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Of M.P.'s to support it the shadow transport secretary Andy McDonald indicated that Labor was unlikely to support the move a just honestly caution against having the election in the depths of December in the run up to Christmas do we really want to disrupt people's Christmas preparations I can just see the scene now that 70 players being cancelled because the polling stations needed this is not a good look and I think this is thoughtless and badly considered the right calls for an independent investigation into the repeated flooding of the a tribal 5 Manchester Airport bypass the old section of the road between Stanley green and Brummell was closed again at the weekend for the 4th time in 12 months Michael Stern is the leader of the conservative group on Stockport Council he says it can't happen again it took an awful long time to close it on the Saturday it was impossible 9 o'clock yet it was never lunchtime that it was it was eventually cleansed and my job as a councillor will be to see what lessons have been learned and if it goes to be communicated or stop or council say they've replaced the pumps and consultants are looking on what further steps are needed There's more on that coming up with Mark Crossley later this morning here on b.b.c. Radio Manchester an official report into the ground fell fire disaster has strongly criticised the London Fire Service $72.00 people died in the blaze 2 years ago the inquiry says it's likely that fewer people would have died if firefighters had ordered people to get out of the building earlier a mother whose disabled son has been able to tell her that he loves for the 1st time has praised the new technology being used in Greater Manchester the seashell trust in Cheadle is using electronic devices including i Pads and apps to give young people who've been able to communicate a voice George is 18 and has severe autism and learning difficulties his mom Helen says it's changed his life to tell. His family. Said about who he was it's brilliant it's amazing it is fantastic it just makes you feel yeah it's all that via a private mental health hospital in south Manchester has been placed into special measures after it was found to be inadequate the Care Quality Commission found the bedrooms weren't safe Merrifield Corti Molly range they also found that patients records were not being updated properly the hospital has stopped admitting new patients to British people have been seriously injured in a shark attack in Australia the men thought to be in their twenty's were in the water of the coast of Queensland when it happens both are said to be in a stable condition in hospital and a scientific study suggests that all humans alive today originates from a region now in northern Botswana the study published in the journal Nature is based on hundreds of samples of d.n.a. From living Africans. Radio munches distorts with Jack run by my Remember Southampton lost 9. Home on Friday night today they face Manchester City at a had stadium in the e.f.l. Cope Blues boss Pep Guardiola though has insisted that the Saints side his side will face tonight is full of incredible professionals despite their poor showing last week elsewhere in S'pore England head coach Eddie Jones has fired back at Wales coach Warren Gatland saying he should look forward to a 3rd place playoff ahead of the Rugby World Cup final in cricket cricket England have lost their final t 20 warm up game before they go on tour losing to New Zealand by 8 wickets and Brentford beat West London rivals q.p.r. 3 Warne in the championship last night full support to come in half an hour Greater Manchester is whether or not a cold dry day plenty of autumn sunshine and highs of 13 Celsius live from b.b.c. Radio Manchester Good morning good morning Jack Israel welcome such as is not well yes. Yesterday she well she doesn't really drink does she in the morning. Well. You know what I mean she doesn't during you know when we do a brewery round or it's I want about coffee she doesn't really take us up on the offer no actually yesterday she did a brew she did which is very unusual of norm like a so that got people talking in the office so much Detective crossly it's probably going to be spending today watching Christmas movies no N.G.O.s so I think she's too it's been bad so get well soon Chelsea now I debate the dilemma what time do I get a part because obviously a little lie and usually on the radio 5 o'clock on the radio 6 o'clock. The next hour did you I could have had it but I thought you know are going to be professional going to get up at the normal time and what a pro so that was me last night I believe locker you got a little little bit of a bonus so I had a bed time bonus last night because I woke up in the middle of the night I figured if you know you have and you know that feeling where you're not quite sure what time it is so I left there guessing you know just trying to take up the ambience took up how I was feeling and yeah you know I just decided you know just looking at the clock without looking at the door are Ok And then so I thought about half past 3 so got another 15 minutes before I guess I should start though oh I don't I just don't know how much sleep I thought halves like I felt quite refreshing and when I actually looked at the clock it was one I. Know that nearly 3 hours to go put you feel back to sleep. B.b.c. Radio Manchester travel update right 5 past 6 Tuesday more it it's bitterly cold out there I say good morning to Sarah earlier morning Sarah good morning Maki it is very chilly indeed and frosty to supposable t. I think involved this morning and just a steady and steady she go if you little bit frosty I think on the roads but it's a quiet start today yesterday we found that the road works on the bolts and they really cool is cute. It's. Between. A 100 to one. Good morning still wearing the scarf I've just put it on cause them about how do you. Know where you off to this morning for I am going to the bacon butty café in high. Today. She's on a white kid she's going to be in Hyde can see this morning and just been talking about this story which I've seen in the papers today in the office here and this happened on a train from London to turn on cheese day night just before 11 o'clock Stephen Moore if he was a musician now there is a famous munched musician called Stephen Morris from New Order but it's not him. Basically left his 250000 pound. Violin on a train church. This was a party 310 years old this instrument was made in 79 that's even too far from I had to even process it. In the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Ok. So this violin is worth a lot of money in fact I don't know how much is worth 250000 pounds so the headline is I left my 250000 pound violin on a try now we've all left a pair of headphones on to try something like $250.00. Though to me I cannot stand losing anything makes my blood boil so much so for the rest of my life I once lost a banana flavored lip balm was a shock when I was 12 years old and it still haunts still to this day. Ok so the most expensive thing you've ever lost did have to be the most expensive it can be the most valuable to you I guess it's priceless stuff. Well it might be something the child made for yeah something like that it's just frustrating it's just so frustrating whenever you lose anything especially when it's on a train and you know. Just as you get enough and then you see him just driving. Down. The sort of running off to the try all of the movies Ok so the most valuable thing nice to you that you've ever lost and would love to hear from you this morning you could have gotten people in hi I'm going to go find out what kind of like oh a 100 say what I have is the 5. 102 when I 5 or you can text me 3 I just put the word out to stop your message I'm not expecting anyone to much this by the way 250 grand for a violin but if you've got any stories about things you've lost valuable items you often about wedding rings and all sorts Di wedding rings that found that they do you on social media and you put things on social media people find the news. This Forms a damn good song goes through and. Just you and I. On b.b.c. Radio Manchester of course championed by Natalie Williams Michelle Hussey do the B.B.C.'s Jason in Manchester show on a Saturday night every week at 8 o'clock you can listen back on b.b.c. Sounds of Misty's actually coming back to Manchester in February playing at night and day on an acoustic tell you much seen him on that Jonathan Ross on Saturday night proper big time now on the Jonathan Ross Show on i.t.v. That I just got a quarter past 6 Good morning. Chelsea a breakfast Chelsea's not very well today he sits up in bed Get well soon Chelsea. She spots more the rest of the same is still ahead so it's might look nothing after things between now and 9 o'clock and we're off to your stories the most expensive things you've ever lost stories of losing items you want people who just can't help losing things wherever you go this is all because of this 250000 pound violin left on the train by a guy called state Morris this week 310 years old with a quarter of a 1000000 and the thing I forgot to mention I said he was leading the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra He's also used One of the 1st songs I have. Little demonstration of. Trying. To be busy writing about just to sever say with. Good morning it's a bit icy today. Possibly it is starting to build a little bit in both sin on the. Road wax restrictions in monthly weather working on. The a 675 actually had to close it between Stamford road and car hill and then if you make you wait you're on public transport today you latest update on the trams it's a good service so when nothing too problematic safe let us know if you spot a problem 080218. So it's all cadence morning that you've lost that still hold you to this day after this guy's ever left. The ground violin on the train you got anything for us. And I've learned things like things are really love that price only can nice like a coat my favorite color the pony didn't cost a lot but I absolutely love wearing it in a Christmas party and stuff like. Paul and I did withdraw cash from a cash machine once and I just. Still to this day how much was it was not 20 quid but it's just this retention it's hard to want to meet my roomies charity extravaganza and now we see you to be touring tell me Christine. You. Know. It's not too late for you to be in the audience for my extravaganza tickets are still say we are going to quickly because time power with all the proceeds we split between b.b.c. Children in need from the lower theaters know when they charge to get yours click dot com All the small print can be found on my Facebook page 3 nice charity extravaganza Monday December 2nd at the Lowry theater Good morning this p.c. Right in Manchester. With her Paul lock is here and he has been telling me about tales for searching for foreigns whilst walking the dog yet you know what you have written when you lose something you have been like just continue looking for it for a forever yes you know like my daughter lost a Blackberry phone when she was a teenager when blackberries were all the rage Yeah and if you are in one of 2 camps. She my the mother for a Blackberry phone a week after getting it she was out walking the dog and came out without a search and it was gone but now like 10 years later if I'm out walking the dog on that particular field I still feel a kick in the grass you don't like a scar with. A. You've got the papers in front of us are we going to have an election before Christmas or not well that is the question is the question we might be a bit closer to announce by tonight I'm not too sure but the prime minister is certainly urging the M.P.'s in the Commons to back his call for a December 12th election front page of the Express says pm bring it on for December 12th defiant Boris Johnson will today make a 4th attempt to drag trigger this general election aimed at ending Parliament's what he calls stagnation and paralysis over Breck's it so I made all this Lee's kind of fractious scenes at Westminster last night a prime minister's warning that the country is being held hostage by the House of Commons and in particular he says remain around Peace think of all those M.P.'s if we do have a Christmas election unless we get out of bed at 5 o'clock in the morning what degree to go on campus feel sorry for them you know I mean I'm I'm kind of hoping that it does because I've got this idea to market an advent calendar that is based on politics so behind each window instead of a robin or a sleigh or a reindeer you know you've got Doris Day behind one year Jeremy Corbyn Jo Swinson all the big hitters so I would trade. That I'm thinking of doing that just for. Also in the papers today I don't know if if you've seen this story of. This bubble wrap the bubble wrap so this is this is another another example of the war on plastic that's that's full steam ahead at the moment so John Lewis is planning to ban bubble wrap and also you know off IP plastic bags that kind of thing is during the trial but then it's going to go nationwide cause bubble wrap is used to pack items fragile items like china glass that kind of thing so much fun to pop it I know this is the thing I was thinking of maybe we. If it was a toy I mean Mike. To keep kids happy for hours when it really I mean how much satisfaction is there just sitting there with her whether she a bubble wrap is going I mean I want to be environmentally friendly I completely agree with phase of our plastic and all the rest of it but just give us a little bit before before you finish but also promising to take plastic clothes hangers and just offer money off the products when customers return and use plastic bottles and jars so you know I mean good on them for trying but yeah I mean maybe maybe we should market bubble wrap. Right in the market. Yes and this one caught my eye this is yes Manchester music. Well she is a full on hard times if I'm not so sure this is Morrissey I mean you got any sign down berms not by Morrissey in particular but by anyone know if you have a collected anything. Morrissey autobiography have read it right I thought about 5 years that's the closest I've got as he signed it Ok well if you've got a book signed by authors Bob not got any C.D.'s worth inside right Ok what Morrissey is actually signing albums by other artists so this is a bit weird so you know when apparently some of these is concerts he's signing artists by people like David Bowie Lou Reed Patti Smith Iggy Pop I'm not sure where he's getting them from maybe from his own collection not so sure but anyway I have a clear he does a few circuits. He's signed in the cell phones cell and this is according to the mirror anyway for 230 pounds one found his rage to the absolute charging 230 pounds for a Bowie record signed by Morrissey is breathtaking by me signing it out himself here is exciting as really fake not your autograph and still not the most controversial thing Marty. Thank you right now on the way next at 630. a magazine on memory. Yes on b.b.c. Radio Manchester Good morning it's Cheese Day morning it's the breakfast show Chelsea is not well today she fingers crossed about some more I would have been talking about Morrissey. Oh yes sunny and you just told me a story. By an Elton John album that you are yeah I've got an Elton John album which I took for Elton to sign thinking that one day might be my go to was my little nest egg you know and I had it valued mercenary unless I know it's a collector was quite interested in it and he said do you value. Elton to sign an album that I had previously put my own name on some ties to stop people making it you put your own name and I put on the front of the l. And the LP This belongs to Paul. Because I would have the. Right to get the latest Jack in just a minute Manchester City back in action in the league tonight right now that 630 with headlines his Pollock Boris Johnson will try to force a general election for the 4th time later today last night M.P.'s voted against his call to go to the polls on the 12th of December this time the prime minister will publish a bill that only needs a simple majority to succeed there are calls for an independent investigation into the repeated flooding on the a trouble 5 Manchester Airport bypass a section was closed again at the weekend stop or councillor Mike Holston says it can't be allowed to happen again and official reports into the ground fell fire disaster has strongly criticized the London fire service for advising residents to stay put $72.00 residents died in the blaze 2 years ago the inquiry says it's likely that fewer people would have died if firefighters had ordered people to get out earlier. Sterns nursing sore feet this morning after completing a series of charity walks wearing a pair of flippers Craig Keatley has raised more than $7500.00 pounds this year for Manchester's Christie Hospital great amounts it is whether another cold dry day plenty of autumn sunshine and highs of 13 Celsius. The e.c.u. Radium anxious to school right if you Southampton and you concede 9 goals on Friday your next 2 games Johnson you don't want to be just the city away in Manchester City away there it could get very messy like you say Mark city of scored 10 in the last 3 games Southampton conceded those 9 horrendous goals on Friday night they face each other tonight the 1st of 2 meetings like you say in 4 days is the League Round of 16 1st Blues midfielder. And hopes that his side can cause more misery for Saints' office do you want to go for the rant it's not going to be easy I think especially because effect last result from office today when they want to prove everyone that they are not a bad team I think it's going to be even more difficult but 3 for quality obviously they are targeting 2 wins and it's possible to show. So much to city against Southampton in the league as your big match commentary from 7 o'clock tonight Manchester United boss all going to social is hopeful the Reds will be a different team with Anthony Marsh back fits and firing the French Frenchman scored at Norah Jones Sunday and so sharp says he's been a big loss is why didn't. He said top. Top striker. To have him back fit smiling enjoying his football of course it's a big thing for us he's clever in his movements. But he's not been given credit for is this defendant the form an origin England striker Chris Sutton disagrees he says that despite the performance against Norwich there's a certain former United striker who will still be missed at Old Trafford was too easy but the link up was you know exceptionally good and United are going to have to rely on but I suppose there's an argument you know if United fans could have a choice picking Marsh 0 and I know Lukaku is gone but we're done hypothetical tonight you still take a look after wouldn't you you would I'm sure that will be discussed plenty on talking balls tonight with colleagues from 6 o'clock elsewhere in S'pore England have lost their final t 20 warm up game before their tour of New Zealand gets under way they lost by 8 wickets to the Black Caps in boxing 55 year old former world champion Nigel Benn has counsel his comeback fight because of a shoulder injury Tyson Fury says he's not preparing yet to take on Dion say while despite the fight being just 4 months away with unsure heavyweight says he only needs a 6 week train. In camp due to changes in his lifestyle I want to try eat now I train every day I do cardio and white temper single day I only have some days off so I go into these camps already fit already ready to fight on the day I go to that I've got another 6 weeks of 3 weeks of boxing stuff like part work and all sorts of off. Sparring and we go fight the Robie World Cup final this weekend anticipation building as England face South Africa Sale Sharks funk a bang Corey will be in the stadium to watch his brother Tom after a social media campaign hashtag get Ben to Japan we already talked so much in terms of those workers obviously we've been together for 21 years now. So it's a sort of very. Similar café they're not talking about obviously pushing Good luck . Tosses quite nicely away from each other when you are each other's back pockets for however long it's quite nice just go away and carve explore life as opposed to develop your own personality ice hotfooting is way to the airport is Ben curry but hopefully we're going to hear from him here live on b.b.c. Radio Manchester in the next hour yes it's not just bank potentially going to the World Cup final I'm not quite sure this person out there and hash tag was a hash tag hash tag get bent as you pass to get. Into it as it is. No Prince Harry is young yet to watch the final stuff that doesn't he just had a baby yeah he really be doing that I'm sure they've got nannies Yeah that's the one thing Yeah well apparently he's the patron of the r.f.u. And he was a good look child he was there when he last won the World Cup in 2003 apparently. Getting on the plane. Broadcast on b.b.c. Radio Manchester. We've. We've . Had. Was. You. Who have. You a. Was reviewing the a. Review a. Question was if she was us. We've. Morning. In the need. To get rid of. Covered in it at work the boss said taking off from pop in the skit I was there for 4 hours he went mad because basic. B.b.c. Radio Manchester travel update is too much for them are. Just gone 27 series they were the lights on the roads morning good morning take them peaches way we've got delays heading down 2 of the m 61 around most escape through the road works there it's not quite as far back as Bradford wait but it's getting that way the a chapel 5 This is near Manchester Airport just a little bit of congestion in style area just in the style turnoff let me know if there's a potentially an issue there it's building a little on the m $68.00 stop or she come off of the parent their own one and if you're relying on trams today it's a good service that the latest update from but if you do spot any cues that we should be mentioning give us a cool or a 1518 double to double 5 pm. On the b.c. Radio much Esther is Manchester City's trophy to defend as they enter the round of 6 day period to feel a little superior. Mike mine and I'll be joined by the former Blues goalkeeper Nicky Weaver Manchester City these Southampton tonight from 7 am on b.b.c. Radio Manchester. City against Southampton live tonight this man has got a new album I was called Once upon a mind you might seen him. In a couple of weeks ago it's quite quite a cast list that neither had Robert Deniro on the talk about Joker and also Bruce Springsteen was on Iris well but anyway this man performed on a did enjoy Street this week while you're sleeping please could you leave my album streaming on your smartphone or p.c. Overnight all this week it would really help much opposition thanks is James Blunt This is cold cold it's been an hour. Trying to get your attention from James Blunt is very apt isn't it very very apt it's called it's choose the morning . When you when you got out of bed this morning because this is this is really for me and they really are different different time zone but yeah. Yeah. Well you know I'm trying to get some sympathy but you know it was it was all right. In for made it for you. So what's trending in the world of sport this morning them so stick we'll start with yeah because obviously you know we should we heard from bank safe Phil Dr Tom hope we're going to hear from him later today as well as on the way to go to the airport with the hash tag get bent. It's a campaign now but another thing in the world of rugby world cup is this war of words between oh yes England coach Eddie Jones and Wales coach Warren Gatland it's a little bit tasty because Eddie Jones he's known for his sharp tongue any comeback at Warren Gatland Warren Gatland said so we're explains the Wales Wales coach and before England played semi final he said he said no after the semifinal He said England has already played their final I got you to New Zealand so he said England of already played essentially saying England are going to be South Africa and you just come back you just said enjoy your 3rd 4th play off. Test. Chelsea box in Bel-Air don't know a. Couple things still to find the Beltran find about you carry I'll carry on I'll carry on a couple of other things you know the incredible story of Nigel bad news 55 years old decided to come back yeah Zenda is a bit of a damp squid because he's so he's a former former heavyweight world champion boxing I call I suppose. His big comeback has been has been called off because of a shoulder injury some way he's 55 Yeah you'd have thought someone would have said my shoulders about enough now and I'm not. Going to get in the ring for speaking to get in the ring Absolutely yes Tyson Fury now he's got he's got this big fight against a while to coming up next year by the way you're a boxing fan make sure listen to the show the next few days because that will fight the weekend as well and Chelsea been suspect I'm still going to play not I. Got this big fight with the next he's going to be back in the ring this week inside the Oraibi for something completely different yet he's taken a new hobby shall we say their hobby. He's getting into the world of wrestling and w w e he's pretty adamant that people might be surprised it's totally different computer Riri and I'm boxing apart from the entertainment factor I like the show business hybrid Charlie. Produce in boxing tell you that's the only thing that's the same but actually the actual physical side of it is different you know there's no grab and throw it on the floor. In boxing because you get chucked out for one or 2 warnings anyway so those are my God while they're in power slam into the hole if they get where you like same across the ring. Do you think that this involvement might actually make the wall the rematch bigger because it spreads your appeal in particular in here for sure. I'm going to come out circling thank him a couple of times here or extra you know this is the most money is a giant bomb I got speed on my side off lattice as I'm I'm taller. Everything had. To be surprised. That I was a tease you. Just sort of smile though when you listen to it just thinking about do we had a very long wrestling he's perfect for. He's got the he's got there the rest of this week the big fight next year and in the Middle East release the Christmas song. To do that yeah. You know they're going to be. In about you know. B.b.c. Radio Manchester Good morning it's 5 to 7. Tony. She's not very well says. Chelsea back we think we hope to. Do in the sport as well after 7 o'clock this morning by the way we are going to be well we're going to talk about the link right at the polling right because it's flooded for the. Section of the road. In the video. So we're going to be talking. At 7 o'clock this morning. Because. I mean. 250000. Of losing to things the most expensive. Place. digital radio on b.b.c. Sound. B.b.c. Radio. Good morning Cheese Day 27 o'clock let's get the very latest b.b.c. News or poll Ok Boris Johnson will try again today to win the backing of M.P.'s for a general election the Prime Minister's hoping to go to the polls on December the 12th the Liberal Democrats the Scottish National Party are backing the idea but they want it on the 9th of December the Lib Dems and barmen spokeswoman Vero Hobhouse said Labor M.P.'s need to get behind it it is very funny that the Labor Party who wanted a general election for such a long time is now saying because it's Christmas. Because it's in December well how it's December I don't like it either but if that is what gets us out of this deadlock and we know that the people in the country longing for some sort of resolution. And stop or counselor says the trouble if I was sorry and the a trouble 5 Manchester Airport bypass can't be allowed to flood again a section of the road was closed for the 4th time at the weekend after a heavy persistent rain stop or council says engineers are looking at preventing a repeat of that Michael Stone is the leader of the conservative group at the Council and says people are fed up with the flooding. We introduced George to sorry having a few technical issues there an official report into the ground fell fire disaster has strongly criticized the London Fire Service 72 people died in the blaze 2 years ago the inquiry says it's likely that fewer people would have died if firefighters had ordered people to get out much earlier a charity in Greater Manchester says technology is transforming the future for young people with conditions like autism seashell trust in Cheadle is using electronic devices and apps to help youngsters who've been unable to speak one of those to benefit his jaw choose a team to British people have been seriously injured in a shark attack in Australia the man thought to be in their twenty's were in the water off the coast of Queensland when it happened both are said to be in a stable condition. Stern is nursing sore feet this morning after completing a series of charity walks wearing just a pair of flippers Craig keep Please raise more than 7500 pounds for Manchester's Christie hospital this year and has just completed a walk from Blackpool to Manchester. B.c. Radio munches distorts with Jack round. Loss 9 mil to Leicester on Friday night now play Manchester City twice in 4 days you wouldn't want to be Southampton but the Blues boss Pep Guardiola insists that the visitors tonight still pose a threat and that are a team full of professionals elsewhere in Sport England have lost their final t 20 war game before they go on tour losing to New Zealand by 8 wickets and in boxing 55 year old former world champion Nigel Benn has cancelled his much anticipated comeback fight because of a shoulder injury more sport to come in half an hour Greater Manchester is whether another cold dry day plenty of autumn sunshine today some talk about the story in the papers about a musician he's appealing for the return of his 250000 pound violin after leaving it on a train so off after your stories of buy things that you've lost it doesn't have to be in such dramatic fashion it's I think you do. So we love to hear from you this morning even if it's just like this from John.

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