Transcripts for BBC Radio Norfolk BBC Radio Norfolk 20200113 070000

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One local school has been given a grant to celebrate So what are we going to find out more so return to tradition and the turn of the plough I'm joining excited school children who are part of reviving this centuries old tradition intil the old saints now more for more later on and plans lunch for him as well the weather comes from Elizabeth Razzi nicely dried in the daylight hours with them spell the brightness and French and tending very wet and windy later on 3 the day all the details in 5 minutes were thank you. A 701 this is b.b.c. Radio Norfolk and your Monday morning news comes from Janet Harden senior members of the royal family are gathering at the Sandringham in West Norfolk today to discuss the future of roles for the Jew conduct as a Sussex Harry and Meghan want to step back from their duties and spend more time in North America the Prince of Wales the Duke of Cambridge and the Duke of Sussex will be at the meeting which will look at a range of options these people wait outside Sandringham say they're disappointed I think it's very very sad especially for the queen. I don't think it's any way for Harry and Meghan to treat their grandmother I think it's a shame I think Harry and make them would have been a lot better off being full members of the family rather than trying to do the room thing so I hope it's soon sorted out in the interest of everyone especially the queen. One of Britain's oldest department stores bills which has stores in Great Yarmouth and is hers warned that it could collapse is a difficult time for retailers as Devon I'm starts to close 900 stores a Mothercare shops stop trading today here's our business correspondent Rob Young wheels which has $22.00 branches across the country said it may have to appoint administrators the company is negotiating with landlords over rent and is talking to 2 potential buyers another retailer and the venture capital investor Beals has been around for almost 140 years but poorer than expected Christmas trading threatens its survival even if its immediate future can be assured store closures are have been ruled out with a risk to jobs the British Retail Consortium has said last year was the high streets worst on record a charity says putting disruptive schoolchildren in isolation is damaging their mental health the practice involves removing pupils from the classroom and placing them in booths where they can't see or speak to other pupils the Center for Mental Health says this can be traumatic for some children this mother's 2 children have been in isolation at one of Norfolk secondary schools and she wants parents involved more in the process I don't think place I mean isolation at Scole you actually have that process of discussing the bad behavior which is why it's important for parents to know about it to discuss and work through it and find a solution so they don't get back there again the north south m.p. Clive Lewis finds out today if he's still in the race to become Labor leader he has until this afternoon to get the backing needed to join the 4 other candidates who've already secured a place in the contest. Police are investigating a fire in Great Yarmouth overnight it broke out at a residential property on Mill Road although people needed help with smoke inhalation it's understood no one was hurt in the fire in the Philippines a volcano has sent fountains of lava into the sky at least 15000 people have fled the area south of Manila although some are refusing to leave their homes and farms our correspondent Howard Johnson is there black smoke or started billowing out of the volcano what's happening now is love light lava flow is happening at the moment it's a level 4 out of 5 the government here say that at level 4 the risk of a hazardous explosion could be within hours or days. Alyse you any An unborn student in King's Lynn has been presented with the Queen's gold medal for his studies on Minas Barcus came top in the a level results last year the King Edward the 7th the cademy he and his family met the Queen at Sandringham House yesterday a day he says he'll always remember it was very surreal and very. Had expected me Queen of England and it was just very interesting it's a very fun time all around so I'm going to cherish this moment insanely b.b.c. Radio news now the sport his journey lever thank you very much Dan it's knowledge city have signed her the Berlin attacking midfielder on Dre dude on a 6 month loan deal the 25 year old Daniel Fargas 1st signing of the January transfer window dinner has Duda has been kept 35 times by Slovakia Meanwhile Manchester City striker Sergio Aguero scored his 12th Premier League hat trick and also became the highest overseas goalscorer in the competitions history you're in City's 61 win Aston Villa yesterday a grow past year your memory moved on to 177 goals in yesterday's win Meanwhile Kingsley in town manager in Culver houses the club haven't received any inquiries about Adam Marriott reports over the weekend suggested clubs from the Football League were interested in the prolific striker Marriott has $25.00 league goals to his name already this season and finally Kate King's Lin's Jamie Chesney gets his single campaign up and running at the World Indoor Bowl championship this afternoon he takes on Scotland's Chris Caldwell at Potters and that begins at 2 pm That's all for now Chris Turner how much of a footballer Jamie Vardy of Leicester City is how much of a football here listen well listen to this. In Hello magazine posing with Rebecca Vadi his wife who's been in the news for various reasons so this year or last year they've had a new baby and Jamie Vardy has come up with that he's managed to boil fatherhood down to sounding like a football match. Ok I'm going to give you a quote from a footballer This is the footballer Jamie Valley talking about fatherhood and I think he's going to move to Harvard could just be talking about a 11 draw with Southampton and Premier League he says he's quoted in Hello magazine this local papers today he says Fox is extremely 33 said although Becky tells me I'm a typical man and don't show much emotion deep inside the moon with my kids. There's a very focused figure say Ok well you know I don't know I might not show it but they're deep inside I'm over the moon I told him maybe he's actually played it down because I didn't lose the Southampton Yeah they did He says I love having a big family it's matured me and kept me grounded by them and has it over the moving you or your father so that was it to Mr footballers like him and make everything sound like a football match. Do you see Radio Nowhere folks whether he's over the moon with them but you know he could've been worse I suppose couldn't it let's find out what the weather's going to be like for today and here is Elizabeth what Simi Good morning and you might all be over the me with today's weather I have to say although it's mostly mostly dry during the daylight hours and they leave a little bit of brightness and some sunshine around but then the winds us that to ramp up as we had 3 often you know it's a really quite tough day I think by the time we get in the evening but until then the wind slowly strengthen and maybe one of the showers runs the morning business that mostly dry a little bit of brightness and sunshine temperatures today 9 or 10 degrees Celsius that is what will happen if those winds really strengthening through the evening with the same outbreaks of rain pushing in from the west as was a very wet very windy through the evening rush hour gusts of around 40 to 45 miles an hour I suspect for much of the evening of the 1st half of it anyway so pushing its way eastwards and then the winds will lighten and that rain will gradually self as we head into tomorrow morning if not lows of around 4 to 6 degrees Celsius tomorrow it's windiest still of very unsettled day of weather but of early morning brightness around them breaks very nice the Off to need and along with those heavy downpours a pretty big. Last 3 weather 45 to 50 mile an hour gusts I think there's a Met up with weather warning in place of the strength of the winds tomorrow Wednesday quite a day and then by the time we get theirs they start again and it's wet and when the once more they are very unsettled wake it. Let's take a look at the case doeth for today say the wind south westerly 506 increasing 7 to the vague 9 for a time this the states light a moderate becoming moderate or rough later the weather showers rain for a time and the visibility will be moderate or good but occasionally poorly is better it's the knee b.b.c. Radio Nowhere thanks very much. Christiane I had breakfast spell it with recently with you write for the program well not for you say so much the center of the world today or the it will feel like it if you watch the news programs because the Sandringham summit the centenary showdown whatever you want to call it trying to thrash out the details of Prince Harry's and Megan's decision to try to step back from frontline role duties all happening in Sandringham world we're going to be there later on in the program and we'll find out what the people of Norfolk think about that I will tell you more about one of Britain's oldest department stores possibly collapsing Chris Gore and I have breakfast in. Welcome to a busy Monday morning here on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk get the latest on most Sandra showdown talks coming up we will be live with a reporter Joel Bennett in Sandringham a little bit later on it's the dominant story on the front page of a lot of the papers today and he's happening right here in Norfolk but another thing we're looking at today is whether a school pupil should ever be removed from the classroom and put into isolation no matter how disruptive they are the charity at the Center for Mental Health says No In fact they believe putting children into isolation is damaging their mental health and they think it could in turn lead to even more challenging behavior his Auntie Bell from the charity who we spoke to earlier although it might manage the time maybe necessary for safety some instances it can actually kind of exacerbate the problem longer and so you end up with Mall. Just behavior kind of decorative cycle if you like we need to think about how we support schools to become more supportive of children's behavior and not just clicking off in schools to be different so let's look at this from the point of view of a child who has been placed in in isolation our reporter Andrew Turner has been speaking to the parents of 2 children who've experienced it and they want to remain anonymous because they're worried about the ramifications for their children but listen told me that sometimes I think you need to for find out the values of what has gone on before they're actually put into these isolation rooms because it is an Oist situation that the teachers are always right in always a situation at the child's always right I think they can be a bit mixed feelings and bit better understanding if there is discussed between the parents 1st I mention it's not supposed to be a pleasant experience being isolation is after all some kind of punishment Absolutely I mean it is some kind of punishment I do believe there should be aspects like something like this in school whether it's the right way about it or not I don't know because I hear several stories about these things in isolation freedoms children who speak. Sometimes it's the facts that they kind of cut cut come across that that they could sit in there and they don't really do much they don't actually do any lessons as such which I mean one of the main things or at school for is to. Do the lessons and learn and if they're in isolation and not learning from that then it's a bit pointless how many times would you say you children have been into isolation that's why maybe 3 times and did you see where the school had come from by placing them into isolation for a spell. Obviously if they've done something that warrants a punishment then yes there is that the right type of punishment excluding them from the rest of their Pais teaches retain general school life and this idea that it could affect their mental health that actually isolation perpetuates more bad behavior is that something that you would agree with with your children's experience. No not really it just depends how it's dealt with. And then between him and Skolem find in the balance of discussing it with him and talking at 3 that I think place I mean isolation at school you actually have that process of discussing the bad behavior who it is why it's important for parents to know about it to discuss and work through it and find a solution so they don't get back there again and that's exactly what a children's mental health charity has suggested that parents should be more involved in finding the solution so you don't repeatedly get into isolation absolutely are completely greater than a main. At the end of the day you are parents they are your children you want to bring up the right why not the wrong way so if you want to give them the best but it depends what's happening in these isolation rooms if they're not learning from it they're not going to learn to become better and go for doing their education if they go into these isolation rooms and there's nothing for me to do and I just sit there for the die then what would you want to do when you're 131415 you misbehave more so you can just sit in there and they were absolutely nothing rather than or so have you noticed anything like that because I magine. Your children aren't the only ones or school who are getting put into isolation there must be children who have different behaviors as a result of going into isolation yeah there's different things that go on I'm going to speak to several parents innocent silly things I mean. Things that be dealt with in the classroom or of them that strains Weisel ation take them out of their environment because when you take someone out their environment and put their kind of seen as being a bit different Wherever not it's from other people's or wherever it's from teachers but if they keep end up nice relation I kind of get bit of a stigma and do you think the school is a bit too trigger happy with isolation of the 1st response rather than actually the last resort yes absolutely absolutely believe I mean when I was at school. The teachers dealt with things in class more it was very much a last resort to be sent to the head teachers and then. And get your parents involved these days it just seems to be very very quick I think it's also used for the wrong reasons I know there's a lot of schools that do it for silly reasons like wearing jewelry and incorrect uniform and nail varnish and whatever if if you're not dressed appropriately they're not the rose but it doesn't automatically mean you don't have a right to learn do you agree with what you've just heard our schools are not at least as too quick to put children who are disruptive or breaking the rules or whatever way into isolation should we be worried about the longer term effects that has and maybe they come back into the classroom and are more disruptive as a result of what's happened to them but on the other side of the coin we've already heard from a teacher this morning is going touch with a program saying last but all this time in a class of 27 year one children and so on the behavior is appalling the only way that we can deal with it at the time is to remove the the worst culprits that there's not really a more effective way of doing it what do you think we're going to be talking to the chief executive of an academy trust in Norfolk who believes that in some cases. Isolation can be used in a positive way our schools in Norfolk too quick to isolate a disruptive people or actually is it the only way of dealing with them without harming the education of the other children in the class what you think 103897321 that's the phone number you can send me a text 813 double 3 Start message with the word Norfolk and it will continue to talk about this through the program this morning here on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk It's now 716. 0 as preschool on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk the headline to charity says putting disruptive school children in isolation is damaging their mental health and candidates to become the next leader of the Labor Party have until 230 this afternoon to win enough support to stay in the contest in sport city have Sunday attacking midfielder Andre dude from her to Berlin on a 6 month loan deal brought with sunny spells the chance of a few showers today turning cloudy of this afternoon with highs of 10 Celsius 50 Fahrenheit coming up at the Queen is holding talks at Sandringham later today in an attempt to map out a future path for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex following their announcement that they want to step back a senior royals will who are people waiting outside surrounding him yesterday make of all this after he for the care of his best travelling. Is Kaylee thank you very much you are looking around this morning at the moment quite slow towards the thick on the roundabout trying to get towards knowledge or to use your delay starting to form a 47 from day one towards knowledge that's heading towards the having a man to show roundabout was a fairly busy as well if you're heading towards King then a 17 starting to slow towards pullover on the whole things in the sense is not looking too bad at the moment if you can safely updates me there the number to call 803 aids 97321. On b.b.c. Radio Norfolk hire fancy t o d n all the noise the other day Emily's in later if you miss t.v. Over. Weekend Yeah Bill don't you when you think about that new song I've been playing. So I'm finding out all about the latest gadgets in a bit. Oh I see God in the concert later they go one cup it's a c n n do you break with Chrissy Jackson every weekday morning from 10 on b.b.c. Radio No 5 you're part of. And Chris is back today from 10 including the Norfolk nor use it has been going since the 23rd of October the current no noise would you believe if you think you know the answer to me and each weekday morning for details on how to enter you can see all the guesses so far on our website b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Slash radio Norfolk I think I'm allowed to give when a close am I so I won't know I'm tempted by one but it's a 23rd of October it's been going since Incredibles but maybe today today I don't know. If you think you can put everyone out of there me 3 and solve the North noise competition Sundram summit sounding showdown it depends how tabloid you want to be about it but senior members of the royal family will gather at Sandringham today the Scots future roles for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex hereon make it announced last week they want to step back from their duties and spend more time in North America so we know that Prince Charles Prince William and Prince Harry will attend the meeting which will examine a range of options and Megan is expected to chip in by phone from Canada to we've been speaking to people who were waiting to see the Queen outside the church at Sandringham yesterday our reporter Jill Bennett has been asking them how they feel about the whole affair I think it's very very sad especially for the queen. I don't think it's any way for Harry American to treat their grandmother. In a normal family let alone a royal family so I feel desperately sorry for her and the whole family I think it's. The shame I think Harry and make him would have been a lot better off being full members of the royal family rather than trying to do the wrong thing so I had peace soon sorted out in the interest of everyone especially the queen who's had quite enough to put out maybe just lately and we're all think she is wonderful and just wonderful child. Every right to follow dreams have always been born to rule family but all they ever got their own opinion I can do in life and I deserve to raise all think personally that I'm like yeah offing size about my gray bacon knew what she was song and so now she just change it and she's taken the how me away with it without a small person for what's she knew what she was getting the intake and now she's now taken how you away from this family during boil or not that that because of who they are that was going to have this whether they're in the family or at the family level going to well they're going to have to. Know because of how you'll never. Leave lead a normal life like us have lead up our lives but. Not us I just think it's a shame we really. And this is the way of going to go as well maybe. You should have gone and spoke to the fleet before my release of the statement and I think that's what. The family order for I think everyone has the right to decide what they want to do with their life I think as well I think I actually have been saying I think I just regret how it played out I think there's a lot of unanswered questions I know have been far better to advance those questions for go public with the decision because I think now it just sort of undermines the royal family and I said I mustn't miss a bit it's not nice really. How you feel you have pretty much the same believe they could have. Organized it all and I think generally the royal family like to sort things out in private before they make it public and as much as Harry Megane have said they don't want to play up to the media they kind of have created a media storm in the manner that they've they've done everything say kind of got back on how they want to do things a space I mean do you think they should be in this country or do you think you know if they want to live in Canada they should get on with it I think they should get on with their if they don't want to be in this country but I equally think they should both be over here at the moment to sort out I think they're making themselves look divided by being in separate countries when they should be in it together and really they want to go off and lead a separate life together so sort out together to allow that to happen and that is what some of people in Santee I'm waiting to see the royal family over the weekend make of the events the Sandringham showdown standing up summit depending on how you want to describe it is happening today and it's going to be live for us in Sandringham after 8 o'clock and I think should we just link for position with a number of other cameras and journalists and reporters is say it's the place to be today in terms of the spotlight it's on Norfolk and will be you're focusing on that during the program forgotten thoughts on how it's come to this and what you think should happen. By all means are 103897331 I know we talked about it last week on the program but if you if you've picked up any more information from what you've read or heard over the weekend and it's changed your opinion 13 couple 3 starting a message with the word no for now one of Britain's oldest department stores could collapse into administration it has been warned big deal switch stores in Great Yarmouth to slow stuff Beccles and with speech said a 1000 jobs are at stake if they cannot find a buyer Bale's began trading in 1901 but took over the department stores of Angler co-op in 2010 giving it a foothold in East Anglia though it shut the store in King's Lynn Then in November 28th seen Bales took over Palmer's in Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft a company that goes back over 180 years and return or spoke with the owner of bales last week and joins us from Great Yarmouth marketplace this morning and who is this a surprise I guess it's a matter of who you speak to Chris but just looking in the windows at the Palms at the moment you see the final clearance of it's winter sale and prices dropped by 5060 even 70 percent massive discounts can't quite clearly trying to shift stock but I've spoken to people who shop regularly and bomb in Palmers those who knew palm when it was family owned and then have noticed the difference since Bill's takeover people telling me that they haven't been able to buy the stock that they like to buy and I suppose really they've been a bit suspicious as to what's going on behind the scenes and only a few days ago I spoke to Tony Brown who is the man who took over but used in fact he bought it from its previous owners trying to secure an interview with him because. He's closing down its store in Great Yarmouth this week that will happen on Wednesday and I want to do find out from him about the impact that closing the closure of Devon's will have on Palmer's And also there had been reports as well about the company refinancing and so I wanted to get a word with him and he agreed to be interviewed by you over the phone. On Thursday last week saying that he couldn't be live this week because he was going to the Caribbean on Saturday and he said he well we haven't managed to me him with trying to get a hold of tiny brand by phone and by text since those days when he agreed to be interviewed by you at 10 30 in the morning and we just haven't had any contact from him since so we're not sure if he's going on this holiday with the weekend news about abuse or not yeah I suppose this this was a clue to us that that also well because I was due to speak to him last week at 1030 took a look at that but it was we're going to play the interview for you this morning but we haven't been able to go to him so we haven't gotten into the night he hasn't answered his phone responded a text message on several occasions I've tried on Thursday and on Friday he hadn't hasn't picked up the call all but when I did speak to him on Tuesday he said that Bill was in a reasonable position despite Haifa Street trading being difficult and reporting losses as a company for the 2nd consecutive year he told me that they were in the process a fairly standard process of refinancing the company's debts and he confirmed that without a couple of stories we're likely to close he wouldn't identify which he's pretty much dismissed reports of the company being up for sale as well saying that was just a formality in the process of seeking new investment he said there had been no expression of interest in the full takeover he described as a technicality where they had to be offered for sale as a going concern but he hadn't expected to bid and when he agreed to be interviewed by us. He was pretty much going to be straight with us here on those terms and explain the situation but now it's emerged over the weekend it was on the National Youth news yesterday that the group is on the verge of collapse 1000 times and jobs are at risk with new investment and the b.b.c. Has learned that there are 2 potential buyers One is a regional rival and the other one is a venture capital investor now. Stalls in Los often Great Yarmouth joint Bale's just over a year ago says the Palmer family had anything to. Well yeah not exactly I spoke with Bruce Stark who was the chairman of Palmer's and he was the 5th generation of Garwood Burton Palmer's family Bruce's children didn't want to take over the business and that's why Palmer's entered talks with be using spring 2018 for a takeover that deal collapsed then Tony Brown who was the m.d. Of bales led a management buy out and I understand he took over the retail arm while the previous owner held on to the bill's properties and became the landlord those talks resumed with Palmer's later in 2018 the takeover happened in November so just over a year ago and the Palmer still was both in Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth where refurbished but of course with Bill's already having what was the co-op department store in the north end of last off that building closed in April last year so he spoke to start to decide anything to yeah it was just a brief conversation over the phone he was abroad at the time he is still abroad and he told me that he's saddened quite clearly by Bill's heading towards administration he said when he sold the company he did so to try to secure this the future of the jobs for his staff when I asked if he now regretted selling to Bales he hinted that he had that had things been able to be done a different way it might be different now but he conceded that we are where we are regrettable is that was he said he hoped that Bale was in particular the Palmer stores would keep trading through some kind of rescue deal and of course he expressed concern for the staff that he knew personally had served for him for many years as Palmer's But as for the next moves that's something we will be watching very closely no doubt very stark will as well thanks and truly understand life Great Yarmouth Smalling with the news over the weekend Bill so well Britain's oldest department stores could collapse into ministration that would affect stores in Great Yarmouth to slow stop Beccles and with speech just before Kelly brings you the travel let's talk to Sandra who's going to school this morning about our main story and that's the rights and wrongs of putting disruptive peoples in. Classrooms into isolation now we're hearing this morning a campaign for mental health groups saying it doesn't do them any good. You want to tell us about your son Daniel Yes. Very capable as a child when he started school right until he was nearly 10 he was a nightmare always in trouble you spent a lot of time under his desk instead of doing lessons and try to deal isolation room number going back a long way and. Had a different teacher when news 10 started back in we were in Scotland so he started back in the States and by September she turned a new way to do with it she put his desk next to her and every time he finished work she gave him more work and just kept him completely occupied the whole time. School year just. Boy numbers school that approach was more effective than sending him out the classroom award or putting him in isolation Yes Very much so yeah what's it like for Sandra to debate because people often say Well obviously these 2 are knocking the right support at home but how hard is it when you're a parent and your son is getting in trouble at school a lot he must be so sad must be tearing your hair out is so frustrating we ended up going to a place which was called. And they said he was bored. Proved to be the case at school. And sometimes reacting in that way where you just send them out of the classroom and put them in isolation actually we're hearing this morning that can make them worse so you don't make them worse. Ok sometimes mine has been foster parents and we've dealt with a lot of disruptive children and we've found with new posts 80 percent is keeping them occupied so yeah and maybe that doesn't happen in classrooms but it's hard for teachers there isn't it when they've got 30 children to deal with they can't be there on everyone's desk putting more work on every time they're finished but nowadays they do have a lot of teaching assistants says you know most closers can have a teaching assistant if the school can afford it. And you know that maybe. They need more teaching assistants who could do with it but it's true because classes of got bigger as well over the years haven't made so you probably the adults to child ratio in the classroom is about the same if not worse than it was but Sandra thanks we call really appreciate. Any further thoughts of 803-897-3212 give us a call his k. With the travel news thanks Chris Well at the moment looking around sensible and you seem like a on the whole this is the usual busy patch is starting to form a 47 from a cool towards knowing starting to slay through the burning and stretch so this doesn't slow as well on the a 47 the other way from Durham towards no it's heading towards the haunting a matter show roundabouts Now if you can updates me 803897321. Of her Chris on b.b.c. Radio 732 the sports news following the news headlines with. The Queen and senior royals are gathering at Sandringham in West Norfolk today to discuss the future of the do you conduct with the Sussex that follows the couple's announcement that they want to step back from some public duties bills which took over part. His department store in Great Yarmouth last year is under threat of collapse due to poor trading at Christmas the chain has another $21.00 stores including branches and despite calls was beach and Lowestoft it's being claimed by a charity that children placed in isolation in schools can be mentally harmed the Center for Mental Health says the practice is widely used by schools in Norfolk and across the u.k. The Labor leadership hopeful and north south m.p. Clive Lewis will find out today if he's through to the next round both himself and Emily Thornberry are still to get the minimum backing needed to join the 4 other candidates and at least 15000 people have fled the area around a volcano in the Philippines which has started spewing ash and lava officials fear it could erupt imminently b.b.c. Radio news there's more to eat. B.b.c. Radio news folks forwards. Jolie has almost 14 years thank you very much Chris Morris city of completed the loan signing of Slovakian International on Dre Duda the 25 year old attacking midfielder arrives on a 6 month deal from blunders league a side head the Berlin Duda has found 1st team opportunities limited under the new coach Juergen Klinsmann this season although he scored 11 times in an impressive campaign last time out due to has been capped 35 times for survive having made his debut as a 19 year old in 2014 Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola says striker Sergio Aguero is a legend that's after he became the highest overseas overseas player to score in Premier League history of past here real memory and moved on to 177 goals with a hat trick in City's 61 win it's Aston Villa yesterday afternoon while their list says his record is unique. They were born scoring goals and they will die a scoring role so does everyone he has just won sure was simple as that. He had. Special Gift you know they were nice. And happy everything good was staying with the Premier League and Eddie how limits he's concerned about his position is borne of manager following their free near home defeat against what food bowl must remain in the relegation zone following the defeat by travel to Carrow Road on Saturday to take on the canaries in a crucial relegation battle House as the club are in a tough place right now anybody who has an answer of respect for the game or of the would be horrified that performance I think it was a lack of respect of see that's not the ball of manager Eddie out anyway moving on Kingsley is how manager in Culver houses the club haven't received any offers for talisman Adam areas there were reports that clubs in the Football League were looking at the striker after his brilliant season so far Marriott to score $25.00 times in the national north already however he couldn't help the limits from going out of the f.a. Trophy to absolute on Saturday Culverhouse understandably wants Marriot to stay but says any outcome must be good for all parties. Believe the end of been the phone call for. And that's you know this we can just carry on with their and see what happens but. Oh please stay with us. Has to be the right fit for marriage from as a writer for the focus. To the world indoor Bowl championships or Hopton in Kings Island Jamie Chesney brings his singles campaign begins his singles campaign this afternoon should I say when I'm see takes on Scotland's Chris Carswell at the Potters resort Chesney will be hoping to go further in the tournament this year having lost to the eventual winner Stuart Anderson in round 2 last time out Mervyn King returns to action on Thursday in the singles in his partner David Gourley won their own in pairs match on Saturday some darts now when Wayne Warren won this year's b.t.o. Well darts Championships after beating fellow Welshman Jim William 74 in a dramatic final roar and also become the oldest man to lift the trophy a 57 alarm from the snake world to Mark Selby and being Zhang we both suffered shock defeats in their opening matches of the Masters early cancer beat Selby by 6 frames to 4 while being was beaten 6 free by Joe Perry and finally set a horse race in and how to make it was 2nd again it had a few of those in the most recent weeks with Titus bolt Sedgefield racecourse Today's tip is off at war for Hamilton you lookin for stars Southwold he runs in the 620 race and he's the number one poss and that's all for now Chris I like your style there Joe Because said. Norris city of had wanted to 2nd place this recently as well in a 2nd place are Trafford on Saturday they did in a candidate who was race no us came 2nd in that one you know they were there about how you know when it went when we said you know they haven't finished all they've broke free and ran on to the nearby motorway then that this is it that doesn't happen often if you know once last year but we had a couple of winners last week as well so they're very very new He's a he's radar wheezed is on scope at the moment well let's hope it stays that way I think with the Canaries it was just last a difficult one because they haven't really been swept aside with that much easier than many games. Sleeze and but neither of they had very many for no hammerings like that so it did come as a bit of a blow but they suddenly plan as you've been hearing and will tell me more about the new boy Andre Duda later on in the program what about the weather for today is Elizabeth Racine accounting rather windy later on this afternoon but it should be mostly dry during the daylight hours with both of brightness and sunshine around hot temperatures of 9 or 10 degrees thousands then through the evening rush hour the winds will strengthen further got the wind of up to 40 to 45 miles an hour along with heavy downpours of rain is either very very windy through the early evening but all pushes its way eastward and it's a much karma picture by the time we get to tomorrow morning but tomorrow it could be windy I still don't have the details in half an hour let's return to our top story this morning we're calling to b.b.c. Radio which if you are just joining us say it is 739 a charity is suggesting the practice of putting school children who misbehave in isolation is damaging and traumatic the Center for Mental Health is warning the effects on youngsters who've already experienced challenging backgrounds is likely to be worst and it says rather than dealing with bad behavior it can actually lead to people's being even more disruptive we were joined earlier and the bell from the Center for Mental Health think what we're saying is not that schools are doing things wrong it's that we need to think about how we support schools to become more supportive of children's behavior and that means a whole raft of measures that include creating a safer culture in schools they create includes training teachers in child development trauma or mental health they include putting mental health on the curriculum so this is really our attempt to look at the evidence around mental health and see what we could do over time to make things safer and healthier Jim Adams is the chief executive of the Clarion trust which runs Hobart high school in Lawton and that was listening to that place going on the program Mr Adams are you where do you stand on putting people in isolation is. Sometimes that the only option is it the right thing to do. Well I think that the 1st thing to say is that it really should be the decision of the head teacher how they go about implementing their behavior policy and difference girls in different contexts might react in different ways but I think. Most secondary school certainly use sub form of isolation and it's a it's a pragmatic approach really to trying to deal with occasional disruptive behavior it is a difficult balancing act for teachers now I mean we can talk about this one idealistic point of view but when you're in the heat of the classroom and somebody is being disruptive Yes of course you don't want to make their whatever issues they've got worse but you've sometimes got 30 other people to think of as well have an Isa sometimes I suppose you would say removing a disruptive people feels like the only option Yeah absolutely and you know I mean teachers are very skilled at dealing with behavior and very well trained and 99 percent of the time classrooms are a common purpose for every now and again we're dealing with human beings as you said sometimes up to 30 in a class youngsters will make mistakes and sometimes they paint themselves into a corner and you find yourself in a situation where you have to just remove student for a period of time in order to make sure that the cost is settled and that you know that there's orderly and youngsters are allowed to flourish and learn what about the argument that maybe we should change your thinking on this and that teaches maybe could do with more training when it comes to dealing with people who have mental health problems I mean yeah I mean I don't think we'd ever be in a position where we were saying that we wouldn't want more training I guess the question is Where is that training going to come from where is the time for that training going to come from teachers are incredibly pushed at the moment we've had . All sorts of services cut over the last few years. And there really isn't the capacity within score so there once was so although Yeah absolutely I would be in favor of more training I don't see where that's going to come from or where the time is going to come from really important but you know teachers should be in the classroom the concern is is I think that while do taking a child out of the classroom who is being disruptive feels like the right thing to do at the time actually when they come back in May this is happened to 3 times to them they then actually become more disruptive so it's a bit of a false economy. Yeah I mean what I would say is that most schools where all the schools I've worked in and most schools that I mean contact with it's not a case of just removing a child sitting there for an hour or 2 or perhaps even a day and twiddling their thumbs very often and that the good practice is that those those areas are fully staffed and they usually start with highly trained and capable people who will help them to address their behavior so it's not a case of just removing a child over and over again it's a case of you may have to remove that child that child with them in addition to being taken out the classroom so the cars can can get on with their work the teacher can get on with teaching that child will also have input into managing their own behavior and it's also an opportunity for them to reflect on and have some some in top from or from a trained adult so it's not just a case they're removing and then just keep doing the same thing it's a case of actually trying to get some young person as well and people often say will blame the parents they're obviously not being. Disciplined or look after one another home but even dealt with you know thousands of children thousands of parents over the years does not necessarily follow or do you sometimes get very well meaning parents who when we've had someone call in this morning who admits that they they were tearing their hair out. What their the son was doing at school and they felt that they were doing all they could to support the school and all they could. Yet it's a very difficult question to answer to be honest I mean I've still with. Young people who've had incredibly supportive parents and the circumstances are that this young person just isn't managing to control their behavior there are some instances where parents perhaps aren't particularly supportive of the school and that maybe because of their own circumstances they might have quite a chaotic home life for example they might be really under pressure might be all sorts of other family issues going on in the background so yeah parenting is is absolutely important of course is fundamental but parents themselves are under a great deal of pressure you know it's not an easy time to bring up a family at the moment Adams Thank you Chief Executive of the Clarion trust which runs Hobart high school in La and after 8 I'll talk to Paul McCann who runs Norfolk teaching training and believes isolation should never be used even as a last resort which is a really interesting way of looking at it what do you think of 803897321 where you can take state 13 double 3 start the message with the word Norfolk is it ever right to remove a child from the classroom and what other options are there if you in a busy class refute them and things are not going to plan some as being disruptive other than removing them what else can you do maybe you've been a teacher maybe you've seen it work in other ways maybe you can think back to your school days and think about the times that you got sent out of the classroom and I wonder what effect it had on you like 103897321 we can take state 13 double 3 Start a message with the word nor for. Preschool on b.b.c. Radio nor for some main story at 745 there are warnings that the practice of putting challenging people in isolation in Norfolk schools is damaging to their wellbeing but the queen is holding talks at Sandringham later today to try to map out a future. After the Duke and Duchess of Sussex following the announcement that they want to step back as senior royals in sport Norwich City have a new signing on to do the attacking midfielder back in internationals joined on loan from her to Berlin will find out more about him later on brought with sunny spells the chance for a few showers turning cloudy of this afternoon with highs or in 10 Celsius 50 Fahrenheit coming up today is plough Monday yet Monday everybody are you celebrating one Norfolk school is going to join them or find out what it means what it is and how you should be celebrating Plowman day in a moment but. It's also new roadworks Monday for a large part of nor It wouldn't travel Chris years ago bank playing closing today for 11 weeks for upgrade work to do bear that in mind and plenty of big signs up in that I version signs are already up as well as to bear that in mind used to travelling through that way looking on the senses not looking too bad this morning starting to slow though a level heading towards nor age and I think the roundabout adding at least an extra 10 minutes there is a slow as well on the north washing road to be $1150.00 heading towards knowledge and the n.d.o. Around bound from Durham towards nor into the 847 so as usual from hawk ring it towards the haunting a matter show roundabout and the 17 very slow at the moment coming towards kings then the Pearl over roundabout before the a 47 adding at least an extra 15 minutes on top of a normal journey time that's back to past tell me at the moment so we'll keep an eye on that if you spot anything it's over 803897321. Briscoe on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk on Saturday Breakfast this week I heard about one man's bus pass adventures in memory of his late wife my journey was 1200 miles last year 1200 miles 32 buses and it cost me $8.00 pounds 50 to do our charity it's every day I think about it and it is a challenge and the special concert performances taking place in the city last performances used to be horses and friendly and it's just a kind of white. That turned out now because his ideas about how you have to behave in a theater are out the window join me testing on this Saturday Breakfast from 6 on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk your part of the b.b.c. . Steve Mumford 1 o'clock to day one foot in the groove brings you genuine hits and news headlines from 989-998-9819 extension 91 after 3 Find out what's happening across the county with Mel cook and friends including an invitation to step into the history mystery escape room war intriguing stuff the one for from 1 o'clock on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk. Messages coming to us as carvings I want to talk to you about in a moment including whether it's time that Norah chanter a new statute has been reading and opinion piece needy plea today which got me thinking I think it will do you as well so we can talk about that in just a moment but now shall we celebrate plow Monday yes happy plan Monday everybody so there's always always something to celebrate isn't there today is plow Monday what is planned when they are you ask Well the 1st Monday after 12th Night was traditionally the day that farm workers would return to work after Christmas until the All Saints the practice of taking the plow around the village with singing and dancing began back in 1443 or so we're going to but he was there at the time but what we got the next best thing is that the village could well have been the 1st in the county to Marquard Monday and now at the local school has been given a heritage from Grant to bring the celebration back to life a sort of thing that had been around in 1443 doing this job we would have sent him to cover but the good news is because of this heritage from Grant even in 2020 we can send him to be across this story good morning Wally with the dancing shoes on hopefully. Yes Yes Good morning you know there is so much all doubt about to date it might be 1453 but it's going to be bigger about a decade but we've talked about centuries it is about a century since last celebre. Plywood here we are then Laurie for me also at the school Good morning everybody I. Know you were all raring to go now also class teachers are least Williams who is behind this project. An old tradition that sort of for you to worry how did you stumble across it so we came across the how mundane through Project where doing through the heritage of truth and sharing the plough and so the children have been learning and research know about Monday and so we decided to have the service because in years gone by at least it was in the time during Christmas and the picture day the farm workers would go door to door and say which donations I've so the church offer themselves and if the residents didn't give enough that it wasn't thought it was a good enough donation or they didn't give one and they would turn up. Residence gardens with the plough we're not planning on doing that with. And we are excited about this and what do you know can anybody else tell me a little about the plow when plowing the feels. You know like you're forward to learning all today aren't you oh yes yeah right well I'm going to go outside and I will have a look at the plan. So yes the plan itself is coming from a local farmer and we have borrowed crates which we will then drag it well hopefully the children will take it for sex up to the church and as we carry it and then the power we bless and the children will be singing and dancing and yeah it's going to be great day hopefully you all know what cloud does don't you yeah what does it do. So this is for you yeah all right what you want to take me outside and we'll have a look at your plow because because because it's all just race it isn't it's all very nicely done it's wasting a trailer I think actually got to work to pull it Miss Williams Yes so we're going to. We're going to have teams of children pushing up to the church with a couple of tractors as well to come along with us with the procession that's a straw and it's got big candles last night yeah good of you ever used to play out before her no no no no plough No no but it's going to be fun pulling that isn't it you know I. Said. The only boy had longer still do so he said no but it's it's nicely decorated who can describe that for me. And tell me what's on the screen. And its atmosphere and like. Hands on me yeah that's right nice nice job and of course the cold metal in this weather between that so we've got daffodils incarnations and a nice yellow ribbon so you can excited about this yeah it's going to be a different day to tell you you know good and is everybody in the village going to turn out for you. Hope you know how you hope so well hopefully the listening to this and. Now and then we'll hear a little about it and you're going to carry on this tradition and we hope so we're looking in so that it would be good to see how this year goes it's the 1st year and then obviously if we get lots of interest in the children enjoy it then it will be something that hopefully we can carry on with a lot so that's Have a great day today yeah yeah Ok well you you promised me yeah I think I'm going to have a brilliant day yeah yeah so it's a new experience for the children so yeah well of course it all goes flat after Christmas and New Year just it's nothing to do in January so this is an added bonus is no yes I have a good day but I bought. A house for the plough Great stuff as ever want to put you on the spot here well if it is planned Monday what goes into ploughman's lunch traditionally because I'm not sure I know what would you put a plan was lunch the traditional ploughman's. Are you magic in cheese and pickle that's it. I mean there's more to the spreadsheet is simple food no no don't go don't go all exotic. Cheese and. Cheese and Charlie Thanks Wally plow Monday if anybody else is doing anything to mark play on Monday then do let us know and we think that's the only example in Norfolk today but you might know different and 803897321 or you can text 813 double 3 Start a message ship with the word Norfolk Actually I should tell you north Wald will be a procession to the church as well as a moment's play in the Kings Morris will be dancing tips us 2 examples of things that are happening north would say celebrate plough Monday Tim sparrow plan was lunch what should be in it was a spin looking up and I think this should be some bread in there as well I think sorely missed out. On the ins I usually come with butter and some sort of pickle do you it's the thing I think it's still a thing because I've not had one agency or many. At all for 20 years and I don't remember the last time I saw on a menu I'm not convinced I ever. Probably had one but I'm not I'm not picked it from them then you don't think all right does anyone still do because I. Know I never thought of it until just now I don't think I've seen it on a menu for a long time a plan was launched it does anyone still serve a plan once lunch what should be in it that it will be somewhere in the does let us know or 803897321 or you can take state 13 double 3 starting message with the word Norfolk on the subject of this you always want to provide me with a list of celebration days yes so it's not just plow Monday today is also peach melba Thanks Melba day now Peach Melba is a dessert that I've always been quite fascinated by because I think it might be unique I think you've got bad memories of it from school having Yeah they used they did a version in school dinners which it is not it wasn't anything like peach melba should be and it was absolutely horrible so I got bad memory. I think Peach Melba is the only that is named after a person. Ok You know I didn't know this and I knew this so I just checked it because I thought you know things check you know a lot of you know you know we like myth busting on this program I told you that it's named after a person then I thought I'd better check yeah and indeed it was invented in 892 or 893 by a French chef called Escoffier you know the Savoy Hotel in London and he created peach melba to honor the Australian soprano they nearly Melba they gave her the peach melba is named after somebody I cannot think of another. That is named after a particular individual is named after some no I can either but I'm sure the response we just had I think it's I think it's unique among desserts that would be a good lunch for someone can have today inspired by she could have a ploughman's lunch followed by Peach Melba. He must have a good laugh he might have to have a good afternoon nap after that so those are 2 food questions for today we're marking Plowman day by asking whether the plans lunch is going to fashion or anybody still has it and they're putting We want a peach melba because today is peach melba day as well and I'm going to see only dessert named after somebody which. Stray pavlova have named after the Russian ballerina and up. Really According to Wikipedia According to Wikipedia I think someone just texted that in as well apparently there's ice cream called to Charlotte Corday named after Charlotte called Idea sassy of the radical John Paul Maritz Ok so I got to go with your life we all know now you have. I'm not allowing that on our menu at American people because no one's ever had that they are no. No And I mean it's not as if this isn't the short ball reference for you it's not as if Angel Delight is named after the former South and United States example Charlotte named after particular Charlotte in the paper about up which Charlotte teach Lorraine No it's not. Named after somebody sings get their names from you know if it will be able to tell us I'm going to keep the rain you interested and yet I know that we've we've gone savory there very early. On this he. Did that he is named after a person well I don't know how they got out of the rain region of France. Kelly. Right now in region of France so I'm putting I was going to say as Peach Melba is unique but it's not because it's been joined by puzzle over or by city and I don't and the pub loads and it would seem crepe Suzette it was named after. The 6 years there is no help at all what I am one claim is that it was created. In your system right in a certain café he was referring to that Prince y O's that his guests included the beautiful French girl named Susan at the swellest named us extremely I'm not sure about that right but really I think we want more that So we want named actually after people and still a thing or has it gone out of fashion in Norfolk in 2020. Get their name is Caylee would you travel Thanks Chris Bowman the king around sunset winds busy in the normal places you're heading towards Norris delays in on the north towards the end yeah roundabout the a 11 towards the think the roundabout very slow towards King's then as well on the 8th 17 heading towards the pullover roundabout frontier only an extra 20 minutes I think something's going on there and I've been tree apparently there's a lorry broken down at the moment to do be careful you can't dates me over 803 eights 9731 thanks Ken it's b.b.c. Radio just coming up to 8 o'clock this is your biggest lesson at breakfast in association with many Melbourne Norfolk news broke my ankle is b.b.c. Radio Norfolk thank. You morning welcome to the program we say to clock on Monday the 13th of January your top story right now should Norfolk schoolchildren ever be put into isolation. If they behave badly in the classroom the Center for Mental Health says no but the chief executive of whatever our academy trusts in the county disagree youngsters will make mistakes and you find yourself in a situation where you have to just remove student for a period of time it ought to make sure that the cost is settled Janet hand and when you.

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