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Or willing. Or even touching distance of each other and we're all aware that you can have this for us and. Meanwhile the government's declared the coronavirus a serious and imminent threat to public health and introduce new powers to forcibly keep infected people in quarantine it's understood that's in response to one person who came back from China attempting to leave isolation at a hospital on the world despite agreeing to stay there for a fortnight storm Kira has claimed a life Hampshire Police say a 58 year old man died yesterday when a tree fell onto his car near Winchester long distance trains between London the north and Scotland continued to be affected by flooding and in Brentwood in Essex homes have been evacuated after a car fell into a huge sinkhole more than 12000 properties in the east and southeast still have no power the government has defended its decision to deport up to 50 Jamaican nationals tomorrow saying they've committed very serious offenses but their lawyers who are launching a judicial review to try and stop the flight say some of them have been in the u.k. For decades and should be allowed to stay Karen Doyle from the Movement for Justice says many of those due to be on board deserve a 2nd chance they have all been given a sentence that a judge deemed commensurate with their crime they have served that sentence most of them have served an additional sentence in immigration detention many Cain is children and if you have a piece of paper that says you're a British citizen you get a 2nd chance in life but these detainees are not getting a 2nd chance and I think that is a problem Sakia stammers campaign team has described a scarlet suggestions that it hacked into the labor membership database the shadow bricks and secretary and hope in some Pancras m.p. Is widely seen as the front runner to succeed Jeremy Corbyn as Labor leader the party's reported its concerns to the Information Commissioner but secures campaign vice chairman the Tottenham m.p. David Lammy says there's no substance at all to the accusations. So Rod Stewart says he's happy to be asked to close the 40th brush Awards which take place next week at the o 2 arena it will join previously announced acts including storm z. List. Harry Styles Billy Eilish and the London rapper Dave performed at the Brits once before 993 when you also picked up an outstanding contribution award now consoler has London's weather a rather blustery day again today we've got blue sky and sunshine or at least sunny spells but also some heavy showers developing and a strong westerly wind now widely gusts of 4050 miles per hour but when the showers blow through those gusts could increase the temperatures feeling colder than yesterday looking at a maximum of 9 Celsius and with the b.b.c. Radio London travel. The m 25 Matthew anticlockwise we did have a vehicle on fire like it was along on fire just before junction 10 in the a 3 that said now out all lanes of were stopped for sure and time which has got one lane closed off now with delays on the approach to that which afaik queuing for Magic's and 12 at the Ems 3 and she clockwise also looking slow approaching a junction $25.00 m. Fill with cues from Junction $27.00 the m. 11 in the center of town the bottom end of Regent Street is a closed off approach in Piccadilly Circus for gas and waterworks which is adding to the usual delays in the West End quite a few buses on diversion. On the chain says disruption for change by cat food after a broken veil in London Overground did have a minor delays on the West Croydon but that said just in the past few seconds gone back to a good service there's still no service says self taught and to barking because of ongoing repairs to the track and quite a bit of disruption for long distance service is heading away from the capital following the storm any updates you can tweet us at b.b.c. Traveller let's there's more travel with Bobby at 12 that is. 94.9 f.m. And on b.b.c. Sounds. Radio. There is a question Paul is just some may a picture of the long lost Craven Park. Depending on how you have these matters and we played Lido shuffle earlier he says and never knew this existed where was it so there is a proper question it's not really an inquiry but one more finding out to die if we could where was a photo of it's a big outdoor swimming ball where was the craven Paul Lloyd or leader also because that's what was called the where was the Craven Park Lardo long gone last but where I was in the 1st place. I went to vanish. Still. That's the car roll and in the morning you're listening to the robot I'm sure here on b.b.c. Radio London but you could of course have been listening to a pub called school the escape. Just which tows the extraordinary story of a man I'd never heard of but I would now want to know a lot more about he was and this is very interesting as we've been talking about Craven Park and he was a craven only some assuming that's how you pronounce Alpha Craven's name Craven Craven the man seen obviously can certainly tell me because he's the person who's been exploring the extraordinary life of the escape artist and he's Ross Sutherland last Welcome to the show thank you so much you know I think it's Kraven or craven up in saying about ways I think I even say about boys in the park cos the government tracks Ok just as there is a place in London slightly lost their Craven Park and I wondered if there was any link likely think that's perfect and knowing what I know about about Arthur crime and I think the idea of his namesake should be some mystery ghosts are perfect. So I added you 1st get to know this chap what did you encounter. I mean like I am the same I had no idea who he was into about like a year ago so it was actually it was it was the b.b.c. Coming to me and sighing we would be interested in maybe you doing an investigation it is this this guy so I came in completely cold as well and it was handed to me like a bunch of books that someone at the b.b.c. Who was interested in him already who had been a bit of an amateur sleuth on on on his life handed me their research and basically said. So yeah this is been like a journey for me too because he is not an easy person to track down where he's whole his whole thing as an artist was about covering his tracks Let's go back to the very beginning when the data to all of that right Ok so he's born. In 887 in Switzerland right. Serious national I don't I can't even but he is actually like is an English family right. Living in Switzerland it turns out he discovers when he's a teenager that he is that he is related to Oscar Wilde and I love visiting the hidden from him in his kind of family like after. The Oscar Wilde trial and the scandal around that they kind of like literally tried to obscure the entire saw that a family tree and he was so incensed when he found out about this about the way that they treat it like his memory the finding out that connection to Oscar Wilde's is calling end of the trigger point where he just you know he was already a wild child you know being thrown out like. One room he says that he got thrown out of one boarding school for putting the head teacher his knee and cleaning him. So he's already walked out but then suddenly he gets like this this this calling right and he's like I'm going to be a creator of scandal I'm going to scandal itself into a kind of form and then he kind of disappears off around the world I'm assuming that he must have had a few people that he came from a relatively wealthy family. I think maybe to be a lot I think he had enough money to begin with. You know but at the same time like when he was a teenager after he left school I think he had a lot of money to get into those and in the 1st place after he disappears he rides a box car across America so he's living in kind of. Yeah you know and I'm like I'm not guess you know like I mean he's seen a lot like Carnival wrestling and stuff like that and definitely influences the way he ends up being like a boxer because he was bugs. And then from a certain point onwards he's just a consummate. Black you know like he's just a color you know and the way that he is making money is living by the skin of his teeth or he's reinventing himself or like make money. Doing something which is a genuine creative enterprise and half out of something that's just going to make enough money to keep going give us some examples of some of the capers that he built. One thing that he did so he arrives in like Paris. He wants to become like a boxer but like he decides to be a boxer like you know like like books in Paris in this time it's like you know like the the last are kind of gentlemanly Yes Huge Elysium. And he turns up and he's just like this theatrical like he like when someone calls his name out he like stands up in his like fur coat which is probably Stalin and he's like and he starts reeling off all these fake Toyotas he's like yes. You know like the snake charmer the hotel faith the poet with the show is tearing the world basically using that technique of just. Psychological intimidation. Manages to become the amateur heavyweight champion of France without throwing a single punch like I like and it's just a lot of flick a lot of people just like have to for other reasons but also there are people who are just like I'm not fighting this the this guy and so he gets this amazing toy all purely based on the power of his mouth not really is fists and then there's a lot of doubt as to actually whether he was any good with his fists whatsoever. Because probably the most famous for is known for is fighting Jack Johnson which at that point was World Heavyweight Champion Jack Johnson fought in him in Barcelona the whole reason he does the fight in the 1st place is because 1st world war started and he needs to escape he needs money to get on a boat to get himself out you're over to America basically to escape conscription so he sets up this fight and because of the crime is an amazing p.r. Guy he's able to convince everybody involved that he is like a good fit to fight the World Heavyweight Champion Jack Johnson and of course you know that the fight it happens in this big newly constructed bullfighting ring in Barcelona as thousands of people there. Comes out you know just gets absolutely pulverized in the 1st round but it wasn't about winning you know just about getting loses for enough money it was a poet as well as me he was a poet as well yeah you know and that was it you know I'd say what was kind of most interesting about him was this maybe this why that he took the lessons that he learnt. In the boxing ring and. Apply them to the way that he can to conduct himself in literary circles but which I mean like he . Took on this kind of pantomime villain role you know a little bit like. Like a wrestling heel where he was happy for people to hate him he was happy to be basically like it looked like the 1st incarnation of like an internet troll so even when he was doing like his peers poetry readings he'd always be trying to kind of create scandal he got he took a gun on stage with him for like an early one blank so he he he was. A collection of like revues off. From this big kind of q. Based exhibition and just picked personal fights with every single one of those artists in the in the gallery he became like you know. Most. In like in France for one year and that's because you know he was entering into this world and I can relate to in some ways how did you kind of get on his trail and where did it lead you I mean his whole thing because he is an artist in a time of total war and no none of us know what that's like you know to live in a time like that but he was using it as a way to escape he was using it as ways to get across kind of like the boundaries you know like between countries he was trying to stay one step ahead of conscription the part that is always about hiding his trial and that means just like in a good boxer he's always self mythologizing always trying to like tell me stories of where he's doing away is going so the more you look into it the more just you just start to question anything and you start think I'm I being had this guy even real was just like he ended up in Mexico that's where the story ends and he gets to New York marries. Falls in love in New York with Mina Lloyd an amazing modernist poet Whiteway but a poet but not the Kraven but besides they travel together in Mexico again. Trying to escape the war. In Mexico and they going to use that to escape Mexico I don't know where they were going to go next but. Yeah under a pseudonym under a different name he was also a partner you see what I mean you know but everybody gets on that boat. He basically they they pull the money together to get this boat the boats going to how they escape he takes out for tests. No one ever sees him ever again really yet that's it disappeared disappeared he has never been found no one knows how the story ends and that's part of you know but that's not where historians go of course he's he spent his entire life. In myth you know like trying to be larger than life so after he disappears people keep telling stories you know like so that turning him into that saying yeah did you hear Kraven he turned up in Hawaii or he became b. Travel and wrote lost treasure Sierra Madre or he ended up back in London being like a forger selling like a faux Oscar Wilde letters under the name Dorian hope so always like he just becomes this conspiracy theory that gets passed between like the writers who knew him and the writers who don't and and just goes on forever and in some ways it's beautiful it's beautiful and the idea of like you live by this life of fictionalizing yourself and then people just take on writing the story but it's also incredibly sad for the for the for the woman he left behind because she never gets any closure on what happened to him whether he drowned see whether he had a sense of what happened. And I mean. I mean I. Think it was just I think he took that for a test cycle and I think it and I think it sank and I think that's the end of it so he's definitely not Lord Lucan. But you know that you know you've got is anyone in anyone I found who is like interested in a scholar of Krevin they don't want to give permanent answers what they want to do is that the way you on a crab and is by adding your own story to the conspiracy so you know I am totally happy with that he was a me he was quite a surrealist was an e. And then and a punk kids of that. You know and that's a people if you want to find anybody who who who knows about the Kraven it's going to be those type of figures it's going to be you know. So yeah like I've heard that yet the Sex Pistols I think Joel I don't like like to quote him at some point so so he was mentioned in terms of like as a kind of like his approach punk figure. On one of the co-founders a surrealism mentioned him as yet like I was like an incredibly important to most important artists of the 20th century he even like yeah he's like I like the Dada movement he's kind of doing what Dada does but just like. Before he's you know and he is moving in the same sort circles as like the daughter it's when he gets to New York someone asks him to give a lecture on like Dada ism and he turns up. Stayed and tries to you're an eye on a painting and gets chased out of the building by security and that's possibly one of his most high profile things I think that story's true from open source and I think that wants to protest here. We were here to. See it together now on one of the one of the b.b.c. Podcast I think is on the course known as the site. So if you look. Yet all of the toys like 10 episodes where we're breaking them down are always different why is one called The books I once called the poet and so on and so forth like taking. Up and that's the extraordinary to story as told. The story of the escape artist was thank you very very. Briefly. You. Know. Just. As well. We. Have to pass. 'd on a good. Place The real thing and get by without you. Even. The reason our members it is only existed for 4 years. Just before the 2nd World War and then got really badly both during the war. Never reopened and it was built over and disappeared completely but it was massive at $165.00 foot by a 60 foot pole huge diving boards I mean you know hundreds and thousands of liters of water there is stuff about it you can find out about it on the on the the Web site the holes than the swimming pool but it's also known as craven part Lyda And and it's where Gifford rhodies in holes than these days so if you're going down Gifford road you are in the deep end so to speak of the old Craven Park Lyda they go we've covered and actually extraordinary kind of range of stuff on the show tonight from from kind of last comment on our lists and. Also what's owed some English a semi stuff of that Craven part loiter featured not by the by flood light had a water shoot in a sunbathing area badly damaged Joel Ward so never reopened lay derelict apparently until at least 1965 well thank you this is all come from Simon English who are new would know about all of this. And it's on the So I he says between Gifford road and road and for about 20 odd years it was just that there were leaks to me Bill that was there and I'm sure local obits used to go and play in the like go to things we discover on the show on the. to be playing our favorite songs you all and I am and will share them and listen to them I'm going to enjoy that knowing and then we're going to be having one of my favorite bands coming in they're the last brothers the not brothers and not last but they are very good indeed and their album is truly excellent and they're going to come in and play for us ahead of the London gig that they've got coming up at the post so. So that's what we're going to be doing for the last hour of the show now though at $1230.00 it's time for the news headlines. London's headlines for more patients have tested positive for the corona virus bringing the total number of cases in the u.k. To 8 patients all being treated at hospitals in London I mean all the government has declared the coronavirus a serious and imminent threats to public health still camera has kind of a life a 58 year old man has died after a tree fell on his colony a Winchester long distance trains train in London the north and Scotland continued to be affected by. Adding more than 12000 properties in the east and southeast still have no power the government has defended its decision to deport up to 50 Jamaican nationals tomorrow saying they've committed very serious offenses but the lawyers who are launching a judicial review to try to stop the flights say some of them have been in the u.k. For decades and should be allowed to stay London's weather sunny spells and some heavy showers the softening still feeling very windy with gusts of up to 50 miles per hour feeling cheated with hot temperatures of 9 degrees Celsius which is $48.00 degrees Fahrenheit and I would b.b.c. Radio London travel his body like era. Afternoon starting on the m 25 anticlockwise is king to 6 miles due to an early a vehicle fire just before 10 for the Wisley and change so all lanes have reopened that congestion is down to 12 for the Embry now instead cut the a 26 up bypass eastbound that remains closed by place at the moment from Paris streets. The to the a t t 3 that Christians call now in both the 11 by road with the traffic light failure nearby. Imagine surpassed on going that and in hair Alexandra Avenue but directions partially blocks due to a building fire near Alexandra school that a number of fire engines and firefighters in attendance now southeastern rebuys service between Victoria and Bromley south due to the ongoing signalling problem between Shortlands and Bromley south and London Northwestern reduced service a full day used in service says due to the storm from yesterday b.b.c. Radio London next update just after one. Day is London are you surprised at all to hear that there's been a rise in the number of people choosing to head out song from 34 this is London is this a jolly time all you finally thinking Aha prices in London the getting up in the market is beginning to unstick this is London on the really boring of everything the same places I mean London for 5 years this is London as a new employee and somebody who knows your quite well though is the job. At a time like this is long since stopped will do anything I see it and it's accepted for 6 in a while a.b.c. Radio. Thanks then it's time for what's your favorite song right now we do this every Monday between 1230 and 1 o'clock and it just gives us a chance to kind of listen to what you're listening to and to hear the kind of stuff that you enjoy We're not asking you to pick your favorite song of all time when asking you to to kind of pin your colors to the mask except save a lot this one and I've been listening to it and it could be a No one and it could be a new one I've gone for a new one if for of God I went for such a new one that we couldn't find it but I'm going to give you the information on the song that I'm not going to play because it's really worth listening to and you can listen to on the on the on the computer hopefully we'll get a copy of it so when we can play it properly it's a track called Break Free by Janie Moore and electrified I don't know Janie mores except for us in these videos that's j j y n e m o r And that's one for the source soul and jazz fans so really it's a little bit you go Scott heroin it's a little bit. Well it's kind of give it a go Janie more an electrified. And the track is entitled break free so I was going to play that because that's the one I really have been writing about but we can find the technology I will get a copy of it don't you worry and I will play it for you but if you want to hear it yourself you can just go and put it on the in the Internet is a good video that goes with it instead I'm going to play a track that I've already played a couple of times and that I really do love I think it's very very sad and very moving. And this is one that my son Alfie told me to listen to he's got very good taste I have to say in music but normally he's not a big hip hop fan is that's not his I mean like some hip hop but it's not his main thing and he wouldn't normally say to me Dad listen to this this guy but he did and I'm sure many of you will know him Mack Miller sadly is no longer with us because he died aged $26.00 which is a. A stupidly typical time to die and he did die of a drug overdose but he left brought a lot of music which they've been putting out and I think this track is absolutely beautiful it would be beautiful anyway but it's even more poignant because of the story that goes with it and it's met Camilla and it's cold so who's. Well. Those who want to live her life. Right before Yvonne. Dummer around oving as they are all Russian acts of real guys they're down. On a brown run no. Talking Never Jack no. Draws me have drawn. The start of the. Draw some cause. Not time I was cute. You know Silvio on. No don't watch our own off on and down as to. Give you some. Bit of. Fun. Don't you numerous drugs I also wonder. Bread Gambrell. Girls around. Me I think that's heartbreakingly beautiful song. On the Road Show I use a great buy sign as David said is that Herbie flowers on Bice more than a hint of welcome the was were you there is a bit that is just is a great ice line and I think the vocal performance as well is is fantastic very sad right and now we get a choice from Chris in New South guy like Chris i Robot lot and so why this piece of music at this moment in time I have. Played it over the weekend how I had a long time ago I think on a radio it's a prescribed I'm. Sad I lead I was guided through. There polt listening at home and able. To record the time that only more than I did then I had to not say they still had several say they are 3 for 20 quick stand on to knowledge and it was their Sobel to. Have you played ever since or the rediscovered it recently I would I don't know I used to play a lot but I was not good about the weight and then I played it the way I feel. It probably like that one freshly said example you know well I do like the song and I used to play not this track by just to play one of the tracks want to me instrument was at the top of the show. And then I lost oh yes. Yes Serbs are the sort of a little quiet Ok Oh sure yeah yeah exactly and I certainly used to play one on one of the tracks as well as me so we should show people who were talking about what the track is called Ok we're talking about stand your marriage and it's cold chill. And. Go on. The show it's all show thing obviously it's kind of quiet sort of celebrate. He. Was. Getting. Food. Anything. To. Eat. Eat. Eat. Food. In the morning. Were the only. Problem with. Having a morning from morning. To morning Morning me moving a morning. Morning told me. The Hmong people. Got him. When. He said John Lee Hooker An easy. Thing. To. Do you. Think. Yes it is. True Rose Rouge was the track that I used to play as an intro. To fall. In. With. The. To. From an album called tourist spot remembered all lost as well stop using. Sonic good though. Amazing they should be pointed out to me that album came out 20 years ago. Right and the next choice goes to Richard in sorry Hello Richard l.o.l. But right I mean why this particular track. This track comes from 2013 and I've been on holiday in the states and closed from say next to last like us well have not said geography day it's Ok. But I thought on a cd and list just happened to be the number one seed in the charts of the time and I look to the cover and I thought yeah it's colored so I said it's going to be solved 'd 'd 'd and you know maybe Motown ish but it turned out to be a country record not so but this is a bit strange. That used to be the lead singer of the rock band but changed his career and started singing country and. Put it on the right you know the color and also this is a good album and stick to the track of it if you put it many times in between it's all been a concert or is it one of those ones that you forgot about it and I forgot about it mine they are played a couple of times but it's just perfect draw of a being really could and the guy's got a great voice but and a subtle at the island. And I was just so well you know he's he's really not a on this album right tell us what it's called a nerd spy This is called Miss you Rocca. The it. Last with. All know I would never have played that in a 1000000 years but it was girl I proposed American heartland driving music. Good kind of what a rockin country and I'm very glad that it got played on the show you see this is why I wish I was somewhat now is such a good thing because you would never have had that on the rebound show but you did know and I'm very glad you did and I bet you would never does next track because I know she's I don't know anything about this person so. Rule going to war I'm going to be educated here I'm going to be educated by Peter who's on the line and hello pizza. So I don't know this person how did you come upon it so many more they said there was a piece a series and chasing the famous song a lot of the songs in the series and she just got tremendous voice how long ago would win when is this from what period. Last year Roy and what do you think there's been so say with the series is called taping fire you are keeping faith and what was it was it a drama so poor go and have a sore gaze if it isn't drama very good I must add of programs good as well but the gist of it was to go it was just just tremendous excellent and does it come from an album if I want to hear more what's the Yeah Yeah there's the album is called taken 5 as well right and this track is intitled by soul and it's boy I mean all age I mean why isn't there. In all the. I love. That you lose then you leave me. All over my. Live with you. But I do my. Love. My. God love. To be. I my. Love. I still. Sleep through. All. You stole. All full. Of the truth. Faith's song by Amy wedge award awarded for what he said Wedge so I will go with that and it was lovely You see what a nice thing that is to do so keep them coming basically and we've got a few moments now so I'm going to remind you of all of your many juices throughout the week on the show the most pressing one is that for Wednesday we need your Notes and Queries we had some terrific notes inquiry's last night my favorite was the giant Canadian mounted police officer who was only seen by people who were incredibly drunk but it turned out it was real well it was really inflatable and we tracked him down so that was my last rather long winded way of saying if you have any Notes and Queries any mysteries that need solving any questions that need answering anything it's been bugging new or you've spotted and you don't quite understand well wrap it all up in an e-mail include any photos or any evidence or whatever and send it to me please at rubber dot elms at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Robert Elms at b.b.c. Doco dot you can send us the email attach of photos our shit question but put your fine I'm wrong in the end I have to cite this every week and every week we get email we get queries from people who haven't bought a phone number and email you back and you don't respond we can't get you on you really need to to be able to come on air from those inquiries ideally because you will have more than it if the situation is that you've got a great no inquiry but you know you can't come on air for whatever reason not because you're a little bit nervous or shy my Except in that as an excuse. But if you really can't come on it in tell me that put as much information as you can and I'll read it but it's so much better coming from you anyway so that's not some queries for Wednesday for Thursday we need cover to cover suggestions I can't remember what cover to cover we did last week I think you need a Simone It was an it. Yeah so cover to cover suggestions I have to say cover to cover suggestions was always the one that we got most of but it's slightly slowed up a bit so keep coming please because there's an awful lot to cover versions out there we haven't done yet. And you don't need to put your phone number on this one because we won't call you back but we may well do your suggestion so that's covered to cover for Thursday for Friday of course we need a full for now we usually kind of leave the for for a little while just to see if anything at Ms during the week that would prompt it but if you've got a good idea just send it to me now so that's a cover to come up for Thursday and a 4th for Friday just in case you don't know what these things are. Cover to cover is very simple we play 2 versions of the same song and we decide which one is better collectively so it's basically cover versions although neither of them has to be the original one of them asked at least one of us to be a cover version so and then the 4 for is where we just play for choose based around a certain theme or a songwriter or a record label or an artist or whatever it might be but there's something that links all of the tracks and most tracks are chosen by listeners so each of 4 listeners will pick one so that's what awful for us Ok for Friday we also need funky Friday code curator's we might have one for this week I'm not sure but we get through that someone is there every Friday when Friday wouldn't be Friday without the funk so if you could if you can do funky Friday in the future let us know about that as well please so that's funky Friday co-curators name one that we always. I always enjoy but we always struggle to get we get there in the end but I have to really remind you is family favorites on a Saturday and that's a lovely little sore all you do is pick one piece of music that means something to you and your family there's usually a story that goes with it but it might be a song that your parents loved to your grandparents or your kids or when you play a part is all in the car on holidays or funerals and weddings or whatever it might be and it can be anything I mean I loved it when we had Patti McGinn is goat was a great piece of music played it normally but we certainly will on a Saturday if it's a family favorite views so to run through them all and just to remind you it's not some queries on a Wednesday cover to cover on a Thursday for far and funky Friday on a Friday of course and then it's a family favorite on a Saturday and then we're back to Mondays again when we need to know what your favorite song is right now an e-mail address is the same for all of those is Robert dot elms at b.b.c. Doco dot u.k. Yes we did well Dan Simon Simon remembered we've got a cover to cover for Thursday because it's and we might even have it. It's Valentine's Day I. Why and so My Funny Valentine miss those that that's what we have settled on. We we were thinking we should do Valentine's Day as well for Friday but we don't know where and now and why. Still to come on the show we've got live music from the excellent lost brothers they're not lost there is the brothers are actually but they are very good and they're coming into play for us after that you'll be joined by some Elwood on the sitting in for Joe good she's going to talk to Alison Kosik about interiors trends to Kathy Jensen writings about a piece big old law in and then 5 wings with chips and a drink please she's joined by journalist Amelia did and her You Tube series so that's what's coming up with Selma Elwood army sitting in for Joe Good. To see Radio 96.9 f.m. . B.b.c. Sent. These numbers to. B.b.c. Radio to. London's knees at one I'm Caroline run down the number of confirmed cases of Corona virus in the u.k. Has doubled to 8 the 4 new cases in England are known to have had contact with a previous confirmed patient and contracted the virus in France new patients are being treated at hospitals in London on health correspondent James Gallagher says it's still proving difficult to know exactly how deadly the new strain is the patients ending up in Chinese hospitals are the most severe cases and it can take weeks between being infected and I the dying over covering the team of the m.r.i. .

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