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Seen latest travel disruptions expected with British Airways and Easy Jet among those canceling flights there are also warnings to take extra care if you're driving rime biggest office from highways England we know where the ferry trucks weak and where this weekend is going to be the rain Small going to be an issue for us it was a very pretty weekend as I'd lost a break across the region we also have to close I think our interests we take some time trying to cover their resources levels increase so we can respond quickly to incidents are it going to be the same this weekend as well people returning to Beijing are being ordered to self quarantine for 2 weeks to try to contain the spread of the corona virus anyone who doesn't is being threatened with punishment China's reported 143 need to spring in the total to more than 1500 Christian Shepherd is the Beijing correspondent for The Financial Times for the last 11 days the areas outside of who pay which is the main problem whether buyers started has seen a declining growth in new cases suggests that perhaps some of the battle is being wild there are a lot of skepticism about whether those figures are actually representative of the total number and the French health minister has just said that a Chinese tourist in France has died of coronaviruses the 1st fatality in Europe is going to south of things b.m.p. Emily Thornberry is out of the Labor leadership contest off to failing to gain enough support from local constituency parties Lisa and a fellow London n.p.c. And Rebecca long Bailey all the remaining candidates China's state railway companies offer to build the entire h s 2 high speed rail line linking London to Birmingham Manchester in Leeds in just 5 years and thus a much lower cost on the current plans of projects due to be completed by 2041 independent estimate puts the cost 106000000000 pounds new rules come into play today to help broadband t.v. And phone customers save money when that contract send around $20000000.00 customers are paying more than they need to the u.k. Watchdog off Colm says it could save people $150.00. The year on broadband alone and I'm French is from the consumer group Which you can either try and negotiate your contract with your current provider remark actually I want to be a better deal or at least an hour straight into which members who save as much as $240.00 pounds a year or liberal on contract by doing now or you have to go do your research and look at alternatives that you can switch to now Elizabeth Seanie has London's weather plenty of wet and windy weather across the capital this weekend from Storm Dennis there is a mess of his weather warning in place for the strength of the winds there could be some further damage and some possible disruption the winds are likely to gust widely today of up to 40 to 50 miles an hour with the wind strengthening further as we head through this evening and even night gusts of up to 60 to 65 miles an hour across the capital for a short while there also be some rain in the forecast but mostly dry for much of the rest of the morning and then we'll see further outbreaks of rain as we head through the afternoon talk temperatures today are 12 or 13 degrees Celsius with some very heavy rain overnight tonight and into the start of the day tomorrow there's a metal face and the weather warning out for the heavy rain towards southern areas of the capital as we head through the day tomorrow there could be some like lies flooding there with the b.b.c. Radio and travel his bill Sheldrake. Thank you Jenny good morning and following on from Elizabeth let's start then with the effects of the storm Dennis on the trains and the flights actually a south eastern Southwest were services they put in speed restrictions on various routes and the possibility of course a tree some branches blocking the way when that worked other than that the no trains running to a former Liverpool Street this weekend's that's affecting c 2 c. Quite angry and says that's nothing to do with Genesis because the Plantagenet and to reduce service to from Kings Cross for the entire weekend that's affecting Thameslink and great northern services the troops plans works for stanch more that means 3 lines apart suspended. And they are the so called distraction and Bakerloo lines and yes the flights the short flights this journey just reported there being affected Atlanta there but London's airports British Airways for example of canceled $37.00 shorter flights. Heathrow and the be more travel just after the headlines at $1030.00. This. Morning London. Have you batten down the hatches. Boarded up the window. And I hope you're prepared for 3 hours of entertaining radio. Because that's what we've got. It will be a game as it always dials on a Saturday with an unsung lawn that are and today it's Luis holder from Deptford cinema. This is a community based cinema project down in south London. Louis will be here in about 10 minutes from now. Then will be joined by our resident poet everybody should have a resident poet and we've got wind Holloway Smith who I'm very fond of in the fantastic writer really lovely chap as well and quite good there. He's going to be talking words for Valentine's weekend. You didn't forget. Are you in the doghouse. I didn't forget but I'm not sure I was sufficient. It's no easy you know. We're going to get live music from Genevieve Dawson who's a dry land Award winner. She's kind of jazzy foci coming in to sing for us between 111130. Or give us a lowdown on all today's sports. And then we're going to hear about the time machine. It's the 125th anniversary of the time machine and they're going to be performing it. A contemporary reimagining. A family favorite from calling them west college oh and we're going to play you again extraordinary. Events that occurred with a series of conch shells in our studio yes that I I'm still shaking my head as the was sore and I would and you can see it in here as well and I'll tell you how a bit later. So we got Byron Wallen on common cheese. Calling in West Allis Chinese families favorite would. You go live music. What more could you possibly. Told you was good. You don't need to leave the house not in a day like this. Unfortunately I've got to go to w 12. Well I have very very bizarre evening out yesterday. Because it was Valentine's Day. You know my wife and I are a bit long in the tooth for romantic candlelit dinners exorbitant prices in restaurants where everyone squeezed in and whatever but nor did I nor did I even have a frenzy cooking We'd been a bit busy during the day so we said let's just go and what some do something we often do which is to go and in our favorite Vietnamese restaurant overinsured it we hadn't booked but we figured it was not a sort of it's not an especially romantic restaurant it's not the place I would have thought that would be to have loads of couples in it and it didn't have loads of couples in it so we drove over shortage and I decided traffic trying to get across town yesterday 6 that you need new mists Robel but we got there and we did drive our continent. And we got we we got to the rest of the 7th day and it was one of the most bizarre events I've ever been to this was I want to say the name of it but it was one of those that you know there's a whole line of Vietnamese restaurants in shortage isn't there and I always go to the same one as a dish couple dishes in it we both absolutely love when we regulars and it's not expensive and it's not fancy but is really good and where the restaurant was absolutely packed Thankfully they had one table for 2 left for us in the corner but it wasn't packed with couples it was an entire the entire I could only ascertain was the entire congregation of an evangelical church but all dressed to the 9 all the men in dinner suits all the women in really wonderful gowns everybody looked fantastic and they all had hearts because it was Valentine's Day and flowers and they were celebrating Valentine's Day. But they were celebrating Valentine's Day And you know each to their own Mrs I thought it was wonderful not a criticism but it was all speeches about Jesus and God and how much they love Jesus and everyone was I learned your ring and we see it Mary. Essentially in the middle of a of an evangelical coke going about their business I mean it was sort of wonderful it was mad it was only in London and and it was I always think it is this normal on Valentine's Day The people are a lot better primarily love Jesus is their 1st love go and celebrate by the dinner with I didn't know what was going to go and the people in the restaurant were very known plus the Vietnamese people for me the Valentine's Day nor evangelical Christianity where their 1st thoughts were completely. You know I mean there was a lot of value in going to tell you that Albert was great I always say forgiveness is fantastic entertaining and these amazing lovely people I mean really nice people but Joy I mean all the men in tuxedoes and bugs always and all the women he ballgowns kill did not get praise for those sort and so but I just bring Rose I'll tell you. That's the last hours in shiver and shake. Her should go to the cinema perhaps we should go to the cinema or in Bedford because you can but you couldn't because it didn't have one which is why I'm now talking to Louis Holder who's won a. London Eye because he's one of the volunteers at the Deptford cinema and he's here to tell us more Louis tell us more hello how did you kids how did this whole project come about so it came about in May 2014 after a successful successful Kickstarter campaign that happened after people kind of got together and thought let's make a community arts value let's make something really exciting that involves a lot of different people let's make something affordable accessible inclusive that because that's what happened I said I'm Irish one of the only reason at Lewisham I was right and I have a cinema Yeah that is right and so it came about and then 2014 happened 2015 happened and all these years later we're still here still showing great films live music events gallery showcases all sorts where are you took us or where are you based in one place so we're based in one place one venue just on the right from Deptford bridge d.l.r. Station and also. Nearby to New Cross as well so we're kind of in the epicenter and up at High Street and what your home what was the building before it was a cinema so it was fun and I'm aware of the disused shop fronts for about 1520 years I think that was literally just a shell and it was I think it was an off license at some point yeah and so it's just a normal shot from the edge of the conventional kind of commercial space and then it got transformed into the cinema that it is today and when we talk about cinema I mean I mean I mean visiting a grand. Staircase is a nice means and all of them presume it isn't there it's definitely not that but it has so much more charm and I have to say it's beautiful it's this kind of sort of some of the venue that is what very beautiful and the past is 40 right so 40 downstairs at times of seating we've got loads more upstairs in the bar area in terms of like you know you can just chill much of film and be at the bar as well upstairs so and how does it work is it just think well I want to go to see the film and showing their moods or not or do you have to be a member or you don't remember now anyone can come and so really happy actually we're trying out this pay what you can scheme at the moment so it's completely accessible affordable to everyone and so we're trying to make it is extremely inclusive as possible so people can just walk in off the street and yet it's really really cool and what's the role of the volunteers in all of this because you're one of those aren't there yet so the volunteers we meet every Sunday 11 o'clock so meeting tomorrow for instance and then we talk about things affecting some are the moments we can invite you volunteers and really anyone to get involved in programming and all of that yet so I help program got a lot of stuff so yeah so help with the short film nights and do lots of lots of things like that but our programming is quite diverse Do you have a background in cinema is that your kind of is that what you do for work life so I actually just recently graduated from university in film just at university Westminster just around the world around the corner so it's kind of perfect for you in that sense yeah yeah I love it I think it's a home away from home. I love it and I just yeah it's pretty my favorite place to be actually and is it so financing or do or do you guys have to help pay for I mean how does that work I don't talk about. That so yes yeah it is financing so we're really lucky that we have quite a few donations coming in from people that come through but it's ticket sales and really we don't have any outside funding and so we're completely people run from the ground up and do you on the property or your you have a lease on it or what's the situation there. Just what I'm just nervous Yeah no that's the right. Yeah so I'm not quite sure actually about that I think it's kind of it's a community interest company so it's kind of owned collectively but I'm not sure about the admin side of things I'm just interested in the creative programming aspect and is there always room for more volunteers there's always room for more volunteers is it yes there is yet so people can just get involved they can go online to deficit org and find out more about us they're in something they can just turn up if they want to an event and this is also a model that could be done elsewhere so if there's people sitting in bits of London that aren't well cinematically served do you think they could do this there yes absolutely yeah I think helped to kind of spring up quite a few senilis so in also around in the neighborhood as well communities in a Mars also yet of this new developments as well happening in the area but things like as of are the result of d.c. Kind of coming along we've had current Goldsmiths down the road that's not coming cinema so to speak but but it's still great that it's kind of inspired this or cinematic influx in the neighborhood but also we have a membership with cinema for all as well so we regularly go each year this is a kind of body that represents commutes and miles across the country and so we regularly talk to people from different communities and we have different audiences who actually help other places as well so it's a really it's a lovely collective of people who just really have a grassroots interest in film and the idea was on this weekend oh well I know that I know that yes there have been times they we had to question his 1st love which happened which was a new release as well so are. We were lucky to have gotten that film and yeah I give you some more info because I've just been told you are going to be showing Machinima a life in 4 chapters from 1905 to Japanese film isn't it yeah and then you've got a labyrinth eighty's party on Friday February 25th the day that's what are you coming back oh yea I'm always big. Yeah you got a labyrinth id's part you voted for Green 21st and that's a fundraiser I believe is a fundraiser that's for all traveling cinema projects was to tell me about that the trappings of my project is something that we were very lucky to have one funding from about a year and a half ago from film by media and that was a funds to basically help deliver travelling said m r 2 different people in the camera's homes activity centers kind of across southeast London and that's been really helpful and really great receives that's pretty much one or 2 screens a month for the moment and that's basically a portal project and it's a portable kind of system where we can show films to everyone really about south side of our venue so it's great fantastic give us the website addressing. A dot that said I'm Our dot org And we've been hearing about that from Louis holder Louis thank you very very much yes. In woman new. At Electric Light Orchestra l. You're listening to the wrong show here on b.b.c. Radio one the thought that man's enthusiasm for cinema was fantastic and by catching. On really got back and got the pictures I mean I saw stopped going because I went to a it was a lot of films I went to I didn't enjoy I've come talking about 2 or 3 years ago and I kind of stopped my wife never stopped she's always gone to the pictures use always love them always going to to gigs that's always been my thing but in the last year or so of my real effort to try and see the films it but if his films people are talking about and it's big and so I probably want to go once every 2 weeks I reckon but it's been really really enjoyed maybe it might be on once every 3 weeks Bob really enjoyed it and I'll see some good films unfortunately do see some rubbish but you know that's the nature of life and he right it's 1030 here on the show it's time for the news headlines. Fast summary on Jenny past week in morning a Chinese tourist has died in France subsequent tracting the coronavirus they says fatality from the disease outside Asia that 18 was an 80 year old woman from China is here. A province only 3 deaths had previously been reported outside mainland China in Hong Kong the Philippines and Japan more flooding and travel disruptions expected this weekend storm Dennis it's the u.k. Forecasters are warning the heavy rain and very strong winds could be worse than last week's storm Keera Easyjet already canceled a lot of flights and British Airways has some of it short journeys have been affected the n.e.r. Train company's canceled dozens of services between London and the North East London m.p. Emily Thornberry has failed to win enough support from local Labor members and is out of the contest to be the next leader of the party secure Starmer Rebecca long Bailey and Lisa Nnamdi remain in the contest to succeed Jeremy Corbin China's state railway companies reported to have offered to build the h s 2 high speed line in 5 years and at a lower cost talks have been held with c r c c But the government says no concrete commitments that been made and from today companies which provide phone broadband and pay t.v. Services will have to alert customers when their contracts are coming to an end the media regulator Ofcom says about $20000000.00 people are currently out of contract with many likely to be paying higher prices than they need to London's weather heavy rain widespread gales will see highs of 13 Celsius $55.00 Fahrenheit now with b.b.c. Radio London travel his bill shelf. Thanks journey to car collision on the North Circular that's heading to the barking flyovers taking out lane 11 there are so that congestion from nearly the Ilford flyover makes a travel Noosa looking very slow on the staff circular it's roadworks delays there approaching version Hirst since temperature flights slowing things down and the m 40 close out of town from Junction 180 and 25 as far as the back is filter and junction 2 that sort of car collided with a set of barriers that happened overnight it caught fire we are seeing tar backs from the Delaware on the bass there of course he would go a storm don't expect in the trains us affecting South Eastern and surface where way services so definitely do check your apt for setting else we also have no. 22 form Liverpool Street this week that's affecting c 2 c. Quite angry and services and it's reduced service to and from Kings Cross for both today and the 2 plans 3 of them part suspended because of those plans works they are the circle and the district and the lines I remember those short flights also being affected at London's ports because of the storm tennis that the more travel just after the news at 11. Is London if there's anywhere Albert where there's a full English I'm sure there's one image. And this is London why it's called 9 Elms because there are 9 ounce other words and there are 9 Elms again now I have no idea of actually why it was called. London they can put bring Cross mental lake in regions then I'm totally happy to have to leave northwest to not be modest maybe it's a big station it's a big. Bus in London. Perhaps it's because my mum was a clippie but I've always got friends to drive in a bus but only if I got the full proper kit on the cap you know like the old school uniform used to have I'd want to be that but I do think didn't exist anymore but it must the been quite a nice job to be a conductor. But you reckon with that ticket my memories of the ticket machine I'm a part of this as a kid it was the best to wear that really heavy metal ticket machine when it won them and I had won as a kid because I've been moms well. Now what one of their. Goals Stevie Wonder and yes that I which was Valentine's Day of course and it's a tie for well lots of corny stuff like chocolates and flowers and balloons and poetry so. Corny code I did though as we all know we have a poet amongst us we have our resident white in the Holloway Smith way more come back to the show thank you hello it must be Sade the bad kind of dog ruled raw and that you get in Valentine's called Soul love thing that must be the bite of your life is upon It's called funny to read them like my mom always gets me that it's like enough of Valentine's Day last year I'll be there with. Christmases and stuff yeah I joined signs to my son but she puts sun in like. Speech marks so I don't know maybe you want to tell me something yeah. Now before we go any further talking about your heritage can we talk about your glasses I think the radio but that is a spectacular new pair of being Sankey so much I'm trying to cover as much of my face as possible and these ones are doing the job of very large Yeah I think. I want glasses to be a performative element of my appearance. That they're in there doing that you know they all definitely doing the job I Can't Take My Eyes Off. Well that's good to know yeah I'm just sorry for all of the listeners that Considine well put a picture up if you were close it's a real life. In fact just since like 2015 all right yeah and then my sites like rapidly decreasing it does yeah Ok that one of the 3 blind mice and I didn't wear glasses as a kid although looking back I probably should have done well it was only when I put glasses on as a light like that I realize that when I see before that yes. You know that when they leave that thing that they put the lenses in that testing you and then they put another patch they change it again and I was like God These ones are terrible and I was like No that's just your eyes Ok yeah anything I should maybe actually get some glasses oh you've got some very spectacular glass testing so let's do so given the sort of the raw Dogra love poetry of called sickly thing yeah it's not what you would do but how do you feel about love poetry in general because there was some great love poetry isn't there yeah there is like some of my mates are really good as well but I can't really write I don't know every time I try and write well and. I have to do something or a book. Where you have to undermind Yeah it's like I guess it's like a roundabout way of saying loads of stuff is kind of. Also I love it in apologetic way I don't know yeah Fay Weldon once said to us like I know what you ought to be and I was like you know if they were out in just like a normal year there were you know well my Auntie she said you do something nice then you do something horrible and then you do something nice again and so are brilliant kids. Is that what your wife said. Yes probably actually but if people are trying to write even it's not poetry necessarily Yeah but if you're trying to write it's my job if we're going to someone's birthday awaiting as my voice hands me the card as you write it on my cars I'm words that I'm words and so false only to try and watch something I have a witty or touching or charming or you know I mean it's not worth a lot of pressure on the people who you write in the card to have an expectation on you as well or. Because me so I'm supposed to be good. At City Life write anything for someone's wedding like to read it in a ceremony Well no I mean but I am available for any weddings party I love making speeches. Seriously I mean I if I go to weddings are not invited to speak or I'm sitting at the please ask me to. Just absolute I really really like making speeches I don't write them I kind of work. But it's my favorite thing to do which is weird because everyone else is their least favorite It was my least I had to write like I'm not too original wedding poem to read my friend's wedding and I for the 2 weeks it was just like a week it was just like a fortnight long on a flat shock with them and I just thinking I could because he's buying in the middle of the ceremony I could ruin this for them if because maybe I'm I make a joke the half of you people but like the mother of the bride doesn't and then everyone has a lovely wedding and shame about like I said. Did you get through go for it or. You have written something 1st and this is yeah I ever year Id try to write a Valentine's Day thing for my girlfriend. And this is this is one this is one of them yeah go read it. Love Minus love can still be love if you hold it up to the light at the exact right angle diamonds winking off its underside same yellow as the fox dead and mine in the warm breath by the night myself staring down its dragged open chest its stomach a smug done in a green recycling bin clapping roadside I go too far often since 1st I saw you whip your friends on the dance floor I'm finding he moves in each place I put my finger on picking them out my minestrone see my lentil and tomato Whew before I put spoonfuls of it in my body I'm crying at the speed of cars now a days into every hopeless piece of myself Sara what it takes to stay alive I can't die well if you're dancing oh oh I see what you did there you did something wrong with. Your fight well did there rely on outright but it is difficult we'd love this is the most written about thing another there was some fantastic stuff in there and you managed to introduce a diamond for example without my get it sound corny. It's funny the better for me is the weapon a friend because the 1st time we properly met was someone else's wedding and we had a dance of I'm incredible dancer and you know that brilliant. And I was saying to her war movie was weapon a fringe if they cut her hair off she devoured nothing now it's all kind of that was how I go I think nagging I think. It's but I do think that particularly if you're writing to your partner you know there are going to be those I mean that's a very intimate moment about free Jay I mean something to you and yet it might not to others and that's always a really good thing to pick one thing like that the color. Chimes in inevitable court and you can get why we're if you like. Yeah you can even soak up all of that folks being dumped in the bin Exactly which is no it's not one of the most romantic . Gabrielle resent c.e.o. Ever none of those people were really in those chords but I feel like that's where we have to take it nowadays you know do you read I mean do you read was that you do you read John Donne do you read classic I sometimes the like but not very often now I feel like you kind of after I read them at school and I and then I try and let people that are coming out I find excitement kind of that you know you can listen to a Kinks song every now and again I'm like and it feels nostalgic and lovely Oh I be don't I don't like I only listen to the king not something I listen to all the new bands because I'm like see. I don't ask me to name a new band so I was always going to get all she did I became so yeah. But it's interesting though is that with when you write a poem like that yeah how long is that going to take you do you reckon most of the options in my head. In the run up to like say somewhere like Valentine's Day So the actual writing of it down takes like 10 minutes or so but how long would you've been thinking about yeah like 2 or 3 weeks sometimes up to like a couple of months than a year. I mean if I'm funny one of my mates said as a member of the r.p.c. Which is the Regent's Park cycling club which is why a group of guys are I can verify that Bob loves giving a speech and then you know when every year I give a speech of the early years. And with those kind of always fun to get if I'm giving us what you're waiting on given as we. Might be I my own 60th birthday party this year and I get to speak about me it was fantastic. I mean the subject matter in some ways but what I did it's exactly the same as you. For 2 or 3 weeks before in all the moments where I'm not doing something else I'm thinking about that well I'm sort of giving a shape and all I really know you really I really have is for your 4 little points like your dead folks on like the domino like the fringe Yeah and you pick on those and then you can construct stuff around that yeah idea see that is quite a bad film actually I heard you talk about films earlier how about Ginsburg's how I Jane Frank. Got forgive me for watching a film with him in which was Ginsberg but then they reconstructed this interview where he said something like that like I knew I was going to start here and I knew I had to get to the next pair and I heard the in my head I just had to fill in the got yes that's exactly how it goes to me Have you written prose and healing. A few bits and pieces but not very good narrative especially Linnean that if I think both sometimes a matter Yeah I mean it when your yeah maybe it doesn't. I'm not as good at it to be honest but I enjoy enjoy reading kind of fragments repros quite a bit it is because on. You know I watch books every now and then I write nonfiction books really but I'm currently trying to write a novel and I have I mean I was a I was a published novelist at 20 I was a penguin novelist at 27 well so I have done it before or not very well I don't think but I'm on another gun now and it's such a different and difficult process yeah because an uneven with poetry is the same because if you're writing a nonfiction book you've got even if there are malleable you've got a degree of fact you know I mean that you're on yeah yeah that will you know you're writing about that there is in fiction you can go where ever you like your God You can kill him off if you don't like him anymore you can suddenly change gender you can just see what I write you know and therefore the possible is already in place and that's a real problem if you ask why so many people basically just write about their own lives yeah sings the name yes and sometimes they don't even change the name. Of ticket to do just that because it would be easy but I do think it is and that's why they say write about what you know because you're there for grounded in something to the point the problem with old Anything you might get is that the possibility is a horrendous Yeah I imagine that must be a really difficult practice and enviable in some ways but it must feel great when you've stuck out like must take so much stamina to like that's the problem you know it's just the energy really often involve people who could not call fiction books which there are I've got might want to hear and I've done for 2 or sometimes even one and a half a year and have done for 20 years yeah I just do it is a discipline involved in that there is beyond Now the aid to Egypt every day or or the. It's interesting that when I was right in the not like the the London I got up every morning at 5 o'clock and I worked until light didn't have a set amount of words but a set amount of time you know so I thought well I'm working for 3 hours of which at least some of that I will write some work. And I would get there and the other the other why I write and the and this is true of on my fiction or nonfiction. A chat for example takes as long as it takes Yeah once it's done it's done right no going back yeah you know that for me is really important I can't be working to direct I can't be going backwards and forward so it's got to be a constant forward movement even if that chapter is taken you a month and that one it took you a week yeah you then move on to the next either like people some people like super plan now everything and it's almost just filling in the blanks on the other people like my friend Joe so dumb former submarine It was yeah and he said he didn't know what the character was going to do from one page to the now either but I do know I have an ending Well you know I mean by and I know a kind of a couple of the major things that will happen eventually and I think it from a writer and particularly nonfiction which there's no evidence of any good is a journey so you go on about and it's in my mind it's a journey by sea and I get seasick so you get on a boat and you know you're going to go to an island somewhere I've read that you can't see yet how you get there and what happens on the way that's a mystery that's revealed by the journey Yeah that's an interesting way of looking at it problems I do you have endings and beginnings I I used the. N and in and then I read this thing but it's American poet said if you know how a poem is going to end it doesn't count as a poem. Yet so now I don't I don't I have like maybe a line that I'm going to use at some point or maybe begin with and then everything else just goes on from there I have no idea how I didn't know what that was what the plane was going to do until until I'd written it really do you. I have a story of lines and words and phrases in your head I have some in my phone. Yes sometimes and sometimes i just because my notes I've got this phone called a fair phone which is like quite a rubbish phone but like it's kind of ethical So yes I think I'm in China but i'm so you know it's kind of rubbish so I kind of what's up to move my girlfriend with these lines I think she gets a bit irritated about it and it ruins the surprise especially if I'm trying to write her. If you seen a lot of it I don't know. Maybe I just thought was off and into someone else but you know they want anyone to steal my ideas with them but that thing of like for example this book this fiction book I'm trying to write I've had the title for it for about 10 years literally 12 years and I've just carried that top all around not really knowing what it was a Bell Yeah but just thinking that's a great thought for a book yeah and now I'm trying to write like Michel one of the books about but other we're totally so interested did he do you read Who are your favorite novelists and what do you have would you read a novelist for inspiration or do you just sort of place anything like that in the opposite right. I mean I do have favorite novelists and they tend to be kind of my American Zo you find that we don't really get Richard Ford. Of. That sort of quite muscular men now I'm not saying that's what I want to do that night but there isn't really a British equivalent of that I mean more and I missed some it was maybe a bit close but yeah. My name is but that's not my thing he got progressively worse yes I think you're absolutely correct I think the other thing is I have a real and it's true in everything I've written I have a real desire to try and write. Teligent maybe even intellectual that's when for other people the does saw a. Kind of working class fiction Yeah if you see what I mean yeah there's so much of our fiction is dominated by kind of the Hamps need a miss nothing wrong with a lot camps it is beautiful but a kind of a very middle class world view where I sound so much of African immediately you know the fire ignite within me and I could speak about this forever now I'd love you to write but like maybe not a lesson when you do as well in your poetry Yeah you many many ways that's 3 Yeah we could we could start some kind of what they'd like literary movements like the Bloomsbury group but like a working class one that we've done it would be real fun and I think is what we're lacking a bit at the moment I mean there are many lots of great diverse voices Yeah there is one of the voice is kind of a bit lacking Yeah really like like Alan Sillett but without just having to play into the working class tropes of like violence in Yemen i.z. Yeah absolutely but you know each to their own I'm not most of the time or farmers overreading Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie or saying just because I don't know I'm not going to write like that really. Sharp enough to read and I already do you know what do you have to get people asking for advice on how to write poetry advice and yet Yeah what I say. I just try and tell them to write into the particular so they say what did I say right specifically and in detail as opposed to an abstract Yeah so lots of people you know they write about love or something but no one really knows what that means the that So what is your particular type of love look like that's what I want to know like how can you use detail and specifics and ruin your experience of what you've seen in the world to kind of articulate. A particular type of love that I wouldn't know about otherwise I think that's probably the thing that's really interesting approach as well because sometimes part you can the very concept apart she sounds airy fairy it doesn't it sounds ephemeral in a theory Illinois all of that whereas you want it to you want to you want to feel you want to know what it means in your bond you'll know what it looks like at the end of your street Why that's exactly why I think there's so many people there in the mine as well. Hopefully this kind of new generation of. A goner. Reestablish the kind of ways that people think about what poetry can and can't be that way can't be but what it what it can be it's possibilities and stuff that's all I'm excited about and there is some extraordinary poetry out there yeah loads of it all over the shelf did you add to your partner like the poem she did like I mean like I think she just yes she does icon of condition that like the poems that I write I think Well she I deny her favorite poem is not me I don't. Know it's not me the. Right reason but why should I write was definitely the funny and I was on the radio with this thing in my live recording for radio for my my daughter came from the audience and then afterwards she kind of k. Walking home she said she was 8 and she said Can I give you some feedback and she's like yeah my favorite you were my favorite poet my favorite poet if I could say if this is Ok Was Mary Jane Chan he was another I think and I was like Ok why is she so I just thought she spoke more eloquently than needed. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Yeah yeah. Yeah very funny yeah so I'm on her 2nd favorite How would you do that She's 9 now yeah and precocious is she writing she does she likes fiction and she's writing a story about a pirate that this guy says herself as a teacher at the moment is very funny she's very funny I think so often there's a surprising amount of humor in what she writes is quite sophisticated for a 9 year old I am often so shocked about it I mean I think that. So many people say they can't write our I can't account that it's because he gets knocked out of the school was so badly. You know I mean in the same way as poetry is taught badly in languages that so badly Yeah writing is to very very bad my Stevens I find university Harper like Khan with the expectation that you read poetry for answers as opposed to like as an experience and assuming he teach them not and you show them some new stuff that can be read like that they start to really enjoy it and if only they come a lot of I'm thinkin. I wish this wasn't I wish this was an option or more to about I could choose not to take and then by the end there are don't realise you could write a list or you could like like one go Chrissy Williams made a spot of my playlist there's a poem which is a type. That lots of different forms that you you know it doesn't after be a sonnet you can make up your own constraints currently and that's what lots of clever people clever the meeting at the moment there is I think one of the things for me about writing and we talked about this before where we've got a minute and whether it's poetry or prose or fiction the musicality of the words is always central Yeah I mean at least it's the means it has its own internal music doesn't it really does its work on you before you even understand the poems about a lot of the time but a lot of people when they're writing down stuff if they're writing essays for school or college or they're writing letters or they don't read out aloud to them so you've got to do that because then you'll hear our sound stream. Yeah I often. Worried I don't do that enough. But you know what as a real musicality Yeah it does eventually you read our media out and then you know which where you find the meter Yeah right and yeah as ever I do I've enjoyed talking poetry and words and even Valentines with Wayne Holloway Smith and I think they're fantastic as ever so thank you very very much you're listening to the show here on b.b.c. Radio. Coming up for the rest of my show we're going to be getting some live music from Genevieve Dorsey we'll hear about the pull of the sport from Pitts the reports we're going to be climbing aboard the time machine and getting a family 5 from Colin in West Village all of that still to come here on b.b.c. Radio along the. beginning an investigation in the country this weekend into the spread of the virus to a show on is a g.p. And says with half time coming up in the u.k. The needs to be clear guidance to parents to help prevent the spread of the illness it's really important to get children hand-washing if they are super spreaders The other thing schools need to be really clear about is with half term coming up and people returning from troubles overseas that really.

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