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B.b.c. News at 10 on more roll doesn't the White House is insisting that President Trump did condemn the violence by right wing groups and everyone else in Charlottesville in the state of Virginia a woman was killed a 19 people were injured when a car was driven into a crowd yesterday the mayor of Charlottesville Michael Singha has told the u.s. Network n.b.c. That Mr Trump has helped to embolden the far right demonstrators the time has come for this to stop this should be a turning point this moment jumped the shark and it happened yesterday people are dying and I do think that it's now on the president and on all of us to say enough is enough this movement has run its course Labor the Lib Dems and the s.n.p. Say the fundamental problems with Bret's it remain despite signs of greater unanimity in the conservative ranks the chancellor Philip Hammond and the International Trade Secretary Liam Fox have written a joint article saying the u.k. Will leave the single market and the Customs Union and agreeing that a limited transitional period will be required police in London have expressed concern about how quickly the private high offend reports sexual assaults by some of its drivers officers say they could have prevented one attack if they'd known about a previous allegation against the driver says it supports investigations research suggests saving for a workplace pension has become normal for many employees the government study says 80 percent of workers now feel positive about the benefits of automatic enrollment schemes so Steve Wyatt was the pensions minister when auto enrollment was introduced in 2012 but he believes more contributions are needed the priority has been getting membership getting people into action so using opiates at very low levels the next challenge after the successful 1st phase will be getting those contributions up to something more realistic at the moment what's being built up to . Any that will have to increase many fold before people can retire comfortably in the way that previous generations did Manchester United have beaten West Ham 4 nil the West Ham manager village says their opponents were better in every department of the gang we're not very good but this year we know before the season that we have 3 away games in the 1st game with 3 got one against Man United away and this is the war scenario that would never ever happen to us but it we can change it it is. What it is and we have to become set up and everywhere for Corsican here and. Elsewhere Tottenham Hotspur new council United 2 nil the final session of the wild Athletics Championships is underway in London the British high jumper Robbie Chua Bonds who took bronze in the London Olympics failed to be placed South African cost us a manual $1.00 a 3rd while title in the $800.00 metres. And a look at the weather after a dry night for many places Monday will be cloudy with showery outbreaks of rain affecting many northern and western areas southern and eastern parts staying mostly dry with some warm sunshine a top temperature of 21 degrees Celsius b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 10. Skill was at Terre. Cobb orchard Keith ski you see. My. Life from the life that's all I'll be 18 inherit child learn the county unless x. Welcome to edition number 359 of this 3 Wallace type program from the b.b.c. In the eastern contests tonight we should have a massive audience listening around the world and we're looking back to the days along tree Wallace put. Nice to Sunday 964 on the 14th of August 1967 as this is part of part b.b.c. . I'll be looking back at radio and radio with mention of Radio City swinging radio England and Britain radio I'll try and include the names of all the part radio stations that have to run the British Isles but it's going to be an impossibility to cover all aspects of those fantastic yes we here in Paris. A brilliant light from the l v 18 which will be doing right across heritage and probably further afield if anybody can actually see this light and would love to hear from you in the meantime guess we'll be popping in between now and 1 o'clock in the morning they will include moments and John who's come especially for Johnny Walker Roger tweaky day until midway all of whom will be broadcasting from 9 o'clock tomorrow morning until 3 in the off the noon when the I'll be 18 at 3 o'clock will join rate continuing the pirate radio on pirate b.b.c. Essex from the radio prevent further down the coast on the river black Malta a well welcome to you all who tuned in to the b.b.c. This Sunday evening oh I'm going to like Clash influence talk Lee as well Shockley When she began broadcasting. The 28 to 64 following. Friday. Opening announcement in that 1st pre recorded music program was presented by Chris maul who gave running the run a credit for creating radio caroline it's not my intention to go through everything that happened on Caroline but that would take many many hours but I've written a definitive history of the pirate radio stations in the book called Baldwin the pirates that was reprinted recently and includes pirate b.b.c. Essex in 2000 and full 20072009. So anyway we're moving on right now and say thank you very much to those of you who let me know of the death of singer Glen Campbell I normally do tributes on the last of the program but it's a special program this weekend so I will do that tribute next weekend and also of course is the anniversary on Elvis's moving on so that's next week but as far as this program is concerned the special program I will deal a covering the Life and Music of those American artists in this program as well as all cognitive Ariel from those watery well as days I want to play some of the best tunes that were popular join the is 960 full to 967 the 1st we'll talk about Radio Caroline and in the final Radio London what's happening in the middle I'm the kind of. Weekends off of midnight on the 14th of August 1987 when the Marine Exeter broadcasting offenses Bill became an act of parliament after which time any British person serving on the ships a wartime Fultz in the Thames Estuary would be regarded as a criminal and if a arrested find a lot of money and probably spending up to 3 months in prison scary scary stuff I would say in launching a full 964 this record was top of the charts column by Me Love from The Beatles. The Beatles that are called by me love I joined Radio Caroline in the summer of 1960 and spent 18 months having a groovy and enjoyable time we were into the swinging sixty's and to have been a disc jockey joining this time was quite simply brilliant in my humble opinion it was the best time to have been destroyed in Britain fashion and pop music was it its best we had the Mary Quinn phenomenon we had called in the street the John Stevens boutiques The Beatles The Rolling Stones top fashion model Jean the shrimp Shrimpton photographer David Bailey flop on Ready Steady Go as Cathy would go on top model Twiggy do I need to go on oh rather than Saturday night and Sunday morning those a great film as was Bonnie and Clyde and the Pink Panther we in Britain were going through the whole music explosion we all seem to have more money those days a much of it I think we spent on clothes national service was a thing of the past guilds were on the pill and it was good to be young the 1960 s. Was a creative time for young people who were growing up music was an important part of their lives this is where the pirate radio stations came to the full maybe parents of youngsters couldn't actually fully understand their children and they didn't necessarily identify with teachers at school but the water it was deejays had that special something that teenagers did identify with they quite simply loved it from the freedom of international waters I firmly believe that we helped to change the face and indeed the shape of British broadcasting. Every. She is a. Treat to. Chance in the spring and summer of 1964 at a similar time modern technology was gaining speed and had them in 960 s. We enjoyed the birth of the transistor radio the tranny for the 1st time in our lives right here became a portable medium and you could take it any way. Excuse me you're not supposed to be on until tomorrow. So when I interviewed you about going to the b.b.c. You said they had a script Yes I know what a script is well this is a script which you just read I know far from India is not supposed to be some organize. So should I just ad libbed than know you can carry on read the next paragraph. Didn't you want to do it you're doing a fantastic job well if you insist it starts as deejays we were doing. Community by writing we were doing our own thing we're fighting against the forces of this time for sure and more importantly we made providing a service for the very 1st time which made music comparable at any time of day or night that was the freedom of being yourself and having fun and for those of us who are working on the end of the ships or the forts we had at that time the freedom of the airwaves. a date. When he was on the cover and used to do the flashing so. Actually flashing from Shockley out this militant I'm so in real life is here with me very grateful to Johnny for taking time out and coming on to joining as you like to talk to whoever it is just like to say very good evening to the show the flashes I was I have wonderful to see here and I'm sick of. A record for you and all of Frinton flashes from 50 years ago and this is mantra to duty. As you were just the walkin down the street. Saying. Good. Old she was. That's. Well what. Does she. Do well did he did he from the 100 men preceded by the animals of the house of the Rising Sun and Johnnie Walker who will be back again that will be just before we go off probably run about 10 to one course 1 in the morning who knows at this particular time I've got the whole program worked out but it's as we found out right from the word go. Muzzle for the script away here only me amigo no one here in the mi amigo we have a right to any black person doing a jingle. Piece cues across the eastern counties. Thank you very much Tony we couldn't afford to bring you in to do it into our program but we're very grateful to you for that. Radio and soul ship there was no contact with Lem and we had new computers new mobile phones we were literally cut off from the rest of the world we were on board for 14 days and 40 nights with a chance of coming ashore to the local pub all go out and see a film we could do that on the ship but once we were on land it was a different story altogether we lived on the ship we lift for correspondence from all listeners who wrote to us in that thousands and today when I came to this often I met a dozen who wrote to me in those days and they showed me the letters I replied I was absolutely gobsmacked thank you very very much indeed never in my 58 years in. Do you have I ever experienced that sort of friendship with listeners it's just been magic today going back all those years and seeing people who used to listen to us didn't know what they looked like they'd know what we looked like and actually met a new face to face here inherits today. After 2 weeks on board we would normally return to London for one week break and we'd have to report to Caroline house in London they were based in Chesterfield gardens in Mayfair in London and they would say you've got the opportunity of opening a shop poll closing a petrol station or something and in my case I said I would love to go around with a tape recorder a u.n. Tape recorder and interview some of these famous personalities were coming I would sue England and I was very fortunate to have interviewed few in my time with Radio Caroline and one of the 1st people I interviewed was great Cornish now I'd love his music from the time that I was working at the British Forces Network in Germany I got a lot of his vinyl L.P.'s I still have them to this day but here is just a couple of seconds literally of meeting recall I have in London in 1964 here is part of that interview this is rake you know a track from one of my albums what you introduce it plays keep suddenly right it's a brand new Albion fact of yours the latest in the Times or the greatest record if on the thing as with songs from Mary Poppins we take side track 3. that the were released by c.b.s. Records songs from Mary Poppins I believe the LP put us lucky to actually hear songs but I can't recall any of whose music I still play to this very day on my b.b.c. Programs now a response from you good folks at home this is absolutely great this will be enough we got e-mails and text messages also some stuff coming in we're listening we're listening. From the premiere in inherits where massive fans and we've come down especially from Bournemouth and Leeds for the 50th anniversary please say hello to us and make a holiday in the sun by Maria. Mock in Bletchley ta we know him by name he's listening to call bullshit broadcasting on b.b.c. Eastern counties from heritage and thank you very much for your communication great to hear from you Mark big Hilton Bill Higgins is in Hemel Hempstead the double h. And he's. A message an email please can I ask you to wish my lovely wife Jill happy 14th wedding anniversary for this coming Wednesday the 16th of August you need an email from me Oh you read an email from me back in March regarding the Rachmaninoff teaser and the mix Mari middle and commented my name was new to you yes this was my very 1st time I've written to you even though I've been listening to your show since 2002 when I came across it quite by accident Bill great to hear from you thank you very much for taking the trouble to communicate with us and if you are wanting to contact us text messages 813 double 3 or as they say on b.b.c. Essex triple 3 Stuart you message Essex and if you are emailing would love to hear from you please don't send it to the normal scuse the top Email Address this week it's Essex pirate at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Again Essex pirate b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. We were talking about record if a moment ago in London in 1965 I was very keen but we obviously had to go back to the ship for 2 weeks on duty and then the next leave I said is really good I can go and interview and they said would you like to interview us and anybody anybody and they said how would you like b.f. Set up a coupon be if that and he said Billy fury right now I'd like to introduce. You 2 years I'm not a guest on this some belongs to I'm sure and it's my pleasure and privilege and honor a list of. 100 years to Radio Caroline believes your a Knowles. Talk amongst ourselves some of which was filmed incidentally in Great Yarmouth in Norfolk and when that film came out in 1965 Billie sang I like animals not a number of people be ringing in the Middle East and like to hear from me especially as with b.b.c. Essex but can I say this is a documentary type program in this one show tomorrow it will be slightly different with part b.b.c. Has explored custom from none in the morning right the way through until fall. In the afternoon but this program I can't take requests I'm sorry it's all sort of planned well it was loosely plant but we don't do requests because of the records I'm playing all relevant to this particular era in pirate radio history so thank you very much for communicating with us I'm very happy to give you a name check no problems there here's a jingle dating back to 965 I think it was and it was made by Philip good hand take it. Live on your radio indeed yes we're on the 13th day of August 27th seen from aboard the like vessel l v 18 mode at hit me pier how rich in the county of Essex Simon Di was one of the 1st voices on radio caroline he disappeared wrong to suddenly in 1964 so what happened discipline was very strict believe the law to Louis as deejays very informal chatting to you rather than Pat you. The captain of the mi amigo the captain of the Radio London ship the m.v. Galaxy was in charge basically and discipline was strict you just couldn't do it you know thing that this joke is have memories of the event and we remember when Simon Di suddenly disappeared more or less overnight Brian Vaughan was one of the very 1st deejays on Radio Caroline suff I've done a program and he followed me and when I walked out from the studio we walked into a kind of miss room on radio on the mi amigo and the next time I remember I'm lying in my cabin on on the back of my cabin because I didn't I just obviously. Collapsed and I hadn't been ill before anything like that and it was thought that I had appendicitis anyway and I had a very intense pain in my stomach and son and he got very worried about this he was at that point I think he was the chief discharged he already said he was anyway and so he got very worried about it and the captain wanted to do it a lot more formally and radio privately the Coast Guard whatever it was that lifeboat to bring assistance and Simon decided he was going to take over and broadcast this of a diver the radio and this is what he'd broadcast for the Walton life arrive and this was against all the rules of ships at sea captains are in charge of ships no matter where the was a pirate radio ship or what the captain was always the one in charge when we you and I worked there we knew that at the end of day it was his decision he was looking after your safety after all somebody entirely broke all these rules and the captain had him thrown off the ship really I mean he was sacked because he disobeyed to the captain save the captain save his mutiny almost always I think I think maybe well he was a mutiny misc I was a straight laced Dutch captain as you recall all the crew was and they were seamen not me no of if they were there on a ship that went nowhere they normally were on ships which did goes somewhere this time it just it just stayed outside of Flint and so he was it was mutiny and Simon was kind of never seen again on on Radio Caroline south but he went on to bigger and better things he probably didn't regret that too much because he then had a regular weekly television show d.t.i. And had all the dolly birds then fast cars and he rose rapidly to be. One of the most popular presenters in the u.k. But sadly he's done fall came as quick if not quicker than his rise to fame you were the very 1st quote. Unquote to be rescued when you know and taken the loss but you were always there for me the 1st well minimal rescues took place whilst the old school stations operated both legally and illegally no music was let's hear from Les Sunday to be followed by a unit full plus 2. And something there to remind me and it's reminded me that if you could. Be with technology things good. Times times if you can just e-mail us at Essex at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. That might. Receive us but apparently he's going to Honolulu Afghanistan and Boca Regis before it actually gets to us and by the time we're off the air all the other e-mails are coming so if you just do Essex at b.b.c. Don't kowtow u.k. That would be great and talking of texts which we wouldn't would you believe we've got a number here's me to mention we're on bull d l o really we're on board the l v 18 a call and see we see yes apparently you're watching on a television type screen from The Stir having an amazing weekend and enjoying so many events in connection with a full team through just 1967 thank you all for bringing us fantastic music and radio freedom looking forward to tomorrow to David and Marilyn hold Oh yes I know your name's in nor h. Greetings. Congratulations Keith on the 50th anniversary of part radio well done call board shoes This one comes from Michael next is tuned in on line from Lester loving the memories of part radio love and peace from Marky and another one which is a text as well just hand it to me Say hi to my dad Dave in Gloucestershire he followed me into radio and me being Eric Smith ex Radio Sheffield Now structure although Eric everything tick tick tick the blue hopes that. Right when we got on right now just to mention that we'll be chatting with the Normans and John and Tom Edwards later they get together with Twiggy de Raja to do this often and we were talking to sizeable audience in the electric Palace cinema here in those great because they were asking us questions when we were on sing and giving them the answers that was good so to all of you who checks individually but to all of you who there's often a thank you. Very much indeed for coming to join us and we hope you're listening to the program tonight right well we've just played concretes and clay. What we had to do right now is move will be full that you had always something there to remind me and. On Caroline South distilled tea Tony Blackburn he joined the ship in the summertime to me actually run well some time of 964 and I chatted with Tony in a b.b.c. Television programme called Inside Out This was in 2005 and here is part of that interview where he talks about joining Radio Caroline I was with Radio Caroline for 2 years and Big Al Radio London for yeah yeah I love radio Carolina thought it was great and I owe everything on I have to Radio Caroline I mean if it hadn't been for Radio Caroline I don't think I'd been able to get on radio and learn the trade resolving the great thing about radio caroline I mean you'd been in radio before Caroline I happened and we were able to sit down a 1000 hours learn the trade and was tremendous you know I mean 1st of all we were the youngest people umbra broadcasting in the country we were totally different sound to it and for the very 1st time you know during the day you had nonstop popular music it was just such an exciting sound and exciting to be a part of it you know and it's amazing now when I say they wanted to the youngsters you know power ships and I haven't heard of rooms which is a shame because it was a very exciting sound and it will never come back again live well no we we were upon is in the time because before that you had to think what was available on the radio on the b.b.c. Live program the home service with that program out at night time or all the crackly ready Luxemburg that use to fade away in crackling in the background then along came off shore radio as it was originally called in 9064 in this country it had been alive and well in Norway and Sweden and Holland but it came to the United Kingdom on Good Friday 964 we've never looked back and in fact of show radio part radio call it what you will change the whole face of radio as we know it today and the British pop music scene as well because it it brought us lots of new recording artists you know writers music publishers recording companies destructors and some of the D.J.'s were really is. Because the the pop stars I'm so probably probably slightly bigger in a way and I'm one record I think we must play actually because it will always reminds me of Radio Caroline because one of the 1st records we actually became a hit record low to really I remember one of them was honey comes home on the right course must plan on I'm Tom Jones It's not unusual I mean we Radio Caroline made Tom Jones 1st hit record getting I got to say you know. What are you going to say about Radio Caroline and it's not unusual they really broke the record for me I mean the radio kind of like played the song before the b.b.c. Picked up on it I still have the the bell you know they get is to give it a trophy out you know with us right you should look back on a lot and yeah the 1st is it's yes 65 so it was early 65 and you know some years ago came out February so I got a better send out at home and it's nice to was nice bass ships battling on in a wooden chest will. Are right but I've got the left from about the honeycombs listening to. Exclusively cut just talk about the Caroline days. Do you remember when we used to come off the ship having worked 2 weeks on board would either come down you'd come down in your car and come down in my car or on other occasions would travel by train and you get lots of young ladies and housewives and fattens who would congregate at Heritage and then that if we went by train they would tend to jump on the the train for a couple stations then jump over Chelmsford etc and also with a car you would go about with the your sports car a little all the skis will be able to stop over and have a cup of tea and coffee with people on the way back home it was amazing I mean your audiences were just massive and we also the 1st time that I think the radio station had communicated probably with teenagers as well youngsters because we at the time believe in what we youngsters are not as 21 years old when I started and it was the 1st time ever on Rich Radio that we'd had people of the same age as the kids who were listening and you met your audience one day unexpectedly didn't you when he arrived on a beach at Holland on sea yes we were in yeah you you were on holiday I think and I remember I was asleep when I was young I was going to bed early because I was doing the break for showing in those days and I remember Norman Swan join one of the Australian this jockeys on board he came down he said Tony you want to get out because where are we going into the sea we're going to sure that it was a big joke wasn't the fact that eventually we'd end up on the seashore and I sell Yeah very funny Norman and then the captain came down said You really must must get up and I remember going up the stairs ready Caroline and it was unbelievable you know it was a very it was a 10 for scale and the captain was standing there and he had this great big search such a line and he shone it and about 200 yards away there were people walking along the seashore and he in a very sort of very little voice he said May Day. I remember saying to him I think it's too late. There's a crunching noise and we just witnessed the start of the thing and then breeches boy came out of it we were taken off and that was it but the reason why a lot of people say well why didn't the authorities take the ship on because they couldn't because we haven't broadcast within the territorial waters you know we we are if they are days o'clock every night in those days if you remember yes and so why should happen there was we went off the air and luckily for us and a right about is about 9 o'clock I think and then we started drifting into fuel and we haven't committed any offense but it was upset actually incredible you know the fact we've just taken off the fuel they sailed out sort of group. Wanted to be repaired Of course that was an amazing experience and I never ever forget that day I was the 1st off the boat by the way. I didn't hang around on that boat but. After Caroline you you move to big belly you ready London as did I by coincidence but I was writing a book which was going by the title a life on the medium way because we used to broadcast on the media way life when I am didn't sound as good so I changed the title later on to put with the pirates and I wanted to experience it 1st hand radial and big l. Because I was a really professional station with a very tight top 40 format so that was my reason for joining to experience life on bull What was your reason for moving from Caroline to London well I'm telling exactly it was run by the Americans and we heard for a long time this great big American by was going to sail in and it did and in actual fact I'm not exaggerating here when I was doing the break for a show on Radio Caroline It was a very misty morning you know used to get the sea bass and so it's very misty morning and there's this big room of this so ships camera and I remember I was doing the room the Caroline breaker show is about I don't know about 7 15 in the morning and the midst of clearing and. Suddenly this massive great but it was then anchored Oh my God this is I mean it was about twice the size of the of the media and this was the m.v. Galaxy and I heard the test transmissions of those wonderful Jingles you know a big illustration of the happy difference Wonderful Radio London and I heard the 1st transmission by thought this is going to revolutionize everything again because they had the top 40 format where we were taking the hit records because you got to remember that Radio Caroline was playing everything you know we went from pop music to show music to big band stuff and things like that whereas this it just concentrated on playing with the kids wanted and I thought this is the future and I got to I I we still if you remember we went from radio caroline on the tender boat to Radio London and they always they never invited us on board it was the they weren't allowed to and I love the Tony Windsor missed a whole city doubly sure so I mean ever want to jawbone here you know just you know get in touch I mean I did I got in touch and I got a job but they want to me to change my name to Mark Roman and become a member of the Roman Empire and I thought I can not a name like that because Tony Blackburn is mine name I can't recall so I said No I said thank you very much but not on the but I did about 2 months later they gave in and they said We'd like you and we came on I came on board and I remember my 1st program Tony Windsor was in charge of you remember and he said to me said you can't tell those dreadful jokes I said forget about those jokes and I said No I said no that's when it's me and he said well he said I want them so I said Ok so I'm going to go back to radio caroline get a program as Americans I was nice to you how many are good I so I'm going to get a problem against yelling and take all your audience off and he said What do you mean that's boat said all right to keep the jokes. And stuff but it was a wonderful ship was in and. You know it's a bigger ship the cabins were better and the actual the way it was run it was made it was run on commercial. Radio lines to make money I got to do this is it isn't it just going back to the name change when they wanted you to. You know the reason for that is because they already had some singing Jingles made up with the name Reuben so it would have been ideal for you just to slot it in there you have your nature yes poser right on force I wouldn't or wasn't going to go along when I'm so glad that was one of the best decisions I've made that not a good mark right now is a revenue bitch that did kill any ruby employee but for a short time it was to any black person and apart from Caroline in London that being a number of other part radio stations are wrong the British Isles is not in this programme to cover all of them but I must give them a mention with radios Atlanta King City Essex Invicta such radios 227-270-3553 extension 90 Sweeney radio England and Radio Scotland apologies if I missed it he outs of that particular list emails are still flooding in Probably too many and we have to get through all of them on this we're only until 4 o'clock in the morning but I'll go through them as quick as they can this one from James is great to hear you and thanks to b.b.c. As its for arranging the 50th anniversary I remember listening to you when living in Essex and remember so well sitting on the beach in Felixstowe listening to Radio London close to 3 pm on the 14th and then Caroline welcoming new listeners Best Wishes is Graeme of Lincoln City Brady and plug in Skilling thought saying something great tonight lovely reminiscence from yourself and as usual carry on having a great time Christina in. King's Lynn says I can't believe you'll broadcasting from the l.v. 18 in heritage I am I promise you how do you like how do you like it being back at . Some kind of root steel career was just that yesterday in heritage thank you so much for the music so lovely to be listening to the show tonight please give my phone discreet things to your Facebook fan group Kind Regards Christine King's Lynn thank you very much Christine sorry mysterious today Hi Keith. King of the pirates say hello from me to Dean at the forum in no Rachel Dean and only worked with when we doing the program from Norah cheese sitting in the studio just in case something goes wrong like there's a long gap when I'm speaking uncut. Now you Doug Don't go play anything Dana I was just a pretend thing is he's ignore it's really good isn't in Wyatt's is looking after things this ends a night and he's on his best behavior and just raring to go and play something else in the moment we're given that opportunity but thanks for the last 53 years to you all this is Brian in language in the county of Essex Chris Bristol in Ipswich says I saw him yesterday was its day today that's right thank you good to hear you will broadcasting all sure again wonderful to have part of b.b.c. Essex back on the airwaves I've had a great time in heritage over the weekend helping out on the l.v. 18 meeting with the like minded anoraks and joining in the festivities I'm looking forward to returning tomorrow along with the Vintage Radio 2 for the final showdown looking forward to more fantastic shows tomorrow coming down to Harriet's to meet the pirates and the black power of B.B.C.'s Excel to buy vintage portable radios best accounts from Chris Bristol and funny in this section says that this one comes through to me knew this was a name I know sorry that Jill and I couldn't get down to join in all the fun and frolics but enjoying the show as you know I have very fond members of the pirates It says here on the script but you guys inspired. Me Later on in life to get involved in the community radio later on in my life and had a chance to interview a few of my heroes including the late Dave cash which was fabulous Anyway Keith nice to be back in touch best wishes to the new because it is great to hear from you and Jill thank you very much for communicating with us that's a really good use and the continued success talking of Norman's and Jom which we would. Say that again in English which we want oh yes right. Should we talk about nose and tone definitely why because he's one of the right as God. Gone. Somebody told you a little was known all I know I mean didn't you have a split in the Oneness with we'll never know that's called a microphone a live microphone or tone it. Down like this to your. Pride to be here case and it's great to Hades sounding so good after all the shit I just began to somebody down thing is and I said we have 45 we don't remember and I think we've done a lot to remember. We have been impressed that you come all the way from Brisbane in a straight it come back to the l.v. 18 I couldn't miss it for the world well it's great and you come back with your lovely wife Maura and who should be listening I think if she was able to fund it well that's great and you know memories of you would kind of bill he was city for ritual on the new joint radio caroline we worked together on Caroline we did and then we jumped ship and I went to Luxembourg 1st and then came but the Radio London then you joined us on Radio London and then you would to read it looks like quite rock and the reason I don't write the a lot of was mostly your doing well because you wanted me to have it there. With the ol gang it was funny black. And yourself we were all there but I was in a disc jockey a golden Apollo there all you had plenty of pals 50000 more Oh yes of cool his to walk around the dick with a knee on Cuban appears to light up. A kid I felt I felt a bit light headed in those days yeah there was another reason not to and I want to mark. You still in radio these days and for Todd retarded I was toddle off work and this awake bum bum bum bum bum Well you should be in radio me the number of us who continued Is there a rule in the straightly that you must be under the age of 50 to be in radio on there they're actually encouraging a lot of people to come back so really because they've got the experience and the knowledge Siple Where is the kid to really trying to come on but I don't. Write the other like we used to when right when ready it was really something it was going to put a good wood into me when you go to Australia not a cat. Or somebody once it already. It's actually owns a new jobs or the fraud but it's great to see you and really think you for the good but we're going to get you working tomorrow morning I'll be on from 1030 to 12 right and you know it's something very important to try to transmit and mentioned on the radio which is won't. Water. I thought you wrote your script on the now down to script oh was it read Ok fine Oh you do no no no no little bit here on this point if I be a dusk use me I got a piece of paper here to do it he says he said No mints and John will be with you it's about 11 double children chick $1111.00 smack alone that's incredible and I thought he would mention this but he's going to choose a record and I bet you haven't got it it's called. Slip slide on hoof it will sliding on hoopy My goal is. To go to school and sleep. And that was the real McCoy if not enough the real McCoy is the McCoy and you were going to say something I was going to say how old sleepy. Peacekeepers are eastern counties. And it's known by gun and all got for me Miles has a fallow 1st of all for a man the high at hello I go thanks for bringing it in show I have been listening to Mars well stuff Norman plays case sorry I have missed seeing you about well we'll see if and then and from Jim in Devon I'm. Glad to hear you're on babies he ethics and for enjoying the 50th anniversary I remember. When living in a think and remember so well sitting on the beach in Felixstowe listening to ready a London and the clubs home of 3 pm only orchestra boarding. It was a very sad. Ride and for Mike Bell who's just had thought heritage just business at the same crowd to see you and a lot of great memories best wishes for the show from the the mouth Maoris Maoris Strada more to hype an e.p. Oh it's next oh hello hello I am bring it over a beer good to see you Ok. Thank you very much Norman I was moved more emails which are coming Graeme in Dorchester as is can you please give a happy birthday shout out to John Google listening in Southampton John is a regular listener to you best wishes from the Facebook fountain page Graham. P.s. Loving the show Ju and Denise Richardson have said good evening Keith to you all well yes I'm tick tick tick of the bills and you use an extra happy this evening well it's going back to our youth we should do this every week what a great show tonight we're glued to our transistor radio taking it all in a real trip down memory lane will there be a teaser tonight No I'd love to do it but because of the communications section it's not going to work we get all the answers in about 3 o'clock in the morning when we're off the as I make up for it next week Mari. Just sit down relax and listen to pirate b.b.c. Essex via b.b.c. Local radio in the Eastern Counties I haven't heard you mention the teaser yet it was great hearing Johnny Walker have a great show we're recording you love you love clear impulses ball and looking forward to looks more of this special anniversary show the best from Joe Richardson call in bomb it's my birthday today so I treated it to a few days in heritage for all this wondrous occasion we visited the Ross Revenge to die. And still meet the pirates last night thanks to being full allowing Steve Scruton to put part of b.b.c. Essex on again and thanks to all involved including yourself nothing to do with me I'm just a voice and he's just a pleasure to be able to work among some friends again as well working on part of the every Sunday night but this week. You're listening to local or omission. But I've got to say always been handed to me now listening to pirates b b c s 6 a that lovely lovely pirates b.b.c. Essex is slightly different this particular week as we fast approaching level 25 on this Sunday evening the 13th of August the big day tomorrow the 14th of August the 50th anniversary of the Marine Exeter broadcasting offenses bill becoming an act of parliament that was offensive. And after that particular date you would be a criminal. Exclusively to b.b.c. Essex we bring you a criminal right now deed that has never been would you believe Twiggy. Air a known criminal records of most of the records are playing word. You're a late because you're on television tomorrow morning probably so no media ready for that breakfast television with Twiggy unbelievable home right oh well best of luck to the happy black and white obviously. We're going to come down to the. Straight off the telly if you're doing part of B.B.C.'s excellent long 90 minutes again that allowed 90 minutes on from now until 1030 Wow I know and you know Rick would you play it's also not really yes so you've chosen I have chosen them you're allowed to do that so I am allowed to do that just like the old days very good now joking apart you were originally on radio England alongside Johnny Walker I was and then you jumped ship eventually or did you not just don't befall me yet because we were out there and it would know that very lonely wasn't our is too late in the game I started of course ready along that and Caroline Cole of the audience you know we came along to pop it for a while but not in that into those great guys. It was hard and then Johnny was hard to suppose I must know something of a still around town place haven't caught up yet thought keep avoiding the meat I got to move occasionally but we sat in the boat and the local. Newspaper came out and they said doing the clothes that was the 1st we'd heard of it really put a time to finish reading the paper Walker lifts. He would go round it didn't it was awful attend Oh well you know you are going to get another job so I stayed on to the end and by the time I got off it was on Caroline and followed shortly afterwards what I saw fall of the next to 2 lawyers to the wall to get their argument in July 1 and quite frankly they were desperate for this job because because it was leaving and they need to be able to carry on off that and brain Offenses Act Well how did you feel about the fact that you were willing to. To put a number of fingers up tools of the government lawyers are saying I'm not a criminal Well that was half the appeal I didn't believe in what they were doing I thought it was a scene act and I thought I don't believe in it I'm going to fight it and fight it I jolly well did and because I said when they harden me that you are prepared to go illegal you can be certain you might never have to come back to England. You have to take risks in life otherwise it's the what if. I've always wanted to work for Caroline obviously and this is my chance not going to turn it down and yes I will continue after the main offenses acts and I said right you're wrong when you started the morrow and I was there. But you weren't allowed back in England you had to go live in Holland for a month with the normal situation and then the 14th of August I was actually off the ship because I had to get a passport renewed but I was the 1st one to come back an awful tender ride from Holland where as it used to be an hour from here it was 16 hours and a good day from the Golden River on the off shore one as you could imagine. And if a storm blew up halfway across it was sometimes 24 hours on and one time we came alongside in this little wave we would actually got there we were not sure you can get on board and so I don't care if you throw me on I am not going back to Holland on this thing you are going home is. A relief. So you enjoyed the particular time in Holland did you stay I was right there to the end I was there when they towed it off yeah March 3rd I was actually up getting to the breakfast show and. Alongside nothing unusual in those days because you know the washing was supplied crew for Caroline and one of the guys on the tugs it was a lot of coffee shop to them they took around the ocean looking for wrecks to salvage here which I made a lot of money out of because if you put a rope on a ship you can claim the whole value of the ship's a lot of money and and so you know they called in the usual Mickey take of the Duchess of what he is doing here and I said oh we're telling you Japan old very funny I. Getting ready to do the breakfast show. So we started at $530.00 we were on overnight and I went showered and shaved and that sort of thing so I can wash out and show you there's nobody could see me that I thought I would because not one of the studio and next thing I know the captain came in along with our captain of the mi amigo and said you got 5 minutes really the studio. As a boy said towing in Holland Oh and I said why we can't tell you and I said What can I open a microphone and say we're going off for a while you know don't know when we'll be back and I said no and they were pretty big guys so I didn't argue with them quite frankly is a bit of a coward. To stay I wish I had said well we did out. And then you know the tug went out front what I thought was significant was they cut the anchor chain but didn't put a boy on it and I thought that means we're not coming back because they're very expensive as I think it's as if we go about it a bit of oil it sure and that so we were towed across very long trip to Holland and sad trip lots of people in tears mean clude it because we all knew it was the end always remember we were our arrived at the dock going up to 2 amps that I have there's a whole. Lot of locks to take you up to support you have to go through this to get to the actual port Ok 1st obviously won't the lock keeper up and he came out with the top. Of the me me go was there and he sort of. And his torch as it went up the mast you know sort of the accounts of what he said it's a swear word to watch of Joe show you know certainly radio show indeed. My God in the. Boy. Thought he'd have a seat I was supposed to and that was the end. And we were around for a little while but. What if the call to go back on the it wasn't coming. That was the end of the dream. But then you're free then you got job in commercial radio yeah as to die in due course and we knew each other you were in Manchester No I was in Sheffield right yeah and fun days used to come across and share drinking sessions I said to them but I think we did try to carry on the Caroline format didn't do it he did but drinking lots of beer I can't even discuss that with. Women But yes it was good fun while it lasted I said from his time with the kind of the c.e.o. And you said what are you doing you know so I come to see you is no blooming good just off the 3 o'clock the pubs of shop did I think. There. Was any program drink has on me Jim Wallace for a little dish in which to be how many points they could drink if they didn't fall over you all of them. Where did you get all these stories from you oh really oh I say Ok fine. And then you came to the b.b.c. Eventually I know you're not working full b.b.c. Radio Kent That's right just 2 hours a week is all that allowed me now but it's probably enough for anybody Well I'm not much better I get 3 hours a week wow. Well that's great thank you very much true for propaganda let you go because you've got to be able to look at every single day out oh we've got some video broadcast all that you can yeah go on Hi Keith it's Roger actually Congrats on celebration of 50 years apart it's loving all the great music it's the airways a full while the full enjoy it on Heritage Brokaw some of the l.v.a. To all of our best from Jim and Teresa in the Holcomb. Norfolk Norfolk as it says Harrington and Grace says a great show Keith and a great even with Johnny Walker on Friday even the Mercury Theater in culture packed outside here looking for the recently over 18 Zamora and also Jimmy Ziegler who you know guy Hamill Yes he was a good looking swine wasn't he wasn't he just you know put devils to work to shape but also is it rude that he said I Keith good to your dulcet tones on a show here in London glued to the radio at the moment with my Breton who is the engineer with me when I was a d.j. On the Original Pirate radio at 6 on not John 4966 a low there are guidelines to him from me and the funny counting Bletchley Milton Keynes said it's been great listening to part radio show this evening a variety of music is the best in the counties radio joint favor of Ed Wood do you know it but it's all right but this night has the edge maybe the Stelter of Radio Caroline back again going back to the 1st record you play tonight the Rolling Stones forgot the name of it. Not Fade Away it was I do remember that of years ago having heard bits and pieces of it the 1st time the whole record was when Freddie Starr sang it when he was taking off Mick Jagger which used to do you remember and we need to spend it's it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen on television and it still remains the same to this day anyway thank you for a fabulous So Sunday night on the radio again with love Carol from Bletchley in Milton Keynes love the very popular you well when you get the name if you change your name to Keith to get some more we'll yeah Ok still you then from now on indeed I'll be Roger scuse quite Ok well do you think you were altered quickly Scuse. I don't think it'll work so well but Brian it was great to talk to you ah thank you very much you Ronan. All your checks in the posts I was going to say already pay of this month you understand this right I was going to say really I should say O'Reilly then do it well best of luck to tell you tomorrow and you'll show 9 until 1030 Ok that is Roger Tweedy day on Pirates B.B.C.'s it might be some Beach Boys. We've got Beach Boys coming up here as well feelin's that but one thank you it's great to see you again and thank you for being in the jungle I go and get a couple hours sleep I will thank you very much I'll probably try to push it out Roger thank you very much as my hair our way you're only saying that because it's true. If you go and get some sort of light you have. To street. Civil War e-mails and flooded in. This one saying hi keith early enjoying the weekend glad that you are having a log it says here on the script agree with you that you can't beat the days of pirate radio because of the pranks and the spontaneity on that plus on any regards to Tom Norman and of course yourself Keith best wishes to tell you this looking locally in Northampton at 6 this is the emails coming to Essex wondering if Keith skews is going to be about inherits tomorrow tomorrow morning I'm a close friend of James and Diane Robeson Oh I remember them they used to work with you at Radio Hallam in Sheffield That's correct lovely couple I was at Caroline's inventing collection today otherwise I would have been at the Electric palace to try and meet him. Me to. Him It's has him always it wouldn't be keys keys would know anyway this is Phil Webster who doesn't want his name mentioned that's w e b s e r. I will be around in Paris tomorrow morning I think I've got known and then go to head off to London because there's another celebration going on about radio but I was sent to be around in the morning I'll be looking locally and signing a few books may see you then do come up and say hello when you write this move on to the last email for the time being oh there's a little more yet to go on and we're on the air for another hour and. 23 minutes of the echo in the l.v.a. Teens studio you know I'd love to take this echo went on broadcasting next from the b.b.c. In Norwich it's just a wonderful thing is that the echo the problem is you see we've got. A Windows but I think the technical and his pull souls said these poll tells a square normally the round but the big glass type things and of course you get the echo and I'm told that the l.v. 18 cons of Ford curtains so that's why you getting the echo at the b.b.c. In Norwich we've got curtains hence no way enough will this let's carry on with the music right now and you're listening just mentioned that you're listening to part b.b.c. Essex vile the transmitters of everything on b.b.c. Local radio in the eastern counties. Part of B.B.C.'s 6 is Sunday evening and we're on the air until 1 o'clock in the morning we're going to take a break then and we'll be back again at 9 o'clock in the morning with Roger who's just been him moments ago and he'll be taking you through until 1030 we're on the all day tomorrow well from 9 in the morning until full and I'll give you the list of who's doing what later on but right now. I must mention that when we were on car long when we were on London we used to get a lot of singles pop singles and groups that would come up just to visit me and me go all the galaxy. Included Denny Laine of the Moody Blues Gene Pitney Susan Hampshire Manfred Mann Dave Clark and Adam Faith and on one occasion on the 19th of September $965.00 a young 21 year old Yorkshire born singer whose name is still which Ingham. Didn't know that name to be always there and then at that particular time but she came out to promote one of her records we don't belong it was called This is being banned by the b.b.c. So she thought it would be good opportunity to come out to the offshore stations and promote it. She turned out to be the 1st and only store where girl during the 196-429-6070 is. Takes up the story and I had travelled out with Richard Swainson who you remember and I was to be interviewed I think Roger Gale interviewed me my manager said to me don't come back . I'll tell you the truth that. I used to tell another story that this is the truth he said don't come back we'll get some publicity you know if you refuse to come back so I'm afraid after lunch and I interview I am it was quite rough it was actually quite rough I wasn't scared as I made out anyway the tend to came back as you know after lunch. I went to live up that oh. Have refused to come out it's too rough. And it is about 12 times like a folk on and off it went it had to go I think the weather was getting really bad it had to go and it wasn't. You'd come back to Monday it was Saturday afternoon so I was marooned there was a headline actually marooned with a 15 men. Well the result is that you go on in the in the annals of time really as the 1st and only story where the girl in the offshore radio history. Did it do you any good doing that particular visit Well 1st of all thank you for being the person who who always remembers that I was there in the same a pub saying Mr Blackburn gets it wrong and he's got it mixed up with Twinkle Twinkle and it came out for the day didn't do many good well it didn't do the record any good what I mean it was a lovely visit and it was a real thrill I mean can you imagine in those days the pirates were like the Beatles you know they were absolute superstars and so to spend a day on magic hour I was just had to pinch myself and I caught him did that really happen but the stars the record was concerned. No it didn't do me any to the record any good apart from the wonderful experience and you know the fact I'm sitting here now 51 years later. Side of the record was we don't be long from the Caroline stow away goal Sylvan whom I'm hoping to meet up with London in London tomorrow. Watch watch this space. On board the radio caroline ship we held what we call an initiation ceremony for all new disc jockeys that used to come on board we had great fun in those days we used to take the mickey out of each other and it was just it's hard to describe with a group of people living together in confined space you couldn't go on land you could go dogs the pub you could go and watch a film you would it was confined to barracks as it were for 14 days and 40 nights and you had to make some entertainment so we take 10 to take the mickey out of each other but on a rival of a new d.j. They had to go through this with a cold initiation ceremony I did I had to go through this in 1960 full as did all newcomers and around Christmas time a year later in 1965 we were joined by a new d.j. Who had an accident he came from the north of England Hey Now then now then city and all the some well I can do an imitation of daily chores and travel sneak on to an imitation of me so I'll just say that the captain of the ship allowed us to do this welcoming gesture the captain was very much in charge discipline wise but we said you know this is going to test if the deejays are going to make it or not because if they didn't like the initiations and they'd leave and quite a lot did anyway Dave arrived and he met the captain and crew and he was shown his living quarters and he joined us for a meet in the evening the English deejays American a straight a and we all had sort of dinner at the same. Time and then the Dutch crew had their meal just in one mess but at separate times so when they came in after the meal we kept him talking until quite late when he said ah you know I'm really creamed record. I want to get some sleep so about 2 o'clock in the morning the trap was set he'd gone to bed we contacted the captain think he'd been to sleep before and woke up and. He rang the Caroline ship's bell thinking as soon as you hear the ship's bell you know that something is about to happen which meant basically that all of us on board. Had to stand by the lifeboats. That was very important to a man mentioned that earlier in the program the lifeboat drill was absolutely important that should something happen like the ship about to sink hard for a bit we would have to get on to the market so we had all of us had to know what we had to do in those situations and we would be standing by where we're told to go and what would happen next so let's say you really traverse tell the story that goes are going to come in quick quick quick we're going to get out of here now it's a drill I said I am going to say I've got me clothes on because I was just wearing a pair of underpants right and there's no no no time no time and pushed me out the door and everybody everybody on the ship was on their way up to the top deck and up they as we got to the top of the stairs the Dutch crew was saying right your over hey your over there and this boat sent me to the highest of the lifeboats and said Right stand over there by lifeboat number one hands on the wheel stay there till further notice so of course I climbed up the stairs now what you have to remember is I'm wearing just a pair of underpants it's the middle of the North Sea It's 3 o'clock in the morning it is freezing cold and I'm already like ice even before I got to the wheel I went up there stood there held on through with my my fingers were actually in the sticking to the metal wheel that released the lifeboat and I stood there for a few minutes and waiting for further orders freezing after about 15 minutes I decided I would let go or more more like to the point prize myself away from this wheel which I did eventually. I looked around I could see anybody and I was calling and calling nobody there so I went back downstairs I was frozen stiff went inside you know top deck inside the mess hall nobody there went down the stairs back to where the cabins were and I said hello and I heard these muffled laughs coming out of the business and I realized that been stitched up great fun and taken in good part I thought well done Dave Yes we all went through that well those of us who. With Caroline and. Did it Caroline certainly did so there's d.j. As you heard on the radio with through that same ceremony a lot of people didn't like it and they left but there we are I joined Caroline south in July 1964 and deejays we were allocated cabins and there were 2 bunks to a cabin it was rather crowded to say the least and I shared my cabin with an Australian by the name of Brian Bourne for much of the time in fact he's just. Just arrived in London he's not here he's going to a function in London but a very warm welcome to Brian coming across from Australia especially and he remained with the station until Christmas time in the year 965 Braun presented the British show from 9 o'clock on 6 o'clock until 9 in the morning and then I would follow at 9 o'clock until midday and that was that but. Brian appearing in my show because I was leaving Caroline. To go to Radio Luxembourg and Brian was returning to Australia so let's have a listen to I think it's my voice I think what's going to happen next. a song actually still could be. The end of this Q. And really I'll then we all those Francis Albertson alter that and I'll be seeing you before that is Mr Tambourine Man by the buds and very quick story about that I was sent a reel to reel tape 5 inch tape way back in 1965 from a gentleman who was in America and said We've just been used names Derek Taylor and he was the press officer of the Beatles at the time he was in America Hollywood I think and listening to an old series of all decisions all Bob Dylan songs in this group came in called goods and. The record wasn't released it was a test take as it were he said be a copy of that and because of Caroline you had freedom of the airwaves to do what you like I played this technology cos he's fantastic it was eventually released by as Columbia Records in the United States for American eventually Britain released the record and it went to number one in the charts so they were here and I felt quite proud of that so that's the reason and then I had an in an instrumental version done as my thing to Mr Embury member of the Golden Gate strings I'll be playing them I have a sit playing that particular thing ever since right. What we'll do now is read some more e-mails which is Comey in hi Keith had a great day inherit yesterday meeting the Pirates of the Electric Theater and visiting the l.v. 18 said he had come home today but not listening in Southampton and looking forward to tuning in tomorrow please can you say hello to Tony who's listening in his call on his way back to Heritage from Dagenham thank you to all of you for a great show to the people in that Cosmos and greetings to David Clayton my former boss O'Grady you know for he was the editor of many many years and he paid a surprise visit just not that he said Great Pirate fan he said I used to be sending ice creams in Great Yarmouth when you were on the pirate ships and he came along just to enjoy the fun and excitement here I think he secretly wouldn't mind broadcasting but he had to go back to the north so David great to see you and thank you for coming to me Bateman says glad Good to see you and all the others at the Electric palace is often good to meet up with Chris Bristol and all the l.v. 18 stalled today tell Chris look out full the tuning dial knob for his radio I'll see everyone tomorrow rich find me a big hat's off to Steve Scruton and even Wyatt. And everyone at b.b.c. Essex for arranging. The event that both in the studio with a very modest and they didn't like to come to the microphone other than say for goodness sakes use get on with it oh yes Ok fine no to get on with it. Thank you that was a neck and the next one comes from Jackie new Woodbridge who says what a great show tonight just like being back in the days old love the show from the studio and the band to with old mates. Some say. So many happy memories of listening to you all from the me amigo my little tranny whilst I was on the beach at Holland on sea and flashing Vesper lights at you from Holland Haven my brother Nigel made a lovely scale model of the mi amigo I didn't know where it ended up wish I could be there with you but I have a great time to all of you and this one is from Dead been killed sister what a fabulous evening listening to tales about pirate radio by the pirate deejays themselves followed by a very enjoyable viewing of the rocks love to you and all from Deb in coach is that no one on the page just coming Hi Keith and Norman we're enjoying the wonderful atmosphere here on the deck of the l.v. 18 listening to your great show Stuart and Wendy Busby Oh yes thank you very much we can see you you can see us apparently right next is Jeff Anderson from across the Thames estuary in which the building can't thank you for a great show I 1st met you Kabul Jews in ma gate in 1966 when you were appearing as a nightclub doing a disco Since then I have a vivid night Oh absolutely followed all the pirate broadcasters D.J.'s how good it was living through the Igs fading only print out to make up words other than what he says living through those wonderful times with pirate radio how lucky we are I have a copy of your excellent book when the pirates name Checa. Such a complete history I would like to thank you and all your ex parte colleagues for a great show and the sounds that you have brought to serve the as Jeff Anderson from across the Thames in with stable so enrich say greetings Keith from Hemel Hempstead receiving you love and clear in our. Oh and hello to Harriet straight should. Keep it up next one I just love the Potter radio when I was a teenager in the 1960 s. And we parked on the cliffs at Walton on the days and flashed headlights as Johnny Walker mentioned when he came on the program of the of the 2 used to do this for the front and flashes of them and what he called the world's in on a slash. Right would we go No we go to hunt for the berry and Huff it hi keith very best wishes to you and everybody involved in these special anniversary programs about Pirate Radio thank you all so much for all these memories Well that's great thank you very much indeed and right now what we're going to do is talk about Radio City we lost to too many about Caroline and London but as Tom Edwards is here with us he used to work on Radio City and then he came across. To Caroline and then we met up again in the b.b.c. But before that we just got to go back for a little bit of history about Radio City because they will find in fact management will be brought before the magistrates at Roche food on the 8th of every $167.00 the queues to operating a radio station without a license. Really there or that Calvert was in charge of the station at the time and when she appeared before the week's defense she said this radio station was sawing territorial waters the magistrates totally disagreed and Radio City was fined $100.00 pounds a lot of money in those days if you work for $967.00 that's probably going to be 1000 pounds $200.00 pounds in today's money but Dorothy took the difficult decision to close the radio station that evening at midnight Tom Edwards who was the senior distil he was given the job of carrying out her wishes Yes That all happened very quickly so that was a bit of a shock I mean we continue broadcasting as normal throughout the day I think I put out a news flash saying that Radio City will close down 12 o'clock midnight tonight. And one of my colleagues was on the air so I sat in the t.v. Lines that we had in the other tower away from where we broadcast I thought how on earth are we going to do the final couple of hours on Radio City so I thought the best thing is is I'll do a programme from 11 to 12 o'clock midnight not just myself but to get all the destructors together to get or engineers together we had a very small crew on those terms at that time and to more or less let everybody have their say what they thought about the verdict in the court that particular day all those years ago to say what they hoped for the future had they got any professional or personal plans that they wanted to do and that was the way I organized it and I think it worked well I just shared the time with all of my colleagues and our engineering mates throughout that final hour so what was the last record you played well there again I was worried I thought Can we play I mean . I thought about the fortunes you've got your trouble. As for that was our distress signal to our friends on show and we had quite a good library board Radio City and I thought to myself oh the party's over for us here at shivering Sands had no prospects whatsoever. I suddenly found Shirley Bassey and this I thought was a very appropriate record because the lights were going out on Radio City and for us the party really was over. I remember some dystopian ready to come. And back in the record one saying the party's over sung by burly shall see we will do a thing surely anyway we would like you to welcome Tommy woods in person Oh yes very good morning to you Steve you're with us on a serious well I've just looked at the clock of course way into the big day it's just now 6 minutes past midnight also way into the 14th Orcus well and truly So good morning to you and all your listeners this morning know you talked about just before that record above Radio City and having the difficult job of close having to close down the station Dorothy Calvert managed to help you get into radio and come to Radio Caroline South Yes she did after we closed down the station with that particular song you've just played the party's over by Shirley Bassey always pray the national anthem as well because I've always been a great royalist and Dorothy Calvert was the sea as she was known to us all promised us that she would try and find some way so eventually within a few days and very quickly I left about where I used to live to work on Radio City out on those towers that still stand to this day I went to Radio Caroline Saif with him McRae who was an Australian just jockey still working in Sydney Australia and we both went to Caroline south and I met up with not only ourselves but all my heroes of course. And how long did you stay with Caroline I started just after Radio City a closed which was February the 8th 1967 and I was with Caroline until this very day that we had just come into which is the 14th of August and yesterday I took the ferry from Felixstowe here to heritage and on the tender half way through I made sure I sat the back side if you like of the tender all on my own and deeper in full because it's the 1st time that I've hit the North Sea in 50 years this was the very day that I left radio caroline for the last time. And after. You decided not to stay on the ship after the Marine offense and yes the tender came out. On this day half a century ago it doesn't seem possible and Johnny Walker who's already been to visit you know the saving and with us over the next day said You will come back to us Tom and I said at the time yes I would instead I went home to mom and tapped on the door of b.b.c. East and again fate was on my side because within 3 weeks I was introducing look east which is the local television news up and down the east of England so I never went back I think inferior to the just jockeys already have Caroline because they always tune in for the local news and also certainly the weather forecasts and there was little Tommy observed to do so in the programme so I was bad news for a few weeks on board Radio Caroline Well it will be made up since John of course it has joined in jokey with the it was a day to just send me a message so it's lovely to see him and everybody else right Will thank you very much indeed full run spending time now you're on the Wallace on part of B.B.C.'s it's a well timed at midday Can I just say that while I was standing outside the hotel here and Herridge in my pajamas the police screws me a card to try seriously they said what are you up to so I'm going to go on the. Show and they keeping a watchful eye on us Essex police so I'd like to say hello to all the offices male and female who work for Essex police and police officers everywhere but you were in your pajamas I was in my pajamas and what do you want to tell us I'm waiting to go on the. Will probably come and arrest me probably like they did last I said to the law indeed I couldn't believe the when we were broadcasting that just towards the end of the program I parked my car in the mezz parking space I remember that. These 2 Well I'm talking like know these 2 I looked around and I thought Crikey 2 real police officers lady police officers coming in the legs of the you missed the screws you miss the keys cues are used to Richard you have a call registration number blah blah blah yes your parking in the mayor's special place or something. So. I was on the radio I was watching that in my home actually on the web that happened as I thought what is going on. What's that all about. Broadcasting history but it's the is the big day so frankly if it. Runs about 10 minutes or so we're into the 50th anniversary we all read a Francis act. Yes I have. What I think these boots a set Dusty Springfield you don't have to say you love me. Nancy Sinatra boots. Walking. Right now let's have a look at what we've discussed Carol I knew discuss city we mentioned Radio England and Britain radio let's go let's look at the big l. Right now rated London and the station was based on the former w.w. 2 will world will 2 United States minesweeper that served in the Far East many years later it was converted into a radio ship and that took place in Miami. She sailed into the North Sea and began to Strong's missions with the voice of Paul k. In December $964.00 regular programs commenced on the 23rd of December with people Brady presenting the 1st breakfast show the deejays for the 1st few weeks with Tony Windsor Bill Richmond pulled Kenny Pete Brady Dave Dennis and Kenny Everett and they were joined a few weeks later the by deejays Dave cash and Stewart and Duncan Johnson for me the excitement of the station apart from the strict top 40 record format was a set of American Pam's p.m.s. Jingles that sang the names of the D.J.'s on the radio station they definitely helped make the station that huge success it was and it was fun all the time you were listening to the music the chatter the D.J.'s and the jingles sadly we can play those jingles because of copyright reasons. But we doing the next best anyway . Moving on from there that a record that was played on big l. Many many times was called Winchester Cathedral is by a group called the new vault of Will band and we're going to play that right now with Kenny Everett promoting the Tony Windsor show that'll come afterwards he was known as. T.w. . Don't tell me like a spoiled child this is the 3rd time this week I've come home to find the place in a mess coffee cups all over the place done done dishes in the sink What do you do all day and I expect just just tell me that I listen to the tea to happen. It's just a. Coffee break from. As now to lack . Jumped. Back and. Got my. Goal in Florida hard. Welding were going to. Come up all green with. Every day. Through. Break through on a load on the grid. In the am from Roscoe marking 50 years since the Marine offense is. To the mind the un deal it is never the boys and girls and they will melt into the teeth of you shared days a mission it's a recipe damn attentive theme of letting the cat we have the coffee break and the music right through told. A comedian a Jew who killed their radio in the land of pitch. Let's get the show on the air raid musically with a great big new hit for Mr Kim friendship and its blue tends to the Cheetahs do. Blue turns to Gray from Cliff Richard. Trials will run Tony Windsor. On down right now he introduced Cliff Richard the would go swallow e-mails which have come in so not me to go through those rebuilding from 2 tree in Essex is what an excellent show it's bringing back all those good memories of all Szell radio it was good to hear Johnny Walker Roger Tweedy day out Tom Edwards I'm well enough I hope away for I'm well enough I hope to meet a few of you tomorrow its heritage Well hopefully most will be headed Norman and I will be leaving probably about a month's time ace but all the rest will be here in the me right the way through until the late afternoon Gray thank you very much good to hear from e of. We had a few moments ago about the stowaway girl Sylvan would you believe in emails come through from your actual Sylvan who says thank you so much for including me in the wonderful trip down memory waterways I full of my chair. Oh I follow much I love being a couple of times and you'll claim the most wonderful songs that flood back the memories I was on the tender going back to Heriot's that brought Dave liter I was out to the ship for the very 1st time before his initiation ceremony on the journey home we collected pulled k. From Radio London and he gave me a lift back to my model flats at the time and he's open sports car as we drove past Harrods. All the shelves also available he was serenading me on his guitar scuse me he's driving was neat Oh he says here he was staring with these need. To change their people k. Recording I don't know how we didn't get arrested it was a lovely sunny afternoon I shall never forget it as long as I do. When we have been to live for another 100 years at least so I'm getting Gary Lee's says police a big hello to my friend Tom Edwards he's going to bed now hope to see you tomorrow as we're all be and how it's mid morning well very best. Very best wishes richard lacks as I was an avid pot radio listener in my teens in the sixties and remember clearly the radio city closed down recalled that you just played Shirley Bassey I also have the final Radio London on the record Richard thank you very much indeed good to hear from you John Robinson in The Wealth. That is that's. Excuse me what is going on. So long I guess. I was sitting outside the hotel chatting to Johnny Walker and he will be still Hilton he is he we couldn't say be so excited to rest I. Told the radio listeners. Who are true why they how could I put this amount will of your friend me on you my boy and girl friend you all girl friend and she want to come and say hello and there she is looking at you. I only wish that the listeners to see this come to scrape it because she has a good insurance on her but this is all not just a regular you know you've got to do that. You gotta laugh at this keep it all out on time to set it. Up you would try to set it up there. I was more I was going to bed and then Johnny Walker saw is my pajamas outside that police went past and then definite decided upon Well let alone Duffy will be arrested when she's got nothing else on the free Sourav. Off to bed yes a back up for me. When I was going to tell this story one saw this afternoon in the electric palace of the but the they always play a trickle the going to be should we say let's get scuse it and the 1st time I came out here I was told it was sleeping in the top bunk here all the l.v. 18. When I came off the air at 1 o'clock in the morning whenever it was somebody was on said I've been off you go and I see somebody and you sure I'm in the right place. This woman in bed or I thought it was a woman and it was really cool is it money could do something. Is she still there. But she only had one leg. While she was going to go. Leg no we're going to marry all this is already oh many listeners have had well. Describe what you can sell jokes he can't describe it I can't describe it it's too rude the influence of my I would be arrested even if I just said hello definitely. It was I go to the last of the shows that were running about 20 minutes and said that they so afraid some of the records of the shows that will not be played which is it had to be all play the next week it had to be. Well of course because we're not going to be able to do this and go wait a minute. We will be doing this again in its place so I can play some of the Rickles next Sunday All right. When we got him old. More people I'm sorry they as I did very difficult to concentrate with. This crowd here on board Good night good night anything else this is where I think it has a destiny with yes I will definitely. It's more visual ladies and gentlemen who are listening and probably think that's going on. Yes they're just trying to get their own back on its own look forward to this thing to every week and great to his say when the other familiar voices over the weekend great to hear the stories but many thanks for your amazing contributions to purchase radio of the is m o y d 2 society in general you hear oh I recorded the last hour a big gala my dad's reel to reel tape recorder off and listen to it around this time of the year and still sometimes shed a tear when I hit the chilling words big time well we'll hear that in a few minutes big l. Time is now 3 o'clock and Radio London is closing down. Well we're not closing down we'll be here until 1 o'clock and. The face now. It's definitely but she's the right way round Thank you oh my goodness well I could go closer to the mountain and leave because he brought in front of my face as it were or she's outside upside down on the big hanging from the aerial something I don't like. And that India did indeed the great shoot going on tonight Keith reminds me of the good Caroline days with all the old songs I'll be popping down to have it's tomorrow's I didn't see you and Julie not forgetting touchy Tong from June in Ipswich please do come and say live if we're still there I'm listening to you in Wellington Good gracious I'm listening to you in Wellington New Zealand it's wonderful to have part of B.B.C.'s 6 back and once again in 1986 the British pilots were. Looking at this because the saying is fading its way to evil in a with the print outs the British parts were the inspiration for a group of young New Zealand is still the original show a radio station to break the news even government broadcasting monopoly all story ended differently with the oceans station being granted a commercial license and the breaking of the monopoly that should have happened in Britain writes I think that's all for the time being. What are we going to do we're going to listen to. a let's hear some happy songs right here could he ever of presenting the brick for show he was actually use stunning in full Linux on this occasion so we're going to stroll. Through July 1966 How do I know that because it says on this reel to reel tape that's the labels that faded I had to get back. To July 966 when Kitty had just played a record that was it was what she was sent to and this is what she said well you know I wasn't going to top it brought a whole lot of a lot of extra hard on the back of the program. How do you charge yourself make it trial in a few seconds it's time to hear from the practice people and this is a woman running the bar Ok up. Best to you each morning. After you know maybe one of wallowing up conflicts original and best hip hop has been around for years and what a reputation. Can you are there on the break we showed in July 1966 playing a little loving something body shapes and sizes great record never heard of it since this is the part of b.b.c. Essex programme coming to you on the 13th stroke 14th of August 27th The marking the 50th anniversary of the British government lowering the pirate radio stations Deborah. In Exeter broadcasting Offenses Act came into operation on the 14th of August at midnight to that date any British person remaining on board was classed as a criminal m Q skews and this morning with now into this morning we go. Coming up to 20 minutes to 1 o'clock in the morning we reminisce in 50 years ago playing extracts of some of the music played on the ships and forts of the British coastline and looking back at those how see in days of the watery wildness Here's some actuality from Radio London. When I was presenting the 9 to 12 lunchtime show in 1966 Months of people rushing to do a back or a Jingles up you know the amusing jingles when in fact we do vote could ever do is responsible he's the gender in chief is responsible for this well that's current top and the big old jingles rotted 6 to 7 for this particular week. All together joining. Something. Bigelow brings you the latest. That is actually turning back but of course one of a lot of those popular deejays there. He's been voted in the top 10 of the D.J.'s up and all the Godrej if you just joined us good and you doll into big gal. Piece you across the eastern counties. For you. All to the witchdoctor club every Friday evening. Sorrows you go to rave to. The robot. You can retire to. Then there are groups you can dance to. Cause deejays you can see. A few spots. That's the wish Georgia club at 75 rushy green every Friday evening with a big goal and last but not least the real people you can say hello to show we try . Hello there cat food even. Shirts Radio London less. Clear religion given time on the program this particular week but he was such a great d.j. And is a fantastic talent they went on to television and even more successful and 1967 I had the pleasure of working with the Beach Boys when they were on tour in the United Kingdom this is just possible one unprogrammed that I made when I spoke with like love to kill wrote the song Good Vibrations actuality from the 1967 right around there not a professional as an arbitrage. Writer Director Freeh rarely. Did or bigger than a. No I didn't. Actually read. Your 1st time ever during. Might want you to get around to a new bank and. Have a great time. Thank you very much and leave the body in the background in a very happy birthday to you and you are ever. Come to talk to. Us. The Beach Boys the good vibrations written by Brian Wilson and Mike Love when we come to the end of all story apart radio stations I wanted to play Whiter Shade Of Pale I want to play except for a teenager who when he will. Play the next Sunday if you're listening to b.b.c. Local radio in eastern Kansas but this is part of b.b.c. Essex we've got a little unfortunately closed and only until 9 o'clock in the morning When Twiggy day will be on air from 9 until 1030. Unfortunately the time on the 40 to war against was the big one was really Radio London. Closed down at 3 o'clock in the afternoon but then something very interesting happened and I think we can relate that story right now so let's turn to Paul Kay. A mention has been made of the fact that mine was the 1st voice to be heard on Radio London it will also be the last big old timers 3 o'clock on Radio London is now closing down. And that was the end of Radio London they played their theme tune then dead silence you could tell the transmitter was still on and then after about 30 seconds that turned off and then you just heard the noise of a radio band with nothing on it I was on radio caroline the time Robbie Dale was listening into the closed down radio under and he came straight into the Caroline studio he was crying as well you've got to try and understand these radio stations and the people who worked on them became families to the listeners and people got enormous pleasure out of those radio stations when the government just. Crossed that law and said they're going to go off the air nobody really believed it would happen when right here London played the signature tune for the last time and then there was dead silence people realized it had happened and Robbie Dale said an emotional farewell to Radio London and its niceness and he welcomed them to Radio Caroline many of them across changed over from 266 to 259 Radio Caroline was now on its own Robbie down and I carried on doing radio programs he went on in the ad 6 o'clock I took over at 9 o'clock for my regular 9 to midnight show Robbie then rejoin me in the studio about a quarter to 12 and I said seconds ticked away to midnight on August 14th 1987 and made this announcement to an estimated European audience of 22000000 radio listeners. The beginning of. The Middle. The end of the story Caroline continues as I say as it's always done and we remember Monday August 14th 1967 radio caroline the station the changed. Forever. Absolutely 100 percent correct thank you for that and. Enjoying yourself and having a. New. He would please please for you great a good job you kept all those recordings to which makes such a difference when celebrating a special occasion such as this Congratulations good to hear the voices of you will colleagues and friends and join the rest of your celebrations with them and have yet more fun reminiscing thank you very much indeed Dion and Dave another email this one is from David Edwards I was a big fan of Radio London I managed to get an invite to visit the m.b. Galaxy you were on board as well as John Peel and I was able to join. In the studio great memories and great to hear you again. Thank you very much indeed for your email to Alan Fox in Chessington thank you for yours and for all the other dozens of emails which of come in and text messages etc Thank you very much for day just so much trouble it's been wonderful to be back one more time it brings us to the end of this special look back at pirate radio stations approved cost officials of the British Isles until they became illegal. $967.00 Sadly we only scratched the surface there are many many more hours of pirate radio broadcasts of the 1960 s. In my all columns I did a Hollywood be able to build custom again puts I hope you enjoyed the sections that we played. Today or yesterday and today it was fun radio in those days thanks to all who have taken part in the program here in the studio l.v. 18 prerecorded material they include like robots student Busby Fred Afula street and all the kind this is who really go out of their way to ensure that this program actually was broadcast by grateful thanks to Tony and Neil until she took on the stuff of the l.v. 18 allowing us to once again broadcast from this wonderful ship the. LP. Special thanks really to Stephen Scruton and Louise but I will take those 3 because they allowed part b.b.c. Essex to make one final book because you're only 38 the bull to the wolves 27. Goals is a thanks very much to my way to baby technical side of this road goes possible b.b.c. Essex continues to borrow at 9 o'clock until 4 pm My special thanks to you for tuning our way you know if you need to well may I call bullshit as wish you a speedy recovery and if you're living on your. Last many hugs and most of the.

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