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We started word with the message started with the word London. Based on the story about John Lennon sunglasses selling 483-7000 pounds while item of clothing that you would like from a famous person is going to said I'd have this in December 2006. As Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's was sold at Christie's South Kensington for. $807000.00 Gina Janina I'm sure you would like that so that's the black that's the black satin evening gown that Catherine had been or as we go lightly I mean that is amazing Audrey Hepburn and Catherine had been so Audrey happened Thank you George or dampen war and that a $107000.00 What's item of clothing would you like most like to buy or have or own could be from a film could be a rock star as it could be anything that ends well but mainly pick up the phone and talk to me about your ailments and your illnesses anything you're worried about and I'll put them for you to doctor on a straight after this track which is Tom Petty and I won't back down. Because. Tom Petty they were I Won't Back Down Good morning everybody it is that time the month when I joined so I don't like being called the time in. My mouth it didn't sound right that it is sort of our sort of doctor and if anyone should not mind it should be you. Just use your facts of life I'm joined in the studio of course by Dr Reddy I had a camper for our Sunday surgery Good morning good morning I got a cold I do I have the dregs of a code I think that's what we would call it is a medical term it's my medical term to say not to put too many people off their point I'm kind of drowning in Micus and is going to put a lot of people of authority that was way more graphic than I was expecting that horrified me. It's interesting they let us talk about it because it had some people get in touch a little bit about winter colds and sniffles and things to sort of aspects to it one person got in touch and said their cold is lasting for ages what point should they be worried about at what point should they go and see someone out there but also somebody else going touch and said How long is a cold infectious for when can they not pass so I think a code is an infectious for about 535 days really and then you know the they have 25 s. Anymore you've just got all of the yuck that comes with it and it's that that makes you cough to say long we do actually say to people that oppose 5 cough so after the virus is gone can last for $6.00 to $8.00 weeks and that's completely normal and horrible but it should be slowly getting better so that's why I said you want to don't worry I'm not infectious I'm just sounding like I probably am yeah let's say that to me then I come down with things but I think that we should talk about those things now that straight ahead. But I think. When you should worry so if the fevers Don't go away you know you get sometimes a fever when we have a heavy coat at the beginning but I think if you are 2 weeks down the line and you still spike in temperatures then I think that's worrying and I think you should see a doctor about that if you're just feeling generally. Really unwell still in this no improvement because I'm still feeling unwell but I know it's getting better Yeah you know I know I'm feeling better now than I did 3 days ago so I think if there's no improvement then definitely see someone or if things are suddenly getting worse see someone but in the main 99 percent of people will be looking at 10 to 14 days for the keep it and the cough camp assist and there is almost nothing you can do about the cough However I don't buy and I'm sorry to the Big Pharma don't buy cough mixture is because they don't work Ok none of them work there's no evidence that they work however this one does work you have to ask for it because the pharmacist keeps it tucked under his care a lot of secret it's kind of a secret it's a coding linctus Yeah folk a routine is one of the names it has it's cheaper than all of the others and it does work because the code Jane acts to try out me because that's what hating does it calms down the nerve endings in us right and if you take it a night time it can help you sleep so folk are dealing to is the only one with having the rest of the match is a complete waste of money and it makes me really cross that they sell it. I did not know they're expensive as well I'm never sure what I've got as well as like tickly cough chesty cough draw I cough I'll either I'll just hack in all over the place as I can that's when none of them work because they don't they don't some you get in your body and they go you know Tim has a typically cough today I'm going to treat this one I like to sleep ago the 1st thing that thing where your worst thing is that coughing at night we can't sleep in is that actually if I just drank water almost that exact same effect as if I took any cover design so just because it just washes away the Micus and the reason you cough more night is that when you're standing you actually swallow lots of mucus naturally without even knowing it but at night you don't and it sits on your throat and it sounds really chesty The other thing the e can do is you can just buy steroid nasal spray of the counter and there are lots of different brands and that can actually calm down your nasal mucosa which gets swollen when you're producing mucus and if you come that down. That can actually slow down the because production is well good good to know there are calls more or less or to things very question if you've got a question for Dr Reddy give me a ring 17312000 or you can text I want to be 3 star in message with the word London have a look at some of the health stories in the news what if we got so I really like this idea that food manufacturers should be forced to put how much exercise you would have today to get rid of what you've just eaten yet so you know eating a pizza you need 5 hours of walking you know or take a chocolate bar 20 minutes of running I really like that I think that just crystallizes in one's mind what you're putting in inside your body and I know personally because I do care about my weights and you know my you know my health I know when I go to the big coffee shops any of them and I look at you know a Carmo shortbread when thing or I'd love that because I've got such a sweet tooth and then it has $500.00 calories which is a 3rd of my daily requirement more or less and I don't buy it it stops me buying it so I think it's really good idea so since it's but it's been quite controversial in the media this week there's several people I saw who have eating disorders who said that they thought it might trigger them to either then start. Excessively looking at looking at it but but it was a vent I gravitated to you know exercising excessively so I do understand that of course and anything we do there's always going to be some people that listen some people to win and unfortunately as awful as eating disorders are. The biggest issue that we have is that 60 percent of adults are overweight so it's massive and we have to do something about it we really do because it's a massive health problem you know we've now got people with a shorter life expectancy than they did have so I do understand that and I'm not sure how you get around that by I think the bigger problem is obesity and somehow we have to we already do it with calories in some places so I think it's quite similar and I think you know people we tell women that they need on average about 2000 calories men 2 and a half before they do any activity I don't think that's tree I think it's less than that I know my basal metabolic rate is about 1500 and then anything can top of that I guess I'd be quite quickly and we know from the research that if we put these suggestions on even the averages that people cut down the calorie intake by 200 a day that doesn't sound much but that adds up over a wake you know and I think diets like the 5 to diet where you eat 6 to 800 calories on 2 days they work in parts of the reason they were not all of it because there are some physiological changes because over the week you cut down your calories Yeah so I think it's important how do you don't use a really fine line now and I'm interested from your point of years as a doctor. How you run along this line between. Promoting good health and promoting people by their correct way or good weight for them and then this idea that we have now which is a sort of anti fact shaming society we have which is that people should be happy in their body and that society should allow people to feel beautiful whatever size they are how do you do you notice intervening is a sort of psychological side and then the physical side as opposed to there is and I actually watch that program that was on the documentary recently about the people who are overweight living in a house and I found it really really sad because you've got young people who are very overweight being sold this line that being a being fat you can be healthy but all of the science says we count and all the science shows us that it will catch up with us at some point so you might be 25 in every way and not have any health problems but if you continue you will develop them and we know that so I'm afraid I have to go with look yes we shouldn't be obsessing about it and I am I often use the term moderation in everything even moderation you know so let's not be silly let's not be obsessive So for example I in the main don't a complex carbohydrates but complex carbohydrates so I don't eat potato rice bread pasta rice but if I go out today for lunch and I want to resort of course I'm going to eat it so I'm not obsessive about it so again just moderation and tone it down and whatever you're going to do or not just and everyone should do that but whatever you're going to do a smaller portion sizes and just understand that you know you have to be a reasonable weight a safe body b.m.i. Between 18.5 and 25 and for most people the b.m.i. Is a good indicator you know not for Jonny Wilkinson the rugby player but for most of us and just know that otherwise you can suffer some sort of health problem whether it's your knees going you know because they're so painful you can't walk because of the way they go see them to heart disease and it's a myriad and not everybody is going to get diabetes but a lot of people are. On some afraid I have to go on that yeah you know I understand about being. About give us a ring if you have questions for Dr in 807312000 or text 8 want to be 3 star in message with the word London I have got a question I don't know how you do wants this but also interesting whether or not G.P.'s are even factoring this in at all at the moment and we were talking earlier about people were they happy about the election or not and what with people you know what people worried about or excited about. And got in touch and said actually that he's mainly worried about is the economic crisis that's the thing that is really worried about he's worried whether or not conservatives will take it seriously or not that's sort of by the by but James Inc in Kingston said Really John about the climate crisis please ask your g.p. The climate crisis will affect British health if we don't deal with it or doctors preparing a looking at that I think the answer is that is not of course because we just struck in a moment with the people there walking through the door every day I mean I think a lot of people don't know this but the piece in the u.k. See a 1000000 patients a day. That's how many I know a 1000000 people in the u.k. 5055 was about 60000 Yeah so 160 people yet a day visitor to pay so the workload is absolutely massive So the answer is neither and that's an honest answer that doesn't mean I'm not concerned about it today and I think oh say they will pay health effects of easily of raising a rise in temperature I mean we know that when we have stream weather in the summer and we have temperatures of 36 that he 7 degrees people die you know so it is important to me is something that we all going to have to get on top of but that's going to have to come I think from central government filtering down to what we need to do what we need to consider but we've got more questions and we'll have your calls give us ring and under 731-2000 then we'll come back with Dr Mann I. Was was. Then I called. I've a 100 amp g p of summer now. I have tree I just I just like the sound of it and I am the cause of it I should just left you know of course around you I hear I thought that the last hours I was like she's a property I said that earlier today as well you see reality not joking she's got guys and everything and if you have a question for they get in touch give me a ring 18731000 Love speak days pick up the phone goes 107312000 you can text your questions into a 123 Start message with the word London one of the questions actually joke I wanted to ask they presented for me. Is about flea jabs because she says she feels pressured by alleged to have 3 jabs and she thinks the team many people have a clue just don't need it I was Opinion Research he said ask about flu jabs should get he should be getting free jabs and then she said What is the very job actually do Ok so I would like everyone to have a few Jap obviously they're not covered to do that so the moment is if you think over 65 if you've got asthma diabetes and a long term condition cancer except for pregnant women and said please job just works exactly in the same way as the the vaccines that we give our kids say it takes 3 or 4 depending on how old you are is a different vaccines. Of the flu we think are going to come to the u.k. So they track them around the world and they try and predict what's going to come here in winter and they sometimes get it wrong you know they got it wrong last year and then they give us an inactivated. Bit of each one of these plays so that our body mounts an immune response to. It's so that when we do meet that act to fly it already knows what today and it quickly jumps on and we don't get Flay and I would recommend that I've I've always had the flu jab and I guess that's because I work with patients all day as well but just for safety and I'd rather not have flu and I did have flu last year. I went to the Middle East and I got a Middle Eastern play and I was so ho I've never been so ill so I can honestly say I've never had before. And it is totally different because I know it's not I've had flu once and it's not a cold it's a total I felt relieved my head off of the safe my baby he was only 4 months old and had to go live with Gran because I couldn't look after her and 9 days I ended up in a in a and I had pneumonia on top of the flare and I can honestly say it took me 4 months to feel well again so you don't want Flay no one wants it's hideous So I think everyone should have it and I don't think too many people are having it if I think not enough people are and is that what the actual Think moment is the age the age is there like definitely for a 50 or definitely or so that we get to have a success rate of 65 there on a day and then anyone under that but that's just a money thing right that's nothing Stephen Hayes should have it all right it's not so it's not like you're more prone to is more dangerous just like we should all have it's just we've got a limited resource we know that the elderly and pregnant women are more it's more dangerous for them so they're definitely in those grapes and we know that that's where we see some deaths every year and we have flu deaths in the u.k. Every year and not you know an insignificant number you know into the hundreds every single year so I think everyone should have it I try and convince my sometime of it because he has me and my mom has it I have it my partner has you know anything at work and I've got it so much that we got a call it's going to go to Marty Marty hello thanks for calling in have to have. Your camera question. One on one of his armor and. I want to cry are. A lot. Last word of the phrase who I was driving home well less creepy smaller now it's far more trouble in Sochi longer than the surrounding areas with a lot of. Other adults who issues of money whatsoever I don't even see between 2 groups Welling or boxing close clutch me haven't you Marty hello hello hello. Yes always always wanted me to pick you know how to move towards But also I just want off right this court. Really like a monster touch one horse ourselves so what do you know what kind of a thought to show sister has. Quickly got in her right wrist and it goes right to her. Quite well. Ok said it there are different types of arthritis the one that . Can be inherited or runs in families and is quite common is remitted authorized this and that's the one that doesn't seem quite significant treatment but the one that most of us will get in some form or another and I'm definitely riddled with arthritis because I've done lots of running and osteoarthritis. And it is possible that you've got a bit of wear and tear in your name only 31 is young but it's completely possible an x. Ray will show that you can just ask you g.p. For food and go for a walk in x. Ray or it could be almost a repetitive strain kind of injury you know so that people get it when these the mouse on the computer and their wrists cetera and because our occurs when you're in London you're constantly on off that clot you should all scarf an automatic so I let my mom. Through. This is all fix it by hand Yeah well this is a fix it is then you won't be using I drive myself to hospital once when I fractured my knee because I don't automatically. But yes I think the only thing you can try and do is some strengthening exercises for you need to build up the muscles around the joint like her use I pray friends say I made a rabbit on. Around the neighborhoods that can work quite well or take that's antiinflammatory and I'm right and they are quite often men don't like taking medications I just Robin in a scream would probably work just as well for her other than that I think an automatic Ransey answer Martin to go to marketing manager Ok. Thanks so much for calling in have a great day. And if you have any other cause got a few calls lined up now but give us a give us a ring for Dr Renee 117312000 you can text a wonderful 3 star message with the word London is just gone 1030 which means it's time for the latest news headlines from to is not. Thanks very much good morning Michael gave her said the Commons will vote quickly on the government's blanks it withdrawal Dale he's also insisted that discussions with the e.u. On the u. Case future relationship would be concluded next year Meanwhile the shadow chancellor John McDonnell has told the b.b.c. If anyone should be blamed for what he called Labour's catastrophic election results it's him Jeremy Corbin has also apologized in an article for teen used to newspapers saying he took responsibility saying his party came up short we'll hear from Mr McDonnell in the news at 11 a 59 year old man remains in custody after being arrested on suspicion of murder after a man was stabbed to death in Dhaka them last night a woman in her fifty's was also taken to hospital from the same address in Melbourne write her condition is not believed to be life threatening and crucial un climate talks to salvage efforts to tackle global warming a deadlocked they were due to end on Friday but they're still going on because of a stalemate on key issues such as a demand that all countries put new targets in place by the end of next year London's weather was a mix of sunshine and showers today with a brisk wind and highs of 10 Celsius or 50 found Hice Now here's the b.b.c. Radio London travel. On the raids on the m $25.00 southbound one lane is closed is because of a broken down vehicle on the m $25.00 at Junction $7.00 to $9.00 forget we care ports but traffic is keeping well in one state Herman Hill is partially blocked both ways and traffic is slow it's all after an accident Nelson right in Culshaw Alten the traffic lights are not working on pounce treated by on road so do preach with care on the trains they're not stopping on Southeastern at Kid Brook is because of a power failure there's a reduced service on Southern between Battersea Park and Balam is because of overrunning engineering works and they're all severe delays on the overground between high brain is Linton and West Croydon for the same reason that's the travel is more intense in 30 minutes. Except to my. Part it's my country of things going on digital radio t.v. And the b.b.c. Still except for one such b.b.c. Radio in London Stuart. There we go for lots of footy today Welcome back to b.b.c. Radio London with me to Martin I'm joined from Sunday surgery by the wonderful doctor Renee and the camp who's got to have a cold but like a trooper surviving like a train not I would come straight to bed for weeks and then make a lot out of it you know. With time. You know I don't have time or Bastille then I make it I'm going to make it sound Tamil there's only 6. Of you have got loads of callers now coming in so give me a ring as well we've got another 10 minutes time to get in some 312000 we can text a 123 Start message with the word London this is Joe interpreters Hi Joe How you doing. Well I'm quite a 60 something woman yeah but they are have had a diagnosis of osteoarthritis in my lower back which is really. Hard to stop doing some. I really like. I don't it doesn't seem to warrant any treatment but at the same time I can't get rid of this just makes it way down in the lower back and if I switch or rest for a period it's worse so I have to keep moving moving. Any tips you can give me regarding her how if at all to treat and if there are any specific exercise classes or when I have had or have better not go private work help may I can hijack. Your description of the stiffness which is worse when you're still is actually the classic osteoarthritis symptom so we have to say that it's worse in the morning and then once they get out of bed in the water around for 10 minutes or 20 minutes it starts to get better and that's sort of as a little bit more patient gets into the joints and they start moving a bit better unfortunately there is no long term treatment for steel with writers other than joint replacements which we don't really do in the back obviously we do need hips and things but what you can do each trying to help is strengthen the muscles around the spine so that those bones have a little bit more support there is a brilliant You cheap channel cooed you. Fix letter and it's written by a spinal surgeon and he's got pictures and he's got descriptions of the exercises and it just helps you. Fix yourself I mean does what he says in the chain you fix you so that's well worth a look and it is as I said about just doing lots of core So lots of planks that you can do at home to strengthen those muscles and keep moving and then obviously paying killers along the way and I'm sorry that sounds really negative but that really is when we have forced yes right has he taken a good vitamin d. Every day I tell you I take calcium and vitamin d. For osteo pre-mixed so. I k pretty and have you ever taken h.r.t. Years ago I had. But I came off it when the scare flared up about you know the link with cancer that's a shame because h.r.t. Does keep our brain strong as well really well but yes Richmond d always the time as you know I've been using turmeric lately which has been helping me with my last year so I just make some pains. So good turmeric and I'm a big fan of osteopaths as well you know are you doing the right so I used to do yoga and I have I can go back to that I do think that's probably helpful yes because yoga is good for the core So we support the common Joe Good will be cheering in the background for me doing that she's a pig and I also too used to do ballet exercise for adults which I absolutely love and of course that's marvelous exercise for the body Generally yes but I thought maybe for the moment it's a bit too much but I'm going to try and go back to their old would you not to go back to it just because I did buy your body if something really really hurt with you don't do it I must say someone once bought me the New York Ballet Company video workout home in the nearly killed myself trying to do it was so hard. I won't go that far. Nope you're doing the right things in keeping me even is k. Jo thank you so much for calling and then by I if you have any calls or any issues that you want to talk to the 20 back in the ring have 8712000 and she she tosses out into the corner I've got Neil in Northwood on that I hung in there how you doing. Not so bad at the moment Ok How can we help I want to talk walk or talk don't like talk talk to Ronnie is all I've heard very bad stomach aches when I heard a lot about it for 20 years my sister. Or my sister in law was actually telling a hospital she reckons it's all right if there is court how you kiss her in the correct Oh oh I don't know that would have been top of my list to be honest with. I'm just going to ask a few more questions. Is there any food always a particular feat Well it's. Looking to sightsee my Christmas jumpers account 15 knowing is out and I pretty much John Kerry and it's probably the junk food that causes this thing in my stomach and I choke back that I have these tablets are not going to mine so I'm going to mine the indication tablets very well now I want to say the 90 minute my name. Making sure that you see Ok yeah you know g I g I but all of that we exist on this one right right so I typed a lot for each bicycling artist my my local chemist loves me because every comma go in there we know what you want and but you get them straight away I. Think Up to this now no I haven't run scared I am on 59 is out and I'm scared. To sit there because if they find something else wrong or mean I'm fairly have a smoke too much right believe me right I smoke too much and I drink too much I drink a lot with lemon ice and I drink smoke a lot of cigars so I am very unhealthy in my last hour and I'll strike where you're going to psyche about the pros give up a smoke and are you going to say that right. I wasn't going to say that no what I was going to say was this your stomach may be a hiatus hernia but the only way to find it now is to put a camera down and there are topless that the doctor can give you that will work much better than the goddess gone so I would say go to the doctor and don't be scared because you know what you're doing wrong no one needs to let you because you know and it would be much better to know about things than light and wispy twistings 20 s in the 1st. Place. They help but they only help for a few or few hours if you know our mind exactly so I think you need to. Get a camera down the have a bit of an mit and a health check and don't worry about other things they might find because you know that's out job and if we find them to treat them and expected to be treated early then late for anything they might find out I am scared i'm scared so either that's why I haven't been I wish she would go. Troy Troy given your voice mail on the phone Ok Ok I'll next week Ok really we'll let us know I am sure like a. Furnace number many times I would get for being special you know I try my talk I'm not promised program so on the next right here station so I talk about many things but yeah Ok You know what happened to you Look I'm sorry but I can tell you know I was in exact same position as you about 10 years ago and I went to the doctor and I'd been hammering the anti. In just tablets and they put me to think. That none of that was all and it totally sorted it out and actually it was more story was I can't. Think of another tablet then it was a tablet and it absolutely sorted all the pain one day months that I was revolutionary and what I did then and that was just me then you know not just needy gave me the break I went actually maybe I'll tell you about that I'll try some different things out and I sort of worked out what things actually made my stomach react and what didn't and I saw a change there and then then I was able to come off the map result as well so I'm not on any more I don't have the stomach pains but I had almost the exact same as you I had massive bloating as well you see it really painful East really blood. But I went to the doctor and and I was a hypochondriac me a lot I didn't want to go for existing reasons but I went there and they just talked about what was wrong with some of the chart I'm at Brazil it worked brilliantly and. Transformed my life and I promise you not just mental toll now we've been you know we just wanted to be healthy and we don't want to be spending a fortune to have a scone when the market heard. Ok girls are going to say thank you very much for the call but I've got to get the other caller saké but thanks for the call and also thanks for offering our call and I won't get but doctors next week really have to give us a ring back they'll give us a ring which I would like to hear exhibit nice to pass on as well as the rest of listeners Thanks Neal I probably have a good day thanks a lot of you as well I. Mean it's interesting how many people I mean I mean I know you're saying people saying a 1000000 bucks or a 1000000 people a day but how many people out there aren't going because they are scared of scared of what I find than men more than women think you know it's a common thing when we see a man and I look at my screen with have a quick glance at what's going on and they've never come before so I have no idea and this will be a man in the late forty's fifty's say I think men are worse than women and that's quite a lot I think is the things where is that thing that you think is going to be. At the worst the worst possible for his name and I think to reassure people you know the mantra that we use as doctors is the common things a common so usually isn't the worst thing because the West things usually read say usually something quite simple I saw someone last week who is convinced they had cancer and needed a scan and they did and they needed a few really simple tests and then sorted peace of mind is work that that's what people sometimes that's what people need isn't it is just is just our idea of it's Ok and we would rather see some more and I think it's a brain isn't just about nails and when I when I went it was a sort of ad and it was officially i.b.s. Or not what it what it was but but actually just it was a lot of stress related so just having it recognizing somebody is going yes that's fine that's something that took a little stress out of it in the 1st place yeah and then you represent really count it down and then when I changed my diet seemed to really help and I kind of lepers and see a combination of what we can do for a patient but also what they can Day Yeah absolutely. Time for one more call probably to give us a ring 107312000 while the newer stories in the news have you got up to running. We had a few didn't when I'm cold. So we had the calories. That screaming is impacting us oh oh I thought Yes really quite Yes this is this is about injuries that any department to seen from people walking around texting on their phones and I can absolutely see why this is happening because if you were down any street now you will almost get bumped into by someone staring at a screen and apparently the kind of injuries that people see because if they said it's about 500 that was seen in the study period or less aeration to the head of the pastes neck injuries and other head injuries and I just think maybe it's time we all put a science in our pockets because I think it's stopping us from communicating with people we know that communicating with people is good for mental health you know it's probably you know doing. Sometimes I saw I reckon. And it's causing injuries that I'm loving because this way you did it by now. I. Sort of did that but it's where a woman walked into me he was on her fine and I talked to her really loudly that you know that because we just. Started right after I was already got way past that I'm pretty sure she knew him and somehow you just talk to cheat or to come but it was his way and then literally 2 minutes later I was on my side and I walked into somebody so like I just did I'm not sure how how could she say you know they talked now that we've got let me they probably thought it off they're going to notice like Anyway we got Barbara on the line Hello Barbara how you doing Hi Fine thank you good morning sorry I know I'm. Not a question it's a comment so I don't have a health nutritionist now is this new to you and I was at my run and it's a comment about the question because I think they food packaging labeling in size legal entity and so in all public health nutrition well being discussed quite a lot and some of the criticisms that we have all expressed is that. You think I think you. Think labels are really not well I'm just stood by the general public say that maybe understood why the worried well off people you know who already convinced of the value will weight management but they're not necessarily well understood. By general public and I apologize if it sounds but you know I think. We need to make it more accessible to everybody. There is also obviously a difference in. Energy expenditure in terms of it exercise intensity and of course duration and it differs in terms of gender and age of cool so. Generally we're quite worried that there would be a lot of expenditure involved in this kind of labeling which actually may not really address the issue very well interesting yeah I do write I think that's really interesting and I take things and I agree with you and I am someone he thinks about weight management and exercise say for me it's completely meaningful. So I understand what you're saying but I think it's a fairly simple message from people you need to run for 20 minutes to get ready. But who is running 20 minutes is a 16 year old boy 60 year old man how hard are you running and is it an excuse it's a bit like me. That's what she's saying and I am a big Obviously I used and I think they're really helpful in terms of addressing exercise expenditure but what they don't tell you is what you're eating so people will go 1st to have a $10000.00 that Wark which we know is a bit of an art. And see only what they. 100 calories that. It's a carrot cake and not think about k. Because nothing's looking that I think you know I could not agree more with that and I really could not agree more with that and I think that's actually part of the issue we have we have convinced people to get. Anything because they've been to the gym and they come to peace because you count out train you know diet. And so I agree with you 100 percent I just think as a broad brushstroke it would have some effect and obviously it would have a different effect on a 16 year old to a 16 year old but we have to do something. Really cool and again some time to be loved to continue that are going to get some of the coals Thanks Barbara Ok. I've got in Bethnal Green and how you doing oh I'm fine thank you Jim. It's just a doctor in a good morning who will run it over had some a blood test from my g.p. But I can't get an appointment until the 23rd of December so I just wonder if you can just ease my mind tell me I haven't an underactive thyroid and. About a year ago they took me from quite far down to 1.25. Grams daily that was done with my g. Pain not into canola just yet I don't normally get diagnosed everything via him but anyway the g.p.s. That I needed to come down so my my blood all of my blood tests of come back to here safe level is point 25 which is low that is they coalesced I've got cholesterol one point I which I've never had a problem with cholesterol before and I don't understand what that would say my red blood count is 4.8 story so I just want to know if the Colette's clips on the red blood count is to do with the saw I ordered as well Ok so there is a correlation between thyroid and cholesterol for sure. And if your thyroid is usually underactive it can push up your cholesterol Ok so I'm not when you say 1.8 I'm not really sure what reading that is and what the range is is that showing that it's low because it sounds like to me Yes yes. Love Yes that's because your thyroid is over active so I wouldn't worry about that there's no problem with that being low in terms of your red blood count I'm not sure which reading that easy that. You're doing that is high or low it's this they're saying that that is love the red blood count is it's I think so yeah there are so many parameters within a full blood count so it only Yet there are so many if you're hemoglobin your h.p. Is that normal. Of course right here and. When I train and. There are 12 strokes I woke up and I would it mean to say and that's why I want to speak to the doctor and they won't speak to me. And 27. Say Ok so I'm not sure we treat in that is pop up I'm going to say that if the range is 10 to 12 it sounds quite like whatever it is so I think why would you 5 years find your g.p. Tomorrow so you not prepared to wait until you see some of the 100 new would like a telephone appointment Yes an old G.P.'s will have telephone appointments within the day and I think just be a little bit firm and say look you can't give me these blood results that are abnormal and then leave me to wakes to actually speak someday I'd like to speak to somebody on the telephone plays. Did she actually text me and said file make a telephone appointment of course work the receptionist transcript for a few exceptions now. Over there so I think the answer is you also I would be still a little bit overactive so you might need to come down on the dose a little bit your t.s.h. You. Know you're not you know under active at the moment Barbara if you're t.s.h. . So we add and I apologize. If your t.s.h. Is no 2.2. 5 Then you are over active because t.s.h. Reflects how much thought see your body needs and is saying I don't need any I've got too much and I may not come down to your deisel bit and then your cholesterol will come up right Ok. Thanks very much thanks so much let's have a good weekend thank you very much Ed when he got in touch as always people were going to tell him to thank you for getting into I'm not saying in general I'm having a holiday I'm sorry it was a tough. Go on holiday where you get to sit. Is it better than coming on the show it's tough going it is a tough call and you I thank you so much for coming in as a way that you have a wonderful Christmas thank you using. Saying That's Tina Arena there with Sorento man of the 4 track you listen to him after here on b.b.c. Radio and I thank you very much Dr Rennie for coming in thanks everyone who got in touch as well because I did get 3 some of the text and the e-mails as well sorry about that but as always when Dr and I come back next time get in early is always of the key talking a little bit today about John Lennon's glasses he sunglasses sold auction 413-7000 pounds how much money do you have to have by the way you can get. Some broken sunglasses 137000 pounds some people aren't rich and I was asking for a what what clothing or items of clothing would you like from your favorite celebrities and people got in touch thank you very much Laurie is going touch with a pen sent me a picture of David Bowie just said This suit is an incredible team I don't mean it was quite late in life looks super sharp just go to said Kurt Cobain's cardigan looks cozy to sell for a fortune I think it did pose go in touch and said let me hat let me from Motorhead see is going to Doris Day's Calamity Jane outfit is a good thing fair play to that one John good as it Adam and Jack it why not Frank got in touch and sent me a picture actually. Of that Ronnie would want to use Ok Ok think it's Keith for Rolling Stones he's got a skull ring on his finger anyone Charlie going to see Hendrix and take military coat he bought it in the portabello market claimer a said Diana's revenge dress and sent me pictures well lots and lots of people lots of things like buy a get in touch if there's anything that you are an item of clothing buy famous person that you think you would absolutely love I would like to hear from you and if you want to text and send me a picture it's always nice to see them 123 star a message with the word. And. So coming up from 11 I will be joined by filmmaker Jamie bacon he joins me to talk about his new show which is called Film new film which is called into America I watched it yesterday it's a fascinating film it's quite dark actually and really moving about I find myself about right density and sexual identity really interesting Gabby Rosalynn will be in the hot seat from 3 and then from 6 pm tonight Sonny and Cher I will be joined by a mass chef professional semifinalist about how he handled the pressure on the show all of that and lots and lots walked out to see anybody and he's going to be some of the lessons headlines from tennis not. To see right here 95.9 f.m. The b.b.c. Said this. Isn't going to. Be as b.b.c. Radio. London is news at 11 I'm Tanya snags if I want to blame it is May forestall the shadow chancellor has told the B.B.C.'s Andrew Marr Show that Labour's wost election result since $935.00 it would down to him John McDonnell made the comment softer suggestion that neither himself all the Labor leader Jeremy Corbin had apologised after the party lost 59 seats and make it clear that it's on me so on me let's take it on the chin I own this disaster so I apologize I apologize to all those wonderful Labor M.P.'s have lost their seats who worked so hard apologise all our campaign has but most of all our problems are those people who desperately need a Labor government would Jeremy called enhanced now said sorry writing about his regrets into all of today's newspapers Meanwhile Bryce Johnson's new legislative program will include a bill requiring the governments to raise spending on the health service in England bunny $34000000000.00 pounds a year by $22320.00 full It's also been. That the government has ordered a review to consider decriminalising nonpayment on the b.b.c. License fee well still with the prime minister Nicolas Sturgeon has told the b.b.c. That the pm saying no to holding another vote on Scottish independence won't hold the s.n.p. Leaders revealed she spoke to the prime minister on the phone about the issue on Friday I think the risk for the conservatives who I should be quite relaxed about it is that the more they try to block the will of the Scottish people the more water content they show for Scottish democracy the more they're going to increase support for independents which in a sense of them depict my job for me a man his forties has been stabbed to death at a house in Dagenham it happened at around 10 pm last night in Marlboros a woman in her fifty's was also taken to hospital from the same address her condition is not believed to be life threatening a 59 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and remains in custody if you use the trains you're being urged to check your train times before you travel as a new winter timetable comes into effect today the major changes are aimed at cutting journey times increasing services and adding new routes across the country similar changes last year it cools to chaos London's weather now his Lucy Martin hello there feeling cool with a mixture is sunny spells and showers those showers carried in on a brisk south westerly breeze that wind also helping to make things feel fairly cool highs around 10 degrees Celsius or 50 and Fahrenheit every night tonight there will be.

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