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The focus of the Conservative campaign has been its plan for a points based immigration system favorable to workers with skills but labor criticized that saying the system would collapse without workers from the e.u. Coming to do low skilled social care jobs and social care is what Labor has been talking about ahead of this final push for votes with the promise of free care for elderly people within their own homes last week the Court of Appeal quashed the convictions of 3 black men jail for stealing handbags on the Underground in 972 the so-called oval 4 were framed by a racist and corrupt police officer one of the 4 was Winston true he spent 8 months in prison and for decades trying to clear his name he told Dawson on b.b.c. Radio London he is now content and you see me smiling today because of course appealing so good because I'm for the last food to the as I've been depressed I've been unhappy. I've been angry in the 1st 2 years one woman called me a sandwich. You get the more they're out there with you just love them and leave get angry. That's what they did to me 2 people have been arrested in Dover on suspicion of terror offenses Police say the man and a woman who are both in their early thirty's are being held in connection with offenses related to Syria and are not linked to the London Bridge terror attack the construction company says it has suspended one of its employees pending an investigation after reports of racial abuse against 2 Manchester United players on Saturday the 41 year old man who hasn't been named by the place is being held in custody David McDonnell is the Daily Mirror's Manchester football correspondent and said racism was not just a problem for football this in fact a subtle and I thought was interesting yesterday that Gary noble The former Manchester United and you look at him in his post the nationalists distraught about the political discourse of the moment the rise of the far right and the rest road being used by some politicians in terms of immigration and that clotted in Poland these people on the pitch in the Women's Super League Arsenal won 3 not reading and have a 2 point lead over Chelsea who have a game in hand they beat Manchester City 21 elsewhere West Ham drew one all Liverpool and Spurs beat Brighton one nil London's weather a few showers around through the night windy to temperatures around 8 Celsius 47 foreign i.p.c. Already a London it's 3 minutes past 12. Radio 94.9 f.m. And on b.b.c. Sounds this is London this is b.b.c. Radio London Duncan box in the midnight hour b.b.c. Radio London I'm Dunkerley it's London's late night radio phone in thank you for tuning in we continue to ask you this question How much of an issue is immigration to you as part of this general election and what would you say is a fair immigration policy for the United Kingdom also talking about musicals as well when was the last time you saw musical in London and what is the ultimate musical and John Lennon you remember where you were when you heard the news that he'd been. Shot and killed 8 of the Sembler 980 just over 39 years ago and John Lennon's lasting legacy for you what the 008-073-1200 extension 0 is all phone number tax coming so you want triple 3 Start your message with the word London and you can e-mail it's Duncan to b.b.c. Doc. Jazz after midnight as we always do some day night into Monday morning Mel selection of jazz we've got the Jerry Mulligan sex tests we have Nancy Wilson alongside Cannonball Adderly Conway for the Diana Krall Mel Torme as well music taken care of but we now in one eye and plenty of calls to get to go Wayne we go David we got Alex we got Frank we've got Alan and you as well we're trying to squeeze you in 080-731-2000 will get you through to b.b.c. Radio London Morris is up next good evening. Good morning Duncan. I think it is now. Yeah musicals Yeah. I've seen Les Miserables when I told Mel that he lost just reflecting on a miserable I normally am so. I think it's a wonderful musical and obviously his on stage no I've got a bit of a mental block with it I've not seen the one about the bloke in the bread Yes Yeah no I haven't seen it and younger all yawn and yes yeah yeah. And his soon to by the policeman Yeah there yeah. All across France is saved. But it is actually quite an engaging story if you get into it when was the 1st time you saw a. You know probably 15 or 1617 years ago I would think Ok and if you had to sell Les Mis on a people call it to someone in a couple of sentences Yeah to say to them Look this is a must see how would you how would you sell it to them. This is a story of a man's strength against adversity the music is one of will with and it's the acting is soup with an s. And engage with the story so the 40 understand what's happening on stage good work and is that is that your old time is not the ultimate musical to you. My late wife and I about 10 maybe 11 years or so ago saw all of the on stage I think it was the old witch that you know and the staging of it was absolutely fabulous I have. A d.v.d. Of the film. Of Oliver and the stage pretty presentation of it pretty much matched what it is on film it was absolutely super. It was almost 3 dimensional the way in which the that the stage set was created it was wonderful and it would be impossible to not engage with it will make the a woman exude good musical there because it strikes with this quiet quiet differences in the between all of our inlay moods Oh yes a massive difference. And this is simply the. Most of them each of them in their own rights if that put on the stage and performed properly with the full the full panoply of. Of quality and and and all of the wonderful acting singing. Experience that these people have and they are wonderful people singing and dancing on stage must must be exhausting for goodness sake I can't imagine. It's difficult for me to get up out of my chair Duncan and. But these people. Form some magically. Night after night after night he is wonderful and we're in the just session now my I'll just say very quickly I've got to say days which I cherish and play regularly on is late night jazz soothing jazz classics which includes Mel Torme other Fitzgeralds Louis Armstrong Billy home Billie Holiday off complete to snow and Stan Getz and the other one is one which I don't think you will possibly know about it so have to duck and it's London's not calling from total out not just going to have I have it's a blue on this map blue in color call the whole map of the home. Well mine is this is black and grey very with Ronnie Scott's of the highest entree say yes I'm serious. He talks about the Flamingo and he talks about the various All the draw we are doing is starting with the same thing yeah yeah well it sounds like we do because it Devaney talks about the Flamingo and all of the other 50 is nearly 60. Establishments and so. How strange that you and I should be becoming kindred spirits generally job heard about 3 years ago an abortive from Ray's jazz in 1000 coal rather think it is. My son bought this for me I don't know but about 789 years ago. And he he musta bought it somewhere similar to where you bought your usual version of it because he was living in London and. It's my play in this today very regularly Well yeah amount of musical taste Morris thank you jazz off the midnight on b.b.c. Radio London do you fancy some. Yet we watch. The thing. Be sure. Be there. Be watch his piece smile. Of ma ma don't upset or come. When she's so close. To you soft. Sweet. But be discreet don't go on your feet she's too clubs. Or. Too close too close for comfort no not again. Too close too close to know just when to say. Be firm and before. Be sure of you. On a dog God take care of when less than 10 tongue one thing leads to Lana too late to Mark on she's much too close far from her. Mother. Be sure. What you're all thinking cat dog because of your own lookout you. Find that you are much too. Close for comfort her. And for a mishap along the 1st thing not Johnno should. Have you up that old tree. She's too close for comfort. 2 too close. To close. To close. But. It would be firm and be to. Be absolutely sure you would. Honk your God take care when the results of tests take John one thing leads to another too late to run for cover she's macho sports come from 0. One thing leads to the line of I'm. Too late to run for cover she's much too close for comfort and. One thing leads to another. Lead soon run for my. Pods too close for comfort Oh. Be. Be sure. Be there. She's too close to. So many people have recorded other over the years Eartha Kitt did a version Frank Sinatra did a version but that's Mel Torme and too close for comfort I love Mel Torme and I love the fact that he wrote The Christmas Song which we're going to hear at some point no doubt the sheen of the and that King Cole tune The Christmas Song chestnuts roasting on an open fire Mel Torme Party wrote that song in the middle of a very Hot American Summer with a thought in jazz after midnight mail selections between now and 1 am I've got Gerry Mulligan sextet for Yoko Nancy Wilson alongside Cannonball Adderly and they're coming up shortly Diana Krall plenty of coals as well 807312000 are in for a few more to give me a call now will get you listed and hopefully you and I can have a chat between now and one how much of an issue is immigration to you as part of the general election and what would you say is a fair immigration policy for the United Kingdom asking you this because the prime minister 5 days ahead of polling day laid out the Conservatives as straightly in style points based system for controlling migration after the u.k. Leaves the European Union speaking to The Sunday Times Boris Johnson said there would be 3 categories of visas for those wanting to come to the u.k. The 1st would be for exceptional talent that could be fast tracked to the u.k. Without needing a job offer also 2nd type would be for skilled workers such as n.h.s. Staff to travel to the country when they have a job lined up whilst both these groups would be given a chance to stay permanently a 3rd group of unskilled workers would be eligible for short term visas in sectors where there are employee shortages there has been reaction to these plans they were attacked by business chiefs whilst Labor warn the energy. Yes would not survive that's what we're talking about immigration tonight I want to try and understand how much of an issue it is for you as part of this election campaign and also what would you say is a fair immigration policy for the United Kingdom also chatting about musicals as well. Acted badly with Jake Jake Gyllenhaal has urged Britain to recover its musical mojo saying it was absurd the new productions were opening in New York rather than London so we've been asking you tonight what's the ultimate musical So really interesting suggestions I don't think anyone can top Kate's call in the 1st hour of seeing cats 14 times think it was 14 times I was the last time you saw a musical in London and you want to recommend a musical to someone let me know tonight and John Lennon Do you remember where you were when he heard the news that he lost his life of course he was shot dead 39 years ago on the 8th of December 1918 what is John Lennon's musical legacy all of that going on anything else you want to talk about between now and one as long as it's legal clauses these and we can have that challenge the radio over 807312000 give us a call and be part of London's late night radio phone into what for them Alexander Alex welcome it morning morning so I was so you know you're my favorite sausage biker but I was going to say you are. John Lennon John Lennon I don't think I can break dives called Seconal So Conan to say thank you yeah Larry played imagine at his father's funeral our car our car he said everywhere I want to size I was saying more of it was there I wanted to play and couldn't wait oh there was some place in love at the moment you know let's talk about the song having a few weeks ago a common but how we ended up talking about it I made the comment I don't mean to be disrespectful to Dave or yourself I've always felt imagine was a little bit a little bit cheesy but then again I wasn't around when it was originally kind of released while I was around but it certainly didn't have an impact on me so let's explore that song means to people like yourself why does it resonate so much but I think that our think I think John Lennon was a very visionary I think what he said is come to pass want to shine the masses not a lot to die with whether there are places where pay isn't so what we should be doing this is I sometimes wonder if John Lennon was still around today do you think he'd be recording music still would he bully be an activist what would he be up to do you think. The thing are so you still think if the music and Mike in comments what what a world if j.f.k. Is still left and. Been assassinated. The. Effect of moving forward. Immigration. Are going to pick problems with force not. I I I think. There's nothing wrong with the it's not perfect. But the sharing and I move on with our lives. And I think. It was all there to be used Blair I think over the 5 polite flood gates but. I think the Conservative Party one of my cousins for knowledge and shopkeepers Well that's going to because the House really nice and on in the shop people what do you mean by not but what I mean by that if we're going to be isolated we can have the. Or we're not going to invite people to this country to. Give and work hard and to help us success in life I think. It's going to be very. Selective on who comes to this country what was what's going to come to this country I think the. People who can who can I'm trying to get the right word say Can folks along trying to say they really. It takes people to sit back and but Bill guy for instance see where we can talk Gates in this and this country where we've got the people who can. Take this country forward into a world leaders fast Well I think from what you've said about what the prime minister Boris Johnson said earlier laying out the details of the conservatives planning system for controlling migration you think I mean I'm struck by this idea that you think it's almost this this on idea of off becoming isolated which wouldn't benefit anyone do you really think that subjective. I think I think it's all been twisted Sloss trade off is about the truth as prices the and with the red Bus comparison you don't talk about that that ice that's still in the bus station is it I think it's look at nodule traunch It's a story racial new new policy called the Reform Party isn't isn't there foam a Reform Club in London for the old boys you know there are there is a gentlemen's club called the Reform Club. And I don't think that knighted to any political parties I think it's about the interview I read was about reforming how we won't having a reform of the voting system for example yes I'll be able. To say just the right. Thing for our system more times this country than in a way so true issues homelessness education policing this is been this is been typing I've always breaks it it's wrong it's wrong the cars are being with people though the I mean I'm finding this conversation really interesting survey that mommy offering some questions but I mean there was a rattle random there was the result regardless of whether you use film on that particular result something had to be initiated didn't otherwise people would go along why would I bother voting in the future. The facts have now come to the forefront the true facts of where we are we've got the power to change this country . And I think it's kind of liberal way I think for us is had a very clear early stage managed. The show and I think it's kind of the White House the posters are going to call this well they say they are calling it. With all the different 3000000 people of average to vote and what they call Tech tactical voting yes and can I call it happened I call it we got a. Member obvious on just someone else about this over the weekend I mean there's a lot of polling and a lot of pollsters are predicting x. Y. And sad or whatever be going to remember a lot of the a lot of the very same polling companies didn't get the Bracks and read all the e.u. Referendum is all right and a lot of them couldn't predict that Donald Trump would become president so who knows who knows the polls the polls month say one thing but the reality might be something different well who win the cup. Or I let's move on to musicals are you a fan. You're an ostrich go into Jesus Christ Superstar if years ago another one it was all a he was a pizza. Technician they didn't give him very good brought up or is fantastic all the songs and. See here skunk everybody else goes. Are shit god small discos really. I think there could not have. Been times and so do you have any musical soundtracks at all and would you have a listen to songs from musicals. Called think of one that comes to mind and the Oscar who was on earlier said that when she's feeling a bit down in the dumps she puts on like a I think is a compilation of songs from musicals and gives her a little a little uplift. I know I can't figure out the line Andrew Lloyd Webber is a master sim right sees he's gone quietly chimeras he's still still around doing stuff Alex Good call Thank you Alex and waffled on b.b.c. Radio London Dario's in Dartford and texts the following with this election please realize the obvious someone is going to win the electorate the matters is now switched off and silent this really is the breakfast election the choice is quite simple for both sides nothing will change from the last half century unless the status quo is voted out if however you vote for the status quo you will get it with both barrels Germany actually had the perfect solution to migration back in the 1980s but the commission scrapped it put simply said you can't pay anyone less money for the same job just because they're foreign The debates are seen the Lib Dems admit a sterile labor no longer mention renationalisation. The bricks a party offer a different voting system that we all want and Boris is just being Boris all this with no effect on the overall polls whoever wins will get a shock on either to what we want all the economy still worse things happen at sea you know stereo ing doff he one triple 3 is a tax number star Joe message with the word London. Never see. You crack. Night for. Crying. I cried a river. Song . You show me nearly drove me out. Wildly you never shed but. Remember. I remember. You. Told Me Love was to be. Told me your room would. Never. Say. You love me. Just to prove you didn't. Care and grabbed me. Cry. Me. I cried a river. To. Crime. I cried. I know it's not the original but it's a very good interpretation Diana Krall and Cry Me a River b.b.c. Radio London just on half past midnight Stephen Davis as the latest London is. Stuck in the prime minister has attempted to play down the extent of need checks on goods crossing the Irish Sea is part of his Brett's a tale Boris Johnson was responding to questions about it league Treasury document which said the deal would mean you checks on goods being traded between Great Britain and Northern Ireland as the parties enter the final few days of campaigning labor is highlighting its plans for free social care in England the Lib Dems concentrated on their plan to spend 50000000000 pounds on infrastructure projects. Outside the southeast on the pitch and the women Super League are still won 3 nil at reading and have a 2 point lead over Chelsea have a game in hand they beat Manchester City 21 elsewhere West Ham drew one all at Liverpool and Spurs beat Brighton one nil London's weather quite a few showers around windy to temperatures 8 Celsius 47 Fahrenheit b.b.c. Radio London next update at 1 o'clock. This is London Tell me about life as a cabbie in London right now b.b.c. Radio London breakfast because it seems to me there are close roads. Coming out there with n.s.f. Belgrade's in the States your way of dressing is completely changed we would never know that you were British Bulldog my accent is good as you can hear any day mornings from 7 just so my guess is that it definitely be happy not what I've heard but it was food and beverage the next themselves weekday mornings from 70 b.c. Radio like. I'm Duncan Boggs or London's late night radio phone in hear a b.b.c. Radio London some late night London travel just to keep us fully in the picture cheers or see a 2008 Red Hill she's almost is closed in both directions still it's as a result of a police incident and you'll find the closure but when the b 263 an album the road just by the library studies on going tonight an overnight works on my own road this is eastbound the a 5 o one you've got resurfacing work taking place throughout the night running from a 41 Gloucester Place down to also place causing a little bit of local congestion and stress and a 23 the high road emergency repairs taking place so therefore there are temporary traffic lights on stratum high road the a 23 in both directions of Pinfold road that doing some gas repair work if you're on the ballot or you come across anything let me know and I'll share it with the rest of late night London oh wait i. 7 312000 is a number you need more jazz to come between now and one including the Jerry Mulligan sextet and something rather gorgeous from Nancy Wilson alongside Cannonball Adderly and more vehicles 080-731-2000 as we try and work out whether or not for you Immigration is an issue as part of the looming general election this coming Thursday musicals in London was the last musical you saw in the West and in London's theater land what is the ultimate musical and some chatter about John Lennon 08073 You won 2000 there's a phone number you can text your thoughts day one triple 3 star jewel message with the word London and the same way I like to say oh you can email Duncan to b.b.c. Doc Don't you k. Wayne is up next Hello Wayne Good morning. Morning musical Yeah. The last full. And I fell asleep. Which one. Lay Mase Yeah yeah you fell asleep doing it to the slate and yet the same very uncomfortable where I would think it was Alan then angry circus Yeah yeah. No. I just fell asleep and it was the most uncomfortable stage you could ever say it was biking or. So fellas like my favorite musical. Right. I think west side story really caught me. And as a song book it's got to because and I'll let us talk about West Side Story just because of the kind of life is the shocks in the Jets is that I think yeah well that's something I want to say to you when you talk about music which is talking about cinema or musical theater musical theater was this you mentioned high society which was a movie was a movie 1st. Philadelphia Story 1st then it was a musical it was called High Society and you said Frank Sinatra Crosby and I associate it with cinema Yeah. I'm on expel musicals I mean on modern line them to be only on scrounging around for anything that might get me on to the movie I don't write Yeah I don't like walk with you box musicals so things. Trainer and by the everybody popular why don't you let them know if it's for the cherubim and I was terrible coach coaches Yeah. However yeah that's the one that most entertaining music was I saw and I love going back a bit now it was Smokey Joe's Cafe right and if you like the music of Jerry's. Barbara installer. Wrote everything from. Sound built to save the last from a trick such tricks are tricks which are probably the greatest from the Brill Building they did a show at the Prince to Prince of Wales the service they were there. Some time in in the ninety's it was fans stage. No great love people sing you know the people. That would say no. And I didn't bother with the so I would say that my favorite musical probably of all time is Guys and Dolls but there's a problem out there because I've seen it on the stage as well as the movie you know my limber and Frank Sinatra. Wise Woman in a loving flute did in the movie but never have included in the stage show that's one for you you know the answer gone No I don't know I don't know what the answer is you know we don't do a lot right now if the day emitted then what was we know I don't think it was ever written for that stage. And so if it is the same compose. For a New say but I would say that it's amazing that it's never ever included in. To the 3 stage shows I've seen. In the West and the restraint that. Is there a musical that needs to be written Wayne because you like your culture is there is there something that could make an absolute packet in the West and in London say it's a land the No one falls over yet Nestico blemished Yeah we can crack it we can make a few quid What do you reckon yeah now we need something jazzy that we don't need something jazzy that we need could be mind you the word jazz does turn some people also maybe we got to be relating to the less no college yet but I think when you talk about jazz you don't have big band camp I see jazz so he'd talk about chip by criminals. Oh I think no one's really done the chip like a story have to. Mean it down the story documentaries where I have you know that big right do you do anything illegal I'm not this is going to sound dreadful but do you think people would care enough to go and see the check thank you well when you think it's a tragedy good looking guy really coal in the fifty's late forty's fifty's and the tragedy you know is for drugs. And going to prison in Italy Yeah that's a fantastic film pulling his trumpet Yeah drug money yeah how desperate must you be I mean come out crying but a lot of people don't really know the story and if somebody played him you know Aunt I think you know if he died here I think Dylan would really be a great. Great actor supply that's a good call here looking at some of the the Bruce with a pictures of him of course both with the documentary on chip like it didn't. Anyway that's one thing bricks because there's something not totally utterly group a so you know what it means to say they are not. All that he wanted peace or want to do that you. Well he thinks that there should be some kind of system. That was a he told about the impact on housing didn't the g.p.l. Is wrong it is wrong I mean there's so many people in this country and we don't have enough places for them to live that. First generation when kids are going to be worse off and I certainly wouldn't want to be a cannibal teenage daughter and I mean off I certainly wouldn't want to be a teenager in the in the 21st century in terms of looking towards education and trying to get a phone the property ladder a minefield when going to be put on have a good night thank you Frank so there isn't another Frank I don't don't can't be listening to the show immigration she was speaking makes with. House and then London the song people you know what do you thinking well I can serious Duncan you and me both go on I'm too serious and I'm 5 minutes ago I was taken with Mel Ford's we are going to say they don't want us to leave it this time while back in serious I think it's French the politicians of help still get just about it right. Although Boris Johnson I've laid out 18 she. I go to White House to say oh maybe I'll see some questions because it might just help clarify your thoughts for you this general election on Thursday is immigration a big issue for you. Know for me pressure I'm 63 years out yeah if I wished. While 20 years younger I would say yes but not for me Ok is Bracks a big issue for you. I think that's a big issue for all of this Yeah definitely because you could all get Abraxane immigration all intrinsically linked County where are they are they aren't they. All like you know why so Thing is it could. Create a car and that's why there's a lot of confusion about it was a guy who. Probably didn't say no. I think he would just say when he was confused about the whole story. Like the politicians probably really laid out. What the bride to do about it babies because if they. Had to do a lot about all these people coming to you you know is there a way of balancing is so we don't know what the answer is to this question I asked a previous caller is a way of balancing immigration in a way the it's not too discriminatory but it also means there's an element of control is there a way of kind of balancing it do you think so we've been talking about it for decades we're still talking about it 20. Years later you know it sounds like this gosh you know should you might be right Frank thank you for your call as Franken is going to b.b.c. Radio on the move cools to come between now and one Jim Davies here off to one to take you through the nights we better get some more jazz on the radio I'm going to end this hour with the Jerry Mulligan's sex tents but 1st this is gorgeous and all of these choose tonight's a Mel selections when we talk about jazz off to midnight we take it in turns each week this is an absolute cool cat Nancy Wilson on the vocals you will love this this is called the masquerade is over. I. Don't. Like they used to shine. On the. Sky. When you know. Me. I'm afraid. The mask. I'm so his love. Cell is. Your. Stone me. What they used to me. They want to spy. Routine. I'm afraid. Well mask. I am sure it's long. And. His love. I guess I'll have to. Pony up. And get myself a clown discount. And then I'll. See . You love. To say. You're. The saint. But I was. No you know. The saying. Ah. The. Good. It is oh. Oh oh. And soon as long. As. It's. No use. Or. I told you it was cool Jews this masquerade is over and then see Wilson and Cannonball Adderly b.b.c. Radio London has got a couple of calls only have a tween now and while Mrs Allen who's in North Carolina good morning welcome. Thank you I was a guy how are you yeah I'm good now and going Ok you look you talk about musicals. Yes but slightly change the answer a little bit. Because the one thing I did some really sweet memory say Oklahoma Yeah with my family in New York and yeah my mom really wanted to see it and so we sat up close. Harry and David and all the colors were off wonderful. Yeah that was fun so Oklahoma and then. One of my favorite ones too is Annie little orphan and. The movie The the movie won on. Thanksgiving Day Yeah that one came out I was on I'm Thanksgiving but I didn't watch it but I was just I saw it when the channels were being flipped and the one with Carol Burnett and Bernadette Peters and they were just Whole areas Carol Burnett and Bernadette Peters and I'm sure there were the other man's name the one that said to the couple that pretended they were Andy's parents and they showed up at the door saying that they you know we want our little you know our little baby you know she's our little baby because they wanted the fortune that she was about to get and I think they were going to put her back in the orphanage you know so it was they were it's hilarious for you that's what makes a good musical is it's the story line is that the songs will make this work for you . I would say both the songs to the story line and. I suppose also of course the choreography along the way and Oklahoma I mean it just even if you didn't really understand the story or whatever just saying the way they were dancing and just. The choreography of it and like and also in The Sound of Music like the choreography and there and that one on stage I guess how everyone's kind of lined up and then they do all their different . Adjustment scenes you know all different choreography it's just so so cool it all adds to the make Zelon pleasure talking to you and going to move it on so I can squeeze in right you have a right identity of musicals and then I suppose the most successful of the set have a strong story like I'm on characters I mean I like Mr Robson all of the will mention look at both by storm extremely famous classic novels of film adaptations of Victor Hugo is a myth are legion the most memorable for me was from the thirty's Robert new militia very obsessive policeman is hard to forget and incidentally a very famous sixty's American t.v. Series called The Fugitive took its basic premise from the novel and the climactic chase through the city was in the 3rd man was also inspired by it but I musical also needs memorable Chuen specially a stand out number the works independently of the situation all of us as long as he needs me requires no knowledge of Nancy and Bill Sykes Climb Every Mountain if you knew the Sinatra cation outside the sound of music there's another example of a great one any tendency towards the saccharine nouns in children pretty scenery is heavily leavened by bringing in the nazis Andrew Lloyd Webber's a big buck the trend the rock all pro quo through composed I think in other words all music no plain speech but Tim Rice is minded to alter the woods of Don't Cry for Me. Taina this is my love of returning wisely he let it stand there the lyrics are only a play could go to the wife of a fascist dictator justifying her rise to power that didn't stop it becoming the biggest selling Raechel by a woman up to that day but that was a one off Joan Lennon reminds me of the diaries but no I'm astounded you say that 90000 quid for banal on a set of type told another artist 8 yet if he hadn't since he was already right how much would have been worth next week it had to be quick replies by now the banal and I don't know if that's what 19000 the artist Lady said it was the ideas it was a book of all I can think of other things that stick on a wall which brings me on to John Lennon the s. With none of Paul McCartney's facility at songwriting you know how few Gordon's imagined revolution which actually advocates the opposite you count me out but he also relished pillaring the gullible on the whole Ross come together he deliberately wrote nonsense having been told trendy teaches well analyzing the symbolic meanings of these lyrics to impress the people did you read this oh no he did he really did as kids wrote him and when he realized he's quite strong words about me said Well let me try and work out this that we have pulled a graphic priestesses and we have the pilchard climbing up the arse would tell all that when you come to all we are size Give Peace a Chance repeated ad nauseum governor right to argue with me ever and I feel about the sentiments of the songs I watching the world beautiful boy woman so for the moving but had not been for the Beatles I doubt he'd a been more than a nation are to judge him not to denigrate those who might be regarded as caviar to the general interesting so say the ultimate Lennon song which when I was going to be my joy says Teddy Ironically it wasn't that massive a hit 1st time around of course he was someone after his death the 1st time I've heard it played it was a Christian Union meeting in Cambridge where they play. Imagine there's no heaven above a funny dawn I was thinking wow what line but I played in order to attack it and that was the 1st time that I've heard it and I'm thinking Actually I'm probably prefer. A listener a thank you does for an open to b.b.c. Radio London we are done and dusted for tonight thank you very much vehicles you text in your emails I am back Monday night 10 o'clock with London's late night radio phone in gym Dave is here off the one to take you through the night in the 4 in the morning is Petrie whole skin with what we call early breakfast hail on b.b.c. Radio London just a reminder Thursday night 10 o'clock our election special show we got our reporters out on the ballots across all accounts in London the matter so nothing happens on London's political scene you will hear it 1st here on London's radio station not a Thursday night back to lowest slice of jazz this is simply gorgeous the Jerry a mulligan sex Teds and this is Night Lights. With. The for. The so. I don't. 2 want. Just after midnight returns next week Duncan is back tonight at 10 Duncan Frank you got a fantastic show tonight Jim Davis with the now then as we head all way into the early hours after the news or one I'll be here taking your calls right the way through the night we are live on the phone lines are open and the conversation continues Are you one of the millions of undecided voters ahead of Thursday's How will you make up your mind you could swing it you know we'll talk about it we're also talk about what you're doing for charity as Christmas approaches and here's my curveball question for you this morning when did you last change your mattress our 87312000. Did so Radio 93.9 f.m. . B.b.c. Sent us this is now and. This is b.b.c. Radio. News at 1 o'clock and Stephen Davis politicians of all parties have been trying to push home their key messages in the final few days of campaigning before Thursday's general election Boris Johnson has repeated his pledge to cut low skilled migration the Lib Dems say they'll spend 50000000000 pounds from infrastructure outside the Southeast and labor concentrated on its plan for free personal care for older people and that political correspondent Jonathan Blake says the latest polls suggest the Tories still have the edge over their rival interesting a few out today suggest broadly the trend we've seen over the last few days in this campaign and that is that the conservatives have a lead of about 10 percentage points over labor if the polls stay as they are you could be looking at a significant majority for Boris Johnson and the Conservative party but there wouldn't need to be too much of a shift at all for that not to be the case and for another hung parliament to be the result of this election 2 people have been arrested in Dover on suspicion of terror offenses Police say the man of the woman who posts. Early thirty's are being held in connection with offenses related to Syria and the not linked to the London Bridge terror attack the construction company Kier says it has suspended one of its employees pending an investigation after reports of racial abuse against 2 Manchester United players on Saturday the 41 year old man who has been named by police is being held in custody the former Charlton and Crystal Palace footballer poor Mortimer was on the receiving end of racist abuse in the eighty's he says clubs need to be punished for the actions of rogue found everyone keeps telling me that it's the minority this minority get fined but we never do anything to them on Ari So unfortunately the majority are going to have to suffer some pain to get to the minority and by that I mean they may have to dock points they may have to levy fines that are ridiculous in number so that what we need is a deterrent a proper deterrent because we don't have that amount the 11 time Paralympic gold medalist lady Tanny great Thompson has revealed she was offered a terminations by a medical profession professional cheering her 1st pregnancy scan of her 17 year old daughter she told the b.b.c. Podcast stumps wheels and wobbles it happened in 2001 that a discussion about what was I trying for a baby is like I was there to cause it was and it was just the individual had some quite complicated views on disability and it was you know we might braid and we might see how it was all kind of you know and I actually want to lots of questions about what we just it's just labelled it's like well I'm actually have a really cool chair on the pitch and the women Superleague are still won 3 nil at reading and have a 2 point lead over Chelsea have a game in hand they beat Manchester City 21 elsewhere West Ham drew one all Liverpool and Spurs beat Brighton one nil London's weather quite a few showers around windy too temperatures 8 Celsius 47 Fahrenheit b.b.c. Radio London it's 3 minutes past one. On Digital Radio $94.00 f.m. And on b.b.c. .

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