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Concerns he isn't expected to be available for Sunday's match against Croatia in Cardiff but lot fell in the pummel holes in the men's team final as Great Britain finished 5th of the world gymnastics championships in Stuttgart Russia took gold had of China and Japan and they so much else and also goalkeeper passage Czech Hassel grass for I Spy signing for the National Ice Hockey League team Guilford Phoenix is a goaltender He's currently the technical and performance director at Stamford Bridge but will be the 3rd choice keeper for the Phoenix and we're trying when his Chelsea schedule Alas this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Salads. And a quick look at the weather mainly dry for most is overnight but some showers in western areas not 10 heavy in northern Scotland they head will sort of sunny in the east but Clyde Mame will spread into the West as the day goes on highs of 12 in Glasgow and 16 in Cambridge. a while in San Francisco it's business as usual commuters going south to Peninsula towns like San Mateo in Palo Alto Santa Clara and Tony Woodside must suffer the darkness with those who go north to Sausalito East to Oakland and Barclay and beyond to communities with names like angels calm and Grass Valley for the electric company Pacific Gas and Electric It's a preemptive strike with some small forest fires burning and winds at their strongest for the year p.g. And e. Is determined to avoid last year's disastrous fathers when winds brought down poles transformers blew and scores of people lost the lines. All over Britain its $5.00 cost to $5.00 Us night at Gilliam's 90 year old Wonderland pier in Ocean City New Jersey hello it's out of season the Ferris wheel and carrousel will be running again on Friday evening by prostate in Grand Rapids Minnesota Judy Garland was born here and just lot of us are trying to forget it 5 past 7 in the last people are coming down off the massive collapse of Ok No dear Ashton Idaho known as Island Park cold data and 5 pa 6 on 1st hill and Seattle Washington once are a treat for the wealthy it's now the site of 6 hospitals and locals call it Pill Hill and stat our news comes from c.b.s. . C.b.s. News on the hour I'm Pam Colter more than a 1000000 California residents are affected by unprecedented power outages done purposely to reduce the chance of deadly wildfires c.b.s. Says Steve Futterman reports throughout the Bay Area people are being affected here in Sausalito the power is out this man owns a grocery store in Delhi it's bad news for him detected all of my machines a.t.m. Machine freezer coolers with. Stop lights out they can be dangerous to drive this man nearly got into an accident people don't realize when there's no stop lights to stop and then proceed with caution and we've got it coming in there on the power could be off for several days Steve fireman c.b.s. News Sausalito California as many feared after President Trump announced he was pulling u.s. Troops out of northern Syria Turkey began an assault on the region. Mr Trump has received a blistering criticism even by Republicans who say he was leaving the u.s. Allied Kurds vulnerable c.b.s. Says Stephen Portnoy the president casts the conflict as inevitable they've been fighting each other for centuries he says he likes the Kurds but adds the steadfast u.s. Allies have been fighting for their own land asked about the prospect of ISIS fighters escaping from prisons now being guarded by the Kurds Mr Trump shrugged Well they're going to be escaping to Europe that's where they want to go they want to go back to their homes but European countries refused Mr Trump's request that they take in the prisoners Steven Portnoy c.b.s. News the White House saying he's violated his oath of office former Vice President Joe Biden says Congress should sanction President Trump to preserve our Constitution our democracy our basic integrity he should be impeached University of Virginia political scientist Larry saboteur this certainly wasn't a dangerous stand for him to take and polls have been showing that independents and even some Republicans are in favor of impeachment if not ouster President Trump called Biden pathetic and repeated unfounded corruption charges against him former Today Show host Matt Lauer is strenuously denying a former n.b.c. Employees claim that he raped her at the 2014 Winter Olympics he says his relationship with Brooke Nevels was consensual and new book by Ronan Farrow Nebel says she was too drunk to consent to sex with Lauer the allegation led to his firing and 2017 Today's have an a guy. 3 was speechless as shocking and appalling and I honestly don't even know what to say about it the Dow up 182 this is c.b.s. News the company that produces a popular workout gadget is fed up with the trade war c.b.s. Says Jason Brooks it bit is moving its manufacturing operations out of China for all of its fitness trackers and smart watches Chief Financial Officer Ron Kissling says in a statement that the San Francisco based firm is making a move in response to the ongoing threat of terror of in the trade war with China and it's made changes to its supply chain of manufacturing and has more changes on the way it did says it's devices will no longer be subject to u.s. Tariffs starting in January dogs really are man's best friend Brian Rand credits the dog he rescued 3 years ago with saving his life when his South Carolina home caught fire he says 70 pound curly nudged and pushed him until he woke up when he went into the hallway he saw heavy smoke and grabbed Curly to run outside half of his home was destroyed but firefighters were able to save Rands medals from his Vietnam War service Pam Colter c.b.s. News. On the rugby news of the moment we'll have more news about the possible cancellation of the England France game in Japan on Saturday and we're also. As you are having on this news conference from Japan the vote 4 o'clock this morning on what's going to happen about Scotland much all because of the super typhoon that is heading that way no talking about sport Iranian women are going to be able to enter a football stadium on Thursday for the 1st time in their kids to see Iran's World Cup qualifier against combo DHEA Fifa had threatened to suspend Iran over its male only policy of only letting men into football stadiums and the issue came to head after the death of a fan who set himself on fire in fear of being sent to jail for dressing up as a boy to attend a football match Melissa to hat as a Los Angeles Times reporter who covers foreign affairs on the run Melissa such a horrible story this wasn't because she was just a fun she was a die hard. Yes absolutely it really struck a sensitive chord inside Iran particularly for Iranian women and you know it didn't take long after. Her diary that's her name she was 29 years old didn't take long after she died bad you know she became the face of a social media campaign pressuring authorities to left a ban on women entering stadiums and she was quickly Iran's blue girl and you know Iranian women took to social media to really put pressure on authorities to let that ban and that's what we've seen in one sense in the weeks and some of the pressure has resulted in change does it does this mean the fifo really kind of swayed the issue here if if if it was threatening to to drop Iran from international competition. Yeah there is a lot of positive developments we've seen but it's important to note that whether this can really develop into a longer term solution that's still you know something that I'm skeptical about and as well as other Iranian women who are spoken to. But it definitely has put pressure on Iranian authorities there's seems to be a lot of internal conflict regarding hardliners and more moderate factions within the Islamic Republic when it comes to this issue and we've noticed that ever since the last week when tickets have gone on sale for Iranian women it's going to take a lot of coaches and for a woman to go to this much. More sort of facilities that are actually going to be. So there's been captures posted on social media of Iranian authorities putting up a fence and so at the moment there seems to be around I want to say $3500.00 seats that women will be allowed to sit at and that's been reported by Iranian local media there's been some discouraging signs as well Zama and one of them is that state t.v. Are not allowed to air footage that shows women's faces and there's been reports that suggest that female photographers have been denied press credentials and so. Those are some I think instances that show well how much of the reform is actually going to happen are authorities going to you know bow down to what fifo is suggesting or are they going to butt heads is it going to be segregated are you going to be able to stand with your boyfriend or your husband know is going to be segregated and that's one of the other reasons you know people have addressed this is you know moving in the right direction but how much is it going to actually change the circumstance for women in Iran when it comes to freedom of movement and the ability to do things that I think you know most people around the world take for granted. So a moment it's really up for grabs as there's a question as to whether this is going to be just a one off I mean it's going to go going to go through to the World Cup if they ever got to the World Cup. You know I'm going to keep my eyes on it it's an interesting development and tomorrow is definitely a huge monumental positive step forward but one thing to note is that the reactions that we're seeing from Iranian authorities and just recently it was reported that around 50 hardliners were protesting outside parliament calling for you know people who are behind this move to allow women to enter the game to be you know punished and whatnot so we're definitely witnessing a tug of war between officials who support this ban and those who don't and what about wearing you know scarves and all that kind of thing as a as any addition going to be permitted you know to the burka. Well women will definitely have to cover their hair in the past when women try to get into some of these stadiums to watch sports event they would obviously have to disguise themselves and part of that includes wearing wigs and stuff like that it'll be it'll be interesting to see kind of what the reactions are from people tomorrow especially the women that they'll definitely have to cover their hair and show modesty and what that's quite tricky I mean the the party line on showing modesty if you're too much lower scores. To do just their mutely and say Good job well that's that's the thing to know you know there have been exceptions to this ban on women not being allowed to enter stadiums in the past so you know at times certain amount of women have been able to get permits to go and watch sporting events but those are rare occasions and so tomorrow the reason why it's such a big deal is because. You know it's it's the 1st time in over 40 years where Iranian women will be allowed to watch the national soccer team or any male sport of that without a permit. So that's that's that's the silver lining in all of this I really feel like that's why a lot of Iranian women especially Iranian women activists are very very happy and you know they're been posting pictures of their tickets on Twitter on telegram. Tickets had sold out very fast when it initially went up for sale on October 3rd and so all of that is you know to say there's a huge you know women's rights movement that's Glossop thing in Iran and it's really being spearheaded by the younger generation and you know there are leveraging the power of social media in order to pressure authorities and that's a really beautiful thing to see because there's so much at risk if if people were to go out to the street and protest that way. And. We're seeing change. Thank you very much thank you. They American military has taken custody of 2 British men who fought for I asked some were accused of executing Western hostages . They were part of the notorious group which became known throughout the press and further afield as the Beatles speak to our washing correspondent Chris Buckley or Hello Chris. Very curt when was it confirmed that the these 2 guys are actually in American custody Yeah we've had a miller confirmed by military sources in the last couple of all is not as you know there had been a real concern about I asked fighters and that has become even more of a concern considering many of them are being held by Kurdish fighters following the invasion of northern Syria by Turkey and President Trump has been confirming that some particularly dangerous members of the Islamic state grip who were being held by Kurdish forces how being taken into u.s. Custody a low it is a relatively small number if you consider the thought of I asked fighters who were captured and President Trump has made very clear in recent statements that the u.s. Is not prepared to take all of them in what he described as being quote could be for many years in great cost to the United States taxpayer but we understand that 2 of the people of how being taken into custody are Alexander Kotsay and fail Shack 2 of these people known as The Beatles night that may seem you know inappropriate given the crimes that they committed because they're responsible for kidnapping torture rain and murdering westerners including journalists and yet workers but it is a name that was given to them by some of their hostages because of their English accents and they from what we understand have not been taken into custody and to be moved from what we understand to Iraq by the American troops and where they take it's going to be an interesting operation to. Lerone about were they taken before the probe actually began Yeah so from what we understand President Trump Azad this happened before the American troops were withdrawn from northern Syria and specifically a number of I asked fighters seem to have been selected by the us because of particular concerns about them and of course if you take a look at Alexander Kotsay and there were 2 individuals who were involved in a great deal of propaganda and that is one of the big concerns about the Islamic state group going forward that this is a group that has been largely decimated but at the same time there is this feeling that there has to be a war and they are concerned obviously about law and anything that could see the group build up again and so I think what is being done here is very deliberate in taking them we should say of course this parent custody of the other one of them we think was killed in a drone strike and the 4th is currently in jail and sarky they were convicted of terrorism offenses that of course you have the president in the afternoon when he was asked about European ISIS fighters saying well they were going back to Europe the Europeans are a bit taken care of them but what's the what's the u.k. Government attitude to these 2 you know known killers Yeah well at the moment it is very much the care that many of the Western nations including the u.k. Does not want to kind of get involved in individuals does not want the return of individuals who have been involved in this kind of Islamic state to the campaign because frankly they regard them as a danger and I actually if we take a look at the statement from the White House that came at the weekend they made the point that the u.s. Government has pressed France Germany and other European nations from which many ISIS fighters come to take them back but they did not want them and refused now you can read between the lines but the indications are very. Much that America has tried to say listen you need to take these individuals back but that the u.s. Feels that they have been lumbered with some of this problem and for the main time they're going to have to deal with that but but at the moment they're being held in Iraq there's no suggestion the heading for a gun tunnel at the moment it is very much in facilities in Iraq a low frankly at the moment given what is happening in northern Syria you do get the impression that American strategy has only just been formulated and I'm sure already you've talked in the program or by the kind of the impact of this incursion by Turkey into northern Syria there is a real feeling in Washington at the moment that this was not what they expected that the scale of the invasion that has taken place was more than expected and that's what was kind of some stated opens ition to what was being planned by Takei was not really taken as a deterrent and you do get the impression of the moments that they are reformulating strategy even if the president himself seems to be trying to say Listen as far as he's concerned this isn't a huge concern from a suspect it probably is thank you very much Chris. Now let's turn to the state of California where the power provider the electric company p.g. And e. Has started shutting off Elektra's to supplies to consumers in an attempt to prevent wildfires at least half a 1000000 homes and possibly 800000 will eventually be affected Pacific Gas and Electric says the power company turned off in stages I wanted so off as it is and so many places the power cuts could last for several days so because weather forecasts are predicting high winds and they don't want the poles to come die on our trees to come down on the lines and more transformers to blow and more fires to start it's an avoiding tactic to stop things like the huge fire that swept through the town of Paradise Lost in less than half an hour and left more than 80 people dead we're joined by Brian Edwards Ticker from Cape p.f.a. And Bakley Brian have you got power there. I've got power I'm in a part of the state that's just gotten a notice that our power outage has been pushed back to about 3 hours from now based on the latest wind forecast. So you have all been out to buy and candles and generators if there were anything left to buy that they shelves are completely bare in every store near here. How long of people knowing that this is on the cards. We started getting news of some kind of potential outage on Monday it was midday yesterday that the power company said some parts of the state might lose power for as much as 6 days and an outage obviously of a few hours on a windy night is a very different thing from not having any electricity available to you for nearly a week now people are stacked piling batteries lights as you mentioned generators but also basic supplies like water in my particular block we have not been notified by the power company that will be subject to an outage but our water provider has told us that it can't guarantee it'll be able to keep all its pumps going so we should have a gallon of water. About 2 and a half leaders per person per day for the next 6 days for the next 6 days as a lot of water actually is you know it's an immense amount of water it's also a guideline for earthquake preparedness a lot of us try to observe here in California so I just made sure our supplies were fresh it's not an original reaction but this is the disaster before the disaster isn't it well and in a way the troubling thing is this is a forseeable disaster if this is the been the power company's announced strategy for dealing with this kind of weather condition which is something that recurs fairly regularly in California and as you mentioned contributed to catastrophic wildfires in the past 2 years. So presumably they've had time to come up with a plan for communicating the details getting people prepared it seems to have been completely slipshod the official source of information. Where the power outages are going to be is the power company their websites been down for most of the past 36 hours they've had people up doing interviews on television shows say check our website if you want to find out whether you'll be subject to an outage and everybody just gets an error message when they go there we've been speaking to local emergency officials trying to get information out of them and they've told us they're still waiting on information from the power company to figure out where the impacts will be and how they have to plan them yesterday quite late in the day we got news that the largest freeway tunnel in this metropolitan region of about $7000000.00 people would shut down because they have a plan for keeping the lights and fans on not running through the tunnel and they spent the night hooking up backup generators but that's not something they started planning until it day after they announced the blackouts were another we're going to do this now that is that tunnel called a car which takes traffic from the East Bay into San Francisco's going to examine Cisco quite a quiet place and that well a matter of fact that they've got it up and going now they they hooked up I believe for fuel generators tunnel they had crews working through the night and this is after they announced to everyone that they'd have to shut it down so I think San Francisco will be emptier than normal jets because people are anticipating an inability to get there but the tunnel should be opened his hands sounds like the people in San Francisco are the lucky ones because because so far they've escaped. Yeah and the blackouts right now are affecting fairly peripheral areas they're not really in the metropolitan corridor going to come to all the hills and the coastline are around the metropolitan Bay area tonight from what we can tell I think the worst thing here is what this signals about a general level of disaster preparedness in a state that knows it is overdue for a major earthquake I'm speaking to you about well a kilometer and a half from the Hayward Fault which on average produces a major earthquake every 150 years it's been a 152 years since the last one was recorded that will almost certainly take out the power the water according to scenario forecasting will start about 400 fires simultaneously make over 400000 people homeless and this is how we're dealing with a plant back out here where does make you really really think and rethink but there must be so much frustration and and right. Yeah in particular because this is avoidable I mean the backstory to this outage is that the utility company the power provider which is the largest for profit utility company in the United States has a long history of neglecting maintenance of its infrastructure and particularly safety it was convicted of 6 felony crimes for its role in a gas pipeline explosion that killed 8 people about 10 years ago near here it's currently in bankruptcy because of billions of dollars in claims from people who were impacted by wildfires over the past 2 years and that's largely a result of the company neglecting to see to the rotting wood and fatiguing metal and its power towers and trim back the trees and vegetation now that they caught on fire. It's conceivable that if they were doing everything perfectly right we would still have some amount of power outages but not impacting $2500000.00 people for 6 days which is that what they're discussing at present. Well all of us with Brian and we'll check in again thank you so much thanks very much for having me Robert. Brian that words taker joined us from k.p. F.a.a. And backlit California and it's hard for us to form digital b.b.c. Sound small space. This is b.b.c. Radio 5 live here with b.b.c. News as well Lisa McCormick thanks Rod the u.s. Has not given Turkey the green light to launch a military assault on Syria by withdrawing American troops there's been international criticism of the Turkish attacks with some e.u. Countries including the u.k. Calling for a meeting of the un Security Council to British man accused of being part of a deadly Islamic state Salah being taken into custody by the us military. Shaken Alexander Coty have been captured by Kurdish forces in northern Syria both Johnson will meet his Irish counter partly overawed care to discuss Bracks it later it comes after the Irish tea shock suggested it would be very difficult to reach a deal before the end of October and while rugby is expected to confirm that England's game against France on Saturday is being called off because of Typhon hug obese is moving towards Japan and is expected to make landfall on Saturday Nick Paton has more on the Rugby World Cup and the rest of the Sport Scotland are expected to find out this morning if they've been knocked out of the Rugby World Cup despite their 61 will win over Russia yesterday keeping them in contention for a place in the last 8 their final group game against Japan in Yokohama on Sunday is in doubt because the fast approaching typhoon Well rugby have called a press conference for I am well a discuss what action they'll take they have the option of delaying the match by 24 hours by which time the typhoon is expected to have passed but cancelling the game will see Scotland eliminated if he's gotten the scrum half price a game of this magnitude with so much on the line for both sides surely you car to Sky or 00 obviously Japan would go through which they'd be delighted with but I think even if you'd asked them they'd probably want to. I guess the biplane and 80 minutes of rugby elsewhere Wales will be with that down bigger for their final pull the game against year ago. After suffering a head injury in the 2970 whenever Fiji is head coach Warren Gatland a didn't do and I was just because of the contact it was just for moves from Love Field because of it which means that you know he's not in consideration for the Sunday and then he'll have to go through the protocols and we'll probably get someone to have a look at them as well in football Wales will be without Aaron Ramsey for tonight's Euro 2020 qualifier away to Slovakia the event as midfielder didn't travel with the squad but his manager Ryan Giggs says he should be fit to face Croatia this weekend just a little bit tight as he is a doctor to Sunday sit down to travel with both Monday evening to debate on the grass today is your stay back to work with him over the next couple of days and yeah we're hopeful that it be available for select more than a manager Michael O'Neill says he believes the squad are capable of doing something special when they face Netherlands is saving the league to need at least a draw to keep their qualification hopes alive Germany top group c. After 5 games with Northern Ireland 3 points ahead of the Dutch in 2nd you can hear that game on 5 Live tonight from 745 Meanwhile England right back Trent Alexander Arnold says they have to be tied to defensively if they want genuine success gas Sask side of one all 4 of the qualify so far but they have been sloppy at the back at times including conceding 3 at home to Kosovo last month I think if you want to be regarded as one of the best teams in or fall New York and try and win when the competition are clean sheets and all concede a need to. Need to be sure we need can see if your goals are not to score more saw I think 4 was as defenders and another team as you know we know where we need to improve and not all who are going on and then play the Czech Republic tomorrow night before much else see and also go to check out what grass for ice by signing for national ice hockey league in Guilford Finnick says I goaltender is currently the technical and performance director at Stamford Bridge but with a 3rd choice keeper for the. Phoenix train myself the schedule our lives among felony Paul holes in the men's team finalist is Great Britain finished 5th of the Will gymnastics championships in Stuttgart Russia took gold out of China and Japan in 5 days from one. Join the Palestinians and him for some quality if you will experience with 24 hours you could feel what it is like to have your wife leave you. Great rooms. View the latest releases in come out a maelstrom review this week of reviews of the day should come in gentlemen Plus our special guests chatting about American James and John Robbins and film review Fridays for more on b.b.c. Radio listening to the cult costs straight after the show on the b.b.c. Sound this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live available on the b.b.c. Sound. Rock shop right well if you hadn't are persistent reports that England's final pool match against France in the Rugby World Cup has been cancelled because of Typhoon switches expected to hit Japan on Saturday but it is still the future of Scotland's vital match against Japan which they need to when to stay in the competition and we expect official confirmation of what's happening at around 4 am the sort of the 1st time in 32 years of World Cup history that a match has been abandoned without a ball being kicked in terms of patience pretty low stakes for England and France both still qualify absolutely not the case with Japan Scotland this game Scotland how to when to stay in the competition Matthew Simmons is an England fan and he's supposed to be going to the game and right now he's several 1000 miles away Hello Matthew. Quiet and I Good good where are you. A mom actually Manila in the Philippines and. We live pretty live in Bahrain my wife from the Philippines where I live for my son's christening when she actually pushed back a few days to go to England France can't. Fall asleep isn't like that can happen in my mouth Yes I wanted a little bit and then both. Completely gutted and we've been looking forward to this for quite some time Knight it would have been my son's 1st inkling I may as well. You know no one can control the weather I appreciate that appreciate that well let least in the Philippines you're way away from that system but it looks like a monster doesn't that. We were 2 people falling on the news. At the top of the typhoon looks huge it's it's by far the Philippines likely. Yeah what can you do what can you do exactly. What you would you prefer clearly you'd prefer there to be some other system of perspire on Monday rather than just outright cancellation it does seem rather unfair if it doesn't ring for your time a stadium is where the game would have been it's 70 plus size and people were living under that guidance I mean is a lot of people in a standby was maybe. It seems a little bit unfair to to let you say cancel the whole game with delaying or rescheduling both. Of them and it doesn't seem like the best solution to me. Someday from world rugby to quiz they'll be heavily quiz later but I wonder if they were really taking into account weather and weather caused cancellation it seems seems pretty pretty high handed really. I'm sure to hundreds so I don't see people safety is going to be the priority but it is unfortunate. So. You weren't planning to hang around the and watch England do more where you just can't go in for well one Yeah unfortunately we only had the English France ticket so. We were actually pretty basic 3 days so we were very As it stands our flights are still on seriously even if it were not due to slide until around 12 o'clock local time in the Philippines tonight. So we will rise the next morning and then again will be the next day when we fly back only some nice. Yeah it's looking less and less likely we'll be hearing at night yeah as a kind of tight as now I'm looking at the next picture day for the quarter finals and they are Saturday and Sunday of the following week so you'd have to be you'd have to be prepared to stay in Japan for an entire week that's at the lemma for any fantasy. Yes completely. Luxury we've gotten on models some of us as well. We we wouldn't be looking to stay. During during bad weather in Japan like that for a long period of time since the risk of Lakin stuck that. Extended period of time when really planning to go for 3 days it was is. Making decision for some planning are naturally so there's no way of going to chance it and you know fly in there not knowing whether they're going away are a conference. We're going to wait for the press conference if the game's on we'll be going to it again cancel it it's not worth the risk. By Matthew all. All sympathy to you I hope hope for a better resolution than the one that appears to be on the cards but thanks for talking to us thanks a lot of change but I thank you. Well the papers this morning. Dealing with. The situation of the 20 farms Here's the Guardian special investigation this is the list of 20 farms in the world behind a 3rd of all global carbon emissions it's a special yellow front page it's got inky finger marks all over it and the subhead as the polluters elsewhere there's an awful lot of Footballers' Wives you know what that's all about and then in the Telegraph the headline It still breaks it and it says there will be no extension without a new referendum or an election that is the condition for an extension according to The Daily Telegraph but in this morning's paper section we decided to take a look at a German newspaper and as it would happen we look at it on a day when there's been a most terrible attack in the city of Howard in Eastern Germany and America has now been attending a memorial vigil in Berlin for the 2 people killed by an anti semitic gunman in the Hala who even live stream the attack which took place on the holiest day in the Jewish calendar year on Kapoor I've been speaking to Dr Philip cut from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung who told me what happened the Frankfurter are going to try to stay as on the front page the full story all the news analysis feature stories from this awful attack on the synagogue and which last 2 persons or woman and a man dad were shot dead and 2 more were severely wounded in Heller which is a small city in East Germany your country Germany. For obvious reasons of course such a deadly attack on the Jewish institution in Germany draws a lot of attention worldwide and all the major parties and senior politicians have contempt this atrocity which was committed on Yom Kippur the holiest day of the Jewish calendar it turns out the hull a synagogue did not have police protection the one from Berlin or Frankfurt So this unable to attack or 2 to go there the attack started at around 12 o'clock a man who is now identified as a German 25 year old young from b. He went there with kind of dark military like fighting clothes and you were helmet even filmed these actions with a headset camera and he shot at the door of the synagogue while there was a prayer going on inside more than 50 people were inside and after he couldn't break into the door he went somewhere else and he shot this woman dead nearby and then afterwards he went to a kebab shop where he killed another man it's like a truly horrible story and it's reported in great detail so much as we know of until now it is you know one of the awful things about this was the apparently live stream that on Amazon that it went out on their life streaming service called Twitch Yeah that that's what he did and politicians and the police warned not to share these images because they would give him even greater attention and that's what he wants of course to have great attention and perhaps even to inside some people who might imitate his actions was anybody else hurt was anybody hurt when he shot through the door of the show no no apparently not I mean I've seen these images where he was standing at a very solid door and he was shooting with this shotgun and apparently this was a homemade shotgun or he. Builded himself it was not a professional gun so it was not working as properly as he has he might have liked it and probably that saved a lot of people's lives because if you had gone inside and they were paying 50 people inside and she could of done a whole massacre what is good or even appear then from what you say that that door was locked while the service was going on yes apparently was locked but there was no police protection that is something which will be discussed later why they didn't have police protection the major synagogues in Berlin and Frankford in Munich they have police protection around the clock which is sad it's necessary but it is necessary why didn't they have it there were also 11 other thing I would like to mention is this attack comes in a week where we had some other extremist incidents in Germany although not with such fatal consequences just the day before in Limburg a man kidnapped a big truck and he drove that truck into several other cars and people standing in the street and people were injured it turned out that man was a Syrian and you went to Germany in 2015 with the refugees then another incident on Monday where another Syrian man with a knife went to the synagogue in Berlin and he tried to to get inside he shouted a lot who are insults to Israel and he attacked the security personnel all these incidents together of course they created feeling of anxiety and fear especially within the German Jewish population and yeah I mean they they've also seen the attacks in France and Belgium in the last years and these murderous attacks were carried out by Xmas Muslims so we have this mix of threats from both sides Muslim extremists and right wing extremists as on Wednesday so this this right and. I mean it isn't really something which is deeply depressing development in Germany may have been other story here about a youth wing of the cd you were Americal Sparty and they're disturbed they say about extinction rebellion. Yes this is a this is an interesting development we also have a protest by extinction rebellion in Berlin the capital a relatively small group of protesters only a few 100 people did block road squares the pot some a square and also some bridges and Berlin and quite a contrast to the London police which arrested of more than a 100 people in Berlin the project of police was more softly and they didn't even clear the the main square the pub some of the quest for more than a day so in the Thursday edition of effort that we run an interview with the head of the youth movement of Merkel to you party he warns of radicalization of the climate's movement or the climate protesters and I give you a quote to let you know what is his opinion he says if protests turned violent turn into violence against people or objects or if protesters claim that they are the owners of the absolute truth and they exclude others from the scutcheon then we cannot accept that I mean he says that there are some signs of violent protests streaming I'm come from I think stance of the protesters who do not accept the decisions of democratic governments of Parliament and I think that's something which we will hear more in the the next weeks if these protests turn more extreme then there will be more skepticism about the whole movement I think also in this interview which is interesting it's about you know this that the section of the the youth movement of the city you with the current city leader and a great company our the new defense minister you might have heard that many people in Germany are not so convinced that she could be a good next chancellor after Angela Merkel and the young party members they're calling for an internal membership election of the next childlike candidate after Merkel and it's quite clear that what whom they would prefer. It's a more conservative and economically liberal politician pretty mouth who was the chief whip of the city you sometime ago so I think in the next month or the beginning of next year we will see or hear more of a bitter power struggle in the German governing party and especially about the question who will follow Angela Merkel as the chancellor and always aware higher NY as a backhoes words as far as Bracks is concerned do you have any news for us on that front no that was like more yesterday's topic in the Thursday edition we only have a median 5 analysis of what's going on in the talks between the e.u. Side and the British government but the story we have today on Thursday gives a little ray of hope that a deal is still possible yesterday the headline was very pessimistic and it read like the tensions between London and the e.u. Are getting more intense you remember after the Merkel Johnson telephone call and this ensuing blame game who is obstructing the chances of getting a deal this new analysis claims that there is still some hope for blacks a deal and the coming meeting between Johnson and live after other Irish prime minister will be important and the new proposals for the Irish position are discussed the question whether Northern Ireland remains in the Customs Union or not this is certainly a crucial question So overall we. Haven't given up all hope for a deal or breaks a deal but the chances are not very big I'm afraid for a solution. Of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Well as we heard from our Washington Correspondent there's a deal of hand-wringing there over a much bigger than expected Tarkus assault on Kurdish positions inside the Syrian border Turkish jets took off on Wednesday afternoon to be followed in some places by ground troops up all night Turkey analyst Laura wells in Ankara gave me her thoughts on the day's tumultuous events we knew this was going to happen at some point the weekend President announced that he would allow a turkey to start its offensive in northern Syria which it has wanted to do for years and get the u.s. Troops that were based especially northeastern Syria amongst the Kurdish fighters also known as the star and democratic forces or at least they dominate a certain democratic forces that they would retreat and at one point there were up to 2000 u.s. Special operations forces in the area it is somewhat unknown really how many remain and exactly where they are at this point even people on the ground are wondering if u.s. Bases are even open that were in the area some of which are being hit right now in those areas include towns of commission where one of the largest communities northeast Syria is based. There's airstrikes They're shelling there are ground troops also in areas of Derek blues and the democratic forces are saying that they are either being hit or they do see this is the Turkish professional army as well as their Syrian rebel partners the 600 kilometers of the border and 4 kilometers deep and again mostly in north eastern Syria and amongst these Syrian rebel groups some of them are rather Islamist or even 1 May say extremists Brett McGurk who is the former u.s. Special presidential envoy for the global coalition a counter I says he resigned at the end of December 28th when President Trump said that he was going to withdraw u.s. Troops from Syria so. Said in the past few days some of these have ties to al Qaeda and as we've spoken about before some of them absolutely do they're basically offshoots who are still in contact with al Qaeda. So at the beginning of the day let's let's get a picture of what actually happened 1st of all Turkish airplanes took off from dabba care inside Turkey and on the they we made their way the 2 s.d.f. The Kurdish military positions did and started dropping bombs on them. That's right there's also reports of civilian communities being hit as well you know it's rather chaotic on the ground I've been poring through a lot of videos especially of some of the airstrikes or the shelling where's some of the ground troops or tanks the S.T.'s strained democratic forces they said they're in it for the long haul and they said they even repelled a Turkish army incursion into. This is just the beginning I mean we should say that and we will get more clarity but it looks like the biggest offensive this is the 3rd such large scale operation Turkey has tried in northern Syria with the Kurds. I would expect as most analysts would to be the largest to date Terry army and. The Turks have been wanting to to call a safe zone isn't. Really going to be safe or is rather open to question that's right there are civilians fleeing right now obviously I mean it's an act of war zone it will I'm sure continue to be again to go to the Turkish supply what you've got here is an area maybe about 20 meters deep something like that but they're essentially almost clearing of of everybody they're targeting every population in the strength that way that's absolutely right because it's basically Kurdish controlled or strain democratic forces controlled they believe that that is a terrorist entity certainly it is Kurdish fighters dominated and that group the white is absolutely an offshoot of the p.k. K. Which Turkey has been fighting for about 40 years now so both within Turkey and in northern Iraq and also obviously non-serious I mean this was to be expected this has been the bone of contention with the u.s. And European partners now for years and when I guess strikes me in particular is that this was almost inevitable unless there were a massive undertaking to. To really work out a great peace plan between the p.k. K. And Turkey brokered either by the United States or your cans or someone else this was rather inevitable but either that or Europe and United States would have to get more involved which they are loath to do and probably occupy the north the us and European do not seem to be willing to do that now we're looking at leaders all over Europe and all over the United States except for President Trump and they're incredibly upset there's now a bipartisan bill late Wednesday in the United States that has been proposed by the Democrats and Republicans to heavily sanction Turkey not only the president all the top ministers to ban military transactions with Turkey dissension its energy sector to prohibit any u.s. Military support for Turkey to trigger Katz's sanctions and restrict us visas for Turkish leadership so there's a lot of pushback from many different leaders but ultimately the u.s. Special Operation Forces remember the anti ISIS coalition was led by the United States and that that is who is pulling out now and has agreed to allow Turkey to go in is there any clear sign of the u.s. Forces who have pulled back are actually doing over just waiting. That's a great question it is unclear where they are exactly probably still in the region could they be the northern Iraq yes absolutely or other parts of Syria Yes Well you know we've just seen on Tuesday there was an attack in Iraq which is the former ISIS stronghold which was taken over by this train democratic forces not so long ago and I would assume that they would be watching for further ISIS attacks and trying to work with the State Department and other allies of the anti-S. This coalition to try to make sure that doesn't happen but President Trump made clear more than once the past few days that Turkey is now responsible for all of those ISIS. Prisoner sound that is about 10000 ISIS fighters now in Syria that is approximately 30000 ISIS family members mainly and the our whole refugee camp and north eastern Syria they have been reports on Wednesday that dozens of ISIS family members have already fled that is been brewing a crisis already because the democratic forces were managing that refugee camp which was completely overburdened by 70000 refugees and they had to separate ISIS family members from the rest of the refugees because many of the ISIS wives or widows were attacking the other refugees setting fire to their tents stabbing or salting the guards and even reports of murdering their own for women who refused to cover their faces so it is an ongoing issue and certainly one of the main criticisms of all of these leaders in the West that they are terrified that Turkey who has really not in any meaningful way taken on ISIS within its own borders really if you look at all of the suspected ISIS members in Turkey most of them have even if they're apprehended they're either let go pending trial or they are given very light sentences really only the ISIS operatives who have carried out deadly attacks have been given stiff prison sentences and we do have to remember that since the Syrian civil war began we've seen the transit about 40000 foreign fighters going from Turkey into Syria to fight for ISIS and it was only when foreign countries gave names and specific information about those fighters and demanded they be apprehended that Turkey seemed to act so it's certainly a concern. Laura wells. Just to take a look at the super typhoon at the moment is still making its way towards Japan it's about 950 miles south of Tokyo according to the National Weather Service but it's moving about 9 miles an hour and it has stayed winds of 160 miles an hour 160 miles an hour which is equivalent to a Category 5 hurricane if it were to come ashore where there was kind of when it's going to certainly knows what would happen but it's projected to weaken to about 90 merely 90 miles an hour so this is the real threat when we're all talking about the rugby remember that Japan faces a traffic threat here and at the moment it's still tracking and a vague kind of way across both Japan and farther east so could go either way and let's all just keep our fingers crossed doesn't just come barreling up. Wouldn't be a good idea. On the Scotland game. We have a. Northeast . Spread criticism of Turkey's decision to attack northern Syria a growing defensives been launched ours after our strikes hit territory held by Kurdish led forces our correspondents or an Aquarian is close to the Turkish border it has caused alarm in the European Union it has been described by President Trump as a bad idea but of course many will point out that President Trump himself had helped pave the way for all this the Americans withdrew some of their special forces who were on the border here that gave a very clear signal to President art that he could proceed America denies that was the green light. To British Islamic state fighters are among the group taken into custody by the American military. Shake and Alexander were part of a cell nicknamed The Beatles which is thought to have tortured and killed nearly 30 Western hostages it's claims they've been remade from a Kurdish run prison in northern Syria but his Irish conjure part. Or to discuss the breaks it deadlock it comes as the former foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt arches e.u. Leaders to reach a compromise with the prime minister while it's still possible Here's our Political Correspondent Chris Mason Jeremy Hunt former foreign secretary not had much from him since he was in the leadership race for the Tory party he has written to his former colleagues the foreign ministers urging them to try again talking about the senseless rupture of a no deal price it but people are now focusing on the next thing how they might for a straight parliament attempts to stop it in a few weeks time and house in the election and investigations underway into fireproof did a working men's club in Lancashire killing 2 people emergency services were called to the scene in Morcombe just before 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon and our reporter Mark efforts and. The men were rescued from the Golden working men's club on Springfield Street but unfortunately they died a short time later the police say they're investigating the incident with the fire service 2 men have been arrested over the murder of a woman who was fine dead in her home in west London 58 year old Sarafina in the shadow was find with head injuries and last month. Englands like going chief medical officer says the government is nowhere near meeting its target of how thing childhood obesity by 2030 professor at d.m. Sally Davies says ministers should consider things like introducing plain packaging for unhealthy food and extending the sugar tax the government says it'll study the report closely and England's Rugby World Cup clash against France on Saturday has been cancelled because of an approaching typhoon official confirmation is expected in the next are it's not the only game in tights Here's Nick Hatton with that sound the rest of the sport's Scotland are expected to find out this morning if they've been knocked out of the Rugby World Cup despite their 61 will win over Russia yesterday keeping them in contention for a place in the last 8 their final group game against Japan on Sunday is in doubt because the fast approaching typhoon Well rugby have called a press conference for I am of the discuss what action they're taking if the game is cancelled then the Scots will be eliminated down bigger will most Wales final pulled the game against your ago-I because of a head injury suffered in the 20 $917.00 win over Fiji our Rumsey will Miss Wales Euro qualifier in Slovakia tonight Leventis midfielder hasn't trouble with the squad because of fitness concerns he isn't expected to be available for Sunday's match against Croatia in Cardiff Marques Whitlock fell on the pommel horse in the men's team final as Great Britain finished 5th of the world gymnastics championships in Stuttgart Russia took gold ahead of China and Japan and the former Chelsea also goalkeeper passage Czech has grass for ice by signing for the National Ice Hockey League team Guilford Phoenix's a goaltender He's currently the technical and performance director at Stamford Bridge but will be the 3rd choice keeper for the Phoenix and will train with his Chelsea schedule Alas this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Ses must speak out some of the weather forecasts are mainly dry and I overnight for many that showers will continue in western areas in turn have a in northern Scotland the day ahead will stop all sunny and Clyde and rain will spread in from the west as the day goes on highs.

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