Pratik unionists treason May were speaking in Brussels at the end of a summit to which E.U. Leaders were said to her rebuffed her call for a legally binding guarantee that the backstop designed to avoid the return of a hard border in Ireland would be only temporary Mrs May said this was in both sides interests and she rejected a suggestion that the rest of the E.U. Had given up on her leadership what was very clear from the fellow leaders that I've spoken to is that they want to ensure that this deal can get over life and they want to work with the U.K. To ensure that that is what happens as a very clear commitment to the jail to saying this is the best way forward and working with us in order to achieve that the Conservative M.P. And stay a critic of Mrs May Mark Francois says her deal is as dead as the dodo the only thing that would trying the treaty is an amendment to the treaty itself you can come up with so-called reassurances but they're not binding in international law they're there you know it's like a love letter and you know it doesn't have legal effect and everybody in the House of Commons not use that unless you amend in Chinese the text of the treaty anything else is pretty meaningless the Police and Crime Commission of the Northamptonshire says that whilst he is providing funding for more for 50 more officers to be equipped with tasers he hopes that none of them won't have to be used see them all says that tasers could stop violent behavior even without being fired we hope that they don't actually get used the top of certain about 300 times that they were drawn in Northampton GA last year that she only used 21 times sometimes they are there to protect some people from their selves but also if someone's genuinely a threat to other people or police officer then they got the tools available to them Chelsea says fans who used an anti semitic chant during a Europa League game in Hungary last night have shamed the club the filmmaker either but Dale who made a film of for the kid out charity which campaigns for inclusion in football says that for. And to claim they were only being anti Tottenham need to reeducate and this is not just total you might think your chance you get them but actually what you are doing is hugely renders the O.T. Summit I don't think the bad old days about to the extent they are but it's very you know it's very important to make sure that slide if there is a slide back towards them is not absolutely in its tracks. A celebration of Polish culture will take place in Corby on Sunday in an attempt to build understanding between the town's diverse communities the deep roots tall trees arts organization is running a 2 year project called Changing Colby a loss of 4 distinct communities in the town Scottish Latvian so-be and polish Sunday evenings event will include Polish singing dancing and food the artistic director of deep roots tall trees is Neil Paris require a learning songs from each of their cultures and we're interviewing lots of people from the different cultures that have come to live in Corby and we're also crying at like a heritage archive of of interviews and songs and some dances for from those from those cultures and finally a survey has found that nearly one in 5 people rarely bother to read the manual after unwrapping a new gadget at Christmas more than a quarter say opening the manufacturer's handbook is the worst part of receiving a Christmas gift and even more almost half find the process boring and no time to choose whether staying chilly the soft or no further spells of sunshine although areas of cloud may spread over from time to time the highs of 4 degrees Celsius that resound height B.B.C. Radio Northampton news is coming up to 2 minutes 4 minutes no foemen is false to. Go there in the eye and say we got there and you. See the radio Northampton. Looking quite busy close to the A 605 in both directions just at the roundabout there for the main road for and all that's looking not quite slow in both directions all the approaches to chance mill quite congested this afternoon a 6 especially north and southbound I think a bit of congestion there in those road works just around the Queen's Park area the I 5 north of Northampton is quite slow through the line closures in both directions Bedford road and Tory a prominent Northampton are looking busy this afternoon and. Of congestion of the type of roundabouts. The approaches. In the next. Play be. On B.B.C. Radio you know. You. Some. Of these are. The ones. When using. Them but some of. The problems. Some. Just. Choose to. Use. In order to. Bring. The right. Really done. Is no myeloma Michael Jackson on B.B.C. Radio. If you would make couple of days ago I was ranting because we were playing Christmas music oh boy. No years. Time. Susan. Blum. Move. a Merry Christmas everybody we will have our Friday meditation next. To the week. Another from him on the way. All such a fun tough day Carol coming to you. yes. Yes. Good afternoon and welcome to our 5 minutes of peaceful time on a Friday and we need that why we need to feel peaceful and that you're going to talk today about our feelings and how important they are but also where we think they come from we spend a lot Photo by just wondering not only how do I feel now but how would I feel later how did I feel earlier. And generally we feel that people have an ability or power within them to decide how way kind fail we don't know many question this we just accept it maybe we think my partner can make me for a happy sometimes I think my partner might be very unhappy. But normally we fail that they can decide or determine consciously or unconsciously how we're going to fail. Where to our emotions come from where do our states of mind to begin when we think about it like this we can understand that all of our feelings our emotions play arise within our own mind. Defaces the case it's also means that nobody and nothing has the ability to make us fail in a particular way and this is very liberating when we really believe this when we understand that our own mind has the ability to create a feeling then we can also see that through training our mind we can to side how we fail. And it's not a difficult choice is it of course all of us all of the time we want to feel a sense in a contentment we want our mind because we want to be able to enjoy our own state of mind. And this is how we do it through understanding that we ourselves can create within our mind a calm and peaceful feeling. And the nobody else no circumstance no situation can influence that. But we need to train so what we're going to do today is a short meditation trying to deepen this understanding that we ourselves are responsible for all and able to choose what feeling arises within our mind. As we always do we can begin by settling comfortably getting ready for meditation. Making sure that we close our eyes. And let the outside world. Throwing our mind in whips. And settling for a moment. All of our awareness upon operating. And now we can think to myself. All of the emotions that I experience. All of the many different failings that arise within my mind. They do come from my mind. And not given by somebody. They are not pushed upon me. They are a part of my mind and they arise within my mind. And as I understand this. One understand how it is possible. Experience. My training and. Ready ready ready bring ready. Me Home. I am. Sure. Mary marry me was. 1 1 and. That's not lost on me going to hand out between now and Christmas on my program because that is my favorite carol of the bells sung by my favorite person singing. I absolutely love it I can only play at this time of the I might bring out for August bank holiday next year or something but I'd absolutely have to. Break the song spend the morning finding festive people I know times is railway station you had the only thing. Going on from giving the commuters here a taste of some Christmas cracker jokes over the tannoy. Christmas. So. First solution. To. A mall break for us back on Monday morning from 6 B.B.C. Radio new homes Christmas Jim But today didn't really fit him. He says it shrunk in the wash but if you'd like to see some of us in our Christmas outfits it is of course Christmas jumper that I have to the B.B.C. Will have to defeat at B.B.C. Northampton. Cook steals the show let me just tell you that it's time for a featured artist of the week the final track from Billy Joel going for something from August 19th this might number 14. With. Ties to wide. if you'll only am one let's break down blocking a line as you head from the. 19 down towards rugby junction I seem for the 5 doesn't look too bad from what I can see on the speed sensors in the cameras he's pretty heavy on the getting some Colby The soft and maybe. The Oakley rides are starting to build up a little bit as well from what I can say of findin that the A 6 is. Looking slow in both directions at road and around in the Bedford road still pretty heavy on the way into town. Build up there for the time of day as well I think road. Just north of road actually. Looking a little bit busy in both directions. Really between the runabout and the brightly road. But if you spot a problem call our 8030 double fordable 5 in the next updates and. Find one of the week then if you get clever clocks today frankly. It's a toughie today I was just discussing it with Queen Jane. But you couldn't keep them on all weekend so we'll make them clavicle has just come from 3 corners to something in the county you just need to tell us what that something is you do that by calling her she's on a $130.00 double for. North. Not to 1333 for texting that gets put in one when you take so that we can say hello and we know who's going on the roll of honor. If you're on Twitter at B.B.C. Northampton we do ask that you don't email just because there is a chance given the I'm busy doing this and busy answering the phones that we might not see your email I don't want to not give you a mention you know what I mean I want to upset you at this time of the year particularly here we go there he is clearly number one today we're in Northampton today and I'm Grade 2 listed designed by Alexander Anderson. OH IT 130 I would double for double far in Northampton today and I'm Grade 2 listed designed by Alexander Anderson. 0800. 681 triple 3 and still let your message with. B.B.C. Radio north on said. I've been waiting for you. Coming on and sell me the truth. So. Anyone from Georgia has what is called hold to my leg. That goes for the conservation area. Sarah Nathan Rush didn't go for 78 done guy as does Greg Brown new Dave says he cooking giant I'm not die for. Old but she for traces die even toast. Because 752100 M G It's been a long time since we've heard from the. City buildings and fish stations that have sex oh but no we have to go out for such a clever cloak slippers to give away happy hour in getting to namely long bus. Instead. I'm a memorial to Peyton Taylor. You can look up a 103. On the memorial to Peyton take. of the Sally in St James has your final claim to know about but I do have a stained glass emblem of the Northamptonshire when she meant I weigh 1030 double for Double Fine now a bell but I do have a stained glass emblem of the Northampton she went human plenty in all sorry for you too you were such as it was. If you would like to join that wrong one I 100-0030 double for double 5 Andrew and Abington joins the role of Ana I'm now a bell but I do have a stained glass emblem of the Northamptonshire when she meant. By students wearing a fabulous Christmas jumper. Stay. Cool. Because that. Was a. Mug. The costume we've. Seen. Any. You could say I am still takes life to the rich and. Well I could if I didn't look good I did a lovely guy lip sync for you that I did very good very impressed by that great radio I was actually yeah I know it's very much you know this did not it did I did that he's a splendid Christmas jumper who Yeah yeah it was because the doctor was a one of you know some to decide how the jingle. Was. Or doesn't listen to. You know it's really the right job. The Left the right different to the left. Left. My kind of the middle and when I when different when they probably harmonize . Together. Always lovely writing day on the bill that. I feel like saying Santa I knows I've met scent I know send you your not so famous lines from the film Well if you like yeah you look like Elf in there yeah it's not about that's what he's that's what you got a belt across the middle of it which I wish I'd got my trying with me because my friend and I jumped on the field beach to been taken and I bit my friend I don't know if you know goodness sake why don't you try to let you walk up this is party on Saturday my friend 80 was the best out Oh right OK where it looks like he's being carried around by another. And I have seen that yes he that if I go to such as he is big I think he should be wearing that. That would be a sight to think they really probably would yeah. So I'm glad to hear today. I was on standby this time yesterday I was just arriving in the studio yeah nice skin of teeth and all that because we were getting regular updates your way and you can even go with a great track of Billy Joel Yeah right track you know the New York state of mind yeah great track. Not good to be caught on the motorway that way but as I said yesterday not good to be the reason why on earth are they likely to say that it's better in the queue than the calls of the year politically you've got some great music to tell me about it it's all for today yeah yeah some crap but we can agree on. Some cracking Tunes today as you guessed the year between 4 o'clock and 6 so we rounding off the week news and music wise looking at things that are happening in Northampton and probably in Brussels because something's going on out there including a contract between the prime minister and John Paul Young at one point where she couldn't of saying something which he said he didn't do and it's caught on film one of them so that all sorts of funny games and we'll play the final track from this week's album of the week now I know a lot of people. I'm not huge fans of the role from the monocle to taking the hits of Buddy Holly Roy Orbison The Beach Boys repartees and turn them into new versions they will be cannon has just walked into this in studio and he's wearing a jumper not disability also. Very close we need to get a photo of the 2 of you together. Yes You re not. So yes I know memories fans of them yeah I think that was on some of the tracks you know one of the added to it really but the version of the song we're going to play today I think is beautiful when he laughing at the Jingle Bells. Jingle the way we do would be lovely OK that's that's every woman's fantasy that you're going with that I mean it's not all about that would be like to thank you bye bye However. B.B.C. Radio Northampton. So races having to gather there for a 2nd gather at case one of the S.N.C. Boy says not a clue to the. David test is going to Dave's got is ill is got it Brian Hamilton has your 1st claim in no time today and I'm Grade 2 listed designed by Alexander Anderson 2nd clearly today I'm in the Morial to Ralph Peyton Taylor and your final play go on and now above but I do have a stake in the US and THEM of the Northamptonshire when she meant can you get yourself on the final of all the way more. Cool No 80000308 double for double 5 text 81 triple 3 and still is your message with Knowles wants Helen B.B.C. Radio North. 6 . 6. 666. Injun I use my king catching that is from the drill hole I can see why you would Mike that you are not correct on this occasion I'm a fright So here's today's Are all of us happy to. Getting 10. And. Dave Zillah and Brian in Malta What I mind the full memorial hall now botia And if you're wondering where that is it's on Castilian street so well done today I didn't think anybody would get it so you've done really well not a record breaking a sporting success was drawing Victoria I know there are limitations supposed to was to a great deal of sport B.B.C. Sports Personality of the year Sunday night from 7 on B.B.C. One and B.B.C. I Player could get any more patronized when I said Well done for getting it right up to a some time and I have to become such a a US it's the B.B.C. The time to Christmas classics not quite looking else which is going to kick up a fuss and we think i should go and get a feeling I'm going to have a British children's by Monday. Wow. Wow wow wow wow wow wow. Wow. Wow. a. Stand by to spend several hours sit in the company of the Chief and Mr Stewart and. On line D.A.B. Digital radio on Freeview channels 7340 S is B.B.C. Radio Northampton. At 3 o'clock they use B.B.C. Me so they can see from Sarah Palmer Good afternoon to reason May says it is still possible to get further assurances from the E.U. About the Northern Irish Bank stop the biggest sticking point of her BRICS it Dale Mrs May has been holding talks with the French president Emmanuel Merkel in Brussels where leaders last night rebuffed her calls to rework the agreement reporter Adam Fleming says it's hard for the prime minister to make any progress there the story again started a couple of days ago with this draft document that E.U. Leaders were to sign up to last night paragraph 5 of that document get very nerdy sad something along the lines of the E.U. Is ready to look at what further assurances it could give overnight that paragraph has struck out part of the graphite.