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Railings the 1st stage of a larger project focused on the town's for sure Brendan bogus from the embassy says he says he's behind the plans some of the plans that we've seen so far to generate the full show and some of the streets in close proximity to the embassy theater they just look for normal I think anything that enhances the savvy and makes it more appealing to visitors is it one thing the Manchester United of 9 to form a striker only going to so Chavez cataca manager until the end of the season chose a Marine year was sacked yesterday after the club's worst start to a season for 28 year is spent 811 seasons at Old Trafford scoring the winning goal in the Champions League final in 199911 al cloudy with showers this morning before hopefully brightening up a soft inane with highs of 9 degree Celsius. Milled in in the morning B.B.C. Radio link it. Quickly mentioned this summer was a bit too late to get along to there's a Christmas coffee morning it's all now through until 1 o'clock at the Salvation Army in market Razan live music between now and 1 o'clock and says Go along a request your favorite carol there we go. Salvation Army in market raise until 1 o'clock this lunchtime. And. Come. Survival. Guide. Regarding the midwife with the red hair. Stewart says is just ridiculous for a woman in labor the last thing on their mind is the color of their midwives hair the bosses surely have more pressing matters to deal with Marian says if I were giving birth I wouldn't care what color hair the midwife had as long as she knew her job well stupid pen pushers sat in offices that do not have a clue and overpaid managers in the N.H.S. Have caused this we need to get rid of them there are a drain on N.H.S. Funs So comment from Marion there thank you for that and make in Boston says it's not so long ago that you will H.T. Couldn't get to nurses to come and work in Lincolnshire this isn't going to help is it is just the pen push up flexing their muscles thinks make today as well and even says You hire people on their ability to do the job I hardly think Hair Color is a necessary requirement for made with free as a lynx resident is yet another case of only in Lincolnshire says Ian today you might have some more views on that for us as well though 8000 double 65949 is the number to call my gap that time already must be at 400 tons V. That's truly home Ungar us. At 400 tons the. Butt strew Lee who monk us what could it be what do you think it is I got a clue what that would be today but you can be as creative and amusing as you like a Mind the gap 400 tons the waltz thats true to who monk us if you want to get that one it's only 8000 double 65949 the number to call if they were going to get you a bit festive now because we're going to pop across to another studio I hear people say why do you think yes I know we have more than one the city of Lincoln band opera pairing for us and we'll meet them after this. One. Ryan Carey all I want for christmas is you here on P.P.C. Radio link at your will verse which studios because I have some musicians in front of me now from the city of Lincoln band they were there with us today and they're appealing for new members we'll hear more about that in a moment I'm pleased to say that the flugel horn is here I have been promoting the flugelhorn all morning but the other instruments are getting a little bit jealous so we have to call it so I think I'm right and what was that one again 10 A hole is here the you phone him that I recognize and the trombone let me speak to trombone player 1st who's going to be leading this he's got a very nice jumper on today describe your jumper as a little Gingerbread Man it's a gingerbread man jumper on your name Mr John John you're leading the band today so does that mean you're sort of conductor with your trombone I will conduct with the end of the slide hopefully. Fantastic tell me a bit about your background how did you get involved with the band hall I moved to Lincoln about 2 years ago and prior to that we lived in a field in North London and we came to Lincoln to help my son and his wife look after their. Small child who is now here would be 4 in January so we do the childcare during the day so that is why we moved to Lincoln What were you involved in with a brass band where you lived before that yes I used to conduct the city of London brass band and prior to that many years ago I started my brass banding career with the Salvation Army just as a lot of brass players did. Describe your trombone is a particular type of trombone it's a bi strawman and it's pitched in B. Flat but I have 2 valves one which chip pitches changes the pitch to F. On another one that changes it to G. Flat and if I use both of them it changes the pitch to D. Look I have to say looks are more complicated Trumbo the would be used to saying that there they always have all this extra bits in the middle not a Weiss very often you'll find a straight trombone which is just a slide in the Bell a lot of players are now going to the B. Flat to F. So it stops you going all the way up to 6 and 7th position as every instrument isn't it it is yes this it does it become pothole view when I talk to Sports people lay they they love whatever they play with whether it be a bat whether it be a racket whatever does the instrument become part of you I think with this you become part of it. And you know listen I guess what are going to play for us 1st we're going to play a couple of verses of the carol of washed up once watched when you're ready. Wonderful I feel festive already John Cooper is Chairman you're with us today John tell me your background to being involved with the band Well I've been in the band 50 years this year. Thank you I've played. A play drums it was 3 years old but I gradually built up and then I lost it when I went in the in the Air Force and didn't do anything and then similarly ask if we'd like to go to the night school to learn instruments I thought I'd like to learn trombone so we went to John Boehner Bronston school and somebody was playing the trombone somebody said well can you play that you can play the drunk and you can help us so I finished finished doing that as well being there was and just got a few members with us today the federal of able to come along how large is the band if you get the full band together well as a band full boundaries around about $25.00 people but we're we're a little short at the moment obviously that's why we're we would really like to get some more people in short in a particular area is there certain players you're looking for. Well we can sort of fit in anywhere we can find room but my want probably. And probably in all the trombone and on not doing them over and that would give you that full sound for the ballots definitely would yes it definitely would yes and what do you do do you meet on a regular basis for practice yes we meet on Tuesday evenings and Thursday evenings that's not the grandstand and the jockey room which is next door to it the small room and we meet there between $15.15 all abilities welcome or yes definitely yes we can do with anybody and in your wonderful 50 years have you seen people sort of come into the band as young starters and quite fresh and then they become you know they they mature when they play with the band yes we had young people do that and a lot of unfortunately the old days we used to keep them but nowadays they tend to go to college and they leave school and then they disappear generally speaking so it is difficult to maintain that young. People into the band you mention just self that you went away in the forces and then when you came back and got into I suppose if you're bitten by the bug as a youngster you can come back to music can't you oh yes I could come back all right as I say I can come back on the drums that's fine and the trombone I did learn what 50 years ago so I'm OK at the moment but not to play at the moment let's meet some of the other members of the band as well and we'll have another piece of music in a 2nd you phony and let me come straight to the you phony I'm shining wonderfully here we are not shining now definitely yes or are you Sir Trevor Trevor Tell me about your background in playing you phoneme and another instrument is no doubt Wow I was born. Around the corner on the road and used to listen to the rolling regiment marching to church services my uncle was in the. Regimentals I was up at the bow to listen and listen to them and I always wanted to play never any never been told at school we didn't have music at school and. I went to school and started 40 years ago and said You phoney and then now of course I've played call and play trombone. Parted about a bit while you phoney him for you cus I can hold it you can hug it yeah oh oh it's the comfort of yeah and you can have a Christmas decoration on as you have to direct untasted let me just have a little lean in here what was this 10 a hole and a hole you are I'm Matt Matt tell me your background to getting involved Well I'm actually a student at the university and I learnt when I was sort of 10 or 11 with my local town band in Darbyshire. And when I came to university had a quick look on Google Maps and Israeli press spends around all those 110 minutes away from the university terrific and. I'm in my 2nd year now and I've been coming for 2 years and you know it's. Extremely enjoyable and they've obviously made you very welcome there have been extremely welcoming of you know and. You know I remember talking to my youngest son about this and when he was playing and he was learning all the scales and all the bits and pieces the 1st time he played in a band he came and he said Dad he said it was really special today because I was part of a band and does that make a difference to you yeah definitely you know one thing to play on your own it's all good fun but to go and listen to what everyone else is playing for your parts and keep an ear out for those little bit or other people doing and putting your bits and meld with you know just sort of completely in-house the experience to just playing something on your own test extol with us we'll have another piece of music in just a moment B.B.C. Radio Lincolnshire travel. Is looking really set in my view traffic heading south only a 16 from spills Bay Now it's because of some temperature at 20 all sites on the Boston right that's what's called congestion as you head down towards the main road junction at 22 so we're looking pretty slow as well into not a whole beach again on the 815131 play that's because of the temple lights on the high right not far from on 3 well played that's because of the temple lights on the high right not far from east gate not cheap out around the city although it's still killing heading in only a $57.00 along with Saxby right solid there from the I 46 the car home run about. Right that was faced if you can update his call I 15875 wonderful 6 I'm the resale B.B.C. Radio link and she traveled. On the top of her we had the song of shine a light sort of playing around with put it in the bottom drawer because we thought it was 2 years Visioneer followed the experience of people looking at me in dress you know for and I mean with. Sure you know it is never come across that way the tissue fairy I shouldn't rock'n'roll that we were not. Honest on how she found that to talk about how much she's a trying to occupy. 6 6 status and I thank you yeah that's the stuff Dana never used to call me by my name mangled by the always call me M P Bobby lumpy dumby you know this is funny ha ha ha ha weekdays from one on B.B.C. Radio link and SAC accountable pop in for a bit of a chat just before 1 o'clock today I'm in a 3rd studio that we call it today I know we spoke earlier I'm here with the city of Lincoln band we're having some Christmas music for you on the program today John's leading the band today with his trombone what he could do for us next we're going to play probably one of the 1st carols the children learn away in a manger when unity. The or the or what the or the or were the the. Wonderful wonderful Let me come across to a pair of corn it's a pair of course it's not a 99 as I did a flake for that hello you are on Dave and that way OK why the call it for you Dave it's probably the most difficult instrument in the band. You think so yeah it is a challenge. Is that right yeah is that the 1st brass instrument you played started playing trumpet when I was 11 years old and changed over to a corner that day and enjoying the score. That's interesting that because my boys started on Call it then went to trumpet so why did you go the other way around. Traditionally have corner trial and trumpets and it was a brass band started its call so I switched over to a corner joint playing corner and stuck with that since untasted and your background in color. Joined the band which is worked out about 30 years ago and started to play a few years before then with another band and then I came to this band was one of the people you referred to earlier this kind of grown up with the band on like my I went away to university but then came back I didn't play while I was there but then I came back to this band and I came back to link it isn't it lovely that Matt's been able to come away to university and keep up with the music yeah yeah it's great yeah I need to get a few more youngsters involved I think then we need to get a few more of your your fellow students to to get involved with this work but thank you for chatting about that and now the flugel Horn has arrived and hello to you Karen Karen tell me about your flugel hold what is a flugel hole basically it's the same pitch is a cone a toe a trumpet but a moment I was sat down sounds a bit lot more like a 10 a hole on inside and it's sort of wider isn't it's got a wider body to it stretched out I mean I describe it as a flat trumpet Yeah well I was going to be rude because I know people get offended but the fact can you give me a note on it I'm going to put you under pressure give me a note on your flugel hold just so I can hear it. That's nice isn't it can you give me the same note on a corner what was it you. And flugelhorn. Yes it's more subtle No Isn't it more so not I don't like the color I don't like the corner let me just come back over to the chairman John Benz been going since 8093 Yeah you know you need a few more members Yeah we definitely need a few more members yes yes yes we yeah we started 893 as a model of the line works bound with the on works was then in Lincoln where they'll bus station used to be and they continued the chopper you started it was just because and he went through until 947 and and then he's nephew also I will be called took over and he was there when I when I came and of course it was the thing years ago that industry the big factories they would often have a brass band of their own with us right what happened is Lee's Malil took over in the end went to hike and of course and then the war started 1939 and we finished it with about 5 members throughout the war when after the war they wanted to pull out so we started then this is your band and it was a mess because it was mayor at that time and she found as a place at the grandstand we went to the grandstand and then we had to move out of the grandstand and then we went to the. Put the top of the hill in the barracks they'll barracks here and we went in there for a while and then they decided to going to build houses there so we've now returned to the grandstand and wonderful wonderful one final piece of music to get us in the the festive spirit I think John what you can do for us something a little bit lively are going to do Jingle Bells right lovely to meet you all when you're ready. Why. When. You're. A. Fool. Fool fool fool. Fool. The food. Busy food. Food. Food food food food. Food. Food. Wonderful the city of Lincoln band playing for us here on B.B.C. Radio and the Scott me fall festival that's got me all festive really has and as I say they're looking for more members to join them so he want to get more details about that contact us here and it will pass on all the information yet we're going to get to get a little video of them doing that performs as well in a moment and we'll get that out socially for you as well on B.B.C. Radio link jealous open up the phone lines for a lucky dip giveaway 08000 double 65949 is the number to cool I have a bag of C.D.'s I've got a bag full of C.D.'s old for my albums of the week here on the morning show B.B.C. Radio link and share would you like to be in our lucky dip today only have to do is call us give a shit name and. Number in the docket back at the moment Jess Clint Josh Groban is in there boy George Olly Murs Tom Odell Cliff Richard still in there as well blossoms Katie Melua Michael Bubel a Buddy Holly's in there and the new one from boys own if you'd like to be in the draw today give me call 8000 double 65949 is the number to cold but the lines will close at exactly quarter to 12 got to be in it to win it. You. Will out. a. Feed to What Do They Know It's Christmas. Day Many thanks to the city of Lincoln banned for joining us on the show today so if you play a brass band instrument I want to get involved contact us here at the radio station and we'll put you. In-touch phone lines are open at the moment for a lucky dip if you not play the lucky dip before basically the 1st thing you need to do is call in with your name a new number and you go into the random select if you were picked out by the random select you come on air and then pick a CD randomly from the Lucky gift bag and then you can choose either 2. Or you could say. I love that one so you can stay cool you could twist it's entirely up to you if you stick the CD That's the 1st one that comes out of the bag if you twist you get whatever comes out the 2nd time around and you can only twist once so if you want to be in with that today give us a call $8000.00 double 65949 and the lines will close at exactly quarter to 12. And. With. The. Last. I'm a. Blood . I love. Love. Love. Love love. Love love. Love love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love love love love love. Love. Squeaky is labeled with love still taking your calls to get in the lucky dip today 08000 double 65949 need you name your number you go into the random select if you'll picked out of the yet random select you get to come on the air and we pick out a CD from the bag you can either stick or you can twist with C. Day that's the excitement of it all also the same number from mine to the Gap today 400 tons the. That's truly who monger us at 400 tons the that's truly monger us from have a go at that one as well my favorite on the Hans is so far is pig in blanket 400 tons the pig in blanket that's truly who monger I like that thank you keep him company in the. 08000 double 65949 more comments coming in on the at the midwife with the red hair being told that she has either change color or not go into work and in Boston says if the woman came from a different culture they wouldn't dare suggest such a thing as it would be classed as racist says Andy in Boston today Beth got in touch just to say that agency staff are paid an absolute fortune per hour to cover poor Donna and others who have been picked on for their hair color and there are many they have more colors in their hair than a rainbow shocking says Beth who's been in touch today John is someone ceases it seems that Health Service Trust spend far too much time with their so-called policies and procedures than they do about running our hospitals a friend of mine was suspended after having an argument with his line manager 2 years ago at another trust and eventually dismissed However he's tribunals to be heard next year as the particular trust kept adjourning the hearing for whatever reason so again adding to the stress his problem of course is that he could not find another job because people look to ease references he's also having to represent himself at a tribunals as he cannot afford legal representation all these problems have added to the stress and he got suicidal at one stage but it was brought out of that by the support of friends John thank you very much indeed for sharing that with us today as well keep because Texan e-mails coming in as always 08000 double 6594 nothing. On an open. Jack from. You and. You tied hand. Being sung Bach-Y. . And folks dress. Skin. Everybody you know. The turkey some this will. Help to make. These. Tiny Tots with them. Will find it hard to sleep to nod in. They know that sign. Is on these will. Ease loaded lots of talk soon. And every mother's cha. Is going. To see a reindeer written in the hot. Dog on this to bring the. Kids from Long Beach to land into. It's been said. Many times many ways. Union. Nat King Cole's on the Christmas song the lines of clothes drawn lucky dip give away thank you very much indeed for all of the calls that are coming for that you'll all be squeezed into the random Selecta which will pick out one and you will come on air and you might win yourself a very nice CD today some great ones in there all former albums of the week on The Morning Show and in addition to that they were popped in this week Michael boo play he's gone in there which is this week's out of the week and boy zone that arrived yesterday they're in there as well together with Jessica Lynch Josh Groban Boy George now Rodgers Olly Murs Tom Odell and Cliff Richard all squeezed in there somewhere you might be the lucky winners today Dave it's been in touch is lovely to hear my dad leading the city of Lincoln band on your show this morning I tell you what but it might feel pride to know I'm just going to tweet a little video of them are doing Jingle Bells for us as well in just a moment Steve from New York has been in touch with regards to the midwife with the red hair says it's ability that counts not hair color can you imagine the rightful outrage there would be if this story's about skin color rather than hair color says Steve listening in in New York. BABYLON David Gray hair on B.B.C. Radio Lincolnshire is something else I mean talk about this morning is Christmas puddings or not if you're a fan of Christmas pudding all well and good if you're not do you have an alternative that your meal Erica says I don't love it but I don't dislike it either I like Christmas cake too no not you don't need nuts says Erica Well thank you and fuchsias been in touch says I have your chip putting with a drizzle of golden syrup all maple syrup then a poor thing of double cream delish says in fuchsia thank you for that or don't think I have it on Christmas Day though which in I do like the sound of leftover Yorkshire pudding that we do sometimes have with a drizzle of golden syrup and not Christmas Day there. Thing is it was looking a report this morning saying there's quite a few people on Christmas Day with a big roasted will have catch up with it tomato ketchup and that reminded me that years ago I didn't used to like gravy and I can remember going to Auntie Nora's in Gloucester. And having tomato sauce with my Christmas dinner because I didn't like gravy I know I wouldn't do it I promise you I wouldn't do it now but that was a while ago B.B.C. Radio Lincolnshire trouble with Thankfully no major problems for us this Wednesday morning just pretty busy around the city heading in. The right. Things because it's slow again heading in on the $57.00 from the Saxby right junction down towards restrictions on break that will face congestion as well on the rocky road heading to and from Bunkers hill that's not too bad. Announced a rather slow them into Boston on the spill's be right another busy morning as well if you had a sporting a whole beach on the A 1513 What plate that's because all those temperatures on the high right if you can a day to school I 15875 wonderful 6 I'm Louisa Gail B.B.C. Radio Lincolnshire travel. The music. Of the music and the music of inspired sticks to the things she sees in. A little bit of. A little bit of up to. The 1st thing joining and. We use. The music join me this evening at. B.B.C. Radio. Yes. Amy's along 1st Amy Claridge with a Lincolnshire kitchen between 7 and 9 CD her 1st and James Weller Davis guest on the show today and then Phil Gray The Music Man from 9 Russell Walker with you from 10 I'll be ready to play this Christmas we are indeed who's in the lucky dip today well there's lots of cds in there and Mavis from Boston to have a go hello Mavis Hello mile then how are you today fine thank you ARE YOU READY FOR CHRISTMAS almost Yes any shopping still to do in regards to presents I think just one ball can you not tell me who it's for they be listening in well oh Michael . Oh OK Oh you do that do that Strother nice no yes yes very nice we won't say what you going to get or anything like that because she might be listening in mind she well he's been knocking and share Oh yeah they like to listen to us there yeah yeah better quality program they tell me. That look I got this lucky dip of cds to give away before we play along with what will you be doing for Christmas this year Mavis How would you spend your Christmas my husband and I are spending it with family lovely yours or are you visiting family and probably visiting yeah lovely OK right I'm going to shake up the cds I'm going to put the bag under the desk which I've been doing all week so that nobody can accuse me of cheating and I pull a CD out of the bag the 1st one I have a CD out of the bag is. Now don't say anything yet it's the new one from boy's own that will be my album of the week the week after next to School thank you and good night so just bear with me a 2nd because you can either. Stay Or you could. Still it's entirely up to you would you like boys own and their new CD Or would you like to twist or. I would die boy plays I thought you might it's a good one it'll be a popular one well done to you hope you have a lovely Christmas thank you very much Dave and take care of us in Boston with boys are. Boys and so you know I was. A. Child. So this is. Really the shit. You. pove one customer called Fairy Tale in New York regarding Christmas pudding like Christmas pudding or you have an alternative in your household D.J.S. Has been in touch says I used to eat Christmas putting all year round but recently found I can no longer bear the rich ready made ones so I've switched to making a World War 2 Russian book version which is more like a souped up Spotted Dick. Kenya I made mine last weekend and I can't wait to talk you. Must have something that some look forward to is not you know you've made it is prepared it's ready. But my movie the syrup sponge as long as not too many other people decide to go syrup sponge instead of Christmas pudding. Be a disaster would know if everybody went for my syrup spawn. Of the Christmas pudding with just sitting there. In Gainsborough pulled a. B.B.C. Radio link in. Trouble caught with the latest B.B.C. Radio link continues his Lizzie after a midwife is told to go home because of her red 10 a union says her time to the trust that runs linkages hospitals saying they need to get their primers his rice Tong across and from sleep for it was told the color of her head need a uniform policy she disputes this says it has a dress code that expects staff to follow David Cohen from the Royal College of Nursing says it detracts from the serious issues of recruitment and can't stand to have step look at the moment with you not. Things that hospitals on this issue of cannot have and it seems incredulous relate that access has got over $250.00 whole time equivalent Bacon said that they can sit at a cooler. In the pub about how it's all been at the moment but I'm secretary Sajid Javid is to set out the government's post Breck's immigration policy he expects to say this in future the focus will be on skills and high paid jobs rather than nationality it's likely that non skilled migrants from the European Union will lose out on to the proposals. Who's a restaurant owner says the changes will have a massive impact on his business. Schools is European 100 percent it could include all opera star who promote the. World wrote completely dry your supplier of labor to its concerns growing as to the whereabouts of a man who was involved in a collision airborne this morning placed a call to the A 151 event surgery in grim still put 20 past 7 this morning following reports of an overturned car the driver of the vehicle Jeremy Scrafton who's in his fifty's wasn't present at the scene and police are now asking for help in locating him the banks on Sunday was being fined 33000000 pounds for serious failings in how we dealt with the accounts of people who have died the Financial Conduct says it felt to transfer money to beneficiaries when it should have and with Christmas fast approaching works it's a racing 60 in Lincolnshire say they've seen a rise in people booking experience Day gifts with then people who want to get out and have a real life experience they will but it's a way to get a Christmas present and rather I think Mike Simpson is a racing driving instructor a blight in park make Gainsborough they offer experience days we can drive super cars like Ferrari's and Aston Martins around a racetrack follows a recent trend where people are buying things like this rather than physical gifts for Christmas you have another rain should clear to leave a dry and bright afternoon with highs of 9 degrees Celsius. In D.C. The way to.

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