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When starting 10 will freeze a dangerous driving conditions tomorrow morning the minimum down to minus 4 B.B.C. Radio London it's just approaching 3 minutes past tick on digital radio 94.9 F.M. And on B.B.C. Sounds this is love this is B.B.C. Radio London to make a fashion. Hello this is the afternoon show I'm in for Joe good for the rest of this week taking your calls 180-731-2000 curious to know what's the 1st thing people ask when you tell them what you do and if you have a really unusual job do you find it difficult to try and explain what you do. And to make it sound interesting I I'd love going to dinner parties and as and when when I go off and you meet some really interesting people and they do some jobs that you don't know anything about I'm just fascinated by people anyway so I can have a chat Hey How you doing tell me what you do except chicks that you're although a friend of mine at his dinner parties bans anyone asking what you do so he says you cannot when you're at this party ask people what they do you can all say who they all what they like what moves them. What film or whatever they watch recently but you can also them what you do and I sometimes think that's it that is better because we also defined by our careers that sometimes people don't get any where near who we are as human beings which is a real shame really because we're we're all fascinating we're all very interesting if people would just get to know us better but I am curious to know what you do and when the 1st thing people ask you when you tell them what you do KNOW 807312000 of course you can reflect with me on the conversation I've just had with ADAM KAY talking about his show this is going to hurt but also the reality of the N.H.S. Perhaps you've been in recently or you've been trying to get to see a doctor or you've had to go into hospital. Or you've had to go and visit someone in hospital what was or has been your experience do we undervalue what the N.H.S. Office us and what did you make of Adam's comments that actually there needs to be more money poured into the N.H.S. In a way that shows that we respect what it offers us taking your calls on that 87312000 that's over 807312000 or you can text by starting your text message with the word London to make one trip or 3 Now if you haven't wanted to go to the moon I love them and can't tell you something about the moon so I'm not really a big sun person I don't sit in the sun told you this story before where I went to Central someone and I was sat there all fully clothed in linen and well as everybody else was in there bikini's they at one point the entire beach seemed to have turned around to face me and the reason for that was that they were following the sun so they were getting it as they follow the sun so they turned their sun beds Meanwhile I was just sat in the one position it was really weird I should have broken a song or whatever but so I love the sun a lot the warmth of the sun but I don't like like if it's a really sunny day and maybe it's because I grew up partially in Nigeria I don't run out to go and you know go of course because of the pocus of me I don't go as a sunny day how lovely but the moon Oh my gosh I'm in love with the moon I don't know whether it's because I live in south London but we get really where I live I get a really clear view of the moon particularly when it is a full moon. And the moon to me is like the sun so I literally will lie for you know I have bouts of insomnia I would just lie by my window and have. In my bedroom and just have the moon streaming in it's almost as bright as a different kind of brightness is always brought It's just phenomenal and I am convinced that the moon has an impact on. On our moods I really am convinced by that not in a kind of astrological way but just that there is something really powerful about it and didn't well hopefully off the 230 I'm going to be talking to Professor Richard Wiseman who's written a book it's called Shoot for the moon because 50 years ago this July man walked on the moon and he's gone back to all the people who would have been involved also a lot of the people who are involved in that are asking them to tell them tell him what they learned about the moon. And I don't know if you find the moon compelling and if so what does it do for you it really boost my mood like like sometimes I noticed I'm in a really good mood like oh it's a full moon because I'm aware. 0807312 . And then here's a simple question for you what color is your front door you can help me here because I am thinking of changing my front door it seems like a such a big undertaking to me I did it if you have a changer for a door please call because of the knowledge this is the 1st time I feel like I'm such a growed up I'm like I'm going to go I'm going to change my front door the entire front door and also I you know I've got what I live in a terrace house so I'm thinking I should have the very top of it where you have to clear the plate pane of glass I don't know whether any of you have the same thing but I'm going to put the number in I get all sorts of like that. So what color is your front door advice in front doors please things to do things not to do I'm a bit excited because I can finally do it I've waited like 40 years of the thing I've lived in that house like it now finally do it well that might take another couple of years because I'll have to decide what color to paint it but what color is your friend. And did you put it in did you put it in when you move as you as you put it in or do you just live with a door that you get 873 wood 2000. Me . Wrong With Me. Again me. To the. Left it in the. Candlelight B.B.C. Era. London I'm Jim McKay fashion is taking your calls this afternoon on 080731 to 2000 let's talk about the main SARAH Hi Sarah says as Texan Sarah says I love dancing in moonshot has to be something really magical about the mood and I don't mean in that kind of pseudo spiritual way I mean in terms of you look up and you think. It's there's nothing I do applaud it. I think the thing brings out the child in me Nick rescued me before I get myself did myself it's all good afternoon but all friends are well. Known. As well it's a watch. You know only Yeah. I say the people slow and seriously disturbed tonight can affect the part about by the moon does the moon also run yeah right I mean I I mean I love a full moon it's basic if you can see a film and you know really clearly in the sky it is extraordinary but I understand you've got something to you also ties in with languages in what way well I would. Really call it. You know a lot. Of. Whoever's called. The Web Opus Well yeah that's where religion comes from the sometimes OK seriously. On the whole my not I could post some where do you think people's behavior changes when the full moon is up. Does it change you in any way. Does it affect you in any way now I know. A lot of us one of their own who obviously the man in the mirror and know where we're going to be said. We're going to be talking about astronauts in a few minutes we're going to meet later on just after half past with Professor Wiseman because he's going to talk about with these all the people a lot of the people who were involved in those Apollo landings and all about it must have been truly time you know I mean to look up and think of the man of the you know the life a new. What was it like for you at that time if so why is because well we are more black and white. OK I was involved in school so yeah I mean apart from what I watched over the moon landings full of holes I mean like in new Armstrong and not on. Economizing experience I'll remember when we got this color supplements with this. Spike. That we saw the color pictures of that well yeah and everything else I might. Add did I mean what did it feel like to you were you were you you know exultant about the fact that somebody landed on what was the real me because you know what you would not the people together wouldn't you. Know it was. Was there a cheery reminder won't work and. Just I think the only way for us so we would go up. You thought we would have gone further than we have gone because it's called just outside of the law what will be the awesome course or the yeah I think a lot of people have thought the same thing but hopefully we will get there one day that space travel is your thing lovely call Thank you ever so much Nicky people coming in over 807302000 Sara Good afternoon it off me was a fabulous show thank you so much now thank you for calling in the let's talk moon and how inspired. The moon is amazing but anybody who works in public houses or in any concert how you of all known busy is a complete nightmare really gross as the previous caller said Yeah living it takes alternate takes phone everyone just kicks off it's bizarre. I'm surprised to hear that well where 90 percent water so I think it's probably all I don't know what I thought of the father just happened but I love them and I was what I did the text then about. How did you go out when the when there's a full moon my my my lovely friend that is that they no longer with us and there was no that she didn't realize till she left London you could actually get a moonshot I wouldn't cheat on all the way back to camp for anyone chattering all I love the Cat Stevens song moonshot I always brings a tear to my eye but now I love them and I've still got to think your previous caller a box of slides of my great granddad had from the original moon landing you know so that was solid you stuck to your projector how the hell you know why have showing them I saw how the much lawyer I only did that last week I was almost a deal and I don't even know why to get these printed you know what they. Would you know what they because I'm sure someone listening will be able to tell us how to do this do you know what the just slides are the other particular type of slide it's just normal project because large write those Big Round Things like a kitty condo Yeah yeah yeah I thought that I would evolve I'm of the night. Remember these but I'll tell you know how to actually transpose these on the sons of other multimedia. Are amazing and they are cut across taken by because they. Are OK You know what you need to hold on to them and we're going to see whether someone can tell you. You really house it may flies a lot have 20 years. No Cry going to get to the bottom of that if there is if you've got those kind of normal project to slides and yeah I read that they want to go round is that right is they put me up OK So we're going to see if I'm sure someone will know how to do this I mean because there must be a lot like the amazingly fabulous now and now I've had to replace my front door and go on then tell me because I've never had to like I'm like that's an adult. Now although I only bought my 1st place probably about 8 years ago right and then. Try to break in on the arcane excuse to replace my console and I know I was trying to find something like the Tardis. Only I saw only found a door to approximate the Tardis but the insurance company said no. So I said OK I'll have that one with. A fine line partner because I want to in tall it is blue because what's the cell site Google air and I got got all this blue front or is it because I really want this thing what was it what I mean this may be poor it is anyone who is not necessarily replacing their front door but I have no idea what the procedure is I mean because my fear is that they have to take the entire thing that out and then I have this gaping hole for a few hours before they put something at a gotcha day I'm here to knit voluntarily to be in summer make sure you're reading OK OK Yeah and I live in what's called a Warner flat in wholesome style so you go if you've got like a can joined frying between the 2 doors so you could be a really good terms are your neighbors make sure they don't make that too. All out plus some people get very precious about money look like or you're Which note or yes no no I think I might relax on a hot streak of people I think the say we don't have that sort of military kind of look I mean I suppose the thing is how long does it take presumably they do it all it within a few out about 3 or 4 hours OK thing is making sure that if you're having to replace a narcotic a time to. Think about the door furniture as they call it so that your letter box and bedrock and every other well purchase we use the I would stuff I would be going to talk over that. And go to the overall are still got my old X. Box which is still quite well kind of. Gal and still and yeah and now listen Sarah hold on that because Hazel Good afternoon to you. Thanks so much as Sarah this is an answer to your queries Hazel You know what's this what's the situation. On Google put converting slides and not to come to 13 to digital to photos to print to D.V.D. Release anything if I think you know this gadget that you can buy today I would have thought I had graduated to just like 20 saw you. Give me a one off from. The never mind but Well but you tried Hazel That's the most important thing was I don't know so many people out at me looking 71 locally busy. Oh that's great thank you so much Hazel Sarah thanks ever so much for joining us this afternoon about a strange job oh you don't want your is your interesting job what it was but it's not my current role Dr and use myself to people that I think would make you act and I went oh. But they wouldn't stop it now and they were moved on just move on. About it. Oh oh. You've been absolutely Adele dull Thank you ever so much for calling and listen to if anyone else has any suggestions with regards to this slide project new project maybe there are people who specialize in transferring these things to let us know 080-731-2000 what is your response to the moon do you react to it in a way the way I do I mean every time is a full moon when I'm awake I delighted in the something about the moon around 2 o'clock in the morning that just is fantastic because for some reason it is then right over my house with just an angle which is by my bedroom window so the light comes streaming through particularly clear night except for a. So taking your calls about that this often in 080-731-2000 but also have you ever had your door replace what color is your front door all I kind of want to get a sense I didn't get what the owner has since about top it's blue because I want to get a space I want to see how broad braid we are because I was saying to Becky my producer was like I'm not quite sure whether I should you know put in a door that's full of color then I was like because in a way you kind of almost want to be Anonymous Do you want to be the woman on the street with the yellow door I don't know it's what does that say about your mood What does your front door say about you and do you really care 173 once. This is longer we want to know everything you have to say about this breaks it deal what are people saying in Belgium B.B.C. Radio in London breakfast is his name and to the transition period means it will never end effector be Oh my goodness we demand that some people of faery just to see this is the get go and you know the really frustration thing is this isn't an answer to the weekday mornings from 7 this is going to make a difference this is a good thing that felt good story but I was a nonsensical the next I want to take the winnings from the seventy's eighty's B.B.C. Radio London and. I'm to make a fashion this is. New show I'm sitting in for good ole this week how to pull who's in Tunbridge Wells is a Jamaican I know you love your music yes I do everyone knows that CAN I PLEASE tell you and your listeners about an astonishing Well that's a big what show I saw last night with 2 friends at Wilton's Music Hall in East London Wilton's was the perfect setting for a show called Christine BOVILL Paris where this establishing Glaswegian show on Tuesday healthy audience spellbound while she went through a repertoire of songs by as a novel Braille the cold P.F. Jim OK What a voice Well this is really interesting it seems like something I might like to go and see if you lover or talents continues pool and great singing this is the show for you and Christine is a captivating and charming woman well that's high praise indeed if you've been to see a show recently that you would all give us a cool let us know about it I always like to find out what's happening you know out and about here in London. On the amazing ship and Gypsies Tramps and thieves and she Party is going to be at the O 2 in October for her here we go again tool. Was the last time that she actually saw. Tool of the. Secular but. I wonder why she does decide to go back on the road which is lovely but I wonder what the loss when the last time was that she was actually touring. I don't know shit as work that well but she said only has had longevity in this business and you know I had tremendously. Coming up we're going to be talking to Professor Richard Wiseman who's the author of shoot the movie 2 astronauts and moons and I'd really like to hear your thoughts on the moon does it impact you in any way I don't think. Has an impact on me feel. We've. Got her out. To our. Feet feel. The out. Of the out. Wound. Wound. That instrument. Because that's. Maybe I know I did very very very high fixed. The radio did I do OK 1st of the thank you to everyone who's e-mailing me I will get to as many of your e-mails as I possibly can thank you will read those out slightly later on in the program right now the time for the news headlines at $230.00. 1 does headlines on will send an 18 year old who attacked a car driver with a zombie knife in Croydon has been jailed for 3 and a half years the case has been controversial as Joshua Gardner had previously been handed a suspended sentence but today a judge at the Court of Appeal ruled that was unduly lenient tourism A is preparing to meet the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn in the Commons to discuss a way forward. The prime minister says she's been given a mandate by M.P.'s to seek changes to her withdrawal agreements that would provide an alternative plan to prevent a hard Irish border the E.U. Has insisted the Bracks it deal won't be renegotiated 3 teenagers are being questioned about the fatal stabbing of a 17 year old boy in is Linked In in north London Nadine building is the 5th person to be stabbed to death in the capital so far this year and the Supreme Court has upheld a ruling that forcing jobseekers to disclose mine up past convictions breaches their human rights the government has appealed London's weather a mostly sunny and dry afternoon with highs of 6 degrees Celsius that is 43 degrees Fahrenheit now with the B.B.C. Radio on the travel has been the reefs. Filming a 40 heading out town through north pole between a Polish war memorial in Hillingdon so. Sleighing 3 of 3 shop for emergency pothole repairs that's heading out westbound between Polish war memorial north and Hillingdon circus down in forest ill burst water main on the I 85 Stansted road a spot on also affecting a Brockley arised southbound which we shall probably park through the Stansted road old Court Road the one way system Alaina closed just before Old Brompton Road because of road work still no would it Ferry Police Incident closing at Caledonian Road between Caledonian Road and Dansby station Copenhagen straight that's been shut since a quarter to 8 last night 5 streets are on diversion and at the moment we haven't gone any information as to when that is going to reopen Billy Rees P.C. Radio on and more from me just before 3 on digital radio 94.9 F.M. Band on B.B.C. Sounds this is longer this is B.B.C. Radio London to make a fashion. This is our afternoon show here on B.B.C. Radio London I'm in for good this afternoon Thanks Billie I asked the other day just a moment ago we were playing Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick What is that high pitch and what instrument was it of course typical Billy Rees who knows everything I have to say he is a wise man of music to say the least he says Davy painted playing to saxophones at once I knew it was an unusual unusual Tambura the radial under the right so what's to come I'm asking you about your feelings about the mood just generally how how do you feel about them does it change your mood. You one of the people goes in dancing moonshot is that people don't even notice a thing you know maybe the next time there's a full moon you'll see me out MacArthur taking your calls on that 873 Word 2000 but also you will be doing me a service you can either text or you can call I need to know what color your front door is you probably don't even know you think about it now you're like oh yeah what color is my front door because for the 1st time ever in my adult life I'm going to replace my front door at some point it might take me another couple of years and I can't decide whether I would go for a bright color and even as I say I'm thing it's unlikely but whether I go for more muted color. So I just need your advice on this 080-731-2000 that's 807312000 later on I'm going to be talking to Kerry right call who is and who has the entire front of the house and I would never be that that brave I will be hearing from Has he taken had I think 20 years or something like that is extraordinary and we all get talking in a few minutes to Professor Richard Wiseman who's the author of shoot for the moon which is a book about what we can learn from all those people who got it together and sent man to the moon. Was Be O'Jays on the B.B.C. Radio love the I'm to make a fashion of taking your calls this afternoon 107312807312000 and right let's turn our attention to this and now have you written to your heroes because one of the heroes with one of my heroes is certainly be an astral anyone who's left this earth and gone elsewhere well 50 years ago this July man walked on the moon but what can we learn from the Apollo mission and come out historic moment to make a difference to our daily lives so Professor Richard Wiseman says yes and he's hit to tell us why he's written a book called Shoot for the moon achieve the impossible with the Apollo. Mind set what is the Apollo mining sit the Apollo mindset is the the mindset which this group of people have that sits at the very heart of the Apollo missions in 1952 Kennedy says we're going to go to the moon which quite frankly was a ridiculous thing to say that the time you know that America sent somebody up 100 miles and that was it and even today when you look at space station or CHALLENGER It's about 250 miles something like that the moon is a quarter of a 1000000 miles away and so Kennedy says we're going to go up there we're going to land we're going to stroll around and then we're going to come back so crazy crazy idea and we're going to do it within about 8 years and so the heart of the Apollo missions since this group of people are the mission controllers and they are a star on the shingly young white when I looked into it I mean nowadays you think Imagine having this huge national project who would you put there we'd probably put quite a few senior people of course here in fact the average age even when Armstrong walked on the moon the average age in that room is 26. So they started off the way young of them yes of course to and so incredibly young yet not drawn from the best universities in in America told they are mainly from modest backgrounds they are from rural farming backgrounds as they went out and got this bunch of kids essentially who were passionate about space travel who we used to working together in a team writing one individual kind of star players they're the team players and the Apollo mindset is the mindset that group of people developed to do this impossible thing within about 8 years and those look today before those interview these people they're still around now in the seventy's and eighty's and so tracking down I talked to them and we got really what was in their minds at that point and I think it's a phenomenal mindset they had so I mean I presume there are a series of steps which at the time they would have been thinking these are the steps that makes us the Apollo is that what. Give us an insight into some of the steps that the thing that knits them together as a unit well so I think it's that the Cerruti interesting question I spoke to sort of essentially head of H.R. Is it would be call that there but certainly an intern for recruitment and I said you know what did you look for these people and he said well you know on day one we call that senior scientists rocket scientists together and they say that it can't be done they've they've This is a ridiculous idea so we got rid of them and we bought in a group of young people who were so young they didn't know it couldn't be dumb or who never told them it couldn't be dumb we just led them to believe that actually they could do it and every single one of them had enormous passion and I think that's what mix them together you do speak to now then seventy's and eighty's in a heartbeat they would go back and do it all again really they gave their lives to it so they know nothing about sixty's music they know nothing about the news in the sixty's they just lock themselves away and this was their lives and my goodness talk about passion so special is a key thing isn't it Oh I think it's absent and we've sort of lost that little bit I think you know people chase careers and chase money and so on Badgley it's passion because they were just prepared and I think everyone's got fresh passion and prepared to work harder than anyone else has ever worked before fanatical ago and if you have that passion it's what you spend all your life doing they say it never felt like work it was play they didn't even know the king of the time but they thought they were but they never checked and so I think in one things the book does is say to people follow that passion you find it and follow it and so I say you know it's very simple exercises are in there so for example imagine you're going to be on a desert island the rest your life and you can take a bundle of books or magazines and they're all going to be about the same topic what's that topic like because that tells you your passion. And the question is are you following that in life or is that something you do as a sideline because if you follow it you're probably going to be better than anyone else because that's your passion and part that I think you really need is this group together so it is trying to understand that mindset and then see how we can use it in everyday life but it does sound like they were in a sort of lock in Yes So if we don't all have the advantage that they would have had you know the kind of you stay in this room you'll be able to work out of this don't worry about feeding or getting clothes ready or that is that most of our day to day lives are like get over the border look after the kids do this do that so we don't have to sort of directs focus on what is our passion I think that's right what I would say though as I think that the moment a lot of people chase you know of riches off I mean you know whatever yeah I think just poor sing to go hold on a 2nd is that what I really want what once I Chief is that really going to get me to happiness or contentment of whatever the other thing talking to them is when it was enormously meaningful they were doing this for the future of the world obviously as a space race home so that they saw fighting with the Soviets but it wasn't even that they were saying if we can develop this technology and we can develop and do something amazing then we can do other amazing things in the world is miming full and when the quickest ways of getting any job no matter how dull it is to be meaningful is to ask that one question who does this help Wright says place amazing value absolutely some lovely research you talk to people who are on say supermarket checkout which is not the most sort of meaningful interesting task some of the time but when you realize that some of the customers you're becoming into contact with that's the only human contact they can order that's the most important moment for them that task that you are doing becomes meaningful and I think that meaningful question again we sort of lost a little bit and you talk to these people and they talk about what is good for other people what is good for. Society good for a nation it's not about them it's about serving How how important in that within that perspective for those particular people was Kennedy because he of course was this also young thrusting exciting new president and you know the whole Camelot thing that surrounded him must have also led to some degree of inspiration for them oh absolutely so in 62 Kennedy goes through Russia university to the folks they beam and he gives this talk about how important it is and we choose to go to the moon and so on and some of the mission controllers were there they were mission control is that point though it's the one of them in particular was studying basketball and mathematics and he said I walked into the stadium curious and I walked out going I'm going to devote my life to this space thing so it's a Kennedy change minds he says it was sort of just this unbelievable kind of leadership in terms of charisma so Kennedy is important but I think. So you can kind of get your own Kennedy because as you can you can think of what is it that really drives me rush me forward here and what would really be helpful what's fascinating about talking to the mission controllers and I'm out of intrigue many people are so very successful the wood they never use is are you will not find it it's we we did this have you spoken so and so because they did that they were fantastic you should must be to salvage their fate that they were screwed for team players sounds like we need to bottle it I'm some ways well what about failure what about the role of not quite reaching the goal I mean they did but there must have been setbacks and things that made them go you know and having to rejig and reenergize the enthusing that they had for the project at this a very good question I mean absolutely terrible failures and unfortunately some of them resulted in the loss of astronauts and so on and again they had this attitude that yes we're going to fail some time but the important thing is we never make the same mistake twice this must be a learning opportunity and they're doing what's called mindset work as it were we'd call it now that. In the sixty's and again in the book I talk about ways you can do that so for example if you've got kids and they say you know I'm not very good at mathematics just by adding the magic word yet to the end of that sentence are not regular mathematics yet tells you there's room to grow in the future very important words in terms of tickly with the children but also I mean I'm a huge fan of Carnegie who is a source self-help guru from the same era in sixty's and comic he had this exercise he did every night which he kept a diary and now a day psychologist go or cheer yourself up at night write the good things you've done to look at things that happened your company did was brilliant he wrote down the biggest mistake he'd made that. And what he was going to do. To make certain he didn't make it in the future and so he's got these diaries which is full of errors he's made eat well and what he's going to do to stop in the future and that's very much the Apollo mindset don't run away from failure we're all going to fail just don't file twice on the same thing learn from it it's as if that is fascinating because we do we do run away from our failures we do we are I suppose in some ways we're almost taught to do that to kind of ignore them to not accept them to kind of go that was yesterday the other move on to tomorrow and we're also encouraged at the moment to blame other people so there's a very famous Apollo story where there's 3 mission controllers they all mess up they're all bore into the boss's office 2 of them try to blame the other one and one person goes yes I made a mistake to be honest we all did but the reason they're pointing at me and they sat with 2 and kept the one that said I made them study because they said we want people here are going to take responsibility we cannot have a team where everybody points to everyone else so you know this failure Yeah and they had this kind of motto which is the this won't fail because of me. Where is the individual in that though as in because you talk a lot about them being team players. And this notion of being locked in or you know obviously chasing this dream or this goal which they achieve but where is the individual in that because it to ascend Gride worry that the individual suddenly gets lost in the hole and therefore they are no longer I think that's true I think it's true they did it as a group yeah so on the Apollo Landel Apollo 11 landing just the famous one we had Armstrong and here I go into the moon they'd literally locked the doors of Mission Control and the person in charge said we came in as a group and we walk out as a group and if we make a mistake in 2 very brave astronauts die we kill them as a group and nobody individually here will take this. Once ability we are the group that will do this successfully as they did or we will have other groups that will fight and I think it's just this phenomenal team spirit but that push them forward but just that notion of you're not going to blame other people if it goes wrong it's going to be my for I've got a role to do yet but still I'm poverty and success is shared did the astronauts feel that they were part of that team oh very much so very very close to all the astronauts is one big team I mean the Astro mindset is slightly different because you've also got coverage yesterday in a Saturn 5 rocket if that were to explode it would be the biggest non-nuclear explosion in the history of mankind Yeah so so it's a scary thing and some of the press that button away you go in and because Russia famously the same time did have explosions on the launch pad and I was going to ask you about Russia actually about how much of an impetus did this Sputnik and all of that kind of stuff have on this team that you're talking about and really important Sputnik is this little satellite that the Soviets send up it goes around the world and then about the size of a basketball really small but you could pick up it's kind of beating as it went overhead and of course Yooper warhead on it and you've got a real problem and of course it could be looking at spying on America certainly they were motivated because that notion of there is an enemy over there and we have to fight this enemy but actually at one level they became kind of quite friendly with their counterparts and in fact went on strong landed that the Soviets sent huge messages Congratulations So there's some of that going I was kind of friendly competition opening up there. So what else can we learn from them we team playing is really a team being a team player is very important but also having this focus this passion is very important what else should we be gaining from this experience that I think the obvious thing is they knew where they were heading right they said you know we knew there had to be the moon by the end of the decade we had this very kind of strong goal and often will say. That's cells not lives or just want to be successful Yeah I mean what does that mean what is actually come on this but that's but time I was trying to get into a new relationship or something here when it's like going to be a year what's that relationship going to be like you know we going to know whether you've succeeded or not because nebulous goals don't do us very much good and then the other thing is when we set some of those goals often it can seem such a reach you know my can is on a trying to change careers and so on and what they did in poly was brilliant which was these small steps you go what are the small steps that get me there because that goal sometimes seems so huge you put you off but maybe making the smallest step for polo which is 3 astronauts up you have the Gemini program you're sending 2 up you know for Gemini you have mercury which is sending one up and so they're all small steps each celebrated along the way and it's the same as achieving any goal no you heading and then no the small steps will get you there and celebrate each one but now I have a question for you it is every many people listening might be saying yeah but I'm single professor and I wants to get you know I want to be in a relationship this is a small step here it is move there I'm just looking for so what I want the work it's what I go this is the love of my life what do you do with well yeah I mean well the small steps might be I'm going to go on you know 5 dates a month or whatever it is you know the unrealistic goal that that big goal of I'm going to have this very happy relationship long term relationship and so on that's going to be in place within a year well it's not going to happen by magic so I see what all the small steps that will get you there yeah you know if you are going to meet people and they can be like minded people how's that going to happen and start to break it down with these kind of smaller things rather than just you know trusting to magic but eventually you have this that's the thing I think there is a size and I wonder if you can talk to us about this about the balance between the very practical analytical this is the way you get to where ever you want to get to and what I consider it's. The magic of life where you've got the coincidence or you've got the happenstance that you weren't really expecting that somehow sprinkle some sort of stardust on your life that you know that little bit extra I think that's right I mean part is by having that big goal that's what motivates yeah wouldn't it be amazing if my life the smallest of the tactics the day by day number of each going to go on or whatever very important I think is something that happens in your mind when you have that we go you know you're heading I think you're far more open to those magical coincident mirrors and you recognize them so you saw think OK I'll go on by phrase 5 dates but then you might be at work and you by chance bump into somebody in the lift you've never spoken before and suddenly thought actually that person that you're great you're right so I think that that openness to open mindedness and flexibility and you see that with Impala mindset as well as a fantastic story of Buzz Aldrin on the moon and on the way out of the lunar lander they knock a switch and they had to switch off and of all the switches it's the one engages the rockets to get them back off of the moon. And this stranded on the moon No 100000000 people watching they can't get off the moon because they're not one but we're small switch up and he has the presence of mind to take as a look at the size of the switch and you know what they would go to these that felt tip pens I think my felt tip pens going to fit in there he takes it out puts it in it fits the ring gauges the rockets they leave the Moon that's extraordinary and it's that kind of openness that flexibility the unexpected life's going to throw stuff at you in terms of unexpected you kind of be flexible and I think that comes from knowing what you've been told it's not panicking about instance what if anyone listening says define what you consider success to be because this is always you know the $1000000.00 question some people don't necessarily want to be you know the next Buzz Aldrin or here so that they just they want to live a life that they feel is an honest and fulfilled life. I think I said a very good question I mean they used to be a psychologist to talk about happiness Yes The problem with happiness is pretty short lived actually so you know you're happy because you have some chocolate cake while your I'm happy a couple an hour later to get another day away every day is here as a coach is not about contentment being content with what you have and that being a kind of good goal I would talk about is a meaningful life is it one which it's gives you that sense of I am doing something valuable myself and probably more importantly for others I think that's a good goal what one shouldn't do I think is get on that treadmill of thinking what successful is a big car that's why I want and yeah big car and then after 6 months you got rid of that car so you need even bigger car and you're on that treadmill so I think that had an estate approach which is normally about a huge financial success or particular goods or whatever is not the way to go but some of these other things which are within our own ring in terms of relationships meaningful lives and so on very much so in line with the the Apollo missions and they must have been really inspiring for you to take this exploration and have these conversations with these people I saw an impact did it have on you it's phenomenal because you're talking to people that made history Yeah I mean they're elderly people now but in their day and you see photos of them you know age whether it's 26 landing and then you you're talking to them yeah and they go yeah that's me 50 and you go Mike and this one incredible thing and what actually really struck me I think perhaps biggest impact was they were so humble Wow I've spoken to loads of C.E.O.'s and some other projects I've been involved in terms of success they're very keen to tell you you know self-made people are very keen to tell you the recipe these people were very humble they said oh you know we're just doing our job and just following what we'd like to do and I thought my goodness we could perhaps do with a bit more of that they particular social media was very. To tell you how beautiful they are or how perfect they are and I wonder whether social media in the light of the conversation that we've just been having also is something that we should be increasingly concerned about because it is a very much about the individual I mean I love social media as much as the next president is very much about the individual I am doing this I am just as an old though there are there is collective power often it isn't used for the good it's about the individual it's about telling other people how fantastic you are it's about but then when you look at other people say to me I'm going to try to measure up to them and you've got no idea they're just as unhappy as you are and it is all about self and I think it would be a good shift actually to be just thinking how can we use this wonderful powerful toll for something which is a bit more beneficial than just saying look how beautiful wonderful successful I know so so it feels are a very different world but actually one I wouldn't mind as pets moving back towards that a bit I could talk to you forever particular because I was then thinking about the current state of America and how different the attitude in America is today compared to what it was a been in the sixty's except through you know the number of people who join this project said the world needs another candidly wow it's so i do things just America I just the Islington cross the world Professor Richard Wiseman Thank you ever so much for coming in the race really really lovely to meet you at the book is called Shoot for the moon achieve the impossible with the Apollo mindset it's out on like never pronounce that discover the small steps that leads to Giant Steps My thanks to Professor Wiseman time for the trouble. You see Reagan on the me like he's trying to travel news a 40 heading out of town 2 lanes blocked westbound just after the Greenford fly over because of a collision that's left cues back to hang a lane and also we have. Repairs on the I 40 heading out of town near the Polish war memorial there were only recently. Completed So some residual delays heading towards North Pole as well. Road the one way between the West Road and The Old Brompton Road this road works down there which may hold you up Caledonian Road remains closed because of last night's incident between Copenhagen street and Caledonia road a bomb spree station 5 bus troops are on diversion no word ferry still testing has overrun Billy Reeves B.B.C. Radio London travel more from me in half an hour. To radio you see on. B.B.C. 7 soon this is a. B.B.C. Radio. Club the views of 3 o'clock a teenager who attacked a car with a zombie knife has been jailed for 3 and a half years after the Court of Appeal decided he suspended sentence was unduly lenient Joshua God No was 17 when he tried to attack a motorist in broad daylight in Croydon he was given a suspended 2 year sentence ordered to complete unpaid work and fitted with an electronic tag B.B.C. London's Catherine Carpenter was in court in footage widely circulated on social media he's seen attacking a car with a 10 inch zombie knife trying to get to the occupant inside at the time he was given a 2 year suspended sentence but there was a public outcry with people including the mayor writing to the attorney general to ask for the sentence to be considered unduly lenient today Justice Leveson agreed with that and handed Gardiner a 3 and a half year sentence any young offenders institution 300.

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