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With highs of just 643 for b.b.c. Radio Thank you Christian. Let's see what's happening on the road with what's happening down. Ok Don doesn't appear to be that on travel but not a problem we can cut him a little bit like. A very good afternoon here with you on b.b.c. Radio. I mean with the whale as well look. Coming up the 1st Premier League match will be shown on Amazon Prime to tell you more about. Him from the victims of Jeffrey. About this story for a publication will be next. That Boston more than a feeling on b.b.c. Radio Lestat with Jimmy and Sanaya taking you through until 6 o'clock now coming up later on this evening in the Premier League match will be shown on Amazon Prime are going to be telling you more about it but last night 3 and a half 1000000 people tuned in to watch ponder Rama that if you saw as Prince Andrew steps back from his public duties it was folk. And on the victims of Jeffrey Epstein one of these women Virginia Roberts to Frey claims she was trafficked by a stein and forced to have sex with the prince something he denies not following what some of his car crash interview with the b.b.c. News not a few weeks ago his a clip of the 2 for a bit of an idea we went into the v.i.p. Section there was no waiting in the lines obviously with a prince and you asked me what I wanted to drink and I said something from the bar he had something clear I know mine was vodka and almost In fact I'm convinced. That I was never in trance with her there are a number of things that are wrong with that story one of which is that is that I don't know where the bar is and in. Trance. I don't drink. I don't think I've ever bought a drink in Trent whenever I was there on that particular day that. We now understand is the date of March I was at home I was with the children I'd taken bitterest to. A Pizza Express in working for a party at a bar Spurs sort of 45 in the afternoon Jason Lee is a professor of fail media and coach at the moment University and a chartered psychologist is he writing about this story and why it shouldn't just be left to journalists to pry Broughty after me Jason after me and I should just say you've you've actually written 3 books about child sex abuse so is that why or one of the reasons you're interested in this case it's one of the reasons you know I mean I've been writing on the topic for about 20 years as well as other topics and it has been quite difficult within an academic environment to tackle the subject obviously these subjects are quite sensitive and can be awkward just now talking about the subject. And I feel it's a bit of a shame that it's left to the tabloid journalists to actually pick up the stories and thankfully Newsnight and then obviously panorama is now looking into this but you know that's part of my argument in the times higher today so yes you've written for their publication and you say if the story was so well known 4 years ago why is it only in the wake of the print disastrous recent news 90 that he was forced to relinquish or his public roles and I want to ask you why you think that is whether or not the only one saying that I think you have 4 years ago I mean I hate to quote the Daily Mail but the Daily Mail had the stories in there it was 4 years ago so obviously some of your listeners would have remembered the stories and it was around the bodyguards who were involved with protecting Prince Andrew in these environments and they had being saying these various different stories to the Daily Mail and obviously people would at the time dismiss them as spurious gossip as it were and the stories were clamped down and I think is the piece in The Times Higher makes out today I'm not saying the libel laws should be changed or anything but he is very difficult to get these stories out here now people might be offended and I apologize for that if I put this in the same breath as what happened with Jimmy Savile but Jimmy Savile because of the libel laws in Britain managed to get away with what he got away with he got away with it he died and that's that's that's a fact but what difference would it make having academics involved. It would make the veracity in proof of what is being evidence to more reliable so if you had to people from say. Law background or politics background or history background poring over the details of the evidence then it would make it more truthful because people because of the 24 hour nature of the media as you know you work in it people can dismiss it as just yet another story on Facebook is it true is it not fake news whereas when it comes to academic research academic research has to be peer reviewed a number of times and I've been scandals around this but more or less it's verifiable So you can't say something that is not true and it has the clout to it so therefore that that's what I'm calling for really more people to maybe look at these areas which might be something that seems to be a bit awkward but I think it's something that's worthwhile investigate your piece out today we've read it what's the reaction Eve had so far there's been some comment I haven't looked at the mall has made some comments on the times higher message board and they say things like enough said you know that you know this said in just a few 100 words what needs to be said I actually originally wrote you know thousands of words around this but they got really good editorial tame who shifted this around and they've got the key points in there so the response so far has been a positive one saying yeah this case needs to be said and should have been said quite a few years ago now in the print version comes out on Thursday so I'm pleased that they took this story up I will tell you a little anecdote as well another well known more academic populist publication called The conversation didn't take the story because they said I was last week's news because I was referring to the news not interview. Well of course the Newsnight interview only happened because of the Panorama documentary yesterday that's why he's hand was forced So one publication was saying yes it's last week's news take an attitude you know it's it's not it's not really for the public interest anymore but obviously this story rolls on doesn't it there's more behind it and it will take some time to look into it in depth. Jason what you want going forward I would like there to be as a say in the article a bit more rigorous academic and journalist investigation into this and it is starting I mean I think nobody is that would say panorama Yeah definitely definitely if you remember going back to the Savile story Newsnight was polled originally and it was only because of independent journalists pushing it that that story broke again so I think the b.b.c. From that Panorama documentary is doing a good job because it actually balanced I mean this isn't a personal attack of mine I've got nothing against the Royals I think it was balanced last night that panorama attack. That Panorama documentary but what I want is. A more of a kind of level playing field when it comes to what is meant to be academic work see what I'm saying is that's worth saying this article if someone was say looking at I don't know the Royals 400 years ago perhaps the coup dos of publishing in that area would be more than looking at what's happening right now but if you look at things right now to have it might have much more of a difference what we should say as well is that off the back of the knees now into a lot of papers were praising the journalist for getting that to air when you see also something that we don't always say Jason is press or fail media and coach at De Montfort University and a chartered psychologist thank you so much Kevin Empacher Thank you Jake. Louis. Freeh please. Look. Look look look. Look. Look look look look look look look look look. Matthew Wald of right my short on b.b.c. Radio lest we will be doing I was occurring we're excited about the fact he's coming back on Christmas Day in just a bit 1st of all that Tony passed for us cannot die on the roads. And shop. On the a 6. As it was earlier actually recoveries now on the scene to be to long for things start going down completely and I can see the traffic is moving but it was earlier in last a recovery has been gone on a Glenn who was well following an earlier incident but is still nobody pretty round that. This afternoon I study road is currently still closed due to police incident between abscessed a road and Whitney drive and the police are currently in traffic in the area in western emergency gasworks are taking place in time traffic lights all in place there on end of the road at the junction of Victoria Road and it's just very busy on approach especially at peak time so do you watch out you're traveling anywhere near to that and that's all for now we'll have more for you again in 20 minutes. Jackson. Social media can. Be created. When I see myself my grand daughter and I might be Dios for a company called tick tock and ways have gone sort of viral how many of you sit down to go out like around 3000000 vehicles to remediate here have a good time with the windows of the most photographed shopping windows in the world . So no pressure no pressure at all no progress or amazing guests or conversation anyone want to mess join me Ben Jackson we days from now on b.b.c. Radio Leicester free. To me and him a b.b.c. Radio. To me and say hey on b.b.c. Radio less to taking you through until 6 o'clock and it's time to give you a snapshot of things happen in today out wasa kid. Ok 1st thing you need to know about the Royal Mail's issue the dates you need to send your Christmas post by the 1st International posting date from Mayo to Africa Asia the Caribbean America and the Middle East is Monday the 9th of December that's Monday the 9th of December the last is the Belgium France island and looks in back and thus by Wednesday the 18th of December the 1st Premier League game on Amazon Prime has been shown slides 730 is Crystal Palace take all Bournemouth lest the city's 1st match all mistreat me service will be tomorrow against what food which will also be able to hear of course right here on b.b.c. Radio last I'm on that story after poppycock and the 17th anniversary NATO summit is being held in London today attended by Boris Johnson and Donald Trump they're heading into Buckingham Palace for drinks at 6 o'clock with Jeremy called in and she may have heard in the news for quote with Christian a primary school will be closed for 2 days because at least 110 Cade's have been suffering with sickness involvement saying after the outbreak of an illness this at rallies made prime rate cut I mean we're going to be talking about that Sonora virus and winter blues a little bit later on as well with the dogs. We are indeed. Ready last night with Jimmy and so nice. To. Have. A boutique. Spot. With. The people. At peace. With. 2 God. For. The am. Gone. That. Jimmy is my hey on b.b.c. Radio Les the looking out saw that is a rocking isn't it Jimmy you know it is better when. You're with us by so it's a good thing that I read Scott not shop at the lot. I don't know I think a would be able to explain is a good thing k. Or not it is because we're going to get another nice day tomorrow I say yes but a cracking day today lots of lovely blue sky staying dry and clear the sea being through much of the night a little bit of cloud around tonight but the winds will pick up a touch it's going to be another chilly one temperatures down to freezing and a few patches of mist and fog forming later in the night as well but another decent day for tomorrow missed the folk that will play it's a lovely part start with some sunshine once again and will stay dry was some sunshine into the afternoon as well bit more of a priest picking up tomorrow and it will be a shade cooler less so much temperature of 6 or 7 Celsius and the winds continue to pick up into Thursday we'll blustery day through Thursday particularly into the afternoon and evening but again we stay dry this should be some sunshine into the daylight hours as well and it will start to warm up as a bit as well 9 to 10 Celsius the maximum temperature warmer still on Friday temps absent double figures actually by the end of the way but with that comes a return of the brain and say yes 20 wet and windy the end of the week thank you so much b.k. 27 minutes past 4 we get up there on the headlines and you travel in a bit number 3 stories about time for them or let you pick which one you'd rather hear. Audiobooks flying off the shelves move over Kindle is one the 2nd is how trees can hail the 3rd one is how a curry flavored pill can help spice things up for women in their forty's fifty's and sixty's. Would you rather hear about I feel like the pill might have something to do with tumor Rick why Actually you'd be wrong oh no Ok so so if you say give me a profit preference 12 or 3 would you want. 3 she wants 3 she wants cause she wants 3 I mean are they all of a curry I care if you do have one in the car all right house you might want to yeah exactly just a little bit of the are trying to keep this is as friendly as possible. But effectively a curry for you but. It could spice things up for women of a certain age and what they've basically done in this particular study is they've had female volunteers in their forty's fifty's and sixty's who have reported feeling much hotter after taking 2 pills a day for 2 months now this is what this pill contains this curry flavored pill fenugreek you must know about this just why because you know you were spices when we had the Spice guy and yeah I know a lot about it got so funny great which is in a lot of Indian dishes it's been used in herbal medicine for absolute centuries apparently that is the case so they quizzed and scored 29 post-menopausal women on various things desire. And after 2 months doctors found that women's sexual function scores had improved by an average of 25 percent is that because it is one spice one spice in Curry flavored pill The thing is I take not always but I take turmeric Yeah because apparently is very good for information. Information or and only. Once I saved ration you said no you said inflammation Yes there is good for information isn't it always that I know it isn't a show you know information is a good thing from a shit yeah I dunno if you remember stuff Ok whatever does it let's just move on and it's also good for your digestion Have you experienced a difference since you started taking massively really you know issues with the digestion prior Yeah I get it I used to get a lot bloating a lot bloating I was suggested to take turmeric for that. I think we should ask by sex but I want to tell as well why I don't despise the Spice guy Carmen he was called the Spice guy he went by the Spice guy generally that's his name so pretty funny great yeah a lady of a certain age and you want to sort of you know Beach things up thank you self some funny great funny Greek Rock on that knack for. Easy way to last. Is 430 here are your headlines with Christian help Good afternoon her 25 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder following a hit and run in Leicester this morning a woman suffered life threatening injuries after she was hit by a car while walking on sturdy road in as Mansell at around 1121 Meanwhile a pregnant woman is being treated for serious injuries after a hit and run on a Alston road last night she was cycling near the junction with Park Hill Drive at around $930.00 when she was hit by a white van which left the scene protective any motorists who were in either of those areas at the time and might have dash cam footage to get in touch a school in Leicester is undergoing a deep cleaning after more than $120.00 pupils was struck down with a vomiting virus WRAL it's made primary Academy will now remain closed until Thursday morning Donald Trump has insisted he wants nothing to do with the n.h.s. Even if it was handed on a silver platter as part of post breaks it trade talks speaking at the start of u.k. Visit the president said he would stay out of the general election and that he'll be happy to work with whoever is elected next week and so I did say they're almost certain the past decade will prove to have been the hottest on record with this year likely to be one of the warmest the World Meteorological Office is linking rising temperatures to greenhouse gas emissions in the weather staying dry and clear tonight becoming chilly in places with lows of 0 tomorrow it's going to be dry sunny and cool again with highs are to 6 l.c.s. 43 Fahrenheit b.b.c. Radio Leicester nice funky Christian you mention raw it's made primary Academy and undertake kids falling ill to this flu like virus we're going to have a g.p. On from last an Urgent Care lead after 5 o'clock you know why is it this time of year more often than not that we will get ill. Well I'm asking you I don't you know me well you do you have your flu jab don't trouble just ask the news reader. You might want to add an extra bit so that you know your lawyers and you know everything you are the news Ok well as you can see I'm wearing my winter woolies today so you know that helps with that from a bee doesn't help the warmth to the bugs that will while I'm doing it wrong you know Ok so far so I know but I was off Friday it was like I was very well yeah had the temperature someone gets in the office and then you know you fully recovered by the way I'm I sitting too close to you yes that I would have said no to doubt the effort to say yes I have a lemsip today but when you think about it you know school's Ok lots of kids you know touch various things and you know they pick up bugs and germs and so it just spreads we're not too dissimilar here with the fact that we share microphones and things are Yeah exactly yeah I mean it's a hot bed for it really anyway will be talking about after 5 o'clock sportswear now without a mighty good afternoon the less the targets back Jonah Holmes will be out until early next year after partially tearing a mediocre collateral ligament in his knee in the Premiership defeat by North Hampton last weekend the 27 year old scored a choice this season and coach George Murphy says this is a blow for both club and player we've already lost some has been Robinson to a broken leg in a position in Jordan or felt as has been down for a few weeks with a growing issue so it's not ideal feels feel for John you know hopefully he can be back with us before we know he's gone now to cricket in Leicestershire Callum Parkinson a signed a contract extension at Grace Road which will keep him at the club until the 2021 season the slow left arm spinner has had an impressive season for the foxes this summer which saw him take a team hard 12 wickets in their t 20 blast campaign meanwhile England's cricketers have now got a whole calendar year without a Test series when the 2nd New Zealand Test ended in a draw after the rain intervened overnight Joe Richman lost the too much series one nil and in football Manchester City will look to close the gap on 2nd place Leicester City this evening 2nd place less. When they travel to the city. But with a much inferior goal difference less to play more of course. In the days other Premier League clash. Let me. Just keep. On. Going. Ok. You know our bosses just come down and she's of you seen the skyline Have you seen this art of course we've seen this guy have been talking about the skyline is gorgeous isn't it Judith has been on she says to me Some are funny that you've just been talking about this I'm 70 this photo from and to be I mean I'll be honest with you he looks exactly the same skyline we're looking at but I love the photo now it's a beautiful picture it really is a lovely sons we've got some really nice ones there suddenly I saw it's I'd rather it be cold and fresh and not wet dry and have scars of that than be out of the tippy now but a bit warmer The only downside is any loss about 5 minutes. Wrote a message of mine we have from Lima. Go on so earlier on Jimi you were talking about how fenugreek is good can help women in their forty's and fifty's and sixty's and sixty's. Let's say with their sex life keep it up and she has any mistakes in say explains why my mom and granny's coach with a lot of people in brackets is to. Draw not my own homemade spice guide so I was too much turmeric being good for you gotten information offended gratefully a bit Libby de Chile good for cold cold right you clove to think what else is there there is I don't know how I don't know my dad used to use the little green pot thing the little green about cumin human common what humans good for but there's one these uses chewing on and I used to think it was really disgusting that he used to chew the spice cardamon that's it hard to molasses Yeah cardamon for fresh breath and as a child I used to be like that's me want you pop in our wave but then we had Spice man come in and clarified that it was actually only said spice from back on actually. Right let's talk about some stuff as we got on the political world stay yes why not because there's 9 days to go until the general election before you head to the polls to have your vote and actually just bear this in mind I saw something online today saying that we might actually have snow on the day the general election is so if your somebody of a Certain Age is trying to go out and vote is going to be extra slippy underfoot You've got be careful about all these things anyway politicians are continuing on their campaign trails recently page a bit of Jeremy Corbyn being interviewed by Andrew no. Other form of life and try one more time on him and Andrew then of course we heard from Boris Johnson and remarked it was under that system for 10 years so that says I've only been in office for other projects so. Well today it was the turn of Nigel Frost taking your calls on 5 Live have a lesson from last to share with us. Well I live on the edge of Leicester where the Iran multicultural city where 70 languages and I are the 240 different places great coaching different individual I simply don't represent the quizzes that we've taken in Europe from the Roman. Culture in the 1st World War We have plenty of European company of interest to take place because they've got to wonderful you know for a while and we want to limit migration Liz as our population heads now inexorably towards 70000000 by the end of the next decade our quality of life is diminishing You only have to I mean much there's a day and a drive up the m 6 trying to g.p. Appointment just to say that I qualify and we have our n.h.s. Is underfunded it is being diminished by the government is ready for a fall off. The back I'm sorry. There you go Liz from last the show asking a questions nodule for a. Leader all the liberal democrats Jo Swinson will be chatting with Angie now on b.b.c. 17 o'clock is full 40 now let's get right. Recovery has been completed on the a 6 will provide a nice all clear now after an earlier instance so good news there in last year's very busy in the madman on both ways well prepared Asquith way is very busy as well which will affect traffic going towards pork pie around about St Nicholas modest way still very slow to load in Boundary Road bikes road is experiencing a big congestion both ways especially in bond and in the song isn't as mums who was such a study about Coney still closed due to police incident between objects to road and Whitney tried some county diverting traffic in the area and finally in western traffic is flowing better than yesterday due to the works on end of the road so it's not going as much trouble so again there's good news that and so for now we'll have more you again in 20 minutes. Oh I should across the pc's place Dad. Travis why does he always write me on b.b.c. Radio Les that way Jimmy and some with you until 6 o'clock not today giving choose days a global day of charity which involves doing selfless acts for others and in the theme of giving local charity the why has launched the big gave Christmas challenge and the night is the fund raising money to and joins us with Loren who uses this. Is there and the what is the big give Christmas challenge the big give is actually a big fundraising platform which enables philanthropists and champions to partner up with charities so that means that for the next week all the donations that are made to us by that platform are going to be doubled which is really exciting because the great opportunity isn't it to raise a lot of money absolutely and also quite a challenge. So it what happens if you don't raise the money in this time well we have a pledge which is a local business called stocks Taylor Benson and we also have a champion fund and both of those there their money is going to be used to match the the giving of the local public so if we don't raise the money from the public then we don't get to access to those funds and the total amount it's 3020 pounds and we're hoping that that will then be doubled to 6040 pounds and ways that you can use the money for We've created a step into work bursary So for those who don't know the why where a local y.m.c.a. And we work in Leicester and Leicestershire and we have 101 young people who are 16 to 25 who've been homeless and may also have experienced things like. Mental health abuse fallen out with their families there are lots of different reasons but they've been homeless they've come to live with us and what tends to happen is that say 60 percent of those would not have employment or education when they come to us because their life has been quite chaotic many do and it becomes really difficult for them when they actually get a job they find that their rent is quite high they lose the benefits and there can be a little bit of a turbulent time which is really hard to transition through it's a lot harder than it might be for a young person who's living at home you know the thing about it is of course you are you'll have people in this. Similar situation they are together so they're sharing these experiences and your roof Yes that's right so the positive thing about this is that right now we've got more of our young people than before actually stepping into work and you know that they've gone through a lot and they're really really resilient and they want to get on and get a job but it seems that it's very difficult for them because they're in a supported accommodation and Lauren you're one of the people who has access the services that why provides what was the reasoning behind you using Why well start off about a year ago I've never really had luck or stable home or been talking to him for ever since 2018 February where the mastic thing happened with my dad it wasn't the greatest situation and ever since then I haven't really had a stable place to call home and it was in early September this year were discovered the why. Now became a place safe place where I can call home and I'm forever grateful for everything that they've done like everything. And how has your experience been since access in the service. Of. A lot of relationships with staff mainly a lot friendship staff a lot my best friends where they can go to them by anything that there was there to support me can you just convey what raising this money means to help people like yourself raising this money would mean so much to us people that work in the why the young people. Get quite a struggle when I 1st moved into the why because they said to me the more I walk the more I have to pay rent wise which is a massive struggle for me because it based on each month wages so essentially as soon as I got paid I had to go to them and say look this is how much I got paid and it turned out to be more than usual that I was paying and really end up spending more money on rent and I would come out with $2.00 x. Into that put you off working put me off a lot it came to one day where I had a massive breakdown and thought I can't do this anymore but then I just went to stuff that had to pick me up from the ground and say look this what you doing is right you were not being punished like if it was up to us we wouldn't do this to you like it's just not fair and how do people find out more about this we are taking donations via Leicester y.m.c.a. Dot co dot u.k. Forward slash the hyphen big hyphen give and on there you'll find a big donate button which will take you straight to our donation page opened 12 o'clock today and it closes at 12 o'clock on the Tuesday the 2010th of December so since you opened 12 hours ago on. Well you had a few come in the soft in a on and off in an outdoor afternoon handing out leaflets as well so I think stress during And I'd say we've got over 100 pounds so far double to 200 pounds including if diaper of say we've got quite a lot more to go there are a few like businesses who said that they're going to chip in with us so we hope in time tomorrow we'll have a bit more giving cheese day isn't it you know people listen to us now go on and just even have his a couple of quid it all adds it as it's going to be double which is which he's got it so good luck with a thank you thank you so much. And. Wanted The problem. With. The way. They go shake in the. Was. Calvin Harris right about man on b.b.c. Radio last the thanks again to Lauren and also to Emma for coming in talking about the big gave challenge they've got carol service tomorrow by the way it's frae otherwise theatre at 7 o'clock but you can donate of course to the Course it's 5 to 5 now on b.b.c. Radio Leicester will have you had lines very shortly before that I left to east it's a safe Labor seats with a new candidate after Keith Vaz got caught up in a scandal and was forced to step aside but now many Hindu vote is say they're going to switch sides and as the Asian networks shakes been finding out Mr Vaz might so have a role to play when a safe Labor seat for 32 years held by a powerful political figure Keith France was you know you. You. Know Larry. This time scandals force him to stand aside but it feels as if his influence is still lingering over the city a safe Labor seat suddenly clouded by uncertainty I personally was a Labor member and I have withdrawn my membership current motor is a businessman on Belgrave road he's recently quit Labor one of a number of people from the Indian community who are upset that the party didn't replace key France with one of their own we would love to have somebody that knows Lester that knows local issues that knows what local residents local communities what local people what local politics are here on a day to day basis which is what Mr Vice did for that many years he's not the only one I've spoken to other lifelong Labor supporters who are also deserving to the conservatives in process why I. The Tory candidate. The former Labor Council himself people. Would experience somebody. Somebody was going ideology. With Do you think you're the strongest candidate that they could have chosen here bearing in mind that you know you did lose you Council see earlier this year time I think it's going to be very different. To fight in for a reason he's obviously. Is no longer standing so that fact that he's gone. Feels betrayed by Labor and he's silently supporting others. Might be on his side I can't answer that question so who is. Described as a daughter of the Windrush generation recently in council in London. When we met. Keith. Through and through. And you know I have a Labor Party member lifelong. He's committed. To the party is a black woman in a constituency which is about 60 percent Indian heritage she says shouldn't matter as a black woman I am proud of my roots in heritage and I'm very much part of the left the east which vests. And so the issue of whether or not this ought to be represented on the issue of ethnicity and loan would be contentious that's racist given this race for people to say that you know. That. The best candidate possible I would that I am possible I try to get hold of himself but no luck. I spoke to his close friend and former agent John Thomas Yes another who's recently resigned from the Labor Party he confirmed Keith Vaz didn't want to step aside Kate O'Beirne was offered ideas and help into the general support. Feeling about you know not being able to stand. Is pretty upset he also told me last East is a Hindu seat and upsetting Hindu voters will hurt labor here which are to. Select in the 1st place the vast majority or hinders a serious Ok To be fair or pander to the kinds it says although there are issues surrounding Claudia Webb selection it shouldn't matter that she's not Indian maybe thousands of the twisted into moving aside and then it becomes Well we've got one of Jeremy Corbin sort of right hand people this seems like a good enough place so let's just parachute but I don't think people should be upset because of the ethnicity of the person it should be because the way the person has been selected Keith Vaz has kept silence and stepping down from parliament but his political ghost is haunting this campaign with campaign isn't voters trying to decode what he might or might not want and influencing the result accordingly Well we'll see how that pans out it's 5 o'clock now going to get your latest news headlines headlines with Christian Hale just after 5 over 100 kids have come down with a virus closing a school for 2 days so we'll talk to a g.p. About what you need to do to avoid the winter flavor. Stories music large b.b.c. Radio Leicester. It's 5 o'clock Christian hell 2 women one of them pregnant being treated for serious injuries after 2 separate hit and runs in Leicester in the space of 24 hours with all his b.b.c. Radio Lester's Jonathan lump on detectives are questioning a 25 year old man on suspicion of attempted murder following a hit and run in as mum sold the small. A fold cougar collided with a woman who was walking on sturdy Road at around 1120 she's been taken to hospital with life threatening injuries Meanwhile police are hunting the driver of a white van who left a pregnant woman seriously injured in a Haitian run Elser road last night it happened near the junction of Park Hill Drive at around 930 detectives are urging any motorists who were in either area at the time or might have dash cam footage to get in touch a man's in hospital with life threatening injuries after being attacked by 4 men in an alleyway in love letters to police were called to a house at 11 o'clock yesterday morning where a 45 year old man reported being assaulted the evening before between tech Marsh glanced in St. More than 120 pupils at a Leicester school been hit by a vomiting virus rather it's made primary Academy has said it will now be closed until Thursday morning well they carry out a deep clean of the entire building around $350.00 youngsters are enrolled at the Academy on boldest and close in rats Hill Well our health correspondent Rob citizens says Public Health England is now trying to work out what the virus is well the most obvious explanation would seem to be norovirus starts the winter vomiting bug a very common very contagious and very unpleasant illness people usually feel better though within a couple of days another possibility is flu vomiting can be a symptom of a strain of influenza a now Public Health England are looking into both those possibilities parents who need advice are urged to contact the n.h.s. Helpline 111 In other news President Trump who's in Britain for a gathering of NATO leaders has denied claims made by labor that the us wants access to the n.h.s. As part of any future trade deal he said he would stay out of the general election while also saying he thought Boris Johnson was very capable and he was a fan of breaks it when he said he could work with anybody when asked about Jeremy Corbyn the World Meteorological Organization says average to average temperatures since 2010 suggest that this decade will be the hottest on record in a report presented at the un climate conference in Madrid blames greenhouse gases with a teenage activist gratitude who travelled by catamaran from the us on her way to the meeting said humanity is facing a glow.

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