Transcripts for BBC Radio Manchester BBC Radio Manchester 20191010 190000

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In South Carolina so there are still going to be said about it's joy to be able to and the only reason why I picked him because he was so down dramatically that guy had so many so I'm just dues I just voted brilliant I'll deliver by the way I don't like it's not like a b.b.c. Radio 4 drama is going wrong but I'm going on this is just to get your own channel represents all the. Public give me a give me a ball to sound effects and I said this I'm going to say what the right one goes with them. Falling back you want your yeah I didn't do you want to go. But I don't want to do what I say about your old Oh but this one is I like it because it's me to be a passive aggressive and this guy just sounds like I mean just selling it yeah so sorry I will say it now because so I wake up in the middle of the night it's my it in my to bed an apartment I find being made pasta faced on the wooden floor I think nothing up and go back to sleep the next morning I wake up to go to welcome is a homeless guy my college my roommate woke up still drunk and had and had made friends of a bomb. Maker and you know. And this is the 2nd time he's a stranger off the street just strolling and passed out great you're probably thinking what does he have to do what does it have to do Matson cross Well I pull this products and proceeded to cover everything. With every t. Shirt every book every parish use his bed I covered his entire life and he will always have every crevice of aces exists until he dies did I tracks up one of my apartment Yes there's my copy like a cab if I don't live or if yes. It's a kill me but. What he would never have a straight just sleep on my couch will ever worry about I've done them gone off the street mad bring me even though I know. I cannot recommend this. Products enough unbelievably staggering value well. I just love it so much not the upper 3rd of all things a lot well way way way way way way way way. Produce a pov given that we're going to go for the all the. Inflammable was a beach ball that was it was laboring to play a little bit in. Public or for a time. We don't wasn't back and so I think we can split a prize Dave it's got on the b.b.c. Radio Manchester next up we are talking about our social media on the past skeletons our social media footprints can keep Should we be able to track them should be get rid of them listen next. To the. B.b.c. Maybe in Manchester. With. The dark. Because. I was so caught by the Jonas Brooke. If you listen to the b.b.c. Radio Manchester with me David Scott who just joined as you've just missed our new feature called Sufi all savage and that's where we Trip Advisor refuse all could be much a part of. Websites and i Pod Don't bring them across the inflatable beach ball that went. To the people of Florida I'll extol selling it that's one thing at a price I know I mean also wants a magnet to revenge from fide over that so we're going head to head and produce a pop has come in with the price a lot of people that should really take home produce a pub's of wrapping because they don't like an old school fishing ship it won't do . Just wrapped in newspaper so dramatic drum roll and we are going to give it to well draw will give us the final outcome of the old school and. What we. Got over the fence if you get in the way if you. Own my gun at all you know I do not know the name the bronze. Star and it's really. Well I don't I'm being a good go this week I'm back on my detox isn't going back to training so I must be getting I don't know shit I love that I don't know. I hope you share not we all go for when you go home oh yeah of course of course we'll be checking later on if you decide to do this because the shit and get in that back is so it next time it should be repaired It's 40 minutes to tell us what you think you should you should make more of an effort next time. Alex is when. People want it when people want when people on social media have him post comments and we talk about years and years ago but should be still just people buy stuff the statements they made online. When. Where do we draw the line of how to act like a limit on years off of a recent story that made headlines was a western doctress who allegedly got sucked after a homophobic Facebook comment from 5 years ago was found out of a recent example was Kevin How about to step down from hosting the Oscars following controversy over his tweets and he said I sincerely apologize for his insensitive words of the past now I think about the Kevin When is the 2nd time for the same statement actually apologized for it so I know should people be judged by their apostleship media comments I mean we're all a work in progress unless we begin to get good Muslims most like. To want to double to double 5 on one freedom of free stuff and your message with the word monk fight what do you think I think if this is a genuine view then you should be held accountable I think if it's something that could be very damaging I think 100 percent you should hold your hands up and say oh damn I missed that you know I mean but if it's something that was like maybe a joke sometimes it really just depends on me I'm really annoying I'm the I'm the kind of person Ok I have to focus on each individual tweet because everyone's different and some people need different things and some people don't let me give you an example that there's a rapper that I really like it she must've made a comment about. Colored people and that you know just like just a lot of color isn't going on there and it was almost She's counseling stuff but that was stuff from 5 years ago but it was it was really really weird for me because I didn't know because I really realized that the same time I've made me with some of the stuff she said and it's on said to me how would you like if people judged you had 5 years ago 5 years ago I was $13.00 so you can judge me all you want because I don't have the same mindset as a 13 year old but then the old you get the more you might say kind of. Like how do you know that if you're not if you know look I can say I'm older than you so I'm going to say no. No no no no I was saying that. I don't hold the same views in certain things Bob I did 5 years ago and 10 years ago the famous Muhammad Ali quote where if you have. The same views among us the same views when he's 50 as he did when he was 20 years wasted years of his life because because you know I mean you should know that Corny was going to box in front. But what do you think about what you think the people especially when they're losing their jobs over there and if they do hold up and said the man made a mistake is acceptable I think people don't change that much and it's not necessarily about the you it's how they conducted themselves so even when I was you know 10 years ago if I tweeted something then what I tweet might not necessarily be right but it's the fact that you put the tweet out rather than just keeping the thole when you know it could be sensitive to someone t. Itself you know if you think it's Ok to put a tweet out that 10 years ago that was necessarily have changed because we're still in a society where we tweet when we get angry with things if that's the type of person that you are and not doesn't necessarily change with age just how you conduct how you express your feelings with why would no one forgiving in this room who has a love Hi Alex obviously if something comes up that should be repercussions and then the apologize for it if it's like so one thing I remember was that someone was on a celebrity and then you got you have to get taken off the show because of the tweets he made like 5 years ago or 6 years ago when he was about 1314 years old and it's all right you don't know if they apologize and they sincerely mean it move on from it they don't think they're telling me that if you tell me that you don't think Lattimore was an immature teenager you know I didn't mean it that it's not wrong if you genuinely believe that and you're willing to make up for it why can't they just let bygones be bygones and just carry on because how can you believe what people say sometimes people don't change something is I'm not people are going to say I'm going to say the notion that I'm the same some people much just be apologizing for the sake of apologizing you know I mean because if you want this job of attorney or whatever you know how do you believe what comes up people's I feel kind of almost like it because now you've got to be careful now. Everyone knows because of what each week it is knowing your heart yet you have to be absolutely not going to post something about how I felt when somebody like bumped into me on the bus this morning you know I mean like because you know that stuff can be detrimental for later when you live so I think it's good because it's kind of making an example of them buffer that there's limits to this stuff if it was like 4 years ago even I told her something come on yeah so I mean like we've all made mistakes money you know that you know the thing is when you do it in person is that it's not cut their own does not and you look at that your footprint or you wouldn't like something that you've ever done Alex I don't know when you live in and hold some drunken slur that you've made it to us something coming back and haunt and you wouldn't want to know I because you know people do get drunk and drunk and the Ems enough but do you think we live in such a ditch or will know when you have. Your stuff you have a fall bar after that like you know one on Facebook and it comes out thing he said like 8 years ago or something not because it's fun just because I cringe Yeah and I want to find it so you tell me you go back on stuff that you cringe Bhansali on Facebook Why is it because you change the person you are from what you were 5 years ago oh yes I have you just said people don't change so much now that this may all right and I believe that it's the past you got to be held accountable if you do something not right all even if you change and it's quite good to be able to like trace how you have changed positively if people change but I think people may have been the chill that views. Intently deep down probably do say stay the same while. What do you think we've seen what's going on recently on the Twitter and social media today that broke causing yesterday with the 2 Football Wives did you think that should be thought of should be displayed on social media I mean yes no yes because he's giving a lot of people a lot of entertain people are saying thank you for keeping the international break very interesting. Because my mind is just full of like football stuff and then you're in the international break it's just like dead and quiet and then this came up and it's like Ok it's like it's brought everyone together it's made national news everyone into it is going to pin you know to everyone's making jokes about how it. Is a private thing at the end of the day but you want to make it public if you say in one of the you know I mean the only people you got that platform to do it yeah I thought I was going to make on that I think is a hoss Hoffa to me because obviously that I feel like I'm glad she did that because she kind of needed to clear the air because obviously there was someone like stuff that wasn't necessarily true and it was someone that she entrusted as well so I thought you need to clear that and say you know that stuff and she is just like an old trial thing he and I kind of like that but the same time you can't get everything even people in your business when you put your business yeah that's my main thing you cannot get every seat and I want if you said it did I did wrong to claim you found it funny yes same time you have the viewers like she's really what you just ask a face to face. Social media because you want a big she want to feel like there's a bit more when he applied the pressure applied we put stuff on social media because it's just that she's got receipts so you can't really lie and we shall see how about one develops maybe someone in the ring post Christmas been through. I want to clean those been though because of all the ways to investigate this is David Scott on the b.b.c. Radio munch as the next up we are talking about. Treatments have you heard of the Instagram. I was riding by Rick and this is David Scott b.b.c. Radio Manchester that good show as ever I'm joined by my panel tonight we've got Alec's Becky and we're going to talk about next the Instagram face now Alex didn't know what it was in the song he decided to look. At the Instagram face he's essentially making you so look like I have loads of makeup on so you are Instagram ready sort of all the time and so one of the people they were you know comparing themselves to was like Kylie Jenner and. Kind of like a filter pretty much all right which is wrong completely and utterly wrong. But. Anyway but if you want to. Say that there's a makeup artist girls sit in every day and they say I hate how I look I hate how I look and I want to have an Instagram face all the time and that stems from people like kylie jenner you can caution I think yes or are they can be role models but they also can be a little bit toxic especially to young girls growing up who are on Instagram all the time very impressionable. Young ladies who do you think. They talk would you be interested in the Instagram face. Even out and I guess. Dressed in the morning left the let's why didn't make it any mistake. No I guess maybe she and your impression of all that. But I think it depends on the type of person you are and what you value even light as an 11 year old you know. You value like looks and you know it to me that seems quite shallow but obviously people have their own interests. But now I think it's it's just I can't even light Yeah. I bet you do or that they saw of procedures going to people looking like clones I mean when you call fru remember when I go for my social media any way that I once got lots of you know exactly the same vote the same saw felt Yeah but I do agree with what Becky said in terms of it depends on what you what your mindset is like offering when I see the Kardashians I see like success and I see it like a sometimes Pod like you know all the time believe me but sometimes hard work and I think that's one thing I admire about them I don't listen to him either way they look because I do not look like them Ok so it's just like it's toxic but it depends on what your mindset is like I think because I will let's talk to the Cardassian the people about the role models because they are clever business woman I don't think that's the reason about people celebrate them yeah I know the think is as a father thought as I wouldn't be as concerned if they did not look up the business . You know just don't you don't think Alex when you're the one who's described them as being Yeah I mean it. I think I heard someone say like Kendall or Kylie that's been like made a billionaire. Kylie I heard the word so made Billy not like Tyler Kiley not self made it easy. They ever had that platform they well they were always going to be fine yeah don't talk to me about self-made billionaire she didn't sell this like business in a garret or a shed that you know she had the platform she had the money she had basically the manager who used that looks to promote their business for and not all because you could say that on the other side is that she didn't need to do that she could have cooperated lived the normal you know like she did need to push her ability when I was like I do Was it because it was a hose or was it her mom's idea. To show a look at you know the history of. Different Instagram face. To women back at you can you see your men getting involved in this I see myself going into the business confidence to come face with. Him on a short back and sides yeah and i just in the same way that the Instagram face wouldn't interest me but it wasn't me interest like a large proportion of girls it would send me interesting guys as well who. In my opinion her into their parents just as some girls either into their parents again it's about what you value as my personal Father did you find shallow and then for nothing these are surgical Asako that they are like. Nothing good that's my message to parents is let's let's be just not like you know dumb it down it's not like you know put it down it is you care about the way you look even if it's not like you're upset by the way that maybe maybe like you maybe don't but you just care about the body looked at appearance is what people see 1st if that makes Yeah but I think the only time when I see this kind of thing is toxic is when people don't know not today what she goes aspire. Some people use where they've never had surgery a day in their life but they actually have to think that's what a problem is if you can and the fact that you have had surgery Bravo do what you need to do you know I kind of I like those people could you not having these young impressionable girls thinking oh I want that I'm going to jump in gym and do 1000 squats and I know it's not going to happen lovely that you need to you need to be on the scene and to be realistic and I think that's the only time is to say when people aren't chief but if they are chiefly of going to have this procedure up on how that procedure then you know that's that's cool so yeah but that brings another issue of like your bank cuts not the same lovely you know I mean yeah yeah well for me beauty is in the eye of the beholden to yourself rather than chasing Oh no I'm going to. Show the people amongst us you know what you think about yourself and quite right too let's get in touch with me tonight on 0802 when I double to double 5 and one free to call and text on a one free to a friend start your message with the word Mike I'm joined by my panel tonight Alex fight I'm Becky Next up we are going to be touching on Secret Cinema The joke is out and I want to go and watch on my own am I in trouble. o m. I was just playing with hold my hand and you're listening to that that good show with me David Scott on b.b.c. Radio Manchester now it's confession time today I went and did something I like to do about my wife and that is go to the cinema alone the joke has been played up and I what I wanted to be to watch about being disturb so I went without her and she didn't know any of this and she does now because I'm climbing on b.b.c. Radio Manchester so I have a spec house and I may need to sleep but am I wrong doing that I mean I should prefer going to the cinema locus quite a solitary experience anyway unless you've got somebody who is next to your. Disturbed and if I could my wife does let's talk through films I am joined by a polygraph Ada Becky and Alex in none of you have see in the joke for July going cinema on your own I mean I will I will I'll do it once I went to go see Baby Dr a really 1st came out was that you want those days I went into town and if you base and there's the yeah I'll go. Sometimes go go watch a book on still in some of the I know one of my friends he goes all the time by himself. It was not going by itself but then again it was nice to go to the cinema and Shabda film with someone of the same time but in a day and age of social media you can always talk on line after you've watched and you know you'll always find someone to do the. Cinema recently but you won't see them go to Joe could you want to see someone else you know it's go see video not immediate aftermath is really funny was so horrible I found it funny but I think I'm annoying I'm a tool cos I don't have much. To look at so if I think of. That kind of thing lads I stop making jokes about the movie that's the only thing I do yeah I'm not me and I'm not going to look at that will talk to the whole me view and I be read aloud I'm not at all did you see that shit over that kind of thing. About my cousins are annoying because I did you see that but yeah I did watch in the same movie so yeah I did see it on my own so many men but yeah I was I mean if you watch them in a film that you've not seen before as I say most of the same I mean they're asking what's going to happen next almost possible. Usually with the director I don't know . Used to go like when I was younger I used to go with like a group of mates here and then for some reason a group aligned with the go watch flight with Denzel Washington and it was really tends to really quiet well make or Benny just leans over to just go you're enjoying it it's not sure yeah sure who was a bit I was always you enjoying it oh really i just love I got to remember what Once upon a time about the new Quentin Tarantino film the way he did exactly the same thing I like because he didn't know what was going on he said it but he told everybody we was going to phone and told everyone to all the but. I don't know why he just attacks most of the form but I bet he would do you think would you go see them on your own or do you find. You know I haven't been to the cinema by a self because I think it's going to come out on d.v.d. Then left the something that you have to watch because the spoilers but then you can probably find somebody to that wants to see that film. I've been to see a concert by myself and so I'm not opposed yet because I like country music no one else likes confusing and I think all the signal that it's going to come out on d.v.d. Comes that's not going to come out on d.v.d. Days Mr Delgado but I think that while this while without that I'm not a used to it because yeah. Yeah you probably don't have found. Your Ground very well the yes so do you think I was wrong for going on my own I don't think you know that or you wouldn't think you're wrong for not telling you why well told the whole thing was over that's what they did no more declaration of love than a can do nothing to contest in front of all the people among justified I mean I'm a kick now it's an argument played I want to try you want to try to set myself on time but we end up talking to myself so. You let me know what cinema you're going through now if I'm one of the nervous and. What do you find the most annoying thing in the cinema though is it talking to people kids yeah I would go see The Lion King and then obviously little kids are going to watch it and then we would. Go for and right like a family right behind us and they just told the parents it's all good all the way through the kids are talking all the way through I was just I was just looking at on life they should all the way through line to stay in Iraq and it was not because the messing around there you know rushing around was racist or that was not even telling all show she's the film being like oh yeah like full volume you gain a probably 5 minutes it's just why I don't bring the wife because because it will be easily Exactly yeah but I'm going to enjoy it I'm going to we're going to properly appreciate you know about the kids I saw the kids while the parents it's the only time the parents let the kids want to go on the dock and they get you know they might get a little bit about the what you like it's not something so selfish I like to the parents I'm not a good parent so the kids for several reasons find out what you say and anyone know when the eaten in the sense you know is among. People who on their find the homey. I'm not like you know when people are too annoying about this brawl of sit down. Sit down I thought the whole Oh I think you very much see if you put out about all of my own oh my my apologies and you'll see I'll just move to the side or whatever but he will. Sit down with my guy and what is going to be the sentiment. Of the people who just want to know if the cinema is full of I thought this it was well I know it's a find my seat is on my ticket it was my little thing I'll go if I missed it if the cinema is empty I don't even look about what's. Going to that don't touch my shoulder when the muse about. Us are selfish people a father she said in the sea that you allocated so broken the rules right if you will. If you would you want your film but your partner has already seen all this conversation came up between me and producer poverty of the day is that I always want to go to Rome always want to go to the city but my wife has been to Rome so I don't want to share the experience with her because she's already seen it and now would you watch a film with somebody else because don't they give it away different Yeah the one of the. Scene of a nonsocial are you went to go watch the adventures film and then I went to watch a few days I want to know mates and I want a few days later with my girlfriend I just stayed silent and I did a few like. The 100 look Ok and then she just didn't really pay attention and whoa it there but yeah you can you can definitely read people see especially when you're looking for the real it is a horror film or something you know the scary bit Kamila I was told it was a Martin Lewis is going to support a line recently after reset the cinema should tell people the actual time a film star is not half an hour before so you watch all the trailers I think and longer and longer they are saying that wasn't any way to the David j. . So it's not like a few days. Love story with all the actually talk if you want she's d.v.d. . Is nowadays that the CIA. Or the streaming services are available. Yeah the train is going along on a minute there. And as well if it's anyone on time for this and yet people walk in the transit for when you know really paid attention and people walk in late you know when people walk in and find the 6 districts and you only have. 2 that you do make a point there but let you transfer me about oh this is this is it for me I'll see a train about oh I need to see that 2 minutes late I forgot about it and this is that. For an hour when need be supposed of stardom and you can easily be sat there with a trainer. Yeah I'm going to dilute the drink but you are. Going to finish it by. Fits and this is why we. Need to. Be Kidding you composite d.v.d. And you can gauge of the kitchen to make the most but it is constantly you have to buy more. Than it's not you know you're going to end if you're going to see from all exactly what you're going to. Get back is when this. Strong gets a cold free to this is David Scott on the b.b.c. Radio Manchester been talking about would you tell your wife you vent to the cinema on your own my wrong to want a 5 or you can text me on one Free To Be Free stop your message with the word. Doing the chick it's my extravaganza of the Lowery to do some of the 2nd have been sold all the still time for you to get you'll be in the audience to be complete following East Enders actress Sharon and comedian and Ted Robbins also on the bill comedians Dave spikey and smoke the poly j.b. Fire engine and single of you tickets cost $10.00 pounds with all proceeds being split between b.b.c. Children in need from the lower there's not much each other which you can get you'll. Call all the small print someplace to face Mike Sweeney's charity extravaganza on b.b.c. Radio Manchester. If you. Say oh. That was Dominic Fike with 3 nice to David Scott this is the show on b.b.c. Radio Manchester If you missed us tonight we're talking about is acceptable to not lie to Mrs but you've got to tell the truth when you go to the cinema on your own to go and see the joke because you get fed up of her spotted by talking all the way through it we all thought a fantastic life session. Pick up on b.b.c. Sounds the end of the show as ever I am joined by my partner. Becky from he who is our resident country and western If you listen early on you would really realize the reference of what she's represented in. They really want to be a. Country music. Being you know more place is it. Not just is the biggest city so they get. To Manchester where is Sheffield like known from anyone who's not from the northwest a living legend I'm going to tell them and there are my friends of some of the big pond in Sheffield which I came up afterwards to talk about the country so you know we're going to talk what we thought remakes of how do we produce a puppet I would open a check of this week when she treated me. In self munch just to. Be able to take a drink of our coffee a siren went past and then we both saw Oprah to attention as though they were coming for one of those and we both got quite jittery and I was wondering is that guilty I don't know where that comes from it's not like something big says more about me in power where we're from growing up you know is a natural thing does a siren scare you Alex nothing you just more of a nervous disposition you don't scare me much because I think because I've grown up with every time he's gone off and I've been with my dad he's made a joke of it been like oh it was Ice cream of the speed laws to find. Doug Jones. That was very down to. The view of the founding even though you were so you just sort of like living there and then I started there if I see someone like run past me like you know full pelt even throw a jug something they don't put off it they just comes out and becoming more and more like a MacWrite. If you know what you'll go for a call to get on that Colleen look elsewhere where you know you know. That the jokes are coming thick and fast of Alec's I'm only joking obviously. Self munch just to you more than the law police aren't on the phenomenon of what role are all right let's get control. Yeah well we don't really get them like down the street so when they come down the street I probably would say you know like my brother's life oh something's happened because it's raw but I think you know if you're driving the panic really comes from. All the good able to get done. I mean I don't drive so like oh it's somebody else's responsibility but I think upon it. You know. We far enough out of the way at the right that it's an ambulance or if it's the police responding to an incident and they get past Rob I'm going to pull a Save a because I don't really think I have a guilty conscious. Well maybe I'll meet some friends I might think they might get pulled a gun to name drop them because you learn from. Them maybe in pubs just of no nerves just because somebody bought pos. Produce a pos look at all that the same don't you desk you may not look she's for she's from the west from us is by the way flame baby radio munch. Found out when the police got nervous about the song of the police not because of where I live. I live in north London it's nice area what time it is normal but I think it depends what friend I mean if it's the size of government I. Mean that in Pasco Pitt is not not not me I'm a law abiding citizen and I don't do anything wrong I think so yeah I'm a model citizen and I don't have anything to do you know you get what you. Owe Me If You. Find yourself having to give testimony don't drop into the American I was. Listening I am innocent I did not do anything wrong I said it was because I know you know you're lying I said I'll do it we know I'm going to win or a lot of the stuff you don't need a lie detector. What you think makes my way than you think I'm from him alongside originally so I grew up with the sound of the sound truck of sirens let's say and then the helicopter was circling the area helicopter for it you know yeah yeah. Yeah because I feel like I might be looking me in in detail and I don't know what's going to find me the swat team will come in just a helicopter makes you feel like a teenager. Because you know that when I look up is coming it's kind of like you don't know what they're looking for because that moves like I don't. Know what it was always look at them you see and I know I was little I was special you know I thought yeah that kind of thing like this but it's patient it's kind of when it's one of. The swat team. People you know you can intimidate them because I have a superpower that I don't know about and they know now they need to come this what seemed to come to get. To you is the pressure because. You want to make. And you know I want to say I am but I'm going to think in the next on the helicopter goes over. Here you know when he was being let out of the phone to like me to go. Not the way of us enough I'm just a must and hop a must and if you're just an teenage mutant we need to hear from you have we got an exclusive video mindset if you're if you're worried about them you can saw the police your area call isn't 0800 to one it will to double 5 out sex one freedom for a start your message with the word Mike I'm David Scott I really really nervous disposition when I hear sirens and I'd like to know why. I was flamed by CIA and this is David Scott on b.b.c. Radio munch just as the. Show tonight. And example just about say goodbye to him but before a do I want to check out what they think about the customer tickets and with the worst successful imo is my panel thought I was fatal Becky Alex thanks a lot for joining us tonight we've been an absolute pleasure you have made some revelations you need to go back and check out if you are just tuning in now has been a write off diner also came out the legend headline from Gloucester it sickens and the tickets sold out within 20 minutes I did you go for the tickets not it couldn't get any. Complete if I go I just didn't even pay attention I didn't even I don't sound well will you honey didn't just not want to know Gloucester music is going sail this is everything I did I miss that too yeah I was going to say well. The to you. What do you think what Diana Ross playing the legend stage following the footsteps of someone you might like actually Bucky Dolly Parton's played. A bit more on in the mouth was a very very very disappointed with. Oh boy. She follows in the footsteps of Dolly Parton. And the line all right you love oh yeah and percent yeah yeah I was. Talking balls earlier on in line will mess a lot of the names off the Lionel Richie run yeah it's the b.b.c. That was. I was so so close to breaking into a line or some limit I'm not one of the very folk I was on radio I don't so Kylie Minogue kind of funds in the house. She's I you know it was about if you don't like the trip it was yeah yeah. We saw featured. Talking about values that we see on line you will have to choose the next week to check out our panel bring with us both if you could point any one your last old line up with who would it be Alex. Fleetwood Mac. Yeah I think Neil Diamond would be here. If you was able to play any more I think you played a while ago in the Parkinson's is gone you know you can't really do much live performances and he will buy concerts and still Neil Diamond's biggest. Straight Carly call I'm going to show off I've seen him did a couple they're going to. I think Led Zeppelin would be good I think Pink Floyd would also be good yeah for leisure so I'm definitely going Fleetwood my needs to happen I've sold jealous of my sister saw them and don't eat in a few weeks ago she had like the best on Marley my mom amazing mother of a company is a huge plate with mushroom. Life so we could always direction but I'm going to 10 into a country festival was not enough good things about I like instead of do you know. That last you have next time you. Yes it's going to be a country line up where you can get some country legend Dolly often about a buck Yeah. Keith Urban he can be that can do it can be there again and then we'll get some of that you know my favorite album mogul model and he can be that Old Dominion him in the next week yeah my favorites myself that I'll let you know I'm sure if I don't go into the if on this the 1st bus and then. When you. Do you just open the never for me. I just don't yet know I was like yeah yeah I would be a. Big hearts not hot and I really don't. I don't know mornings alone time. Is not mean you know dense good level Jackie that's my country love and my be. Authentic Ok. Going to have to contribute that I'm safe there is yeah yeah yeah it's my. Passion I don't know if I don't know what your dream Gloucester people are and I think I'd have like you know a lot like if you see him right the little thing that Diana Ross is doing I have even Destiny's Child of boys to men. Oh my thank you much you know all the inside down that would refer to the devil get shut down their shorts. So I see the n.w.a. Just the child. Well said I say Boys to Men Yeah. I need to have been to the cluster before no no I'd love to go but I think I did like an artist a zone gig this summer festival in Cambridge so I think I'd like to do that the Nazis and get a lad Glasto a plan for it because I think it's just one part live for the next summer as all of the other parts I thought it was. One. Big I think I'll cut my skin in the streets and that was yeah it was it was my chance to write its finest let's talk of the bar and the things we are going to be calling the night with you chop some of these by what you do this week and the next I am going to the Lake District as we go you celebrate in Colorado I'm going to visit a friend in kendo he never gets weekends off and I've never had weekends of and it's just worked out that he's got this one with this one so going to kind of going to see him it's going to be absolutely you know chucking it down but like I said it's not way in the pub so if I'm. Wrong what we didn't see it's my grandma's 80th going to Ludlow and we're having a mid to Mystery evening. But if I have it my way it's going to be a country. Rather they better let you get to you I'm going to be in place you're. My grandma you want to Grandma's their sources saying talk about how are awful happy that they grow Mom Happy birthday by having the kids on b.b.c. Radio much as we hope of a great song I want you want to murder mysteries and if I got to 15 minutes to tell me what you want to include 15 minutes if you. Think I'm going to go to parliament to prepare my speech for the Houses of Parliament I'm going to have to prepare my speech in the House of Parliament because I do a lot of stuff going down there and talking so. Yeah. Well. And I thank. Bill.

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