You know Drew with knowledge level bossy I can clubhouse rejected ideas about expanding the Champions League the European champions have a current fixture congestion which saves them play 8 matches in 4 weeks on 2 continents elsewhere Eddie House says it was a lot of soul searching that led his side to one nil win over Chelsea it ends their 5 match losing streak West Ham meanwhile got a crucial one goal when I have a Southampton the museum full points clear of the drop zone there also wins to Sheffield United who moved up to 5th. And were the union Saracens defense of the European Champions Cup is still on they be minced as 156 it means both sides can still make the quarter finals American world record holder day has been tied to b.b.c. Sports personality as well sports star of the year the Kenya became the 1st person ever to dip below the 2 in a marathon in especially planned event in. This space b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound small speak of the moment when the weather a cold and windy one evident rain in Hill snap pushing cross many parts of the country fall apart 20 spells and heavy showers into Sunday brisk south westerly winds will bring more showers so many of us some of them have become very wintry have the hills draw up and all this go in our mails and Christakis a lot of what seems to be the problem here so basically my Polish friend got big thing about where we know every single day. I don't I don't care about that if I think I do I do it enough I think if you read it somewhere different I love you for it if you 'd aren't on here he will return to making up excuses that I say almost all the way by the way it was already because he was going easy going behind Nigel's time to discuss something but before I was my sister socks saying this to Joyce nobody like Scott males and Chris stock Saturday morning from knowing he sees radio follies like. This is up for our own far far far Dawson and the buyer and should be confused let me just say quite categorically. I have no one strictly tonight that Kev McGraw He weighed Syrians Dancing On Ice I'll get him back for that one trust me now in the battle for climate change and the Madrid summit the question is who's right other developed countries right inflaming the emerging economies of the emerging economies right saying that the developed countries have the history the put us in the mess that the climate is in in the 1st place and will there be an outcome from this Madrid summit or no Also how big a political force is Italy's sardine movement they had their 1st big rally in Rome yesterday and tens of thousands of people turned out against the far right but where do they go from here and what has tin fish got to do with it and do you remember from virtue Jubal's phone in this morning after a fractious and divisive general election we're looking for a chin though bring everybody together again what's the chill the everybody knows which will sing in harmony was a chain that can unite this country 885909693 is number does join us when we open up the phone lines in an hour's time although you can text me the change that you want to go for right now and 855 let me know why you think that you move the country as such and. A b.b.c. Dog. On to our stories 1st of all though this climate change summit in Madrid where negotiations have been extended for a 2nd day these are the u.n. Climate talks they've been extended because of serious disagreements between countries delegates are trying to find a way to implement a do that was reached in Paris in 2015 member Paris Accords that were says they saw the release of a new draft text from the meeting designed to chart a way forward for the parties to that agreement the part of the Paris Agreement the Paris pact was created with the intention of keeping the global average temperature rise to well below 2 degrees centigrade the e.u. And many small island states are now pushing for more ambitious action but some of the biggest polluters including the United States says it expects in India Ev objected the b.b.c. Is environment correspondent now been seeing Cad Cam is at the conference in Madrid following events whatever they had started with the country is required to come up with big ambitions about their carbon reductions because the science requires the world all these countries to do 5 times more than what that pledged So as a result there was this call at the very beginning 2 weeks ago that all countries should come up with ambitions raised increased ambitions that has not happened and as a result of that even though issues have been eclipsed so because the science requires the world now to do 5 times more and therefore did the main focus was on emission reductions 2 camps here developed countries and fast emerging economies they're at loggerheads so developed countries say fast emerging economies like China and India also need to do significant reduction for the overall reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and this past emerging economic this economy is argue that hang on before us developed countries need to show what they have done in the past few years because the believe that they haven't done so and as a result. Just deadlock and things haven't moved whereas poor countries on the other side they say apart from these emission cuts carbon emission cuts it's also what money because we'll have to leave with those in a little impacts of climate change so there is no money as well so that that's the real worry for poor countries and as if all this were not enough the carry over of all carbon credits the market of carbon credits I'm sure you know now many countries those who have them Australia India China they want to carry it over to the new regime but many countries who worry that you know that has that's not going to help in the overall reduction of car carbon emissions there they are protesting this and as a result the plenary that was supposed to take place at 4 in the afternoon already delayed several times and the latest is they were still haggling over this what to do about that and it's a big big disappointment for many quarters is it fair to say the the main disagreements occult $25.00 between the is between the developing countries and the developed countries the regional countries in the poorer countries essentially or they're more complex disagreements even within those. The thing is you know it depends what agenda you're talking about so when it comes to carbon reductions so there's this there's this increase in ambitions of countries then it's the developed countries and fast emerging economies like I explained developed countries want emerging economies like China and India to join in as well and India and China and South Africa are Brazil they are one developed countries to show what you have done so far but when it comes to other countries the poor countries there are other issues but then this is this issue of carbon created carry over into the new regime from Kyoto Protocol I'm sorry that this protected goal Kyoto Protocol is that all regime was going to end soon and now we'll have the Paris climate regime and some of the images emitters like Australia India even China for that matter they want those those all carbon credits to be carried over so many countries Year fear that if that happens then that is not going to help in the overall reduction of carbon emissions and signs that you know you need to do we need to do 5 times more that's how this conference began but then you can see that that is not happening and therefore many countries here especially poor countries civil societies climate campaigners they say there's a story totally unacceptable and now it remains to be seen overnight by to morrow morning when a call from the printer e.m.p. Around 3 if this will be sorted out. Is there any kind of indication as to how this will be sorted out because the conference was supposed to end on Friday is still going on so is she I mean at the beginning when when when the Disagree general of the u.n. When he when he said that this is this is this is a serious business and all these countries they need to come up and face up to this emergency so that was the tone it all started whip but then now the. Critics are saying that these major emitters are talking about their own interests and not to planet and poor countries say yes. That is what the case is and as a result we are being fed and our survival is being threatened but as I explained you know the argument contra argument between Ms emitters is that you know there are countries saying we all need to be in including fast emerging economies fast emerging economies like China and India are going No it's your historical responsibility all these years you need development it was your thing and what you have committed in recent years you have to prove that you have done it so that that that deadlock is has hijacked so much of the issues here and it has not moved anywhere so far it's a philosophical argument because the the developed countries as the developing countries they have benefited from the historic ability to mid as much as they like and now they could argue well we are not the problem right now it is those countries like India and China and Brazil you've mentioned already the so-called developing countries. You know what I mean this becomes like a philosophical argument than a practical one they they argue that you know without getting the major vast and raising economies China that the largest greenhouse gas and it are now India number 3 you know if you don't get these countries on board then they'll be nor aren't they because overall reduction that is their argument and and then you know these countries they say yes we will be on board but you need to prove 1st what you have done in recent years so that that that tussle and then we have the signs saying that you know all these countries want to have pledged so far in the Paris ever meant is so inadequate because the Paris Agreement has a broom and the target is that you know the global temperature Everett's global temperature will below 2 degrees whereas what countries. Pledge so far if that that happens then they will is on poor stupid $3.00 degrees or more which will be very very dangerous That's why science has said if we really wanted to be within well below 2 degree or in fact 1.5 then countries will have to do 5 times more whereas you know these these entrenched positions between 2 major emitters emitting camps and then the issue of carrying over all the carbon credits into a new regime so all these other poor countries that believe that if that happens then that's not going to help in the overall reduction and as a result we might be we might see more and more of what we're seeing now old as hard against wildfire and all this takes is a real risk of inverted on this final weekend this could turn to far the Madrid may end up not delivering any tangible way forward it may not be not just not having an agreement but not having stipulated the situation because situation as it is in the threat to the climate as it is now invert the philosophical and fro ing. Covers or veils the real thread that they should be discussing which is look as Greta timbered would say we're running out of time. So you're right the fear is that you know this might just just fear and and then what next on one hand we have all these protesters youth protesters talking about this is emergency and they're saying that you know this politics can't go on whereas we are seeing parties not agreeing the president of this score you know they they have been that don't see. They have been saying that they are trying to secure this agreement on the text but that's simply not happening so yes politics has definite definitely taken over and many people are not hopeful even if the they came up with some kind of patchy kind of thing like Ok you know we'll do it next year or so but this definitely has. Kind of brought down the mood against what the way it had started look we are in an unusual time zone ask you know unusual question would do you think that 16 year old climate change protester from Sweden will say about this cop 25 how do you think the g. Will sum it up. Well. That was 2 days ago when she said that this is not leading this is misleading and actually. By and large She's been proven correct so you know all these verses and I'm not I'm not I'm not passing an adjustment here all these different quarters they have their own positions but if you look at if you look at the bigger picture is that helping the planet requires if science is to be believed what scientists are seeing is that helping it no so in that these young protesters and grit are what she said that it is she is just proven right. You know that's the b.b.c. Is environment correspondent now been singing cad cam at the conference in Madrid the 1st national rally by Italy's grassroots sardines movement as seen tens of thousands of people packed into the Square in Rome they were protesting against the far right League policy led by the former deputy prime minister met same cell Vini the demonstrators sang an anti fascist song and waved cardboard sod Deane's a reference to their tactic of crowding into town squares like fish in a tin these people told the b.b.c. Why they were protesting. What it was it was a very kind of joyous celebration if you like and that's really key to who these people are we're not talking about an angry protest it's more it's more of a celebration amongst people who feel that they it was about time that they came out onto the streets to voice their opposition against what they see as the sort of hate filled politics of meto Selvi neither the leader of the league party who is perhaps the most popular politician in Italy at the moment which the so doing most Cif about all this this whole thing got underway just a month ago it was all eyes by 4 flatmates and below Nia who wanted to do something to to protest against a selfie an easily party they packed thousands of people into a piastre and belong to a and for the name Saudis because they were they were so well packed in and that that has been been really what's been going on of a sense today we heard from Matteson Tory one of those flatmate emerged as the leader of the movement that they had a $113.00 event organized up and down the country he thinks that that has brought Hoff a 1000000 people on to the street and tonight was the the biggest sort of national event if you like people coming from all over the country to get a sense of Ani and rose and only got to wait for now is to see what they do next because so far it's been if you like a protest against something a lot of people are asking well what do they stand for what are they going to propose tomorrow the people who have been arranging those national events of the country going to meet in Rome and we may get some kind of manifesto out of them however much a century has said that they have no intention of actually forming a political party so I think it's going to remain a kind of a nebulous thing a move. Which will just acts as a kind of watchdog for decency in politics and staying away from the kind of anti migrant rancor that matter most of Eeny has been promoting for months the protest movement then although their mission statement is they want to make politics is cool again how do you do that with sodding. It's. Cool politics but a bit of a bit of a contradiction term sometimes what they mean by that is the Italian left they think is sort of stuck in the cost rather boring rather unattractive to the young what they want to do is they admit to being on the left they want to bring the left wing politics into the 21st century just make it more interactive more approachable to for the for the young who I think is being turned off what they see as old style left wing rallies where people get up and make speeches for the 3 hours and everyone will fall asleep I say as a this is a work in amongst the young that I think so I have to say that in Rome tonight I saw a large amount of those old style middle aged leftwing voters that they probably think are not very cool however I think elsewhere in the country particularly in Bologna and cities in central Italy I think there's been a lot of young people coming out we need to we need to focus hail on central Italy on the region of media Romagna which is where this will go on the way because there will be a very key regional election there in January which tells me is contesting he is hoping to win the election and kick out the left which has been running the region for decades and many people think that if he can do that he can then use that as a stepping stone to bring down the national government and get himself into power so that is why the saw Danes already focus. Saying their energies on a 1000000 or a minute should the Prime Minister be worried or concerned at least that there is this movement a means to protest his policies Well the saw Deans on not necessarily against Prime Minister come to a at the moment they're really concerned focusing their fire on Salvini is no is currently not in government but is is hoping to be in government I think the government to today right now looks at the saw Danes with some kind of trepidation because they they don't know whether to support them to stand back let them take on Salvation Army so politicians are sort of treading treading around them quite candidly I saw today that central Africa leader Nicholas incorrectly compliment to them on Twitter saying that they've got a great result tonight in Rome and he said this proves that the catches don't only belong to my tail Savini And how does mine says Salvini and the league policy v the sardines the antidote are supposed to them phone incentives Saleen is clearly by them because he's had it all his on way up until recently he would he was the guy who was hurling the pants to say his rallies they've shown this audience ocean they can do that too but he's not come out as sort of trying to demonize them he's he's trying to sort of render them a joke recently what he what he was doing was on his own Facebook page he was saying I prefer cats to saw Danes and he was encouraging his almost 4000000 Facebook followers it's a very potent social media backing he's got to send in pictures of the cats which I thought was a very clever way of sort of weaponize ing cute pictures to fight his enemies and 10000 of his followers did send in pictures of the cats with often very rude messages about how. Can eat sardines. Is there a history in Italy that would suggest that a grassroots movement without a. Parties and political who a conservative Well there is a very telling example of the 5 Star Movement which became a political party in 2009 having started life as a very. As a sort of norm anti political movement led by a comedian Betty Grillo it was hugely successful they still catches and they then entered government. In 2018 and it's been a disaster in a sense because faced with the realities of power faced with the actual business of government governing they've been riven with dissent and have lost a lot of the following So actually that's a pretty sort of. A pretty important example to look at for a movement which is right now trying to avoid politics the moral possibly is that if you then get sucked into real politics there's trouble had your reporter Tom Kington there was at the rally in Rome let's catch up with the headlines in the morning papers some details emerging about what the prime minister was Johnson will set out it is Queen's speech in this morning Sun on Sunday would include a commitment to the n.h.s. a Phantom of the papers political editor David Wooding Well it's a little leak from the Queen's speech which takes place on Thursday and we can reveal that Boris Johnson is going to make his and h.s. Spending pledge which the Labor Party during the election campaign tried to say we couldn't trust him to deliver all he's trying to make that pledge a cast dying guarantee because in the Queen's speech this week he will make it legally binding that the government. It has to deliver the funding boost every year to take it so 33900000000 pounds by the year 20232024 so I think what he's trying to do hair doesn't is to. Convince the doubters of his determination to make the n.h.s. a Top priority over the next 5 years to deliver on those promises are a major in the election and also he wants to build on this election victory where the 80 seat majority most of them take. Helped by by winning those former Labor seats in the so-called red wall of. Northern Harlan's labor. And I think what he wants to do that to try and cement his foretold in those strongholds that used to be Labor strongholds I'm trying win those people over make sure that in 5 years time they've oaken service of again because he's fully aware as as many people have pointed out we're only lending you our vote because we want Bracks it delivered or because we don't like Jeremy Corbin So I think he's trying to make inroads there and again all feeds into what we've been saying previously which is that the parties may be changing and who they stand for who likes them and the sort of things they deliver in the sort of parties they become so what we're actually saying close up here is a slow. Evolve evolving of the parties in probably to something that will be different in in a decade or so who knows yet so let me get this straight what the prime minister is ensuring in law is equal is the funding for the any chance will increase index linked I'm presuming year on year on year is it forever can you do that can you Chip Chip look we've heard of in the ne just well sounds like according to Lyons it is it's international. I have to say you can look at this through whatever prism you want Syria and if you're a conservative supporter. You might like it if you're a critical Labor supporter who the critical are you might say it's a gimmick it's being done to try now flying labor and say hey we're really the party of the n.h.s. Not you and I actually saw in the Conservative Party have needed to do you remember when Tony Blair won power in 19971 of the big key things he did was to convince the public that he could be trusted with the economy because traditionally the conservatives always been seen to be the party that looks after the economy where always clean up the mess left by labor who overspend then over tax so Tony Blair came in with keeping the tax plans the Tory tax plans in place for the for the extent of the 1st parliament and that was something that would him over what Boris Johnson has been able to do during the last month in the election campaign is to convince some of those people that he will deliver on the n.h.s. Despite a heavy campaign by Labor to to discredit that claim and also that it would deliver Brecht's it and so what he's doing now is trying to convince people with early action that he will actually deliver on the n.h.s. And he's making the n.h.s. a Top priority so there you go he's going to have to spend that money now and of course it is a lot more difficult than that because people will want to see things happening like treatment waiting lists g.p. Accessibility and an ad comes improve over the next 5 years too so it's not quite as simple as just piling money in and of course he was doing was to hire those extra $50000.00 nurses Ok so that's one leak from the Queen's Speech what else do you expect to be in there will is a few things are picking up bits. Of of information in the Queen's speech were things such as tougher sentences in the courts now he did speak a little bit about this in an interview you gave with us a few weeks ago in during the campaign and in fact the home sex a pretty Patel said that she was close to securing an agreement to toughen up the sentencings regime so I suspect what will happen I'm told criminal justice will be in the us and the courts in the judicial system. Tougher sentences for terrorists perhaps. Some way of increasing the minimum or maximum punishment but also violence and sexual offenders so they do get out on the streets quite as early on the big one will be putting an end to automatic early release from prison so they have to go through some kind of probation or parole system before they will be allowed at the end of the sentence it wouldn't happen automatically as was the case with as we know the. London Bridge terrorist. Couple of weeks ago so they'll be tough on crime you'd expect that from a Conservative government will be tough for the causes of crime well I don't know everything that's in there. One would hope so because as you rightly point out. In the London Bridge attack happened there were also talking the Labor Party in particular were quite critical of the. Parole system and the supervision and of course as you know the man who was shot dead by the police was in fact at some kind of a meeting which involves people who were trying to rehabilitate. Criticizing his criminals of course this is a hot issue because the public don't like the idea that somebody who is. Preaching hatred or seems to have been radicalized to the extent that they're prepared to go out and kill people and have been arrested before that happens will be allowed on the streets too early very very difficult and health issue but you're right. Rehabilitation goes hand in hand I remember that great great slogan by Tony Blair which again was a win a tough on crime tough on the causes of crime which Disney only mean rehabilitation of course it means. Society problems with unemployment jobs and housing and other things which would put people on the start of that slippery slope and as you know the very small item from the election has been continued over the weekend a note in the paper this morning that you have a spreads above the Conservative Party and the Labor Party's minister of the Conservative party is this Will they obviously have much to crow about not least with regards to the blends form a constituency of his age Field Yes So Boris Johnson went up to said field Yesterday I parked his tanks on Labor's lawns and met some of the new and paste from that northern. Area where. They thought the seats were impenetrable now to it's quiet massive token moving up to such feel it drove home the scale of last week's landslide victory I mean it was once a seat during Tony Blair's years as an m.p. With a 26000 majority but now it's just elected its 1st Tory m.p. Since 1931 and there were cheers of chance of Boris Boris Boris by the party workers as he arrived. But he was quite it was quite subcircuits specked in what he said there was no gloating or huge jubilation on his part because he he. Came out with a rather humble statement of the reminding them that the pays the conservatives are not the masters they are the servants now and their job is to serve the people of this country and deliver on their priorities so he's but he had a bit of an upbeat message to the to the M.P.'s because they were all there from Darlington Stockton South British or bishops the Bishop of Auckland and said field itself and saying that with there were going to do some fantastic things and the country is embarked on a wonderful adventure and we're going to get our national confidence our self belief and our mojo back of course like it was a great headline Bojo brings back the mojo so there you go we do welcome the Sun on Sunday after all. He's got his mojo working that David would ing him but he just don't work on me to me 080-859-0969 threes number to call in of no time when we open up the phone book phone and it is post-election we needed in there everybody knows that will unite the country is one give you your consideration please or you can text me from now on 85058 e-mail or b.b.c. Don't go to you but like to know why that choose you know it's you or your friends your social circle your family etc so that we can extrapolate from that unite the country 008-085-9096 extension 93 after verse has got the latest 5 Live headlines has come across from digital b.b.c. Salads are speaking of the various b.b.c. Radio 5 Live a British tourist reportedly been shot dead and securing an attempted roll brands that had hail in Argentina he was 50 years old his son who's $28.00 been injured the Foreign Office is supporting the family Police investigating the death of a 15 year old boy in a village in Cheshire of charged a man with murder the body of Alex Roeder was found on Friday morning initially Matthew Mason from the Notts Farias during quartz on Monday Jeremy Corbin's apologised to Labor supporters of the party's poor performance in the election he's told the Sunday Mirror The result was a body blow and he takes responsibility and it's the b.b.c. Sports Personality of the Year ceremony tonight stars from across the sporting world will gather at the p. And j. Live arena in Aberdeen 6 hopefuls are up for the top priorities including cricketer Ben Stokes 5 News Katie has this born level caps in Jordan Henderson says the team need to continue to show their strength and zaps off to losing another key player through injury midfielder Gini one album was forced off with a muscle injury in that you know when I've watched that the club now move temple. It's clear at the top of the Premier League short of the Creator and the scoreboard a lot of comment on really well we're going to need everybody from now till the end of the season so we need to keep our corner consistency go and everybody comes in. The same level as everybody else and that's always the case close trade and really high level and it makes it easier so we're going to continue our normal Well boss Eoghan Cup was also vocal after ideas to expand the Champions League he says games need to be cuts no added Liverpool will have played 31 games in the current season by the New Year Meanwhile Brendan Rodgers admits Leicester may have dropped crucial points in the title race that game Premier League winning run came to an end with a woman draw against Norwich lesson that the president actually probably when you are on one and run you believe that you're going to win every single game but of course it's very very difficult but which is weren't quite the level that we would need to be today against say that I know they're doing the bottom or you know heart of threats and like I say they defended very very well Chris Wilder believes Sheffield United performances is starting to change perceptions about his side after their latest victory lifted them up to 5th in the table to 2nd half goals from John Fleck against Aston Villa and the players back to back Premier League wins for the 1st time since 2006 we've enjoyed it but we've got to play well and we are playing well we are 25 points 7 saying games coming out anymore we're enjoying life in the Premier League but we know that we have to keep our standards old try and be on top of the players every everyone else where they will also wins the Bournemouth Burnley and West Ham West Brom a saying top of the Championship this weekend a 32 win over Birmingham put them to poise clear of Leeds who blew a 3 goal lead to draw at home to Cardiff in the Scottish Premiership Daniel stand though says reviving hearts will be more hard work than expected they lost one nil to suggest and in his 1st game in charge to rugby union then in Saracens defense of the European Champions Cup is still on that softer they'd be months to $156.00 it means both sides can still make the quarter finals the game descended into. Sprawl in the 2nd half they sorry sir it's revoked the mama cool says it was set off by a verbal exchange involving hiccup Jamie George was far as I know there are medical teams and something to be George. The luggage. In the program. Is Nickajack. By 6 friends to 5 to set up a meeting with Mark Selby in the Scottish Open final a marathon world record holder will pick up the world sport star of the Year award at the b.b.c. Sports Personality of the year Woods later the Kenyan became the 1st person to run a mouth and in under 2 hours earlier this year he was voted the win ahead of other global greats including Tiger Woods Simone Biles and Meghan Rypien on the latest from b.b.c. Sport and we all. Know nice Premier League football to anyone else. Like this is I believe lawyers call me a living someday From see these men just you know he is against and it's a class hospital against Manchester City from force I'd say this is 5 life this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live available on the b.b.c. Sounds are up all night with Dawson attaboy a group of investors in a crypt currency for him whose 30 year old own a dog died in India last year according on the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to examine body Gerald coats and was the boss of a crypto currency cold Quadriga cx which went bust and left at lease tens of thousands of people out of pocket this week Checa is a journalist who's been following the story and he's with us now on the line from Toronto Good morning Leyland Good morning to you. Apologize I'm interested generally interested in finding out why these investors want this body examined but do you mind if we just go back to what you might consider to be elementary claw. Listen explain what crypto currency as we zoom the everybody knows where I was pulled up just the other day by one of my list as he did a piece on crypto currency what is it perhaps a better person to explain that the naim I mean I don't think a lot of people really understand and that's why a lot of people lost a lot of money in it but essentially what it is is you know these untraceable digital occurrences that are they are aiming to replace you know traditional fee it bank based currencies and there's a number of popular currencies that are traded online there's a ripple there's a theory and there's been quite a couch there Square coin light coin and all of these kind of inherent different values but essentially what you're doing is you know you take your You're a sterling pounds your u.s. Dollars you deposit them online you convert them into this untraceable currency and you can kind of trade it back and forth on these exchanges and that's what Mr Carden had set up was an exchange within Canada that had tens of thousands of users . I see said crypto card sees can pretend to the bring you great rewards than traditional currencies that's why people do it isn't it because exactly and we had we had you know a couple of years ago incredible ability with crypto currency is like that coin and there were stories of people who had invested a couple dollars you know maybe $102030.00 back in the early 2000 who are essentially millionaires by it by 2017 the volatility took a downward tumble in 201821000 in those millionaires then became essentially 1000 theirs by the end of it but there was this very much gold rush mentality around the cryptocurrency world is also underpinned by a lot of kind of dubious transactions questions about you know the source of money of the. The where the money's going and kind of it's effectively untraceable money in that consensus than who was Gerald coats and who died in India last year what did he do. So jel cotton and you know there's been great investigations by by the biggest Canadian paper The Globe and Mail really looking at this early life and we know a few things about him he loved computers he loved the world that felt like it became the cryptocurrency world this kind of high stakes veiled world in which people were starting quick businesses making money that did shutter them they go into the next big thing and he developed when he was younger you know in high school what were called high yield investment portfolios and what they would do is basically effectively online Ponzi schemes using early digital currencies and he said a few of these lost money made money lost money but what you really get is a person who. You know cut his teeth early on with the ability to trick people or convince people to invest their money with him in products that were very kind of untraceable and questionable at best and died at the age of 30 he died at the age of 30 from what we understand is complications related to Crone's disease while he was in India traveling with his wife on their honeymoon and interviews with the hospital this actually said there was perforations in his bowel potentially that kind of set off a string of. Kind of events that led to what was the cardiac arrest that likely killed him and he left tens of thousands of people as I understand in any case out of pocket in his game. So what's interesting about cryptocurrency is they don't they don't function like traditional currencies and if you are deceased your family could potentially bring you know evidence that you have this account to the banks and you know through Wales or or through kind of. Chains of command and kind of documentation you could probably get money that was owed to you. Could be Christie's is what's called a cold wallet it's all the logons the passwords that are kept offline and she held Cod and was the only person that had access to all of these digital wallets for the 10s of thousands of users of Quadriga c.x. And what that means is when he died and the passwords the locked up where he kept all the information died with Him There is no way to effectively access nearly 100 $90000000.00 u.s. $1.19 u.s. Dollars So that amount of money to his grave with him. They've recovered about a 3rd of it but you know nearly nearly 3 quarters still is you know is this ephemeral idea that exists in the minds of those who lost it but you know just there's really no way they think of ever recovering it without without the passwords to convey his grave Why do some of these investors would he's put it to be examined. I think it's a combination of you know the questionable way in which purportedly healthy 30 year old who had Crohn's disease but it never really displayed. Kind of any indication of Al health travels to India abruptly dies within a few days of arriving there. Is bodies brought back for a closed casket funeral and then kind of you know End of story but it's shown the persistence of of these rumors that can spread online and I think it's that kind of . Game strengthen in recent months as more and more as uncovered about how the company was handled the fact that the co-founder of the company had a history of and it was convicted of fraud the fact that Mr Carden kind of had this history of wheeling and dealing investors I'll admit a lot of us were surprised to see on on Friday afternoon this letter come out but essentially this law firm is saying that in order for for investors who lost everything for accounting firms for the f.b.i. The Canadian Revenue Agency to understand that he did in fact pass away that they were acquiring that they examine the body oh so they they don't believe that him buried where he's buried. The law firm sent a letter that said you know to finally put to rest questions of whether or not it is Mr Cotton and whether or not he died under you know questionable circumstances effectively other they're asking you to pull up the body and see if there's there's a lot of doubt online and in you know these the rabbit hole of these chat rooms that Mr caution might not have been the one that that. Is buried in Halifax you have the response from the Mounties yet have you. They say it's an ongoing investigation and they're not going to comment on it his his his widow. Commented yesterday saying you know she's she's saddened to see this kind of ongoing and she's not really sure how Exuma his remains will anyway compensate investors for their lost their lost funds but to kind of point out again it it just really I think highlights the persistence of these rumors that have been swirling around the company ever since it entered bankruptcy protection last January 1 of the jurors what was he doing in India before his death so that there's kind of 2 parallel stories one is that they were going to an orphanage that they had helped set up and they were going to visit it but when the Globe and Mail went there to do reporting work they found that the couple and spent plan to spend about 2 hours at the orphanage and in the weeks that they were there and said they were staying at the one of the most expensive hotels in the country and enjoy a poor or nearly a 1000 u.s. a Night they were picked up by an odd e.q. 7 you know what Sri s.u.v. At the airport and they were very much living in a decade and life while in India on their trip going to you know expensive restaurants and then staying at the finest hotel so while while they were under the know the guise of a charitable trip they're very much living in the luxury that. Forensic accountants a found they'd been living for months before a lot of the money Quadriga wasn't being invested in why the founder said it would be kind of investments to gain profits for clients instead Mr Carter was just finally money out of the exchange and into his pocket he was buying luxury vehicles he bought an airplane expensive houses traveled extensively so you know in his past seemed there's been significant levels of fraud and kind of deficient accounting that's been exposed within the firm I am reminded that this might. Affect the perception of Gerrard's a job called sniffing for no well the background of these investors were you know if they were rank and file poor people then they'll be a lot of outrage but if they're you know wealthy people who can afford to lose that money people who just gullible did you know what I mean did you know what the kind of backgrounds in the investors were. Yes I think this is a tricky thing about because it is that we don't get a lot of clarity on on the source of the funding what we do know is that it's a pretty. Wide spectrum of people who chose to invest their money in crypto currencies because I think I'm a critic and say Is it appeals that you kind of might sets one is that this is the new wave of currency it replaces fee that you see a currency is government backed currencies and it will be effectively the curse of the future and so there's people who see it that way this is the people who see it as kind of this is a quick and easy get rich fast way of kind of investing and so early on it was very kind of tech savvy people that were buying into the currencies but is the currencies became more and more popular more and more mainstream everyone you know and their bodies talking about big coins you have people who probably shouldn't have been investing their money we're talking people who might not have had the money to be invested in the 1st place and use currencies in or hit pretty hard when when both the currency has declined in value but also a number of high profile currency exchanges just went bust including Quadriga. You didn't invest anything in did you you know what I did not include but. Let's just say it's never again never again you should get married and there's no way I could have made that investment because you. Just said took a bit of a haircut I had the lead in thank you thank you very much and they will catch up with the if this is any development this story of the coming if I get my money back one day. Thank you very much Dana Jacko there is a journalist who's been following the story and he's with me now oh who's with me on the line from Toronto that I say who else is with us Lynn Sweet from the Chicago Sun Times Good morning well out your and I would say you I see that every 3 Broady initially Kaga Well some people maybe a majority maybe less than that looking forward to just read the 1st question is why. That this is one of the biggest topics in ash paper no matter what we write about the coming week illustration of weed or pot or marijuana whatever you want in college I was going to throw a few more in but never mind Ok so this latest story that we have is about the anticipation that has been building up so much that the newly legal pot shots at least in Chicago plan to open up at 6 am New Year's Day and they're anticipating a lot of pent up demand. It is probably going to be a big story on New Year's Day Test to have all the people that are going to wait in line. See what they're buying sample though where are they on a so one of the things that's interesting is that legalization of recreational marijuana comes to Illinois is that it's a state that are already had allowed it to snow use pot so many other dispensary Zz that were selling liquor medical marijuana and now also going to be expanding to sell recreational marijuana to which is only natural So what this is going to do a New Year's Day is really send a signal I think as to how people will greet the availability of this welcome you know I understand in the 1st take everybody who wants it is going to turn out will this help the business in a surrounding these pot shops or Reporter talk to people in nearby coffee shops and other places that are hoping to get a little bit of business from the boom at least in the people camped out on the night New Year's Eve and then into the day to the I guess among the 1st to buy week a pot burger racial pot in Illinois I think it's a fair question so as she'd sub something of a veteran in the annals of newspaper. 3 in Chicago what would be the best way to cover this story for your newspaper on gender the 1st because obviously when have you have photographers taking photographs of people standing in line to get into these pot shops rules and I imagine that there will be a lot of kickback as well people protesting this change drastically changing the say shoe legislation in the city where actually I think that has come and gone so the story I had in the way we're going to cover it is that we will have people at various stories and see if indeed the customers materialize that we think will who so might want what things cost but the main thing is I would be there to if I were in charge I'd have someone around at 6 am to go see are their lines coming early or did they start in the middle of the night. If the whole impact having legal marijuana won't be known for a long time the driving force to make it legal after all is to create more money for local government it's not just to make people. Have who want the product have a good article the bigger story will be over time is where there are not there's enough sales to generate enough tax revenue to help bail out local and state government because that's a big reason that this stuff that's legal. It's going to be quite a change to that city that I mean oh I mean I can't even a mansion but the vibe is going to be around the places where you could get recreational pot I don't know what it's going to be like just to go into places where people are smoking or parties or whatever and just have the whole thing legal and also I don't know if it's going to have a corrosive effect. I don't know if under-age kids will easily get it just as you could go into homes where there might be a bottle of bourbon or can. Under each kid could just start drinking because it's you know it's a product that's just easily available in a lot of adult homes with adults so you know just think of the multiple societal impacts when you have a drug like that easily available in sims of legality and there is a reason for once for me to bring up prohibit. Yes no no in this respect 8090 years ago of cools the equivalent of the legalization of pot would be the illegalization of what would have been the legalization of algo and we know that brute's criminality along with it because the organized crime saw an opportunity to make a buck now you taking away the opportunity in this respect is there any consideration of the because this is what I would concentrate on if I was that it's in your paper the impact of you know nor an order on this well you have an interesting point I don't know and maybe I'll ask around and to see if the if the gangs are forces or syndicate whoever was selling guilt legal recreational marijuana if they're put out a little bit because now their market is growing up when you could get the stuff legally and I've been in a recreational pot shop in Los Angeles in May and I saw how the. Goods were laid out you could. You could buy a Sprague depending on what you want it labels this head this is good if you're tense this is good if you want to sleep this is good if you want to relax when you're getting stuff off the street I've never seen that specifically labeled so I would imagine that whoever is peddling it underground is going to be losing a lot of business but let's not kid ourselves there's a lot of other drugs much harder drugs that are still on the streets and that do create problems and one of the big things to watch of course as if marijuana widely available and legal turns into a terrible gateway drug in a mass scale that no one ever imagined but we've seen it by the time Illinois has it out there have been other states in the United States that have legal recreational marijuana and so we have examples the state of Colorado and the state of California just being 2 of them. I think you make a very important point about what happens next because what the evidence there's been seen in for example Amsterdam where cannabis is legal the perches in coffee shops you know which someone wants what you can get a decent coffee in the market sure that but then they do the same thing that they label when I've only been in there for research purposes I hasten to add Nevertheless as I was I was there only from a search and so they would label a form of kind of this is being good for you to be in if you want to be calm or if you want to it's those very value of it but what's happening in Amsterdam is that the drug pushers the organized crime have increased we've been tensity the harder drugs like cocaine and heroin and well you know after this it seems your city is preparing for authorities county watching for their close one door open and other. Photos we can see how you feel in January the 2nd leg. We should have you want to talk much more expensive the change in Chicago man you know somewhat momentous day . But it requires. Thank you very much Lynn Sweet definition. And he's playing for anyone else this c.b.c. Radio 5 Live. Good morning this is our. Menus on 5 Live a British tourist is killed in a suspected robbery in Argentina last a full day in the sides a race to get Liverpool at $10.00. This is b.b.c. 5 Live the b.b.c. . Man Through thank you Dawson good morning a 50 year old British tourist has reportedly been shot dead in Argentina a 28 year old man was also injured during the suspected robbery outside a hotel in Buenos Aires a co our correspondent is Simon Jones the Foreign Office told us they are supporting the family a British family who've been involved in what they're calling an incident in Argentina now that suggests because I talk about a family that potentially all talking about a father and son in this case as reported by the local media on the saying there liaising with the all far it is in Argentina to try to get more information about what's happened. Police investigating the death of a 15 year old boy in Cheshire have charged a man with murder the body of Alex Rider was found in the village of Ashley on Friday Matthew Mason who's from Allatoona nuts for it is due in court on Monday Jeremy Corbin's apologised to Labor supporters for the party's heavy defeat in the general election in an open letter to the Sunday Mirror the party's leader admits it came up short he's also written in today's Observer now political correspondent is in Watson Jeremy Corbin accept his responsibility for Labour's defeat but only up to a point because he also says the newspaper article is manifest to be seen as a story of the importance that in any case progress can be measured in a simple straight line and on major issues climate change inequality Labor has anyway won the argument Boris Johnson will put his commitment to raising n.h.s. Funding into law next Thursday when the prime minister will set out his Queen's Speech that's the legislative program for the year ahead the conservatives say I'll be the 1st time any government has made a legally binding spending promise over several years the official leading major un climate negotiations is urging delegates to show flexibility they're struggling to agree a deal for countries to commit to new carbon emissions cuts by the end of next year the e.u. And small island states a pushing for more ambitious targets but some of the biggest polluters including the us and India say they see no need to change their current plans talks will continue in Madrid later after being extended for a 2nd time and the winner of this year is strictly has been announced Here's your spoiler warning if you don't want to find out just yet and contrary to what you may have heard earlier it wasn't doesn't add a bio this year in the great of all truth is in fact gone to Kevin Fletcher and his partner in the blue say here's the former Emmerdale actor which is just as it. Has been such a privilege to be I think this show represents everything that is a measure of this country I think the people pay. If I was here was great and it's just been an absolute privilege to. Have was the news on 5 live here with the supporters Katie Smith templates clear and a 3rd clean sheet in a row for Liverpool a most solid double gave them a 2 No when over Walford in the Premier League to extend their lead at the top 2nd place less to drop points after $10.00 draw with nor It will boss Eoghan clubhouse rejected ideas about expanding the Champions League the European champions have a current fixture congestion which saves them play 8 matches in 4 weeks on 2 continents elsewhere at the house as it was a lot of soul searching that led his side to one nil win over Chelsea it ends their 5 match losing streak West Ham meanwhile got a crucial one goal when I have a Southampton the museum full points clear of the drop zone there also wins to Sheffield United he moved up to 5th Burnley the Newcastle and with the union Saracens defense of the European Champions Cup is still on they'd be minced as $156.00 it means both sides can still make the quarter finals American world record holder has been tied to b.b.c. Sports personality as well sports star of the year the Kenyan became the 1st person ever to dip below the 2 hour mark in a marathon in a specially planned event in October this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound it's small speak of the moment a. Quick look at the weather it's a cold and windy one overnight rain until snow pushing across many parts of the country followed by clear spells and heavy showers looking further into Sunday brisk south westerly winds will bring some more showers for many of us some of them heavy will be wintry over the hills dry for northern Scotland but b.b.c. 5 live for so much it was a night to remember this conservative government which has been given a power line due to the exceptional case of the s.n.p. Others and night to forget so I will not only departing in any future general election campaign What's certain is that a new political era has begun I want them to deliver along this promise. The repercussions.

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