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Operations after canceling all passenger flights as thousands of protesters converged on the terminals the mass gathering was prompted by allegations of excessive police violence during a tense weekend of anti-government demonstrations one of the leading figures in the protests Denise Ho says they're succeeding people are going back home to rest they will be coming back to our role in Hong Kong in these protests we don't particularly want spot or one place because if we do so then the police they would . Be dispersing everyone a mother and son who murdered a run up because he used a footpath over their land have been jailed for life 72 year old Carol Dawson and her 41 year old son Scott Thorson was sentenced to Sheffield Crown Court after measuring Gary Dean and Barnsley last September the leader of the brakes at party Nigel Farage has made a series of derogatory comments about members of the royal family at a political conference in Australia he said Prince Harry's popularity had fallen off a cliff since his marriage to Meghan Markle he called the late queen mother an overweight chain smoking Gendron care it's a merge facial recognition technology is being used to track tens of thousands of people around King's Cross in central London the area around $67.00 acres is home to National Rail you're a star and Google's U.K. Headquarters developers of the site say the surveillance is in the interest of public safety but the U.K.'s data watchdog has warned its use could undermine the public's privacy and these people agree but I think. The freedoms of. The banks in the field make people safer but at the moment I'm not sure that it's work for the it's impossible for me. For people to know where I am with that and after fearing just a month ago that his career could be over Andy Murray was back in singles tennis action tonight following major hip surgery in January but he's been beaten in straight sets by the Frenchman Richard gask A at the since and. The weather a few lingering showers all possible in the north and east on Tuesday with a top temperature of around 18 degrees B.B.C. News It's 3 minutes past 11. Starting in this evening on the M 5 southbound it has been closed from the M 60 junction one near Birmingham all because all road works there's also a closure all the M 6 northbound from Junction 2 to junction 4 for overnight works now minority I'm sure if you're traveling on a Lincoln Street Day 6 or 75 that's been closed on the A one all because of an oil spill edge there's also delays on the M 6 northbound and stuff Richard that's the latest on Calvin Mason thank you call and late night Graeme Torrington coming up for those who are single and not happy about it have a listen to Bryan story but I had a bad mate's night one for a brand new mystery voice. Brain turned on B.B.C. Radio. One. Because. You. Want. To. Well. You. Look. Like. Slowly coming up come by in some place. Sung in the. Club just a little taste a little taste the luck call it. Rather than let them. Play. Play play play play play a song. Leave. The ball be punished. Play. Lists. a real Whitney and some ass take cameras well. Street police going back to last Thursday a was nigh worn it was a brand new voice and it was Roy and his son in Hartsell who identified on my one Robyn Williams So it's gone finished that means tonight my one new voice Who is this. Before and I want a can go again tonight I'm one on we're about to find out we play Monday to Thursday around about this time no prizes just for fun need to get your answer in by 11 the only way to take an answer is on the phone to not text and email do not post the Facebook page we can call when you call we turn to the 1st and call us through the different I mean can only peer on the show once per week which gives others a chance to get through when you come on air to accept the 1st name that you give to me and the 1st caller tonight in Upton on East combine harvester East Tom Hello Tom Hi Gary merry A I'm very good how are you yeah very well thank you you know now I say our right case so it's making season at the moment yeah well no it's come by and I wrote We've made a compelling weight. So there is a difference explain yet well how you make progress are you. Cut the grass. Yes baled up into sort of half tunnel turn dials right where is. Harvesting crops of when. They. Combine harvest right it's growing from the crawl Yeah we take the grain we store like the milk flour. And the straw reduce by local farmers and they kept away that. I mean the whole of the party when we started it well it's dry because you can do anywhere and he's going to get some rain later on this week normally we are yet the trust of. No says No Hey make you rich on the Make a rather sunshiny. Well that's very educational smart Tom thank you very much indeed for Lent I know almost as well and I have to tell you a my 30 odd years of broadcasting you are my very 1st call from a combine harvester and I realize you are. So well the due time well. As so you going to be going all night yeah. Yeah well. Down about 23 o'clock in the morning right. On the ground about that great and I think. It would really combine that with trying and trying to get as much done as possible when you. Try we do it right then Tom an easy one for me who's this. Who's that Tom Well I think it's Barbara Streisand do you yeah why well. Heard of the thing actually measured meet the parents with Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro my sounds just like that yeah but all you write. Well not sure and so if I want to say don't let me put doubt in your mind don't worry i think i am i think i am 100 percent yes I understand good is it Barbara Streisand No 0. But thanks have a go Tom and Joy Nice work are near yet thank you very much crime Take care let's go to badly grain and Tony Hello Tony. How are you all right I was on my way I'm from refereeing another thought what if you can refrain suicide or excessively I was OK which which teams. I run the leaves I run for your soccer sex and we have about 20 teams play for you tonight OK with Southwest tonight yeah kind of around the time it's. Come down all the sudden about half past 8 it's all markets whole Not at all we not spoken to have a tourney never know I have spoken to we can still fly because. I was the chap. Around about 12 months ago where they were on about asteroids. And I'm the chap who. Goes out leaves you the street to you know your stuff about Astroturf rather than Tony I need a name who's there. Who's that I should ask all the own. Right if she. Said she's in Private Benjamin Yeah yeah it's sick it's called The only convinced. Not only about 90 percent don't let me put you off. 100 percent. I would say on that sense is it Goldie Hawn no. Thanks have a go turn a. Rock to Newcastle now and Jim hello Jim. Very good how you sign thank you as you weekend in the. Name of the motoring records in the rain straight for snow. Can I just remind you it's August. And just in case you thought it was October it's August right and what's happening . Tell us we are not a weather person like you are just have to put up with it right then Jim who's this . Who's that Jim I think. Joan Collins. Is not the 1st time you had a child to Jimmy founder's I. Actually stand tonight all right OK. Joan Collins No more or well thanks when you go Jim OK Bye Rob we're off to war so now it's Brad Hello Brad. Grier now you are in good how are you good evening to you how's your weekend. Good couldn't cook the grassroots think is the right. Song you want to be lucky not combine harvester the moment. You go. Right along there or could do it. Where you'd still be dry when you're not listening to the lesson you had there earlier now not really. Pay attention brand right then who's a. Who's that brat. Some can think of is moved on Madonna you sure. Concerning working with is it Madonna no. Thanks Brad let's sketch chairman now and Jimmy Hello Jimmy. How are you yeah I'm good thank you very much yeah I'm good how was your weekend early enough to insure and I. Coming or. Rather who's this like you. Who sent me Michelle Obama Mashallah Obama and why I dunno if you're all stars or. All. The nice or I know. So I'm very very much like a. American voice Yes Michelle Obama no. No thanks have a go Jimmy and left for is the only female on the show tonight and it's you MICHELLE Hi hello how are you I'm very well how were you I'm very good now when I say the only female on the show it's not I believe that you're funny on behalf of a bloke is this right well yes my husband your husband so why won't he phone because he was quiet then oh OK well I get that and I understand Dr OK how would you we can Michelle how does our I thought the lady day someday did you. Get feet up. Yes nice rather than who say someone like you. Who does your husband think that is Michelle. Maybe middle or hurting them with what has been so i'm. Really sorry. Well. There are. No. Shocked everybody. No to go to Iran it's interesting guess is that's not very interesting guesses it's only not one sunny not one. As I said right at the beginning when they say it's either one of those it's going to go straight to Y. Or it's going to go well it didn't go on I want. To be asking. Who's the right. a life. So then going into Tuesday with a post from a woman I love songs for this week before we get that song from mascot and for girls on the way I get some from the place I'm up and running for a long time actually that's coming up very soon as well and for those who are single and ready not happy about it's it's Brian story coming up in just a moment the other side of colleague and Whitney Houston night night Graham Torrington on B.B.C. Radio next. To. Their lives. Without its. Just. Parents I want to talk tonight a it's not Graham Torrington time after my apple haven't guessed and Brian story is for anyone who suddenly finds themselves single after a very long time he separated from his wife after 28 years and his whole world completely changed because of his age he thought that he was washed up and would always be on his arm but he literally played his cards right and you see what I mean when Brian and I have a chat and he'll explain the full story and he joins me on the program right now Brian thank you very much indeed for joining me on the program tonight rather than so you were born in 48 where were you brought up Brian. On the back country boy born and bred in Tipton. Tips and don't really all around that area well the Hampton So that's my background and any children. Yes I one son from my 1st marriage Lane was born in 1971 so that makes you what 48 this year right and how old were you when you 1st got married. 23 that marriage was to last for how many years the marriage itself. For you or I was with my 1st wife for years and then it took 6 years to sort out the divorce did you maybe think it was a little bit too young at that time. Definitely I had no intention to get married that I just saw So why do you think you got married then because she was having a baby so it was a case that in the on the ball thing back in the day. Yes I'd like to think so and I did do that yes. Now 4 or 5 years later you got married for the 2nd time and I gather you are still married to that woman yes. I am an amicable parting although initially obviously wasn't but we decided that we wouldn't go down the route of divorce if it wasn't sort of amicable to a Jewish We didn't want to get involved in law isn't. Expense could already add that situation with my. Marriage and we're still married now in 90. 8 married 983 and still my now she and I are separated into says and then 8 So you've been living together with your wife for 28 years 28 years. Yes 3 decades are sent about right now so where did you go to live after you got separated I really hadn't got anywhere to go to live I. I went to a letting agency to organize flats or parishes and such like when I ended up in in a house. Someone else and I was the logical one of a better word was not use their facilities but I had a room in a house that was hit rating and I did 2 of those so I'm thinking hey them because of what you could afford at the time that was really what you what you had to put up with yes. Yes I had no choice as I'm no furniture but nothing no cooking facilities on the sits on and are already decided I was going to leave that place and go and find somewhere else so when my lease was up in 6 months I then went on to another place which is a similar situation somebody else's home Reuben has their facility that's a cook you know it's hard enough to buy anything apart from what I need to live on really so Bromberg wasn't like going from living with someone for nearly 3 decades and then suddenly being on your own single again on your own. Where Scottish procedurally which at. The end you just discuss with emotions journey and that's exactly what I did you just accept it in my previous life with friends couples when at a dinner drinks effectively stopped because there was you know each other the people that we knew. Any animosity could maybe but we weren't a couple anymore so I was a single persons as was my ex or my strange wife and so they're not going to go into anything out there because it's almost like taking sides so you're living in somebody else's house here I'm kind of thinking there was life in other parts of the house and your in your room here and hearing life happening outside your door which was shut. Yeah I mean the 1st place I went to was a single lady I mean it was a home and she just wanted someone to pay rent an artist to fill up a room and she gets X. Amount of money to month and that's what she did the 2nd place was America people same scenario they had $2.00 other people that lived in that 3 largest 3 rooms available all from 3 different parts of the country one that from Newcastle a lot from London I think we weren't sociable to you know they had their lives one like was married in 80. We didn't go at and that was it's a you go back you go into your room. You go to Madison get them or just. As there were it was a common thing to get it wrong kind of thing in a broad very lonely yet Yeah there's no substances there's nothing. To a pack not work part time so I went and got them all into the coal so the people of the sort of the places were very nice so the 2nd place in line I mean there was America of all men there were loving and. Just the stuff to come back in the evening put together in there of an Michael I've got a bed get in the morning do a few calls come back get in the pub that would be it well eventually he got a flat son now at least you had a permanent home we're looking for part of the start of another relationship maybe you know. I had my flat through has an association some to an office after I separated but what it did give me was my own freedom my own space if you want to call it ACA godlessness it's an ally Arnold. With but those things gradually came all that said no just accepted. I was going to be on my own I was looking for romance I was looking for anything I just accepted to not say it when you say you accepted it was that because of your rage what would I have been out of in about 63 years of age and at that time yeah yeah I just. I accepted that I'm not I'm not a man of the moment 25 year old divorcée or something like that so. I just accepted that my exit would probably be it. And I wasn't looking particularly to. Set up another romance I was hunting mean my son told me to go on websites that was my saying Really I'm not a morning and I say all right with May some honesty it's not my stuff and I've grown up with it I prefer to if it's going to happen it'll happen a lot when I met my 1st wife my 2nd wife it was natural when I met my girlfriends prices are too intimate a girl friends anywhere on the line it was always natural and I suppose that's you know you mentioned bus stop or something I'll fashion you may call it but there it was made websites to turn me on too much Yeah it was May I just didn't want to do it life to change and we'll talk about a few moments Thomas was brought here for some music but Wolf on a press the story in a few moments time online Ikram talking to B.B.C. Radio Leicester. Feels like. Home. We. Are. Carlos. Diaz who just use some tricks. Can play. Lists. Play. Parent 1 o'clock tonight it's Lana Graham Torrington I'm talking to Pran about being married being single and finding someone else he's life with so you are saying you've been single for a long while after a 20 year marriage so go now to spring of $27.00 Timor happen well McCain bridge player the card game of bridge and ha one of the clubs that play out they have a particular competition and a couple isn't done if they ring you up to say we got someone who like to party you have no idea they are no information whatsoever but we're getting to contact you well in this particular instance of a long story short this thing went on and I hadn't heard from anyone and then I got a phone call from another lady I knew she said my partner's been taken ill would you like to partner me in this competition I said yes. Because I hadn't heard anything source and. Fall into the part that was on the Monday of this particular lake and I accepted it so the lady potations on the Friday I then got a phone call from the lady who must have should have been playing with but she hadn't been given any information not my number or anything so you know protect us she found its rings me up and I to say to I'm sorry but I will arrange something else but from that conversation she was very keen on playing bridge and I said listen if you want to continue to play any let me depart Newman if you call or play leaving the door open then hey yeah well I was in a situation where I was playing elsewhere and I was. Playing at this bridge club shouldn't this lady was interested in bridge and that's really all I was interested if she wanted to play bridge and I was quite happy to partner bring their own do whatever you know just to encourage and she said yes we had an hour's conversation . Talking about a. BRIDGE I said she said wonderful. Which is probably a bit preemptively like a bit before word and she tell me like she thought I was a bitch a kid a little bit. A little bit too had much else but nothing mentioned you know I just sort of said she had wonderful So if you want to play bridge just do it but I believe you matter for drink I have to take strong having seen the result she planned it all she said and I said you did very well. She said Blimey you stay up late. 1 o'clock in the morning or something and then I said well if we're going to try bridge maybe we should make up another guy to play again to you know to meet each other in the Meccans tub which we will run to bridge No We spent 3 hours. Or actually Fry's was. My god that was OK Skype. And I wasn't consciously thinking about it here a month. Later in that month we played against each other. Around Texas such as I'm very well in if you wanted to continue to play bridge or would like to play bridge maybe should make for a drink but that was in 11 days of reach for the month of March. He actually said to me Well why don't make the premier. And that's what we did so we met in Bridge last had a drink and a male. And we stopped in the car park and there were a man to kiss and we stayed there for an hour in the car park in the middle of March Well we're being told we March in the carpark Naser jumping away that wasn't a color we couldn't stay on the carpark and we literally did stand on the Little did stand on the car for America to sing each other. I suppose and sort of sailed it away but in it why did this only start to feel special now when. We got on exterior with each other I asked if I could hold a hand across the table she said yes. And she was you know I mean this is the silliest thing you realize it's almost 5050 any and I hold a hand and we talk to just discuss simple things and you know I was already class and there was no you know when do anything that was you know learn how to do just they just I've been persisting you know they would just get to know each other. And the same very romantic to me Brian. Thank you yes I'm just. I just when you with someone and with is about myself a way we get on extremely well with very new and even know it's there you know we still. Enjoy each other's company we we can be quiet with each other we can move around each other without failing that we have to talk will do anything that we don't want to do and that's with 2 years down the line that's what we're there and and he still gets them from the 1st not elected results which you know was a self-starter of the room I meant to kissing session if you want to call it that and it's going to flare Well I know you talk to each other at 3 o'clock in the morning for 4 hours tell me about well just I read that that may or Isabel is already booked to sell. A trip to take her for a wake so she went to share with Whatsapp because I'm useless on technology so she said last week we can talk. We were told which will be 48 it's 67 in time so be 11 o'clock my time or our time. Clock in the morning for our. 3 o'clock in the morning. And that's what we get around you know just the course of the wake we had come so I was absolutely worn out. There a little mostly But you know it's just been just friends she was new it was already just 9. And I had someone who started an interest in May and I are now now. That Isabella same interest in in May You know and she was happy with My Space and with a girl from there we've been inseparable all my sins Well how does it look to you now that it's 2 to half years on from that. Much wonderful and it's my model is beautiful and I know it's made it about last year because she she's taken a different stance in life where 2 and a half years ago she was quite low obviously you know and she had a long relationship with a husband and I'd like to think there I've helped her happier and now she made me happier and that's for sure she has. Our makeup every day and I've got some you look forward to the walk down the canal. You know whatever you know we go in here and just go for a walk and have a nice start and not stay in the back garden suntan doesn't matter we move around. In a lovely way I have to say Brian It really is a trivial of a story that's come full circle please and thank you very much indeed for joining me on the program tonight you're welcome stories music nice night night going in telling time. Radio. The mom told me. Police walking on the moon late night Graeme Torrington thanks for coming on to the show tonight and sharing his story and his partner is Isabel and she just let me message through to say following your chat with Brian just listen to your chat with him and I'd just like to say both of our lives have been changed for the better and we are very happy and enjoy every day together and if you without a partner the moments and maybe you think you're going to be left on the shelf just listen to that it can work it really can work and then this is coming. I was told by my ex-husband that no one would ever want me so I spent 4 years on my own thinking that's. Exactly that until I met Steve and as of tomorrow we've been very happily married for 8 years how wrong was my ex so if you can find love again to other people it's so beautiful That's from Mary to a loving husband Steve because she loves you to bits and as if by magic Steve was actually just contacting me as well because Aine. Quarter minutes it is your anniversary and Steve wants to say Happy 2 year. Love songs then with Calvin Harris and. A. Song. We both. Think the way to. Go shake in the.

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