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Current sites the markets almost fully occupied and traders are offering prizes to customers this week thank them for their support Tony flat share the market manager if we can counsel sizes Nintendo parts the town of late and the traders work to satisfy their customers traded will always gone the extra mile to support course owners in terms of again exactly what we want some day we deliver services while parts feel more online underdeveloped opportunity of engagement online shopping as well the market call to change. We understand how important the stalls are under space and what you need to people there's a cool food packaging to show how much exercise a person would need to do to burn off the calories contained in it researches from left for university say what encourages to eat healthy and the man who set up a football club specifically to help men suffering from mental health conditions has been awarded for his efforts Peta hell set up a place to place after losing 3 friends to suicide it's a chance for men to talk about issues as well as play football in the Northwest's unsung Sporting Hero Award for your best friend suicide very very very much an expected. Or lost friends phone in 20152016 as well the sort of negative for me. Because I was struggling to cope. So I decided I want to trying to do something and you can hear more from Peter when he speaks to Chelsea just before 8 o'clock this morning. With not cross my Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola says he's confident that Phil fightin can fill the base of David Silva when he leaves the police at the end of the season the 19 year old from stop or a set to star in tonight's Champions League tie deanery Zagreb holders Liverpool one Sunil at Rebel Salzburg to confirm their spot in the last 16 while Chelsea are also through after beating lilt see one as Stamford Bridge and elsewhere Bolton an hour. You have to wonder is repeats and Sunil and Stanley spoiled and fall on the way at $630.00 Manchester's whether Bright's Chile Embry's 1st today with the odd shower remaining cloudy with some heavy showers later on a 6 Celsius life from b.b.c. Radio Manchester on Sofia heavy shower was did you see it last night he listened to the yeah I mean Simon King comes in Disney 27 yesterday says there's a school all lying on a $10.00 out a series out where the term school showers comes from he said Yeah exactly that but he said this is a fake a band so we had built it did say it was going to be bad and I'd go in the House yesterday like I thought we're going to have to build. Take all the animals. My wine delivery for Christmas was delivered yesterday and they left outside this is our lives well the box didn't know how to take each bottle an individual bottle survived of course it tell you go for the world already. Filled in to build a. B.b.c. Radio Manchester travel past 6 let's get the I saw the roads now Sara how they look in well we've got a problem having to do to have gotten on the not so good road to treat it down surprisingly in the wind so between Hyde road and broadcast road he can't get through on good road right now or they do not know major closures to make you aware of locally moving well motorways wise if you Cheney take down tools Holmes Chapel the main a 54 Chester road is closed this could well be an issue just off the m 6 between the a 50 London Road and one of the b. Roads or Chester Road a 54 closed at the moment just off the a 50 and then as you heading through a chance more today so far off to a good start any updates though I 100 to 100 still to. Be To where my. Time is. Good. To get everybody. To. Come out of the band mom with. My. Mom. The. Good. News. Is. Below the fold. It's going. To. Be the. Let. Bet. Lionel Richie and all not long on b.b.c. Radio man just it is 10 past 6 Good morning I hope you well know me I'll play like a funky little bit of music right now but you know was it Christmas I'm going to stop. Playing a bit more of this. If you like a person with a cover up. It is it is it is listen just before we get into honorees go instead what we're going to be talking about in the show I've just seen probably the most cringeworthy stall rate in the paper of red nature has a ready for that so there's a lady called so fate who's 20 and I'm going to say she claims because the stole the high street shop or anything it's a bit more of an individual boutique but with the stall that she's that she's claiming this about says that it's untrue she she said that she's about 10 to 12 Ok it's difficult is a dress size by the way is difficult isn't it because lots of different stalls that size is very loud so now you can feel. Really thin in one store and then not so thin and know why wouldn't you right just make everyone feel thin because I just get out of wallet you know nothing because I remember going into Top Shop a while ago to buy a pair of like size 10 Janes and the girls said on the sleeve we have made them a bit smaller so don't feel bad that you called 5 to buy a 12 or whatever and it was a lot really about psychology like why would you want to do that but anyway this skill so Faith who is a 10 to 12 went into this boutique think it was in Southampton and she picked up a variety of dresses for a Christmas pot say Ok to go on trial in the face and yeah there was a guy working on the 15 room you know how they take them off the and they count them and then they give you a lot that funny little thing that says like 234 where. One of the many said you can't try this on that won't fit. And now what that claim is that she got a load of $1012.00 dresses but one she picks up she must have picked up by mistake and it was a $6.00 to $8.00 and he just decided that won't. Damage it. Good enough which we naming and shaming Michelle the snow is still shocked that you would know unlike say Dave did 9 days and said that it didn't quite happen like. And it's not a shock that you would know. That someone's. Been true it might have been true bull you don't say it via you just let them work out for themselves Listen I know if I couldn't get one Nominet would be a lot Rob given upon they. Going to get one like it whether supposed to be to you know when you know the summer is going to be wrong I just sort of thought oh my God Can you touch him and he went right so I mean yesterday I was eating deep fried Christmas dinner and did spring over it it was amazing did did it fill the if a lot big a big chunk of the day y'all I did feel it but you know. They just said yesterday wasn't like I think if you don't like the tenets had a whole raft Yeah nice it was gorgeous especially the Christmas put in that was just cries for you been a very fluffy and crispy as yeah yeah it was it was. Always something to bring some but I couldn't because I just thought. Oh well I think it'll be for the rest of the day is that I think when I wonder if she's asked anything else over the last filled up of the entire day Well today is different you should brought some for this morning because today. Yeah couple of different things we're going to talk about whilst 2 that. Suppose Let's get the elections to the way. There are some parts of grace Manchester where there's only just a little majority for one particular part say in this election however you choose to vote if people do choose to change that majority could change which would mean I suppose the whole town would change in terms of who they support and that's a big deal so Kevin is going to be in this morning talking about which towns to watch when you fall into that category and one of them is a lady and that's where you all this morning but kind of by coincidence because actually with that to celebrate their own way yeah yeah so fit there's lots of places in great abundance where it's a lot more time to really insidious of which way it could go the way that it's been a Labor state since $920.00 takes nearly a 100 years it's been a Labor state recently heavy but a in the opinion polls because they said he could go to write which is why it's a sin and Gosh imagine if. Even James Yeah I'm so yeah going to be speaking people about that but also get you as he said there CA's the market opened its doors to some traders who have been that. Love a few stories to tell and it's the going to be a top. About that the rain in this really cool competition is while one of them hid in the best because some around the hole. With the with the base because there's these home pages and you have to guess that the project about how much she was in 1989 when it's. Right I did the nearest to the bowl gets that prize a like a I hope it's like a good price and. It might be the how much play it out and I hope not try because a big. Role was to you not me about markets failing senses not working and then actually how the fuck the Mafia is a major part of the town and then you go in other places. The whole town's reviving and it seems to be around the market yes it is nice that you know we're actually celebrating the market it's got to take is a bit of a collection experience as well you know I mean yeah coffee shops that are and it's just dead fried laying I don't know it's one of the Yeah Yeah exactly that will catch up with you in later on the small and looking forward to. The pretty ones and Radio Manchester just read in the papers this morning about Christmas presents so these polls always come up I know they do but it's been a new one so have done this poll by 2000 all those what has been the worst Christmas present you ever received and the list is weird so you've got a toilet roll. All right give somebody a toilet rolls eyes could be a job president or something old NICUs. Have to give that somebody hated one suck meat paste and a box of dead batteries but it was some of the worst presidents that overtopped this poll now I remember getting one year I won't say who it was off because I'm still friends with this person just they bought me a and it was like I mean you know I do like d.i.y. I do and I've been on drill calls and everything but prior to all of that it was like a set of D.V.D.'s on how to do d.i.y. In your house and it was just quite obviously not for me been given to him in a great gift a day. It was a poll and then another colleague that I used to work with bought me a Multan Brown sounds great shaving kit so clearly had just not even I think that was really gifted either not read it or read not even thought about it into something like that they'd been gifted because the last time I checked I don't have a bid an email is gone so actually we might want to do a little thing on this what is the worst Christmas present you have ever been given now you can change your name if you think that the story's too good to miss but you don't want to reveal just in case the person you're listening. In this morning or just just to tell us it wasn't matter who it was from but the worst Christmas present you ever received plays I remember a friend of mine she was going out with this guy and she did not get on with his mom whole and she was invited round for Christmas this particular day and she was you know I think it's going to go badly if we have an argument I just don't like a company I find a bit unusual anywhere she went I said just go people I'd be fine and they all exchanged christmas presents and she got. Even won by this mutha and she thought oh God this is nice actually maybe she's maybe she's turned over a new life and the she was a pair of slippers and she thought they're actually quite nice and then the comment came she was of giving them love because I think you just need to chill out. Travel. Very well at all Christmas present you've ever received 13 you message with the word monk or give me a ring a 100 to one I. She never gives Christmas presents it's sad. They just give them out that's just. Where they've been through trees down I understand the road to. Thread road and. The a 54 Chester Road that was closed as well but so we've just had wood this morning that those roots are back open it might be as you're heading out you might notice the man branches down some trees down on the need about roads lead is now the m $68.00 is a broken down car at the change of knots on the busy stretch to come down from the m $61.00 so already in Junction 50 a number 18185. Charity extravaganza featuring comedian Dave spiking. Impressionist. Shooting Dancing Queen. And Tony Christie a. Charity extravaganza next Tuesday morning from d.c. Radio Manchester. It's going to be absolutely. So you get that you need diary 17th of December 23 minutes past 6 so he's there with all the papers we have a look at what phones talking about what's trending online What is it good morning only Omar Yeah so you have the paper's coverage in the last couple of days of election is just getting nasty now isn't it and no it is just getting I don't I don't know what what they're offering now but there's really because you need somebody on my Facebook put yesterday voting on Thursday I still don't know who to vote for someone help me feel for I don't really like could that be a box of the of the 2 and not what I want to also whatever it will be like you know yeah but it does seem to be more than that than I've ever noticed before and you know I think so but yeah only a couple more days to go so that's not truly all over they. Are all over the papers and also in the news today snarks should come with an exercise count who has a Mars bar. And doesn't know that it's highly in calories this is I hate this i hate thing this is like I what we talked about the other day when we said you know you get some food a stop and they put the calorie content on the side it's like I don't want to know no I don't go for a double whopper multi cheese burger did looks thinking this is a healthy snack and I go in there is it I know they are saying that people don't think there are as many as there are and if you pointed out how much exercise you had to do to burn it off it might stop people eating it is significant as well a 229 calorie bar of milk chocolate would require How many minutes of walking to you are in the 4542. That's just like years ago and is now those for like 3 quarters of an hour and find you know even only been off 7 to college I would do is eat it on the treadmill and by the end you've even. Got to dress so you've enjoyed it whilst you will say no to maim Now I just I want to enjoy a much free you know. I don't want to know how many calories are in them and also in the times they've got less now I've found this interesting tricky words in a foreign tongue that have newsreaders in a twist we find this Wimbledon way the same as tennis now you just play nice and confidently and nobody will question you how you saying it but so there's a few nines Grettir's them but apparently you have been saying wrong the whole time no there has to be great turn bad. Ok yeah the g is we don't have a we don't have a sound for the g 8 right yeah. Yeah they've got a whole list of tricky words that really going to try to do well there's the fleet scam that's the Swedish term translated as flight shame used in efforts to reduce emissions league scam Joaquin Phoenix Yeah it's in the joke not Joe Quinn which you know could easily be misinterpreted paroch the suspension of Parliament. And. A storm as the storm is funky who kept in South Africa to the Rugby World Cup victory in November do you know who that is now. No I don't know even if. You know. So I quite like that story because you know something that I clearly remember when I was a news reader back in the day and I read that a man a been attacked with a moustache and it was an omission. You know Kasabian the. Presenter on another radio station that he was there when you were at the time and he went and here's the latest single from Casa by. Actually I was listening to a different radio station on the way home yesterday I like to see what the play what we're talking about and this guy had a very nice voice and then he introduced county state and. The states and every one of his county starts another crush but already on. And then finally in the Daily Mail we've got the book of the decade now you guessed it well the book that I hate is in the top so really for the. Last 10 years yeah. Yeah I guess so I got a bible is a no it's not the shades of grey I was going to say number one number 2 is 50 shades darker 3 is 50 shades free yet but number full Jamie's 30 minute meals is one of the iceman is nice little d. a Chain I didn't like them books no I read the 1st one and the with the rest I mean filth is now I read it on a plane and I got sick of reading oh there ought to gag on both of these not even interesting not also. I think I'd rather read the Bible. So thank you very much let's squeeze a bit stereophonic said now with the latest news headlines. Legalese Stereophonic sound let the devil take another day on the a.b.c. Radio Manchester so keep coming plays I would like the worst Christmas present you have ever been given I know these polls pop up every single year but a little roll one sock and used knickers monks the top you have to hate that person when you don't understand how you can get away with that it's never going to look good on you I've had really gifted knickers but weren't you out of mind to read gift because my birthday is on the 8th of January so I got everyone's Christmas cast stones. I know except when they don't fit. And size is. Not even remotely the same size or whatever but yeah probably that tops the list we all get into mentions Tim once in this morning obviously the op say who bowl to you but the worst Christmas present you've ever received plays 813 double for a start your message with the word man you won't sound grateful or anything just let us know what it was I would love to hear from you. It is one sees the 11th of December it's 632 now let's get the latest news headlines for correspond with Sophie oddly party leaders at a crisscross the country to promote back a message is a head of the general election tomorrow Jeremy called and will say Labor offers a vote for hope while Boris Johnson will say that the Tories are the only party that can get Bragg's it done great Manchester has a number of more. That could help decide the outcome of the election police are continuing to question a 71 year old man from altering him has been arrested on suspicion of murder the body of a 59 year old woman was found at a house some Whitely place on Monday evening officials in New Zealand say there's an increased risk of another eruption on the volcanic island where an eruption on Monday killed 6 people Police say it's too dangerous for rescue teams to return to white Thailand to search for 8 other victims who are missing presumed dead stallholders market celebrating 30 years of trading on the current site the markets almost fully occupied and traders are offering prizes to customers this week to thank them for their support Manchester's weather bright chilly and breezy 1st today with the odd shower remaining cloudy with some heavy showers later on 6. B.b.c. Radio Manchester. City are in Croatia and it's a big night tonight filled pictures of Foden splashed across the back of the Manchester Evening News this morning looking set for a rare Manchester City start as the Blues take on data grab in their final Champions League group game the 19 year old from Stockport sets a play for City Star because David Silva hasn't traveled with the squad Jeter injury we know that silver is leaving the blues in the summer and says he's confident that Foden can be the man to fill in. A legend. Of games a man of competition among his own. It's an early kick off tonight it's $5.00 to $6.00 u.k. Time you can listen to commentary right here on b.b.c. Radio Manchester. From 540 for all the build up this evening 2nd half goals from. The holders Liverpool dog a potential banana skin. It's way to way a Red Bull Salzburg to confirm their spot in the last 16 of the Champions League Chelsea are also 3 after they beat little to warm at Stamford Bridge they were hanging on a bit at the end but their throw in the championship it was a good night for Wiggins relegation rivals since 3 nil whilst Huddersfield got a stoppage time winner at childhood and that means that the last 6 is suddenly 4 points from safety and ahead of tonight's visit of 2nd place West Bromwich Albion Bolton's poor away run continues that out of the a.f.l. Trophy after it Sunil defeat away at Achree in sin however with the January transfer window looming the Bolton c m a hopes that Keith Hale and David Fleck Croft can use their contacts to bring the right players I think is a mark of the respect they are in the industry that they were even able to do what they did in those 40 hours because they have the contacts they have the trust the players to decide to give this a go and be part of the team that comes out to Keith and take that wouldn't work did not approach them or anyone else approach them elsewhere this morning tributes are being paid to the former Darby County Oxford United and Portsmouth boss Jim Smith who has died at the age of 79 he was known throughout football as the bald eagle more than 10 years after an attack on the Sri Lankan seem both Sorensen cricket seems willing to play in Pakistan Test cricket has returned in the last half hour they've just begun the 1st Test against Sri Lanka in pain they aren't comedian Adam Hills known face hosting of the t.v. Show the last leg has been speaking to b.b.c. Radio Manchester about his life playing for warriors who was disability. He has to come out to the Northwest once a week to train but says he uses it as an excuse for a break I spend a couple of hours Tuesday morning planning the show with the producers but then choose the afternoon to help out a try not to Warrington I have an hour and a half of rugby league training and then I hop on a try and back to London again Firstly ominous trial and so the idea or 2. Of waiting 2 hours to get anywhere from I've got 2 young kids so 2 hours on a train is when I get all my work done and you can see a very special program documenting his rugby league journey it's called Take his likes and it's on channel 4 this Friday night at $1130.00. Pm for b.b.c. Radio Majesty. Sections 2 in traffic. Because yesterday I was just a knob was listening to a different radio station driving out how dare you well I just do it like intermittently just to see like you know what they're talking about what they're playing is a bit like spying you should be listening to us 20 or so. And I have a digital radio at home whenever we go out Willis we leave b.b.c. Radio Manchester on for the dogs because it's the station of choice but anyway I heard they say this presents a going can be Stayton and I just was like what's the start everyone knows the stewards in stuff a traffic park is just text me and he says Chelsea it is county state and we say I've had this argument a lot with Jason Hardy works here does he say stay because I say it's can't be started and he says it can't be stated Well Stuart says that someone interviewed her and she told them off for pretty non saying her name right so this may be true she said she is can be stated I feel it's a father who are ill never child should I say sorry on the Dionne Warwick or is it Warrick Exactly I say warrant what do you say I say Warrick but I think it is way right then. It's just a general welfare where rights are about the state law several. Trouble 227 let's get the latest on the road Sarah how the. Broken down car is really adding to the rush out he's on the m 60 today it's just on the exit for the m 6 a. That it's called Nicky right back towards Prestwich So that said I'm 60 heavier than usual $17.00 to $12.00 Eccles where the dating with the spoken down vehicle at the moment and the m $61.00 delays already with a junction for the trees down overnight it looks like they've moved the ones that were going to affect. Not spread road and they wanted chapel on the Chester Road the a 54 Let us know though if you are out about. Any problems along the way you like that gives a 100 to one I. Just had a taxi. From day. Sad to have been to. About the worst Christmas presents you've ever received Tina various reasons of doing this one song loo roll an old Nick have topped the list can you imagine there's also meat pace in a box of batteries that didn't work and this said this lady is just text who wants to remain nameless she said ahead a friend or a self-help book has a matter of mind that because a known as Butler Bridget Jones but. It was entitled How to text men. On learning how to text a man and make him bag fior attention she was really if that. Isn't great is it now I must tell you that book. On b.b.c. Just pass that little bit and Neil Diamond and beautiful noise on the a.b.c. Radio Manchester 647 so we're talking about really NASA Christmas present stuff that people buy everything white people don't mean that it's all fault Mandy's on the phone good morning Monday morning. Say who bought you this social they remain nameless and a relative is a parent of a child Are you Ok. You'd look up to cater a childminder style you know. Well Lisa look after the many mil so they bought you a gift and what was it was 3 moment he had used. You know like you were in a jar yeah I mean I. Was supposed to grow up straight. To the market when you have tried tried it likely out. My absolute disgust let's see people if I get fat. We wouldn't know I wouldn't I wouldn't like this so much to talk about because you know I go to Amsterdam a lot because my husband is a recently from Holland we absolutely love him Saddam obviously got the floating flower market I mean yeah and he can buy a good zillion bulbs and I have been known to purchase them because that's so cheap over there and they grow beautifully but in my experience the when they've got moldy is when they've just been left like in a garridge for a bit they were requested for a couple years and he had just found it. You know and then the tri phobia bit for anyone who doesn't know it's kind of like it's a fear of holes really isn't there and you only have to google. So I have some I have some tiles on the bathroom wall which which both the me a lot of change them and then I was even pulling the of the weight behind this car and then there's a new found light on it just haven't. Seen it. Yet so yeah if anyone's listening now don't buy me a Monday anything like that. Did the gifts go straight in the bin No sorry in a bad. Monday listen Lovise told. By computer is coming plays the worst Christmas present you have ever received on 3 double 3 Start your message with the word monk give me a call and 102 when I double to triple 5 just coming up to 17. In a minute from harry styles you know right well stronger. Than a song on the treated stuff how the styles of One Direction they're all doing their own thing yeah I mean you think I mean they always say they were put together by Simon Cowell. It was the x. Factor wasn't it was not many different ones. And they did incredibly well willed wide fame and now yeah they're all doing their own separate little things the 1st scene in a while from how the styles of play team just heard the I've heard them for Nial unlikely I decided to use a pseudonym. Around her yeah so it's very horrid. Yet we're buying more equal to what we were because he sounds very like monkey sort of Alex Turner sort of a nice American sort of oxen and that's a good thing it really did do an album previous to this which was a bit country themed probably why I like probably why I did listen to that one. Anyway. Anyone from house tiles in a minute mark say we have a look at the back page of the paper this sunshine about champions the reaction Liverpool and Chelsea 3 to the last 16 Marseilles scored absolutely ridiculous goal for Liverpool last night from basically on the byline of the quarter flock. She said this is happening those in the kitchen or school from there I got to many days to go over there so yeah Liverpool just keep on rolling their want to incredible season there have been as much as it pains me to say they're through. But Page of the some pictures sell a celebration so. Chelsea through we already know that city a 3 day play deanery Zagreb tonight away in the final group game Johnstone's and David Silva having trouble GZ chance to fill Foden to play and start in midfield obviously so his leaving City in the summer so let's hope he gets more game time when you look at Phil phone he's been described as the best English player. If you look at a place like Brian Williams at Manchester United. Not rush to play the plane every weekend and he just can't get the tell you so I'm really excited to see what you can do you want to finally get a consistent really going for city so that's the back page of the Manchester Evening News this morning we've also spoken out about his return to form Of course he's been absent from pretty much all the England squad this year there was a horrible statistic for him that he scored a single goal of providing the system in this calendar year. He did not run a couple of weeks ago the best in the last couple United games Chris Wales got exclusive in the mail today said the United going to clear the way for the exit poll by signing 2 central midfielders in the summer. Fred of start perform very well in recent weeks but that is an area they definitely need to strengthen in so that's in the in the Daily Mail today and in the Express rub a little cocky scored against Barcelona last night he's Forbes's he left Old Trafford will surprise a lot of people in the last 16 of the Champions League City Spurs pay. A Real Madrid by media events espoused a London bus a live signal of a poll Chelsea Dortmund and Leon. Through but they just start their manager. I'm not quite sure why but it has led to one of my favorite headlines of the belief on the back of the sword of course he's been linked with a hostile job he says the go to is a particular. They've been a poll not thinking of well thank you very much right rates here this then. Is arguably I would say the sort of like the most loved I would imagine of all of One Direction who was the lead singer of what direction they were in really they all took it in turns didn't they but I'd say harry styles would be into being classed as the From Yeah he would be Cheryl Cole although she wasn't really the 1st woman though she was she's not the. Most well documented and Harry Styles is definitely that this is his brand new one is called adore you. It's very very good yes single album fine line the video is unusual if you go to 3 minutes today. Comes this. Island called to to film it and if. This is the police and close to make that. She. Should. Do. A. Show. Police and Don't Stand So Close on big you see radio Manchester right the election then the voting takes place tomorrow there are some parts of Greater Manchester where it's very crucial who people vote for as a change could change everything comes right across it is going to fill us in. 95 we want a digital radio on b.b.c. . B.b.c. Radio. And if you ever go to Manchester United and you buy into a pint the taste of it is about to change all the details in about the next 15 minutes it's exactly 7 o'clock it's Wednesday the 11th of December let's get the latest news headlines for Greater Manchester with Sophie it's exactly 24 hours until the polls open in the general election Jamie Colby will today say that a Labor government would put money in your pockets Boris Johnson will repeat his claim that the conservatives are the only policy that can get drags it done at this stage it's unlikely that any of the main political parties will spring any last minute sweeteners on the electorate according to a Manchester based political experts in the 3rd election in 5 years John Tong Professor of Politics at the University of Liverpool sais today will be about focusing on the key messages you thought you look will be. A referendum Scotland you. You've got. To be on it yes we call the Trump alliance it's about trying. I'm trying to. Vote Jo Swinson will be stuck in a queue already $23.00 down towards junction one it's happened in the outside lane so often when it happens they have to hold the traffic to recover the vehicles involved the m 60 broken down vehicle at the Eccles into change has gone now but the tower backs are already there all the way from Haywood as you had an impound for much tail that never helped them 60 wanted to come true from Bolton and the m 62 Q From Winick That's quite slow 921-0002 the year and 6 there it's a craft but said I was just she way to traffic I think getting through if you can update is 128 double to typify the b.b.c. Radio. This is. From 3 when we're going to be talking about his 1st sleep for shelter and. Joining us to talk about that 20 to 40 should wake up to what's happening Chelsea a break 1st b.b.c. Radio Manchester. It is 7 minutes past 7 We're talking this morning about the worst Christmas gifts you've ever received there's always these polls that come out every single year have done another one so they've asked about 2000 of us was the worst president we've ever got the list is quite appalling topping the list is one sock. And the other one toilet roll up.

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