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Investment in a lively service the Crown Prosecution Service has paid the radio to D.J. Pull down the chimney an undisclosed amount following unfounded allegations of historical sex offenses Mr gamma Cheney has always denied the claim spent one year on bail before the case was dropped. And one U.K. Ticket holder as well meantime jackpot of 76300000 pounds in the latest Euro Millions draw the National Lottery is urging people to check their tickets and says it has plenty of champagne on ice rise time for the mountains weather his Lucy Martin had a that dry and bright today with hazy spells the sunshine temperatures quite mild for the time of year maximum of 14 degrees Celsius we will see the wind picking up and see me through the day so we are going to see any fire watch so it doesn't dry but it will be quite windy and it stays dry even night with a minimum of around 5 to 8 degrees Celsius patchy God with bright sunny spouse tomorrow with highs of 13 Celsius B.B.C. Radio London is 3 minutes past 12. Is limited we can get close for a chat trying to reflect the extraordinary day of this valley keep asked to keep propelling the story forward. B.B.C. Radio London robot sound. Was that it was an old little bit. Never quite know how it was. So I shall just tell you what we're going to be doing Carrie's Mackie's coming into us the MacGyver family. So we'll be good. I'm already deep in musical conversation with the ladies in opposite me because she's charisma and as you know she knows this stuff and you know I will I probably do oh you're here because of Dylan Thomas Yeah well I can spot the link can you dislike Welsh The guy got there very. Well he's been pretty large in my life Eli and my uncle actually call in Edwards was responsible for Clapton interviews with his family shortly after his death so there's that there's a huge sort of family link as well but I love his work and I also love who doesn't Christmas anyone in particular you know I mean I mean I love the poetry I love but particularly those you know like the child it's Christmas and just for a moment it's magical in it and it lets you sort of reconnect with how you felt as a child you know when you're looking for it same presents are going to go what you going to eat you seem got sort of stories about drunk teas drinking too much RAM and then going up to sing in the garden like a big buzz and you know and you just it makes you think the song does me and I love it when the fire brigade. So does it know how many were there were basically this fire happens on Christmas Eve And this you know lovely sort of comes downstairs and instead of saying you know John a cup of tea you were just you know do you want some cake or are you OK Thank God we're survived she comes on a says yeah say it again if you like something. We will go on I'll be like that so yeah that floats downstairs took an immaculately you know firebreak you know whatever Not exactly so when I 1st hit as well do you remember Peter in the world yeah so I love that so it's sort of like this is a story put to music with the instruments have been characters and so that's what I sort of decided to do back in 2014 and you know in the same story in Dylan's story for Christmas. You've got these little boys going opt into the snow because it was always snow in that Christmas and then they they pretend to be the hippos so they go to sing Carol songs and things so it really lent itself to the idea of having a ballet puts with as well and that's what we're doing tonight well 1st of all let's figure. Out what's in this. Now as I was young and at the apple. They lived in the house and happy as the grass was green the night to the tingle starry. Claim Golden Age of his eye. And among wagons I was Prince the apple. And once below a time my lordly had the trees and leaves a trail with daisies and barley down the rivers of the wind. And as I was busy carefree famous among the barns about the happy yard and singing . In the sand that is a young ones only time let me play gold in them in a sea of his. And green and gold and I was Huntsman on that card to my horn the fox is on the hills barked clear and cold on the Sabbath the slowly in the parable of the Holy St. The sun the long it was running it was lovely the hay fields how is the house from the chimneys it was I'm. Awfully and watery and fine. Grass and some of that isn't so we listen to the. It's the 1st half of the ballet which is a selection of poems so that's a little bit of an Hale. And it's a beautiful poem that she Prince Charles loves very much she did a reading of it when it was a sort of centenary of Dylan Thomas recently so in the 1st half we're going to do sort of do not go gentle and death has no dominion and in my craft and stolen art and then the 2nd half will be 42 minutes of the Christmas story with a ballet troupe called Ballet country how did that come in 101 ballet I can see I can see it but what's your convictions about I didn't know about the of kind of links to that world I love winter ballets you know that's just I love Christmas I love winter you know I'm way way out there in the middle of autumn right now and going out into the West and anywhere into the center of any town you know is the muffler around and you are really hadn't taken the kids out to see the sea sick theatrical performances and some especially that so she'd get hot chocolate the end . Or a Guinness with vodka and all the death by chocolate that's Anyway that was from the Stone Roses actually Ian thank you for that one a cocktail but I started working with ballet company on a section of Welsh folk tunes a few years about back and I loved the choreography so much I beg them to let me become their patron because they're from Newport as in Newport New put through the New York and they did the new but yeah they're really brilliant they've got you know they do stuff like Roald Dahl's with a quite unusual and fresh in terms of what they use to. Invent new ballet so we did the 1st Welsh folk music a few years back and then when they heard this music that I'd done with the Dylan Thomas work they were like can we do a ballet after that so I went to the states because of C.F. To go get permission from the Dylan Thomas estates I thank you. And we've been working on this palace this is the very 1st performance tonight so you're performing live I'm not done sent Now you're really. I wish I'm frustrated valid answer. I'm I'll be there with a room gauche who has a clarinet player in the front of your jazz party on task and he's helping me with the musical motifs I'll be reading the poems in the 1st half and then the 2nd half of be in the audience watching so I haven't seen it yet so I'm so excited you know are you nervous. You know it's been so long since I've been on stage as part of a yeah yeah I'm a more thrilled. I feel it more pop the audience as well because the onus really is on the dances on this about 10 to 15 of them and I've what I've seen them do before it's been just so much a call that I really it's just a joy actually so and it's Dylan Thomas is Wix is not me you know so there's no pressure in that sense now we can hit balls funds. Or I would go out of my bright new boots creaking into the white one on to the scene you want to head to Colon gym. Bag through the steps to even. Print some pavement AIPAC people would think this mean hand was. What would you do if you saw a hippo commando no street I go like this. I threw him a lens on rule him down the head and then I could get him under the you and he want to see. What would you do if you saw Tool hippo's. Eye and flash and then know when he come back to back through the scudding snow would towards us as we promised Mr Daniels. Let's pull system down in the snow ball so was black the ball. That's right sense in the. Midst of Don Young was like US bombing out. Over. Oh no to you know teach children to do this at home you don't. Well this is clearly a true believer in your reading of that you're right but it's Swanzy you know if you've been to Swanzy that town which is a really hilly town and then you're surrounded you know you're looking down on the crescent shaped of the sea and then the 1st thing we did when we moved to swans from Cardiff was run into the sea and anyone from swans you know if you can't go into the Swans you see because it's just mud and it's Granny custard and there were . Lots yet this black coal and dust and pollution and Stephan like like it because if people come in and just as if they don't know and laughing at you did you like them both Yeah that's I mean I was born in Cardiff and then moved to Swansea when I was 7 and then lived there for many many years and I. Believe I should i am i am officially South waitin mongrel and I have to say that and also you know I've got Pembrokeshire connections as well and a little bit of nice there I say so you know just you know like like a lot of people you know we move around these days I'm kind of very different you know it's like Liverpool and Everton It's like a Darby kind of situation and you put in Cardiff it's about you know there's rivalry but I mean that sounds all very very very different so Cardiff is more like the sort of jewel in the crown it's got the capital Kabul. But also you know it's got the Welsh language T.V. Center and now it's got to the who and all of that system is really it is quite proud of itself kind of thing in that sense and then Swanzy that was left a little bit in the shadows as it should have got the title capital but it missed out to Cardiff but since then in the shadow quite often it happens like places that been in the shadow all of this creativity you know bubbles away and Swansea's become the sort of like capital of literature and arts and it's got little hip areas and a plans where Dylan Thomas was brought up and he was just a largely lovely you know it's beautiful now because when I go back now I was sort of you know got used to live in you know in your parliament labral Grove and that's my norm and then you go about swans in X. Is a little town and this got lots of hills and greens and treason and it's very village like. It's I love going back to Swansea but this got the Dylan Thomas sense of the hotels has got the sea front that where the old I'd love to see the old tram I never remember them in the tram stop run in the sixty's I was too young but I imagine it would be great of like electric tram going up and down from the city back to members and back and Cinderella's to my club. Even though you know someone called Mumbles is good enough. I think it was a bit like in the name of. Now I don't go to the valley there tonight is this the still tickets my and they were doing it tomorrow where is well subtlest was in the in the small theater so it's more intimate isn't it oh gosh it's lovely and there be a room in the corner and then we sit and watch in the ballet Sevenfold So it's I am excited we go to Bangor on the 1st of December our new Put the night on the 10th of November gonna play Sawyer you're so kind only because I love it that you're gone. Missing. The dinner gong. And we ran down the garden with the snowballs in our arms towards the house and smoke indeed was over to the dining room under guard was probably. And Mrs Prothero was announcing the ruin like a town crier in Pompei This was back. In Wales standing on the wall in a row. Pounded into the house it snowballs and stopped at the open door of the smoke filled room. Thing was burning all right perhaps it was Mr Prothero always there on. The news. He was standing in the middle of the room saying by Christmas and this man. Can I have to smoke this slip out. Right Mrs Pelz that was she beat the car. They will be there said Mr President. This must. It was time to see. Clouds of smoke and Mr Prothero started to. Tend. To some sad sad. News 3 snowballs into the smoke sink we missed and the private run out to the house to the telephone. Let's call the police is out Jim sent me on that Benny junkets the next Friday was. The. Fire. And soon the fire engine came on and 3 tall man in the parliament school to Helen's and pumps and Mr Prothero got out just in time to die. Nobody could have had a noisy Christmas he. I . And when the fire man turned off the hole and was standing in the last smoking room Jim son mispriced can Dunstan's. Denial when trying very quietly to hear what Sharon said. She said the right thing. She looked up to. Find Russia in. The small town and the sound snowballs. And she said. Would you like something to eat. So how you so familiar with Dylan Thomas than Rather I'm just the 1st I suppose I mean you know I remember reading it as a kid and then reading it again as it was like the only kid to that and it's one of the things our return to I mean anyone who's lost a father hasn't read to you know do not go gentle you can't understand their own grief you know it's I think is is absolutely intrinsic to the English language the Welsh language you know whatever language he writes in English that is a universal tongue is what I say because you does it matter if you're brought up in LA North South Wales or if you're brought up in a village somewhere you know maybe in Kenya or something you you identify with the characters like the womanizer or the naughty person and think rather that you know all the characters are there and I think it is being kept alive if you know I mean is it because there's sometimes a danger that poetry kind of slips away you know I mean it's something feels old fashioned and old and we don't talk about it anymore but that I should never have been on time there's a huge In a sense I think in interest in poetry amongst the younger generation now and some brilliant writers if you go to people that fires young poets if the forward prizes as well some great voices there's this seems to be that the line between poetry or writing vis a capella and writing this for music which is songwriting I think that the lines are being blurred at the minute because you know with rap music and things that people are quite youngsters are quite happy to play with words and that's essentially what poetry is and yet. It's also it's an incredible skill we have a child writing poetry rubbish I love how you can be how do you know if you're writing limericks Well it was so in the 2nd I behind the melody crowd a lot you know and also you can repeat so you got a chorus you just repeat the words if you're happy with poets you can do so tough I mean I'm you know I write I write part of what I do for a living I write books and stuff and I wrote was a journalist and I tried writing poetry particular when my mother died actually really kind of I thought I just wanted to try to write something positive and God it was rubbish I mean it was like schoolboy guts are all of a tremble and I know words but I couldn't do that it's such a skill but in trying you access that silence and that really in the side of you that even if it's rubbish in your hand you just can't play up and put it in the bin there's a there's a sort of a silent conversation that you can have that I think is is is valuable you know if you've written you so much recently. It's bits of songs because you see the hard work of songwriting is finishing them I found a new way so now with the stuff I do for Radio one I've got my own festival every year as well. And I just you need time to finish things would you perform again as a singer. You know what that I've always thought when I was a teenager so this is well when I'm in my sixty's when the children are grown up that I can get a transit van. Back in the back and go around you know places I want to go around like you know Island and things and maybe Palauan of a sing song but for now I enjoy playing the new generation new Zick and another classics that maybe you know don't get played enough on national radio so that's what I do every Sunday and on Monday now and we did too so it's a it's a really lovely medium radio there's no I mean it's such a let's you live your life while be in having company and and informant and sort of you know making entertainment as well doesn't it but you don't have to stop your life yeah I mean you can be driving Listen to this as a minister Missy as well the television certainly doesn't have an intimacy and immediacy but you know in people's cars and kids very hard to be dishonest on the radio but I mean listen you can't so like I have to be I don't think you should be no and you know what I love the most outrageous he done to get dressed. You know she looked was. Just a radio so you get guests coming into the show and they're all out just nice really sorry just great you know. How can people come and sit by tickets I guess yeah I think it's 15 pound concession rate and 20 for the full rate and it's tonight and Sadler's Wells and I think this ticket left tonight and tomorrow just put it in your search engine and hopefully you know have a little if you drank of it before hand and get into the winter spirit drinking drinking and. THOMAS There's always that. I know that you had you had pulmonary disease that's what did him in the end yeah I could go into that in detail if you wanted I want to just talk I was going to have a good let's just talk the next 5 minutes his I live about 100 yards from his blue plaque in Camden Town Yeah he's got a plaque in De Lancey St Albert Street which is just over the road and little I can see the house where he lived but what's quite funny is it's the only blue plaque in London I think where the person who got the back didn't actually live in the house he lived in a shed in the God that. You know I was looking at George been a shill recently and he has so many people that get inspiration from either they get inspiration to write in Chad's or that they're the half chucks I'm into the shed Well this is what it is the government is like this woman let him live in the shade in the back go here and then he did like I said. And learned is that you can go and visit his shed and look in that is very funny what do you think of company do you think well he wasn't to set the surrealist movement so I feuds tales of him in pubs in London where he and some of the Bahamian artistic types would do all these crazy things so you might be sitting in your local pub and you might have somebody come on all fours with a cup with a mug and a string coming out of it same would you like a cup of tea and that would have been oh I'm biting you on the uncle and that might have been Dylan Thomas So if you think that's fun Yes I wonder if he was funny in person. I mean he's very capable of funny in poetry which is falling in parts he's a really tough one to get right as well you know totally both at the humor and the child's Christmas just wonderful as in about the snoring and then there's a ghost story in it as well and they just they don't expect somebody to talk back and somebody indeed does that in the Davron attacks and then they Scapa back home you know to the snow around because I think it would have been quite funny but what people you know behind the headlines of this great big drinking buffoon was somebody that love to write in. Oh much and he would dedicate his life to it but he counted himself more like a carpenter than that than a poet with the craft of it that's a good thing after thing about poetry is that it is it's as well as an all it's absolutely a craft because it's about taking away and refining and and you know cherishing every metre and every kind of bit of the the magic of the rhythm of the words and so having that yes you know it was really lovely in though if you are listening to this and you're a creative piss and you think gosh this sort of Neil Young get writer's block or does you know you know James Joyce whoever did they get right struck and and then as well if you're a poet or if you're songwriter you know when you can't find that next line and then you go visit the shadow not it wasn't a visit to the shed it was it was a friend of Michael Geoff Townes who's a total expert from Essex but is the world's expert in Dylan Thomas and he showed me a piece sheet of paper and it was full of Reitman woods so even Dylan Thomas got stuck so he's got all of these rhyming words to refer to and he stuck and I love that because it made it think well if he had it if he found it you know troublesome I mean to find it hard I was I remember talking to Shane MacGowan about this and there was sort of similar is with shall you have very very very many words and you know and he said to me you know he was in a cogent moment and he said you know people think I just write this stuff there and he said you know how long I work on these words and you can see that you can hear you can feel it with anyone so I cherish his words as much as that I do know with some of the great artists like Shane and Dylan Thomas as well why I love about them is they love human being and yet warts and all yeah you know they just cherish life and the sense of wonder you can have if you try and avoid becoming too cynical and there's an extraordinary generosity to the world yes I mean I think that's one of the things about it it sounds like you have a wonderful evening well thanks this but if I was if I wasn't getting a bus or placement so. What have I had to go I'm going to so I never leave London I agreed to go to Suffolk my wife's already gone and it's. And at There's no trains that I should take it out of going to take for a half hours with a bus to the store it's a crumbled get it don't. Make it as some. Cycle their full of that but it's like our boy right is going to. Take some or no good luck for you this if you have a fantastic night thank you very much these thank you it's 1230 it's time for the news headlines. Good afternoon I'm Paul Murphy Casper tax on firefighters just doing their job on the rise across England New figures show they've increased by a quarter in the past year with more than 930 incidents reported one of the U.K.'s biggest N.H.S. Trusts based in London is to stop providing chemotherapy at one of its hospitals because of a lack of trained staff the cedar center at King George Hospital in Ilford won't provide the service for November the 12th As for nurses have quit and 2 are on maternity leave the breaks a campaign Aaron banks has returned to the U.K. Where he'll face allegations that his multi-million pound donations to the leave cause may have broken electoral law the leave door to you cofounder was referred to the National Crime Agency by the elections watchdog. Protests are taking place in London today over cuts to our galleries museums and libraries campaigners are expected at a rally in Parliament Square and one ticket holder in the U.K. Has won the entire jackpot in last month's Euro Millions draw a total of 76300000 pounds a National Lottery spokesman calling on people to check their tickets London's weather a bright afternoon ahead of the becoming increasingly windy as the day goes on highs of 13 Celsius that's 55 star nights now with the B.B.C. Radio London travel has Rob Oxley. For an update on that demonstration in a 2nd but 1st pull the M $25.00 C. Right hand dart for tunnel is still closed off so delays on the M $25.00 anticlockwise from Junction 3 at the M 20 on the approach highways England say the Via hand tunnel at the don't for Tunnel is going to be closed for most of the day for emergency repairs the M $25.00 also looking busy clockwise from junction 9 a level head down towards Junction 12 the EMS 3 and Q.'s in Eva direction for a couple of miles Eva side of junction 16 at the M 40 that said Clapham south the A 24 has reopened but there's a concha flow in place following the stabbing last night outside Clapp and South Station the cheap station still closed off a nightingale Lane also taped off as police investigations continue this demonstration making its way towards Parliament Square just approaching a Tavistock Square at the moment mostly on the pavement but also blocking out the bus lane so adding a little bit of traffic at times but so they are moving they're fairly quick and the police escorted them on their route down towards Parliament Square but at the moment literally just approaching at Tavistock Square at present in the Western Region streets closed today for the Regent Street Motor Show Hampstead votes close just north of the east and wait for emergency repairs to a burst water main that had been causing him to laze in the week earlier on This Week Ever shot street looking busier than usual down towards a used them down towards Euston Road of course and not. By this demonstration which is a just further down after you come off of a short street on the time a stroke or term struck the entire stock Square. 316 busy ahead of the rugby and on the train some forced in their way are running a bit you service today because of ongoing industrial action the rest of the chains in the chains posting a good service aside from one of the plant weekend engine it works my books new B.B.C. Radio London this mall travel just before one. From B.B.C. Music introducing And if you want to go to create music or know someone who does look out the B.B.C. Music. Classes talk to me and she acts like. London at the back of the economic incentives I'm special. In the music industry for more information on tickets case the B.B.C. Music introducing website and listen live on the evening I'll say the Pentagon back on Gary colleagues from 6. And we're into the last half an hour of the show and in the often hour and us on a Saturday we always also one of you to pick is pertinent to your family a family favorite we call it we're going to get just that today I'm very glad to say from groan in Forest Hill 1st up. How sweet it is. Cut cut cut. Cut cut. Readings of Dylan Thomas were just beautiful I would really really if anyone's going to that's and I'm very jealous. OK let's hear about a family favorite This is a slow way you tell us about mean something to you in your mobile or whatever reason and the person News volunteered to do that today is grown in Foresthill hologram. You are very well indeed so which which particular family does this kind of remind you of well. And I don't you come on. We have a family but we haven't got any come forward. We don't. Talk about the district. The mom and dad more recently there were. 3 years waiting. Really 60 years meant to get that father died. Well congratulations to them Where are they well Margaret they were installed Mabel probably couldn't be originally from Kenya and. Then land of catch cold out Rashdan and they're going to. Believe I have. My family have exactly the same story. Everyone that. I was that I think I would not think that all the lies about. You know you could imagine. Fight they must cry in this moment that's kept us on the street and Iraq has their cry baby problem with Castro I have a problem we talk. Like that but it's not like somebody tried. To use by request I have been. Robbed of the. Peace Prize it's. Called back to the to the things I was about. On the. Possible Israel the people died by you for thinks I was a young poor kind of a being. A priest how do you think you can read that used to not be inside you know going off to. Be several If you can say. So and say you know we need the 8 in the last couple years we got a lot. To. Tell you the brand of the law to people like. Christ they are nothing of the moms All right so if I give the player a really really hot. Toddy and. They screwed up how B.C. . He is the correct call. If we have the big. Wide eyes again grow more easily so we're going to dedicate this to Morris and there were once a coordinated by a stranger on the fuel. And thank you so much for doing that drop by. a party. Overly enjoyed to die in the version I show I think we actually we've got a great week particularly yesterday. If you didn't hear funky Friday yesterday and. Suggest you should wear a young gentleman doing funky Friday yesterday 2015 and he was brilliant and it was very moving as well as great fun so if you missed it why not give it a go and listen again because off it was very very special yesterday from Kiefer I was really really uplifting kind of thing to be involved in so they got. We don't play this. Feeling. Sweet sensation. Oh how conjure the people of offer to give me a lift a mile to see today it's very very kind of a book to read on east. And I got some headphones and listen to some music I should be fine and I was going to be waiting for me at one of the points actually we've soak come she going to be picking me up a little ways manning the tree mom was going to meet me in money tree that's where she is on her way that is I have a but I'll get it thank you very very much that is really kind of your love life people. The amen corner. And if paradise is off is nice and that's pretty much it really we're almost done but I will remind you of your duties if I May 1 of which is to find some notes inquiries every Wednesday on this show it's one of the great traditions of the robot arm show we've been doing it for decades but we're pretty much probably 20 years worth of notes in queries I reckon and you never disappoint you never let me down but it's always good to get a few in advance if we possibly can so I'll tell you what I always tell you and I'll add the usual rejoinder which is that if you've got any notes in queries any questions any mysteries some of you might even realize it's a Notes inquiry but it be off unease because it's a pretty broad idea release any questions that need answering about London or in London or of London or from London put on an email to Robert dot elms at B.B.C. Dot co dot U.K. You can attach any evidence any photos or whatever it may be pressured into family history and whatever it is and we can help you but we can really only help you set the Ab best if you put your phone number on it so that we can call you back and get you to come on the air with your query if you can't come away with the query tell us and we can are can read L. But it's always much better when you do it yourself a promise so they go do that. Equally as well as notes agrees we need cover to cover so nice the group is Wednesday cover to cover is Thursday and all suggestions are necessary because I've completely run out my own suggestions we've done a more so every week now and doing yours. Please send your suggestions for cover to cover you don't need to prefund on that one. Friday we need a 4 for credit put we celebrate the music of Paul Weller this week which is great she told her life stories as a self so Paul last night. He sends his regards By the way so we need suggestions for a 44 but it doesn't have to be an artist it could be a theme it could be a word it could be whatever you like. For that one either if you would like to be a funk master if you would like to Kochi write a funky Friday then you can certainly do that just send us an email this time for we do need a phone number we also need through our fortunes that you would like to hear on a Friday afternoon when we all get funky together so same e-mail address and it's the same for family favorites as well if you want to do that on a Saturday keep in coming basically is the message I'm giving you so it's robot dot elms at B.B.C. Dot co dot U.K. And and it's always good at the start of the wait to know you've got some of these things lined up. And that's it really or I've got there now he's playing my live truck of the week and as ever we had some really great music on the show this week but I think just about the standout one was young Mr Tom Odell who I think is a real Tom. He's in that sort of English romantic style can play the old Joanna very well in Dayton What's a lovely song to be the one that he came and played for us this time so I'm going to leave you with our live check of the week which is Tom Odell and Hoff as good as you have a fantastic weekend and maybe I'll see you in many tree. I'm sick to. Eat in the stall my own. Stock and they leave. I'm Long live. Yesterday to all we all saw. That B.B.C. Very airlines and the latest travel news C.M. 25 anticlockwise at the don't for Tom of the right hand dull for Tunnel the mains closed for emergency repairs that's been closed all morning and highways England say could be closed for most of the day traffic only approaches queuing from junctions free at the M 20 now as a result of this of course larger vehicles have been able to use the left hand tunnel that is open that's only available to vehicles less than $4.00 metres high so traffic was extra busy at the black point tunnel the black hole tunnel northbound is currently closed for recovery of a broken down very stationary traffic on the approach to the black tunnel traffic was already queuing back towards says sun in the sands before the tunnel was closed a server that is causing big problems as well for the black tunnel at the moment where northbound Q. Just at the moment but beyond full sun in the sand said problems crossing the river at the moment that will of course have a knock on effect on for the central London crossings as well now because of course we've also got no which ferry at the moment trap himself the A $24.00 it's now open out cyclopean South change station there's a contraflow in place so part of the vote still close of just one lane open in each direction Nightingale lane and the pavements are now outside of Clapham south cheap station and the cheap station itself that's all still cordoned off as police investigations continue following a stabbing yesterday in the central town region street. For the Regent Street MO to show there's a demonstration making its way down the King's way towards heading towards Palm and square and almost Westminster which is causing some slight delays it was mostly on the pavement at one point but it is into the road times very busy around Twickenham ahead of the rugby lots disruption for Southwest and their way because of a strike the best the Chinese post in a good service is tight the engineer the Loxley B.B.C. Radio London there's more travel in an hour. 6 in a small town in speed. Is on. B.B.C. Radio. News at 1 o'clock. New figures show us how some firefighters in England have risen by a quarter in the past year the Fire Brigades Union says there are more than 930 incidents where.

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