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Or to exploitation the risks are these chit children is being escalated because of their isolation in a place where they have no friends or associate local councils are unwittingly acting as recruiting sergeants for criminal gangs who would wish to exploit that child's isolation for criminal purposes the world college of nursing claims a shortage of nurses is putting patients safety at risk it's found the number of patients admitted to hospital has grown nearly 3 times faster than the nursing workforce and it's calling for minimum safe staffing levels to be in trying to new law in line with wales and scotland dozens of students are reported sexual assaults to their universities claim they've been failed by complaints processes that have left them traumatized the b.b.c. Investigations found universities receive more than $700.00 allegations of sexual misconduct during the last academic year london's whether dry and sunny today with talk temperatures of 20 celsius $68.00 fahrenheit b.b.c. Radio london it's 3 minutes past 6 on digital radio 94.9 f.m. Band on b.b.c. Sounds this is lungs are this is b.b.c. Radio lund and jason rose and good morning welcome to the 3rd and final hour of the early breakfast show here of b.b.c. Radio london with me chasen rozen is cheese steaks 17th the September the 29000 and then hour from now of a nessa felt's will be here with the break for a show be finding out what's coming up in that show in about 45 minutes for now but we've been talking about boris johnson and yes today all of that press conference the protesters the luxembourg and pay at a pm at the sun's saying this morning that he's a luxembourg not boris johnson the luxemburg prime minister's a luxembourg of the mare a taken as shots at boris johnson of calls they words but the headline way as wally daily express saying no wonder britain vita to quit the the time saying he was ambushed Europe and I've been asking you your feelings on yesterday's fiasco yesterday's melodrama was this a totally you stitch up was it an ambush How do you feel about a British prime minister being humiliated by the smallest country in the maybe you think Boris Johnson humiliated him self maybe think he should have state that lectern and heard all that noise and shouting from the from the British ex-pats who were protesting yesterday is this the reason why you voted to leave the you agree with the Daily Express front page this morning and tell you what it says when the leader of tiny tax haven Luxemburg insults our prime minister with a stage managed rant no wonder we voted to quit the Are you someone he says that or do you think absolutely not Boris Johnson's done it to himself how embarrassed you fail does this change your opinion on bricks that you just want to get it over and done with. How would you feel if we did the same to another visiting leader outside Downing Street the same thing happened here 080-731-2000 is the phone number to give us a call we can get you on. On this morning show we're also talking about house prices because the front page of The Times this morning really interesting story about a website called address pollution dot org. And if you put that into your internet it will show you how much air pollution is around your area around your postcode see put a postcard in and it comes up with a rating of one to 5 ranging from low to very high on the amount of air pollution around and what home owners are concerned with is that house prices could go down because of the pollution around so home bias being encouraged to seek discounts of up to 20 percent by checking the website which reveals the level of air pollution on each doorstep I've done it this one with my postcode in ones worth I've got 3 so right in the middle it's sort of in the middle between low and very high but still not good. Some other people have done it this morning they've got 3 in fact everyone has done it this morning it's got 3 and we're all in different parts of London what they're concerned about is is that Chelsea Regents Park in Notting Hill all areas where houses cost millions of pounds have absolution well above the legal limit but will it mean that house prices come down in those areas and are you concerned if you're selling your home that people are now going to look on this website see the amount of air pollution around you and ask for a discount if you're buying a new home will you check the levels of air pollution now this is around will you use it as a tool to get a cheaper deal. When do you think we'll see the day when house prices actually start to drop in Chelsea Regent's Park or Notting Hill How likely does this make you want to do something about air pollution in your part of London because what this website does went once you put your postcode in and it tells you the level of air pollution then tells you to demand action from your local authority to do something about the air pollution in your area but what would they do what do you propose we should be doing about 808-073-1200 extension 0 is the phone number and we're talking soap operas this morning the reason is that they're declining in numbers old eons numbers people are watching soap operas as much anymore the genre is being plunged into a catastrophe of its own as viewers are being put off by all the melodrama which is the betrayal the bust up the personal tragedy that's the bread and butter of people being put off they want to light feel to soap operas rather than what's going on at the moment recent plotlines into the sea at the Queen Vic in Eastenders in which a character was shot dead and a historic child sex abuse case in Corrie Gillian tale full of the plays Cathy Bill this is what she suffered in her lifetime in Eastenders domestic abuse given up a child for adoption suffered her family's involvement in various blogs frauds car crashes cancers organ transplants before faking her own death in South Africa and then coming back to life I mean wow but it does get serious as well because the person you've been talking about this Mark Lawson who's B.B.C. Arts critic said that the frequency of sex crimes against women in Cyprus is especially concerning as many of the female characters in East Enders have been raped at least once. What do you think about soap operas are you a fan which ones do you watch Why do you watch them have you given up like May I gave 67 years ago come to bother with them now that absolute tosh. What do you think of 807312000 is the phone number Thanks for your Texan e-mails this morning this is from Kim Hi She came Thank you for your email Ross I'm a B.B.C. To critique a chase and I've lived and worked in Luxembourg for the last 11 years just like their prime minister rational and kind of church yesterday's behavior was a surprising as it was embarrassing but let's be clear these were not Luxembourg but enraged British ex-pats embarrassed about the state of British politics and concerned about the effect it may have on them I'd be interested if they took the time and effort to cast their vote during the referendum because I know plenty who did not do they deserve to be so upset about the situation when they chose not to contribute to the decision thank you Kim really nice now you're listening to us in Luxembourg thank you for your views on what happened yesterday you got a thing to say then do send an email like Kim did B.B.C. Tech state one triple 3 start the message with London email. Right on to another story this morning energy companies have been given an extra 4 years to install smart meters. In every home in the country the projects have been G. To be finished next year but despite promises half of homes are still waiting and Greg McKenzie has been looking at this for us this morning Greg what you found so good morning Jason Firstly do you have a smart mate I think I do know how the one that goes around really slowly are nice and this is like an electrical gadget it's not I think at the sides of a foreign a mobile phone you can apply to put in the kitchen and it tells you how much you have one then I have an electricity one I don't have one for the gas but said basically previously suppliers were trying to get them fitted in every holiday by the end of 2020 but the extra time could lead to more years of frustration for customers many of whom are fed up with the new meters they've been given that also means the cost of installing these new this new equipment is not easy to rise further to more than $13000000000.00 pounds in total now the promise of smart meters was that readings would be automatic billing would be easier and a new world of flexible charges would be ushered in but in practice Jason millions of people have found that these new meters which didn't work properly if they switched the pliers and millions more have not been given the technology at all so the government's adamant that targets are being met and that the new regime outlined today does not amount to a let off for suppliers so if you remember there was a pledge in the Conservative Party's 2017 manifesto that said every household business would be offered a smart meter by the end of 2020 and that is still the expectation right it's not long to go they've been here in America where the energy companies are now being given an extra 4 years to really deal with our arm so that's kind of where we're at so the Minister for Climate Change Lord Duncan of springback said that we remain on track for suppliers to offer every home a smart meter by the end of next year. But to maintain momentum beyond 2020 we are proposing strict yearly installation targets for suppliers from 2021 this will deliver even greater benefits for households and reduce admissions so it's clear to gas and electricity firms that ministers have recognised the reality and allowed them an extension but the new framework gives them now until the end of 2024 to install smart meters in the least 85 percent of their customers homes so the idea is you see were you using and you cut down so light with me when I am if I put the kettle on and I've got the electric cooker on it turns orange the or how Mom comes on to tell me what is in the kitchen so you can see it on the Daioh it tells me that I'm using a lot of that Tuesday and when it's not on when they lotsa stuff not on it's green you know turns orange when I've got the cooker on the washing machine and and want to start turning things off was nothing you can do initially when I suppose that's why it's that sort of say yeah. Yeah so you could I'm using about 40 P. a Day I think it is but I mean when it was 1st installed I did sit there and watch it counting bass which was quite sad but now it's just irritating it's just their own Live Arcade than the novelty has worn off yeah and I'm like now a bit hesitant to get the gas one done because in my day off work to. Do an app on the phone now I can't remember the the password to go into those are nice. Jason and I as life this life paying out of I was last night yes I know our age Yes Thanks Alan don't don't tell us why coming out to thank you very much Greg McKenzie there reporting for us this morning on B.B.C. Radio London thank you for this text from whoever sent it please entered names so we know who you are 81 triple 3 is the tax number starts in London says hey is there any wonder those wealthy areas of London have all 4. Look at the cars they drive look at the number of cars in the drives of some of those residences seems logical to me this is the story that's on the front page of The Times as morning about house prices could be driven down if it's high pollution areas this website which shows that streets in Chelsea Regents Park in Notting Hill often cost millions of pounds have air pollution well above the legal limit thank you very much for that text got anything to say about all of our subjects give us a call but at the time it quarter past 6 the latest travel news now would. Have some issues with achieves I'm afraid. Because of a single failure. And they are the and the district lines the whole of those 2 lines running with. At the moment but just on the homicide and City line because of a single failure at Hammersmith train service so far the reported disruption across the network on the camera I've got a 4 Piccadilly underpass which I had this time yesterday as well still closed. Out tonight for those. Really cool huge hold ups yesterday. But the. Traffic. Works on the West Bank. At the junction. On that corner just by the bank you'll see those cones there. Quite a few minutes on to your journey time certainly keep an eye on Enfield. Approaching the junction. Close off for Civil Works. Travel next updates just after 630. London one of the things we talk about most nights if you. Remain in this city you're going to have to be earning a few quid in order to achieve a ride from far here. Makes it close enough that they can play their part in this when you're. Late at night that can be a stark reminder of how lonely a place London can be for some people I want to make sure that everyone has a chance to live and breathe and enjoy London for what it is this is London living in London is a bit like passing a bat on when it's run kids run your city next A.B.C. Radio. Good morning happy to say morning Jason Ross I'm here on the early breakfast show in for petrol this week 70 minutes past 6 on a Tuesday morning we are increasingly needing to rely on social care as our population ages and lives longer but will there be enough people to fill the jobs and do this valuable work according to new research around one in 3 social care is a looking to leave the industry to the next 5 years and a 5th are already looking for roles outside the industry I mean I wonder why maybe it's something to do with pay Professor Martin Green is from caring and he says we need to start seeing the job as a proper career I think a lot of people are directed towards social care when they want a pure and actually what we've got to have is we've got to have this is a career because there are a lot of people who are going to be in need of care and support and we need a workforce this properly trained and remunerated over the public health and social care said they're working to ensure the workforce has the right number of people to meet increasing demands we've got Mattie going is from Unison is the national officer at Unison it covers social carry with me now I'm Matthew 8. Good morning to you is it is about pay I want I know it's about pay because my mum used to do this he was a nurse and she did all this caring stuff and it's appallingly paid isn't it Matthew . It is unfortunately the work in the SEC to tell us that the primary reason that leave in jobs is because they don't get enough money and it's not just the fact that it's appalling job we have the problem the local workers don't get national minimum wage because they're not often petrol the working time or the travel time all of them are paid for the training and so there's a lot of poetry but it can work. How did this happen mat these are people who are looking after are out least people are vulnerable people how in a how Pollie paid and is a reflection of the how well these all are other countries doing this different here is it is it happening everywhere that is pony pate. I think a lot of it is tied up with the fact that because it's a job this largely done by women as a society I think we've always on the value the importance of a scale work and it's never being. Properly enough a lot of it is it's not high profile is set up the N.H.S. a Lot care work is a societal mind a lot of people don't really consider care workers in the same breath as they would do with stuff in the N.H.S. So we do have a major problem. Compared to the countries I think we're not unique everyone every a lot of the countries are going to need more care workers and struggling with the issue as well but we've certainly got the most improved and conditions the care work that's I mean it's a special type of past in that takes on this role isn't it and is that the one of the reasons why because we live in a me me me I want something now me me me society and there's not that many people who want to capture office in the world that we live in now would you say. I said I think it would too because we we from St Thomas will others say very touching the job something that they carry with them for the day when the know when they're not working like a lot of care workers will for instance going to visit people in their own time. Once once they finish the work because it's a genuine concern for the people they look at the bus in case the fact that a lot different kind of the 4th Estate in that optically in a city like London care workers cannot afford to. Travel and so has money of money that's what the farmers at the same time. Look at it what can we do then to make it more attractive to make it job it's a rewarding job isn't it people caring for someone else is surely rewarding hout how do we sell it to people looking at cories I think is a few things we can do 1st and foremost we need to improve the rates of pay we need to ensure that can work such that listens. By the managers of crew by a national in a clinic a sister ready like Chester or social workers because the standard goes on and. They really care works career opportunities because it's hard for people to actually move. The other in your income and be a care worker on the minimum wage and to show find other opportunities so we need to do something about an equal a career. More question Is it difficult for you as a union I mean some might say some everyone always looks at they are they are empty union for cheap work then they got all that so strong and they come out and strike and they get things done for that for their members and make a good wage is it more difficult in this industry to get people to fight for their rights and why. It can be very challenging because it is such a huge relief I can see it's largely privatized across England alone 20000 different employees so we as a unit and the. Apostles try and organize the work in the same way that you would do in a. London Underground for instance is a challenge we are making so small incremental There are a number of things who's around under the care workers the real London live in which at that time that's not so and so it's a struggle. For you know some of those on the bars what are they do you know some of them just off the Telluride is the incidence of the Camden. Kranich I think there are 9 or 10 London Kansas positive steps towards ensuring the care workers Yeah we've given them a better shout out to know that they're going in the right way at least. That Matthew thank you so much and thank you for the what you doing to help our care workers because they are really important people out there he took it enough surely have one agrees with that just don't get paid enough for what they did helping our elderly in vulnerable people in there from Unison talking about trying to make the cat the camera a proper career job progression better paid I'm sure that's why 4 months for cab work is tightening away 107312000 got an exam about that and it's going to have a homestead Horace is that good morning Horace Morris and. Very well what do you think yesterday and all that that went on in Luxembourg Well we have a number. You know. If you if you had a. If you wanted a divorce from somebody or you want to get rid of you will go for a new boyfriend The wherever and that I can think of my own could for you to you know do you love them any more for it would. Allow this experience the taskbar for us if you somebody dust them to renew the soul crowing. But don't accept it and so far you ready know ready June 7th. Then of the Mullard ready a mini review or is it a lot less you or your book you are showed. You know are bought by. Mike you know could just trying to think if I was if I was splitting up with Martha half and then a whole crowd came along to shout at me when I was 18. Or reaming and challenging me about that yet have you ever heard of the goal of friends to bring your arms are you usually in Vietnam if you know the name of the or if you believe in him you should stay with him because that's better maybe they buy is best a full day is quite good to know that yes they are there agree or as always agree with Len A 100 percent and. Bodi of US war the ruler will use the war mentioned and I recall with a bunch of them. Before the referendum on the moon in the referendum. He body she asked people to give the reasons. For a reason for breaks for the reasons against Little Willie Cole is still going on about it now. The reasons are. 10 reasons why it was a ship but the main one was corrupt Ceasar out of the. Corrupt. Organization just a lot of the member of the Free Masons that I want to be remembered Alas the law be profitable for me to be remembered I was there when I was a a member of the United Kingdom I was not one. You know when you know a kingdom a while we're on a. City I want to sell. Oh well. Ready thank you very much for that this is from David ink and he's to sit in a one triple 3 starts at London Jason I've been trying to get a smart meter for the past 2 years only to be told I cannot because I have to scale electricity normal and economy night rate says David and can David I've no idea what you're talking about I don't know I know I know that we talk about smart meters but I don't you've got to scale electricity normal in economy and night rate so they won't give you a smart meter. I'm confused by that Kate do you have any idea any ideas any any ideas no not just about small have got smart means you've got one yes you look at it and then Reggie's what you're doing. But not working well then it sounds says in the basement so I'm really really venture ready ventured down those stairs do you have another little one actually the on the mantel piece in the living oh yeah which tells you something yes you are on such a large enough on so I don't know anything that we buy pretty good in our house knowing the whole current of science but really climate change is there a climate about insane your house that has if you say that you know there is a climate imagine oh my mind making I can assure you yesterday I was looking forward to this sunny warm weather and it was just a light a cloud everywhere or a blue gray jacket for quite a long time I'm going to talk about hoping there's going to be a bit of some baseline trade today because it was just a blip it was just to get back to work on a Monday and not think oh it's still something I don't want to say yesterday was the Get Back To Work Day to Day high pressure has worked its way into your weather so it's on top of the U.K. Or it's working its way towards us anyway is going to stay there for this you day so it's going to be pretty nice right with us that we can plenty of joy woman sunny weather temperatures not as impressive as Sunday of course but we would maybe 27 quite that way but yet today 19 sells his to more 19 but the sun is here and it's dry delightful Thursday Friday Saturday we start to get so the least southeasterly flow which is dragging in some warmer air from the continent so it's actually going to get a bit warmer as we head into the weekend is that today listening to you know it's not even when I was 24 in Saturday and Indian summer you need to have a widespread Frost 0 before it and we haven't had the widespread about that so this is just. Yeah it's very early for and even they were also looking at logically Meacher logically speaking always to an astrological autumn 21st or 22nd is usually also. After we've had that 1st hard frost which is everywhere not just kind of in the frosty pockets that writes No I love I love a frosty pocket so you are you're not a wonderful wonderful express wonderful thing do you have to stop talking how do you how do you symbolize a frosty pockets on your weather map. With my finger. I think that's a frosty pocket that should be a symbol for a frosty pockets we could maybe design but they have a symbol for anything else that oh there's no symbols anymore not really is not a long time in a simple thought you just stick them on the Rock N Roll a song recorded around. No thank you. But I could go on a bit more if you want to waste of self your hair tie thank you was a soap opera not anymore I used to and this is the thing that's the problem nice but I don't have why because that I have told the time I'm sure I'm its own I'm just you know my life is quite money doing other stuff yeah yeah yeah I would say I love snipers I watched it religion I've watched to a lunchtime episode and leaving episode just so I didn't miss anything for years and years I loved the neighborhood I miss neighbors it's on channel 5 still I miss it again the wrong time of day up us 5 it's always something I can't I can't do that lovely to share more time than normal with Kate can Salah this morning and just find a little bit more about her than the weather. Brilliant share that I'm with it's B.B.C. Radio London it's Jason Rossum on early breakfast and we're going to finding out what's on the lesser felt his breakfast show in about 15 minutes Stay with us for that we've got a sports but it's on the way the latest traffic and travel news but at $630.00 Let's get the latest news headlines for London and Matthew Schofield has days. Good morning the Supreme Court is to begin hearing 2 appeals little determine whether Boris Johnson acted lawfully when he suspended parliament for 5 weeks in the run up to breaks it last week Edinburgh's Court of Session ruled the suspension was illegal and the High Court in London decided it wasn't a matter for the courts the prime minister says he'll wait and see what the judges say before deciding whether to recall parliament 15 residents have been evacuated and a woman led to safety by fire crews after a fire at a. Block of flats in CLAPTON No one was hurt and investigations began into how the fire started it took $85.00 fighters 3 hours to bring under control victims of stalking harassment and child sexual offenses will soon be allowed to challenge sentences they regard as too soft on the changes announced by the government reviews of sentences for the most serious crimes like murder rape robbery and terrorism have been possible for 30 years but now ministers are extending the unduly lenient sentence scheme and there's been a significant for all in the number of older vehicles being driven into central London since the introduction of the ultra low emissions our own Transport for London says since charges for noncompliance vehicles came in April around 12000 fewer drivers have entered the zone London's weather dry and sunny with top temperatures of 20 Celsius 68 Fahrenheit now with the B.B.C. Radio London travel bill Sheldrake. Great stuff the tubes I'm afraid because there are source of it allays on the circle and district lines after the signal failure at South Kensington so the lines of trying to get back to normal as it were the voters who just surf Michael actually are he says just of Fox. Is a traffic incident there the road is blocked at the moment on the stick Kennington So I'm just in the process of getting more information on that so many thanks for that. Michel a 4 Piccadilly underpass close out of town source Knightsbridge but because of those gas works and more gas works in Lewisham of course the $820.00. At the junction of Belmont when they close off you see those cones there at the corner just by the bank bill Sheldrake a big travel more for you 15 minutes. I was week one common trait of Coventry against Wimbledon updates from Chelsea in the Champions League and like Nori into league on digital radio and T.V. For instance I seem to be seen radio in London you know. More on those games in a moment but 1st 10 man West Ham missed out on 3 points after a struggling Aston Villa held them to a goal of straw at Villa Park the result means the Hammers move up to 8 in the Premier League but manager Manuel Pellegrini knows they could have won had it not been for a controversial refereeing decision which saw a defender off the mass walk you sent off in the 66 minutes after picking up a 2nd yellow card it's a typical yellow card when you pay your way in defiance you know be between. I want to and there will always try to preserve the referee that if we decided that it was a year. So sure that without the OK I don't think that he would take it there weren't but. Things that happen when you play that way in the Women's Super League the champions Arsenal made a late breakthrough to snatch a one nil win at Manchester United Daniel Vander don't came on as a substitute to score in the 89th minute and inflict defeat on the newly promoted United So tonight Chelsea play Valencia in their 1st Champions League game of the season it's also Frank lump odds 1st as a manager and he admits it will bring back some incredible memories from his playing days I had. Multiple incredible nights in Champions and some bad ones and by is the ultimate in club football from a tender competitive couple. And there's something about knights of Stamford Bridge there's something about the Champions League music has memories I have and we have here is Chelsea people and I want to experience on this side of the fence Liverpool are also in Champions League action tonight away to Napoli there's also some domestic action A.F.C. Wimbledon still without a win in League one away to the leaders Coventry but despite their difficult start to the season manager Wally down says he can't fault his place it's my job to lead the to enter the city and make them realise that what they're doing is enough to win most goings if the only thing I've got to work on is the game knowledge for young players and have a close going to happen finish things off then that's fine if I have to worry about that same talking head or the team not playing very well or the team not being connected with each other and not not buying their tactics or looking play together then I'll be in trouble than I've been to where we live in Coventry with full commentary on digital radio and 3 old T.V. From 730 or 94.9 F.M. Drive time continues until 8 then it's the scene which you can also hear on B.B.C. Sounds in league too late more enter at home to Crewe Alexandra looking to build on the point they took away from top of the table Exeter over the weekend and in cricket sorry will resume their latest County Championship match 137 for 4 against Essex at Chelmsford it's also Day 2 of Middlesex his match at Old Trafford yesterday they collapsed a $39.00 for 6 in reply to Lancaster's 1st innings total of $259.00 which was enough to confirm them as Division 2 champions you can follow both those matches with live ball by ball commentary by the B.B.C. Sport website B.B.C. Radio London it's 635 on digital radio 94.9 F.M. And on B.B.C. Sounds this isn't London this is B.B.C. Radio London Jason Rosen. 24 minutes to 7 on a cheese day morning with me Jason Ross I'm in for petrol this week on the early breakfast show it's good to have you company coming up in 7 is Vanessa Feltz with breakfast here on B.B.C. Radio London we'll find out what's coming up in the show in about 10 minutes from now how we've been looking. At the situation yesterday the stitched up the ambush whatever you want to call it's well on the front page of The Times Tory anger as Johnson ambushed in Europe Luxembourg leader attacks absent PM over BRICS it I'm sure you've all seen this by now the sun saying Boris dodges press talk to baying mob and called they called the country of the country's prime minister a Luxembourg the Maira takes a shot at Burress Johnson with the headline Where's Wally of the Daily Express says when the leader of tiny tax haven Luxembourg insults our prime minister with a stage managed rant no wonder Britain voted to quit the year was this a total stitch up was it an ambush How do you feel about a British prime minister being humiliated by the tiniest country in the E.U. Or maybe you think Boris Johnson humiliated him self I've got this text here no name on it but thank you for the text 81 triple 3 started it in London what happened to gung ho Boris Hoke Boris No Dale is a 1000000 a miles away Boris now we have 50 protests to scare me Boris So we'll run off to the press conference I want to and can control Boris thank you for that text what do you think on this how embarrassed to be fair about it maybe you think it's Boris Johnson humiliating himself maybe you think well actually he did the right thing because he would have been able to have been heard at the Press this morning would have been just as bad because of all those protesters shouting and screaming barely meters away and it certainly was an ambush that's might might be what you think give us a call 800. 7312000 how do you feel about the way the whole thing was conducted on both sides because Luxembourg's prime minister battle attacked Boris Johnson's approach to Brecht's it calling the situation a nightmare Mr Battle said the British government had failed to put forward any serious proposals for a new deal Mr Johnston who failed to turn up to that joint news conference because of the noisy protests to said there was still a good chance of a deal going to manage this cavity Yes there is a good chance of a deal yes I can see the shape which everybody can see but you could be done but it will require. Movement and the system by which the E.U. Can control the case after we leave the super PACs not. To go there's not over of course today the U.K. Supreme Court is set to consider whether Boris Johnson's 5 week suspension of Parliament is legal the court will hit 2 appeals this morning one from the High Court and one from the Court of Session in Edinburgh who gave contrasting judgments Wilson is political writer and former House of Commons CLARKE He joins me now Hi Elliot Good morning thank you very much for joining us this morning let's look at what happened yesterday fast What was your view on all of that. Well I think. The prime minister was put in a very difficult position because he was faced with 2 choices neither of which was a tall attractive he could either do as he did which was not attend the press conference and and look faintly ridiculous or he could have gone ahead with it and been drowned out by protesters so he really in a no win situation I think to be honest it was appallingly root of the looks and goes to put him in that position because the British ass didn't need to have inside so the process has to be made and they said no yet I mean I think the request to have it inside of those circumstances was perfectly reasonable and you know there's just something basic and diplomatic about this you don't humiliate your guests in that way I think when you do you make a very strong political polling but it's not one that maybe makes you look very good I think it it didn't make a better well look at all grown up or civilised diplomatic It made them look very partisan and just a little bit. Just a little bit pathetic really I thought that those protesters were cheering him and there would be people who supporting his support remaining in the European Union who would also be cheering the Luxembourg pm and think that Boris Johnson is a joke. Oh absolutely but there are going to be people who will cheer for or against in any situation I mean the one of the problems that we have as anybody will know is that poll of politics has become so incredibly polarized that you lunch onto anything that is in favor of your point of view Oregon's your point of view and you either love it or hate it so yes suddenly for remainer Zappia Bethel is going to be the hero of the hour do you think he did it on purpose do you think it was all calculated and planned this way because he knew exactly the situation he was getting the British prime minister into. Well I mean I don't know how calculated it was but it's very difficult to imagine that he had no other options so yes I think he decided to put Boris Johnson in or an impossible position it was literally an impossible position from which he couldn't emerge with anything like credit so yes I think it was you know an attempt to to get one over on the British by a member of the 27 I don't think it was a particular impressive Now let's move on to this court case today the Supreme Court they're considering whether the suspension of Parliament was legal or not we've got these 2 different judgment haven't we at the high clear in London and that course of session in Edinburgh where do you think this is going to go today. Well I think and I hope that the Supreme Court will uphold the view of the High Court in London that this isn't something which the court should be ruling on I disagree from my own humble point of view completely with court action. But I mean this is a massive issue I mean it sounds very technical and very nice in some ways it is but more broadly this is about whether the courts can say that the government in exercising its powers perfectly legitimately somehow acted wrongly I mean what is interesting is that you can't point to a piece of statute or a Laura rule that the government broke by advising the Queen to purge parliament the view of the course of session was that it was just done for the wrong reasons where how did they know that because it's up to the Prime Minister isn't it how did the torture session judges in Edinburgh get into the mind of Johnson to know that he did that well that's a very interesting question and I mean I don't know in full what documentation that the coach session had access to but yes they do seem to have been very willing to jump into imagining themselves in his position I just don't think that's something a coach should be doing ultimately the prime minister has the right to advise the Queen to perfect parliament. You know it may have been altie to do it for 5 weeks maybe mysterious It may be political but it wasn't illegal it wasn't wrong it wasn't. Disorderly or anything like that I mean he was entitle to do it he did it according to the rules imagist stances according to the rules so I'm hoping that the Supreme Court takes a view the High Court in London says nothing to see here none of our business right so they'll sort of dismiss in say there's nothing for us to judge hair and it's. They won't even pass a judgment on it just like the high call that's the way you think it's going to go think it's going to go and I certainly hope it's going to go I think that would be the healthiest way. To constitutional arrangements and he Wilson thank you so much really lovely to talk she's a political writer former House of Commons clout so he knows his stuff and it was lovely to have him on this morning thank you for that Marcy is in house and good morning Marcia. No she's not never mind we'll move on that because we're getting Vanessa Feltz into the studio next to find out what's coming up on the Breakfast Show this morning but before that Bill Sheldrake has the latest travel. Warning. On the district lines because of an area South Kensington so hopefully they can get back to normal service pretty quickly for the roads. Something we have something going on it's laying the one way street it's blocks just before the junction tires streets we have Michael gives school and this is where I'm looking at the cameras a notice that as it comes off Kennington lane it's looking quite quite. Actually. And that is looking quite slow. For Piccadilly underpass close out of town towards Knightsbridge because the. Restriction is still with us I have on the cameras in front of me is one of my biggest screen so hold up at the moment but we'll watch out for that. 20 the high road at the junction probably used to this one by one they closer for gas work that does add a bit of time to your journey I have to say when I see on the sensors and cameras every day and streets. Were familiar with this neck of the woods closer for gas works in the West Bank it's in the one way system at the junction with Buchholz and that carries on that length closure until the next 2 weeks basically into the 29th of September. And travel more for you just before 7 o'clock. This is London. And this was one of our dreams to get. Somewhere in London. This is London. And it's. 380 feet above sea level and this is FRESH AIR So that's what it was cool and it's all part of bees needs week in which it can kind of be a street buzzing with this is London B.B.C. Radio. Thank you for all your text in your emails and your calls this morning it's been really great to get so much reaction on what happened yesterday with Boris Johnson in Luxembourg but also on the story about buying a house in London can be tricky and pricey but my goodness do you ever take into account air pollution front page of The Times this morning pollution hotspots website could drive down house prices if you put your postcode in you'll find out your rating of pollution then house buyers will be encouraged to see discounts of up to 20 percent by checking the website How worried are you about that we'll be finding out more with Mark A but he's the chief executive of the National Association of a state agency whether this is actually a thing in a moment or 2 but 1st Vanessa Feltz Hello morning. Said they're calling it an ambush they're talking a man humiliation and this is Boris Johnson he was supposed to be standing at a lectern next to the prime minister of Luxemburg but actually didn't because there was a rowdy protest going on right next door to it so he ducked out of the whole thing I mean it may not have been his decision it may have been his advisors he's supposed to be able to speak Plus they may throw an egg at you or something horrible might happen they don't do it he didn't do it and the prime minister of looks back took the opportunity to give a right O'Barr especially didn't he oh yeah lots of the papers are up in arms and say that it was not the right thing to do not the right way to behave and the Daily Express front pages that's why we want to get out of Europe in the 1st place if they dare treat us like this and there's also that going on and even origins banks as he couldn't really have stood at that like 10 it was all a bit dicey and and you know let somebody to be that kind of a blazing I think is what has led this is just what. The X. Ray light is about regular life but if they made tennis. I didn't isn't meant to be genteel in. Financial services and I don't know but anyway so we're going to be definitely talking about that scientists think that close to finding a cure for the common cold who would be nice about that for years we've been told don't go to your doctor with a cold just wait some people think it's good to catch a cold for your immune system but a cold can really get your chest as we know that you have to find someone really attractive to rub your chest with. And sometimes that's harder than those other times and then it can be quite good fun but anyway we're not meant to be talking about this money energy supplies if given the been given another 4 years to instill so-called smart meters Yes Yes You know I don't know I don't know why don't they never get around to doing it great cause one of my lovely producer Gemma they they they said they would come and do it and they didn't do it someone said they did actually pounds we're not doing it twice because they they've been so late and they've been so remiss and then I want something that came to her she said I had they don't do it again I get another that. Small me says but most most particularly we're going to kick off with the prime minister of Luxembourg and whether he should have kept his thoughts to myself or not thank you Venessa 1000 superstar this morning is all over the place is keep your thoughts to yourself pick up the phone dollar 8712000 speak to Vanessa Feltz for the next 3 hours here on B.B.C. Radio London let's speak to ma Syrian halls Don And I'm also. A mohel morning you've got some to say about the Luxembourg stuff yes I haven't thought about. Some back PM strong person PM What were lawful style country of law oh oh. Sorry. I was. Trying to I thought. You well know if you imagine if we were treated if Boris Johnson treats his another world leader the way that Boris was treated in Luxembourg yesterday. there are seeing is i must see if you want to go outside of the time caring or saves for taft oh yes out like ababa or bad talk because of a process that is but who would so i will out who with that is why are book cos you neal i don't now or i think then say yes we will set top something with a knee downing straits for you because that's diplomacy you what quit the other country diagne and make them feel welcome in your and country i think the in choice or what with oh it's the we know been able yet could whole lives you know feel that some her cool so called over without a court a court in for one's are up about say what every say yet want to clue who who who who who are her are you well thank you massey you'll find not is going to bit dodgy bent thank you so much i think we got what you were saying they're thank you for that at less me want to the story we've been talking about this morning in the front page the times buying a house in don we know we can be tricky be no it could be pricey getting on the housing ladder but d. Take into account when your hunting for a homie at pollution levels a new website is highlights in pollution hotspot say when don 10 and that could drive down house prices the central office at public interest to a behind this website say home by is should be able to seat discounts of up to 20 percent 20 percent in the most polluted areas eases day to this website from king's college london to show you the level of not judge and dioxides every price card in the capital i've done my miss morning i'm at level 3 rights in the middle a but streets in chelsea read since part notting hill they've got app pollution exceeds in the legal limit less taught to mock hey woods mark is the chief execs of the national association of a stay Morning Mark good morning good morning is this a natural thing are people asking for discounts because of their pollution levels I think people are much more aware of pollution than they ever were I think because the property market is somewhat subdued at the moment people looking very carefully at their purchase and looking at any reason why they should or should proceed and actually people with families are concerned about bringing up children in there whether baby pollution and people spending a lot longer than they ever did before so they are being very careful and looking at every aspect of the property before making an offer is a actually happening Have you heard of people asking for discounts and getting them I think I've heard anecdotally of people asking what the pollution levels are. Whether they are seeking a discount or whether they're just making an offer on the basis that maybe something negative attached the property it may not be so attractive or they may just choose to park something in an area that is not experiencing that level of pollution what this website is then offering people to do is demand action from your local authority and what do you reckon people living in homes they want to sell them can't it's not going to be quick. It's not going to be quick we've got to raise awareness of this not only the consumer way but the local authorities aware that something will have to be done but as he said it's not something you can switch on a switch off so what could people who are selling their home to I suppose you can't avoid it can you there's nothing you can do you can't avoid it the best thing to do is to be upfront about it Look at 0 protection regulations the agent must make the consumer aware of anything that would affect transactional decision so I think. From where it's going to part with your. Hate So I think you start looking seems to make an informed decision easy is all the days of location location location over. No not entirely there are still. Reasons why people want to be in a specific. Place whether it's because this story. Somewhere that suitable whether a few. So that will be a contributing factor but still Location Location group and hopefully your phone's going to keep with us because it's going in an hour but Chelsea Regents Park in Notting Hill have been highlighted here with high legal over the legal limits of pollution do you think we'll ever see with toxins in prices in those parts of London. I we have already seen house prices in those areas decrease over the last 2 to 3 years and that's due to market pressure that may continue but I think it will always remain at the top of some people's list and finally Mark as a hot spot in London at the moment to buy a house if you if you can think of one I think a hot oh no the phone's gone all in London at that moment somewhere go on. Sorry the phones going I'm in a rural area I think it is a hot spot in London. Transaction levels where house prices are relatively stable due to the lack of housing available and where it's very much microbial and where would that be. Part of problem central of the parts of the southeast further from London you go the more stable and desirable somehow structures are Mark Mark David thank you so much T.V. Set to the National Association of stations talking to us about the air pollution levels go into that it's the what's the website again it's address pollution dot org is taking a postcard and you find out what kind of pollution levels are around your home and then you can worry about whether you need to make a discount on on whether you're selling it or not that's on the front page of The Times other stories on the front page of The Times this morning Tory anger is Johnson ambushed in Europe Luxembourg leader attacks absent PM over they've also got a picture of the Italian designer Ricardo T.-C. Who bought the Sherlock Holmes spirit to Burberry show on the closing day of London Fashion Week yesterday we know about the Daily Express we've been talking about that all morning Daily Mail's front page 13500000000 pound smart meters fiasco costly rollout delayed for 4 years millions of devices plagued by glitches and guess wore your footing the bill that's the front page of The Daily Mail that's exactly what Vanessa Feltz is going to be speaking about across the British over the next 3 hours this morning Daily Telegraph Luxembourg laughs in Johnson's face over the picture of the Luxembourg Prime Minister holding his hand out to an empty lectern that's the same picture on the I jumps and hounded out of talks it's also the same pitch on the Guardian Johnson left humiliated as bricks visit ends in chaos a front page of The Sun both Joe's hard luck story they've also got a picture of Ben Stokes being in cricket or an exclusive story a tragedy that haunts his. Family hero Ben's brother and sister were shot dead at Daily Mirror is Gary Lineker I've told the B.B.C. To cut my path in the B.B.C. To up my pay very fair if Gary Lineker doesn't want the money OUR have it thank you very much it's peace he Radio London it's Jason Rosen but more from for here on the early breakfast show Vanessa Feltz there is next. Tuesday morning. We still have some issues for the severe delays on the District line because of the signal failure earlier. But just now within our downgrade patch on the Circle Line trains so far so good all the major operators looking good across the network let's head to the roads we've got something going on we have something going on in Vox or and it's laying the one way street which is blocked just before the junction with tires street that's about the White House but look at the camera's exhibit new in some parts which leads from counties in lane to all the elephants that is looking slow and a little bit misty actually we have a nice blue sky here in the West End but you have as well but little bit misty my Elephant and Castle cameras a 4 Piccadilly underpass is close out of town towards Knightsbridge because. Of the cameras not too much effect on traffic thankfully it's the moments that still with those regular queues have a quick look at a 13 into town it begins again the queue through the course book into change in Dagenham it does pick up speed in the car was barking and Canning Town and silver town that at the Docklands just by London City airports long term works in place I believe shuttles until next April. Some holdups. Next update in 15 minutes and or humiliation Boris Johnson was in Luxembourg. Yesterday But it's the empty lectern outside the meeting that makes the front pages that's with me after the ME. On Digital Radio 94.9 F.M. On B.B.C. Sounds this is and. This is B.B.C. Radio. London's music 7 I'm Matthew Schofield the Supreme Court is to begin hearing 2 appeals that will determine whether Boris Johnson acted lawfully when he suspended parliament for 5 weeks in the run up to breaks it last week Edinburgh's Court of Session ruled the suspension was illegal while the high court here in London decided it wasn't a matter for the courts the prime minister says he'll wait and see what the judges say before deciding whether to recall parliament but the former Supremes Court Judge Lord Jonathan sumption says one of the rulings last week was clearly wrong my own view is that the orthodox opinion is the one given by the English courts but if you behave outrageously and to. The political culture on which our Constitution depends a lot of judges are going to be tempted to push the limits out and the problem is that Boris Johnson has taken the hammer and sickle to our political culture in a way that is profoundly provocative Meanwhile the Liberal Democrat leader Joe Swenson will close her party's conference in Bournemouth later by saying a no deal Breck's it would be like burning your house down should also describe Boris Johnson spending on preparations for no deal as sickening victims of stalking Harris Minton child sexual offenses will soon be allowed to challenge sentences they regard as too soft on the changes announced by the government as the B.B.C.'s Danny sure explains victims of the most serious crimes have been able to challenge sentences for the past 30 years but now ministers are extending the unduly lenient sentence came cases of murder rape robbery and terrorism can be reviewed but many crimes can't a feat that took more than 54 hours Sarah Thomas whose 3rd. 7 and recently undergone treatment for breast cancer began her swim in the early hours of Sunday morning 4 swimmers have previously completed a Triple Crossing of the world's busiest shipping lane but until now no one's ever managed 4 in sport 10 man West Ham missed out on 3 points after struggling Aston Villa held them to a goal a straw Villa Park tonight Chelsea play Valencia in their 1st Champions League game of the season it's also Franklin pards 1st as a manager now he can sell a house London's weather is sunshine makes a return today just a bit of Patty cloud but the sunshine feeling quite.

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Radio Program , Heads Of Government , Political Science , Edwardian Era , National Newspapers Published In The United Kingdom , Districts Of Kensington And Chelsea , Measuring Instruments , Areas Of London , Climate Forcing Agents , Public Relations , Streets In Westminster , Nursing , English Radio Personalities , London Underground , Construction , Radio , Electric Power Distribution , Officers Of The Order British Empire , Communication , The Football League Players , Association Football Forwards , Videotelephony , Council Of European National Top Level Domain Registries Members , Transport In Newham , Journalism Sourcing , Streets In London , Water Pollution , Radio Bbc London , Stream Only , Radioprograms ,

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