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Greatest championships Let's see pics with Wales come clutch the tricky. She's. A 60. 6 Nations continues this week 5 life spans extra 6 is. Followed by Italy against Wales and on Sunday it's the from Sprint to 456 nations 5 life sports extra. So that could end the legend Dana I have in this morning the numbers call them on is 080-859-0969 through talking football in Europe talking football in South America you take so night 5 o 5 not a B.B.C. Don't go to U.K. Main is about to tell us about some famed possibly going to P.S.C. Just hold that fire in one second because. I know I'm excited as well you know but I think there's one other thing that we need to clarify Yeah. You would know that musical goes for me. That I never got in there Wow not bad now 90 years on and I know it's not it's not all you can go west and she knows the lyrics of what you need to do involve any for me I always want to. Go I'm not going to go out of poverty I mean I'm going to probably you know I got to. Well this is why I never went to and to not show in England we had when I was really young and night they would go and imitate famous doas you still know really young now when I was we'd be young Mike I was for all the stars I met your eyes 1000 their eyes That's it yeah I was going to go and. See this story happened I don't know you've never told a story. It's. Better safe than admitted me I know me being sad and they basically want me to tell them to share my moment let me go I got you back oh if I could turn back time you're going to get no it wasn't that it was has song from memory that time is that in. Just something lives that's. What I used to read a good share of fashion and we do want. To Come On Come On You can't seize us like this one thing right you know it's like Romeo saying it will still leave me so long satisfied living through this reply here. It's a variety we had to do the way I was. Last time I went. There self is knowledge no no no no. No no the reason my Bru of the car for me Argentina is because we just lost but has been telling us where. Something is going my had said in an email and says my name Shock long time listener love the show had a question for Tim I recently saw Neymar as birthday footage with bullying out in tears What is it with Brazilians you know this is the Argentine is going Don't Cry For Me No need to cry but Brazilians they weep at the slides his drop of that always look but it looks like he's about to burst into tears what's going on what's going on. In that the train. School with this. She's been put out with me now for 23 years and she says I will know when the world is ending because I'll see you cry because she's never seen it and you know you do sorry it doesn't happen I'm all for Scully I. Just I'm just surrounded by all these melted butter there's a why you saw been going on all the time and in kind of public discourse it's seen as. Perhaps even too acceptable you know I'm clearly wrong in my in my kind of ludicrous hard man starts now there are times when when when maybe I should but when for example times when Rio was campaigning unsuccessfully for the Olympics before it got in 2016 that I would go over to give a speech and he would. Always. Speak and I was thinking for cryin out loud would you vote for you pull yourself together what's the matter with you there is that there's a lot of white in going on every day and I don't old with it not Bob Marley of the Willie whalers But what about here's. What he told us just before and and to remember him is crying at the World Cup with your I. Remember. He had a great as a Scottish call it why you can see it as a goal and he thought that would be going to live on you know and the competition and I was like yes don't cry you start 5 minutes like Make sure you win the game and do whatever you can but anyway that was really horrible thing that any way into my Volvo crime. Scene to remember him being. Wrong about. That's going to. Do it because there's a lot of crying going on. Never mind me that. Impressed. Me But I sort of thing I said OK I want to hear about the experiment 1st I tell you to say Well look I don't worry about. Encourage anywhere those who do you know that most interesting because you know obviously they have Neymar who is always injured when it comes time to the knockout stages or think you know always have this wonderful birthday party you but as a player who can turn around to the president say I don't really fancy playing against unarmed underground you know any any because they are too defensive so I'm going to I'm going to just keep this one out you know who have Danny Alva's name arguing with who's just total chaos here want to win the Champions League it decided to go for it and I am really and Thomas doc will who don't have. Any experience of doing something exceptional in that you're completely despite how good their Seabees were for different reasons obviously than I am right for Europa League and Thomas to hell for what he did at Dortmund but it's an interesting club because it's chaos it's run by a president who's too nice to so simply is not harsh enough there's no discipline now they have an intake is the director of sports he obviously was was quartered before so he was credited for his. Really was vice president he works his way up in the club you know Porsche obviously we know they know how to buy and develop talent 14 and 2017 to P.S.G. Thomas to hold arrived the one area in P.S.G. That's not very good is their midfield. And there's obviously this whole thing surrounding. So he's not being an ounce of play around because of the fact that the player wants to leave P.S.G. Not sign a contract and just leave them basically high and dry so there's a form of punishment in the sense of you shouldn't really be allowed to play but it seemed time to hold turning around and saying well it's not like I have many options in midfield so I kind of would like to use the clay if he is in my squad then the transfer market and most part transfer market opened there was they were in for Frankie Dion the seemed to be a deal that was wrapped up at the time it fell through. Then it was all right we'll get Alan from P.S.G. Obviously a great defensive midfielder huge turned out of balance and he's so smart obviously we've discussed that in the past and again the deal didn't go through and once again transfer market finishes no great midfielder arrives relevant part the only transfer that did or I was paralysed from from Russia and so predators I'm sorry I don't have to say the improperly sometimes. Let's just say to hole is very angry and he said he looks at football a different way than I do and there's huge outrage now at the moment because of this of the say that they don't think that this is the sporting director capable perhaps of buying the players that they need or elevating the club when it comes to talent and then there's ours and Banga who has been linked to the job that's for been reported by the her to him where there was France 24 at the time and that said it and now Mark has jumped on the bandwagon and basically everyone is saying that this is an open discussion it's been talked about and he's considering coming in as potentially the man who identified one end and bring in the right players to live AIDS and to in. The team to make sure there's harmony and balance inside within the squad and work with the coach whoever you know it may be whether or not they stay with the whole go forward and really be their director of sport. I don't know if this is going to happen there apparently this is what is discussing having said about I'll tell you this much thing is been associated to about 6 different jobs just in the last 4 months one of them was a seaman as both his boys you know are exact and as a coach so it remains to be seen whether or not this is a true story I think it would be really interesting if that is to happen. Again I'd love to see what do you know what venue can do if there's a lot of money to spend but what kind of play is it going to bring in but I don't know what's going to happen all I can tell you is that right now it just seems to be a messy club and a messy situation and as soon as the big game is hit there's a number of problems P.S.G. OK this is a good one from Jake in Ohio he was 30 years old this week has gone 30 years old on Tuesday to be precise he was 30 years old Happy belated best game which football is his day of birth there few of them quite well no one's. My mom last says is Christian or an elder Wow I would have did you know that Di. You know I. Well could you just let the wind out of me may just make you think have yet economists tell us Christiane are without a name out there the big 3 and Georgie had. Remained us mania you know now again them Broncos. This is our email DENI You should know that me knew it was about it had a mounting smell daintiest Yeah you know way yeah yeah. So legends were born on the state and yeah and apparently there is some other 20 or so footballers that were born while nobody was crazy everything was people wishing someone had given. Oh well I didn't know that thanks it's only see no inventions to Carlos' carriage was on voters a new manager of Columbia a few days ago what do the Colombian fans think of this appointment how do you think he will do and what will be considered success or failure and we need to take part in the invasion of Venezuela now that last bit was just me joking. I'm glad I'm glad this is Greece has come up because this is one of what I want to ping over to the minute and I clearly when you get in college kid or as you're getting 2 things 1st that you're in someone with a fantastic monk ate the monkey extraordinary story in an airport in Rio during the World in Brazil during the 2014 World Cup because he's got huge monkey of bear you know fry a kid or just want to sneak up behind him and slap it but the other thing you get in these is someone who is very very adaptable now he's worked all over the world using fact oh you know it's kind of Portuguese east is from Africa who sort of when countries in Africa were Portuguese colonies He's worked in Africa is what in Europe obviously Portugal but also extensively is as assistant coach at. Man united He's worked in the USA and in Asia as well in different different parts of Asia never worked in South America before Sorum give a lecture a few years ago to Brazilian coaches on the necessity of adaptability the necessity of adapting to the country that you're going to not trying to bring your perspective to there but trying to get inside their perspective so from from a South American view point of view this is virgin territory quite why they thought that that was there if that is their main. Bit mystified why it's a huge departure for Colombia who have spent most of their time going for coaches from Argentina. They had a run of Colombian coaches and then went back to Argentina with Peckham and who got them to the you know their 1st World Cup quarter finals in 2420 and I think you know I think he was a good fit although Peckham always blows the big games you always gets it wrong in the big games and it broke me up me heart to see what he did We Colombians the England and he set up Colombia and the England as if he was playing Brazil 970 rather than Gareth Southgate England and I just don't understand it but anyway so they decided that is the move forward the bar is set by what they did on the Peckham and reaching World Cup quarter finals so anything less than that is not success but how do you imagine that he will approach this job what do you think that he's tactical approach is likely to be. I don't know the his his last I was there are so I don't know how much he is ready of all walks. And I think that's. You know their mind obviously he had to be pragmatic and they opposed because the play is yeah and obviously once held off going forward he wanted them to take risks and and try to play on the counter-attack. But you know but it was more of a very pragmatic style of football obviously as. You saw they got really great results in the World Cup and I thought they were a decent team and he left a huge impression on the country he left a huge impression on his players who a lot of them made a point of standing to say you know we will really miss you for me colors here and there was a man who seemed to really know how to nurture and develop challenge was really good with youth teams and with players so who are one big superstars. And despite the fact that he has been obviously with around Madrid and the some of the highest and best players he's had problems with have been obvious he had problems with the announcer. I don't know why the play is never seen that happy under him and I don't know whether it's style of football whether he has tactical outlook is so. Would you say defensive. I don't know William Daley he sent to spells that United know you know if he wouldn't take him back Ferguson wouldn't take him back unless he really liked what he done 1st time around he's done Real Madrid as well so you know. I think we're looking at a man who is capable of doing anything well it is a long time ago I don't really see why Columbia thought that that's the one we want to learn really. He's got a such a varied C.V. But what exactly it is you're getting I don't think is clear if it is clear and that makes me wonder why they decided to go for him may be they they couldn't they couldn't see a good alternative from their usual routes which would say no or domestic bikes coach but I think he's because Peckham and was was relatively successful I think he'll be under pressure early and I don't think you'll find it an easy job if early results are good and we've got copper America in just a few months in Brazil and he's only got the March friendlies before announces his squad for that so now his team will go to that copper America very under-cooked and he could find himself on a love scene Colombia do this before you know a new coach takes over coffee America bad results P 45 sun on you why so that's the risk or how I imagine that he's cute enough to get through to get himself a good resistant rescission clause in his contracts it's a long. Time ago when Roy had said that if. I mean this is the thing why do people usually the back page of the Express this morning is Martin O'Neill telling his own players the not and for his players don't be afraid of Roy who is their assistant manager. But I mean I mean people like as and when you speak to some former players who played under cure or should who are managed by him when or when he was the assistant manager they don't have great stories to tell and that is where the strange because obviously going forward it could be that it's a different years a different country at that and maybe now he has mellowed as he's gone older because they loved him in Iran it's a different type of country with different ambitions to what you would face when you are united and obviously well Madrid and I don't know whether it's that I do think he he he is brilliant and I think the way that he's organization and pregnant you know what I'm like when it comes to pragmatic men and I do think on that level maybe what they're trying to do is instill some order and discipline and that's something that they feel they don't have at the moment and that's going in an old school type of guy that can we deduce that. Perhaps or the other Colombians I can be a little bit touchy feely you know kind of autocratic old european it might rub him the wrong way but you know as he says himself you got to adapt to to to the country through yeah yeah and just to make sure that. I mean stays out of you know the rules who are contemporary references you're basically saying to him that Carlos Queiroz is the Derek Nimmo football yeah. You see you're obsessed with starts ringing do you want to pick up a pick because I pick or something I've worked out why you went from Shakespeare to start swearing it's because you were thinking of the neck drums and Mack the group American culture because that's right. That's why you went to Rome because it is. Do you know pick up a pick up a pick green Yes I do know it was O'BRIEN I'm thinking of. Now on your interest penguin had but you don't remember Brother. Says it was it's very likely why did did he have a monk 8 he was a monk you know Brother That's right yes yes. There I have it's a long time ago there I am I think can't call and yeah yeah just a big bald in the middle there I'm thinking with shame a number it's just he's lost he's been away in Brazil too long every bed in Victoria in British Columbia Canada says regarding your quota last week asking about an award for a simulation in football there is apparently a yearly online award called brace yourself what you think is called Mina but I think contest Tim nice it is going to be something about Oscars in there somewhere . It's apparently called. It's good it's good the fallow on the floor. Very very accurate and precise with very little to. Follow on or for long the follow on the floor is married ever so who would win it for you. Me my name I would win it Tim. I think me and mine are of of a like mind on this issue. And you've heard about like Guy just to make. Sure it's moods that doesn't matter just like it's a knowledge isn't it that's another reference that you might not remember how long you've been away so knowledge is OK this one My name's Darrow I'm a long time listener 1st time emailer from fundaments are usually listen to the podcast but this week I'm awake for the show. So decided to contact you 1st I said my thoughts and prayers to everybody fact about the tragedy of. My question because a video game football manager for me Championship Manager as a child I used to adore these games somehow they made me feel like a young football Scout many years ago banging on about finding a 70 year old our union rubbing at F.C. Green again however there are many players who are wonders if either of you could tell me of the real live progress to victory particularly. Colombian center back is equal bug attacking midfielder lawn of course Brazilian famous for the seal dribble Congi in lighten him on any of those. Balancers in Switzerland and he had a glorious Polish time with he had a glory 6 months with the plight as a as a left footed Colombian center back who did remind you a little bit of Daniel past a rela quick aggressive not particularly what wonderful he had any right to see run into serious injury problems only came back he just wasn't the same player the confidence and gone and if you go if you're proactive defender you lose your confidence you lose your aura you lose so much so he's going to Switzerland and I think he's done all right but I thought he was going to be a world beater a few years ago and he hasn't turned out to be that Ezekiel bar call is. One of those little Argentine playmaker. Very cute big personality who's gone to Major League Soccer in the United States would be playing for Argentina at the moment in the Under 20 championships but he's picked up an injury and carry on Unfortunately he's is whole career went wrong before it went right and he was a star in the South American under 17 championships when he did much more than just a sealed Ridley had a lot he could do everything but he had his ankles smashed and he was never ever the same thing when he played all over the world from into my own where I had to get a game and I axe what I'll get again to places like Moore or in Japan and so on and recently he each acted in around the age of 30 I think part of that was Cage couldn't take the pain anymore the bugger the physical pain and also I imagine it is a lot of mental pain and frustration because without that that really serious ankle injury that is after the age of 17 I'm sure his career would have been would have been something really to look back on and behold unintentionally I think Rex's even tied in the old Friar Tuck and Romeo and Juliet together for this quote he was listening to us talking about Verona earlier old me and the quote from Rome in Junior is from the friar in Romeo and Juliet the friar who let's face it it's his fault that Romeo and Juliet both end up dead it's the friers fault anyway apparently he says I think it was to road me or go wisely slowly those who rush stumble and fall. And it should be said yeah. We might be allowed to hold your fire and that while this is going well for you Kevin says been on a few times as a political friend during the World Cup and Euro 2016 event question here on players who could have done more which players do you think suffered most do to wrong moves or too much loyalty to a. Particular club in terms of a wrong move John chinos clearly a world class player but will never be remembered as such since he made moves to Monaco and wolves rather than big Cubs As for loyalty perhaps such as Henrik Larsson arguably stated Celtic too long before making his big move it was not the biggest a flowing enough in my opinion are there any other examples that you can think of about players in your regions regular. Yeah there's a lot but this is a really wide discussion I want long time to OK let's discuss it off of the late his father had died and shot about Boller on digital B.B.C. Silence Slosberg of the various ways B.B.C. Radio 5 Live fresh claims against Philip Green have been published in The Daily Telegraph think he'd allegations that members of staff were given payments and signed backing orders after being bullied or harassed civil It denies any wrongdoing and says the newspaper's pursuing a vendetta against him. The Irish. Says he wants to rebuild trust with to reason might there be a meeting in Dublin the prime minister is trying to get backing for changes to break the deal particularly on the issue of the Irish border. And man and woman in their twenty's have been arrested over the deaths of 4 children in a house fire in Stafford on Choose day they're being held on suspicion of manslaughter by gross negligence and a former X Factor contestant has been chosen to represent the you can see at this year's your vision Michael Rice who is 21 will sing bigger than as in Tel Aviv Nick Paton as the find last fall's Great Britain moved a step closer to Fed Cup promotion after Katie Poulter and you have a contest sealed victory over hungry with soon gruelling 3 set wins both winning final set tie break but also beating down a Gulf War concert overcame an a bonder in 2 hours and 46 minutes the British number one says she drew on her experience to get through to take a light out big part of that match which is a say very tough to be on the receiving end of been very happy with the way I was able to even at times where where it was quite frustrating to just come back with myself and keep a good perspective and just try to get one point at a time and about victory sets up a tie against Serbia later today about for a place in a proper promotion play offs I had trip from Delhi Charbel to assent Sheffield united to the top of the championship as they race into a 3 nil lead Aston Villa with just 8 minutes to go but goals from Tyra mains and Tommy Abraham led to a nervy finish of Villa Park Andre Green's injury time header securing a 33 draw that means United States 3rd in the table but United manager Chris water was impressed with the performance of his players for we were outstanding but we've come to a proper football club and put a right display on which only going to the opposition and and dominate it and one mistake. You give good players a little bit of a sniff it for 5 minutes but they've got 5 minutes of the game and possibly not even not the ad break of highly contagious echoing flu that's caused chaos in racing appears to be growing further positive tests have shown up at the Cheshire stables are trying to Donal McCain and 3 horses at another unconnected racing yard . Are under investigation he's out racing correspondent Cornelius Lysaght 3 more positive tests at Donald McCain's operation including from razor Spock which potentially significantly left the stables to race at air on Wednesday brings to 6 the number of horses infected in his powerful string hundreds of race horses have been examined there at all training stables that sent runners to fix just this week where the McCain team was also represented the figure being analyzed rose when reports of sickness emerged at trainer Rebecca Menzies yard near Stockton on Tees in all 174 racing stables are under scrutiny Meanwhile the British Horseracing Authority has rejected claims that it may have overreacted by canceling racing from Thursday until Wednesday next week at least England have ben folks and recall Keaton Jennings for the final Test against West Indies that gets in the way this afternoon Alan got the woman 6 Nations campaign back on track last thanks to a bonus point 225 win over Scotland simply holders Wigan they scored 6 tries as they beat Leeds 3416 to bounce back from their opening day defeat head coach Adrian Lam happier with the window rather than the performance better than last week in some areas and I felt that you know we're a little bit disorganized in defense I thought we probably missed 10 opportunities with the ball so I think that she pretty much put the team in in perspective I was happy that way we got a lot more shape and we play a little bit more rugby but why are now we missed a lot of opportunities in attack and defensively we just little bit shady at times has 2 defeats from 2 for the rhinos and in sneaker alley Castlereagh his 1st ranking final for 2 years that sank to a 6 nil thrashing of China's Xiao cow dung at the Will Grand Prix in Cheltenham That's the latest from B.B.C. Sport known Premier League football to get anyone else to shut up I was 6 and the station was more like Premier League football than anyone else later. Since I will be Craven Cottage against my just you know it kills it's well this is the best life support this. First phone use and the best life this is B.B.C. 5 Live. Right but doesn't add up by other question from Kevin was which clothes do you think suffered most due to wrong moves or too much will see to a particular club money gives examples of. World class player but won't be remembered because he made a move to Monaco moves rather than bigger clubs and then Henrik Larsson arguably stayed too long at Celtic you wanted more time to deliberate. I may not come back next week and pick up on that question I don't have much. But I'm going to tell you if I didn't think Jalen team you made a. And I don't know I get that he's the way that he's playing right now or is wildcards but sometimes play is just it's the right age for them it's the right surroundings for them it's the it's the right move for them and then they brought them and I do think he was very good at Monaco I still don't I don't know why you're saying his well class is not my great now he's on the term Pusey final. Anyway so that's my $0.02 there is who should've made a move. There's a ton right Malcolmson to come to Boston because I think he's a very good way had he chosen to actually go to Rome or he would have had playing behind he would have developed under a coach who had the time to develop him because it's not like you know they have to win 3 on an hour now so it would have been a chance to explore his potential to try to extract that quality he would have been a starter he's not that a boss then a Despite his talent we saw him now scoring. Against Real Madrid and getting that equalizer he does definitely have talent but you can just see that is really struggling to express that will be given the time to express that. Other than that if you if you think I did I just mention Mario good say moving from Dortmund to. By Munich I think that he couldn't keep up with my Munich he lost his confidence and despite scoring obviously in the final for Germany he's We never look like the career that set a lot of the lights when he was playing at Boise dormant he's gone back but again not the kind of player that you expected him to be. That this is why I do think that despite bad moves that eventually the player. Comes out. And is it you always end up WAY YOU NEED TO BE AND way you should be I don't think there's ever you can have bad luck because of injuries you can do what French in school told he didn't stay true to remember never got around Madrid and won the term to Z. And do all these things but. That is partially also because he didn't want to be under all that pressure and he made a move way he wanted to be huge for many many he is then perhaps take on a challenge. Is the eternal and because when I was growing up so me he was the the euro why in the was just on another level look sensational and he arrived to into it with so much Transair with so much like oh my God this is going to be the guy that's going to lift everything and he played very well and he was really awful in fact and he had his moments where you could see everything that they wanted and moments where you're just like what's going on and I thought you were going to be the guy that rescues them and he didn't and then he went to a 1000 different loans and then and see and Tony you know and you to never really saw him give the player that I think he had all the potential at the time to be I remember watching voiced and renting as well when I was younger and thinking to myself oh God this guy has so much technique what he can do with the ball the way he has technical skill on the ball is something for untasty he was around Madrid but obviously he just didn't understand how to channel that in and again how to bring out the best to make the right decisions to push the team forward despite all his skill on the ball. And I think for me as well if I'm going to say it I don't think they was made very many great moves I mean. I've yet to see it's interesting because you look at right now though and he's so lucky to have had Sir Alex Ferguson he's so I'm lucky to have trained under him to have learnt from him to have been developed by him you know messy and he had right guard who believed in him and saw that he was allowed to play around alongside or Nandini and to come under his weight and then he had. To really extract his potential and showed it and then you know you better have Fabio Capello and then I look at me my own one to think who did he have that's you know Luis in the Cape is a is a very good coaching is a trouble winning coach but he's not a guy that can develop huge talent like me Mum Dad and I seen all of our you didn't actually play on the velvet and then it's and I am Ari. Tom still hold these on guys who are big names and full bore that know how to do that and I wonder whether he will ever live up to what he can actually do on the ball what he is capable of doing on the ball and it would be really sad because neighbor is an extraordinary talent but he hasn't had that figure in his life that I think Messi had that but I had that we're now the hand that so many other big names in football were lucky to train under and I think that makes a huge difference and. For that I can tell you it's a bit unlucky or whatever it is but other players have also worked through it so I don't know it was a number one who should have never made them it's about you know it's such a great question and Mina is absolutely right Jim in taking time out to talk about this because if you think about it it's probably not one single professional footballer and now or in the past that doesn't think what if what if I'd gone there rather than what if I'd made my move that season rather than the season a half. 2 words or whatever it might be you know it is you can write books on this surely and yet And yet it's such a subtle. Conundrum you know go left rather than go right ahead it can make either be the greatest football of it's ever lived or not it can make a difference Connie. Make a huge huge difference because at the end of the day we're talking about a collective context. My one for. A succession of bad moves which I think is probably more common these days in the age of players being commodities and agents always looking for moves to get there 10 or 15 percent whatever with it with an incentive to to create uncertainty but my one would be bring a grown from mania but just as the same way that whole recall brings a growing for me because I saw him coming out lovely Playa but I'm trusting you know he's not he's not going to pay your rent now flaky flaky fly lovely little effort but very very flaky in the the greater the occasion the more the chance of him of him messing it up so my one would would probably bring a similar reaction from from mainly because I think she would she would say that you saw him coming to Brazilian center forward coriander Demi Oh he was top scorer of the London Olympics in 2012 and was was on the on the verge continue on the verge of a move to Tottenham and it never happened because that they couldn't and could never get all the people who owned a slice in him to sit around the table at the same time and agree instead of which he moved here and there and here and there and here and there and it was always to clubs it didn't need it was always the clubs that didn't need a center forward so he never got a consistent run of games and his confidence suffered but what was interesting about him is that he was any is and he had a very good year back where he made his name International in Porto Alegre last year he just wanted to Japan now on the on the back of it so to answer Moneyball was what it was interesting about him is a big target man center forward who is also mowed by he can run with the ball run long large distances with the ball with we will get a speed and he had there was a little bit of a street footballer in him because he. Was playing a lot of in 4 parks football until relatively like he had this this this move they called it a Lambretta when he flicked the ball over his head and were huge didn't expect it from a from a big sense of forward and one of the big. What Ifs for him would be he was he could have been Brazil's center forward in the 2014 World Cup and there is no doubt he would have brought much more to the table than for a Gino the hapless figure who ended up filling that role a year before the Confederations Cup landed Demi I was a back up center forward in training before the tournament he got injured in kind of a former main city Everett's imply and that's the way it stayed all the way to the World Cup because they won the Confederations Cup Scolari just kept the same squad together had Danielle not got injured then had he been around I think he could have been Brazil's 2014 center forward and I don't think he would have done badly I think he would have it would have just brought more. To the table club level he was owned by a car agency they're looking to make money out of him and I think a lot of the decisions that what I can were what we're short term and not in the best long term interests of in his career the opposite the player who stayed too long for me there's one that's crying out that comes from England and that's. At Southampton and each did that he was the god in with all due respect to Southampton he was God in a small pond and you wonder how he made a move to a club that would have you know that would have demanded more of him perhaps he would have he would have dug a little bit deeper and got more out after that immense talent that he had but I think that the problem with the one who wants to stay with a home Sound Cloud all will ever can be the kind of comfort zone where you don't push yourself and you don't work at those areas that you naturally not stronger. That's part. A secret Christian or an elder would need the extraordinary dedication that he has brought to the table working because on Monday is by any means the most naturally talented local collected edition has he's got so much out of it and Laetitia I'm convinced could have got more out of it in a more demanding environment see we could do the other way round as well yeah that's what I was going to say Yeah absolutely the other way around those to feel free you want to do it now because there are so many examples of footballers I can think of in the English game in the Premier League. Past and Present by the way who made the wrong moves everyone that comes up swine and a few them funny enough went through the Liverpool route and I think well why did they do that I get why they did it because it was a big club probably more money etc but where they were remember Andy Carroll when he was in Newcastle he was virtually unplayable and then he goes to. Goes to Liverpool and then something happens I don't know they don't play in the way they should that he gets injuries etc I get it and also. What's his name he's now at Christian Ben Teka when he was before we went live when he was outside the Aniston Villa useful for building a going to win we're going to win the World Cup They've got him and they've got league OK to come as well and there for some reason it kind of didn't let him play him absolutely right There are many players who fall foul of making the wrong decision but there are also so many as well that make the right decision I wonder whether we can get more mileage out of that how do you make the right decision I don't know how these things work I mean if you can shed any more light when when you can make the right decision but you get lucky in the sense that you can luck so when the right coach who believes. As John a renowned as. You said made the right decision not only did he go to play. Under the way he has talents there are others who are quite mediocre. Did you not say that he needed. To switch as well and he got. To that the right time arguably if he'd got a couple years later Riggs may not have been he's preaching trying to turn his guards and one of the greats who will reserve. I'll be honest with you I think that this is a there is a part of me that believes in state and that believes you end up where you are it helps on how where you end up I do think there are players who are their dedication and we have to credit Ronaldo for his dedication to the sport for his massive desire to be something to to take the world by storm I'm sure as some of you watch the Super Bowl but Brady had a huge chip on his shoulder he wasn't considered you know when you you know 1st draft at the time and that helped him become the player that he really is obviously is now at the age of 41 years old it obviously makes. You have songs like this and obviously as Bill Belichick you have people along the way who build you or believe in you or who know how to play you and I do think as a youngster you need a coach who doesn't just help you on a tactical level or in a nurturing that but I think teach you just normal things like how to when you are holding the ball for too long or disciplined or even man is and I and I worry sometimes in some of the choices that these players make when they decided 18 or 19 to go to these big clubs I appreciate them badly for example and I think the best decision we haven't made was choosing monocle at the time to train under a coach like Howard Dean who is an expert when it comes to youngsters who actually is back at Monaco right now in training the next generation going forward. I was hesitant when he decided to move to P.S.G. Not to because. I don't like to hole and I don't think that he's a fantastic coach because I genuinely do that because the environment around him I mean you could have Sam expects him but if you're in the people that you're playing alongside on Neymar who doesn't always behave in the right ways and Danny Alvarez who I'm not a fan of in terms of his behavior either there are going to be times that he's going to learn the things that I wouldn't want him to learn as a kid but these are the things that we're eating and these are the things that mark a veteran scatter and for the Chinese national team was going to be the guy that took this midfield by storm and to him in my humble opinion is nowhere near the guy that I and I saw he was going to be he's still very good he's still a player one of the of a lot of respects and coach and still wonder pleas from the national team and the board and not the norm of the level that he should really be Balotelli made a bunch of bad moves and then you have to is like I don't know if you remember been . In the Euros in 2016 Antonio Conte called that jacket and jacketing is this fantastic story because every day he used to drive to try to get a job in football that no one wanted to take him and then I gave him a chance because they're like well you know we're going to transfer you control for us he started paying for the loan down to a bunch of different Cubs. Clubs that I don't actually know the name of that's how how low they are and then you Venters came to him because Antonio continues for something and him and then he started to start for a team that won the school desktop and then he went to play for the in ASH Italian national team I mean now he's with cave over and the all the team in Verona the No one likes the. Big huge Hold on one second return to his I hope the next 2 minutes but I know Tony is in New Cross which was once my parish in selfies loaded and he's waiting for a bus I don't want to keep you waiting too long sorry. Wrong. Of course I never meant it. To go to 9 minutes but. The wound overnight if you can wait for the. Good questions will be it's about finishes junior. As are our baby boy the permeability I'm saying that. Not a guitarist thought this thought of a lot of a lot of noise around but this is Junior. I mean for me it's good to see ocean 18 year old present in the. Palm of money when he was 16 but it's good to see the east on schedule recognition 1st before them recently convert. Made by they were saying that. Maybe a combination of the British name or knowledge of. The Portuguese and onslaught of media or whatever he. Thought that maybe he was out lying as a winger role. As a center forward. It was game he said in Bosnia we did the same podcast together and he said he felt he was a combination of for now the. Same because there's been this whole topic of conversation as to reg are the ones to pay why he should pay but what happened to waiting is that when we're down to the last people thought it would be cowardly on whole take the mantel piece and be the next hero and I think Madrid going to bounce in themselves too and so it's a lobby when he came in optional for taking but because he suffered injuries to the times that he has to maintain he's not been the leader that they've been looking for things his junior. Has the peace and the chemistry with Karan Benzema that you need to make the vision of football that so loud he has. To light up so that he wants to play with fast win as he wants to be exciting and quick which is why I guess I mean they do need a lot more vision in midfield but that's why it's because not finding spaces there's always the more problems with this go in finishes just looks like he's perfect on the left wing who seems to have his K. On the standing with Karen Benz in that they move around so intelligent means they know when to give and go. And it's really working out with him on the left which is obviously or in all those position which does mean that I guess Bale he didn't start the match against around Madrid against Barcelona so there are problems as to who's the guy that you're going to play because I think salon is really in love with this youngster at the moment and the way that he's playing is not like an 18 year old he makes such clever decisions and I know that most people who watched him in this huge covered of a Obviously game because it was against Barcelona and he was brilliant I know that his shooting was engraved he wasn't the most accurate and he means some bad decisions in that match despite being tremendous this wasn't him at his best and I want people to notice imagine as good as he was in that match that was in him at his best the way that. Just took on I think it's apologist you get out there of 2 months to come off I have versus. Who grew up in the that is kind of brings the program from full circle grew up and developed in those very facilities where the time for minor youngsters died. And as he made a point of mentioning that on the social media. Room was he to really be congratulated with the way that people have brought him along I was in the starting for his 1st guy. It was all over the place there was a lot of talent there but everything every decision he made was wrong. Going over there or taken him step by step through debating to the bench to say they're teaching him how to apply that I don't imagine implying through the middle because I think he likes the extra spice that week that he can get the acceleration spikes that he can gets that he can get playing at picking up the ball dropping deep wide and in cutting you know on the diagonal but he's left foot is increasingly good as well that gives him the option of going outside so I think he's found his He's place I wouldn't I don't quite see him as a mixture of of the 2 Ronaldo. Don't think he's a very very exciting talents and Tony thanks a lot for the call pre-show last minute Good luck with the bars give my regards to new cross a couple questions for you both 1st what would you argue to. Say that going well yeah well. I'm not sure that they were they were sold to Russia. That he wasn't. Remembering. Well remember in those days the player belonged to the club in perpetuity there was no freedom of contracts so. What about I don't know what were true the reason why I would say this is the one on the perfect place for himself which you know he although it destroyed it destroyed him. The place a concierge. So I was right on out. There I mean if you had a team that. That means and that allowed him to take over and play the kind of football and charcoal had many had a great team around. Me But most people who thought living from Barcelona he was a buzz learned before that was made. From bus loads it's in Naples most people would say no that's not the right move that's the point I was trying to get and yes it was the right moves. He found Barcelona cold Natalie for him as a human being as well and he yeah absolutely loved it and he loved for some reason he couldn't get in to the cattle and sense of protest against majority could be could never feel part of that he instantly felt felt felt parts of the discrimination that the Southern Italians face from the Norris ice I mean broke the embrace that so it was it was the right place for him on the field and off the field although you know. Well you know he's there in the way that. You know he was a creative genius and the only place he was going to find which would embrace everything all the madness and follow him to it it becomes a character he was not born in and now he was in it and it was perfect and that's OK So this brings us full circle to the point I was trying to make which is that the Chelsea teenager Callum Hudson who adore you has to make this choice that you know where does he go the stay which shows he to be a bit part player at the moment Josie or does he go to need it to be. What he is Joe And is he being trained by Nico ranch and you know are they still going to run the club that they've been wanting in the way the last way for 2 years which has been shown yet to bring in all these extra questions you know the straight forward going to different state and people comparing them to you do not understand how lucky Sanjay was to be training on the incidence of you want to genius and when it comes to training is that the news and to be able to be trained by him every day oh it's all my life to him overlooking my development and what Santa has this. Kind of wind of how the pine. Yeah. Doug in Oregon Doug in Oregon says in addition to the following The flaw I was wondering who you do. It is who you would all nominate for the worst miss the barn door. That. There is a group in student government for the ball double seed you want to go for that Gordon Smith brought in and Smith must score it say it was a minor prime fanzine Cup for the guys money like you don't use right. ANGLE I never did find. A good. Dog I would marry from a before but also imagine studs in just a few minutes ago just goes to show you there were over before you always love a direct mate is really great to have you with us thank you for having me so I'm really good to have you with us as well pleasures are Weiss Cheers and thank you for giving us the right atmosphere is a really difficult day for a lot of parents of young footballers in Brazil number 3 we reflected that as much as well thank you for the effect on your calls and take city Moses was always called the value. For news. Clearly and you want to miss C.B.C. 5 live good morning this is not on 5 Live I'm Datsun added by the news new claims against a Philip Green published in The Daily Telegraph he denies doing anything wrong and in sport Great Britain move a step closer to Fed Cup promotion. This is B.B.C. 5 Live with the B.B.C. . The Daily Telegraph has published fresh claims against Philip Green every street into some former employees at his Arcadia Group it's alleged members of staff who'd been bullied or harassed were given payments and signed documents his own reports say Catherine stump the paper says they were late to 5 members of staff including a female executive who accused the businessman of groping us.

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