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Very busy there's a queue coming down from my youth well to lamppost as we head towards Northampton a white from the a 1414 is a bit looks busy cutting away from Thrapston towards Kettering just a way from the traps and there's a little bit of a queue for a couple of miles or so that might be something else you spotted Do let me know the numbers of 800 double for double 5 when Russell holding up that you would get at half past 12. I shake it like a puddle I picked it down call something to see ready in time to I've got one of those Christmas songs there's not really a Christmas song to play for you baby yet by. High this trouble yesterday I didn't I couldn't told yes they are told and it's only 10 past 12 and already it's happening let's try that sentence again Oh I have got one of those Christmas songs that's not really a Christmas song to play for you before half past 12 you know like Freiheit is keeping the dream alive you only really hear that this time of the it but it's not a Christmas song and I've got one of those that I think people if she was a Christmas song just because it was a hit at Christmas and it's not a Christmas song but we'll play that for you in a little while you know I was talking yesterday and I was going Alexa to trying to get Alexis to do stuff around the county while I did mine Alexa troubles last night out of nowhere and Lex is about no the dog has not been fed No I didn't say a word to her you had to scrape me off the ceiling because 1st of all you don't really expect people to stop talking to you but to clean the one that's in the kitchen when you're in the lounge so it was only this distant voice No the dog was not being fed pardon for still hadn't said anything to her there was nothing on in the kitchen as far as I was aware although might be Rosie has started talking to Alexa you know. Kobe and I don't know the dog so I don't know whose dog she was talking about or why or how I'm just really concerned and then today all over my Facebook address were dog food. But really all listening to. Our. Cut. I don't need to tell you that was done nothing to change is right with local law says I'm always fascinated by the stories that come out of this county one of our local office has released a book which includes the story of murder runaways and shouted pace right away studs she is the author of Give Me Again all that was there and joins me in the studio thank you for coming in thank you so that's a heck of a time to lead is that coming from it comes from actually from a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson It was his alternative words to the sky Boat Song Ok it fits the words fit to the choose. Of course it's not contemporary contemporaneous with the book. With the story because it was written later but it just seemed that line seemed to fit the rather wistful. Looking back that my main character is doing when she's telling the story tell us about her then right well her name is Betty Burke. She may or may not really have existed. Most people know of the story of Flora my dog who rescued Bonnie Prince Charlie when he was trapped on the one of the Hebridean islands and she always said that she disguised him in women's clothes as her maid Irish spinning made Betty Burke. Now I don't know and I can't find out whether Betty actually existed the only. Suggestion that maybe she really did exist is that Flora always told the same story so 30 years later when Dr Jones and Boswell visited Flora and her husband who were then living on Sky She told them exactly the same story although if the girl had not existed though you know there was no reason why she needed to go on saying that yes so that's where the idea came from and why write a book about it well the story is reasonably well know but it's was somewhat romanticized in Victorian times and I thought it would be good to look at it from the point of view of the maid servant. Because she is quite realistic even a little bit cynical about what happened and I thought it would make an interesting story told from home viewpoint and how do you go about it I mean finding a story is one thing but then getting yourself into that character to tell the story from that point of. It's quite another isn't it you have to kind of live that life for a little while. Yes and no. I obviously had to do quite a lot of research this wasn't a terribly easy story to research because a lot was written about it in the Victorian period not always very accurately I think because there were quite strong disagreements between people who told the story but time. But yeah I just got really fascinated with it I thought about doing it from Betty's point of view and somehow that seemed to work and how much research did you have to do that how many months were. Well the Internet is a huge how it is say Yes I mean years ago one had to go to libraries one had to ask for the right books then one had to pore through the book Front find the one little fact or detail that you wanted but the internet fetches everything to us and. I thought visions of you having to head up to Hell and quite often well that would've been quite nice What did you did you might attract I didn't actually the island is is you it's one of the Outer Hebrides Yes I haven't actually. But I've seen it all on Google Earth and I've read books about guidebooks about it I've talked to people who have been there yes of course I've been to other Scottish island so I had quite a good idea of what kind of vegetation and scenery would be there so one person has told me 2 things I've got wrong Oh he will tell us oh yes. One of them is that I talked about the sheep pushing themselves through the whole form and losing their fleeces and apparently they don't have Hall full is they have some kind of form Bush is but not. The other one was I talked about the Kildonan stone which is a standing stone. And I. Believe Google when you told me where it wasn't it isn't. Never lies. You know they were just slightly off. Well that's the thing I guess there's Nelly's you know now so you won't make the same mistake twice. This is not your 1st book though is it no it isn't this is the 4th one Cheney Yes I've written 4 books they're all different they're all historical mystery or contain some element of mystery. Possibly murder but you know nothing very gory because I'm more interested in the people in the historical setting than I am in having a gory murder was that the kind of stuff that you used to read did you just because you find a lot of people tend to write in the genre that they enjoy reading I think that is true and I do enjoy good historical novels and how long have you been writing and because if you're going for 4 since 2010 years that's quite a challenge right then isn't it given how much that you have to research as well and I you quite strict with yourself do you think I'm going to write today between the hours of $12.00 and $3.00 or do you just write as the fancy takes. I find I get most done. When I can cut myself off completely from every day opportunities. So I'm very fortunate in that my husband who is a restorer sometimes has to work away from home sometimes I can go with him and live in a flat or a cottage nearby and while he's out restoring whatever he's story I can get on with the routine but it's like a writer's returns as you know. It's number 5 in the pipeline already it is and I want to tell you about number 5 because it's going to be set in mediƦval North how excited I am so I'll definitely want to coming back to you I will be absolutely more than welcome you know we need to speak to as well that's our lovely historian Mike in God. Because there's nothing he doesn't know about mediƦval most apt I have met in Yes and we've exchanged a couple of really nice fun time in the meantime if people want to read Give me again all that was that how do they go about getting hold of a cupcake Well probably the best way is to go to Amazon because it's available there either in book form or you can get it for download for Kindle so that's probably the best way for people to get to which they could get in touch with me. To get a copy it's been lovely Still it's your eyes we thank you for coming in thank you. So you calling me drunk when you're outside a club and you're lonely and so on and you hate everyone and you wish I was there it's no fun going song now you wanna be friends always out on weekends and I was you. Beat me but not anymore. Who. Was all. Still. With the song. And I can't tell you how it having me issues a local Always finally the old guard on the field I was the star fair value will be focused on. How endowment a ship always goes there are always you. Who . Are not. Gay and who. Are. Still saying. This is something. Wrong How do you pull no. Gain in our food bailed you out. Who is doing. This for you stand. 2 still stuck around as. Earth is. This is. Maisie Peters This is on you so if you find say that book rags resurges book it's cold Give me again all that was there sounds like a fuss and I sing story. Maybe somebody for Christmas if you go to book that you haven't yet bought anything for that might be a good thing available from Amazon and she says as a Piper back or indeed as I can little e-book rights we still. And she said suddenly not being able to say there is give me again all that was there. This Christmas with. Every single. Minute now to see how strong the role is I love coming off of taking shelter I must be suffering the. Time of misery and seeking out of the. Above a oh and a chocolate. To the face was a beautiful little. Christmas day. On b.b.c. One memory a Says I was talking about Alexa yesterday how she went No the dog hasn't been fed I hadn't said a word to I don't know whether there was something on the telly that kind of set or off but Maria says I get that quite a lot mine says I don't understand that one I was talking to dogs who long called Alexa it is like you were his. Lights controlled by Alexa as well so as a come up house in the morning now it's dark obviously it's all got the passage lights on so I go Alexa passage off and this morning she went I will call John that's not what I've just said she was like so I've said I see Joe off not cold Joe I did it she said Oh I think sometimes she might fall out with you because quite often in the morning when the alarm goes off Alexa stop and she doesn't and I think she's getting a bit shouty with me because I'm not getting out of bed or something anyway. It's amazing is that if you have said to May even 5 years ago that I could lie in my bed and change the temperature in the house turn the lights on find out anything by lying in bed and shouting at a small box on the bedside table out of called you a liar. Now that this is one of those Christmas songs that it's not really a Christmas song I think it must have been but it was that kind of run of Christmas Number One of the Spice Girls tonight this is one of them anyway. months. To become more. Fun I was having his Russell. Coming towards him to get away from the. Cues from. The Bush when you know right now a 43 pretty slow as well coming from the roundabout spinny roundabout as you head into no. In the. South as well. Coming in. From. Coming up from the area towards that. That you. See. A. Few a koan. The a. Going to. Go a. Few . Weeks. Ago and say Ok. You know a pua. The and 6. Weeks. Ago a koan the a going to a. Because a good fresh start counting all the. Junior and mama used to say just watched a fantastic video on the European station. For goodness sake what is going on. Really have got somebody else's teeth and I promise you the only alcohol that has been anywhere near me is the stuff that I sniffed as I wanted to burn his studio earlier he's the one who's been partaking I havenot all European Space Agency just been on the European Space Agency website to watch the Cheops lift off the e.s.a. Is characterizing exoplanet satellite. Lifted off from French Guyana it will deliver the Italian Space Agency as Cosmo sky made 2nd generation satellites and 3 Cube Sats including ops sat into space that I have no idea what any of that means but it sounds really really good doesn't it but this is that this is quite exciting actually the whole Cheops mission it's the European Space Agency's 1st mission dedicated to the study of extra solar planets all exoplanets observing bright stars that are already known to host planets measuring minuscule brightness changes due to the planets transit across the stars disk which is interesting because it's stuff between. Cino and us basically that may well be planets that are habitable which. It's exciting when you think about stuff that we don't know about that might already be habitable so the Cheops is doing that and I'm sure we'll hear more about that across the course of the next few. Weeks months years but if you want to watch it so the Cheops liftoff it is quite impressive if you just go to a doctor in it and you will be able to find it and we will talk more about the way to death in a short while after the mileage death as I'm calling him because he's so very cheerful. Really. Need some. And. Some. 6 no new. Soul. Is no I don't like his songs I'd just like him to smile. And someone you loved in about an hour's time he could well be here he's going to be talking through the movies this week I'm looking forward to talking to him about cats particularly. Mainly because I asked it's how I think in a couple of days' time of he had the premiere was in New York. From the start Monday I believe I asked I've only seen the trailer and I have said before it looks absolutely terrifying but it is one of my favorite musical so I will go and see it might have to take somebody with me in case and hold the hand or something or maybe I just hold the hand of the person sitting next to me that's what I do on planes. Take off and only ever been told that once miserable devil anyway yesterday we heard about the history of the royal ordnance depo in weight and the buildings themselves are more than 200 years old and was shrouded in secrecy during times of war nowadays the buildings are divided into units and let out to small business owners Calum Jackson rents one of them and he tells me about his business so we build despite puncher. Man kitchens bedroom studies up top thing we've been in for years and yeah we've been out to grow some it's quite nice your local company there yeah with our group and we didn't. Move to the debt by 4 years ago so Ok How did you get involved in bespoke cabinet making. Friendship a company in that was again in the village. Of works in the industry for 10 years so you know I was not told by myself and I'm doing my own thing and one of the depo depo it was it was a really mysterious building and we didn't know no one knew really what it was what went on in there. And someone said to me that they were renting units or came down one day and that was it for love for the place it just couldn't you couldn't find anywhere better and more pro-create for what we do and that's how the cell phones we build it fits this it fits this site perfectly and looking out I mean it's a huge unit it's got about I guess you're working with kind of big stuff I yeah. I mean we work mainly with domestic work but we do commercial as well. And yeah we build and things and so it's really. You know we do small jobs that with jobs big jobs you know this is anything's anything's possible and here we are the week before Christmas is pretty quiet out there but I imagine that you've got people everywhere Yes So you missed the Russians morning it was my lot my stuff going out the door and the vans parked up against the doors. It was just all being loaded in so we should be finished for Christmas sounds like business is going Ok that by there the sounds of business is going really good it's grown a lot in the last 4 years and we've managed to get ourselves quite a good reputation around logged locally and it's hard for the going to continue not that next year and people surprise when you tell them where they where you are so people are more surprised but when I tell them what there is here no one really knows what's here and that's the thing is you know Doc when people come we have customers come over they come to the showroom and say well there's a Vinci You know there's a vintage shop there's you know there's a there's a there's a burger van you know there's the other in there or what do you realize it was so that suddenly you've got a customer come for a 2 hour meeting with us that would usually just go straight to where they're going to end up spending another 2 hours on site just mooching around and have a look and learn about the history so what's your favorite job that you. Or are there so many. I've done this. Seed of Lebanon table 2 years ago and to this day still my favorite up describe it to me that well so the whole tree to get the timber I don't know how big was it was it was huge. Barnett. And we've done a book matched cedar lemon and 7 small thick it was a foot long 6 foot wide It was upset beautiful. Pictures of on the banks. And it felt like that the you know you really that was just something really different and call that you could never you could never repeat it it was just the timber was. Just you couldn't you couldn't find anything like that if you if you could if you wanted something you would not be able to find it so it made for years or suppose a bit of a luxury as buying whole trays Is that something you do regularly to save the planet and of course. And tell us it doesn't work that we've been talking I've been sniffed elect and all kinds by office still. Yes she's says the 11 month old golden labrador called Bella and she's absolutely gorgeous and she loves the sot because she gets non-sport. And there's plenty of overdubs on the soil there we're going round and she plays and we've got there's a little dockyard think the community here is bigger than the human community definitely a lot. A lot of potential and you know it's getting better it's getting a lot busier and people are everywhere so it's nice to get a lot more walking tried now as well so bespoke cabinet maker Callum Jackson he wants one of the units by tomorrow we're going to hear from the lifting re Cross Fit which you know we had to walk up this flight of steps not very good pretty surgeons not very good was task is the only time I'm ever quicker than she is because she's 10. 11 and her legs reach all the way to the ground that we tell you were as my legs are quite short so usually if we go anywhere together she's like off she has to really slow itself down coming downstairs so right because you know she's much much lower than I am so we'll hear from them tomorrow on the program. a career from 7 I'm Steve spring ad from 10 that's boxing day on the b.b.c. In Northampton shabby b.c. We're. Thinking about what it must be like for him because he's been quite the journey from Northamptonshire day back at the end of September when he came in to attend stood in front of 4 judges and told us a story about his guilty pleasure to the fact that he's got his own programme only station on Boxing Day at 6 if you miss my books in there you can hear it again. New Year's Eve at the same time. So. Lol. The toll plate this may help. Monday we met Lynn is a dog for good with her own ice and yesterday we met Bella the don't know ducks today Sarah Jane I'm disappointed in the fact that there's no dogs day but there is a dog coming in tomorrow Dawn from the owner's pca is bringing one of the older hounds and he's looking for its forever home but he has I've just seen on the Internet there's a dog looking for him and his name is Tony which I think is a great name for a duck and it reminds me something happened to me in the summer and please don't judge me for this because I was put in a situation so what was in my place and I'm sorry if you all the person and sometimes during this job you get recognized and people just come out you go oh and you go I am not happened and this moment I got a dog so he will not be recognizing me it was just the fact that he wanted to ask you have got a dog and something in my head when yes. I mean at this point I start to panic. And he went oh was his name. All recently everybody's going to have Michael. And then I had to go through this whole thing where he was trying to sell me so in the end I told him that Karyn it got me you know an equivalent of. I was on a special diet that is I can think I'm a face. Me The county one from Sarah Foster. Convicted a member of the Ira was an active participant in bombing in Hyde Park in 1900 in which full soldiers were killed in a civil case was bought after a criminal trial in 2014 because it emerged down he'd been given a government guarantee prosecution a so-called on the run. Who's 19 year old brother Simon was among those murdered spoke outside the rule of justice he said the brief families felt just isn't lost. In court for 4 boys the British very thought might be that we would walk a wire and die when there was a study of the prosecution. That would be rich. Very real stronger than. Forward. Where you find. Out what government. A woman has been sexually assaulted in Atlanta and police say the victim is 32 was a tanked in the primary street in the town by a man who asked her to call him a taxi it happened a month ago an event the 18th but details of any just being released to the family of Harry Dunn say they're more optimistic following the latest meeting with the foreign secretary the no some since teenager was killed in a collision outside earlier this year and believed to be the driver involvement by the United States claiming diplomatic community Rob met with her family yesterday and urged Mrs secure less to do the right thing and return to the u.k. Recent t.v. Footage shows and preparing for Christmas and the Done family spokesman read Sega says that hits Haris mum challenge Fariha he's a strong person says she's got out of bed this morning and priestess a season in London today with us to cover go it during. The search for the media were the Archbishop of Canterbury later today so it's it's it's an hour by hour with Scarlett at the moment granted it's very very difficult as you could imagine. Labour's most successful leader Tony Blair has warned the party's future is in doubt unless it turns away from what he called the cause he revolutionary socialism pursued by Jamie Colby and Mr Blair said Labor's appalling performance in the general election was shaming and forgivable is our system political editor Norman Smith certainly Blair paints a stark picture of the stakes now facing Labor carry on with a korban program he says and the party is finished it will have exhausted its historic mission as the progressive alternative to the Conservatives under Mr Corbin he said the party had been taken over by a misguided Far Left ideology terminal ineptitude and become a glorified protest movement bordering on a cult Mr Blair who's been a frequent critic of Jeremy Corben knows his intervention is likely to be dismissed by many but he will hope that it may at least prompt a genuine debate about the party's future in the shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry has announced this lunchtime she will stand to replace mystical in the shadow bricks it secretary said Kiss Donna has also said he's strongly considering entering the contest the amount of North Sea college that British fishermen are allowed to catch has been hauled the decision was taken at the E.U.'s annual fisheries talks James sure ports the reduction in quota is designed to make sure that code stocks in the North Sea are not completely wiped out but representatives of the fishing industry in Scotland said it was extremely challenging and threatened the viability of communities along the East Coast the u.k. Fisheries Minister George used has said it was important to fish sustainably in order to safeguard future profitability He also said that after the u.k. Had left the European Union it would be possible to address what he called the unfairness of the Common Fisheries policy. In a sentence where they stay dry this afternoon and then he punches a fork cleaning some hazy sunshine developing a high of a sound c s That's 46 Fahrenheit wrong thanks let's talk let's go yes I am start the Saints because they'll have several of their injured players back for this weekend's match sale they rested and numerous players for the last weekend of course with others missing the game due to injury interesting as are 3 sets players up in front of a disciplinary panel this evening after instance during the match against Lance the last Saturday Lewis been mapped Proctor and Simons all alleged to have committed dangerous tackles during the match they could face bans if found guilty the state shows back tonight from long but we read before that it yes you know that for Christmas and it goes to you know Graham's home club yeah I know there's no there's no bias there there's no nothing like that in football the straw man team mentality is what.

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