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But most people listening to know what to some of that if he's going to keep peace in January we desperately need. To start because because we have nothing whatsoever. To be sorry for the lot because he desperately is looking to somebody to play economy. We haven't got to know. Where he's a page I think we pretty well covered. Well well well. What he's doing in the summer by offloading strong because I'm probably wrong we haven't replaced anybody but the positive to know it was. Very very well and fair play to the players the game the 2nd. I guess there's a there's a lot to talk about. And I don't know well why don't they if I was a child is clearly impressed a lot of Leicester City fans not everyone who's respected So in lots of tweets and text coming in as well praising the young man's performance. To use a no the destroyer piper in the middle of the midfield he is. I do think the slightly different Knight and indeed I think he's more dynamic it gets it covers more of the pitch I feel maybe meant he does do that as well but you know he's not just to destroy quite intelligent when he's got the ball. He doesn't just keep it sideways backwards he does look to play forward if he can i would like to see him travel with the ball a bit more because he's definitely got that in his locker as well I mean he's you know he's been a bit part player this season I mean he's not been nowhere near it really specially in the Premier League games but the manager is definitely going to have a look at him because you know that dynamic spirit that he's got the tackles you would argue that some of them tackles what light fired the crowd back hope to get back behind the place and I really drive this team forward and you know a good piece a scare or a good safe from the keeper a good effort from the strike or it normally is what gets the crowd or a crunching tackle and A did 5 or 6 tonight and. Christian food played well but I'm a little bit gutted now that I think it helps. Picking this man in the match to get me off when you can pick it from now on. And I'm sure people would judge your mother much cause a lot more a lot more and just a little bit more trustworthy than me being a former city pro you know the one the one that I think to people over the edge this is why I don't like even my man and machine because obviously Hamza was up there Simpson was up there was up there and he always presses me for man in the match a good 54 minutes for the end of the game and I don't like to give it too early because then I get it. I get it and then Hamza goes and makes the massive crunching tackle on hay Zeus when he said we should take to everyone over the edge to it about his performance but it was brilliant tonight you might see an old sausage. Telling you want to change it even if in the 90 minute Hamza scores a hat trick in 2 minutes and he puts in a few crunching tackles and you go I want to judge it strong not change it stop when. I don't know that. You're the talent you're the talent you can do what you want. What you have given it happens or if I if I give you a choice now then who you give a man of the match to. Now you know what I'm going to say hands out a brilliant game stick you with my choice of Christian through so I thought he was brilliant because he handled morale so well so then stop Myron in. The voice of your instructor who is in the bowels of the King Power stadium at the moment as Pep Guardiola who's lost his big overcoat walks out back onto the power stadium to conduct a couple of interviews and is Claude far away do we know I don't know just looking at the end of the tunnel and there are people falling out the press manager in charge of Manchester City and imagine the US quite busy job doesn't need the kit man is taking some of the kit out of the Manchester City coach and often they arrived on the train haven't looked at some social media earlier on but no no sign of Claude as yet lots of discussion on social media and on the airwaves and no one from friends and folk who text me and you in parts I'm sure after games are talking about the penalties and stuttering penalty run ups and walk ups and how they didn't go particularly well that seemed to be the talk of the town the save. Yeah and quite rightly so as well pipes I would have thought because you know talk us through what a good penalty aims to do a sort of Penalty Focus through how is that supposed to aid. This penalty taker. Well you know you're hoping the keepers you know are going to move you're going up slowly you poison your thinking where you're going to where you going to put it then then then make the big last step. Overexaggerated step to try and make the key to move and then if he doesn't and they keep it again you know they're getting closer to this now and then they're not moving on the over exaggerated step because normally when they start to like kind of technique 1st came out and made that last big step isa make the key to move and then you put it in the opposite corner these keepers again Weiser that now they're not moving the standing still they're waiting until contact is made with the ball and then they move in. Listen a stutter penalty look brilliant if you get it right and if you don't you've got agony face and unfortunately for us tonight a couple of our lads did I also by the way I mean just for you about speed I don't think the penalty you know that when our fashion when young coming on mesti Oprah. And I with a with the parts because I asked us apparently for me it just doesn't look convincing that a loser if it goes it will let you put it in the top corner of even growing up the 2 penalty takers I always looked for I like that and you always felt confident when the take is manatees E.I.A. You pick a corner you don't change it and you side 40 with the pace same as McGuire's into that corner yeah good predator a lot of the time you score them penalties unless it's an unbelievable save by the keeper the other one part you run or you put your foot through it. If the keeper saves the OR him then they're the 2 that I would always stick with the show to penalties the thing and I've been the. Coach Coach pipes to give him in doing his assessment after after Leicester City went out on penalties this evening too. To Manchester City in the League Cup and a disappointing disappointing result in the end because after a poor 1st half after Kevin de Bruyne opened the scoring the foxes got back into it through a fantastic finish from Mark Albrighton in front of the cop and managed to take it to penalties but the foxes were picked right at the end. They go out of the lead in exactly the same. The same round in the same way that they did last year as well here very very See now King Power stadium is work begins on the pitch remember the fox is back here on Boxing Day Against the same opponents PIPER So a familiar set up once again on the 26th but this Saturday the focus is now travel to Chelsea it's back to Premier League action and they know they now only have the Premier League to think and worry about that's all ahead of course playing Newport in the F.A. Cup on the 6th looking ahead to Chelsea is a very important game now for call poor. Yeah well it was a name it's an important game anyway we know they come they can pass through this festive period I mean it's been difficult games last few weeks we've had Tottenham came him played very well we've you know the disappointing one for me was Crystal Palace at the weekend that was our opportunity to go and get 3 points. Against the we can side that in up the talismans or Ha. And we more or less at full strength side out other than show where you are probably saying you know we didn't perform well we did not perform well enough the manager said it himself but we called that the fans code that there was no tempo there was no. There was no drive in the play and so that was very disappointing and Chelsea at the weekend listen the flying planes from super have lifted their squads littered with talent as this Manchester City side is so it's going to be a very difficult game I mean if we call it with anything and volley gets a goal and you know players that were arrested tonight play really well then you know some people may look at it and think well the managed on the right thing in the week but from a I've said it I think he should have just gone after this. You know you know with what's happened at this football club this season a real good run bring it all together and this was an opportunity missed tonight for me really even though we came back and we played well in the end and we we did take a really good Manchester City side to penalties just feels a bit of an opportunity missed same as it did last season yeah exactly and I was why I made the point little earlier on about you know about learning maybe lessons or maybe that's just the way that the League Cup is these days of course you can have your say on I Wait wait 101 for now we will bring you closer very very shortly indeed Ian Stringer is waiting for the foxes boss downstairs in the King Power stadium but as I can see my breath coming out my mouth as I speak so you hear the King Power stadium you know the pitch is being prepped and lots of your texts coming in after tonight's performance as well in Essex says CHARGE IT WAS AMAZING Why didn't we play the strongest team from the start same as last year just poor level learn from his past mistakes missed opportunity again yeah I mean you know what the manager will take from it with the interview with strings or or you know what certain people at the club will take from me if the manager plays the strongest team tonight. You don't you don't see a performance like that from Challenger it doesn't give the young man the confidence for the next game is introduced in show. For me a yes I was hoping he started a more stronger team book. Listen we've seen everyone's ringing in text in about challenges performance so that's a positive let's take that from me I know there's not there's not many positives to take from tonight but let's take that if the manager did place on the scene we wouldn't find that jam tonight in having the challenger and deal with 6 as we gave it a go in the 2nd half which is positive let's face it we don't like we have many goals in as our penalties were very poor it's not enough to save Paul well though in my opinion I'll be totally shocked if he's still in a job come the 1st game in 2019. Well and not giving quarter that much of a window now to if you if you want to put it in your words save his job but come on Claude Claude is going to be I believe Claude will be the manager and so the end of the season at the very very very least. But there are games to win now over over Christmas Premier League games and one of them is Cardiff City a home now let's say the unthinkable is a defeat choke so you're defeat homes Manchester City and defeat Cardiff by the way their picture they have pictured in that will last be exactly after tomorrow a great scored down down at the Cardiff City Stadium as we see the mark Albrighton goal in front of us which is a brilliant touch by the way in step and it just sets a life for them and then into the back of the net from Marco right in this evening but. There are 3 very very very important Premier League games but to play over the next week and a half or so how important. All the ones against Chelsea and Manchester City yeah important I mean you know I said this against Arsenal. We were going to go into every game to want to win it of course but against Chelsea and the way they're playing against Man City and the way they're playing you know if we don't get anything from them games you're going to be surprised I. Probably wouldn't be the let's go down inside the King Power stadium now where all foxes commentators and Stringer is with the letters if you wanted to cope well thanks on us close just sat down in front of me Claude you happy and pleased with the comeback in the change in the effort of the better football already you disappointed with the 1st half how do you reflect I think disappointed about the 1st of why we're here we played 1st time for we so good at his Asian Of course we didn't. Have a car after every a recovery we had to start with a board into to make. Some good good moves so. It was just detected to correct to keep to keep control in to play with current confidence I think where we could. Some days in a half time and we come back in the 2nd half with the same organisation but we better better play better quality you know what control. You know what passes so and it was just it was just detail is. I think we were unlucky and of course was able to have been empty but we were I think. We were close with this team and the 2nd one and it was a good organization and good difference in points in the 1st hour of is a shame too because it is going on and I think I think on our it was a. Good organization but better with the ball the more possibility to score said Z. And we quote We could have a one as he says his game and we salute him or. It's a shame you didn't there was more effort. In the 2nd half do you think the Seymour desire in the 2nd period. It's not a question of deserve it or question of confidence. After. So good. It's a play of. Confidence or to play with a good start and to secure their 1st passing into takes a space it was it was a good play but 1st time for it it was the same way with. The same equality after. That if you. Say no to me volley tonight in the squad I know you mentioned yesterday there was a chance what was the reason for Jamie not being intimate. At I.O.P. It can never come back. In this game it was. I think after his 1st game complete game playing after he said Joey and I hope we can use me on Saturday so it was tiredness not injury. No injury. But we need to be careful about he's come back and played a computer game game it was not. What are we but circumstances it was a game ever made. You play this game it was him but down to manage him forgive me for asking because you played him in the previous round of this competition against Southampton before game and you'd rested him a Brighton before so it seemed you looked at the League Cup but it's been the Premier League this time rather than the League Cup Does that make sense. Also. Much. Missed that. Possible. As well. We try to play or the time of competition with the same. Same but. Competitive team and I know that you know a bit about our quality. Because they give their best and they were in there we saw for example should do it here tonight. I think I think if people look at me. To see an academy player playing a unique open or know nothing. Bad thing about says no he was outstanding Holmes it's not was. You play you only play well better. Team it's. A computer game. We sort of took a. Good 4 crews concerned the Haitian time to play against this team is always tough said you don't ever a lot of chances are gained against. A lot of difficulties to put the player. In place I think. Because that is because. Of the game in it it's about time you penalties in the previous run Claude were very clinical and very very good but night seemed maybe the stutter and run up or a bit of a change what happened Salita more. Changes some more. City Manager. He's been there too yeah. Yeah I think we were a little push Yeah I can understand. It's a suggestion in their. Thoughts about C's just competition for. The walk and beach funny I wonder whether he'd mind just explaining how difficult it is for a manager when you made 7 changes and some people think 7 changes is a gamble or it's a we can Team A No you don't see it as a we can seem but how difficult is it for you with the amount of games you've got coming in the Premier League as well. I think. It's important as a Muslim brothers he has to see his team it's a start if we if we have a. Seems on the. D.D.E. . A natural. Good here. In New York a like should do here and I think it's a good team and we have a. We have a good squad I think it's normal to have to give him a game time it in to keep it to keep the ditty impossibility to compete into. A game I know a great ability he said and I think a. Situation was a possibility as sort of give us a game time issue where for example cannot play says on the 7 games in didn't come from or. Didn't become an international player confidence in my player. Thank you thank you. Nessa city manager club speaking to Ian Stringer died in the bows of the King Power stadium after his side were knocked out of the League Cup the ceiling on penalties after drawing one wall with Manchester City after time after 90 minutes of course in the League Cup there's no extra time it just goes straight to penalties the fox is of course in action on Saturday back in action on Saturday when they travel to Chelsea in at the Premier League join myself in Parma good form in a city where a. String of a full boat up on commentary from Clark but from 1 o'clock we've got something a little bit special for you. Brian Right I'm showing you right. To life from on. Busy. With something a little bit different Johnston introduction John now you start join me you're take Go to me now. With. A You. There we go very exciting listen. Very entertaining listeners Well Tom speak Christmas so speak Leicester City your speak less a city in 2018 and also in 2019 as well in that replaces early kick off on Saturday ahead of the game between Leicester City and Chelsea all starts at 1 o'clock with Tom's Christmas or Tommy and does Christmas as a working title ladies and gents and then from 2 o'clock you can hear full build up and commentary of Leicester City's a true away trip to Chelsea in the Premier League can they get can they get something on the road away at Chelsea can they put this poor run of form in the Premier League to bed after losses against Tottenham and Crystal Palace and a draw away full of and start to move up the Premier League table remember they're still not a 1000000 miles away from the European spots and we all hope for another European saw next season of course but from here at the King Power stadium it did finish Leicester City one Manchester City won they were picked on penalties so they're out of the League Cup I've been to impart Moroccan good nights. You Are they the man of the get involved right now you can email me B.B.C. Doco to cave in a text 803 star your message with Cheeto Graeme police so they're more on tonight 8 nitrates here it is more any ideas or 2 more. It has to go this week it's my last show this week on Thursday well as we Day show so it's got to go by the end so it would be nice if you went to my place who is really more can't it's not the wrong guesses that have come in so far are Will Smith Whoopi Goldberg Oprah Winfrey Cher Ella Fitzgerald Kevin Hart's Liberace to resume a Michael B. Jordan Daniel Karren Brady Dionne Warwick Gloria Estefan Angela Lansbury Tina Turner Joan Collins Michelle Obama Jane Fonda Donald Trump. Michael Jackson Jo Brand Hillary Clinton and we McCurry Susan Sarandon Barry Manilow Carol Decker Elaine Stritch Truman Capote's 8 there's Mike Tyson Ruby Wax Joe Pesci Lana Richie Serena Williams Janis Joplin Nancy Reagan Billie Jean King Martina Navratilova and Whitney Houston are all wrong so who. And united by that list is still not sure whether it's male female of the moment. I need you to get it right please this week it would be nice if you went tonight. Who is it playing out of the news the 11 no prize he JUST FOR FUN need to get your answer him by 11 which means you've got 29 minutes to get through no 20 minutes to get through the only way I can take an answer is on the phone do not text e-mail do not post on the Facebook page but you can call in when you call we can only take the 1st 10 callers through with a different name so on the Facebook page plays known on facebook page based on the plays who is this. 100. 80 scene radio. Eat. This. a VERY SOON Rita Ora of the Eagles coming up and something very festive from cliff coming up in a few moments time as well so we today then it will be Christmas Day It will be the latter part of Christmas Day So you know probably be failing a little bit weary by now the end of what normally is a day where there's a loss of food consumed alcohol as well but a little bit merriment so we tonight's the air and of Christmas to we are that close now or now just a reminder that this week is my last week for this year on the show I'm going to be here until an including Sunday night Sunday love songs and then that's it for me for this week going to be looking after you through Christmas and into New Year and I will back on the 2nd of January so look up to Gaga. Over the next 10 days or so whilst I'm taking a little bit of break of a Christmas and New Year tonight's I'm looking for your Man of the year and why easy the man of the year that needs to be a reason why get involved right now you can e-mail me G.T. B.B.C. Doco dot U.K. For the text a 23 Start your message with G.T.A. And basswood Parkies Glen only claim Hi. I'm here. Right so who show man of the year them I have. To write my heroes I'm kinda. Not making it's got problems and that's made the actor in the man carrying on doing the job also supporting him. I think Dexter particularly well this year because I mean he's having to carry the public side of life is not here. A good read on your boy ready and did you miss and steering I'm a Celebrity Cher or do you think Deco and holidays are OK. Didn't seem to buy into a feature of all I made it. Well or good news is we are hearing that they're going to be back together again for Britain's Got Talent which starts filming in January so you know you're going to be seeing them back together on the television. Back end of winter and into spring time so some of us look after our blog and then. Within you remember why don't you come up yeah obviously you want. Back in market growth. And I believe you've got a certain task here is our eyes yet offer Maggie a big portray. A Really and where is that a dare I ask. Yes. On the fly. So for you then to choice is man of the year and and back for you then he's your man of the GET INVOLVED run cold gray and now. $101.00 i Phone 9. The. Terms of. Dreams of snow. Snow. Days. It's. Just. Pleasured mistletoe and wine it's Alaina Graham Torrington Rita Ora and the Eagles to play very very soon coming up later a war home to man went into a pub and almost got carried out not because he'd had one too many he doesn't even drink no pub customers wanted to hoist him onto their shoulders after Reed's got on the karaoke because he was absolutely fantastic he'd sung the opera aria Nessun Dorma and now they're calling him he's a great bloke and he's one of the most asked about guests of 2018 gram Torrington so you can hear that again coming up just after 11 o'clock Saddam is that William. Street police so they're on tonight 8 Who is it. Is it male is the female who is more telling you it's not the wrong guesses that are coming so far Will Smith what he Goldberg Oprah Winfrey share Ella Fitzgerald Kevin Hart's Liberace to reason may Michael B. Jordan Daniel Karren Brady. Glorious to fan Angela Lansbury Tina Turner Joan Collins Michelle Obama Jane Fonda Donald Trump Michael Jackson Joe Brown Hillary Clinton Edwina Currie Susan Sarandon Barry Manilow Carol Carol Decker Elaine Stritch Truman Capote's see Mike Tyson Ruby Wax Joe Pesci Lana Richie Serena Williams Janis Joplin Nancy Reagan Billie Jean King Martina Navratilova we need Houston are all wrong so who do you think it is. Mom somebody needs to get this please start to drive us Matt it's night 8 so it's obviously not that easy but it needs to go this week please Who is it. Any ideas. Playing out of the news that 110 prizes just for fun need to get your answer in by 11 which means you've got 70 minutes to get through now 17 minutes to get through the anywhere take announcers on the phone do not text or not e-mail or do not post on the Facebook page where you can call and when you call we can only set the 1st one call a story with a different name why because he gets. So busy these days so we need to limit it so come on on the phone plays who is this. Cool Graham now Oh wait oh wait 101 I don't know if you see me do you stand. There tomorrow we're looking at the woman of the year your woman of the year but tonight it's man of the year who stood out for you this year who's impressed you and why Emily on Facebook said it to have to be my G.P. And surgery staff they've been wonderful all year Thank you Jane on Facebook says my husband who looks after me my son in law and my grandson we had one hell of a year and I just want him to know just how much he's loved appreciated and thanks to you Graham for your program you always cheer us up service Jane as for accounting thank you very much so who's stood out for you let's go to Mulva now and James hello James I grant you I was going to phone not sleep but listen to your program all the ones who point out none of the mean. People with. Them so I so I said My money would be deafening. I'm sure most people agree with me because. It made a huge difference in. The pollution issue internationally. Influence politicians and the common man in to do something about it. I do agree with you 100 percent are mostly also to agree with you as well that's your right not IMHO a right. Yes So you listen to what James said then so you want to make the same nomination of belief David outbred definitely because the world is to the world the attention you know what's going on with plastics and pollution I mean not just talk about bread you talk about the whole world is a vision really has made us aware of what's going on and people now are thinking about he said according to Adam plastics and it really has made a difference and it most definitely is my money yeah well done to you right and also James thank you very much indeed for that I think I well deserved nomination as well so who for you is your man of the year and why for 2018 get involved right now you can e-mail me. On the tanks I want triple 3 star your message with G.T.A. . Was. Greta aura and anywhere online are grand times and the latest song from Sigrid coming up in a few moments time answering 2 from the Eagles Now listen you know I love you to bits Tanya I love you to bits but sometimes I feel you don't listen to me. How many times have I said the wrong guesses for the mystery voice here on facts 8 nights in a row 8 nights in a row 2nd on that list. So why we had about 8 phone calls to my people saying is he want to go berserk. To have ice my breath here do I sit here reading at names that you not listening to can I say in big capital letters is not what he Goldberg end of story thank you we could be anybody else who's not on that list of course playing out and he is the 11 How long have you got to get through NY You got exactly 10 minutes to get through on the mystery voice so who is your man of the year who stood out for you in the last 12 months it doesn't have to be some be famous to be somebody very close to you 1st just on something for you that's made your get involved right now you can email me G T A B.B.C. Doco dot U.K. Phone a text 803 Start your message with a cheater Hi Graham my man of the year is Malcolm I've known him since about the age of 6 I've recently been and Malcolm has been a great person sending me fruit boxes to make sure that I ate properly ringing me even visiting me regularly to tie me to hospital appointments all this despite the fact that he lives near nearly 100 miles away he's amazing says Andrey. So well done to you Malcolm Tracy Perry's been in touch she said My man of the year would be my brother in law Anthony Jordan. As well he works full time and looks after his wife Wendy who's disabled and also he's been there for me since the loss of my husband 3 years ago Happy Christmas to you Graham So there we are your man of the year is Anthony who is your man of the year and wife. Thank you. Later song from secret and sucker punch. So here until 1 o'clock tonight stuff at 12 it is the songs thank you for your nominations tonight for Man of the year let me just get through a couple more Mandy Mitchell says G.T.S. My husband for the last 8 years he's been there for me through happy times and sad times he picks me. When. And he is my rock I love him so much Merry Christmas to you and your family as well as his mandate so well done to the man of the year. My man of the year is my son Michael who bought across Spain 550 miles which took him just over 5 weeks it's something he's always wanted to do so well done to you Michael and I just want to say a few nominations for me from out of the year I'm very humbled by that thank you very much indeed I really am humbled by that. It will be your moment of the. With. Bagels and California it's like trying to break into the. Tribulation I'm going to get a bad. Story music. B.B.C. News at 11 I'm where all this and it's a 3 and a half 1000 troops are to be put on standby to deal with potential disruption if there's a new deal breaks it the defense secretary Gavin Williamson says they'll be held at readiness the cabinet has agreed to step up preparations for leaving the E.U. With no agreement but the president of the C.B.I. And chairman of the supermarket chain Tesco John Allen says that could be disastrous about 70 percent of our trade is either directly with the you or with countries with whom the you has trading range means all of those trade deals would 4 way and we'd have to deal on W T O terms for post. 3 quarters of our trade for a considerable time I think we all know trade deals take time to negotiate that time is measured in years rather than months Manchester United are due to appoint a caretaker manager after Josiah Marina was sacked the disc.

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