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Marron one mill in one's Justin Rose told me Fleetwood in polls that still handsome Paul Casey have all been the opening group matches at the World Golf Championship match play in Texas so has RORY McILROY inside the woods Roger Federer is through to the quarterfinals of the Miami open Senate to face Kevin Anderson Simona Halep is through to the women Sammy's a much away from reclaiming the world number one ranking and breakdancing has moved a step closer to being included at the 2024 Parisa lympics the I.O.C. Is executive board has recommended it along with skateboarding climbing and surfing this is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound small speak of. The weather this is expected to be a fine and dry day across much of the U.K. With some that dispels the sunshine once an early mist clears and feeling a little woman windy in the far north with more clout C.B.C. Sounds prepared for the season of life easy. With a 6 Music Festival mix. And subscribes to obsess with a lot of juicy AC 12 and there's more trouble on its way here to deprave the morning after obsessing over a favorite police charge that discuss a conspiracy with special guests and following the wild theories on social media B.B.C. Sounds download the free app now to listen without limits. On AM and F.M. Around the U.K. On digital and online I was shopping up all night as a complete file I'm really happy to read that Simonize drama Darl some car food as retiring to I.T.V. For a force albeit last shootings there's a beauty about car food that the series captures admirably and also try to the people in fact there are also really deadlift of course who would give both Jerry. LAWRENCE The material for big important books is obviously the foundation but then too so is the long unhappy connection between Britain's middle class and the Corfu economy there are real lives Spiros car food I'd call for car food I definitely know what and he is a kind and generous and capable. Sorry tongue tied there I just couldn't believe I just said Car few but I haven't said Car few for many many years and I'm not going to start now anyway let's have Dr Carl join us because not only do we have Dr Karl but you have a couple of friends with him hello I do they're my new best friends forever and start over the most. Academically qualified we have a real doctor somebody with a P.H.D. So your parisite doc the person. You are far and what's your area of knowledge I'm a chronic biologist so I'm specifically looking at 6 different tolerance and looking at the K.T. Systems response to life in as a potential mechanism to understand sex differences Cron-O. Biologist Crimmins time say look it's a Kadian rhythms in what sort of people so in here inside men women specifically. We look because there's evidence out there that shows that women a less tolerant to she look wow yeah women are list tolerant Do you know this wrote I had a pretty good idea from my own experience so you are all you're a welcome guest and I know you're free so you really are thank you not a problem thank you. Well this is absolutely marvelous tell us about your other guest Well she's not quite as Holly Holly called Fudge she's part of the way to a Ph D. I'd like to point out that I have the right part of a P.H.D. So let me The introduced to the modern somebody from Canada. Ask to say about you get it. Show almost Dr Michaud Yes My name is almost Dr Michelle dimmers there there and I have it. And yet there are no i just say about all night and people would go terribly. Oh but it's not just about anything with the oh you house most couch drought really oh yeah you always have made fun of me for everything oh . Socio you sound in general yes that's right or else anyways yes so I'm partway through my Ph D. And I am starting particularly plant genetics looking at a pathology point of view so I'm looking at diseases of wheat so my specialty is genetics that as well as agriculture. What sort of wheat diseases do you look at so particularly I'm looking at this one disease called rust and it's caused by a fungus it's got this funky name of pox Enneagram unus But the reason it's called Rust is because the symptoms appear as really just rusty looking patches on your leaves so when you look at a plant that's been infected by this fungus your plant looks like it's got rust on it like rust on a car Yeah exactly really what color reddish brown crumbly powdery Yeah actually I think powder literally comes off of it in the form of spores Yeah so does that carry the genes for infecting the next bunch of we place next door over Unfortunately yes so the thing with this powder is that it can blow for thousands and thousands of miles through the air so the reason how you guys ended up with rust in Australia is because spores have literally blown across the ocean from Africa and and from the United States as well wow of thousands of miles the spores can blow that's astonishing Yeah it's amazing and the bane of most plant pathologists but still very fascinating. Well thank you you're very very welcome both of you and it's lovely to have you we're going to give Dr Karl a moment though to talk about the way that we age and I know we'll will circle back to this probably But but tell us a little bit about the fact that we seem to we seem to think time is speeding up the older we become I can't believe that there's actually science behind this. Well the 1st bit of saw ends goes back to the any doubt which is that if your father is all I seem to remember when I was a kid though going to build a bridge or build a road somewhere and was going to be ready next year and one year was an impossibly long why off into the future when all is 5 years old was a whole one 5th of modern life 20 percent but when one is 50 a project is going to come to fruition in one year will be 150th of your entire life span it will be just a mere 2 percent of your total I've spent off in the future says theory number one simply works on and this is just plain old boring mathematics that each year is a smaller and smaller percentage of your entire life so when your $100.00 then a year is only one percent of your lawful win you'll fall out of it's 20 percent of your life so that's theory number one theory number 2 came from a physicist drafty in a psychology magazine so I was alluding to a bit wary about people going I thought the potato on the other hand you often get interesting ideas and they claimed that as you get older you process you acquire and process new mental images and they said in their article the r's of infants move much more quickly they process information far more quickly than at alls and not enough is true and I didn't read the references so that was better my pot and then it is because older people viewing few new images in the same amount of actual time and the using the number of images is a measure of time it seems to them as though Tom is passing more quickly so that's theory number 2 like theory number one also unprovable but it does seem to have an element of truth in the sense that as you get older Tom does seem to go forward more quickly but then there's the 3rd factor which it depends on with how interesting the day was so on. On one occasion you got a very full day and you do all sorts of interesting things and you can delineate you can describe exactly what happened that day but on the other hand there might be days when he said we'll I walked into the building and then I walked out I was lighter I can't remember what happened but that was more die so there's a whole bunch of factors involved the doctor wrote interesting and I want you to tell us one more thing too because this is this is of great interest to think cooks and that is how we taste things and how we are aware that things are sweet and salt . Than the. 5th sense which of course gives us the the magic of cooking ha you know what I'm talking just forgot the name of it me oh my and yeah and there's a wonderful tongue map which you see all over the place and it claims that do you feel you tie certain things on the front on the saw and the bit on the bat and it's wrong so claims that you since sugar are only the tip of the tongue selling the saw is bitter the back and it begins with David Hanney who did a thesis on this very topic in Nadi 101 and he wanted to test just where the Thai spuds were most densely distributed and so he said or do a little map of the tongue and then got a little Tawny taught a little to be things and dropped tawny basic Tyson sessional people's tongues the 4 Thai so he used sucrose sugar to test the sweetness Queen which is very bitter that is for a bit up sour hard as a very dilute and for softness of course you salt and he found that there was no real overwhelming sensitivity of this versus that year there was a bit of a difference around the perimeter of the tongue not very big Not not much at all happening in the middle of the tongue Yeah Sweet was best to take to the tip of the tongue but it was and was the base but it was still very old to take the. Wasn't much of a difference bit was the opposite it was worse of the Tippit business base but still very willing to take did. So there wasn't a huge thing so he did he did. On his P.H.D. Rather impressionistic and rough graph of his father things and it included only 3 of the Tice which are sweet sour and behind not salt it was so crude the graph didn't even have any numbers on the saw it didn't even have any marks it was just sort of showing that there's a bit of a variation. Not not qualifying it OK I just sat there knowing 4240 is like being a half way through the 2nd World War this incredibly distinguished experimental psychologist so an experimental psychologist does experiments and in his case they were to do with the census and he wrote this 660 page summary of everything known to the human rights as all of knowledge 42 about the census and it was a huge monumental effort it was a great summary and he mentions this 1st work by Dr had he mentions Dr Hennig's names just once on page 452 and someone we don't know the doctor had a doctor boring that's a rather sad eyed has a sad name Farhad mine on his boring boring boring was you and I so. It's probably genetic in has a how to for many you know somebody other Dr boring or somebody else turned this unlabeled graph with 3 Tests 3 ties all into a labeled graph with linear Scout markings and an extra ticed was thrown in you know the Salah and I had Sultan bin and Sally through in Sweden and so it's very it's true in salt yeah that's true and then they miss they put in axes on the sawed and they do numbers they do a little markers and then they mess the shapes to be more extreme So what was at the front of the tongue was much different from the back of the tongue and visor. Up and that actually didn't go along with the would the doctor boring had put in it he didn't know it did he say that the sensation of sweetness was great is the tip of the tongue and virtually 0 everywhere it was caught and of implied from the graph which he may have done and by the way he also mentions the tie Saunders going back to this this not just for Tice he mentions a back in 1500 Somebody was saying that they were Tyson somebody else at 12 somebody else at 16 so there's almost certainly more ties and so that was he's working on 42 somewhere off knowing 42 somebody came up with the concept of this wonderfully colored tongue map which is totally wrong I'm being told everybody and it's ridiculously easy to prove wrong because it's got salt not of the top of the tip so just a little tiny bit of salt and put of on the very to be trying to blow me down you tasting salt now the 5th taste is that comes from the early not hundreds and it was a Japanese saw and has who is trying to work out what was his other feeling that wasn't one of the famous for and if you do the research you go back to fund it it was used by the ancient Arabs and bars entertain people when I would work with a minted Bali by the Romans and the Chinese 2000 years ago in the working with the minted fish sources and he gives an extra sort of a Melfi oh you find it in Western society now in public on a polish on a cheese is a little. A bomb and tomatoes also have it as well so we've got is that we have this fake. Tongue tie SNAP which is still around and people say but it says it all of Tice's sort of like I did on the different parts of the tongue Anyway they're all. Well you just said my entire tongue started salvia So that's the one who like the taste of fresh tomatoes but it is funny isn't it how sometimes we we empathize with you to stop to talk about something like that which is such a prominent you know a fresh tomato it tastes like nothing else. You mentioned before the would tomorrow use of the word fresh and I remember there was a big push to have these tomatoes that look gorgeous and tie stood like. Crunchy liquid with no ties pretty to look good and there's been a move towards heritage or heirloom tomatoes was the taste of you come across the ones that taste like they used to apparently grown them I've grown to really every summer grow tomatoes I do do you have a compost pile I grow them well I mainly grow them from a friend's. Manure which is produced by an all PPACA or a actually Harrod of all packages and it's well the only one that grows great tomatoes. I just love that the back composite you throw in these bits a vegetable and you add time and worms and bacteria and they come back to a few months later and this is part of dirt and worms and bacteria Whether come from there's not much less I want to say to people call us 599 Jeepers 596-938-5058 Fair Tax up all night B.B.C. Dark U.K. If you're writing to us after listening to the podcast and do remember that this week we're very very blessed to have with us 2 people who have real expertise in particular fields we've got Dr priests of a the far who is an expert and security and rhythms and night shift so I'd be very interested in your observations particularly if you are a woman out there doing night shift on who you think that night shifts differ for you from how they are for your male colleagues and we've got Dr Michelle Well almost start to Michelle Michelle to Maris who was studying plant and I grew cultures. Biology botany and this is particularly interested and diseases of agricultural plants and. The things that we are know putting into plants in order that the entire race might still actually eat in 50 or so years time I'm sure she'd be happy to talk to us about bioengineering and all I kind of thing of plants so we'll talk about that as soon as we get some questions from you on those subjects but I do just want to kind of Pichon with something from last week this is from Dennis McKeon from the school of psychology in Leeds and he says last week you remember the start car we discussed the green flash he says the simpler explanation is that it's Utah Colorado effect Juta red to green color opponents in the visual system which means are opposites starting at the red a bit you eating red process and then looking at neutral background when the sun a slip and he thought horizon and you see a pale sky will produce a short lived and station of green of course of a photograph has indeed been produced then this explanation would not hold if you actually seen a photograph I've I'm not sure that I've actually seen a convincing photograph of the green flash. When we done that thing is flying from Iceland to Antarctica hunting auroras in somebody else photographed the green flesh they did in fact photograph the green flesh on the horizon and we shared that Fedor among everybody so it is often it has often been photographed and you can get due to what's called ducting D.C.T. I-N. G. a Series of green flashes one above the other each narrow of the norm before like a little pyramid reaching above the horizon maybe 5 or 6 of these a horizontal bobs. Right so there may be a visual aspect but you're you're still going to hold out for something else because the photographs sort of they don't the other hand we're now in a different world where a photograph is no longer. Definite evidence and there are apps on some Chinese. Which you can preprogram so that they will actually make your jaw wider or narrow increase or decrease the distance between your eyes change your skin color so you can pick up your phone take a photograph of yourself as a selfie which as you know I helped envelop invent our Lisa Borden to help bring into the world and then with a photo in your hand and your phone has already changed it to look not like you a lot a lot of it yes but also it was realize assume that your colleague took the right photograph because you saw it you all saw it and that photograph passed around among you all the green Yes we'll it's getting confusing so you know rather in the last generation the can well the the 1st generation can say hey I lost my phone because when I was a kid the fun you could lose it was screwed to the wall he loses and now we're also in the generation where we contrast a photograph although photographs fakery has been around for a long time such as the little fairies at the bottom of the God Oh yeah there's a god to spiritualism a century ago but now it's actually happening between when you've taken the photograph and a 10th of a 2nd light I look at the photograph it has already made your chin more masculine or feminine depending what you want to do. Here's a question I love this because it comes from Khartoum This is from Dr Tamir who lives in Khartoum and Sudan and says that. To me here I'm not sure to be perfectly honest if you're a fellow or if you're a girl but whoever whoever you are you're so welcome and to me or says that they listen regularly to the 5 Live Science podcast while enjoying their evening walk or session at the gym so to mere wants to know what would happen to ask him to life on earth temperatures the climate the seasons if the earth were to tilt 90 degrees instead of the current 23 degrees Ah the earth is tilted by about 23 and a half degrees at the moment and on a 42000 D.S. Sokal also lays gently between 24 and a half and $21.00 and a half it is kept It is some degree bar the moon. And what would happen were to go square on that would mean that for $11.00 point in the year the North Pole would be directly deep to the spin axis the North Pole would be directly getting the full brunt of the sun 24 hours a day and 6 months later it would be into pitch will dock this. So I'm trying to work out. On here because the way we have a now is it's beans and it has some relief for morning to summarize but if it's along with Saudi ease no relief it's you getting the same degree of unrelenting sun from directly above so each kilowatt so each square meter of the North Pole at one part of the year is getting the full $500.00 watts of infrared heat and 6 months light is getting 0 so the temperature extremes would increase this is such a wonderful food experiment I can answer off the top my head easily when I was previously asked what would happen if the U.S. Were to stop spinning I was lucky enough to find an article in a geological magazine with somebody that I asked and answered this question about 20 years ago and after several hours of reading I was able to put together so we need an expert in this field however if somebody does have the ends up they can find for us in somewhere in the literature could you please put it through to and what numbers and takes numbers in the thing he should they send it to Dr Rod or send it to our text at 5 o 5 that's the that's the U.K. Text or you could send a tweet to B.B.C. 5 Live which is lowercase B.B.C. Number 5 Live. And that would be the quickest way of actually getting to us for the on the program I would say excellent good let's take a call and while we can we have a call from Matthew who's calling us from Middlesborough Hello I would I just can't believe how lucky I am to catch you. Like. Some of the doctors or whatever oh you know yes I wish you best. Congratulations 325 years you got me. Yeah I really appreciate you and you got such a series doing voice. Scourge and you know I like the way the present private sector said I don't take our lease you know 7 outs any it is something else is so so have I who would you like to in this question that is I'm not and I care but I have an insomniac and. You know you keep me company safe and he's helped get me to sleep with the left and I'd rather listen to you because like fascinating facts. Is ready I may be for like you guys night workers etc Is there any choice in the matter is it. If you were peasant night shift you can take up to 70 years of your life force the latest statistics on that one. Straight to Bruce I would say wouldn't you daughter. Well thank you for that question Matthew just quick and just to expand on your comment there congratulations again toward Rod sorry for the 25 year yes. So just sure is the statistics aren't you know confirm just yet but she flag is associated with negative health consequences so there are studies that. State that regular shift what can increase your risk for cancer for up to 70 percent 70 yes so I would the latest article that I read again you've got to take some of these findings with a grain of salt but the bottom line if you just think about how shiftwork works itself is you know the cicadas this I'm sorry the clock in our bodies that regulates the time we ate the time was late the time we feel our best in terms of alertness and how sleepy we feel this is all been evolved on a planet with a very strong light dark cycle so a sheaf work of what there it centrally doing is there combat ing millions and millions of years of the Katyn evolution by going to work at a time when their body is telling them to go to sleep and they're trying to sleep when their body is telling them to stay alert and awake and so you can imagine if your resetting this clock constantly all the peripheral clocks within the body Earle's they're going to be negatively affected so a lot in this level the worst on shift work your health outcomes highly impacted and so we know for example in women. Rights of full fertility are actually lower but yeah is this people who are on. Permanent shift work oh is that people rolling shift where they do one week here one week there one week there is they're done yet but it's a really good question and again it's kind of a area of research that's still in its infancy people have only really taken note recently but to go to your question to the call with rotating shift work. If it's somewhat worse because at least when you're doing consecutive not shifts the body can then align itself to this new schedule so if you're able to you know Shrike to get sleep during the day by you know making sure that your room is dark and cool then you can try to get into regular sleep during the day but if you're rotating where your say for example doing a forward rotating shift where you start early and then you going later and later then it's going to take the clock a lot longer to adjust so I would argue that rotating shifts are actually more detrimental then consistent notches because your clock is taking a lot longer to adjust. Do you have any preset do you have any shift patterns in your study do you ever look at whether the kind of the old nurse pattern of of you know 90 and then and then 5 off is better for you than 3 on 3 off. Yes Larry there is some research out there by colleagues of mine another is a paper by Sharper Rajaratnam professor on the rationale for Monash University where they have looked and they've found that say for example the back with rotating shifts a far better overall for your health than a little me but what do you mean by backward route to things so it's if you're starting evening they say you start to not SCHIEFFER And then the following week or the following 2 wings you go into an evening shift and then the following 2 weeks after that you going back into the day shift so again it's still being discovered and look that in a lot more detail. What way a particular look at is a lot exposure during the not so you know part of my Ph D. I ran an extensive in lab study where we just basically looked at what the effects of light on the system are and then the typically not even for NOT years it's just that evening exposure to a lot so you know any time from. Your twilight hours until just before you go to bed so we had participants coming in 5 hours before their bedtime and we kept them back in our possible time and they were exposed to various levels of want and we wanted to see what their response to the lot was. At the different intensities. Ron So says the backward rotating shifts and worse yet I bet if you go the evening then afternoon in morning that is less harmful than well or you are not I think pretty sore same as if you do the night shift and then you do an evening shift or back shift as you would call it and newspapers you know and you're working from 2 until 10 or to top 12 or something and then you do a day shift starting at 9 or 10 in the morning that that somehow more tolerable for the body over a long time. OK So then what about Rod himself who has been doing and wrote I've got to tell you how wonderful you are and how absolutely professional you've been with me for the last 15 years what it was that we've had 24 but have you had permanent not shit for the last quarter of a century Well well you see that's the point isn't it because you know and so many people listening to us know that in the middle of the 2 thousands I took myself over to the U.S. Because the primary reason was that I could I could take my working day backed instead of doing a night shift I was doing a back shift so I would start at 3 or 4 in the afternoon and I'd work till midnight or just past midnight instead of going out the door at half past 8 the evening and coming back to the house at 6 o'clock in the morning which was the night shift so that was that's what I've now been doing for almost half of my entire career on the program I think I think it's now Euclid split between real night shifts what what our fellow sufferers in the U.K. Would call actual night shifts back shifts which is what I've been doing since as I said by the year 2007 so there's a difference I should stop we should both stop for a minute and just take a refreshing break from the news 25 minutes to 4. Home digital B.B.C. Science speaking of cities B.B.C. Radio 5 Live and here with 5 live news on a Hodges. They told tentative brigs that options including another referendum and leaving without a deal have been rejected in the Commons more indicative aides are planned for Monday to resume a is told Tory backbenchers she'll stand down as prime minister if they back a deal but the D.P. Says it's still opposed to her withdrawal agreements come and speak as reminded the governments that it can't ask M.P.'s to vote on the deal for a 3rd time and less than a significant changes to people have been killed and 3 others injured in the U.S. After gunmen hijacked a car and shot as a bus one of the victims died after a head on collision joining Russia in Seattle and a slimming cook book has broken the record for the fastest selling nonfiction book in the U.K. More than 210000 or a copy of pinch of Naam have been bought since its release last week now the sports his shop now Chelsea women a 3 to the semifinals of the Champions League to face holders the women simply champions knocked out Perry Sandra man with an injury time goal to win $32.00 on aggregate and the Haye side went to Paris with a 2 nil lead from the 1st leg but she says it was never a big advantage of been in this competition too many times to know that the crowd's quality in pierced seized the fact that we had a 2 nil advantage from the home leg gave us a great opportunity but always knew that we had to score here Gordon Taylor will step down from his role as chief executive of the Professional Footballers Association when a review into the organizations finances is complete Taylor has been a controversial figure at the head of the P.F.A. Criticised for his governance and high salary of 2200000 pounds after 38 years in the role he says change will help the P.F.A. Move forward set in a style they're not to be worried they are to treat this as a real positive and refreshing to look at the review because I've got every faith in them with the work they do to be positive about it make sure that whoever comes into the lead is given every opportunity to build even more so that maybe 40 years time. Not only will be a big factor in football with my bit said Mary missed the chance to move off the bottom of the Scottish Premiership losing one nil to St Johnstone lead Griffiths who returned to training with Celtic this week after being out of football since early December dealing with mental health issues it's ahead of this weekend's Old Firm Darby England's Justin Rose Tommy Fleetwood Ian Poulter Terrell Hansen and poor Casey warn their opening Group matches of the World Golf Championship match play in thanks us as did RORY McILROY in Tiger Woods in cricket Sorry had to settle for a draw against the M.C.C. In their champion county game because of rain on the final day in Dubai series Rory Byrne said he was proud of their performance especially as us our 1st repl here out since then last season. And the way the boys played over those 4 days was was excellent. As a couple of special mentions with the bat Popey and who are smithy that was pretty exceptional what they did Meanwhile the M.C.C. Say they've reviewed the man carrying dismissal of just butler in the I.P.L. And they've decided it did go against the spirit of cricket the non-striking batsman has run out by spin Ashwin in giant pool without warning Britain's Adam Yates moved up to 2nd place it's like things Volta a counselor in Spain after winning stage 3 Roger Federer is through the quarter finals of the Miami Open tennis to face Kevin Anderson Simona Halep is through to the women semi's and one much away from reclaiming the world number one ranking breakdancing has moved a step closer to being included in the 2024 Paris lympics the I.O.C. Is executive board has recommended it along with skateboarding climbing and surfing but a final decision word be taken until the end of next year and Britain's Olympic has won a 2nd successive World Paris snowboard Championship silver in Finland that's the latest from B.B.C. Sports. Extraordinary moment the prime minister has refused to listen to let me be clear I just I don't even know is going to happen today the big. Question is now lost historic decisions it's not like this is this it's all faced with a very clear choice you just want to get on with it just really I have. Been OK can you ever just kind of really breaks it don't miss a moment on B.B.C. Radio 5 Live. The 1st 4 News and the best law school this is B.B.C. 5 Live up to date with workshop. The questions are flooding in to priest. Dot priest so if you're excuse me I'm not even going to attempt Reiser last name is that OK with you. Not a problem with me. It's great you are our security and resume expert and because it's 3 o'clock in the morning we have a lot of questions for you we've also got Dr Michelle tomorrow's who is an expert on diseases of plants particularly rust and I've got a question for you Michelle because this is from Craig in Manchester and he says I had a pair tree in my garden had a case of rust and that's years studying rust and wheat does this mean rust only affects food crops or is it find a non-food like flowers. Oh thanks for your question yeah Craig is absolutely right rust affects all kinds of plants across all plant families so it's not only our crops you know like wheat barley right oats Yes rust also affects fruit trees like pears we get rust on our popular crops which are for wood and right now especially in Australia too we're also facing a bit of an epidemic really of rust attacking our mere Taisha plants so that's the plant family which contains a lot of our eucalyptus trees that eucalyptus oil comes from but eucalyptus trees are growing everywhere in Australia there's a huge diversity of them and somehow one type of rust has done what we call a host jump a so it used to parasitize one class of plants but then all of a sudden it was suddenly able to infect all of these kinds of eucalyptus trees in Australia and it's wiping out actually quite a lot of them and it's a really big problem now that we're putting a lot of effort to solve but still it's largely a mystery but yes rust affects all kinds of plants on all levels and to people and I've got to let you know other people get in with their questions do people spray for this or do you what's what's the best way to counter it. Well if you have a long like a long term plant like a tree the thing is once your plant has been infected by something like rust it's going to stay and yes if you want to get rid of it you would have to spray it with a fungicide So the thing with the plant immune system it's a little bit different from what we have as humans so our human immune system is adoptive So when you get infected by something you get sick for a while and if you're lucky or if it's not too strong your immune system will learn and it will learn to recognize the disease in a lot of cases and then you know forever and you are immune to that disease the problem with the plant immune system is that it is not adaptive So it's going to be a hit or miss So if it's going to be infected by this and it's going to work it will be forever susceptible to that disease and it's going to fight it off it's going to fight it off and that's it so really the best kind of resistance we can give to plants like our crops that are short lived so for example grasses like your wheat or you're right you grow them for one system and you're done that's when you know plant breeders have the time to manipulate the genetics and what will happen is one crop might get really badly infected we look into the genes and we try to find new resistance genes because if you have the right genes your plants are protected from the day they sprout until the day they're harvested or they die either or and that's what we tried to do but for something again that's like a tree it's really hard to breed trees because you might have to wait 101215 maybe even 30 years for your trees to actually produce seed and by that time you're probably going to be retired so it's a bit of a different story in a case like that so for something like a tree fungicides are really the best way to go with us. Michelle thank you very much for the moment let's take a call from Gene in Sussex Hello Jeanne good morning aren't. Good morning everyone my question is I am totally blind and I have no concept of daylight on night however shoot I still close my bedroom cartons to keep any life taught. Hi Jane thank you very much for that question so yes. The reason being because even though you can't detect image and so you're aware of the classic rods and cones that we use the image detection yes to have this other class a photo receptors that unlike the rods incurring they have a direct input into your central clock so that cicada in system and so there's been really interesting research firm professors they can work with a lab over Harvard University where they've actually found that if you are visually impaired you can still detect light so your system can detect light even though you can't perceive it your way in the cold but it's I.P.R. G. Stage the short but the intrinsic further receptive ganglion cells and so they're netted across your entire retina and so you can actually capture light even though you can't perceive it if that makes sense as either one of the key to the pineal gland was a guy who talks about those blue lot and her sure so as Dr Catherine but with the archaeology so yes they detect lot star they have a direct input into the cicada in system so the stupid cosmetic nucleus. So basically what's happening with blue lights the reason why we're so sensitive to it is if again you think about a planet where you evolved on so when you. You know out in the day that is a you know blue light that you're being exposed to germs in the night or as you know we shift from day to not the lot becomes blue depleted which is why during the not if you're going to be using why you want you know red in rich life or and the reason for that is because. I mean sort of responsive to blue light. If you're exposing yourself to that before you go to bed it's the pressing you melatonin levels a militant and an on off switch so the minute you're exposed to lying whether you can see the light or not the pineal gland will stop producing melatonin Oh that's very interesting thank you and it's a lot of not a problem it's great to have a great one. Yesterday that's fascinating you know that's something I've often been aware of too that if that was like coming in and even if you had big I've often had these big I'm off so on my eyes you were somehow aware of this light in the room and you've just explained that for us well. Let me take a. Let me take a quick question off the phone why don't we die on us calling us from Bungie Hello Diana hello nice to talk to my 1st today I well I because everybody else's comments about your programs I love your programs. I can hear you thinking when you were interviewing somebody I can hear you all thinking I'll spot you can really hear the wheels grinding Yeah it's good to pause for obvious thought What is your question Diana. What my question full thought to call Sky still my question for Dr call either one would just go for it one by one or the other one of the other I think one of the I love. My 1st question which because Bianca mentioned electrical activity in the brightly it reminded me of the fact my son recently had a scan. I'm not sure it was and I'm all I scan Oh no he was told or so I was so I realized that I. Many years ago. You'll feel as if you're paying but you don't know . And of course they all face responses support I did then to love all so and also I'll still watch video all day do you think to all school I because I didn't tell my daughters I said you just love. To start call no why why why do we fail if we're paying them but when no is not something to do with electrical activity in the brain. At what time of day or not what sort of circumstances do you feel here and I Ding as opposed to actually not your ID but you feel about it was cheering the scan on the M.R.I. Scan ology the M.R.I. Scan and had they did you remember they had which I'm sure whether it was cheering the injection there is a injection and checked a chemical down and kill. Oh for cats' care like they may inject an auditing based chemical before an M.R.I. Scan and they generally don't inject anything OK what props for props it wasn't an M.R.I. OK so was the CAT scan and usually it was odd which gave you a hot flush and then they changed it for something else so I don't understand enough about the latest contrast medium so this is so that as the X. Rays go fully into your body they will be delineating for example the blood vessels by being OK to express and therefore giving an extra good image of the blood vessels not enough information will have to know what it was I suppose I have to look this up it is my life in the snow yeah that I recently saw a photo of you and I always say you know nothing that told us I much and you every every way when I listen to. Was that the one with me was the beat of the HOF be it or you know they had a big No I just went on to your website to look well. Because off we call you THINK you very much so we don't have that Reza for you Diana thank you. I'm sure mom talking to you thought to call you yet. You still know your way that about Austria about about 5 J When you said Don't you know all reaction was they all face wall no no I no I think rightly I should come out just just that you look look at what particular web so I started and I feel its W W W A S I thing you can buy dot info I need click on the research top. And you will find loads of research that I spent on on no law and I think rightly I should also affect the last pay poll. OK I'll have a look at the review was self published in respected journos. There's my decision that I didn't. Think was argument that we're going to be having and in time to come to. Actually because I thought well Rod might like to look as well Chrissy obviously also for a reason should die and I thank you thanks very much indeed let's see what else we can get up to in the next. Few minutes this I think this is for door to preserve and it's it's anecdotal Dr Priest I think it's more if you your information than almost anything else Fiona the lady van driver writes to us and she says I'm a 41 year old female I work night shift for 2 years of hand driver I drive approximately 300 to 400 miles a week sorry. She says I drive approximately 350 to 400 miles every night 5 nights a week my health as a CD is to dramatically since stay on this role in particular menstrual cycles all over the place and heavier I get spots all over my back my carbs are twice the size and I have lots of extent pagans and gosh well 1st of all does that square with any of your research in the area. Absolutely 1st of to fear and. I do apologize that you're experiencing Nancy but your question is something that I'm looking at now P.H.D. Where with so we already know already that you know the Kadian system is an indulgence system that roughly keeps to about 24 hour rhythms right and this Clark has massive influence at the mosque the clock governing all the other systems within the body that includes the end crime system the reproductive system. And so the women on shift work we know are from observations in the lab that it seems like it's a great a challenge and this comes from observations where we are not sure for a mention that you know they have got more health complaints more sleep disturbances they have higher absenteeism from work and they have more workplace accidents and injuries during the no I than men despite having near identical injury rates during the day and so. During as part of my Ph D. We actually looked at performance on a simulated sheaf work study so we assessed alertness levels every 2 hours when we were depriving a known shift working population health the other was where we assessed their alertness levels every 2 hours and we found that overall women perform worse than men but when we split them by a menstrual phase. Being the follicle a phase or political phase it was the poor performance of the women in full a killer phase that were actually driving those sex differences even the women who approve of your ration Yes we're performing worse from the women who are post of relation with regard to alertness correct Wow And so we suspect this is because between the flick you'll face so that's the start of Menzies to just before you ovulated So in that phase your core body temperature is at least 0.4 sorry there's a 0.4 degree difference OK And so with local body temperature comes lower alertness levels and so we already know our firm that work that you know the vulnerability and shift work in women is driven by those hormonal changes across a mental cycle. Now if you're doing shift work for 2 years and you know that there's this constant disruption on the system then it's going to have this knock on effect for your actual menstrual cycle because you've got you know disruptions in the way the hormones of the creatine. And just the fact that you're constantly playing catch up is going to lead to irregular. Cycles so you might have a $28.00 day cycle on average before you start Shiflet when you take on Shiflet and if it's for an extended period of time you might experience a man or a you know so that way your you know not having a mental cycle at all or you may end up having what you're experiencing you know which is a sporting or you know like a heavy flow when you actually do get your period sorry unfortunately because women have been kept out of research in fields for quite some time where they are really playing catch up with that. I look forward to having a better answer for you in the future but it's definitely something that's important and definitely something that we we're looking into for now just when you can try to get as much sleep as possible and yeah look after you have a cough there's up for you and I mean if it would it would occur to some of us are supposed to say to the boss is there any chance I could get a job on days but there may be all sorts of reasons why you are working nights but but as priestess says look after yourself because there is good science to explain what's happening to you and it would be it would be in your best interests I would think from more everything that praises saying if you were working nights actually because you know you don't want to it's not all about the job sometimes but. Let's go on let's take another call from Alan who's calling us where where you calling from alum Wilton those impedes Well Vegas we've only got a couple minutes so if you could be very quickly a question then we'll be sure to get it in. Full effects are very worrisome she's we talk about from them I was a. Little I fix you take your wake when I'm watching television or on the computer or a folder say dumb ass how interested I am much of what you. Oh say the Street Journal I tell him. And try it in style Why not join some call it male white or white. Is there any way that I can readjust it back to no one place well. Thank you very much for that Alan the short answer is yes you can or you just before you do that you'd want some more information so my question to you would be . Is it the lights so is it the exposure to the computer or the T.V. At night that you know shifted you from sleeping during you know the night to day or is it the fact that you're constantly sleep deprived and now fully asleep at odd hours and the other thing is you can actually get your G.P. To refer you to a sleep laboratory where they basically put some electrodes on you and they measure . A.G.C. And other parameters and you could also have something called delayed sleep phase the thought of. But I wouldn't jump to that until you've maybe looked at your own sleep habits and your lot exposure talk to J.P. See if you can get in for a sleep test if you haven't already and there may be a slight possibility that what your experience it is something called the S.P.D. . I'm 60 I'm sitting on the mall you know I mean. You go to bed in the afternoon. Because I've been. You know I turn it off because we. Threw up on the slate. Yeah I am not sure what's going on there I would say that your experiencing the Kadian misalignment and that could be from either prolonged exposure to. You know lots of times that aren't in sync with what your clocks telling you or it could be something else that could be something in your sleep but I do recommend if it's you know something that's concerning then you should just. Thank you very much if you see your G.P. . Listen we've got a very interesting time that was Dr Bruce survey the far who are doing a Ph D. And so he. And Michelle Damaris Michelle thank you you must come back we'll talk much more about the genetics of why thank you Dr Bob I saw by all the best March this C.B.C. 5 my. That's 4 o'clock type of B.B.C. News with. The main news on 5 live in peace give no majority supports a brags it alternatives and in sport Chelsea women are through to the Champions League semifinal this is B.B.C. 5 my. The government says it's now clear it's a reason May's deal is the best option for Bragg says after M.P.'s rejected a whole tentative those New Jersey in the Commons for any of the other options which included a customs union with the E.U. And holding in the referendum chant.

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