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Answer Dreiser at McDonald's this week only in this country thank you so much for the company I'll catch you next weekend coming out right now Paul bombs dead on time it is the late Paul Barr. If I can get this to. Come on we know you're in there. Yes he was a little shy. However his. I'm so without further. Good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to. The rhythm. Of a superior sort for a superior soul such as he. Lets us spring into spring. Yes well I should have said at the commencement. That swing into spring Benny Goodman is orchestra with and I've been written by Mrs Swainson and mercy and that nifty diamond bright trumpet solo was from the great great Benny Goodman orchestra in 1958 What I also had to say at the opening of the program is that this is a program of gramophone records especially selected for persons of taste you know already and discrimination and all the other good things that you like to see ticked off on your less well. We are swinging into spring because of course the clocks spring forward by tonight and we've passed the Korean ox and so the evenings are drawing out and need after tonight it will draw out even more although we should sacrifice a little bit of daylight in the early morning but spring is springing there are good things to be seen evidence whichever way you turn is out in the country the other day and there was Mother Goose with 5 freshly hacked. And they were trotting along behind and she was scorekeeping and trumpeting as if to say here are my veins here my babes and the gander was alongside keeping absolutely quiet but as it were bringing up the rear end it was a really lovely sight. Primroses are coming out in this cell and how I am waxing lyrical lettuce spring a little farther into spring. Then beautiful thing. Isn't the only. Thing. Comes. With. The season. Skin. Joint a little salute to spring from center of war in company with a lover Shifrin did the arrangement show whose oldest It actually was probably under the direction of Lalo Schifrin come spring and it's worth noting here and now that we celebrate Sara bones birthday this weekend March 27th she was born in the year 1924 you'll hear more from Sarah Vaughan later in the program well a whole lot of song titles include the word spring one which takes a rather melancholy view but in fact that this particular number belongs a little early in the year and certainly the sentiments expressed suit the kind of weather that we were enduring a couple of weeks ago his Helen Merrill. You . Use. To. Speak. Really. Voles. Well you. Just. Saw. This. Is. Us. Better late than never Helen Merrill recorded 1985 I have wonderful vocalist. And now 2 are the sort of Finnegan orchestra and a piece written by Alec Wilder arranged by any sort of the Benny Goodman orchestra way back and since he written the arrangement seemed perfectly reasonable that he should borrow it and adapt it for the orchestra that he led jointly with the with them the Bill Finnegan so do the sort of Finnegan orchestra and soft as spring ball. 2 Soft as spring and so soothing was and the the P.C. On the desk here is going to sleep. There's nothing whatsoever on the screens I'm going to see if I can fiddle about with it and bring it back to life. If it's not one gremlin it's another but there we are we learn to cope as time goes on to say nobody dies so one more on the theme of spring a splendid number written jointly by Abbey Lincoln and trumpet player Freddie Hubbard here it is Abbey Lincoln to sing Up Jumped spring in company with Stang gets. Spring is here. Abbey Lincoln with standing gets. Hank Jones was the man on the piano Charlie Haden on bass and Mark Johnson playing melodious drums rather in the style of Max Roach who of course Abbey Lincoln was married up jumped spring and I've managed to nudge the P.C. . And so we're back in touch with the outside world I had a note from jacked TYNAN who's gigs I've mentioned on the program several times over the years and he said I'll just listen today to the recording of last Saturday's proto was delighted to hear my hero Scott Hamilton and the number that he heard was to 18 that's the title Scott Hamilton wrote it. And apparently according to Jack the number refers to his then wife's birthday date the 18th of February at a concert some time back I asked him if he'd play and he said he couldn't because John Bunch was the only guy who had the lead sheet later I got a clever piano player friend to write it down and the next time I saw him I gave it to him he promptly gave it to the pianist that evening was I think Clive Middleton who played it know who Barbara Scott's comment was the tune was fine one and 2 chords were not spot on a great fella. And Jack says because Jack was a saxophonist himself no playing these days thanks to a certain person called Parkinson which means I had now have to use a wheelchair and he's offering Fanks to his daughter and kind friends who take him around to listen so you can keep up. With the music. Says Thanks for all your time and effort in producing a great session every week the weekend is the only time we can listen to. And of music and he puts music into capital letters Well I'm very glad to a. Jack and I'm so pleased to hear that people are rallying around to keep you mobile and keep you in touch with the music and I hope the program helps to get such an appealing track to a T. And I'm going to play it again partly for you Jack partly also because it connects with the move of hearts jazz who are living well in Garden City the Sunday evening gigs it well in Garden City and changing to Tuesday evenings starting from the 3rd of April at the molting Arts Center instant Alben. And they're starting off on the 3rd of April with the always popular US saxophonist Scott Hamilton. And so far booked for this season Clare Martin Leon Carol Stan Tracy legacy octet Alan Bond sextet Zoe Rahman Dave O'Higgins Freddie greeter. And Simon billet. And the molting sounds like a very agreeable venue it seats about $140.00 which is comfortable and. The gigs will start at $730.00 and finish at 10 there is a bar. There are plenty of restaurants nearby for pre-performance meal and especially negotiated parking charge in the molting is car park 2 pounds 50 and there is full disabled access so J. . I hope you manage to get there sometime soon so let's have that to 18 which I think is a showing number beautifully gauged as far as its tempos concerned and John Bunch is the man on the piano. God Hamilton with splendid John Bunch on piano the title of the piece to a very glare of the information imparted by Jack TYNAN just a reminder that reminder that Scott Hamilton quartet will undertake the 1st jazz gig. Hart's jazz in the malting Arts Theatre incident all been 7 30 pm on the 3rd of April that's Tuesday and Scott Hamilton will be on tenor John Pearce piano Dave Green Bay Steve Brown on drums and absolutely splendid assembly of musicians for further details the box office number is 000-333-6663 extension 3666 . Figures look marvelous altogether 033-3666. 3366. Can give you a reminder of that next weekend when I can tell you Meanwhile though is that tomorrow the 25th of March will see the final gate to the old venue in Garden City the whole full theater in Welling Garden City this at 7 30 pm Chris Biscoe and Alice Neal and saxophones Jeremy Brown on bass and Steve Butterfield on drum and this is a date which is actually perspiring from December I think as a consequence of snow. Interpretations of standard material recorded 50 years ago by Gerry Mulligan and Paul Desmond. Evoking the spirit of these classic recordings. The box office number for tomorrow bit late now but I'll give it anyway 303039620 if you want to turn a wave goodbye to the sessions well in Garden City. Now to another event tomorrow the 25th of March this is up well jazz club which is now the Christ Church Community Center. Post code here P.T. One for 9 L. L. And the performers tomorrow session Arpita neighbor on clarinet Dominic Ashworth on guitar Brian de piano Lenski 2 on the bass Neil Bullock on drums. Session influenced by the great Benny Goodman expect some fantastic me. Making a not to miss session it says here and that's at 12301230 until 245 admission is 6 pounds 50. And there is a bar with refreshments of various sorts of vailable Heylin is. I may be wrong but I think your one before Pete neighbor. Clarinet with good friends there are not Steele who I believe is an American vibe is David Newton on piano Jim. Tom Gordon was the drummer in the bass player was Andrew Klein that. Beat neighbor and he climbed were actually teenage friends in east London and their parents used to drive him to gigs parent in those days Pete hadn't settled on the clarinet. He was on the saxophone but he began to idolize Benny Goodman a buddy to Frank and the clarinet one. Right so anyway he's to be seen and heard tomorrow lunchtime at Upwell jazz club Christ Church Community Center which I presume is well. And cash with is going to be on guitar Brian de piano Len Skeat an old favorite on the bass and Neil Bullock on drums. During the course of the morning there was splendidly entertaining and illuminating program on Radio 3 devoted to piano works written by close to be C. Who is the same Tina of whose death is being marked this weekend I know he says a celebration. Has been marked is the CD on this program you may have noticed I tend to mark the birth of various people and not as a rule the death of various people but I thought well about go with the flow as far as the B.B.C. Is concerned. One place one piece and I think they did play this I didn't. No I don't think they did play this particular piece co-pastor P. And I doubt anyway if they did play they would have chosen the version that I've got here because this is adapted slightly by the addition of rhythm section of bass and drums is David Reese William with Debussy's pasts P.A. . To be see pasts a half played by David Rhys Williams at the piano of it the drummer Neil Francis'. Electric bass splendid work. And it was while I was listening to that program it's suddenly occurred to me that Mel Powell. An enthusiastic for the work of clarity B.C. And indeed in 1944 I think it was indeed a project that it's trying to you know you 45 when he was in France with the United States Army Air Force orchestra. Last. Glenn Miller died in December 44 but the band carried on and Mel Powell carried on with it and they made some. Slightly elicit recordings in Paris then and supposed to be doing this sort of thing but somehow they were persuaded it would be a good idea by local jazz enthusiasts and. Recorded some solo piano terms including this one which I have to warn you is not of the same high fidelity quality as the previous recording this is Mel Pearl and his. At the B.B.C. Ready. RINGBACK In. The in the. Ready. Well I reckon no closed would rather approved that well we've. Had D. B.C. Recorded in 1945. Now as. To CD set of the work of Red Garland very good piano player who famously was with Miles Davis for a while and read garlands work has been a bit thin on the shelves of the Say a program but now this 2 CD set has turned up on the Avid label and I've got a session from 1956 which is in titled a garland of red if I have a criticism to make of the items on these 2 C.D.'s is the insistence on having so much of poll chambers and double bass pain pits Carter double bass solos seems to me that pretty well every new number has got a contribution from Paul Chambers playing bass but. Then as a little for Bill I have never mind let us hear from or read Garland that wonderful 3 chime in sound he gets this is his version of making me. May be red garlands tree with red on piano Paul Chambers bass are the Taylor who was the drummer recorded in 1956. And mention now G.C.'s jazz club which On Sunday the 1st of April will feature Andy hope good. Singing with Gabriel key trio Gabriel Kino keyboard Alex key bass Martin guy drums That's at 8 o'clock at the Woolpack in Mildmay road Chelmsford admission is free food available it says it's Jeezy's jazz club and if you want to know more call 124525 dine 295-012-4525 extension 9295 I'll put that back in the fall of this time next week to remind you of it then I shall do so. If you are listening you buy a vehicle that I was stricken with a temporary memory failure talking about Jack Jackson's late night program on the program way back when and I got Harry James in his orchestra playing the the sig to the theme to Carnival and I said and the out Sieg that was used was played Barty Shore's orchestra. Couldn't think what the title was and yet the clue was in the title itself dancing in the dark ones who people have been kind enough to prompt me on this one but N. Fact it did come back to me within a very few minutes of having. My failure so let's have dancing in the dark grey version.

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