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4 o'clock now let's get the latest news for Greater Manchester badly a Marx to reason may is warning online intimidation and aggression on social media is threatening democracy and a review of the current legislation is needed as part of a speech the prime minister gave this afternoon in Manchester to mark 100 years since some women got the vote Mrs May paid tribute to the role Manchester suffragettes like the punkers played in changing the face of democracy councillor Sarah judge from Manchester City Council says 370000 pounds of government funding is being spent on making sure people know about the punkers center and events in the city initiate presents an opportunity particularly with the government funding that we were granted earlier this year to make sure that more people know that the center exists and to make sure that the other very safe Stevenson square Heaton Park where major events occurred in the fight for me so if we did it to try make sure that as many people far more you know the events that existed Manchester United have been marking the 60th anniversary of the Munich air disaster today with a ceremony at Old Trafford 23 people including 1901st team players lost their lives in 1958 survivors Harry Gregg and suburbia Charlton were among those in attendance along with the current squad and the club's executive vice chairman Ed Woodward at the rising of the sun and at its setting we remember that as long as we live they too will live. For they are now part of us as we remember them. Plans to increase car parking charges in Stockport are expected to be approved tonight the original proposals included doubling some prices but under revised plans parking in the town center will go from $80.00 to $90.00 an hour for the 1st 15 minutes free in some places the Council says it could raise half a 1000000 pounds where they're facing multi-million pounds worth of cuts Robert Downs is from the Greater Manchester Federation of Small businesses it's great that the council have listened but the changes are making are going to great for everyone of that think really spoke the good news is that the keeping in the our charge that's what a lot of the. House and for how to cry with. The portion of council tax that goes to Warrington Bara Council will increase by nearly 6 percent from April if plans are approved next week the council wants to raise its part of the bill by 5.98 percent to help plug a funding gap of 15 and a half 1000000 pounds Meanwhile a Greater Manchester m.p. Is warning up to 10 councils could be forced to impose emergency budget controls because of a shortage of cash it's after the conservative or Northamptonshire county council took the unusual step largely because of rising social care costs the government says it can't intervene until after the council is independently inspected Labor's community spokesman Andrew going the m.p. For tension and redish told the Commons ministers couldn't ignore the problem how this minister treats Northamptonshire will be looked on very closely by the sector so what could until you can see arrangements has he got in place should over all fora to his full over the cliff that Judge Crater Manchester's where the now and it is cold out snow through the afternoon and staying very cold and frosty the seeding with overnight lows of minus 4 Celsius. The seam radioman just travel update certainly is very cold and very snowy Is it affecting the roads Greg Edwards well for the time being defined the wintry driving conditions everything sooty on the move Chelsea really am. The m 60 on the clockwise scientists looking fairly slow from a junction 10 near the Trafford Center around 12 tackles going through the ongoing road works there and it is really slow on the Mancunian Way already by the way round from London Road to pass the princess road in the chest the road roundabout towards that region road has some heavy traffic as well coming in on the m 56 already from around 4 with unsure 3 to the m 60 and traffic on the 10 eyes are going towards penance looking slow on the m $67.00 already at the end of the my trike and to junction for tomorrow regulars from the way plant causing some southbound delays on Liverpool Road on the a $58.00 going towards the Warrington road junction temporary traffic lights in place that will save you heading towards Haydock road works on the whole road need to be strong straight causing a few delays for traffic if you can update us at all the welcome to call and I want 61228 double to double farm shall see no recent drives you b.b.c. Radio Majesty. On now I do have an apology to make. I asked the question in Chelsea's chase from what tree do conquers come from now Simon in Rochdale said the oak tree I had a tree written down and I said yes you are right. Anyway then Craig who was the you know challenges today said no about the Iraq thing is the whole stress not Triassic have to do some research anyway the phone lines are going bonkers that always means they don't need to do in research I know after that wrong and I have done it wrong the next question that I had was which kind of tree did Charles the 2nd hide-N. I was looking at the answer to that the answer to that is the oak tree what kind of tree produces conquers it is the holes chestnuts thank you to everybody who was called in to correct me everyone who's text me to say I think you're wrong Listen I slap Masel consider myself told I pay. Are going to. Grow the lower B.b.c. Radio Manchester is just coming up to 10 past 4 Hello Chelsea Hey with you on the drive home until 6 o'clock tonight we've got traffic updates every 20 minutes by the way if you're a bit worried about the weather we shall keep you up to date on don't miss 6 directly after me tonight because you can hail once again the story of how the team led by b. Was lost when that plane crashed 60 years ago today just after it took off from Germany at Munich remember that is why. Tonight Show is all about and you'll be able to hear how the team in the club will rebel in the aftermath from those that with their survivors talking Charles and Harry Gregg as well as supporters on their memories of the team which is of course nicknamed the Busby Babes make sure listening to Munich remember this evening as part of sports sex on b.b.c. Radio Manchester but today of course is a landmark date of a different kind it's the 100th anniversary to the very day that the 1st woman in Britain secured the right to vote now the victory marked the end of a very long fight and a new law which only applied to those over 30 years of age it would be another decade before all women got the same voting rights as men but $918.00 was a turning point in women's equality now reports of Jacqueline Payne has been looking at how men just as Emily Pankhurst was at the heart of the struggle for women to have their voices heard. Arguments from. Women just. Let the men do. It wouldn't have happened without that. Today you know. It was this hot bed of activity. In 1908 men just as Emily Pankhurst moved to 62 Nelson Street ensure no med log the family were downsizing to pay the bills she began work as a registrar of births and deaths Shayne is a volunteer at the center because it was working class district actually infant mortality was quite high so she was kept quite busy fortunately. The impact of society she was already in an unpaid role she was a pool or guardians she saw it firsthand and her late husband Richard had spent years fighting for women's suffrage or the right to vote in elections but 5 years after moving into the. Torreon Vella decided the peaceful suffragists campaign wasn't working something more radical was needed the details were confirmed in a letter to the Clarion newspaper it will be of interest to many of your readers to learn that we have in Manchester founded a Women's Social and Political Union its object being to secure for women complete Call it was the start of the radical suffragette movement we ask you to publish this appeal to all women it was an era when campaign has got their message across by staging rallies and speeches Emily impact has abilities on the soap box according to Jean Bailo a blue badge guide in Manchester helped to grow support she was a good speaker she was charismatic there were a lot of educated upper class women middle class women who also suggests could appeal to those women should be those for appeal to the women working in the fire to use the military has. 912 a campaign of militancy began amylin 3 daughters were among hundreds of members they chained themselves to railings bombed buildings heckled politicians and how it marches for the cause Elaine to phrases manager of the prank center there were lots of meetings a lot of factions the whole of mantras journals munches to solve old and I'm subject did take off it was in an exponential growth and I think the direct action was the call I think lots of women and men who supported the subject movement wanted more done. Now w.s.p. New branches all over the country and public opinion began to shift further when the government authorized the use of force feeding in prison the suffragette campaign was paused in 1914 at the outbreak of the 1st World War at the end of the conflict women over 30 were given the vote by then Elaine to freeze believes the fight for women's equality had taken a hit. Huge toll on the family I know that she had very little very little left when she died the money went into the subject movement so the cost was financial obviously the health so if they've been forced but possibly the mental health I mean who knows and destruction the family. Of the little ditty at the end isn't it a lovely piece Jacqueline pain and joining me this afternoon is Helen I'm tribus from the People's History Museum hello I know I know you've had a very busy day because it's a very big day it's just explain the significance of today well it's an incredible day it marks 100 years since as you said some women 1st got the vote it was only women over 30 with props quote qualification but it was all men got the vote as well so it was a huge victory for working class men those who'd been fighting in World War want and it was a massive victory for the suffragists and suffragettes who had spent you know since 1967 fighting for this moment the movement started him on just a played a massive part to reason May's been up to date to to sort of celebrate all why he. You know what was this all major significance Well we can look back and. Personally I think it's the most radical city not just in the country but I would say in the world it's incredibly radical and it's lent itself so many campaigns since the early 19th century so when women suffrage just start in 1967 it seems quite natural but it happens here every month just because and only you know sort of 40 years before that we've seen the peacefully Muska happen where they were fighting for reform so it's a fight for a farm especially democracy in this city doesn't come as a surprise after all I think to the people who live there and a lot of the suffragettes you know knew about this which is why they directed the campaigns Harry munched all sorts of things did did occur for this. To be changed today said that for over 30 people over 30 with the house and then what happened in the next 10 years for that every woman and well the next 10 years to lead to 928 when all women aged 21 and over and all men aged 21 and over could vote that was incredible actually because women could finally become M.P.'s So not only could women vote but they had a voice speaking out for them in Parliament so women such as Ellen Wilkinson he was an m.p. Born here in Manchester and know the great mind Kenyan she speaks out in parliament it's as the women who need the vote the working class women who desperately need a voice on getting it and it's those sorts of things that carrying on the legacy of the suffragists into the next decade was so so important for all working class women together there were lots of sort of law breaking type things occurring and there's been. You know a lot of these women should actually get the Paladin now and be pardoned do you do you agree with that think and I think the intent behind it is really nice and I think the suggestion is nice but they did break the law does it does it is a bit difficult to say well if you doing it for good or good reasons I. Wanted to get arrested you know they were doing these things to get the attention of the government and the public and I think you'll pardon something that they did break the law that was you know if the company and so it seems a little bit strange that we shall see well. How have you been marking at the museum I know this isn't something that just popped up today you've been working hard for a couple years. So we have some incredible suffrage bonus on despite the moment in our payment galleries but we're going to have a lot. Jean and which will feature loads of incredible credible suffrage items what we're actually doing a massive call out to the public so anyone in Manchester can share that objects and their stories to put them in the exhibition because we want to show that this isn't the end of the fight there's so much still today there's loads out there and say please everyone give us your objects I remember when it was the guy. Monna straight . As a charity and they sort of did a bit of an amnesty and said if anybody locally has got anything could you return it and they got Jesus on the cross in the next minute and they got there in the boxes with the chains that they could read everyone's locally sometimes it is amazing I was still just hidden in little how that is all over Christ Manchester and do you think I mean with everything that's been going on with talking about equal pay rights and women's equality and and taking down you know the girls from the darts and the. Do you think it's. Do you think it's come a right good time all of this is this sort of like and bringing the 2 things together I think say we can you know look at 980 and look at 2018 and although a lot of changed we still have so much further to go and I think it's incredible that you know the women's marches and the time's up come pain things like that happening right now because I think both the suffragists and the sofa Jess would be immensely proud that their voices and their campaigns are still inspiring women today to fight for equality and fight for the basic rights democracy and a values I think above all else and I wonder what where will be in another 100 years I really want to have our children our children well but I must say we've had the most amazing twists accompanying going today as well some on the 100th anniversary we've been asking all of you to to get involved and take a selfie of yourself either at work rest or play or doing all of them you know holding the baby with a cup of tea which is quite often nothing in my life the idea is basically to show life for women 100 years on from the 1st woman who got the vote now you can do a photo as complicated as you like could be you having breakfast work out with your friends it's up to you I think Helen and I going to do a selfie definitely laughter because she looks much more glamorous. If you would like to tweet your photo and make sure you stick as in it plays at b.b.c. Radio monk and use the hash tag soft city. City as city we want as many photos as possible just you do whatever you doing b.b.c. Radio money's in the hash tag city. Twitter in just a 2nd and see a picture of me and Helen Helen thank you so much for coming in today lovely still . Yes we look forward to celebrating another 100 years. From. The. Roxy Music is the drug on b.b.c. Radio magistrates just come 20. Very wintry out it's a fact in the ride it's. Just trying. To driving conditions of things if you going over the past stretch of the m 62 some wintry showers sunny reducing the visibility but for the time being traffic is generally coping quite well they may try use the usual building up on the m 60 on the. 12 goals and heavy inbound on the air. $56.00 from for a wedding sure 3 towards the am 60 not to about 20 on the m $67.00 in either direction for the time being and the same goes for the m 6 from the plant bridge area and there to waken delays on the whole right on the a 58 because of right near to the junction with that Warrington road to and traffic also looking very busy going out through the region on region road going out to wards the 6 o 2 but they've lifted a right works for the day quite a long queue on the monkey m y s while very slightly from London right around past the chance to write roundabouts towards reaching road if you can update us on any of that they do call in 016-1228 double to Double Fine Richard standings No Even so it's getting towards our special song going to you know when love is in the in just a few days it's Valentine's Day I'm no better way to cya love you with the sound of Northern Soul lyrically marvelous and sensually performed by artists that made every word they sing memorable my work is to make you feel good dramatic arrangements powerful production to make the heart flutter Richard so. Friday night from town b.b.c. Radio Manchester Well it's just gone 20 full minutes past 4 it's Tuesday that can only mean one thing it's this today and that goes he was there hello I've missed I've missed you tear you don't do you know it is I hope this is going to be one of those weeks and in fact the following week says well I'm going to be one of those occasions when you say my goodness there's something for everyone well it looks as if there is let's get straight is the way I mean there's so much going on funny women yeah Jimbo we mentioned as a few weeks ago that there's the funny women awards and you know it's funny why would. And it was funny with but it's like ironic isn't it today of all day yeah it's only 30 or 40 years ago I remember interviewing you know a very. On Me Don't French and Jennifer Saunders who were told 30 or 40 years ago that women can't tell jokes Mike you're too young to remember those days but they were so appalled and feisty when and look at them now they've just done the best thing and that's to go on because example I do anyway yeah so what is intriguing about these funny women awards which I mentioned a few weeks ago because they've been going on and you know this has been a record year they've had over $400.00 and trays for women doing stand up the managed to hone it down to like 70 but the regional finals are for Manchester going to be held on the 28th of fab I'm sorry if you haven't applied before it's too late 12 women are going to stand up do their thing and only one of them will go on as a national final isn't a awful night the national finals are going to be hosted by John grave and you know she's one of my favorite Yeah so we don't drink as a normal. But here it's going to be one of my favorite could be DNS Barbara. The woman who does that rug stage you. See things that were almost like she is fantastic and I thought it was cold and I said afterwards. That was just a prop wasn't no. Good for all 12 but yeah if you're not the one that guy was the last spots is that these things can. Get You know this is going to be held at the Tri Be Ca bar I don't know if you've been there you know it's a small venue and not quite good because you know if they're just cutting their teeth but hang on to it for 400 and the other regional 12 most big crowd out so it's going to be a great night that's the 28th the fab So something to look forward to definitely I know as we're talking about comedians if I say the sin amounted to you. Does that mean it is the only Cinnamon I can think of is off the cherry is it. Was me Becky I didn't know that he was a stand up comedian you wouldn't think so from the show no that suits quite comedy that. You know to tease dramatically lost weight the others haven't but he's kind of. Ok every time he comes on the looks to me as if he's been on some amazing work or maybe just got better. I don't know what he's going to be holds on Saturday night that's going to be great because I'm sure there'll be lots of funny stories to tell about the chase but these people are amazing isn't anything you see them yet packaged up as one thing yeah and then there's something completely something we have it would mess with your mind but that's how we started off not ending his living all these years but mine of information is going to say being a genius on the subject you take either one of them. But I just thought to even not to score a bit of mention about it as well or will be your cue to go you know so farand And just to remind. The singer Now you said those are not your things yet I don't mind I'm not glued but I do like you all and yeah and Jay quick and in some tough state I am trying to get him on the show but he's extremely busy lives very near to me yeah. But. Yes he's probably take to win isn't a well we hope so but Mark's last week yeah I mean I was amazed at not from one week when he's dropping that poor girl and. Then next week I think it's harder though if you're not if you're if you're not the professional and you're the one that has to lift that yeah email I mean that's going to be hard. But it's already been to me she's already agreed to do the show given the toll on my access to. The tour's wife and she's just so popular isn't Yeah I loved. Uni and I mean you know yeah you love it last week when she said so you're going to get. She looks fantastic that I should just say does anyway for those people who are mad fans they're not here until the tour is not here till April the 3rd and the 4th and of course it's at the Manchester Arena so great fun yes but this week my goodness me we've got murder mysteries we've got bit to accommodate and lots and lots of music and when I read this out it's like a soap fast because the cast of strangers on the train which is that they are yeah has got everybody from every single so they're going to be packed every night do you know the constant Well let me tell you they've got Christopher Harper from Coronation Street you've got John Middleton from here from Emmerdale think he played I actually didn't care yes and even dresses but I could get up to them I think. Because I carried the name sack actually was brilliant I mean that's a. Fantastic story. And the only time state gas and got Jake again from Call the Midwife military you men. When you've been through that I don't. Know if. It's a cracking story and I didn't realise until I got the press release it was written by Patricia Highsmith the same woman who wrote one of my all time favorite books and films The Talented Mr Ripley Yes she does that Rico and he wrote and it was only 950 s. But it was made into a fantastic Hitchcock So I imagine it's quite deep and it's quite twisty and turny Well it's all about 2 men who happened to me to learn a train in America you know that got carriages even in the fifty's in. America where you could go and have a drink at the bar. But not would not like. My seat not in the daytime they just you know this meeting changes both our lives forever I don't fair is cracking through or it's on this week all week opened last night at the opera house in Manchester and I'm telling you it's a cracker forgot to say there's just one lady and that has no toy in turn Yes she is related to her yes and you know those you know it's a cracking story always go along I'm not going to tell you any more sounds I might be persuaded to know I'm not going to. Write Well we just about to go to the news we've got lots to talk about still though if you're a fan of Jimi all spend just dance tell you boy it's pretty much we. Are at it is 430 Let's get the latest news headlines now with Liam Marx to reason Maisie's the speech in Manchester to mark a 100 years since some women when won the vote to outline plans to tackle online abuse especially of political candidates Maggie Oliver worked for g.m.p. And was responsible for bringing the Rochdale grooming abuses to court she says it's important women speak out but they do need protection I fell in the police I didn't know where to go who to speak to and I do believe and I'm pushing for and whistleblowers ombudsman for public services senior councillors in Stockport are expected to approve an increase in car parking charges the original proposals included doubling some prices but they've been changed up to criticism from businesses the cost of parking in the town center will go up from $80.00 to $90.00 an hour and plans to close 5 libraries in East Cheshire have been scrapped after the council received a large number of objections of the ledge Disley pressed rebuilding to and homes chapel at all been at risk opening hours and staffing though will still be cut pretty much just as weather like sleet and snow very cold the widespread sharp frost and overnight lows of minus 4 Celsius. B.c. Radioman just. You might hear what is happening we start with Manchester United's tribute to the minicab disaster which we've been watching this afternoon and commemorating rightly so as well 60 years of course since the tragedy took the lives of 23 people including 8 United 1st team players in 1958 survivors Harry Gregg and so Bobby Charlton were among those in attendance as was current midfielder Michael Carrick and the Englishman retires to a coaching role at the end of the season but says the spirit of Munich can help show the younger players what being a part of Manchester United is all about you live for that you know this is what you do make sacrifices the place the problem in your brain when it comes to life so it's obviously got to the training right now and within the 4 engine this is a little small so really the training ground I was was every team every edge of the book is paid their respects in some way it's a good. Excuse wanting to people will forget you can hear our special documentary Munich remembered tonight on b.b.c. Radio 6 o'clock telling the story of those events 60 years ago his life f.a. Cup 4th round replay actions in Iraq set to host Spurs in the 5th round of course both have to overcome replays Spurs play Newport Rochdale face Millwall and they'll boss Keith says even a blind donkey could see the carrot dangling in front of them there's no pressure on this game it's a game that plays well enjoy I want to enjoy it off the back of the picture it was a great opportunity it all but I'm sure the manager would take an equally serious you know that the car is dangle in front of both clubs isn't really the fact you can find it's not certain if they get past I think even up why don't we could say this Carol. Over the joke commentary on the 4th round replay between watch telomere Walden on $95.00 f.m. And online in the u.k. From $745.00 and also dates of Barry against Wimbledon in League One shake his captain steam and also knows that only wins will help the Shakers survive in League One as they try to. Make up the 11 point gap needed to safety. You know legal position. To whether father and son. Could improve public. Help. And boxing turning them into box office events. In the dark. You know whether the. Movie apply to what we've got to go grab. People gammon if the people to push. The model more detail will know about staying with boxing but. Who was trained as a youngster in Bury has been suspended for 2 years after testing positive for a ban on steroids and finally. Announced his retirement after a 15 year career in the 33 year old joined the sharks in 2009 and has made almost 200 appearances for the club. Radio match. Come. Come. Come. Come. Come. Come. 7 because. Crusaders and street life on b.b.c. Radio Manchester It is 20 to 5 but if a wintery afternoon across Greater Manchester will find out as a fact in the roads in just a 2nd Don't forget 6 tonight directly after me you can hear the full sort of Munich remembered once again the story of how the team led by some up Busby was lost when that plane crashed 60 years ago today I mean it remembered will be a part of 6 this evening from 6 o'clock and we are only half way through off this review with Natalie Anglesey we've already talked about funny women at the cinema and yes that one in the dreadful cream suit. Is going to Dancing On Ice and various other things but we've still got lots more to comes about going to. Travel the light is on the roads now with Greg. Say yes I'm into driving conditions just visibility and times particularly on the higher ground. Driving conditions the result rarely if you're out on the m 6 the clockwise traffic is looking straight from Junction eye to Carrington Rance Junction 12 tackles and looking really heavy now inbound on the I'm $56.00 from Junction for within show 3 to the Am 60 quite a long queue on the Mancunian Way On day yet westbound side has really slowed from London Road to round to past Chester Road towards that region road inbound traffic on region road also looking at busy now but they've cleared the right to us on the outbound side for the day off the motorway use in the hill green area than 5th bypass are looking quite busy on the southbound side so away from the m 60 towards the Stanley green roundabout and some busy traffic as well in the press to charity a 56 Perry new right now looking quite slow going out from Manchester towards the am 60 interchange if you can update us or told the Colin I want 61228 double to double 5. Cool with Mike Sweeney It's almost time again going great so much to met. Make himself available to give it your chance to talk to him a lot anything with a dream that you think you should change be aware of or improve he always listens takes notes sold Don't miss out on this moment on it surgery with Ahmed. With Mike Sweeney tomorrow morning from 9 b.b.c. Radio Manchester. Like I just mentioned we are halfway through off there to review with Natalie Anglesey we always like to get into music where we can. Yes. Well it's got a bit of a long intro. I was going to say to him a couple of words all I know is. That you know the colors you any trouble. They cause you any. Sick. This is one of the back of the world. As a. Little yellow kind of blue because. This is a tremendous song isn't it a lot of. Ready. To get. A lot of the. Prince of choruses. Well imagine. Well before his time yeah I'm from us but there's actually going to be tributes all this year you know the Purple Rain tour has been known all over the country and it's coming here on the 12th next week 12 to the 17th of the Opera House and that's a live celebration of the music of Prince I'm quite sure that there will be some projections you know a life and career yes but it's just he was a legend even though he certainly I mean all the talent in such a small frame but did they call him like the diminutive genius and you chose very very tall security guards but you just made you feel yes there was an exaggerated the fact that he was. Tyler and now a brilliant show if you make fun of his. Will to sing along yeah. You know. But it was right you were. Not the only. As I said 12 to the 17 but there's a series a one night and the one that I think is going to prove the most popular is going to be sure. That the problems they had on the 11th and the actual group I want to attribute to it's the actual group I mean when you think of the songs I mean there's just too many to mention I mean I'd. Forgotten half of the men I'm askin to I should I shouldn't should I you know I'm to the moon of Love 3 Steps to Heaven pretty little Angel Eyes and a rock n roll yeah they also. Still performing a just as she wanted Obama did doesn't say anything about the principal lead singer right so I'm not quite sure if he's with or without the band and of course there's also the want to not only Jimmy also. You see I wasn't a particular Dani was the one for me yeah Dani was the one for most p.s. It was I think I mean they were a bit tiny bit before my time but I was the as you also shaped by what your parents like Nimble mustn't massively she was like the monkeys Yeah she she was she lights don't they Yeah oh I love Donny kiss me that. I'm just you know any good I know where she's playing appropriate. But this is an evening with Johnny don't see. Jimmy Ozment and his band and it's called Moon River and me because it's a tribute to undo Williams Because I know many of us was the guy who 1st gave them a ring on yeah I'm telling. You all the little boys well maybe I did a massive thing in Vegas with his sister yeah yeah yeah you know Jimi always been fans I mean not popular with no that was you know that was done the only thing I was more Crazy Horses rather I saw him so that says to date for the diary I hope you've got something to write with and something to write on the 1st date since the 11th of someday and that's what the books to an opera house and then on the $26.00 of fabs there at the stop or plaza and you're going to be dancing and they are it's a little something for everyone and then another one night is called show stoppers Now I don't know if you remember but we didn't mention this before because it's a musical but a. An improvised musical Yeah days of the go round the audience announced for some ideas and they put them together now I can understand that but how do you put the songs in the music they must have the music yeah Ready set but making up songs to the theme that your DNS gives you will in l.a. I mean they have every class and I dance and that's going to be one night and late February 10th That's this Saturday at the Palace Theater and of course flash. Everybody's favorite isn't this mom this production from the 12 to the 17th that the palace again has got John Clifton and of course Kevin Sr Yes and their regular Yeah yeah and she made such a hit that she went on she did some really Modern Millie and now she's doing Flashdance the musical and that's been updated musical for 2018 so I don't know how they're going to make I want to follow that time in the movie because you know she was a welder she was. Really. She would be very. Just I mean not the music side of a do want to mention because she's one of my favorite actresses and that was Julie has made the whole show returns to the Royal Exchange with that Nora holds and again the pair of them playing a mother and daughter in the almighty sometimes now it's got a very short run opens this week on Friday but only plays until the fourteen's So if you want to go and see him as being written by a 1st time playwright further since her 1st production and she she does handle feels doesn't pick a lot of things to do you know and so you know that when she does something it's yes it's legal. And also it's about a mother daughter relationship of course she's you know she's got children of her own and little girl like you yeah. I just well we got time to action one more I just want to mention this one big. So I'm so funny it's called the kitchen sink and you know that has connotations of kitchen sink drama doesn't know everybody's poor and I don't think I've washed up at the money jokes so let me just let me just read this. What did you have for your Christmas dinner just normal Chris Dimino right yes this turkey normal right well this is Sushi for Christmas dinner pop fanatic Graham a revealing painting of Dolly Parton this play has everything including the kitchen sink Now if that isn't a great tease for you to go and see it at the Oldham Coliseum and again it's got one of my favorite actors. And I. Mean they need can do no wrong for me she's one of those actors doesn't matter if it's 10 o'clock in the morning or that's you know a heavy drama night she gives 100. Percent she's the most fantastic actress and she's been desperate to do this because it says you know she reminds me very much of my dear mom and I'll be playing mom and I'm playing my mom. A love I say yeah and she would have loved those play so that the old I'm Coliseum and opens this week opens on Friday and plays right through until the 24th of so that's the kitchen. We've got just about everything and like we said if you're getting something for everybody thing for everybody who Teddy next week at the Royal Exchange of Euro rock and roll family life while lovely to see others say we should get through even more like. B.b.c. Radio much. Now we've talked about a lot during the show today and it's been a very poignant day because Manchester United players staff fans and survivors of the minicab crashed. Gathering Old Trafford earlier it's obviously to mark 60 years since the disaster 23 people died including 8 1st team players who were killed when a plane carrying United crashed during takeoff in Germany 95860 years ago today b.b.c. Radio Manchester United reporter is Bill Rice and he joins me on the line now and we're going to be talking to me in just a 2nd I was watching the earlier today absolutely moving scenes at Old Trafford as 60 years ago the snow came down it came down again today and we like to think that you know maybe somebody out there sort of watching down so many fans were packed actually in there into Old Trafford lots of fans a Marine you know with the current Manchester United team and you know just all that Alex Ferguson there even just reading out speeches a memories of the day hugely hugely moving as well to watch the faces of people who were remembering those that were on board that day and Bill knows a lot of those people and knows how they were feeling Bill just tell us how did Manchester United mark the occasion today than there was there were several ceremonies taking place today right across the globe out in Belgrade in Serbia there was actually a traveling party of United staff who were hosting a reception today at the same hotel let's be honest team Stadium back in 1958 and they observe the minute silence 4 minutes past 3 this afternoon the that's the time of course that the plane crash just like happened here at Old Trafford in Manchester there was also Club Ambassador Dennis Irwin over in Munich where the crash took place meeting with senior executives there and paying respects alongside the mayor of Munich here closer to home out Old Trafford there was a ceremony inside the stadium which included him on a recites all of the song The Flowers of Manchester which contains the lyric one cold and bitter Thursday in Munich Germany a great football stalwarts conceded victory felt. I mean it always gets the hairs on the back of your neck standing up but considering there was a light snow fall as well right across Manchester today couldn't listening could hear it just brought back all those all those you know chilling memories of the team trying to take off 3 times in Munich in the snow and that was of course the 3rd time that the plane crashed and so many of that great same loss I was just mentioning you know how the only in the in the studio whilst the minute silence was taking place and lots of people that I recognized and other people I didn't but just looked generally sort of really pained then and like they were deep in thought and memory and he was in attendance today what did I mean you recognize the names of the current Manchester United squad the names of faces so Joe's a merino the new box the manager these days was there alongside his captain Michael Carrick You laid a wreath on the turf at Old Trafford wasn't just the current squad though more significantly the 2 remaining survivors of 1958 were there so Bobby Charlton who was just 20 years old at the time of the Munich air disaster it was actually is 1st European trip with United and some of his team mates a joked with him so much about you won't ever get good food when we're in Europe the aid packed a suitcase full of biscuits and sweets because he didn't he'd never been away from home before he didn't know what to expect he survived the crash because he was dragged from the wreckage by goalkeeper Harry Gregg who's 85 now but is very much the reluctant hero of Munich and he's the only other survivor from that great scene some of those people together and he was in attendance at Old Trafford today 2 always a really emotional occasion for them and you can see the anguish on their face when they think about their friends and teammates who they lost and as well as those former United boss around 6 Ferguson was there today too and he gave a reading from the Bible as a father as compassionate Storen so the Lord has compassion on those who fear them for you know is how we are formed who remembers that we have dust. Sort of mind is there is a way to get us the fraud issues like the 4 and a few. That win wars over it and it's gone. Cold and it's a. Great for. It's can see the. Men will know. English football. Managers. You heard from Sir Alex Ferguson there on Pete Martin who leads the recitals of the song The Flowers of Manchester outside the stadium and today inside for this special ceremony he's there every year and he did an incredible job on was such an emotional occasion for so many it is still a huge part of the club's history isn't it why why does this tragedy continue to resonate 60 years on Bell was so many of the people I spoke to over the last few weeks in the making of the documentary Munich remembered which you hear from 6 o'clock tonight on radio Manchester still talk about this team like they're there they're heroes and adore them and I think there's so many reasons for that one of them is the tragic loss of life an average age of just 20 for this team Eddie Coleman and Duncan Edwards were only 21 years old and you think of great players with really bright futures ahead of them for both club and country and it's so sad that they were taken away and there is that tinge of what could they have achieved if they were allowed to fulfill their potential I think it's also about the style of play Chelsea I think they were thrilling team to watch and Manchester United so often demand entertaining attacking football and this team had it in spades and what was a lasting memory would you say of the of the Busby Babes Well I think it's now I think it's that they were the great entertainers their last game played here on u.k. Soil before they flew off to you the Slavia for the game against Belgrade was against Arsenal away at Highbury and they actually won that game 5. For and they were given a standing ovation by the home crowd not so unusual in football and that was unusual even in 1958 book The people there were applauding necessarily for Manchester United or for Arsenal they were applauding for the great entertainment that had been served up and I think in many ways the Busby Babes set the template for Manchester United on the Munich head is us the set the template for what Manchester United all about so now Manchester United managers and Josie Marino will be feeling this right now you have to deliver exciting attacking football you have to develop your own youth players and bring them through the club's academy you have to build a team that entertains the crowd all these things are demanded and I think the other thing that's demanded since Munich is that Manchester United will never ever lay down so you never want to see a team that gives in if they can survive something as tragic as that and still put a team together that reached the f.a. Cup final that year then the demand is that United continue to to always come back and always fight back and that was the spirit that ceramics Ferguson's team showed so often and all that spirit came from the history of the bulls be babes in the tragedy of Munich Bill thanks so much and we'll be looking forward to catching up with your documentary 6 o'clock this evening in sports 6 Thanks. B.b.c. Radio Max. Johnson joins me now to find out what's happening on Northwest tonight so we will reflect the anniversary of Munich Richard ask him to report we hear a lot about the players who died and we'll see some of the pictures from service of commemoration Old Trafford but also there were the of the numerous others that you had died in the in the plane disaster where one of the stories from the surviving the son of one of the men who died and it's a fascinating tale We'll also look back on another big anniversary today of course in Manchester 100 years that lots of talk about suffragettes in fact and about was going to be out. Family home. But of the program from the. We'll have the rest of the day's news as well just quickly glancing down we got a very touching story from point turn about a family that needs the n.h.s. To provide a drug for them and we're looking ahead to the Olympics with one of our skiing hopeful So lots to look forward to we shall be watching Make sure you are as well Roger Johnson Northwest tonight b.b.c. One at 6 there take. 5 point. 12 maybe you don't see. B.b.c. Radio.

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