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In 2nd round action at the u.k. Show you can championship. Team when do you know folks weather. And sorra thoughts and can tell us how it's going to be looking this weekend mornings are mourning but I think you know all about stood out there at the very moment it's very very chilly temperatures overnight have been down as low as minus 4 Celsius and at the moment it typically was certainly below freezing right across the county somewhere between minus one and minus 3 degrees right now the only exceptions that is north of that coast but even here temperatures are at just plus one Celsius or want to 2 spots so it is very chilly and not only that but some poor visibilities for some of us you know normally where you would expect out towards the Fens towards the Thetford area here we've got visibilities at less than 500 meters a couple of places were down to just 100 meters and a Met Office weather warning for fog running until 11 o'clock this morning for parts of the County it could be pretty slow to clear as well so the day itself today is dry and settled Bart I have to say that fog is going to have a massive impact because where it is slow to clear temperatures are really going to struggle just 4 or 5 degrees here I think for the east in the county mostly the fog will lift up or low clouds will lift up and get some sunshine coming through and quite light winds too but at the very best I think we'll see 7 possibly 8 Celsius 7 is 45 in Fahrenheit there is also in easterly winds now it's going to just bring a little bit more in the way of cloud to parts of Suffolk and maybe Essex as we run through the afternoon but I would say some parts of eastern Norfolk and south of the counties well may see that increasing cloud and here in there that could just be thick enough for a stray shower but predominately this weekend is dry across the county I think most of us will avoid all of that tonight another chilly one but not as cold as last night got a bit more in the way of cloud got a little bit more in the way of breeze temperatures should be somewhere between. 0 and plus 3 Celsius a fine start tomorrow good sunny spells I think through the 1st half of the day but then what happens is we've got a fairly brisk north easterly wind and that's going to bring us a few showers as we run through the afternoon and also it's going to make it feel very chilly so again highs of somewhere between $4.00 and $7.00 Celsius at best especially along the coast it is going to feel really rather roll and this whole week really we've got high pressure in control of our weather at this time of year though and tomorrow of course the start of climatological winds are at this time of year when you've got high pressure it leads normally to some frosts and certainly some issues with fog and I think that's what we'll have to look out for as we go through the week more knowledge but such a great 1st wave Kirstine on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk. I'll tell you well 8 degrees is going to get up to today that feels almost tropical to us right now we've certainly chosen a morning to come out and bring the program outdoors were it not for Christmas trees a great melting get you in the Christmas spirit in just a moment we'll be bringing you some movie magic with all right on the Polar Express with the mid north a graduate and we going to be having a go netting a Christmas tree which sounds quite simple but I'm guessing it's probably going to be quite complicated considering there's about 3 or 4 men lined up ready to help me we have very prices and I will be speaking to a woman. Involved with tacky she'll be providing the centerpiece for your Christmas table she sells her turkeys from the very same site that said the Christmas trees from her name is Sally brain will be meeting her before the end of the program. Live Beyond say and it's 11 minutes past 8 You're listening to Saturday Breakfast on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk with that coasting thought that's on location with that producer a lot of theory chilly morning here at that Norfolk Christmas trees in great Melton and this is a bit you've really been looking forward to is Annette I cannot wait I wish I was filming this riposte parity we've been told the lovely folks here and over Christmas trees are going to trust me with one of their beautiful trees with one of them with one of their trees and we're going to have a go netting it let's have a quick chat with Andrew Hunter the farm manager Hello Andre Hello again just how difficult is this process thing because you just asked me if I want to have a practice lift and I said no I can't recall it's about to come to an end so I'm going in cold we've got to help you but it is quite a physical thing you need a bit of white. Ok Edwards. Let's go have a chat with a he's going to help me lift this tree. And then in his own words hold up but I'll just let him you've got your other hand Ok somewhere or you are literally going to leave me here is that my you know you know I would take this up to you the key question oh there we go you. And you can very much for the new Ok I've got to go in this. Case and we'll hold it there one hand one hand on the branches Yeah and so we just pummel what we just told was told all that is so particularly satisfying all of us personally and I love it. It's like it's so much still sort of sausage machine you know it's really in all that's fantastic So how many of these you've got to get pretty quick at doing this I would imagine and show you how many would these which you need to do in a day should I there we don't about 5000 how many people will be will be working on this thing change shoes me about far of 6 should I yeah. I'm just you've got I mean letting machines you've got here. Ok you got 4 out here that's that's yeah that's quite a lot of you know that's more than $100.00 trees per machine see mine by a mass of like it and it's literally a plastic sheet with the netting around the edges and yeah and this is obviously it's vital for people to be able to get the trees one piece now because it makes a lot easier to travel I ask a question Cush can Who do you think did a better job they cutting down the tree net in the tree now be careful on this really honestly Paul honestly if it's me. To be fair I think netting a tree is probably a little bit easier than cutting down a tray but Angie thank you very much we're going to leave you guys to go on now because we are some 45 minutes from here and obviously it's going to be one who or what one of the busiest weekends for you isn't it this season definitely leave you to get on then thank you very much thank you Edward for actually doing all the hard work and letting me take most of the credit for it now across the county there are numerous organizations working tirelessly at this time of year to make sure Christmas has a sprinkling of magic on the big Norfolk railway transporting families to the North Pole to recreate of a much loved Christmas movie this week producer Davis and I stepped aboard the Polar Express. Oh. Wow this is really. The out there part 2 in part from the journey of the polar express itself and live action with professional actors we got it from Charlie Strong Mark Warner Brothers For years ago to allow us to do this because we wanted to do something different as a role like because you see a lot of senses grottos but we're one of the few places where you can come and experience the real Polar Express now Firstly I must apologize because anybody who's you seen The Polar Express that the much loved Christmas film will know that the main character spends the majority of the film in his pajamas and you do like people to come dressed in their night. And myself have turned up not dressed for the occasion so apologies for letting the slide down thus far however we'd love to see families coming along especially when they're all dressed in the same sort of pajamas and across the road we have Morrison's who over the last couple of years we know it's now supply for extra pajamas and dressing gown. Yes How do you use if you've been running the plane expressman you've been doing it for 3 years now. But we're looking to carry it forward so we're planning on doing it for potentially next fall of years now we are currently in the station where there would normally be I'm standing by the entrance to the shop and the buff a this would normally be a place the public can freely roam but not today not to dock the station itself has now become the support center in hope of tolerance for us and we have to put on a very large mall kase in the around the station for the passengers and public to submit so they got some of all we also have a show that start shortly by some the Polar Express before the ball the truck so this is a completely immersive experience taking people inside the hearts of the film how big a challenge is it spits on I mean you must be quite a few extra people to carry this out yes we've got professional artists that we employ this year to put it all is hugely difficult because the show itself takes place in a relic cars just sort of. Presents all the challenges of real life is a farce of a very cultured. But the art is all heart and soul saw and up to it and like true tremendous shock I'm lucky say you've been writing this for about 3 years now how has it grown in popularity and what kind of reaction do you get from the passages once they've been on that journey. Some believable before we started doing it we were getting about $4000.00 passengers for a regular sunset specials the 1st year we did Polar Express we got 12000 this year we're looking at just getting around 30000 passengers so as growing tremendously very quickly people just love. Hi I'm cool and you're Goldsmith and I am the director and the performer in the public's press this year my role in the . Making sure we have enough cast of suitable level to perform the show sorting this out it works the actually and making sure that there comes a high level which is. Great and I suspect this might be. An environment in which many of them haven't performed before absolutely straight out of drama school so it's the 1st gig they've actually had it's a totally different kind of theatre show immersive theaters different anyway let alone being on a train that is moving so it's a massive experience for all involved but so far they're loving it which is great how long does the process take that when do you like start rehearsals is this something that begins in spring time even earlier maybe. Started in July it was actually the hottest day of the year and we had people dressed as Santa jumping around singing Christmas songs which was a lot of fun from that point. To the scripts that we have so that fits what we want to do and then literally it's 4 days of rehearsal constrains the live show so it's full on. Right which stepped out of the cast room and I found Catherine Vince I'm going to take one stab in the dark your chef I absolutely yes I'm also the. So I've been working alongside pull to make sure that we have a real atmosphere from the film held in the dancers and when I shared the dances with the cast they were incredibly adaptable to taking on the moves and making them work with an office to track moving train carriages which is a nice exciting elements of the car graphing around to tell me more about the role that you'll be playing so I'm a chef called Stella and myself may is Bella and we frequently come paint to suggest to the audience that we are head chef and often reflect on things that have been going wrong in the kitchen while switch trying to get the whole. Chalk and cookies out at the same time we're working alongside the conductor to keep the train on track and I suppose that's his main goal do you have to stick firmly to a script or is there any allowances for improvise ation Oh absolutely gasser as the chefs we have so much scope to improvise which is so enjoyable as a performer because you can really really bounce with the audience members and you can react to the specific families that. So yeah we've got a whole lot of fun because we can just improvise for the majority actually of the show. Right Christine if you got our tickets I've got your ticket where we are in keep it c. 17 and I think you might discover what. I was awesome here toward the middle a perfect regular perfect month for all of this. Time we've been sitting next to Jack on the train and we think he's a bit of a superstar Jack who if you just see. Was it the real Yes Well what did you give he. 8 He said the beginning he's played. Have you enjoyed your train ride say yes. And you've got matching pajamas haven't you your mommy and daddy wearing the same pajamas you think. Yes. Oh my. God what did you think of the train journey. I I really enjoyed all of it I spent a lot of it in the hot tub and biscuits I I thought I thought the dancing and singing was great and I thoroughly enjoyed it were you singing along as well yes just so-so No Was I didn't know it and I had a nice sheet front of me how much did you think when Phantom post came on board me . So you come out tonight as a family what made you want to come play of mice and other people that wanted before and had really good things and we love the book and just wants to be part of that Christmas spirit on the train it says read every evening and how did you feel coming out in your pajamas to not interesting but in the car here it's not so comfy though I bet a warm cozy I love yeah we enjoy musicals in general so I love the interaction that by someone gets a hot chocolate in a cookie. They're going to tell them funny looks at Morrison's But then we just kind of blended in with the other crowd of pajama goers that. Looks about 130 to 40 forehead Well you know. What I get that part of that and now that he's got it all just let me talk was Ted. We had so much fun on the Polar Express on the made. A massive shout out to young Jack who was an absolute star when I shoved a microphone in his face and also to his family who very kindly let us speak to him and we interrupted the train journey to and especially to Jack's mom who's expecting twins is going to be a busy Christmas for the. Well they they took a little bit of time out to go on the Polar Express ride and it is like I said I've not seen the film I've not read the book so it was all kind of brand new to me and you know it's it would be very difficult not to get swept away in the magic of it is exactly what I was going to say because obviously it's mostly families with young children who are there enjoying it we are grown women I'm not going to give away our ages but you know we got a few years behind us collectively but we were getting we are certainly getting really swept up in it it's very magical and when Santa Claus arrived on the train it was just perfect wasn't it was and. The kids' faces obviously there's interaction with adults as well but for me I have to say the thing that really set it off was was the additional costs that come on to the come on the train especially the conductor and the chefs they interact with I mean can you imagine going up to someone and acting and not haven't a clue what they're about to say back to you and you just have to kind of react off of it so well done to them it was really 3 lovely experience really really enjoyable and I love the moment when the lady said that it was strange walking around Morrison's in her pajamas. I think we should let this slide down ever so slightly by not being up a job as Ok is 25 minutes past 8 let's get the latest on the roads for you now. See radio no travel. And Mike can tell us how it's looking out there thank you Kerstin it's not looking too bad but just reminder in Cromer we've got some crude closures in place for the Christmas festival and in fake and North St marketplace they'll be closed shortly from 9 this morning until 7 tonight for the fake and Christmas fare replacement passes are still running great angry services between sharing and Kroger because the ongoing Sigman problems that also means train pre-knowledge of crime have cancellations and are we timed engineering work means that they're about is running for Great Northern trains between King's Lynn and Aly if you're planning on the trip to London we've got buses running again this weekend between cultures that marks type. If you see. 80397321 I'm Michael Page with the b.b.c. Radio Norfolk travel. As a cause to celebrate in the Canaries after achieving their goal I win in the primary that. It was against Everton and this is how they did it to keep dealing with each other to defend the series going to cost a couple of days to do the area. Spoke of the disability surely it was the to call it up. In the past so why wouldn't the season can they keep the momentum going when they meet OS Now join us on Sunday when we'll have all the build up from 1900 say and as always we can have your site in Canary coauthored all of the action followed the Canaries with b.b.c. Radio Norfolk feel part of the b.b.c. . READY READY READY READY Yes you probably recognize that from a certain John Lewis out with a rather excitable dragon that's best steel and I can't fight this feeling any You're listening to Saturday Breakfast with coasting thought on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk the time is now $830.00. 5 thank you for a. Play word and has the latest headlines it's emerged that the man who killed 2 people amended 3 others in yesterday's terror attack at London Bridge was him solve a convicted terrorist as men can He was 28 have been living in Stafford he was released from prison on license in December of last year after he was jailed in connection with the plant to bomb the London Stock Exchange in 2012 he was shot dead by armed officers off being wrestled to the ground by members of the public the waiting list for routine operations at the Norfolk and North Hospital has topped 46000 patients board members revealed the figure at a meeting yesterday they blame an increased demand on accident and emergency teams rail fares are expected to rise by an average of 2.7 percent in January it could mean the cost of an annual season ticket increases by more than 100 pounds a year and that West has been apologizing to customers after its online banking and mobile app were hit by technical problems during yesterday's Black Friday sales the bank says the great which lasted for more than 8 hours has now been fixed b.b.c. Radio Norfolk news this more 9 Thanks b.b.c. Radio one for x. Was for banks and Nicole has the latest Nick thank you very much indeed and we start with cricket because England finished Day 2 of the 2nd and final terse to go to New Zealand on 39 for 2 still trailing the Kiwis by 336 runs in Hamilton b.b.c. Sports Solomon Hurst a 4 story stumps in the last Dominic Sibley. L.b.w. Society before and Joe Denly caught behind off Henri also for 4 to tarnish a strong fight back after New Zealand went 53 overs without losing a wicket once England had dismissed let them Nichols early in the day New Zealand's last 5 went for 60 inspired by Stuart Broad short ball that surprised the stubborn b.j. What wing brought it up for the 74 or so her debut didn't Darryl Mitchell court fine leg for an excellent 73 when England batted Burns was dropped twice in his 24 tight route closed on 6 England are still 336 behind but the pitch is good and they'll try to do to New Zealand what New Zealand did to them in the 1st test but once and score a huge total If that have any chance of squaring the series turning to football in England Wales will find out later today who will face in the group stages of euro 2020 care Southgate feels his young squad will be viewed as a threat at the tournament and believes reaching the semifinals of the World Cup last summer will stand them in good stead I think we've gained some respect and I think people would view us as a threat which certainly wasn't the case out of Russia we also know we've got to improve to another level it's hard to assess exactly where we are after this qualifying campaign but if we looked at World Cup semifinal Nations League semi final we've done all we could in terms of qualifying Moskos in Europe so we're on a good track now at City sporting director Stuart Webber says the club won't be backed into a corner when it comes to transfers in January the Canaries are almost at full strength following a whole host of injury problems they welcome manager Les arsenal to carry out on Sunday Webber says they will be proactive in the transfer market but added They won't spend just a Boston number so yeah it's difficult for a number of it because you know you know we want to go and sign some players but only the right ones ones who fit in ones who can help us in the short term models of the medium and long term we won't be signing players on long contractual cause problems at the end of it yes it might be one conscious of the young and got future value like we've done in. Sometimes. We will rule or even signing someone on the short term deal to you know if we felt that the Brits would but what we have to do is if they come here they've got we want you can help improve our team Manchester City will aim to close the gap to leaders Liverpool to 6 points when they face Newcastle in the lunchtime game in the Premier League today meanwhile Liverpool play in one of 4 afternoon kick offs they host brought in and failed before the bottom 2 sides Southampton and what Fed meet at St Mary's The newly appointed Premier League chief executive David prems all has resigned before starting the job Pennzoil was appointed in October and was due to start in February but to start then following newspaper allegations about his private life turning to local football and Roxanne Carey Norfolk's hopes in the f.a. Vaster day as they host Wellingborough in the 3rd round the Oxford warmed up with a comfortable win over Gholston in the Norfolk Senior Cup join the wake and midfielder Holly Black says the possible reward in both competitions provides a big incentive Cup games especially I mean I've been to 3 years now we've never really done too well in the couple dishes so be really nice to kind of go for it both of these camps out if they only say that we're in at the moment so we would like to kind of progress and of Hugo Angola Wembley Kairos as well which is obviously a massive thing for anyone at our level to kind of buy in that stadium having made progress in the f.a. Trophy national North leaders Kingsley in turn get back to league matters at the walks and they'll be up against a former canary Gateshead are the visitors who have Michael Nelson as player coach in this full commentary of the match on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk today in the southern premier central ost often travel to Tamworth while an in-form dare in turn are way to Felixstowe multi night it in Division One North and there are 5 ties in the Norfolk Senior Cup 3rd round to u.e.a. Are at home to Atl Britannia style in town host Wyndham town Great Yarmouth town take on air clean out at the Wellesley it swept from town at home to Norwich United and Halston town host Fakenham town that's no because u.k. Championship the defending champion run O'Sullivan is in 2nd round action against China's Chan frame for a O'Sullivan is always amongst the favorite for the tournament see enters but he says Judd Trump is definitely the. To start at the moment I think the moment Judd's competition is with him self you know he seems to be be in been ahead of the pack you know he's number one in the world world champion world number one you know I think you know he's the man in form and the one everybody wants to try and was going to stop when Thomas and finally rushing Today's at Bangor on a day at Lingfield Newbury Newcastle and later at Wolverhampton b.b.c. Reading off export I'm Nicola. Nick thank you very much indeed Nic keeping you up to date on all the sports news throughout the course of the day you are listening to that a breakfast on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk with that casting thought about sort of 2024 minutes or so left of the program and Greentree will join you for rodeo Norfolk and hopefully we'll have a little chat with him before 9 o'clock and find out what he's got lined up for you today it's been very very cold to this morning but the sun is now up and if you stand in a certain position with the sun on your face just start to feel a little bit of warmth I think it's called thawing out her easy not not not technically warm just not quite so cold anymore where at certain off of Christmas trees great Melton telling you everything you need to know really about how your Christmas tree makes its way to your living room there's a fascinating fact I'm just going to have a little wander back inside to the shop so interesting that stats about the impact on the environment of real Christmas trees compare to fake plastic Christmas trees and it's quite staggering really mean obviously the environmental impact of Christmas a hot topic right now everything to do with climate change obviously playing quite a big part in the upcoming general election as well as a little that sign up on the wall of the shop here a real tree produces 20 times or less c o 2 than a fake tree which is quite staggering really 2 and a half acres of Christmas trees will absorb approximately 6 tons of carbon dioxide each year Christmas trees are grown as a sustainable crop and can actually help combat climate change the shoes size of this site is an Arab oil farm here which covers some 3000 acres and quite a large portion of that given over to growing Christmas trees and so they're off Asli absorbing a lot of that c o 2 in the atmosphere so a really interesting statistics there I certainly didn't realize that for a Christmas trees are quite as bad for the environment as they appear to be in. Just a moment we'll be having a chat with Sally Bain as she runs Turkey and poultry and rice to Attleboro but her butts assault on this very slight His will be finding out what Christmas is like. Music for you His They Might Be Giants. 11. 11. Exists. Let's go 11. 1111. Such a classic that takes me back They Might Be Giants and but house in your salt Now this weekend is set to be one of the busiest for trade for this Christmas tree farm is very kind of them see what letters come along all know what is a very very busy morning there's actually some customers that have arrived before the gates officially open at 9 o'clock to pick their trees was pre-arranged and they know picking one out as we speak but for some businesses providing the festive essential is the Rush won't hit until just before the big day based in Attleboro unsold write a on this from a great Melton a Sally's techies poultry run by Sadie by and he joins us this morning how do you Sally Hello thank you for coming out on this very cold morning I'm aware of how pathetically off continually talking about how cold we are when these guys around us are doing all the hard work and now everybody will be collecting their butts just before Christmas Day is probably the last thing I guess that we buy for Christmas I guess so some people order early though and somewhere in order right up to the last minute so. So they'll be coming to you most people be collecting their birds on the 23rd of the 24th is that right how busy Does it get for you then at around that time just before. Just before the 2024 we're really busy because we like to prepare the bed at the last moment so there's fresh as possible for our customers so. We can tell them fresh and they taste brilliant you get some orders that come in like right at the last minute you know just a few days before Christmas Oh I forgot to order my turkey does that happen every year yeah that does happen so we'll have a verb call or e-mail saying that it would be like the 20 said and I'll be here selling to the customers and some people we finding out saying Oh have you got a turkey Have you got one left or something like that so so that doesn't make the business quite unpredictable for you then I mean is it going to be quite difficult to gauge how many you need to have ready it can because not everybody does Christmas every year so you might expect to get your customers to come back every year because people go to different family members it's not always easy to judge her. Tell us about your business then how did you become a poultry farmer and has it always been in your family you know we only started 4 years ago and I saw it with about 20 birds and I just I did a lot of work here on the farm when over Christmas freezes and it just come to me and it seemed like a good option and so I spoke to him about selling birds through their. Christmas trees and they said why not give it a go and it's carried on from there how do you start a business up like that then that's quite a pull to quote quite a bold move to make yet so is yes so then the next year we had to get all registered and get all equipment and all of the silly. Register with the cancer. And inspections so it's quite a busy year so in all our up and just sort of rows on Narron you just now we keep increasing on beds so we have to increase on fridge space and things like that to tell us about the different kinds of turkeys that you offer then in healthy differ so we do we have 2 different sorts we have bronze turkeys and white turkeys. Both are fairly similar but we got on with those 2 sought the best so that's what we stuck to and that's what we like so that's what we'd like so it is Turkey still as popular as ever you know is it the bird of choice or people looking for something a little bit differently these days oh my just think it's personal preference really but we do turkeys chickens and so I've got a little bit of an option there for for customers I don't like to you know turn people away so and we always say we can do crowns and breast rows because some people don't don't want to hope so there's also that option too and we were hearing from Andrew that in terms of growing and preparing Christmas trees I mean a 6 foot Christmas tree can take 10 years d.n.a. To be ready to be harvested it's an all year round business for him because. They take so much care and looking after in preparation before the festive season starts what's your year like them so we'll start about the middle of May when the. Diode when we get all of. This come 1st then the chicken so start that may right up to Christmas Day Nearly because it is one of the last things that people buy you know they get their turkey fresh it's you know one of the times of Christmas trees people are by now ready to put the tree up but like we say your busiest days are going to be just before Christmas What's Christmas like for you Do you get any down time at all after Christmas. Time to kind of do all your celebrating sort of when everybody else is kind of packing up and putting Christmas away for the year yeah I guess so yeah because when it comes to Christmas Day We just so I'm glad it's over . You can say that it's well I'm. More and more afterwards fabulous Well thank you so much for joining us this morning coming out when it is a beautiful morning out here is absolutely stunning and of course your turkey is available here and what about so you and Attleboro. Super Sally Bane Thank You have so much Sally's turkeys and poultry absolutely fascinating to find out what the actual Christmas period is like for the people who make Christmas special for the rest of us you know often about the people behind these kinds of businesses you've got no idea you know we as a consumer you go out you get a tree you get presents you wrap them you get food you go home you celebrate but as I think we've discovered today it takes years for that process to be able to happen and you know it is sort of makes you appreciate why perhaps Christmas trees are a bit more expensive Why get a fresh turkey might be a bit more expensive but the process of it is so organic and it's amazing just speaking to and you earlier in the impact of different weather patterns and how you can have a. Such a dry year as they did last year thousands of trees were lost and then perhaps you understand a little bit more about why maybe some trees were more expensive and years than they have been before we take you see an understanding about what it's like to run a profitable business like this do you know if it is coming up at 9 o'clock we'll have to check with Keith in just a moment to festes the coral to. Al. Al. Al. The coral and in the morning coming up in about 10 minutes it's Keith Green Tree with radio Norfolk morning Katie Mony Mony morning so Christmas has officially started then that's it well Christmas. Yes absolutely yes and if you can't feel you tell us a couple of hours you know Christmas has officially started you're in a nice warm studio what you got lined up for us today thank you coast to you I am in a nice warm studio it's nice American dish undone I heard your toes were cold in your fingers were cold we're nice and warm and I've got some hot music between 9 and 12 o'clock the 2nd song in this morning is Lady Antebellum they've got a brand new album we've been waiting for this 1st round about 6 weeks since it was originally United and it's called ocean under to be playing that along with a new one from Derek run though most people who like Irish music love Derek run he's put a an album together and I'm going to be playing a track off that as well the lucky person who's going to have the songs played their 3 songs Bill tight I'm from Kingsley morning bell just after 10 o'clock it's his country collection will be playing his 3 and then the nostalgia spot goes back over the decades around about 1030 we've got Johnny candle on that with time was true love and I'm a carter so if you know those and you love those but a traditional country and I've got another about 30 songs plus those between 9 and 12 o'clock coasting So if you're wrapping presents or if you're going at Christmas shopping the music to keep it company Absolutely Keith have a great program where you keep coming up at 9 o'clock with that radio Norfolk is very nearly time for us to say good bye for Christmas trees at once again just like to thank and you hunt the farm manager here and this is where you really steel yourself for the crowds coming through the doors do you enjoy Yeah we're just getting a final break in the coffee right before the my mind droid comes in which I know any minute now will be 20 or 30 quite quickly. And this is going to be a busy weekend but it's going to be next weekend I think is going to be really busy how many people are you expecting over the course of next weekend we expect to sell probably about 1500 to 800 trees next week and so set 3600 people it's absolutely incredible and most people looking for pictures because I mean you've got all sorts of sizes here we were trying to find the steps you've got sort of a bit of a limited space for a tree at home haven't you as often as have all I just because of the way that my living room is kind of configured and we were trying to find one that would fit in in your home a little earlier or me yes if you take 8 steps in any direction that's the size of my flat. But there's this you can mean we found one to where you got transferred from every we house in a one way they range from about war on meter up to say we can go up to 3540 for but they are for the most common 3 is 6 foot 7 foot and of course they are all living plants so just give us some quick tips for best care for looking off your Christmas tree once it's in the home stand the hose water make sure you put water in there which some people don't they put it on the stand forget it is a cup lantern it water. More about lemonade vodka and all that sort of stuff doesn't it just needs water sorry vodka I've never heard that before or sort of stuff put it in. Exactly exactly wastes the vodka. On the train Christmastime mystery drinks milk or in the wild exactly strange miss it and also I did see a little sign next to your tail which there is about things like a Fitz and lady birds they are living trees they've been out in the fields that there will be living things possibly chopping up your Christmas tree once it's in your house quite possibly have been if you do get a foetus don't worry about the military or the food source has been cut off they will die or you might end up with black bodies on the floor don't worry just move them up don't worry about them it's either that or we have to use pesticides to control them and we obviously want to avoid pesticides going into trees going to people's houses city because. You've got a real eco friendly ethos here with the business having just right down you know that the decorations wood and glass as much as they can be is really important for us businesses in a very tough environment and government friendly is what we're aiming for so thank you so much for having us have a great weekend Well you lots of coffee will get you through it maybe put the vodka in the Christmas tree and it felt great to get you through the next couple of weekends like you so much for having us here this morning i.k. Let's just take one last look at the road this morning on Saturday Breakfast for you. B.b.c. Radio travel. With Michael Michael hi Christina still pretty good out there looking very good at the moment there are delays there approaching the Templers 143 Beccles very tough monks but that's where we've got water main repairs near the white line a pub Christmas time 1st will try so straight to the street will be closed shortly from 9 this morning until 830 tonight on the trains buses replacer great Anglia services between sharing and chroma because of the ongoing signalling problems and engineering work means there are buses going to Great know the trains between King's Lynn and heli if you see anything I can about me call 80397321 I'm Michael Page with the North of travel. On Sunday breakfast this week I heard about the latest addition to the mouse hole whomp we have community groups coming in and using the building we've got a gospel choir we've got a Portuguese speaking church and the café is the next thing what we've been doing to kind of make this a community and at the cathedral currently for boys and girls who are not yet old enough to be in our potato choir we really wanted to provide something for those children really just to nurture their love of singing to experience the great joy of singing in this amazing building here join me and see Isaacs for Sunday breakfast mind from the toys and we know much this weekend from sex on b.b.c. Radio 5 your part of the baby say. Well that's it from us here in Great Melton this morning thank you ever so much for your company I'll be back bright and early with Saturday Breakfast next weekend from 6 o'clock what if you don't have a great weekend and a great week a leave you with pink. There's something in the bowl where I just. Have to appear. To be. In the. Saudi. The sub culture. Ultimately to Adam. Can be. Wrong With that's. Saying. There's. Wrong. That's painful we home in the dead of night would be better money Thanks a lovely cursing phone there in the deepest Congress Nova kicking off Christmas Day with b.b.c. Ready you know but I wonder if she bought her a traitor. No need to wonder what's happening for the next 3 hours is music all the wire that's half a lot of news a lot of sports and of course the live whether. Norfolk news Norfolk my. It's easy to see Radio 5. Face 9 o'clock on a rodeo Norfolk Saturday morning Clare Worden has the latest b.b.c. Radio Norfolk news good morning police have identified the man who stabbed to death on London Bridge yesterday as a convicted terrorist he was freed from prison on my Since last year and has been called and was shot dead by armed officers after being tackled to the ground by members of the public he'd been jailed back in 2012 for an Al Qaida inspired. To attack the London Stock Exchange the mayor of London City concepts the security service believed the attacker was acting alone but the extra police patrols would be stepped up in recent days what the Met Police Service what the see even the police service and what the British national police will be doing have more high visibility police officers present in London and that includes armed officers as well and the key thing is not for the public to be along and. By the fact there are more armed officers uniformed officers present there also be plainclothes officers present but to reassure Londoners and visitors that were safe as we can be the board of the north the canary chance Spittal has revealed that they're operating a waiting list of more than 46000 patients the number of complaints to the end has increased to you can't has more the board were told yesterday by the chair of its quality and safety committee that the n n n hospital is under immense pressure particularly in a any which is led to the delay of elective procedures the meeting heard there's a waiting list of more than 46000 people and a backlog of almost $10000.00 patients it's led to a surge in complaints last month saw a 40 percent rise compared to October of 2018 the board heard that last Monday they were short of over 200 beds the n n N's chief executive Sam Higginson in a statement to us said it was dealing with patients as quickly as possible and maintaining a high level of care rail fares are expected to rise by an average of 2.7 percent in January it could mean the cost of an annual season ticket increases by more than $100.00 pounds a year many travelers already believe the rail fares represent poor Vanny from us.

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