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When you. Feel you want to miss b.b.c. 5 My That's 4 o'clock the b.b.c. News comes from procedure on the main news sometimes live at rescuers in California say time is running out to find survivors of the most science and in sport to finish is nil nil between Chelsea and off no in that a.f.l. Cup semi final but like these b.b.c. . The sons of Barbara County sheriff says tumult bodies have been found by emergency teams searching for survivors of the mudslides more than 100 homes have been destroyed north of Los Angeles Bill Brown has been speaking at a news conference we are saddened to report that the death toll has now risen to 17 with 2 additional fatalities recovered today the process of positively identifying the victims is a process that is slow it takes time and it cannot be rushed the n.h.s. Can't deliver on the standards in its own constitution code into reports out today and it tests providers which represents acute hospitals and ambulance services in England says ministers must step up to make sure the health service has a sustainable future health correspondent is Dominic Hughes n.h.s. Providers says the health service has reached a watershed and it can no longer deliver on the standards that are in shrines in the n.h.s. Constitution and this is the immediate problems relate to a shortage of both beds and stuff and too often in many places the standards of care have been compromised and patient safety is being put at risk the chancellor Philip Hammond has asked e.u. Leaders to stop punishing the bread sets and instead make it clear what they want from a future relationship in a speech to business leaders in Berlin he said person could not resolve the issue by itself. Tourism a is revealing plans to eradicate plastic litter by 2042 the commitment is part of a 25 year plan to improve the natural environment to Sharon George is the director for environmental sustainability at Kiel University I think there's one thing to deal with our ties always a way to heading for is once it's in the den manufactured and we've used it once in the way strangers wanting to deal with the waste as it comes to a better way would be to not produce that in the 1st place president term says he's open to rejoining the Paris agreements on climate change if a better deal is offered to the us Mr Trump believes American firms have been unfairly penalized by the current agreement isn't a man whose body was found buried in a garden in Greater Manchester was allegedly killed by his daughter several years ago police say the woman went into a police station in Stockport at the weekend and confessed. A new study is linking mental health problems in children to poor backgrounds a quarter of girls in England say they have experienced emotional problems according to the Head Start program well almost as many boys had have had behavioral problems to gestate and lead the research we could speculate based on previous research So for example there is evidence suggest that girls and boys might express psychological distress in different ways so it might be a similar feeling of. Go go more socially acceptable to express that distress about an emotional problem and police in Paris are searching for 2 armed robbers who stole jewelry worth millions of pounds from the Ritz Hotel a gang smashed windows on the ground floor and snatched the jewels 3 people were arrested as they tried to escape Chapman has the sport now Chelsea and Arsenal will go into the 2nd leg of their a.f.l. Cup semifinal with all to play for after the 1st leg of Stanford Bridge finished goalless the video assistant referee was used for the 2nd time in competitive in English football during the game which so Arsenal captain Jack Wilshere go off with a sprained ankle he's now a down for the next match with Bournemouth also confirmed midfielder Francis Conklin is leaving the club and is close to completing a move to the Landsea only 3 Ashes players have been dropped by England for the tour of New Zealand in March Gary balance Jake ball and Tom current lose their places in the squad while Lancashire batsman Liam Livingston gets a 1st test call up Ben Stokes is included though his involvement remains subject to any relevant legal or disciplinary developments and I'm you can says he plans to become a world champion again after confirming he'll return to the ring in April the Bolton boxer hasn't fought since losing in a knockout to Canelo Alvarez in May 2016 but a signed a 3 fight deal with promoter Eddie her his opponent will be announced next week this is b.b.c. 5 live in. Digital form on smartphones and sampler and the weather now low cloud and patchy rain will linger in the east further west they'll be some clay spells allowing frost and some dense fog patches to form with close to Celsius the rest of the day will be largely dry aside from some patchy rain in the east will gradually lift and Scotland will see the best of the sunshine highs of 8 Celsius get more from b.b.c. 5 Live we finalised on costs on I'm tally I'm Santa I'm fit and we often go fit the sickness I did all the fat diets and all the extremes along the way I made every mistake but yes it makes with fitness which is what I want you guys to learn from it's not making health and fitness part of your life and not your title life it can enhance so many things but it doesn't have to be obsessive and I think very highly. Trained exactly the same fellas for d.c. My life download and now so much 5 Live in your podcast on. Good morning on Am and f.m. Around the u.k. On digital and online I'm Roger Sharpe were up on my. Share of the program we'll have some more on the mudslides cause such devastation in part of Southern California will take another look at the prime ministers should be revealing in the wetlands in the East London this morning. For drinks of your pollution. And why it least Greenpeace think she should be doing much more. Also. A word about our old friend Philippines. We lost. Well Indians have had a rough old year when it came to the economy there was of course to rationalize a currency and black money in plain sight which didn't exactly go well for Prime Minister Modi but there is no some good news on the horizon. Karl may have been hearing more from royal terms in Kolkata Yeah I mean it's been less a 2017 was a pretty bad year for being in economy was the fastest growing economy in the world wasn't behavior and you can blame that on the effects of demonisation the new tax g.s.t. That we spoke so much about Rod but at the beginning of 2018 the World Bank has basically said forget about that India is going to be back on the right path this year a growth rate of 7.5 percent looking ahead it's going to get the growth rates going to increase India will be the fastest of the emerging economies in the world according to the World Bank and what's going to cause great joy in Delhi is the fact that India is going to grow much quicker than China over the next few years so after the doom and gloom of 20172018 has started with a bang in the sense of one of the world's great economic organizations saying India is back on track the thing is the business men have to begin to see that themselves because you continue to talk to them not being that great. So what are they saying about it. Well they're praying that 2018 Remember this is the land of many different cards and goddesses of many different faiths and they're going to begin to smile because it's been pretty bad and if you look at things like job creation in India that's probably the biggest challenge this country faces because being a service sector rather than the manufacturing industry how we've been going to create those millions and millions of jobs it needs to send us 1300000000 people to give you an idea of how poor 2017 was his car and he said Leather manufacture we're talking millions are thousands and hundreds. Of the right figure oh we're talking millions because at the moment we can't keep them we can't afford to pay how we're going to get the money banks are not being there not giving us a loan the government's not helping us we've got subsidies on me on paper everything's on the drawing board nothing's actually been rolled out so how we're going to work how we want to sustain ourselves and at the moment we are struggling to cope up with meeting day to day overheads and expenditures because we've got fixed or heads and these workers we're talking about some of the poorest work as an end in that they're not going to find jobs elsewhere they've been associated with this industry and the only thing that they know is how to make leather and how to manufacture leather goods and value out to the letter that we make so I think the government has to make sure that they. Take the responsibility and find alternative employment but honestly in India that doesn't and we know that doesn't happen in India they're almost going to be left on the scrapheap basically and yes of course I'm sorry to say this but yes I see themselves as being left out in this race and they will have nothing to look forward to. That's not cheering news then. You know so I think that's why the World Bank survey which you know predicts growth Well that's one good thing but the thing is you have to begin to see it on the ground and at the moment I have to say when it comes to the Indian economy well it's not me it's not very good at the moment so India's looking again at the floors criminalize homosexual act that's pretty arcane and fashion isn't. It is and that law Article $377.00 which basically outlaws sex between men is something that was imposed you know by the British it was the 16th century English law. That was adapted when when the British colonized India now the British left a long time ago but still that law has changed been in place it's been an interesting legal process this if you go back to the year 2009 Section 377 was dismissed by the High Court in to remember there were great celebrations within the gay and over t.t. Community about that particular fact that was overruled in 2013 by the Supreme Court who said it was not the job of the court to change that law it was basically the job of Parliament so it's interesting that in spite of that ruling it's come back to the Supreme Court again after another case has been filed and they will look at this and may decide to overturn an earlier ruling of theirs but as you say has a very archaic law that exists here in India and the interesting thing is it's not really implemented but I think when you speak to people from within the gay community they'll tell you the reason that they need to get rid of the snow even though it isn't implemented very few cases are actually ever bought in this country is that it would be an important symbol to society that something that I'm afraid to say many Indians still consider an acceptable is actually acceptable. Sure. India has one big metal. Competition which I think competition when you think of India and sports you probably think of cricket hockey one thing that probably would not spring to your mind is skiing and I'm chilled darker has become the 1st Indian to win a skiing medal she won an international medal in skiing after winning a bronze at the prestigious Alpine their 300-3200 Cup Now it may not be an event that many people you know in the u.k. Of heard off but it's being seen as a very important moment here in India because you know India's never won a medal in this particular sport before and afterwards until you talk who comes up in the hills in the Himalayas told the Indian government and look you know you've got to support skiing a little bit more and she if you think about it it does it doesn't make sense that India is not very good at skiing it's not as if there isn't snow here I mean we do have the Himalayas the world's largest mounting. In the world which is what she pointed out to when people said India is skiing and they would only say ridiculous you know the Himalayas here why should there not be skiing in India and if you go to certain parts now. There's really been trying to develop it ski tourism up in. And other places and you know have become very popular unfortunately some of the recent troubles there means that tourism is a little bit off the agenda but you look at other parts of India as well up in the Himalayas Why can't they develop skiing a little bit more and if this girl is managed to do it on around with the family support why can't we see India beginning to develop a thing I know people may think of this is a sort of Cool Runnings sort of story but it's not like to make it India has a lot of snow it's just we think it is a very hot country but I must tell you right it's pretty cool at the moment yeah. Well it's about $9.00 degrees is the maximum temperature and I know that for people in England must be sitting there shaking their heads going talking even more rubbish than we normally towards But the thing is here people are not used to cold weather the houses you know because they're designed to get rid of heat do become quite cold so there's a lot of monkey caps the sort of ballot clobbers that people wear in Kolkata out at the moment people struggling to get out of there and you'll see a lot of people turning up late for work at the moment because they want that extra few hours as the temperature begins to rise a little bit more when the sun sometimes sneaks its head through the sort of misty pollution that we have all day here the difficulty as well is that on the streets you know some of the poor people are just not used to this to keep warm they love their light a lot of fires at this particular time of year that only adds to the pollution after they even myself you know born and brought up in Yorkshire 10.511 degrees the other day I had no woman jump around maybe time to get a monkey cap out as well God I'll send you a picture for. Well we had some sad news earlier on Wednesday which was that. Beloved weatherman for many many years Philip Eaton passed away last week at the age of 66. But it wasn't just a very good hand on the radio he was one of Britain's leading meteorologists and just before Christmas in 2009 Philip took me to his home or I I went to Philip's home in Bedford shows beautiful Dunstable bones where he'd been predict to gether a collection of historical instruments it was all arranged for us to take a look until the weather took a hand this main weather station was well buried under a drift of snow but I still managed to take a look at some of us monitors inside the thermometer screen we have. Just 2 computers a maximum and a minimum thermometer. Which tells us that the temperature at the moment this is a good old fashioned Fahrenheit at the moment or actually not because I still think in Fahrenheit because it was available and it says the temperature is just 2040 cruise Fahrenheit you know minus 4 and a half still. The minimum this morning was minus 7 and we've climbed no higher than minus 4 point one today that's the maximum temperature cos I'm going to stay like that now because what is at 1 o'clock 2 o'clock and the sun sinking behind the trees in my neighbour's garden and the temperature is already I think beginning to drop over here is that what we call the grass minimum for a moment but when there's snow on the ground it has to be exposed over the top of the Snow Creek it's just lying there on the snow as you say how can you read that field your hands are going to be freezing you're scraping the frost off the campus tells me that temperature at the moment is minus 9 on the snow surface that's because the surface of the snow radiates back into outer space so it loses heat energy much more quickly than the air in contact with it so the coldest spot the coldest place on a snowy day like this is on the surface of the snow and because that happens also the snow protects the ground underneath it so if we actually measure the temperature beneath the snow it will be close to 0 rather than minus 90 it's fascinating so so actually if you're buried under snow it's the old survival trick is that if you're buried under a little bit of snow assuming that you've got air pockets around you you might have a chance of seeing a bit warmer absolutely correct yes and there is a lot of air in the snow itself one inch of rain will actually produce something like 12 inches of snow so that an awful lot of it in a good snow cover. The wonders of snow well such as admiration for Philip that has caused something very rare which we are now going to call a conjunction of up all night presenters because weirdly at this time of the morning I'm joined live by Dark Knight or by what Nancy doing opt out well for Philip Legion I think we could stay up all night of course. For you and the way he describes going to see him there as well it just reminds me of what a gentleman he was somebody I don't you ever hear a bad word from anybody about Philip eat and then you will know that he went out of his weight for a fortnight you know he went out of his way to the on the call of duty to bring us not just the weather story the news but the story behind the news if you like. And has his weekly looks at the weather really love those you know I used to so much love that because we shared him to a certain extent sometimes and he was on United's most I think and sometimes you know I thought I would be sitting in for you and have the privilege of area him talk about the weeks whether he had such a passion you can hear in that voice and it's of you him there who he'd love the weather any found stories to make the weather of almost every day consumption for people. To explain what was going on there I think I think it's a wonderful explainer of things and I debunk of things too are people who are saying this earlier in the in the program with the present chief executive of the royal meterological society which which he was actually the vice president of. The time that I was up with him and the Dunstable diodes and she just said what you know what a great figure he was and he was somebody who who would really he knew about records that was one of the things he showed me you know books and books of weather records kept by people like him over the centuries this was all the British tradition you know of looking at the weather and recording the weather and that's what's given us modern weather forecasts. Indeed and you mention how you debugs stuff all the time a hybrid member very vividly once or twice suggesting that the weather that we were enduring was because of x. Was that because I was following the narrative from the daily newspapers and if they said the snowstorm came from the Arctic I would repeat that if it doesn't believe that's nonsense you know that's not there's no reality in that whatsoever and you'd like to have to respect the man because he's putting his own reputation on the line by saying what you've heard from everybody else isn't the fact you know it's a much more complicated and they did and they were he was also of course one of the very 1st voices that people had on 5 Live because he appeared 1st of all in the in the morning with Peter Allen and Jane Garvey when they were doing the breakfast show. And then and then he became really throughout the day the voice of the weather I don't know yeah he was 1st. He came with Peter he and Peter were l.p.c. Together a lot of broadcasting and. They came over us and I'm not sure they came over as a package but this family came over as part of a big raid on l b c. Some of our learned colleagues conducted very successful raid that was tedious process Peter Allen. So here we here we are remembering Peter and all the remembering I'm sorry Philip and all the good things that that he did for us over the many years. I was saying to by the way that I remember going up to him said there's a little weather observatory right at the top of Hampstead Heath and in London and he took me up there and opened up a little weather station showed me all the instruments and showed me the way that you know people been taking notes here for centuries it's. Certainly there's continuity and no continuity is broken and there's huge money asking questions and I never met Philip you know I spent so many times and never miss him as is the case sometimes in this job the sweet pea days you know it's on a regular basis you never meet them but what would you think fired his passion and the passion for being more than just a whether person if you like. It's a frame very good question I. You know he'd done it for so long he had he had loved I think he'd. Something I never asked him that must mean something as a boy that really got him on to this but I can imagine Philip Eden in the days when you know we were boys you know reading the go colic and all I had anything and starting to take weather records because I think he was an inveterate record. And then I believe he went to help this weather station which he took me to really quite early on in this teenage years and that gave him and the interest which propelled him into a career in this and I had indeed a b.a. In meteorology So you know and then he went apparently again according to. Our friend from the Royal meterological society he went to the North Sea oil industry and he became a became a commercial weather forecaster for many years it was all from vessel as Bentley from there only so logical society it's fair to say that he breathed whether he yeah age whether any. Well. I was trying to you know. I have a good sense of him just being totally consumed and nothing I remember from our conversations was you through a curve ball Asim and it would not 1st in one moment in fact he Peter was if it was part of the script as if you were going to talk about that anyway the listeners may not know you know sometimes we would ask a supplementary question which perhaps the correspondent or the meteorologist in this case was not prepared for at all but I never remember Philip at any point source of. Have bat for time by saying for example as you just did a moment ago a very good question yes I do yes I have time time tested device a house actually I remember him always picking up straightaway and having it all or opinion or whatever it might be useful information to add to it because I'm missing him about you I didn't miss him I missed him missed him a lot yet lovely to hear you off to bed thank you so much now let's take a look back page of The Daily Mirror this morning with McKinley on the sports desk the big story line is not just a. Story that takes basically a New Castle he's accused of refuse offers of mediation to resolve the crisis at the New Castle Academy. And they play the young players demanded hearings over the racism and bullying around of the club he told a grievance making at 2 pm today with the winger Yaseen Bonnie was a civil complaint a campaign. Style forms to pick a club legend. Was revealed. Pages. They understood the 22 year old thing was. Raised concerns initially in November the representatives were offered amazingly and the media to trundle result issue. But the fly has declined as he felt he would not go far enough. To be highlighting his job he writes take trying to change the left wing applause of the club was not to have contact with players who might statements and allegations against him selves a very serious situation for page a day actually. And. Turned out to be not so big yellow been accessing yellow bit of a damp squib Chelsea near last known as one of the 1st like a car of our cup not quite the place the thrill was of the previous night with much the city looking for a little while as if they're actually going to lose to Bristol City home because they want to be in thanks to the grammars seagulls but the couple lines from the game. So the 3 match ban on the touchline who have to watch from the press box. Can I wear a critical goalless draw but the press box not normally a very comfortable place for him to watch from but it's afterwards that he quite quite enjoyed it and you get a very good view from that 1st hour for 1000 think deeply what was to see what was going on the guy myself wasn't who wasn't even went to an exciting moments when probably the one that most people were talking about the tackled by Danny Welbeck on gas and they referee cold for a video assistant referee so you could have a look at the instance and. It was thought they made the right decision in not getting the penalty so we've been in the end we didn't get a chance to use the headline Sex Lies and Videotape So which is a great shame to just hold it will hold up for next time keep it keep it yes it's a good one and they are serving those trying to replace somebody on the team yeah yeah like Sanjay said looks very much like he's going to be going to my sissy possibly for around 25000000 in this transfer window this most transfer window says he held discussions with Sanchez house No I've been told all I want to make sure they get a replacement before they can to sanction any move again hassle hang on for too long then they won't get the money any money at all from Sanchez of course you have to contract at the end of the season but it's often a life support over with Malcolm a 20 year old 20 year old Brazilian. And he's right around 45000000 pounds. Son of a machine which also interested Sanchez was left out of last night's going against Chelsea semi stalwart support you and when you think it was awful lot he said you cannot explain every television decision of the day and then said such as was focused trees etc Just about everybody was looking at Henri's and I want hunches getting shit before I get the money selling into my stiffy. Manchester United away supporters. Are the subject of a big rose really between my guess is right and Sylvia Yeah I. Get a lot of use from their own fans and others for standing up for their own fans here because most of a reporting united see life raising prices for their families because you have to stick to time and a wife fans have to be charged the same amount I do not they're also not giving them a full allocation of their white affection for the last 6 things tech like Champions League saw Old Trafford next month United saying the rounds of reactions to face decisions from the press just 89 pounds particular for their fans are travelling to the 1st leg of a 21st which which compares rather badly with what little pool fans were challenged in the alley a group game $54.00 pounds per ticket I was. About to get an almost 40 percent hike in the price of United fans and all united say they're aware of the regulations regarding prices for harmony why fans. Buy so they're welcomed with willingness to discuss these issues I'll McKinlay the matter is Top us for. From the league for anyone else this is b.b.c. 5 Live. Thanks to everyone who's. Been on the radio here Kirsty Jones has the news rescuers in Southern California say 17 people on them known to have died in the floods and mudslides search teams are trying to find more than a dozen people who are still missing 3 of them a will today set a goal of stopping all of only to pull plastic waste within a quarter of a century is part of a long term environmental strategy which will also encourage every supermarket to have an goods with no plastic wrapping. A report says hospital and ambulance trusts in England can no longer meet the standards set out in the n.h.s. Constitution and it has providers says it's a watershed moment Boris Johnson will join foreign ministers from France Germany and Iran in Brussels later to try to preserve the nuclear deal with to ram He's also expected to raise the cases of Nazanin cigar Iraq cliff and other jewel nationals imprisoned in Iran we can cross now to Henry Moran who's in Sydney for an England one day woman match England taking on a Cricket Australia 11 of the trouble in the oval here in Sydney Cricket Australia 11 batting 1st $83.00 for 2 in the 17th over Liam Plunkett had captain and Test batsman Mark Renshaw caught behind for 25 he should have had another wicked as well Jake caught a drop by Jason Roy at 2nd slip on 20 but Carter has just fallen for 16 men alley taking a good catch in Adelaide Rashid's 1st over entertaining cricket in front of a good crowd on the grass banks in Sydney Cricket Australia 118342 in the 73rd 50 over warm up match Let's get the rest. Well we could go Chelsea and Arsenal play down to a 2 to 3 in the Premier League but it wasn't quite the same story in the e.f.l. Cup semi final 1st leg if it is goal is the Stamford Bridge with a video assistant referee being used for the 2nd time in competitive in English football Chelsea boss Antonio condé says both sides have an equal chance when it comes to the 2nd leg I think. We have 50 percent or both teams have a 50 percent percentage to go in to play the final at Wembley I think today I don't concede a goal or 8 it was very important for us but at the centime we know very well that when. We are going to play in a way to get started you must be ready to fight after the game was invented confirmed midfielder Francis Conklin is leaving also and is close to completing a move to Valencia language about some a name Livingston is the only new name in England 16 months gone for the tour of New Zealand starting in March he gets a 1st test call up Ben Stokes is included though his involvement remains subject to any relevant legal or disciplinary developments there I'm see Mark what has been recalled and only 3 Ashes players have been dropped as cricket correspondent Jonathan Agnew explains it does seem remarkable that despite their repeated collective failure in the Ashes ignorance top and middle order is set to remain unchanged for the series in New Zealand even Vince survives having averaged 26 at the key position of number 322 in 12 tests overall India the only members of the ashes school to be dropped off bowl and ballots are played one Test between them and the replacement coverage nearly 2 years after his last professional fight ended in defeat he can compete at the highest level again when he returns to the ring in April Britain's former light welterweight world champion was knocked up by Mexico's Canelo Alvarez the May 26th in the 31 year old has now signed a deal with Eddie Hines Matchroom boxing and will fight in Liverpool against an opponent to be announced next week with me I'm a very hard. Can fire. You 5 part be honest with you myself on me 2 years I want to give myself 2 years because I want to be pushing very hard not let my experience win me face or my physical and all fall with my techniques to win fights for me so I want to make sure I am young I am. Quick fit and an explosive the new chair of British Cycling Frank Slavin says he's surprised that former chairman Bob how did is still the president of the governing body hadn't stepped down as chair of British Cycling in February prior to a report into the culture and practices that but remain the president I think it's safe to say I am surprised you know at the end of the day one of the reviews determined that previous conduct of the board and been inept inexcusable. So I think responsibility you know needs to be taken for that and form a new one boss Chase Carey has plans for a new race in the Danish capital Copenhagen possibly by 2020 this is b.b.c. 5 live in digital form on the smartphone and some of that good morning fog is our major challenge weather wise today wherever you are really across the British Isles could potentially be a gloomy start to fall for an unknown cloud that we've had overnight the fog certainly the most dangerous weather around for the next few hours it's quite widespread and there's also some pretty dense patches so if you're taking to the roads it might cause you some problems also if you're traveling out of some of the regional airports as well areas worst affected currently northern and western Scotland the northwest of England Wales the West Midlands central and southern England and the West Country but the east with a lot of cloud around not producing some helpful that cloud is the remnants of a weather front from yesterday and that is really going to keep the eastern side of the British Isles almost a gray I think out the day especially eastern England bringing in some trace the rain as well further west where we've got the folks. Start the day domestic through the morning keep it about 10 or 11 o'clock in many areas to start to lift up initially into low cloud and then eventually thin and break and that's the brightest and in terms of the sunshine the best chance of seeing that probably across the higher ground in the south west of England the mountains of Wales think the Cumbria we should see some decent sunshine and also across Scotland however is always the case with focus just the chance in some areas as we saw on Wednesday but it could stick through much of the day I think particularly across parts of the West Midlands and the West Country in the Central Belt of Scotland and if that is the case where you are that is going to mean your temperatures suppressed I suppose hovering just above freezing elsewhere would looking at highs of perhaps the $4.00 to $6.00 degree marks are nothing really to be had across the British Isles today I'm Susan Powell and that's your 5 life with b.b.c. and radio. People are still missing in song California rescuers now face a race against time to find any remaining survivors of the mudslides the death toll stands at 17 though the Santa Barbara County sheriff is Bill Bradley We are saddened to report that the dead. Tola has now risen to $172.00 additional fatalities recovered today the process of positively identifying the victims is a process that is slow it takes time and it cannot be rushed or coroner's office and our friends and unit are working around the clock to make careful identifications to be absolutely positive that we make the right identifications and to work with and notify the next of kin I want to say to a has lots of famous residents including the t.v. Hosts. The generous Oprah Winfrey and among them is one restaurant who would only be identified as Debbie Debbie told me that the mudslides woke up we heard the roar of the the mud and rock coming down the creek and we were worried for our tenants so we got in our car drove down our driveway which is on the higher part of our property and we've got to the parking pad where my husband went to go down the stairs there's 5 stairs that go down and he realized this is completely mud and that he couldn't get anywhere near the cottage and so we called to them they were in the house and we called 911 and asked for a rescue but unfortunately other people had much worse problems and they didn't come for us until 5 pm. Because they were my tenants were safe and. In the House and. The rain had stopped and it was just a matter of getting them out of there but then the fire people demanded that we leave because we're on the creek and they were worried for more and that night so they helicoptered us out. Well obviously I access a terrible problem several roads are closed including highway want one which goes to the Coast to Los Angeles Jonathan sound lives he's been helping the fire south of us when I spoke to him for the office. Just about as much as he could do I'm exhausted to be honest we I've been working kind of. Taking breaks here and there are working nonstop just to try and get pathways cleared to different residences that are either directly affected or you know on the on the path to the destruction path of the month slide and yesterday we were I was working firsthand with fire rescue teams leading them and private roads and other areas that were familiar with kind of leading them to residences and to see their ranch which is a hotel here and trying to help them get to where they need to be but also keeping our distance and not trying to get in anybody's away you know it's been around a day and a house now almost 2 days and it's we're still looking for people and still trying to assess the overall size of the damage done and how to how to rescue people and how to how to clean this up it's it's truly just devastating. A close friend of mine who actually lost their house completely and they were rescued 1st hand from fire fire rescue people Fire Rescue Department about at about $430.00 so this is about an hour a little less than an hour after the initial mudslide happen and today I was at the house which is well what's left of that and it's been condemned condemning now and it's just a mass I mean it was torn from its foundation as were the homes all around it and. The devastation is just profound I mean we're walking around in mud that's up to our waist. That was John sound from Monta Saito in California on the front pages Daily Telegraph there was a young lady holding a walker's crest packet nothing unusual about that you might think except that said Chris packet is 21 years old and it was just washed up on the beach this is part of the coverage of the Prime Minister's push against plastics which has on several of the front pages including the mail and they are I the prime minister makes a speech this morning at about half past 9 and she's expected to announce proposals for supermarkets to have plastic free I also introduce a 5 pounds charge on plastic bags for all shops and look at potential taxes on takeaway containers the scale of this plastic pollution problem was really crystallized by last year's b.b.c. Blue Planet 2. Just over 100 years ago we invented a wonderful new material look to been loaded into kinds of shapes and we took great trouble to ensure that it was living proof and indestructible. And you know every year we dump around $8000000.00 tonnes of it into the sea of the world. In turn using drones for the most numbers of marine creatures. That sequence really did create a tremendous response Dr Doug Parr is chief scientist Greenpeace and I asked Dr Pryor where he thought the Prime Minister was getting her advice from well if she got it from Greenpeace there would be a little bit more short term substance in the in the proposals that she's got I think she's taking soundings from a variety of places to understand that there is a very broad public mandate for action on plastics we've seen stories circulating today where consumers and shoppers are saying enough is enough we don't like this plastic. Some supermarkets being pushed back to reconsider how they're doing their packaging and that's all brilliant. So there's a broad public mandate she could talk to anyone in the street and realize that doing something about avoidable plastic waste is something that needs to be done the tricky bit is when you come to the real detail of what happens now and how to set up that framework and drive it forward and whoever she is listening to it's not ours I'm afraid because we can think that it seems the need pushing the need well let's ask about this idea of a plastic free aisle in the cinema kit. That sounds that sounds great a great fun and obviously there's a public appetite for it but I would actually happen and wouldn't the supermarkets need to be a little bit more pushed in that direction Well yes because there's no I mean this is going to be something that supermarkets do for themselves after being kind of politely asked to do so and we just think that's the wrong way round. We think they should be pushed quite hard and it shouldn't be limited to consumers over who feel moved to. Go and look look for plastic free. Packaging and plastic products it should rather be that the. The companies responsible for plastic packaging are pushed to reorganize the way in which they do things and that they take responsibility for what they're producing that plastic single use plastic but plastic in general we know it doesn't break down we know it's it's an essentially permanent feature of the landscape as soon as it goes out of the shop and I that we bury it burn it or it ends up some of it ends up in recycling and we certainly want to boost that but a lot of it doesn't now you know you don't you don't expect elsewhere people if people are selling products that are. In some way bad for you or the planet they have to take responsibility for and we think the companies who are involved in this need to take responsibility to rather than leaving it up to the consumer about whether they want to get on the plastic free oil or not now as a way of initially what do you talk about a levy or something some natural penalties so we want to see innovation driven through the different through the through the system. So that 1st of all the plastics industry pays a lot more towards the management of. The waste they produce the in the u.k. They pay less than anywhere else in your pretty much. We want to see them innovate to reduce the amount of plastic that we use in the 1st place I mean plastic is actually quite convenient that's the sort of permission to solve it it's convenient for a lot of uses but all the different ways can we find plastic that dissolves is genuinely by degradable leaving no toxic wastes kind of be reformulated using paper packaging can you avoid packaging altogether which in many instances I think the answer is yes so so they should they should take responsibility for it and not leave it up to well meaning can. Huma's to do the heavy lifting I mean she says she's going to fund innovation doesn't she's going to money or they're going to find money for innovation so that might cover some of the things you've just been talking about that's that's welcome. But it shouldn't be it's not it's not I mean we want government to set the policy set the framework set the ambition drive some use levees and charges where appropriate use regulation in other places. But in the end we shouldn't consider that this is a a public problem it's a it's a it's a corporate problem as well you know it's their responsibility to look after their stuff now you know we will have consultations later in the year on how we can use charges taxes to draw I have the right kind of outcomes the right kind of behaviors and of course that's going to be welcome. But there are some things that aren't going to happen without government leadership and without industries. Coming to the party and finding alternatives couple examples. Expand to pull a star in this essentially no way of recycling this the same is true of p.v.c. It often finds its way into recycling because you know we have. Consumers who want to the right thing they want to recycle but they end up putting that stuff in the recycling bin that gets mixed in with other plastics it lowers the quality of the overall plastic material we call it means less that can be done it's less valuable why is that still allowed to go into the waste stream in the way it does. It should be there should be. Government Leadership say this stuff is not going into Away streams in for the sake of argument 2 years time and that would be a stroke solve all sorts of problems to do with recycling it would it would force innovation to find different ways of achieving the same objective which we hope would reach you. The overall amount of plastic and what's left would be a lot more manageable does the sort of thing can only come from government. But then it goes it goes higher than that doesn't it because a lot of this stuff comes straight from trying to you've really got to get into the international stream Oh yeah yeah yeah so I mean you're completely right so one of the things that is going to be announced by Teresa Mayes that she's going to. Take some initiative at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting and that's going to be right. We we know. The u.k. Is but one country we do generate quite a lot of plastic but we are but one country a lot of problems on our on. The other side of the planet they are in the Pacific. And we know that U.K.'s wastes go goes over that u.k. Plastic waste goes over there. We know the places that they go to have a lot of plastic entering the sea but a lot of that is also from their own consumption as you rightly say so in the end we need something that looks more like international cooperation international agreements and so that the initiatives that they're taking there is very welcome but we're in a much stronger position to take those international initiatives if we've got our own house in order and if we're showing the way by actually delivering some useful solutions that can deal with the deal with what what what plastic has done for us I mean I'm not going to be holier than thou you know plastic has entered my house. I'm going to bed. I mean let's really use finish with one example seems to be commonly quoted that of the plastic part if you don't write heart of your Yagur in a plastic part. How does it come. I don't have an answer for that I mean I know we've we've made our own here at home but I recognize that's not a solution that's going to work for everybody. So so this is why I say you know we need we need innovation to be part of the picture because I can't sit here and give you answers for every single situation in which we find ourselves but what I can say is that if the person if the person or the company who invents the plastic free yoga part is guaranteed that their sales are going to going to soar then you've got a proper incentive and that's that mixture of yes businesses but also government seeking to force the pace of these developments that can lead us to a place where who knows we might even have some form of yogurt packaging that can be sold around the world invented here and that would be a great thing about to die power from Greenpeace pressing the prime minister to introduce more incentives for people to get rid of plastics food in the family of a 14 year old girl who has a child with the face of. Conic Cillian firm say that she has taken her own life over online bullying in a Facebook post the fair up power of Amy Dolly ever called for more awareness of bullying so that his daughter's life won't be wasted the haptic company Akubra also expressed its condolences and said people need to stand up against any kind of bullying here to just recap this story for us as film and Sydney well felt yes morning to you Rod So so let me get this straight she was the face of a hat company other words she's wearing a hat. Yes During an advertising Christmas campaign a few years ago when she was 8 years of age Amy Dolly Everett was the angelic face of this globally recognized brand Akubra hat one of the quintessential Australian brands wide brimmed rabbit fur and very very famous and very very popular and that is why Amy Dolly Everett back when she was 8 years of age was probably one of the best known 8 year olds in the country but we hear earlier this week as you say on social media her father take Everett saying that Dolly had taken her own life because of online bullying now her dad didn't give any specific details but said that his teenage daughter had wanted to quote escape the evil in this world and that he hoped attention on Dolly's death would help other precious lives from being lost. So her kind of brewing to suffer from I mean what was the. Whole idea. We don't know if it was connected to her appearance a younger child on that Akubra Christmas advertisement a few years ago we know that she'd been boarding school it may well have just been connected with being a teenage girl in this digital age but what we do know is that her father has invited the bullies and the trolls to her funeral so that they could witness so that they could see for themselves the complete devastation in her father's words that they had created the family has also Rod shared a recent drawing by the schoolgirl and it shows a skinny figure bent over backwards beneath the words speak even if your voice shakes and her family believe that that image those words are just an indication of the inner turmoil she felt and if you look at the statistics she's certainly not alone one in 5 Australian children 20 percent of all the kids saying that they were bullied last year so clearly this isn't an isolated incident but this has had extremely tragic circumstances in the family as we've been describing Rod want to use their devastation to try to stop it happening again. How big a story is a sinister. It's enormous because firstly Akubra hats are a big big brand here and also it is an immense tragedy there will be families all around the country and far beyond Australia shores you'd have to say Rod the that would identify with the suffering of teenagers now Australia's National Center Against Bullying says that bullying rates in this country have actually fallen slightly in the past decade but they do say that cyber bullying has increased sharply there are many reasons for that principally because the perpetrators can hide behind anonymous for SARS online and this National Center Against Bullying says that teenagers Australian teenagers are often reluctant to ask for help for various reasons there or they might be too embarrassed they might think that no one can help them but what we do know is that help is only usually reached out for among this vulnerable cohort of younger people when their situation becomes unbearable. Has the firm said anything the Akubra hat company it has sits this is one of the most famous brands in Australia being brought into a very agonizing social issue the Cooper a brand said in a social message pose that the death of Dolly effort was unfathomable and asked everybody to check on their mates this is becoming quite a national push if you like to try to encourage families and parents to talk to their younger children about what they're doing online what they do online what they might experience at the hands of others when they're on the Internet and the family wants to create a trust called Dolly's dream to raise awareness of bullying anxiety and youth suicide and as we say quite a lot of kids say that they were booted last year one in 5 that is quite a worrying number for many many parents and the parents of Dolly Everett certainly hope that her death won't be in vain that at least in the very least it will start conversations in households not just here in Australia but elsewhere about what to do when this sort of thing happens when people are online. As you said moving drawings. Of for hours about this foetal figure then threw over and saying speak even if your voice is. A moving thing thank you to Phil thank you to you all for being here with us. Tonight And this morning the sun rises in Lancaster in a 20.

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