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And it'll turn cold across many areas with widespread frost in the morning the mist and fog will be slow to lift but most areas should see some sunshine eventually a.b.c. Sounds music radio podcast. If you need a pick me up at the 1st place doing violent by his Christmas kitchen just going it's a music mix with all the trimmings stuff is tacky to my favorite you talk bangs. And wind down the treadmill says festive family mixed in this place has something for everyone to chill out season in my favor on the tracks I listen to around Christmas and the lawn music mixes little b.b.c. Sounds this Christmas. This is a fortnight on 5 Live on Dawson added by and coming up in this hour the program in a moment she will debate big glasnost that has come to the Vatican is the pope and his secrecy around sexual abuse cases within the Catholic Church it's a big debate tonight what difference will it make in is it too little too late Also it's decision day stateside for Democrats accusing Donald Trump of high crimes and misdemeanors president John says if the House of Representatives decides to proceed impeachment against him will be declaring war on American democracy will have later whether the American people agree with him and whether the president's intervention ends in this case make any difference to the Democrats decision and we'll bring you the news in one of the morning papers oh by the way does our national treasure Dame Vera Lynn need a chase or is she a tonic in his self and says please on a postcard call the text message Our number is 85058 that's all text number love to hear from you on that one. First and usually let me start by bringing you the news that was sent to my Twitter feed earlier on today. Our colleague rod shop he says I have a big thing to say April the 2nd 2020 will be the last time anyone pays me for being up all night after that it will be strictly voluntary they're not the show will go on plans are already being made for an extra special swansong Ok 1st of all let me just say behalf of me and my colleagues we are genuinely genuinely as well. Moved by his statement from my Twitter feed so many of you. Many people quite shocked actually pull waters sent it so he's saying things Britain is better off not losing the Ravens and the Tower of London the lines trophy and the legendary Raja on b.b.c. 5 Live Derek says you've kept me company along with Dawson anybody for as many years as I can remember in parts of the world a current member you'll be greatly missed Rod may I wish you well for the future thank you for your welcoming tones ever so many years and Cameron says oh no rod will miss your voice in wisdom who will wrangle daughter as he goes on a most interesting tangent and shown more compared to me of one of several people actually he compared me to if Raj Shah I'm sure Rod would like this by the way. He says I'm Bob Marley wrote shoppers Johnny Cash somebody had to be Johnny Cash as well as road. Generally my response was my friend I hope you will not simply ride off into the sunset leaving us unsatisfied in that in some shape or form you will keep giving us pleasure at b.b.c. 5 Live and own up. A radio legend and by the way the extra extra special swan song should be Frank Sinatra singing Thanks for the memory Now let me just say very quickly Rod hasn't gone he will be here as he says in the street till April but I'm sure many of you will want to paint tribute to feel free at now an 85058 or up all night at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. We will enjoy the next 4 months with Rod We will enjoy them a promise you that and I will find some way of convincing him to reappear on up all night as and when I guarantee. Now Pope Francis is announced that he will end pontifical secrecy as they call it in cases concerning the sexual abuse of children by priests and church officials the church previously obliged anyone bringing accusations of abuse not to disclose the details in an effort to protect the privacy of victims and reputations of the accused the move was a key demand of a church summit with bishops arguing that it was outdated and prevented cooperation with civilian authorities we'll call him a Goldman is a survivor of clerical abuse and a campaign of victims what's required is the Catholic Church would acknowledge and the Vatican would acknowledge ample proof in fact of its cover up of these crimes at the global level and that it would make itself properly accountable and that means opening up its records that means committing itself to a proper and appropriate independent investigation I'm not means putting in place at the level of patent law trucks law. That underpinned by law that puts the wellbeing and rights of children and adults at the center of any trucks response to an idea like ation a complaint of sexual abuse a rape by a character by a member of the charging that's what needs to happen we're a long way off topic let's talk to 2 methods shouts He's a professor of religion at the College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts and 2 Janine Kraybill who's in assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at California State University in Bakersfield for much come to you 1st of all professors from outs explain to us how this puts If it cool secrecy works in practice well practice in downs everyone to secrecy so for example if I bring an accusation then I can't talk about it the church also keeps it under wraps and tell a firm quote unquote firm conclusion can be made and many people rightly have made the argument. This allows the church to further cover up abuse by its members Professor Kraybill Does it surprise you that the the pope is now deciding to do something about this in 2 ended. Not necessarily early in his pontificate Francis had been pressured to do away with the with this level of secrecy essentially pontifical secrecy when it came to clergy misconduct and then it was dropped and what had happened is in a visit. To Latin America Chile in 2018 he didn't appear in interviews as sensitive to victims that were alleging sexual abuse by clergy and he really got blowback from that and so that led to a summit in February of this year at the Vatican to address these issues and he was further pushed. By members of the clergy and high ranking members of the data can't touch his German cardinal ran heart marks to really really visit the secrecy rules and so I think with the mounting pressure from really across the globe and even now within the all his own ranks of some of his clergy that he felt compelled that this was the time to do this and particularly here for example in the United States we have about 15 states that are starting to rebuild it our geishas of sexual abuse so I think that the pope was feeling that his hands were tied here professes doesn't sound good does it was pressure to push did to make a decision like this is this genuine glasnost all very strong record and. I do think it's genuine but I would agree with the characterization that Pope Francis has been rather late to the game when. Considering the magnitude and seriousness of the sexual abuse crisis in Syria interesting even though Francis is very much against clerical privileges in this very important issue he hasn't been as quick to move as many. His supporters would have liked so I do believe it's an important step albeit a small one in so we'll have to see particularly whether the bishops are going to police themselves in these matters because that is an open question what penalty should apply to ships who cover up sexual abuse in their diocese. Jeanine what a lot of listing might not understand is how the church can have a. I suppose a procedure is regards to serious counts crimes like this that is over and above criminal procedure that everybody else would have to be subject to how can the churches and procedure take precedence over what might be a police matter. Well I don't think that it necessarily is that it takes precedence I think that this is evident as a culture of just such a severe deference to clericalism Rafiq clericalism within the class Catholic Church and the universal church that has just frankly over ways existed and so canon law is the law of the church and that's the law that governs the church and so the church will handle to a degree certain matters within the hierarchy and within its own faith their practices and dogmas and doctrines but it shouldn't ever exempt these allegations from actually going through a criminal process in regards to law outside of the church insist that there has been this practice that we you know now unfortunately seem that has been existed for decades where the church really tried to handle this internally and that's where particularly when this you know there's been allegations of sexual abuse that go back centuries and most of us know that but this really started to come to a forefront in a head in the seventy's eighty's and ninety's and then exploded in diocese like Boston and Los Angeles in the 2000 and that's when it started to become apparent that aha this was being handled well with in more so that those dynamics of a camel and really giving a lot of deference to Cobo Hall diocese to handle listen this is when the bishops frankly started to shuffle these priests around as opposed to turning them over so the church can still have its internal investigation in case they need to defrock a priest or what have you but that doesn't mean that it should be exempt or hidden and that from criminal procedures and that's where we're finally sabzi getting to now both could be happening but just what. Is the. Information. From the authorities. Least accuses the accused have been protected by the church from facing justice I live in western Massachusetts which is 40 miles away from Boston and this sexual abuse crisis has really hit home here since there was a. Pattern over decades of crimes being covered up and priests being reassigned and so forth so this is a pressing concern even recently the Bishop of Buffalo New York was forced to resign because of mishandling of sexual abuse scandals so the problem is by no means. Has been fully addressed and so this is again what the pontiff it's doing is a small step but an important one but many more need to follow is it true nevertheless Matthew that as of now. As of this moment before the. The pope decides to end this will bring to an end that still not compelled to report any cases of you to the police they are compelled in depends on diocese usually but there is a particular debate over the secrecy of the confessional So for example if someone were to confess abuse within the context of the confessional the priest is not required to report it and various state legislatures are trying to address that by effectively removing the. Curtain of secrecy around the confessional which itself is something controversial it does make the Catholic church sound like a sect. Doesn't it when you have you know codes of conduct codes of secrecy. Is this sufficient to modernize it would need to change and move fundamental ways. Well you know the. Catholic Church is it is a universal faith and it is. You know it it's a longstanding institution so change is like my colleague has specified is this is a change in the right direction but it's going to be a slow go. You know I I think that one of the comments that were just brought up in regard to the can the confessional we know it was announced today by Bishop Juan Ignacio I read said that you know that hasn't changed that idea got that see also applies to the confessional So I think that got the idea of kind of opening up witness testimony or things that are brought on any kind of allegations that are brought forth to the church now are going you know people don't have to be found at this high level of confidentiality is a move in the right direction but they're still you know a lot to a lot of ways that we need to improve and I do think it's going to be a bit of a of a slow go as the Church finally starts to grapple with this is just one of the beginning steps but it is meaningful and historic in some regard why does the confessional need to still be secret completely secret so I opposing this who said not originally when somebody might confess to we say a priest should keep that confidential. Well you know I don't I'm not part of the clergy and I don't make the rules for the church but the idea is that Congressional and that only an analogous example would be almost like attorney client privilege even though you know that's a secular realm and this is a non-secular religious realm but part of it is just that that in order for someone to be able to have you know that space taken fast a grave sin like that that they would be able to have that space and then you would change the dynamics. Of confession and the graces that Catholics believe that confession you know bestows on someone particularly as a sacrament and so I think the idea that you know this type of information would become public would really change dynamics of that sacrament out of the faith. And now a priest might try to compel someone to come forward to authorities with that type of information perhaps with regular confessions but I don't see that that veil being released anytime soon that would change it you know what a dynamic of the faith that is very ingrained need to be there. I personally believe that I would draw the line with confession for Catholics in Catholic religious culture. Given our understanding of our relationship with God that confession and that saying today is absolutely crucial though I do understand the criticisms that have been leveled against it particularly within the president garment where you can't trust the church to do the right thing nonetheless Catholicism has has carved out this place of confidentiality and I know very few Catholics certainly know priests who in the end would want it the secrecy to be told they were moved what difference would this ending of pontifical secrecy. Cases of sexual abuse if you would difference well the impact well of the impact will be that certainly as an acute as the accuser as a victim of clerical sexual abuse you'll be able to without violating your or your vow to the church be able to talk about your experience and so it brings more transparency to the process it also brings. A level of accountability for example I have known 6 priests implicated in the sexual abuse scandal I learned about the status of none of those priests by the Catholic Church itself it was only through the media that I learned that 6 priest that I had known had been accused of clerical sexual abuse so removing pontifical secrecy it at least allows further discourse dialogue and investigation where before you were obligated to remain silent because of your connections to the church with the impacts be Matthew good if I may. A priest who may have previously confessed their sins as it were in a confessional they do that now. Oh um they well they they will certainly continue to confess and confession is still. Something that is considered to be confidential However the removal pontifical secrecy will. Previous cases to be discussed publicly investigated publicly in a way that they weren't before. Janine. Well I think I don't think that this will necessarily change the dynamics of the confessional expression because today it was reaffirmed by the Vatican as Office of church legislation that that was that that was not going that that the removal of pontifical secrecy from clergy misconduct was not going to be a political to the confessional so I don't I don't think it's going to affect that in any way but what I do think that it affected like my colleague specified not just a level of transparency that has been. Severely lacking but also now co-opt better cooperation between hopefully the church and law enforcement because that hasn't necessarily always happened and also to I think the idea that you know again that a member of the church whether they be a member of the clergy or lady or a female religious that if they come forward they won't necessarily you know be ostracized or even be you know. You know made to be feel uncomfortable or got their you know going against the church it just creates more of this open space by which people can start talking about the sexual abuse allegations and talking about the case as it's unfolding you know some of this also allows for testimony that the church has gathered to be shared with local law enforcement and I think this is something that's very much been needed for decades in regards to the sexual abuse scandals that have been happening particularly those now that are reopening windows for people to file such as the state of California State of New York state of New Jersey so I think that we're really going to start to see the aftermath of this play out in some of those states expression here in the United States the pressure the. Support of the church today is political pressure as much as anything now. I think part of it is political pressure I think part of it is also to pressure from the laity to want more transparency it's pressure from victims' rights groups like snap Survivors Network. Of abuse priest I think that this is now hit a critical mass where the church knows that it's not capable of handling it properly internally and I think that the church sometimes. Thinks that it is when it has come to these issues but but they they know that the damage even to the church and the churches reputation and the faith and what you also look at for example you have clergy shortage you have also a shortage of people that are practicing in certain pockets of the world but I that this is a part of their responsibility and also a duty to to heal to be transparent and if they're wanting to stay a universal church this is this is essential. Has the the judge gone far enough professor a lot of people who say look you know if it really wants to be transparent and open that some of his records needs to be need to be open to the church needs to commit to proper and appropriate independent investigation that's unlikely to happen that is. I think right now it's unlikely to happen but I also would argue that it's an inevitability this crisis is not just about. The about Catholicism in the Catholic Church in the United States or Western Europe it also involves Latin America Africa Asia so at certain at some point in time records are going to have to be open and most particularly members of the hierarchy who have covered up clerical sexual abuse need to be held accountable and that's something that still has not been done. Very fully so I do believe that right now records probably will not be open Vatican archives will not be open but I do think the day is not far off when the Vatican will be forced to do so do you think the Vatican and the pope recognize that this is an inevitability that they will have to be open and transparent in a more full throttle way I don't think they were recognize it yet but they will shortly that would be my prediction I think. There are still warring factions within the Vatican who you know some who want to more piecemeal. Considered approach to the problem and so they will let go of clerical of their own clerical privilege only with the greatest deal of difficulty so I still think that there are debates that need to be sorted out in the Vatican before we get a clear. Answered Paul's Yeah Kraybill if Professor schmaltz says thesis is correct it's inevitable that the Vatican will have to open up his records what do you think then. The what will be the instrument that pushes it to that point where opens itself will it be media coverage or will it be politicians or otherwise. Well you know the. Catholic Church in regards to the sex abuse scandals across the world you've had the media. Jerk to pay a vast attention a very very critical look at the church at times the Vatican has just come back across fairly defensive saying that well the media I mean even have Pope Francis state this that the media is kind of distorting the severity of it I think that they know that that we're past that point now that it can't necessarily be frank about mechanism so I think that I think more pressure from these victims' rights groups I also think you know you have state attorneys generals that are also pressuring here in the United States but also counterparts around the world that are pressuring the Vatican you know you even have for example the international crime court in 2011 filed a complaint against the Pope and several cardinals stating that they committed human rights violations for failing to prevent these types of abuses so I think when you have you know the international community like that radio and difference. You know we go in to tease like that that is going to you know it's going to compel the Vatican to have to open up its documents how many they will open up I'm not I'm not quite certain on that but I do think pressure is mounting in that direction sure there's no good talk to something like this professor. Where we are about to celebrate the church is about to celebrate. May raise boy child. Who needs no introduction from me of course. Affects the way Catholics around the world the about this very sensitive time for the charge. For her a sensitive time for the church and going to remain so I mean one of the characteristics of the sexual abuse crisis in the prevalence of clear. Sexual abuse is a cut at the heart of parish life because if you can't trust your priest then who in the church can you trust. And so certainly they they coming Christmas season which is upon us calls us to reflect you know the importance of humility and that the church really needs to develop its our Arkell actual and a true humility about itself and about its past actions so that it can become a more Christ like Church thank you both of you Professor Matthew smokes then of Professor of Religion at the College of the Holy Cross the message juices and also thank you very much to Professor Janine Craig who this is some professors in the Department of Political Science at California State University Bakersfield many of you have commented on this subject thank you please keep the text coming in I'll read out some of the tributes to Russia is still very much with us and will be to April when he. Brought causes last up all night but you believe you should be sending glorying. And now I will go through some of those out of the late says b.b.c. Radio 5 news and sport has to ask of the headlines of top mostly from digital b.b.c. Census small space various cities b.b.c. Radio 5 Labor M.P.'s have criticised only called in it's a meeting in Westminster following the party's general election defeat one m.p. Said that had been a mixture of anger despair and denial Tony Blair's warning labor not so whitewash the scale of its loss in the election the former prime minister says the party's problems go far deeper than its leaders unpopularity and Rex's about $9000.00 nurses in Northern Ireland go on strike later in a row about paying pay and patient safety they belong to the Royal College of Nursing which has never before taken such action in its 103 year history and Whirlpool is facing criticism after an ounce more than half a 1000000 of its washing machines and. To be recalled for safety reasons they are hot points or in decide to Brunswick have been on sale for more than 5 years he's Shabnam now with a sports Aston Villa comfortably be Liverpool's youngest starting line up 5 mil to go through to the semifinals of the e.f.l. Camp with an average age of 19 and 5 debutants the inexperienced Liverpool side never threaten Dean Smith to probably the weirdest major competition core file are saying or ever been involved in you know they started really brightly they've got some really technically gifted young players but we were very clinical in what we did and very professional showed a really good attitude there was no win situation a little bit for us apart from going for the semifinal because everybody expected us to win but we did what we had to do you can clobber taken a senior players to cattle for their Club World Cup semifinal against Mexican side Monterrey this evening if they win the face Brazil's from a go in the final for the chance to lift a new trophy we don't feel that's favorites or whatever we feel is up as a challenger it would be the 1st time product to product up that can win the Club World Cup Is it the most important cup competition in the world I don't know all winners from all different competitions in a continent we are here to represent Liverpool and Europe the match will be live on b.b.c. 2 from 5 30 pm Pep Guardiola says Mikel Arteta will travel to Oxford today for Manchester City's Lee Cup quarter final which will be our 5 live commentary much later City coach on Tatar is in talks with his former club Arsenal over their managerial vacancy Well Duncan Ferguson will remain in caretaker charge of Everton against Leicester Everton are reportedly continuing to pursue Carlo Ancelotti to become their permanent manager We'll have updates of that much in 5 live Sport as well as Manchester United against culture step sorry as the chief executive has apologized for an anti-racism campaign which is received heavy criticism for its use of monkeys on posters Luigi deceit ever says he realizes it was inappropriate the. AC Milan an England striker leaves the Blissett just told 5 Live the images just don't make sense it reminds me of them using the n word to say that it's Ok to use it because they tried it just as it was a complete details you know sends out the wrong message is completely about what it's about I thought I find it very difficult to really see where they're coming from with that. History's been made this fall and sheriff has become the 1st woman to beat a man at the p.t.c. Well don't championship the 25 year old how to get a $32.00 victory of a Ted added to the Suns round Alexandra Palace and says it's one of the best moments as she's made something for women's daunts the Rugby Football Union says talks are continuing with England head coach Eddie Jones over a new contract and they won't rush to extend his deal through to the 2023 well Cup in France he has are if you chief executive Bill Sweeney as I said in Japan with the conversations are ongoing but they don't stop and start at any particular time the there are an ongoing dialogue all the way through so we're not looking at the 6 Nations being at a time until the you know we're in the middle of those charts and 7 jockeys who got 10 day bonds for ignoring a flag signal to stop or I says some down the suspensions overturned after appealing That's the latest from b.b.c. Sport Christmas day. Big names to get through the Big Game 5 Live selectors have a. Week of imperialist James and John Robinson now with some special guest Peter Crouch maybe with Liam Gallagher Chrissie on disability Connelly Scott Nelson Christophe Greg James Jimmy Anderson and Felix what the same industry might start with my own of course the queen of Christmas Day with all the big names on b.b.c. 5 live on the b.b.c. Sound just in case you didn't get the 5 like websites the full listings this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live the on the b.b.c. Sounds all night at a bar yeah that be how you're going to ask him. Anyway my colleague Rajab announced. Earlier on on Wednesday that he will be hanging up his pool night coach as it were in April. We retired from the program at that point after 25 years mazing as many of you been. Just you've sent wonderful wonderful thoughts about him by Texan email Richard in Burgess Hill says Look Road shop is a true Rolls Royce of broadcasting who has maintained his own lovely woman style in the face of an apparent urge for more extrovert in confrontational broadcasting Jackie Bryson's says. Brush AABs always fantastic informative broad shows for America a miss I'm always love knowing that he broadcasts from the mob who had great name at road a gentleman best wishes to the radio legend Rod Deedes As for years you've been a companion through many of my challenging times as well as beautiful occasions like any Thank you for you've done and wish only the best in the future thank you very much and I'm sure he appreciates all your words now stateside the Republican leader in the u.s. Senate Mitch McConnell has rejected a request from Democrats the White House officials be called to testify in an impeachment trial of President meanwhile Mr Trump said that if the House of Representatives decided to proceed the impeachment against him it would be declaring war on the American democracy and said the impeachment proceedings against him were told to sham the whole impeachment thing is a hoax and we look forward to getting on to the Senate we're not entitled to lawyers we're not entitled to witnesses we're not entitled to anything in the house it's a total sham when you have a guy like shifty chef go out and make up a statement that I made sure he said this is what he said but I never said it he totally made it up it was a lie it was a fraud and he just can't do those things so you know look it's a witch hunt and it's just a continuation it's been going on now for almost 3 years well Wednesday was billed his being the big day in the impeachment proceedings over there it's still Wednesday stateside an hour north american crossbowmen pizza buzz can tell us was it was a big day then in the impeachment proceedings Peter. It is a slight correction it's still choose the a dozen in the United States and that's what was coming up on Google wasn't. Up all night dusty for his exile though it will vary year. Yeah but it's been a big Tuesday as well to be honest about it as it's been a big few weeks in this impeachment affair but as you correctly say Wednesday is the big day it is the day of impeachment is the day that Donald Trump will most likely become the 3rd u.s. President in the history of the country to be impeached and it will be a very significant occasion and clearly the president is rattled we've just heard from him he has also released a very long letter 6 pages of it sent to Nancy Pelosi the speaker of the House of Representatives in which he just rants it's it reads a little bit like a collection of his tweets albeit on official White House headed paper so it is a formal letter explaining why he believes that he shouldn't be impeached as you say declaring open war on American democracy as he puts it he says you've cheapened up the Democrats the importance of the very ugly word as he says impeachment and so he goes on just explaining why he believes that this plan process is entirely wrong why does it rattle him given that he knows he's not going to be found guilty he knows what the outcome of this will be when he goes to the Senate what does the word impeachment rattle him. I think because of the historic significance of what impeachment means high crimes and misdemeanors and the very fact that he will only be the 3rd president in in history to be impeached it's not something when it comes to let's say bitchery time that he would necessarily want to see in the 1st line but no doubt it will be the president who was impeached or at least one of those presidents impeached that it simply doesn't read well and we all know that President Trump is someone who has a very media savvy mind he looks at the way things are presented and the image of this a being the impeach President is just something that clearly isn't going to sit well with him it wouldn't sit well with anyone but especially Donald Trump who just want it doesn't want to be tainted in this way and that's why he's so angry despite the fact that as you say he will inevitably be found not guilty because the Republicans have a majority in the Senate and the Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has let it slip that he is coordinating his responses in tandem with the White House which is a bit odd to say the least our Senate is supposed to take an oath to look at the case impartially. Well that's the thing about this that this isn't a criminal trial this is a political process and for all yes they are sitting as essentially judge and jury the senators who will eventually vote on these articles of impeachment when it comes to the trial but they are politicians and they come with their political allegiances and for all it may seem totally unfair to everyone looking on from the outside that is how an impeachment process works in the Senate that they are not sitting there as completely impartial voters even though it is described as a trial so the very fact that Mitch McConnell has said that he will at Century take his lead from from the White House really is no surprise to anyone and it's no surprise either that the Republicans are blocking the possibility of witnesses they want to get this process over as quickly as possible this time tomorrow you'll be telling us what Wednesday had in store in this process how long will the whole process take I think the process will take a day it will start Wednesday morning at Washington time there'll be a few procedural activities a procedural vote on exactly how they are going to plan the day that the length of debate and that kind of thing and whether any amendments can be brought to the articles of impeachment but then they'll get on to the main debate and what we're expecting is that there will be a vote sometime towards the end of the the business day in Washington later tonight u.k. Time so you're absolutely right Donna by about this time we should know whether President Trump has been impeached. Peter thank you very much presuppose our North American correspondent let's catch up with what's in the morning papers in the Daily Express is morning with its deputy editor Michael Booker is going to few things in it in trade but Boris Johnson has been urged to solve the hormone replacement therapy shortage that's been going on for the last year or so and particular we spoke to one woman he was in and it just manager who you think would be able to get her hands on the drugs and their attorneys and patches to treat it but no she struggled just as much as anyone else is called Cheryl young and she's $44.00 and she said so out this hitch r.t. Drug mess Boris she said to us now what happened to her is she was what patches in the pills began to rule law late last year and it was around the time when she had a hysterectomy in February to combat and Dimitrios this she went into a surgically induced many polls but she wasn't told that there was any problems with gain hold of any drugs so for the 1st 3 months she had a supply of patches and that was fine book then after 3 months she couldn't get the things that she needed so she had to source them online privately for 25 pounds a month and there she says No Everyone else can afford that so they look at least she's got she's got some money and husbands got a good job as well they're financially secure to do it she then had symptoms worsening in October and she was changed to a different prescription which was an instruction only patch Unfortunately she can't get hold of that patch at all and instead has to settle for an alternative which she's now allergic to so she's offering this clearly hundreds of thousands of women all of the country are suffering from trying to get hold of any treatments now in particular this patch that she's looking for has been made by a company called North artist it's supposedly available according to the British men. Poor Society website she can't get it anyway we spoke to another artist and they say they global supply shortages now the root cause of all of this still remains a bit vague and we spoke to Professor Martin Marshall who is the chair of the Royal College of g.p.s. And says the reasons for these shortages aren't clear likely multifactorial but the need to be sorted out is a matter of urgency and clearly people like Cheryl are suffering we spoke to the Department of Health they said they understand how distressing the hits are to show it is for women who need these medicines and they're doing everything they can to access them as soon as possible but not great news for women who want it now is there any sense from Downing Street as to whether where the prime minister will put this in his order of priority with drugs it I imagine being so the top. No we've not been given an order but we say we've we've brought it to their attention fairly quickly into his premiership hopefully there will be looking at it pretty quickly we've put a lot of pressure on earlier this year with the Tory government over supplies of cystic fibrosis strokes all Cambie and look in the end Hancock and the health department managed to do a deal with the makers of all can be and get it over here and it's it's now or something you get on the n.h.s. So we have got a history of putting on pressure and getting them to do things so hopefully this will pay off and the Conservative Party has a history of taking a charge the serious a year of history to young to remember the late conservative m.p. Some of the grandee in the Conservative Party to resume and praise the rejuvenating efforts of a chart says something for a shot see into the headlines of no you're too young to remember the New I and I I'd like well although I don't know why they are also younger it's ago. We were we were they say that the woman we spoke. To Sheryl I mean she says why is it for every single woman who needs this medication is this idea that people think it's only had jati and it's only the better post but it causes real problems with people's lives the washing machine comfier why good company woeful. Has its reputation in tatters since his year that's which the consumer watchdog Now yesterday 519000 sold on the point and in The Sopranos the washing machines between October 24th thing and for every 28 ain we were told could be affected by a potentially lethal flaw. Which who we've spoken to have had a real good go at the American company for what this is a chaotic response which will paper leave a lot of people families fairly helpless and confused without being able to use their washing machines over Christmas and the new year 80 fires have been linked to a fault with his door locking system but the company is not offering a full refund instead it's recalling the machines but not until January and how so the 70 years to turn them off or use them a very low temperature and we spoke to see Davey's of which he said this alone will cause huge disruption for millions of people who will have no washing machine over Christmas leaves Welters reputation as a company that can be trusted on product safety in tatters and it wasn't particularly great after the. Problems that they had over tumble dryer safety has been for years the scandal which we were told was dangerous appliances on the hope point in the 6 previous one and problem brands which had been sold in the u.k. For 11 years since 2004 and the tumble dryer were blamed for 750 fires so they're not going to great history in the not proven to be the learn particularly can customer service as a result of the phenomenon of the conservative m.p. From the name of. It is because has become reality. And they no longer an oddity to fill in the hour after Thursday's Religion know that they've turned up in Westminster and they determined to make the most of it and to live up to what they've said that they will do for former Labor voters in those northern constituencies that they want the election last week and we've spoken to them and they say they're going to hunt like a pack to make the most of a once in a generation opportunity to power the north now it was a bit of a political stir they created last week tore down what was called the former red wall of Labor seats the safe Labor seats in the nation's industrial heartlands up there already we've been told there's going to be 78000000000 pounds of infrastructure funding in the north the idea is that there's going to be Cabinet meetings in a northern town or city every other week potentially and we spoke to the northern powerhouse minister Jake Barrie who insisted they will not change the government and they're going to ensure the new voters trust is not displaced He said this is the North's moment awards in a generation opportunity power the north and make every arm of government work for the people of the north northern Mts are going to hunt like a pack in this new parliament so that the talk in the toff they're trying to make sure that those boys up there won't switch back to Labor or the things that are being mooted one of them Robert goodwill the Tory m.p. Discover in which he suggested moving organizations such as the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority to somewhere like Yorkshire he said it be great to see the decentralization of central government why not take it up there at the same time we've got these bullish Tories in the northern powerhouse now backing Commons which was a bit of a sudden sour house last night for the parliamentary Labor Party in which they met Jeremy Corbin and they had a bit of a go him as well according to some sources he was taunted. Fred's verbal in there and one empty ritual Reeve says told him the drag on our vote was you so yes the no the Tories enjoying themselves the Parliamentary Labor Party not so much there is no national treasure like they invariably is there there certainly isn't in she still from the un she was the forces sweetheart in the 2nd World War still for him powers now and winning them she successfully blocked the drinks giant from trademarking a gin using her name and this is all at the age of 102 she took action after a Liverpool based company called Hailwood international apply to trademark Vera Lynn for one of its alcoholic drinks a particular brand of gin now they claim the everyone knows gin as very real in our I have never called Gin virulent in my life I've never heard anyone call it but they took this all the way to a trademark hearing she for the more the way with the help of her daughter guess what was called. God this is a good run. Account carving right now of Genie. Very Indian he took on the Jane company and they've worn the drinks for him had argue there would be no confusion as them there is more well known to the products audience this as the Cockney rhyming term the the judge in found in favor of them there in the end we spoke them to begin to correct quote from various He says I'm thrilled to bits to be honest I didn't really need this hassle under 2 I think she should go and have a little drink yourself to celebrate Indeed indeed I have to cut you know I know cockneys not are can imagine I'm say very little I've never heard of my sound so it's not in common usage let's put it that way and let the dogs out of. A great ought to know it was well known but yes we got further evidence that we will never ever be able to control dogs and in fact one of the stories of the 2. Pretty amazing catch is often there may be plotting to take us down 1st of all we've got a great picture story about. Dexter is a little puppy from Teddington in south west London now this thing can't be stopped absolutely everything despite the fact even when it is not to have surgery 4 times . Chewed everything cause on including tights a tennis ball and duct tape and then it the owners go to a mouthguard what happened was with the help of its friendly spaniel which lives with it they loosened the mouthguard and then Dexter ate it so there we got the fantastic x. Rays of Dexter the property with a mouth guard in the stomach Luckily more surgery is right as rain again but they keep an eye on it so again one dog we can't control and then there's been some research done by the Emory University in America and. Turns out dogs can count Gregory Berns who's a professor of psychology Emory University looked at them and found that not only throws that dog in the similar part of that bread to process numbers as humans do that they don't need to be trained to do it and he says that despite the fact we're separate by 80000000 years if. Some of the strongest evidence yet that neural city is if that neural mechanism that goes back at least that far so the maybe only 80000000 years beyond is that you know virus in day that's my code book of the president's catch up with the headlines day decide to have a doll from The Boston Globe is with us and I imagine David the no suffers by same political judgments is taken tomorrow at school I know I'll be here along with a whole bunch of other folks at the Boston Globe and I'm sure in the House Press Gallery in Washington. We have many impeachment stories working as the the House prepares to impeach President Trump he would be the 3rd president to be impeached. By the Congress we're already we have a story already looking ahead beyond that to u.s. Senator Susan Collins she is a member of a very small group of moderate Republicans in the Senate and she's facing reelection next year it was already facing a tough battle now disposed presuming now House votes to impeach tomorrow they would send that to the Senate for a trial if you will and that trial would be overseen by the sitting u.s. Senators including Susan Collins putting her right on the hot seat she is known for 'd angering. Partisan Democrats in her state of Maine that's just north of Massachusetts for voting to. Firm Brett Kavanaugh to the u.s. Supreme Court. And for her wishy washy position on the Affordable Care Act Now she's going to have to take a stand on whether President Trump should be booted from office or not and she is being very typically sort of noncommittal at this point which is usually the place she makes She's gathering information says researching Meanwhile she already has an opponent in that state Sarah Gideon I believe is her name and she's been advertising and raising money among Democrats Susan Collins It's interesting Lee is over is been involved in one way or another in 3 of these now she was a staffer. When President Nixon was facing these charges of course he resigned before they formally in peach back in the seventy's and then she was in the u.s. Senate when Bill Clinton. Was was tried the u.s. Senate of course acquitted Clinton he was not booted from office and she voted. To acquit him she was not with her with fellow Republicans in a net particular vote so here the question is does she hang with the Republicans the Republicans at this point seem likely to acquit him they actually don't really need her vote but nonetheless she will face the music in front of the voters one way or the other depending on how she votes. For her vote anyways come November of 2020 American votes is following this that they will make that they will. Make anybody pay for the way they may well you know I'll give you the political to be determined obviously the only answer. It's going to come in November of 2020 I do know that there have been rallies around the country tonight as opponents of the president and supporters of impeachment sought to sort of gin up you know some kind of support for pushing House members to vote for impeachment and to generate more I guess enthusiasm is not exactly the right word but support for for these charges of obstruction of justice the center of the president child Trump faces whether those debt support kind of turns to. Action at the ballot box it might be a case by case situation there might be other issues that voters make their decision on but some voters the activists on both sides will certainly take in this into account goes on from the way the president been tweeting the Hebrew who mock those who voted for him absolutely and he has said that he thinks this is good for him politically said that last week and he's continuing to attack the the Democrats they had a letter that answered all those. David thank you David there from the both in Globe it's getting hot down on we'll be there and we'll try and keep cool obviously Stephanie's use and you'll not only play nearly full than anyone else this c.b.c. Radio 5 live to talk I'm 5 Live this is up or not I'm Dawson added by the main news on 5 Live angry Labor M.P.'s confronts Jeremy Cole and is both Aston Villa have reached the League Cup semifinals up to comfortably beating Liverpool's Youngs does . This is b.b.c. 5 live with the disease on 5 blog has Victoria angry Labor M.P.'s have confronted Jeremy Colvin to blame the party leader for their defeat in the general. Election it's understood only 3 m. Pasted up the mystical when during a parliamentary meeting that lasted an hour and a half the shadow brags that Secretary could be one m.p. Vying to replace mystical been sick Yes Tom has given an interview to the Gandhi and his own political correspondent in Watson secure Starmer says he is seriously considering challenging for the Labor leadership but today that interview with The Guardian newspaper he emphasizes his working class credentials as does the tool maker his mother was a nurse and he says he can bring unity to a divided Labor Party he says a bit room in his big tent for those on the left the party and those who call themselves Blairites. Hundreds of medical appointments in Northern Ireland have been postponed with around $9000.00 nurses walking out for 12 hours today the strength because of a round over pay and will be the 1st in the Royal College of Nursing 103 year history Well bulls facing criticism after denounce more than half a 1000000 of its washing machines need to be recalled for safety reasons they are hot point or intercept brands that have been on sale for more than 5 years Steve missing called an engineer to his well pausing machine noticed that the washing machines seem to be spinning for quite some time there weren't an insoluble the ever qualified lawyer up on the front there was a really bad smell of burning and the smoke coming out of underneath the control panel climbed up on injuries because when a couple of guys like to the front of the machine and there's like a white connector block that runs from the control panel in the door lock and it's probably. The black cab rapist John Moore boys has been jailed for at least 6 years at the Old Bailey for attacking 4 more women the 62 year old was sentenced in 2009 for assault on 12 women on home affairs correspondent is Danny sure what it all means is that he will spend at least another 6 years in prison the child Mrs Justice McGowan said I do not know when if ever you will cease to be a risk she said that Worboys was still dangerous and that there were 2 great concerns one was his ability to manipulate others and also his failure to acknowledge the risk that he posed President Trump has described impeachment proceedings against him as an attempted coup by Democrats in an angry letter to the speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi Mr Trump compared his treatment to the victims of the 17th century Salem witch trials and the b.b.c. Says the 2nd series of killing Eve was the most requested show on i Player this year another crime thriller line of duty was the 2nd most popular his Shatner with the sport Aston Villa east through to the semifinals of the a.f.l. Cup after a 5 no win over the youngest Liverpool team ever feel. And it well as experience was too much for the young sign which had an average age of 19 yet in club senior players or in cattle for the Club World Cup semifinal against Monterrey tonight Pep Guardiola says he knew the McKayla title was in discussions with Arsenal about their managerial vacancy the Manchester City boss said he doesn't know what will happen but our title will travel to Oxford fits nicely Cup quarter final Syria has apologised after images of monkeys were used on posters for an anti racism campaign the League's chief executive Luigi d.c. Ever says I realized it was inappropriate following heavy criticism from Italian clubs and anti discrimination organizations and Fallon Sherrick has become the 1st woman to win a match at the p.c. World Darts Championship the 25 year old from Milton Keynes fought back from behind to get a 32 victory over Ted edits in the 1st round Alexandra Palace she says have proved that we can play the men and can beat them have made a great achievement for women's darts this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live full digital the b.b.c. Sound it's small speak up hello my. The weather it's going to be a lot richer.

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