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Feel helpless present. Votes on our Facebook page you want to visit that Nick at Night is the name of the Facebook page you could text h one trouble for a start your message with the would Nick already lots of people are doing that including gas in Northampton he said Carry me in for the Monday light show and he's going on the wish list with the song Hello Pauline could put the Nolan's plays is going to rock you but will stick you on the wish list. Guy can be said could you have the Fab 5 from just one artist No sadly not for why because if somebody doesn't like that one person I'll be happy to put up with one but not 5 so no. Fact. Near as well good to have you along with Bob or sawing in we got a free phone number for you as well. Cool 80300 double full double take your call that number is the very very lovely man they call my love. To. Want to. Show you. I have a bad chill of money. That smiling faces everywhere. It's such a wondrous of. Show me the mass. Keep you honest when. You treat our lives now blanket. And show me the man. I love. You. Is that the sound of sleigh bells I. Guess. I'll be. Silent in the street. That choose love will be no make some fire. And show me the most. Is that the sound of sleigh bells I. Guess. I'd sell you. Green. Day Yeah then Jamie Cullum strike show with the magic mural in Northampton they have chosen the Fab 5 Tonight we look forward to playing that for you it was a special day on Thursday last week but you couldn't be calls it was the general election and the Friday had already been taken so so tonight see you tonight I wouldn't hold playing songs a little bit later on. Of course between quarter past 11 and quarter to 12 a snippet of a song to be identified after midnight plus of course the the musical Walk of Fame which are you going to enjoy tonight's quite an easy one as well for you so we've got all of that plus particular songs on the wish list feel free to add one to the list if you don't ask you won't get. Sometimes you get lucky sometimes you get to like the big I will subject to the travel situation and. The. First rule of the Jacksons. Blame it on the. It Go and. Let me. Just enjoy. This. History. Let's go let's go let's go. I just can't just let. Go of the flame. It's. Going to play. Down in a plane down. The plane. That . It's got to. Be a. Good. Player. Done . Such a. Thing that. Should just go. To. The. Jacksons blame it on the baby How did you generate income got more money in bed for checking in as well we got Barbara thank you for being that it is now exactly quarter past 10. Am The latest travel situation Hi Carolyn. I neg Well starting in Hartford sure tonight on the m one northbound a junction 5 or want road there's a broken down vehicle on the exit slip just up to the a 41 it's self blocking a lane one the traffic is coping well now as you head into Suffolk tonight the a 14 Eastbound is closed from the dock spire roundabouts to junctions $61.00 just word meets Trinity Avenue it's after a vehicle overturned earlier on today and again fully closed there are 2 recovery work to be carried out there on 2 road works this evening the a 12 in Essex closed the northbound from the a 130 a chance for North to the 120 just west of coal Chester and if you're travelling along into North Hampton sure there's a couple of closures on the a 5 tonight it's closed both ways between Hawk cliff and the sheep lane roundabouts southbound is closed from the old Stratford roundabout and it's also being closed the a 5 in both directions between we didn't bank and kills b. And if you're travelling in Cambridge are a couple of close on the a 14 as well tonight westbound is closed from Junction 36 the 11 to junction thought the one the am 11 and the eastbound side is closed from the m. 11 to junction thought t 5 and still can quite That's the latest I'm calling Mason we just call it thank you. Like to go to the fullest meet. Was. Then to say you. Think I want to race and that just. Wasn't sex education and so because it was. Me. The as to. Why it was to say you. Know why is whispering rude Why is this for India why is it rude because I was always told don't respect the mistress routine as. In company if you don't want somebody to say what you say in a store with a supposed to be rude or if you could if you said be minus or whatever is where I want to be but he said. Anyway you know this happens to me every year and I've mentioned it before and I will mention it again Ok Every Christmas I get a Christmas card to be delivered to my home address from and Bob Oh Ok I've got no idea who and Bob The strange thing is this is the 4th address that they've sent Christmas cards to Ron and I can never tell and that you don't have mishaps heck and and Bob Yeah I've spoken to friends and relatives and said she didn't call Diane and Bob No idea is it you it's not me I could be the bald could my you could but the end part doesn't fit I just I just feel somebody is winding me up. Surely enough. And I'm Bob a hallway we go again there we say do we not just have to I mean if I can't send somebody Christmas card the never sent me one be off my list I would remain Yeah yeah and I'm Bob whoever they are they've struck again this is talking Christmas coming to arrive and I haven't Yes I just want to thank you. For this like thank everybody for my cough so far yeah but let me run through some of the that I'm to the people a sentiment thank you thank you very kind it's already thing trivial the really winds you up if you got dishwasher I've got a dish washer. Roomie loads a. Good job joint job well I have to say yes to do it properly. Has made. Making when you watch it being done in very incorrectly but in a different way do you have to sort by. Logic yet the way you put things. It could just wind you up the list the little things and things and I thought there must be a lot of this going on in people's homes up and down the land the so did the dishwasher maybe when you make the bed I make the beds make beds I've got 2 pillows or for. 2 on the side I want to make the beds I put the do they on top of the bottom cushion underneath the top. Ok right because that's how it's going to I can see that yes it would go to break if you were to come around to make my bed. Now that you are you see so we're not saying you're wrong just different different and it can really wind you up with the necessary I have to have the towels folded in the way I like them and yes the loo roll has to hang over not. Yes my degree and she said certain plates are used for hot food some for cold food he said not fussy. This is from the me who said. Himself got the loo roll message as to which way round to hang it some time ago but he won't put crockery and cutlery away because he doesn't know where they go. From the cheese grater. Which you just put away in the right place in my place and she said strange that he knows where to find the stuff when he needs it Alice true yeah yeah . And and it's got this thing about coat hangers all right they've got to hang from the back instead of just hanging them over the front she said drives me mad I know it seems like I can see what you mean you know not one of the front yet I have to pull deals from the back. Now from the front Yeah Lucianne says no no it's going Trisha said the way my other half hangs out the washing. She said looks like it was Frodo Perhaps he does that for a reason possibly Jeremy's girl thing about that is what he said to me it's picking out socks on the washing line Oh right I wonder Jeremy is it is todo or in 3 days I was there entry on the line I'm going to get north no telling what's up to it she said you look at me like I'm some sort of alien What about your pants What about my pants leg up or waist up waist up waist up you know I do it Yes Yes So share with the Starlight please the things that you just do every little day and if somebody else does it a different way you go you can't do that they're. Going to like that Pete said cereal boxes put back in the same size order I want to hear. He said all boxes ripped open doesn't like that at all oh and he doesn't like the glove not folded correctly you see it's the little things and that's what we'd like you to share with us this evening please by phone by text or e-mail we're not trying to cause any precautions divorce we just send out a little bit of fun we are just a little bit of fun here and most find the some sort of thing it's a little thing no I want it that way. Toward it so that way. Where I. Cooler. Told. Police. Call. Double for double 5 it's a free phone number how much of a booking in email for the week we got Helen and don't checking in and also to what Tiger your son coming up a bit later we got Alan in Treme asking for June from the wish list tonight good evening to Leslie and John in Brentwood for the full 3 hours to Robbie and Holly to Martin in down market a little Robbie Meldrum he's going to be hot here this week in all as he said he said is your son still in olds yes he's in Melbourne actually same place as you. And the and we can checking into Santa's calls thank you very much indeed nice to have you along the sea evening would like to know what sort of things just make you go all you shouldn't do it like that really Jane said if the toilet roll is put back to front i.e. Paper hanging close to the wall that really annoys me she said Don't ask me why. If my daughter comes round and puts her i Pad on the breadboard I go listing. It's the little things as that we'd love to hear from. Thank you for the beaches. 5 as well but 1st. Just something festive from will be William's time for a change. For once to make it matter. For once in your head to be. Don't try. To sing. Ily. Want. One. Page bumper ticks and I never. Want to Jenny read though she had a lovely surprise today off to opening the door the local Vica Adele nature did to receive a Christmas hump full of goodies. Good stuff. 5 continues with. Physically body. a song by David Whitfield the song that was number one in one $954.00 and that will be the next one from the Fab 5. But 1st the details with a travel column. Thanks Nic Well starting in Hartford sure this evening on the m one northbound a junction 5 for one for that there has been an accident just on the exit slip road it's now completely closed although traffic on the main candidate way doesn't seem to be checking out fine just having a look at our speed sensors no means. Day 14 eastbound heading into Felixstowe has been closed from the docks by roundabouts to junction 61 by train t. Ave and that is after a vehicle overturned and they are on to Dame right now it's just being recovered and again traffic seems to be coping well on surrounding roads now going on 2 road works overnight tonight the 812 in Essex has been closed northbound from the be a one thought t. Junction 19 just on Chelmsford to the junction 23 just south of Calvert and that's and so early tomorrow morning there's a couple of closures on the a 5 in Northampton sure it's closed in both directions between Hawk cliff and the sheep lane roundabouts about scan for walks there southbound from the old Stratford roundabout is closed and in both directions between we didn't bank and kills b. And a travelling into Cambridge I get a couple of closures on the a 14 tonight westbound is closed from Junction thought the 6811 to thought the one where it meets the am 11 and they spend side from the m 11 to junction 35 just at Stoke I'm quite And again all for overnight walks there and that's the latest I'm calling Mason thank you call and catch up. Back on the fab 5 and it did have in brackets next of the must occur to us I'm told they do it for. The Us research. The was the. God. Oh I want to use you. Hollow to. Home. Mother say lolo's words fearful I. That one is a must from the top 5 according to Roger who chose it from your will however obey and I know how do you know what we haven't talked about taps taps Yes Joan said the sink plug. Has to be placed on the top of the sink not one round the top Oh I see the one on the Cheney Yeah you see for me it goes over the top yes to the right we have got a chain we've got to push it one of those for sure Ok you know and John also said cushions have to be upright in a diamond shape and the dish cloth Yes foam did not screwed up you know that makes him Ok but if you go. Larry in Devon tree yes a bit tongue in cheek yes the toilet seat Yes Should it be up or down well yeah. Yes I know a lot of people going to say it's always down always down but he thinks you know. That lady should put it back up for us yeah yeah yes. Now said well it goes over the back to over the bank Yes he said he watched an episode of how something similar and if you put it to the front if you give it a shell hole too much comes out there is that but it's hard to get out of at the back because Yeah well I find it yeah you know Janet yes has to wear the washing when it comes in the next day or later be done straight away this is a great idiosyncracies I salute you know what we're talking wash in the greens to green Aha he said when people take the washing Yeah and then leave the peg still on the line Oh yes. Marina some guilty of it is that I never let hubby hang up the washing it looks too painful. She said I hang out symmetrically with matching colored pegs and I asked for the loo rolls we have it hanging behind but it's less obvious to the kiddies there's a lot to pull it. May have an open Yes tops not being put back on thing all right Ok yes you know Yes yes John's Yes he said because it's bound to get knocked over a pheasant got up on this is true I don't see a lot of finicky about my tea towels they have to be folded exactly symmetrically according to their patent and they must be equidistant on the oven door handle I mean yes it is a bit picky but the kitchen is a nice place also combat untidy shoelaces and the ones I'm not wearing have to be tucked inside to shoot me yet for enough and finally for me yes Scooby Yes he says he does things wrong yes so she won't let him do any more example when he did the hoovering she said let me have it under the chair he said no she got over under the chair but. There Anymore Oh it's ever so upset or right to keep your idiosyncrasies coming through it was there to fall ill said I get a little irritated when the toothpaste to be squeezed in the middle he said. But I thought yeah. Little things that make you go. Right say that's not right it's just different to the way that you do it. Strange. And that. Chocolate of course for Caroline yesterday with a carrot cake lined up for David tomorrow that's a joint meal planned out for tomorrow night Me thinks they'll be a diet on the rise and said Here Yes Well you know enjoy your birthday. Carol I many happy returns for us today David. Tomorrow. Look at the polls. B.b.c. News 11 I'm wrong Listen Boris Johnson has thanked the fresh intake of Conservative M.P.'s for what he's called their incredible achievement more than 100 arrived in Westminster earlier for the 1st time following last week's election Downing Street has also confirmed that one of their 1st jobs for them will be to vote on Boris Johnson's breaks it deal which is likely to happen on Friday as the B.B.C.'s Jessica Parker explains their keen to get down to business what Downing Street and what Boris Johnson are trying to do is get a bit of momentum going to show that they are getting on with the business of getting on with Bracks it as they would push it and of course they've got lots of the new Conservative M.P.'s are also keen to get on board with that program as well the prime minister has also made several government appointments making Morgan who stood down as an m.p. Has been appointed a life peer and will remain as culture secretary Simon Hart has been named Welsh Secretary hundreds of former sub postmasters accused of stealing money from the Post Office of one another significant victory in their fight to clear their names a High Court judge has ruled that the computer system they had to use contained bugs and defects that could have caused shortfalls in branch accounts the B.B.C.'s Nick Wallace has more still a long journey for the 35 criminalise of postmasters telephone went to prison whose cases are with the Criminal Cases Review Commission but one would hope now given what the post office has accepted and given what the judge decided today they will look again at those prosecutions themselves and offer up any evidence to the c c r c as they are obliged to do police are investigating the theft of jewelry from the home of tomorrow Ecclestone the eldest daughter of the former Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone offices haven't confirmed newspaper reports that the hole is worth 50000000 pounds but say it's of high value no arrests have been made former senior detective at the Met police to a Gibson says the robbery must have been very well planned not at this particular area in Kensington it's absolutely round waist security so not only have you got the house acuity you don't say she. Chasing cameras you know are law she got security patrols and you got the extra as well so yeah they'll be surprised and they stay in aged people tired get in commuters in the north of England and parts of Scotland have been hit by disruption on the 1st working day of new train timetables trans Panda Express canceled nearly 37 says this morning while there were further problems on North and although the company has blamed operate issues rather than the new shuttle Mike Ashley says more House of Fraser stores are likely to close next year the Sports Direct boss who bought the chain a year ago claim some outlets are unsustainable He says they're working to save as many jobs as possible sales discounts leading up to Christmas could be the biggest in almost a decade or decade the financial consultancy Deloitte says average price reductions could hit 50 percent with shoppers holding out for bargains in the run up to the holidays b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 11. Thank you across 8 counties in the east on your b.b.c. Local radio station. He's an increase day pending on where you are tonight depends on whether you get rain or not school no for Suffolk Essex and hop the jet likely to see cloud with right elsewhere it's likely to what state a little drier fact totally dry and something about minimum overnight tonight somewhere between $2.00 and $6.00 and then choose day will be a largely cloudy day the further west you are in the region the more likely it is that you will remain dry forecast high between 5 and 8 degrees Celsius thank you they were or were. Snow is failing.

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