The blue barrel. And the good parts now can only apologize my mind Jingles disappeared for this next feature Gary. Questions and. I'll hopefully have it back fi for next week but in the mean time. It is time for there are more questions than answers and this is the part of the show where we trying to get to the bottom of those questions that you've always wanted to know the answer to maybe something that's been bugging you ever Yeah should be why it's not the way you days yeah sort of thing now you've got one here now who said this was this was last week right and we don't know but I'll bet a lot been chatting up in chatting about this will be meit's this way what you say you've done research I've done some research and they've got they've got some theories on this one so call in from Ormskirk rang me last week he says they all get together in the pub as you do with your mates Yeah he said Right so your the top now on going to be at the North Pole because ya want to be at the top of the world so I'm at the top of the world yeah and you're down in the South Pole in the bottom of the world which is the warmest wanted by pretty cold at night I think of cold out there Ok they'll be warm it doesn't matter now does the moment on the other but it doesn't matter but anyway I'm going to be at one end of the world you're going to but you're the we're going to drill a hole a big big hole right through the center of the. Sun and totally This is partly theory as a going to be a hell of a big deal I don't that I sell I'm not being cute There you go oh they think I wash our eye level by the way. So we're going to so basically then we're going to we're going to get the lover in the middle of the world in the middle of the planet forget the lover and everything you know that you know right so we just got a great big hole going through the world through the through the through the earth right you know right through the set in Tokyo it's a sense of I'm going to drop a huge chunk of concrete. Right from from my end from the north from the north and that's going to go hurtling down through the earth and you wear your standard that you by your hole at the other end thank you part will it will it will it just shoots out the all in Lot fly up into the air. I mean where does it go well I mean it be very difficult for us to test this wouldn't let's be a law which needs a damn long drawn out. Well what theory of you how well. Make sure you see she said she reckons because of gravity it will get to the center of the bench and then but she doesn't record will go any further she thinks it will stop in the center of the earth but then but then if you were trying to climb down if I was got a great big long ladder that I wanted to go down to your bar Malata down to you yeah I want to get past this chunk of concrete if it was in the way. You've clearly thought about this a lot and you know yes so she seems to think gravity would take over so it gets so far you get halfway and then it stops Yes So it's going to just hover in the middle of the earth and not go anywhere else and if you had any other theories any counter when there is one when the earth turns around yeah Will it come back to me again. You mean what it takes when you rotates round Well it will there with a chunk of concrete come back to me again I've got a level with you I don't know this this was bothering calling from Ormskirk and has been for years apparently if anyone has an answer to call him from exposure very much theoretical This really is no way you can prove you know variously 08073193 double 3 I've got another one for you sort of related to oh really you know in the northern hemisphere the water goes down the plughole one way yeah clock clocks last. As in yeah when there's always a clock and then in the southern hemisphere trailer it goes on to quote what I want to see Roger Moore No this one because he spent a lot of time in Australia being an honorary Australian You mean Banani l.z. Yeah yeah so so anyway listen to my question I guess All right so so in the northern hemisphere it goes clockwise in the southern hemisphere it goes anticlockwise is the real point where it goes straight and does it. Well yeah that isn't necessary since it is similar to drug you know concretely the Earth should think about there's got to be a point where it changes. It's the equator isn't it so we need somebody from the equator to ring. The equator you only go straight just go so so basically you take it you take the plug out of the secure philosophically water you take the plug out yeah you know we see it like going that way you know clockwise or that way . Or the other why counterclockwise is there is there anywhere in the world where you would take the plug out of the sink and it just goes yeah just straight down the plughole no mass and there's no swirls there's no swells whatsoever straight down the plughole So that's that's kind of related but not really so we've got the we've got the we've got the wrong we've got the whole through the world dropping a great big chunk of rock yeah where does it go yeah or on which what and where does where does the water not go either way. I mean just change just but it can kind of kind of imagine if you lived on one side of the street where it was going down clockwise Yeah you lived on your the saw the street where I went on to clockwise I think that was unlikely but what it would it could but it's got a bloody says got to be a point so what about if you went into the middle of the street. Going straight to it it just what if you're right what do I wait 100 something or 933 can you help us out with either of these poses this morning I've got one more as well hold my no not might do that later on I think we've got enough on our plate right now. Radio. First c I would do an on the road so here's some I'm 15. Thanks Paul Haydock the road queuing that's between the m 623 and Liverpool Road no accidents reported but it is looking very busy there at the moment as well we've got the usual congestion on Telegraph Road that's around Pen's b. Road and in Liverpool Dale Street the warm ways closed its due to the demolition of the Churchill way flyover from Byrom street to Cross Hall Street and that's closed until 6 am on the 14th of October if you can update us give us a call 101-517-9409 extension 53 summit the dean b.b.c. Radio travel. B.b.c. Radio Merseyside with you wherever you go download the b.b.c. Sound to your phone or tablet a winnable world of b.b.c. Sounds you'll find loads of b.b.c. Programmes from podcasts but most important of all you'll find all your favorite radio presenters right on the From. The b.b.c. Sounds up to date and take us with you go on. A morning. Radio Merseyside. As yourself. On the way less. Don't worry about a thing just 3 little birds on b.b.c. Radio there are more questions than answers is what we're doing at the moment and we got a couple of questions on the go at the 1st one Gary was. Calling from last week wanted to know if we drilled a hole right through the center of the earth from the top to the bottom one of us is at the top and one of us is down the bottom and we drop a huge chunk of concrete down there yeah where does it go will it will it go all the way from from one side and fall out of the earth the other side and if it does get to the earth on the other saw Does it fly out of the hole or the chute back or does it or does it come back and Sean from Seaforth go on about that and he said he said gee to gravity it will go no further than the center of the earth which is what makes Tracy said gee I think it will stop there just in in the center but like Sean said the buffeting thing was I mentioned about going down a ladder because I through the center of the globe Yeah yeah so so basically we've got a very long ladder now yeah one of those expendable ones yeah yeah yeah yeah. And I'm walking down you're in the other end so I'm walking down to meet you you know how the cops say and things like that so I'm walking down the ladder Ok yeah come from the top down when I gets your end. Do I do I emerge from the hole head 1st or am I upside down because if I emerge with if I emerge with my head 1st yes where where if I've stayed on that ladder where how where has it turned around where I've turned around to face the little disappointing isn't it yeah but but I've let But I've left my end of the world feet 1st yeah but that's a waste of the turning is your mood yeah look because you're all your demonstrating this week your at your the other end of the world so your lot this and your fate are all parent they Ya know I see you mean so your upside down to me aren't you I'm the right way up to me or the right way up to you but you know you're the wrong way round so when you get some me are you upside down or so and so or so on coming down so basically we should really be feet to feet your face should be facing my feet are you convinced that that will be the case I think you would I think I would emerge from the hole. First stop but. I think what the 1st taken not to one time for 2nd I think the 1st bit what Sean sad made sense that it won't go any further because the gravity Yeah but the step ladder thing now is is is puzzling me we're going to where another quite where which Where would you turn around so there I emerge from the hole head 1st rather than feet 1st if anyone knows no 873-1003 double threat the other question was. Water goes down warm way down the plughole clockwise in the northern hemisphere Yeah right but it goes down the opposite way anticlockwise in the southern hemisphere so my poser was it's the report where it changes and goes through the wire or goes straight its report where it's sort of equal the equator in fact is in its own sink rate that's something to do with the gravitational pull as well well. Liddy inane style says good morning this is going to blow your mind now this one. That was interesting about water turning in different directions when I went to New Zealand I immediately turn the tap on and saw it of course now I've never been one to flush the toilet and no I've never been down under so to speak and I've never I've never seen it go the other way you know makes sense. She says though but what was funny or strange was when I went to my mother in Holland this is where it gets a bit weird and she turned the tap on in the kitchen and then shouted lady please help me I feel so very dizzy she pointed at the plug hole and I saw that the water was running down the wrong way why well the the opposite way to what it should have been running down I assume and that's why she felt dizzy it only lasted a few seconds and we never found out why this happened. Only that doesn't answer the questions but expires marry me I don't know if you have any answers to this one than about well why don't trailers only David from hard knew who agrees that in theory along the equator the water should flow straight down but obviously one of us needs to go and test this so right it's not so hot along the equator and so on Bugsy and not one I'm going let me just get on me I pay a taxi to the equator or it's quite expensive and it's really quite pricey Yeah you might you think you don't have the baby seal cover I might not do that now they might not do that so well I mean I mean we don't approve it and I'll be real no not really and just one final quick poser for you here because you know you've got about 10 minutes left of this feature and I gotta go thinking about the sure the day because I went to the loo right you know if you did based learning where you said I got a revelation to buy you can you tell me you got your pants on the inside out No no no. And as soon as I'm washing my hands right yeah right there's a mirror there yeah and I caught sight of the top of my head oh yeah the shiny And yeah the bought me bald spot headphone hair in a guy I'm going to be. Thin on top and. Got me thinking right you know you know your bald spot where anyone is bold Yeah right you bold spot tends to be shiny very shallow Yeah so what I want to know is why is your head shiny when you go bold right where you go in your face my face it is actually posed as no it's not you know I my face isn't shiny Well maybe yes maybe your skin tone do your hair is more law because it's been covered over a small lot baby skin. But some people have been bold for 30 years so it's been exposed for 30 years but it still shines on your face the skin on your face is not shiny So why but when people are bold. Bold or bold. Bold in a bold bold. Bar just don't know where. You are looking shiny red He's always been he's got a really shiny pretty innocent got a shiny face so why why is that 073193 double 3 and you can help us out with the other. I mean we could do with taking a photo to prove how Johnny is. Saying and stole away. To say. a. Long a song. Called . Let's. Look you'll. Lady Ga Ga are messy chair from Sue in we're all who says Can you wish my daughter Helen a happy birthday for today she is 32 this time last year she was one of the helpers with the Giants and enjoyed the whole weekend night scary to think remember you know what I'm going to say this time last year she was 31 well that is true that is true but do you remember sitting outside of the hall one little did when really when China was coming up the road yeah yeah yeah yeah you put a long record on so we could run out so I didn't wait which took some photos we didn't even hear spend a year or so have a great a while and I write it's time for there are more questions than answers again a few on the guy here at one of them Ace Why is it when the water goes down the poor coal one way in the northern hemisphere and the other way in the southern hemisphere is there a point where it goes straight. The water that is down the protocols down the plan and want to hear from John from Lisa who says by stirring the water in a sink you can make water go down in the wrong direction however it will stop midway and go down the right way I've also stood on the equator line in South Uganda to me it seemed to just go shout the water that is. Go shout Yeah I'll freeze pole and you can make it go either way but it was pretty sluggish . So that's what happened oh I don't want to go anywhere where it's lossless he said well he just wanted to doesn't go so there's that so it's not kind of confirming my suspicion that I don't really go along the way also on the equator Yeah it wouldn't really go either way would it then just pushes anything on the bald head about and you I think on the ball last night no knows nothing about Shawnee bounces Yeah so I did the question that I was Why is it that when you go bald your head shines what you know and he's obviously it's exposed skin isn't it but other exposed skin on your face doesn't shine you think it's going to do with where x. Head follicles were maybe all day and the oil in your skin because the only sign I shave my beard I don't think my work because you heard your hair can get your hair can get greasy Karnit but your beard can get greasy can. I do you didn't if you didn't wash you be it where you were it would get the wooden it all is supposed to but not as much but probably not as much as your hair maybe because of that maybe on your head this because there's more the smaller or oil follicles on your head like that's why the head shines maybe when you has gone it's still the oil is still produced when you head maybe when I'm out announce it or not on any Finally your your globe question well yeah so so we've we've we've gone to the drill now right Ok so basically drilling down Ok your standard user and your the drill where where you when you see the drill come through it will actually come up and you'll see that you'll see the earth go. I'm a big drill come through that's me drilling from the other end yeah it will become more I'm standing yeah so so cool so they're not going to be larger and I walk down yeah and so well will you come out then but you know what we think in feet 1st All right 1st night we still don't know who's nobody I'm not that is going to be another one now which which is going to baffle me let me add lights so if you. You know I'm just trying just trying to work this out you're going down the ladder when you 1st get on the lot and I'm on a large like you normally would walk you down I'm not going down the line of but you're going to the user end of the guard and I don't get off the lodge I stay on the ladder and I walk in all the way Dale is puzzling you this isn't it but you know more about you drill more drill will will come through the comp through the earth I got to go what would your see Marjoe come through in that case you will come up the ladder Yeah but what where does the where do I Where does it I don't know how do I suddenly stop and turn around this is going to go in my attic I don't know I don't know I'm going to scrap this picture I'll just this is giving me. This weight loss baffled me right there where just where is the point where I've somehow turned around on the ladder even though even though I haven't Would it be the would it be the would it be the equator. Yeah but how but how do you want to turn around but I don't know I don't know I don't know it's because because Jane from Kensington said I'll come out come up a lot of feet 1st I said well how could I do that also cause bicycle lifted me that I would go to the strength of my seat I think you know how to love my head 1st yeah but I've left my own fate I know why nobody is a bit like the drill anyway I was because you're not got much more time to know there's. . Thanks Rain for the bypass northbound heading into rain fade away from St Helens is closed because of a serious accident. 2 large lane it's happened near the Musburger roundabout so avoid that for the time being because if you hoping to get off the to get into rain for by the. I pass he won't be able to on the northbound. East lank roads queuing that's between the m 623 Haydock and Liverpool Road and it has will heavy traffic on Telegraph Road that's around Pen's b. Road if you can update is give us a call 151-794-0953 so meant the b.b.c. Radio Merseyside travel. Have an early night with a late night life walked into the front room and he was in the war rich. American and walked in and he said I want to meet the patron because she wants to thank you for all the work you've done on this you know your chance someone you think won there you Linda McCartney She was the patron Wow. protégé And I said. And she said you want to and I'm talking to a potato it turned out it was Paul McCartney He was given the graduation Ouch join me Linda Mack for a late night live. Saturday morning. Radio Society. It is b.b.c. Radio Merseyside and every single Saturday morning we do a feature which we call Close but no cigar. It. Is. Yes it's a song they got to number 2 but missed out on the top spots we're going back to 1973. For this one from David Bowie. Can you remember. When. You see this in. From David. Wait. For the Chong. We. Use the time. Good afternoon it's midday the latest news now has Jessica Robbins thanks ot get us the name Britain's indicated it could clarify its new Breck's its offer after the e.u. Called for fundamental changes talks will resume on Monday but Brussels has already said the proposals for the Irish border could not be the basic. For a legally binding treaty the shadow chancellor John McDonald has called on Boris Johnson to release full details of his proposed deal but suggested it might simply be elections don't go there put forward proposals that they know the you will not accept and on that basis points on some of them portray themselves as some form of victim are the from the you will from Palmer and that will be the basis of action campaign what we want is a prime minister who actually looks after the long term interests of our country make sure we rule no deal off the table completely goes into negotiations secure a sensible deal and then put it back to the people with the option to remarry the foreign secretary Dominic Rob says he's called the us Ambassador to express his disappointment that the wife and am of an American diplomat who is wanted in connection with the fatal road crash has left the country police say they want to arrest and into the 42 year old woman about the death of 19 year old Harry done in a collision near already have crossed in in Northamptonshire in August a livable based mental health charity is holding a treasure hunt to help raise money for a new service for the city's most vulnerable people imagine independence is staging a citywide digital treasure hunt to help fund a new community remitted site in Haight Street Kate Mason is from the charity It's a fab advance it's a digital treasure hunts he competes in seems up to 6 people and you will be going round fans and say some locations around says he senses years only that you need sound it's easy peasy to use the Apple you do need to use you now see in sport little Borgen go 8 points clear at the top of the Premier League victory over 3rd place Leicester around feel this afternoon everything go to Burnley looking to reverse a run of 3 straight league defeats now since 2015 if they lost 4 in a row ravers will hate their strong home form can help me overcome Shrewsbury Town and League One later in the f.a. Cup 3rd qualifying round Warrington town travel to Brackley town from a division higher Southport throw away a League rivals fast he said. We've got common both of us in on the Bills games later with regular updates from Tramell Reva's on the side sports an England a through to the knockout stage of the Rugby World Cup in Japan for the game to spare after beating Argentina 3910 the victory in Tokyo was never really in doubt after the Pimas had a month sent off after 17 minutes and you weather a cloudy day with some light rain or drizzle more heavy persistent rain will move in later with a high of 15 Celsius and that rain will stay with us tonight as well heavy in places but relatively mild for this time of year with a low of 11 Celsius b.b.c. Radio as he said new soldiers get your Bradleys and you will help us on that thanks very much to just just Robin she will return probably with hopefully a better weather forecast mostly at 1 o'clock but between now and then. Roger Lyon will be she radio measures are. Good for you Are you ready for this. 70 b.b.c. Radio. Well what do you want to last that's where we go and let's start at the very beginning. 1970. 2 hours bad. Bad bad. Bad.

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