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There's a new service cast for I'm signing 40 cheaper for an afternoon bearing in mind what you're doing at the moment because I'm imagining there's a so for involved or wingback chair I like to think backs are always good I got a bit of a reputation whilst owes a university for falling asleep absolutely everywhere I mean I had to I'd actually suggest I didn't fall asleep everywhere I just fell asleep in that particular chair all the time. Really for that. They're like you know those bumpers that you put down the temp in bowling alley you know when it's just a bit too difficult to avoid the gutters at the side of it right if we could have those just put them at either side of your head when you sitting on the sofa for and they go this year I'm going back chair for you so yes sorry I'll try not to sound such as I mean anybody think it was Christmas or something so I mentioned this story a little bit earlier on today which is now absolutely true story about yesterday so yes there was a bit long today and he's did so much going on in your passion about trying to get everything sorted for Christmas and things and I thought you know what I was on my way only last night I was just going for me which means that you know I could get whatever I wanted for a start so I treated myself and I got like half a lamb shoulder and I thought I think Christ I wanted in through the door last night stuck in the oven and everything and I thought I'll do a lot of really nice vege when I got to the point where I just can't be bothered to do all that so yeah I did absolutely chomp my way through over a kilos of lamb on its own last night yes it must be Christmas. Here's another thing that denotes Christmas though because over the next few days obviously you're going to be turkey up to the eyeballs or whatever I mean you know you could be vegetarian vegan You know it's but it whatever it is you always make too much then you say you're going to end up eating it for the next few days Neal come in various different forms one to because some days you just won't be able to be bothered me was stick in a bit up where and you take it to work or you take it aware of you and you just eat it with a fork out of there I mean look even a fork you know that's that's a bit too traditional sometimes you end up going in there with your fingers money so I guess we're brought in today so I got to the point yesterday was that what I mean if I couldn't be bothered to actually cook vegetables for the roast lamb so I ended up walloping my way through every Kate of it yet in my bag today in my bag this is Christmas lunch and afternoon tea is. A loaf of bread a slab of cheese some lettuce a whole block of butter and yes in my bag is an actual bread knife. And I thought to myself could you imagine if I get pulled over on the way in a. Christmas I was once myself a sandwich. Try doing a bank with She didn't realize these were the regional production did you. Yes you did Gladys Knight in the pips then and do you hear what I hear beautiful isn't it we'll hear from Zoe Laflin a couple of moments time who I thought I mean best described as a material scientist might have a much more interesting that sounds right why do we set light to things at Christmas that's one of the things she be talking about and later on when I had a chat with a the other day we were talking about why things don't get designed with instruction manuals anymore but then I quickly turned around to the idea of the fact that actually I don't read instruction manuals so what's the point of having in it so we'll talk about that with her a little bit later on a Can we say hello to collect sorry. To come please. So collectivists Cole apparently there's 2 rooms full of people who've been asleep since the end of the Queen's Christmas message the soft and so they've got a good hour why they want to get out and apparently so Collette turn the radio on to keep her company because everyone else is actually laying there sleep you probably in the same situation yourself so I just right so you're obviously listening right now go into both rooms make sure there's a radio on in both rooms and right now go into both of those rooms where all the people are sleeping right and tan the radio up really loud OK just turn up radiate I'm going to give you a couple of seconds to do this. OK keep it really quiet until then it's just to kill it and anyone else that's got sleeping people around them at the moment OK turn out loud right. There you go how's that for a bit of Christmas so I asked right Paynton who if you call your speaks a lovely painted behind the glass of the South it makes you wish me a very Merry Christmas I've been working very hard right now I said can you find some Christmas sound effects yet the we can use so this is the one for waking up people in your family. Right so that one sounds great yeah but listen to this one there. Now can I just say before you start jumping to any conclusions that is someone pulling a Christmas cracker. I mean it sounds like someone just given someone a birthday gift Valentine's gift or other. Anyway nice and Christmassy they go so Party blur for you then or if it's a slightly different Christmas for you can have one of the good stuff right apparently that's a cracker being polled so they go. I spoke to Zoe often the other day that she is a material scientist and an incredibly interesting person you might have seems this year and if it's still on the B.B.C. Or play you must go and check it out laughing on television talking about fireworks it's brilliant and I wonder what I spoke to the other day about how Christmas would be with the family etc I wondered What least what's the best thing about Christmas like what one of the things the you can do at Christmas time that you don't tend to do for the rest of the year the chance to light a pudding in your own home never is well I love it. And we have left over Christmas pudding and have to set fire to that as well so it's a rare moment to really carry a burning flame not just a candle in a controlled way putting a light is can be quite hair raising thing and that's delightful when else do we get to do that in our homes we don't do it no of course not at all I mean and all of the kind of props and things that go with it I mean that you know you've got everything makes noise at Christmas I mean I don't listen I don't get too too old too young you know if you say to me but I mean Everett like things snap where you pull a cracker you blow through things and they make noises it's after you know you like things they go pop and then you like putting at the end of it I mean if you explain this to anyone you know for ages ago they were believe you well it's a sensory delight isn't it you know eating your revelling in the sparkles your wishes in the pops and at the crackers and the loft or hopefully the bar was you know. You only see once a year and there's a good reason for that. What is cooking in so in the Laughing household What is Christmas cooking for you we're looking at a very kind of traditional thing I think with a farming background might be quite traditional a phase pretty traditional I've often tried to suggest we do something else my mum loves Turkey. It's always a turkey I love the the crispy bacon everyone has little bits that they're looking forward to but the whole ensemble is pretty traditional and we always have Christmas pudding and trifle but it's really when it gets to the trifle that things kind of get serious in our household very really. It's always been referred to as trifle wars' know where but basically my mom likes what I would describe as a sort of sophisticated alcoholic slop whereas I like. She had geographical excavation of layers that when you take a spin for. And you left with strata of distinct zones of sponge and jelly and fruit and then the custard in the cream like I don't want Yeah whereas it's so there's 2 opposite ends of the spectrum and nobody would sort of say an allegiance to which type of trifle I like so what we did one year was just do build your own trifle So 2 days before we would do this everyone in a rather nice crystal glass goblets and many individual saris trifle builds their own trifles or you do your fruit layer 1st and then you realize some people like some people don't like jelly some people want sponge some people want to sponge soaked in the jelly some people don't and so you start building up your own trifle and then we have a kind of like trifle off at the end on Christmas often thing where you compare the material consistencies of the different trifles I cannot wait to see your. Serious . Looking through the straw to have a trifle that's going to stay with you if they lose their way you will divide the nation some people will all know I want my custard Solide I want to cut it with a knife. Or what do you want now I do a little slightly softer than than than solid that's the way I can't take my can there with solid solid custard at all cost custard should run and you shouldn't say you want to dig it in the custard run over the edge into the bottom but yes I do get a trifle yeah the rest of it you can keep has a distinct layers you distinct strata but actually no I want that I want the custard trickling all the way through it definitely I'm happy to take your leftovers by the way over and over Christmas I'll be upset if I know. They won't be . They won't come to leftovers tell you what Bubble and Squeak sandwich that's left overs of leftovers it's like the posh chip butty of Christmas you've got to have good sliced white bread the bit of parents to it thick butter like cheese a cold slap. Of butter and then your hot bubble and squeak squirt a catch up delicious hacking your way through a straw to of trifle I mean who would have thought who better physicist would have come up with something like that seriously anyway who wants to cut through a slab of custard. Actually I have a lot of people in Spain are shocked. The question. Isn't. Life it's from nothing I'm wishing you a very merry and peaceful Christmas this is a poem a Christmas tree a Christmas tree by David Keene. A Christmas tree a Christmas tree with dog green needled memories of childhood dreams a mysteries wrapped present like in front of me a Christmas tree a Christmas tree I glimpse a past wherein I see the child that then grew into May not forward fast but haltingly a Christmas tree a Christmas tree a time for being with family a time that's gone so fleeting they yet lives for always deep in me a Christmas tree a Christmas tree when 12th Night Comes Home haunting me one lingered look and then I see no Christmas tree where it would be a Christmas tree a Christmas tree with feelings now felt longingly Nocona in my house to see the magic of that Christmas tree. The bag Sir with a New York City trick of the moment it's lost on me to give you these clues to see if we can get you into the Hall of Fame and I'll tell you who's in the Hall of Fame in a few minutes time it's a special festive version of this thing we got to play quite regularly but you mine all played it all so shall I tell you how this works then as so I am about to give you 3 dictionary definitions and all you need to do is to give me the 3 words that they relate to OK to make it a little bit simpler I've chosen them from the same part of the dictionary meaning that all of you 3 words start with the same 1st letter so here you are 3 different definitions we start with this parents and their children parents and their children. That's number one number 2 is all over or suitable for a festival of all suitable for a festival and number 3 is a large elaborate meal a large elaborate meal 3 words all starting with the same 1st letter parents and their children is number one parents and their children Number 2 is all of all suitable for a festival of all suitable for a festival and number 3 is a large elaborate meal a large elaborate meal OK easiest way to get through at the moment is by e-mail and by Twitter OK so at Ed stag it's one to 2 G.'s on Twitter email it's stags so S T A double G. Stagg bbc dot co dot U.K. They're the easiest ways to get through at the moment you could try you know my number you can use this when I was 301238 double 190301238 double 1985 major a quest over the last hour or so bear with this I shall get your request on before too long so and anything else sending through to us that's fine too I would like to know please who is asleep in your house. Who is currently asleep in your house and the other one is the you'll find out a little bit later on is wise it's good why is it good to be awful after all it's a new one on me but he found our earlier today when I'm quite pleased that I am a member of after all apparently in front of that a little bit later on was here a little bit more from Zoe Laughlin that materials engineer and team Hayward the D.I.Y. Chef who talks a little bit later on to them he also had trick thanks very much for that I did get a message via Twitter by the way say from Sara hello SARAH Hi saying can you please give a shout out yes I can to the neonatal stuff at Kings mill hospital yes I blooming Well Kat Yes well done all of you they're all here till 8 o'clock tonight OK They're loving the music. They say Merry Christmas to us all that's brilliant I've made a request Yes I'll get that request on for you fairly shortly to get out. To say hello to everyone that working at King's mill hospital at the moment particularly the neonatal stuff thank you very much for everything you do by the way. Everything in one sense or. Normal number or tweet me at Ed stag one T. T. G.'s or E. Mail me stags I S T A double G B B C dot co dot U.K. a Few bits and pieces we are sorting out of the next little while particularly if you or someone has made a request over a little while ago then I shall keep it on a promise good so here till 6 o'clock plenty more bits and pieces to come after that as well so may she lend us your ears for the continuation of your Christmas merry Christmas by the way if this is the 1st time you're joining into us joining this afternoon then Merry Christmas to you you are about to miss the Oxford hat trick because I have the list in front of me of who's got it right we've probably missed someone I usually do. Apologize in advance for this but Denise John and Jeff a man. Also John and Carol fill in Spondon got it right my mum's got it right as well that's a good sign. I'm sure someone got it right boy email Did I mention them as well yeah come on people actually well they didn't put their names on the e-mails for a couple of them so they go so anyway usual no if you are in the Hall of Fame because these are the answers and they also how to treat them when like this I said parents and their children parents and their children that was the 1st one. Number 2 was all of all suitable for a festival of or suitable for a festival and number 3 was a large elaborate meal a large elaborate meal OK They're the ones that I gave you earlier on let's see how we did with this then so. Of the 3 If you decide for the 1st one family so parents and their children was family number 2 was all voices simple for a festival which would make it festive and number 3 a large elaborate meal was a feast so if you said to a family festive and feast you'd been pretty much in the right ballpark in front not just a ballpark you'd been straight into the Hall of Fame but that's all well done if you go out. Trying to find think Christmas Day. The Pope's best career suicide. And insurance. Since. His son was. Really a. Child are sort of traditionalist as far as Christmas some say. Let's call this the best of the contemporary Christmas song. Step into Christmas Eve. 60 minutes to find that often it. Wasn't a Christmas afternoon on the radio and. So you know on social media you've got the opportunity to follow different kind of brands that you like and you want to hear more of what they've got to say there is there's one brand that I follow they called Modern toss and they they create I mean this let's say and it's come of this like parental advisory most of their stuff but they it's sort of a humorous look at various different things they started off making little postcards and coffee table books and things and they just kind of humorous looks at stuff social commentary it cetera but I did find one from them a little while ago which is an essay they called Modern Taso I'm not stating this from them but they have so little cartoon on the front of his bright red is this Christmas at the top of it and in the middle there's a table with 4 people around sitting in Christmas hats and then one person not of the table they're on the phone talking to someone and the people sitting around the table look slightly for Lorne and the person on the phone looks quite happy and the person on the phone is saying yes thanks we've had the meal and we're just getting ready for the argument. Jane. Jane going back to you I mean you. Know when. I'm. Wrong Jane. I mean. Being. In the process. No one. Gave me I'm moving. Around the mom. Trying to lend me. The Jane go back. To. Jail. Right. Now that's where I. Was. In the. Way. Where. No one. Gave me I'm taking those with me. Around the calm. Diana mingle in the New England pain. That was you know that's the backyard. Ready for Christmas to decorate the tree the sparkling bulls that shelling with the shops are filled with Christmas. But the people shouting We will. Each and every leaf is covered in snow still waiting for Santa is. Christmas lights all I took in the street presents to open. Presents all for me. oh oh oh don't have installed us in the way for Brenda Yes we found it so we'll do that in the next couple minutes the state is caught and it's Christmas to you. Because it's Christmas Day. So check ins and I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus Sally reading a great poem before that well known John with is it the best Christmas song ever step into Christmas before that I know it said study till 6 o'clock Aaron 5 to go then loads of other great bits and pieces coming up for you after 6 or May she hang around for that sort of business is usual but not for another week or so not found that this week there were about to enter is one of the weirdest weeks in the whole year because nobody quite knows what day of the week is what meal you should be eating whether you should still be going whether you should be at work whether you should have picked someone up whether that person is actually a member of your family or whether they've just wandered in off the street you know it's a strange one anyway so I spoke the other day to Zoe Laughlin who he's extremely seems only on television a few times also appears on the kitchen cabinet on a little station I think it's just launched it's called Radio 4 only 11 make him think it's over anyway so the kitchen heaven is on there and so he can often be heard now this is an engineer and of all sorts of things and works for the Institute of making which I just think is the best sounding thing doesn't it the Institute of making They sound like they're fun so I was talking to about like Christmas presents and things like that and I was saying about instruction manuals because I'm wondering whether anyone because I don't bother to read instruction manuals many companies now would even provide an instruction manual and it would be a failure of their user interface design if they had made something you couldn't just pick up and the language of how we interact with the digital world has tried to find common traits that we all kind of don't know if you double tap it might do this so you know it doesn't you know you just have to look at how people you know preparing able to read can use digital devices like tablets to actually we're all assimilating this information in a different way you know when I was. There was something I think I watched on T.V. The other day talking about children and their kind of dexterity because of tablets come again I saw that as well yeah and it was some really interesting research in there wasn't actually a kind of a I was about say well you know they're obviously it's not me getting smarter it's they're trying to design these things that make it easier for me to interact with them and I was going to say what are we losing that kind of thing but actually the research kind of showed something quite different yes that their fingers were able to manipulate small things really well and they had much better fine motor control over their fingers but I wonder what knowledge they have around texture because when you touch a screen it's always the same material you're actually touching isn't it always just touching smooth glass whereas there's a difference and you see again babies interacting with those books that have like fluffy pages in a rough page in a screen Clee page in a myriad page and you get something else you get through texture again which tells you about the nature of the world it does make you think is that because it's easy thing or well everyone's kind of just pulling out the i Pad 2 to distract their children everything actually and think that that's a bad thing but it in some ways it's not necessarily in the least if it keeps them interested in the things around them you know these things are colorful and and and willing you to engage with them anyway most of it I'm sure like everything it's all about kind of sense of moderation and also purposefulness like doing some think like if you want to get better or anything like a sport or skill you want to do knitting you want to practice so doing something a lot is good but then practicing with a purpose and trying to achieve a thing again will push the limits of that skill so you could see trying to. Develop skills is just sitting there looking at something and using your hands to try and achieve something would be beneficial so Talking of which So here's my suggestion as I said you know are you an easy person to buy presents for just off of my head I'm thinking about this now and I think multi-use is coming to my head I want something that I would want something is not. So I thought if we will what we'll do is we're knocking up a will freshen a box and the box will have one of those hand entries to it you know you can't see what yes yes through the thing so we're going to design one of these and it's going to open opposite sides so that someone in your family can pop something in and you've simply got to guess what it is each time that's has a great game like a blind touch but yeah I mean you know I'm a Celebrity apparently came up with a 1st and I'm not suggesting putting spiders in there necessarily but. When a great game yeah bring it also you could you know in my family we we love a good game machine rods and we've broadened the categories in which you can pick a thing to do assure art in and we've expanded into the world of objects and architecture and location geography. And one of the famous ones when we tried to do this we saw I mean I sure are doing a Swiss army knife was somehow became a classic that we always reference. So I'm trying to think how you would act elsewhere so I mean. Actually quite easy once you get there was sort of the facial expressions that came with it that made it perfectly do it. I'm not going to telling that you're odds you need They've been changing the the categories for these are I mean they would be are very happy with that but I think people should go broaden it out from just. Plays and things out a few more categories in. Leading

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