trope and I actually I mean one of the things that was good about it was that the show looked at P.T.S.D. Effects on soldiers that again. Unlike the main the main protagonist P.C. Blood many veterans do not have the access to the mental health services that they need so we just thought it could have just done a lot more to really push the envelope but as you say it is art but there is always a little grain of truth and it does shape how we see society so we think it's important what do those broad causes me to do from your perspective to get it right to not make the same mistakes and move forward to to not and wittingly or otherwise be caught napping in terms of race relations Well one thing out with the races is actually having a diverse writing group we are quite on top on the ball in terms of making sure that we have on screen talent that's the bit that's easy to see but the thing that will make a real difference is where the stories are being crafted where the ideas are being dreamt up and storylines and dialogue drafted that we have a real diverse team that's thinking just a bit differently about Britain's diverse communities and also looking at the real lived experience of different communities and how if you really want to do something groundbreaking in chess or stereotypes there are places you can go to get those stories. And you mention mention health issues with P.T.S.D. a Moment ago what about mental health who in the black community you're focusing on that this way yet we've had a focus as it is of a new anthology on be any mental health and we've just been looking at the fact that although you know that people are disproportionately represented in the mental health system they're not necessarily getting the help that they need and obviously stigma in the community is part of it but one of the things the editor said that really stuck with me was she said you know the system is not designed for us it's not meeting our needs and so we've been exploring you know what kind of steps could be taken to make it a bit more representative and a bit more responsive to the needs of our community one of those needs were those specific needs one of the things definitely would be counselors who reflect the communities that they serve because obviously mental health is not just about what's happening in your mind but it's also your community your spirit there's all sorts of different angles of someone doesn't understand your community your church or your mosque or you're going to are you know it's a little harder for them to get the help that you need and also just even understand people's reactions so often black people in particular section or dealt with disproportionate force because the way to express themselves is seen as threatening when it's sometimes just someone really expressing some frustration so that is probably one of the biggest things that comes out through the article. But also just understanding as well how racism affects people's mental health how. Do you know the day to day grind of institutional racism can have an effect on people which this article about nationalism and racism classification in Hong Kong. Yes Hong Kong which is relevant to us because obviously it was a British colony and actually one of the legacies of that colonial history is the fact that the classification system for the ethnic minorities that discriminates against South Asians people who are not Chinese so the $7000000.00 people in Hong Kong and about 15 percent of them are a non Chinese minority that includes white people South Asian people but the way that they are the categories of broken down lends itself sort of like betrays what occupations people are perhaps earmarked for so Filipinos are picked up as a group we know that they are overrepresented in domestic housework for instance and we also have seen that racial discrimination persists they're locked out of health care decent health care locked out of proper jobs even have a 2 tier education system. And yet this is started under British rule and it's continuing and getting more severe under Chinese rule Kerry can kind of have made it diversified after the news as well will have the throws and smells of the Russian grown Priebus has got the latest 5 headlines has 5. Digits a lot more in smartphone and tablet this is B.B.C. 5. Back to Secretary Dominic Rampal say light of the government is ready to take Britain as of the with ANSA deal if necessary in what's seen as a warning to Brussels he'll tell the tools or Tory party conference in Birmingham that Britain's willingness to compromise is not without limits 6 present officers are in hospital after violence broke out along lot in top security jail in with to the present Officers Association said the disorder highlighted the dangers faced by its members working in understaffed conditions rescue teams in Indonesia are racing to reach hundreds of people thought to be trapped in the buildings destroyed by Friday's earthquake and tsunami at least 800 people are known to have been killed on the island of city officials say the final number of dead could be in the thousands and the. Being charged with murdering a mother and daughter need some bridging cants MARGARET HARRIS He was in a seventy's and adult a Sharon in her fifty's was stabbed Jack Ralph He's 28 he's due to appear in court today he was in Croft has the sports the Ryder Cup is back in European hands Phil Mickelson span the border he takes his cap off that sacks Francesco Molinari wins the Ryder Cup back for Europe because that was said as proud the current Congress 60 and it was a convincing victory for Europe the Gulf national in France 17 and a half to 10 and a half points as they regained the trophy Francesco Molinari beat Phil Mickelson to get Europe to the winning Mark and became the 1st European to win a 5 points at a single Ryder Cup I'm just so proud of every one of these guys you can even imagine every every single one you could see on Monday when we got together there was it was and they go up and the other way is just. Other being part of well you know my Spain's Sergio Garcia also made history as his win over Ricky Fowler saw him suppose to Nick Faldo as the Ryder Cup leading point score with 25 and a half he was described as a legend by teammate Justin Rose who says team mentality was key to their success this team was relentless in its pursuit of excellence we ticked every single box that we could control week in week out I mean all week long whether it be recovery nutrition practice rounds our focus was unbelievable this week here elective growing up Lewis Hamilton is one step closer to retaining his Formula One world championship title and a 5th in total after victory at the Russian chrome Prix he finished ahead of Miss A.T.C. May fail to report test with nearest title rival Sebastian Vettel in 3rd Vettel is now 50 points behind how much in with 125 points left to race for Hamilton benefited from Team Orders as Maceda is told bought us to let him overtime. Week I think we've learned from so many experiences as a team and really ready to build a team of you making great decisions throughout the year and this is definitely the toughest thing to walk away with because everyone's work so hard they're really deserve to have a one to collectively together but there was not the result that necessary we would like but as a team that that was the ultimate showing of a team effort today Cardiff City is still looking for their 1st win since promotion back to the Premier League they lost 21 at home to Burnley and remain 2nd from bottom but manager Neil Warnock hasn't given up hope yet I think it's going to be a hard slog you know because we should have got more points already we should on 3 at least 3 of the games we've played so if we keep making mistakes I know we can't but if we can eliminate those mistakes I think we've got as good a chance as anybody else in the Scottish Premiership Rangers missed the chance to go 2nd they lost one nil or promoted Livingston Mark Selby John Higgins 19 in the China championship final for his 1st ranking title this season. Guarantee their place in rugby league Super League for next year with a 30 points to nil win over witness while sales sharks were beaten by Leicester in rugby union's Premiership and 4 time world champion Jonathan Rae one brace 2 of the weekend Magni call to break the record for the most podiums in World Superbikes and that's the latest from B.B.C. Sport This is B.B.C. 5 Live on digital online smartphone and tablet Good morning Monday probably is going to be the sunniest day of the week ahead certainly yes but it's always going to be really cold to start off with temperatures down into low single figures in the towns and cities up and down the U.K. And in the countryside some pockets of frost particularly across Scotland and Northern England so really cold starts in the morning but for many of us actually clear blue skies to start the day in the morning is a very promising morning will keep the sunshine for much of the morning exception is because the A few showers running down the Irish seek into the Isle of Man North Wales Cheshire Merseyside. Greater Manchester show is to be pretty well scattered mind you so not everyone will see them even across these areas so there will be some changes in the weather forecast as we go into Monday afternoon it will tend to cloud over across Northern Ireland and Scotland and indeed in Scotland will have some rain working in turning increasingly heavy through the course of the afternoon we may see that rain sinking in across Northern Ireland during the latter part of the afternoon and perhaps a few spots getting into Cumbria and Northumberland as well births further south bring them to Wales it will stay dry food tend to cloud over to a degree as we go through the afternoon take a look at the temperatures after that cold start of the day temperatures in England Wales typically between 12 and 15 degrees Celsius Northern Ireland and Scotland between 10 and 13 degrees so we're fairly cool there really but certainly looking at the weather later on in the week things will turn a bit milder across the southern parts of the case so for England Wales but choose you'll probably see temperatures getting up to 20 degrees or so across southeast England but often in the week ahead it's going to be pretty cloudy and there will be rain at times particularly across north western areas of the U.K. Where never guess that warm temperatures will typically stay around about 12 degrees or so for Scotland and Northern Ireland as well Chris Fox 5 live whether the best life sports this phase 5 life you'll football station on shoes day there's another double bill of Commons reaction from the Champions League doing it still each couple decision 1st through 6 states Hoffenheim for a season and just this is a then for my face Manchester United against the N.C.A.A. This is your football station this is 5 life. Hello and welcome to the checkered flag podcast after the Russian girl Priya Grand Prix which had Lewis Hamilton on the top step up he was handed his victory really by his teammate Valtteri Bottas a 3rd place finish for Sebastian Vettel and those top 3 mean that Lewis Hamilton now has a 50 point lead in the Championship going into the final 5 right. It's of the season my name is Jack Nichols alongside me in commentary for that's on B.B.C. Radio 5 Live and here to dissect the race is the former Red O F one driver Joleon Parma and. An interesting race Joleon not you know an absolute thriller but there were there's a lot of talking points there are mainly the fight finally between Hamilton and Vettel the 2 chairmanship rivals that was the deciding moment and then of course the team orders the lead to the win for Lewis Hamilton so a couple of very interesting points at the sharp end not huge amount of on track actually but that little moment between Hamilton and Vettel was was pretty key I think for the outcome of the championship. Let's talk about that then 1st of all before the team orders because the team orders was we'll get into that later but it was you know not unsurprising it's a fairly dry situation for the Mercedes team as for that overtake between Vettel and Hamilton Firstly Vettel getting out in front of Hamilton we you surprised that Mercedes allowed that to happen I think the Sadie's were surprised that it happened I was surprised that it happened as well Vettel caught them off guard they left Hamilton now a little bit longer and actually that could have been very very costly for them today but what they really get out it was fastest sectors purple time was popping up on time and screens and one second in the middle sector mixed with Hamilton getting stuck on the 3rd sector of his in lap meant there was a big difference so how Morton then at the 1st straight exiting the pit saying is made to make it rival ahead what he then did in the next up was immediately turn that around get on the tail of Vettel and he made it work immediately as soon as he had the chance that a little lock up the previous lap turned 13 how it and got close and they were so tight and close to crashing into turned to Vettel was elbows out to the max and then Hamilton made it stick in turn 3 or 4 we've been debating it a little bit the move and what Vettel could have done but in the end I think Hamilton had the pace it was all over him it would have been very difficult for them to keep it so irrespective of that maneuver he couldn't of stayed in front for the whole rest of the race you know he could for the rest of the race I think he could at the pace between the Ferrari in the Sadie's I think was actually much more even in race trim qualifying in the whole weekend they've just been a long way tryst 6 tenth's is a pretty big gap but in that maneuver I think it was very tough Firstly defending to turn 2 he had to get absolutely elbows out on the edge of legality Hamilton complained over the radio that Vettel moved twice. Emove sort of once and then a little bit more aggressive move later on when he saw Hamilton was still committed to the inside and it was I think on the edge the stewards investigated and thought that it was OK which I think actually it's good to see the next move is the decisive one because that's what Hamilton made it through and I think that's always really stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to defend it because they come through Turn 3 already in the mirrors you're not seeing a lot in straight line but you can sort of see enough to judge and that's how from the one drivers do judge small small gaps in distance is a high speed but it's not easy when you go around turn 3 flatter up through the gears picking the line not trying to get on the marbles or anything else it's easy flat out but then the mirrors in the angles are working against you to see exactly where your arrival is and I think that'll didn't know exactly where Hamilton was the others he knew he was very close he covered the inside but not high enough clearly because Hamilton came through if that 2 had gone completely to the inside I still think Hamilton goes through on the exit I think Hamilton then opens up the corner at home for and Bettles an absolute sitting duck on the exit so better was a little bit stuck in my opinion there but did he not just not really commit to either in that scenario he committed as much as he could to the defense in hindsight of course everyone else a way should've gone all the way to the inside yeah if he went all the way to the inside then Hamilton behind can see that move all the way back to the left open up turn 4 which is a $450.00 a corner it goes so much quicker through the Vettel it'll pass better on the next straight up to $105.00 so. The only thing I think Vettel really could have done much good or better on was to brake later because Hamilton had so out breakups that was coming from behind but he made it quite easily on the brakes which meant he still got the exit and Vettel defended most of the way couldn't and bring it back to the left hand side to get the exit so we had to force Hamilton to brake super deep and then trying at the switch back but that's all didn't break late enough to unsettle Hamilton on the inside out breaking how to know is not an easy feat Now one of the best is ne he is but out broke Vettel so he must approach it about you know 510 metres later than Vettel and they were the same way they were the same on the exit really how to make the apex got the exit OK so a need is just be a little bit deeper get force Hamilton into a lock up or something which would give at all the shot on the out on the exit I do think the nature of those corners actually between turn 3 and 4 it's quite It is difficult to defend because then you've got the exit which is crucial down from 4 to 5 as well if you if you go purely on the on the inside to the white line it was certainly some great racing very entertaining stuff nice to see them going wheels away a later in the Grand Prix Hamilton was handed the lead by his team a battery bought us and let's hear what he had to say at the end of the race everyone's work so hard there really deserved to have a one to collectively together and. But there was not the result that necessary we would like but as a team that was it that that was the ultimate showing of a team effort today. So I have to be really proud of everyone in the current Every huge respect to pass through and see incredibly grateful to about 3 feel like I've aren't the 3 points that I got today. More than said so the 18 points but I think morally proud to be. Did the job too to win. But yeah we walk away from here I think we can hold our heads high and we just have to be proud people not to be happy with it but people also need to step back and think think about that the fact that 2 championships we have it's not like soccer you have that one championship or possible it's that one championship that you work towards as a team this is 2 championships the team want to win both they don't care which driver wins the driver's one but they want the team to win so we do our job there. But now is not has no chance of winning the race the driver's side so it's all guns blazing for to make sure we secure that one so as to set a big team hugely grateful you can see how much you're wrestling with the way there's always panned out today if you could go back would you still allow it to power the same way would you still be stood here with the same result. Well as I said I didn't I don't know if I said it in a press conference but I was conflicted from the moment that I heard about it and for a moment happened. Budapest was just replaying in my mind thinking because that that was a great feeling in Budapest it's never a good feeling losing a position but it felt right and justified and. Still quite early in the championship but we did get later in the year and we were like wow if we lose if we lose the championship by one point we can look back at that race and think we we didn't work together as a team so. So the racer inside me wants it to be the other way around the. The. Ruthless killer instinct inside me says this is how it should be and stop being so mean so soft This is how it needs to be you know that's where I'm conflicted. I really like that interview actually from from Lewis Hamilton speaking to Chris Madden there but that. Yeah I mean that kind of sums it all up doesn't it really I think what surprises me. Is the fact that none of this is kind of considered he's talking about beauty passed last year when how Martin was let through to try and attack the Ferrari's in front he didn't so on the last IP that bought us back through to the sort of rightful place and then later in the year he says they were thinking all but what if we lose the championship by this amount of points it just surprises me that these things are not planned over in advance it surprises me that I feel like it's all we talk about and think about coming into the weekend the front row lockout Toto Wolff was asked about it on. Thursday before the weekend cam bought us you know take pole and win this crime pretty civil he could take the opposition but the race will be a different thing surely these things are at the forefront of a team's mind every time they go out if you're anywhere near the top of the Championship it will be I'm sure it will be on the team's mind whether they vocalize that to their drivers is another thing but Toto Wolff must have thought about this and had some sort of game plan in terms of team orders before the race when I was a rare No we weren't fighting British drivers championships we were barely fighting the point sometimes and we were still incorporating team orders I mean Force India were today there's team orders and you can make a game plan before a member been told by certain people in the team that if Nico Holcomb burger Kevin Magnussen was behind me and they were going quicker then get out the way that sort of thing so this is a thing this happens very often so the fact that we were talking about that rhino and we were fighting for not very much miss a he's fighting for the championship with their cars 12 in kind of their all to really bought us a head it's an absolutely obvious thing for them to be thinking about and talking about before the race I was surprised in vocalize that to the drivers Toto Wolff has said. That it didn't come up in the morning's meetings to discuss team tactics that amazes me it amazes me I see for a world championship and. With the order they qualified on it it was up this you know it is not beers talking point how can they not think that that can happen if they were to finish the task of Vettel you know you can't not think of team orders because it 7 points and Hamilton saying you know the ruthless The Killer Inside and The Wanted knows they need these points to a team of the same you know you win and lose as a team Toto Wolff would love how much into when the Dr is trying to over Sebastian Vettel to win the drivers' championship you know it's not all about the teams for me to be the 1st for the teams and they must have they will have thought about it I'm sure but they just obviously didn't bring it up in the in the pre race briefing maybe that's to give the 3 bought us a bit more. Encouragement motivation at the start of the race you know if they bring up in the morning by the way if your 1st solo is the 2nd you're going to want it as well maybe you know that takes his mind off the job he's going to do and he did a good job and. I believe because a done to turn to a certain it wasn't thinking team orders because Hamilton got the run and bought us really defended it and one has to mail to Joy So definitely but I wasn't thinking team orders from the start The only reason I can think that the team management wouldn't say that to POTUS is the motivation and it is own confidence because from a team point of view it's glaringly obvious Well let's hear from battery boss asked the man who finished in 2nd place and whether he thought this was a win that was lost I don't think myself I was going through I think I definitely had to pay for that and all the ability and all that for for that this week and. Yes the team decided that Lewis will win today and that's hard cause you know he's fighting for the championship are not. You know I'm a racer I just want to win this that's matters so for sure at the moment this is a bit painful but you know. I do it for the team you know it's there's always hope for better times in the future you know once we are again you know on the equal terms then maybe I can do something. I am my mind is cast back as I'm sure everyone else's is to the 1999 German girl Prix and make a silo is leading the way for Ferrari filling in for Michael Schumacher and he's told he had like a 32nd lead on the crazy he was told to get out of the way Eddie Irvine is winning this one in his championship battle eccentric setter I feel for make a solid there because that was his one chance to win a Grand Prix and I bet he looks back now I think oh if only I just hadn't then I'd be a Grand Prix race winner bought us he won some races last year he's going to be with Miss Avies next year he's got to say this for the rest of the season it's a shame to lose a win but he must be able to make peace with it in his in his heart. That's I think he will be able to make peace with that to be honest and saying he didn't think he lost the race itself clearly he didn't you know he took publishing fair and square how to make a mistake in qualifying but in the 1st from POTUS was ahead and he did a good job he made a great start and in fact it was Hamilton that was under big pressure from Boston from Vettel initially. So he did everything right he had to lead how Tim was putting under pressure and I think it was the quicker the 2 drivers but Potter was deserving the win rate anything in a straight fight Hamilton would have had it so we can take confidence from it the world has seen it for now probably they'll forget when they were in the history books written in you know we look back on this and say oh yeah Hamiltons won 3 out of 5 race and such you know was going to think oh yeah but actually in 2018 Valtteri Bottas should have had that win as well but the difference between him and make a solo in the infamous race of Hockenheim $999.00 is that Solow was only in for a few races he was standing in for Schumacher so he wasn't on a contract for the next year and I that's a different situation really he was brought in for the team to do a job and he and he did that job but a win for him would have been great but as has already got a couple to his name no win this year and he's got a bit of pressure mounting but he's got a contract for next year crucially so he knows he needs to do the job for the team drives under a bit of pressure one of the things I don't understand is if you miss a D.S. Well I think it probably stems from this not having the discussion but to me if your if your at the point in the season where you're moving bought us out of the way to win the House and your preferred preferentially cheating habits which I believe is fine I have nothing against Team orders a lot of people do have a lot of anger towards team orders but to me it's part of racing fine whatever but in that case to me you. You commit to that from the outset and you put Hamilton how most of the 1st for example you put Hamilton on the preferential treatment of the strategies when Miss a visa running you know wanted to with Vettel right behind you know to me if you're going to do this and cause this car at least kind of commit to it well Miss eighty's 1st and foremost we're trying I want to win the race and I think I don't really disagree with what they did because pitting bought us 1st they guarantee they keep the lead in the race then they were just trying to see what what they thought it I think they were caught by surprise that Vettel jumped him in the pits to be honest and that's the only thing that complicated matters and it needed Hamilton to do that move straight away on after his out up but that was because Vettel absolutely flew when he changed tires and Hamilton got held up it was a bad mix of the 2 the lead to that so I think they did they did they did OK From that point of view. It's about job security really in terms of what you do with team orders and Bottas fundamentally doesn't have a huge amount of jobs are good he's got a contract for next year but best about knock on we keep talking about his being maybe not having a drive for next year he's in the mix for a Mercedes future really for 2020 onward and if Potter asked was to defy a team order right now that would not go down well with Mercedes Management he's not in a position like Lewis Hamilton was there in 2016 when Hamilton was Bunch of the pack in Abu Dhabi Yeah and Patti Lowe who is the sort of joint team principal at the time was saying you've got to pick up the pace now because we're wind down of losing the race and he was saying I respect your opinion party but I'm not doing that bass yeah that's. Before like with Nico Rosberg I feel like. China and beauty pest maybe in that in that 2016 season he was a little reluctant to sort of get out of the way of things and we see things with happen especially in Toronto so when you're Was it was pretty vocal on team orders these guys have a lot of job security and it's not really spoken about but how Martin is so valuable to that Mercedes team you know he's won 4 titles he may be well is looking very likely to win a 5th 4 with the team they don't want to get rid of him so he can be a bit more bolshie and less compliant as convinced that sounded a long term deal and is obviously a top driver that had a great drive today repl Bottas can't afford to be bolshy and that sort of thing because he's fundamentally more replaceable therefore he is doing the job a 2nd driver that's probably part of the reason he got a new contract as well and days like this sadly for him happen and it's a shame because he did deserve the win but he's going other another 5 races and now the chairmanships almost one probably he will be allowed to race in the future of the rest of the year well let's hear from Sebastian Vettel the 3rd place finish up for Ferrari and as Julian said earlier they were a bit quicker in the Grand Prix and were able to push Mercedes a little Yeah I think it was better today than yesterday in terms of pace so I think we showed that you know we tried everything in the race to be with them and I think the 1st time was very good fast we had less issues with the tires potentially . And we were able to close the gap down when it mattered then with the undercard I think it was successful obviously it worked. Obviously as soon as I came out ahead then 3 found the brake pedal to. Make life a little bit harder for me which I didn't mind initially because I thought it gives me a nice cold but. Yeah obviously that was then bit of a benefit from the very fresh tires in the 1st lap and. I was just managing to stay ahead for this. 2nd corner after the strain and then around turn 3 I wasn't quite sure way was I didn't see much noise out a wheel somewhere in the middle and. I wasn't sure where exactly is so I. Could have pushed him off the track but I don't think it would have been fair still at some point and I had to give in and he was there so I. Think it was the right thing to do after that. I think we had good pace still but not enough to really put them in the question I'm not quite sure I subscribe to Vettel ZX sort of insinuation that Botha's was backing him up into Hamilton I don't really see any evidence that Botha ass was way quicker you know than than than Vettel in that he could have gone a journey the rest of the race No I agree I didn't see the Potters necessarily was at that point team orders were definitely not on his mind and for both of us it would have kind of preferred Vettel to be behind it because then Team Orders wouldn't have been an issue so it doesn't really make sense I think Vettel just came out and was just absolutely flying on those tires and bought us was had track position was probably just trying to save a bit of life so we didn't run out of them later on. Yeah if that's so obviously think you might say these are playing games there though anyway but in the end in the bigger question mark isn't on the race pace of the Ferrari which seemed alright but the qualifying pace is what cost him here because they didn't get off the start that was always going to be the chance with such a long run down to turn 2 Vettel got a good start but didn't get the slip stream down there and from then on it was going to be a tough ask do you feel. He sounds sort of resigned to the fact he's lost the chance he doesn't sound like a man under pressure No I think he's resigned to it and he looked to Turkey after the race. That I think he was a I think he's resigned to it to be honest you look back and see. A long so 2012 you know off to Brazil as an epic shot of him looking absolutely that of course is where the challenger goes out to the last race and it's on the on the line and he nearly won it so of course the emotions so raw and Philippe mastered in 2008 of course were even close the closest you could get Vettel is still 6 races and 5 races now to go 50 points he can still win it technically but I think he's a bit resigned to the fact that Ferrari don't have the qualifying pace right now and he's got a 50 point gap to make up one word of one word your driver of the day the stop and let's hear from him. Was very good was a bit tricky at the start because I think front of the stall and they go around that button going into turn 2 of course you'll have to take care not to hit anyone and I think we got out very clean and also the 1st 6 some laps they were very important because I think after that we were back and said we can do our own race and we're still in the pits that when you say isn't Ferrari and you know after they did it then they couldn't get past that show that we really had very good taste. So that was nice for Stefan Why was he a driver the day. The start basically from 19 to up to faith from $18.00 to $6.00 finishing 5th position in the Red Bull did the result itself isn't remarkable actually with a they were expected to sort of finish 5th and 6th but the wake of through the field in that opening couple ops was brilliant so many cars between himself and his teammate started ahead of him was clean throughout the entire race I thought he might be able of a better attack on commuter I can on the fresh tires at the end and that was a bit of a shame but I think in a race where not many people were spectacular the start of his race was exceptionally good 50 seconds ahead of Daniel Ricardo in the end which is quite something Claire was 7th for salvage he was my driver of the day because I thought he did a very good job Kevin Magnussen 8 a great justification of a driver the day very obvious 18 to Kevin Magnussen a night to rest and on and 10th for Sergio Perez out of the points grows on Holcomb Eriksson Alonso strolled Van Dorn sunsets Iraq in the tutorial so both retiring on the 4th lap seemingly with brake problems very usual well we will be back with checkered flag pole costs next week they'll be won on Thursday ahead of the Japanese Grand Prix Saturday and Sunday as well this is video speak on to production for B.B.C. Radio 5 Live as Lewis Hamilton takes victory is gifted victory in the Russian group free and moves 50 points clear at the top of the. Morning it's 5 o'clock oh pinch punch 1st day of the month no return want to.

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