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Might be. A very good morning to. The Late Show with a Russell welcome to Friday 7th of Jack. And his producer Darwin we've got to stop doing this I know because. This is to do you know what right now we're going to level with you on this you spend any time with us in this place I've mentioned before is full of television. I think I've talked about how I leave anything that's not news yeah on the screen Yes just look it over from the news always away from the news is permanently on one of the telly so I don't need it on the data we don't need to duplicate this massive screen above the same size but once divided into 4 it's got 2 news feeds going on sort of sky and B.B.C. Radio in a clock studio on a clock and then ups above it there's a big. Screen that usually House 8 this news channel to get inside now we don't need it we've already got it yes so we don't need this so as a as a thing I like to leave it on for example when the breakfast breakfast show is torn from the headlines. From the Headlines Lou by creating craft a likely fine for the yeah I like to leave talking pictures on for the producers of that program so it's got some kind of 1950 S. Informational station film about Bristol that's. A Believe you me that's not joking. Grail is to. Create a craft to leave on the but then the shopping networks all of. James directions direct. Also sell or occasionally I see V 3 so when the break for shows on the go like the professionals or something like Mike and. However one of the favorite things that we adore. On it Food Network my goodness we've got to stop doing just I just wish it were not watching it as such but it's in our island Yeah and there's a man making heavenly things all right take us listeners was month versus food oh yeah it's just fun it's ridiculous because the months trying to eat like a ton of hot. Yeah you know a kitchen sink full of ice cream and we see all of this. But then he comes on to dice Dr I said Yes Guy Forget it I love to put he said yes he's showing us sayings that you'll never be able to buy now running. In the States and he said it is cold . As any show city shorts the spike. In a great time where they go now K.C. Steak Oh I. Read. Thoughts. On Green I'm not doing this a steak was in. Turn the television off now because it must be destructive the breakfast shows and it's not that it's distracting me it's just it's tangling things if it is well that is not going to be anything that good outside of the studios know that I'm not going to walk past it I don't want plus quite a few. Fast food outlets on the way home there's never going to be anything like that in there no one's aged the meat for 45 days just to make a sandwich having wrapped it in law Yeah there's. This thing I sometimes I mean this really annoyed me this genuine need or it would sometimes you'll get things of each asked. It's when you get to people from certain organizational bodies who are trying to promote cities and towns and yeah they start trying to describe places 24 hours City Yes And you think no no it's not. OF LONDON Yeah yeah bits of London. Not many not many but there's nowhere outside. Cities like you know it's no such thing so for us all the times I've been down to London I've only once found a place a roast and. Really yeah. To the man sort of it's ridiculous roast in a substitute lunch. Fish and Chips and the kind of traditional British staples that you know every poll. Which we didn't get. In there in London well sprouts. You know. The only place I've ever been to. 2 places in the states really a little place of a bit less figs and Chicago yeah in the past or a few of the places for long enough to have a cup of coffee that moved on both of those I would call 24 hour cities I could we could go. 3 o'clock in the morning for breakfast 8 o'clock at night if that's what you wanted Yeah the Dyna culture is just different Why don't you know that if you love it's. Not you can't get a bacon sandwich after 11 o'clock that's what I'm saying you know I'm everywhere placing. Breakfast Now why why you know the queue out the door. Which. The 9 and 11 exactly why do you think after that yeah keep the bangs on he's going to go all day yeah old a bag Sunny's you know who's going to step step into this either the Illuminati or hipsters. Autism the bacon on the street go I remember listening to Donny break and he was talking about when him and the Chris Evans were doing T F I Friday oh yeah and Chris heavens was just like the money coming in all over the place it was just you know it was a golden boy it was the it was just everything you touch turns gold and he thought right well we're going to standardize the British calf. The standardized British cattle going to chain of them. And we're going to have your old a bright 1st shepherd's pie. Started standard meals and just go right this is that somebody else can deal with pizzas and lasagna isn't the we're just having deep fried chicken and whatever. Where having. I just never came to anything the Ramadani bags I was I'm one of his big regrets because he was like yeah I'm all in for this if you want partners I'll definitely go for this. Hard to come from places just round the clock cafe knowing that it's a ginger café. He said he was going to call the Yankee office. Even to get from a greasy spoon most of the time you're going to be fine you know. Like double sausage double bacon double spam at the AFI around the corner from me upstairs involved in the Obama Yeah that was good and I hope the cross. All the cost of it was climbing down behind bars the market ages has gone you an eye on them yeah. I mean this is a lovely food available punting on. Wakefield Wakefield they're all market all that was fantastic. And was a real lovely kind of a kind of a cure just from the Kona. One and use we both staged. The red back to Travelers Rest of the 24 hour that's the only bit of 24 hour cafe culture yes the Redback. Took us cafe at least we found one yeah any truck is listening right now if you know the read back to the whole and what. Holds for read back. So. We could do that if we were youth program rebellion I'd like holding to read that that's what we local girl that's what we do but we're not a you know welcome. New crocodile Mr New crocodile and a new crocodile is going on we have the alligator started the other day and he gets some like on it Wanna you wanna go out on a doorstep and then this one comes along should a named done DAY BABY BOY Yeah cause a couple of the family of the crocodile I'm Officer I think it might be I mean that the reporter may have made that up I would have no way of proving you're wrong. She had a posher X. Of the ME so I just had to believe Krokodil him off was that one of the things he. He made a PLUS the same because for the plus to see to. The Bristol area. Would you like a quick couple of stories yes please zits go to. Move you have bonafide the actual Germany young vol. 2 I do my German accent I've got a decent job and I think I told you from keep your blue suede shoes behind the curb is essential Germantown where Elvis Presley was stationed as a U.S. Soldier in the fifty's. Has installed 3 pedestrian lights with images of the American rock icon of late and the Elvis traffic lights nice the red image but remains dangerous OK right the regular roll. You've got to stop. The singer striking a pose a microphone so he's like that's all oh yeah if the hips are just about to go green full swivel dance. Go Daddy go yes they went online this week in the town of Friedberg. Who died in 77 they often helpfully point. Were stationed at the right barracks. Friedberg north of Frankfurt already has Elvis Presley Platz nice and decided to add these lights as an added attraction for the many Elvis fans who were to do the pilgrimage that's good because I thought it was kind of tiled off so wasn't much of least some celebration of his full to the 1st with one of us we've been dying left you know there wasn't much really you know it got lost amongst all the things. Look at Dyer's like done proper. Is not love. You know in Memphis Boys not in Memphis that is great there's proper improper green elders do it he said it with all their eyes you know. Why not do something like that to reflect it's a lovely idea. At the top. Anyway. So Ellis traffic lights in Germany. Will go to. America. A little olive to see. How do they speak. To see if I could draw on my many years of experience you've seen as Tara Sugar's Tyrrell for the given is talking. To be an X.-Men measured should. Be Smith has been here. Honestly Patrick Stewart Scrooge Yeah Channel 5 every year. I was saying before have you seen the receive the US The don't bug also remembered Ross Kemp did a version of I.T.V. Updated version of Broken Britain and here I was like. That collects a kind of screwed so I wasn't just like the money lender's Scrooge it was the one that went round and smashed at U.T.V. If you didn't buy it but wow Ross Kemp lost that's true that's got the early days of golden handcuffs and then a little over an. Well how many people and people that you wouldn't expect of played Scrooge in this big gallery of Scrooges and you've got nothing to hide who have you seen play Scrooge there is an Alice to 7 or Patrick Stewart or Michael Caine I got the D.V.D. I told you of the truck pull on swore at me a moment Steve of course to watch at some point the great jugglers. What I'm presenters Yeah on his nails. You know who else have you seen play Scrooge to do would have been great I don't know why he's just appeared in the mind bra is would have been a fantastic wires in his later years I don't usually is still too nice and clearly Richard E. Grant Aviv know Paul has. Margo for heaven's sake that's a very good yes right but it doesn't survive at all I've never done a Richard bra is really good I've never heard of it as he looked surprised before that was perfect Paul. Know that the what was his polling to go to him in my mind as Molly carrying his chains. Hang on a minute we've we've managed to combine A Christmas Carol with ever decreasing tools. Of the good life although he let him. The other gigs around and. That was that was polled the character well narrative Oh yeah the good Jerry. Jerry Molly. Was that you. Said Jerry because a good one. If it was a city from a television network slippers if you could know. Jim Carrey. Animated. No one. Will writes it. Anyway let's go thinking that which of the grunt would become very scary he'd be a very good scourge so tall and thin and imposing You know what and he's I'm sure he's a very nice man I've never met him Richard E. Grant I would believe him being Scrooge but I wouldn't believe the redemption no that I don't believe in being happy couldn't believe. We're about to POULDER. And you are to Allington Virginia. A large scale cheesecake giveaway I like this already clogged not only arteries but road surrounding the Virginia restaurant with one person taken to hospital whoa and faces a disorderly conduct charge goodness Allington County Police received calls Wednesday breaker go on 9. Robotech. We've got a 1527 cheesecake connection traffic disruptions at the Cheesecake restaurant in Clarendon which was participating in a giveaway 40000 cheesecake slices cut and in conjunction with a full delivery so yes. Police spokeswoman Ashley savage nice. Hi I'm. Free. Punk she could get to that nearby roads were jammed would be delivery drivers would double parked. A spokesman for the company that was doing the delivery side of this said the food company is is aware of the incident and cooperating with local lord for cooperating one individual refused police commands to leave the restaurant to resisted efforts at removal while GO TO DO we didn't get off Savage says the individual requested medical attention or was taken to hospital so we'll wait further investigators but it reads cake give away the goal kicked off crazy all kicked off what was it the other way when we saw the photograph in Island when that opened up a. Krispy Kreme. Was and was it it was an I think it was a Krispy Kreme is in Dublin to think and he just gridlock the city yes. No people there from like 5 am People love it now for this. SIMON. I fried a genie from a lamp a grant to me a wish. I said I want the mightest touch and everything I touch turns to go problem was I had a cold and given the minus touch everything turned cold. And. It was a long session with it in the end Bill Murray says Malcolm $1000000000.00 Yeah it's a good one the kind of. A big shot he screwed with Brian blessid will he be the ghost of Christmas present present you'd have to be person hours when you can pretty or what Yeah he couldn't do screws Robbie Coltrane did a blackout and he was go yeah whoever does that rolls got to be larger than life. Form brushing on the noble house how. He quite interested in those subtlety in it that no sympathy for him and Richard E. Grant chewing the seem to. Have a voice. But which a bride there is Cratchit But yeah it would be a really good friendship. So keep your eyes peeled someone to be sure and honest a sim someone will show Michael Caine and Channel 5 Patrick Stewart. Alongside Moby Dick while with it. It's a 20 pot. Been said Van Gough for the midnight Oh yes I was because I don't see Scott didn't vote in the mini Did you see. The shaft in every Yeah. I mean American accent the world's angriest American Scrooge. I don't know poor How's that . Thank you. For the made by oh boy who loves much. Much more of his well. Thank you made. The BE. The best . Was. Michel. Music on the way got toto Lucas Graham Calvin Harris Sam Smith a bit of Michael Jackson as well fact of the day will be on before 1 o'clock without learning new should be wished. And some must see T.V. . However. Time to return to Wales. For the final episode of the week of a child's Christmas in Wales Dylan Thomas read by Carrie Smith So we were we had this fire at the proper Rose House. And it was it was quite the occasion there were kids who play snow balls in the firemen who went in with a big hose managed to get Mr Prothero outside before they switched the big guy was all. Normal settled from that list sitting around exchanging stories the children and the adults and the Talking about the snow that fell from the sky the postman who would walk up and down the street as the child is about to us. Track to. The door track. That is that the children are inside them. I only his son does sometimes have a back. There which is too inside. No. Blocks no white that frees up to bite bishops and store. And they run their Tidelands over that bandage down over the frozen foam of the Bow down and I scream mugs. And the old postman with a bow on his back no. Doubt chased around on the. He went in his ice bound boots like a monologue fishmongers slabs. He was like a frozen come loose how. Does it lead to in the corner on one foot and by God he was gone. He was gone. Wagged his bag of frozen couples a. Line on fish when the sled. Story returns Monday night we were turn our attention to the presence the burned of the trees Charles Christmas in Wales Dylan Thomas Harris Matthews reading at 1030 always the repeat off past midnight cheer on The Late Show on your B.B.C. Toto in Africa or in a 2nd is love someone from Lucas Graham. Wake up and. A go with me now. I'm still scared. 2 because. The coming into. Me was above so. The same. Should throw. The bad news. Is really the best. Subject. The buy stuff to know. With the fall of suburbia. The books of. The booming. The be the big. The bridge with. The boom . Was followed splash. As the slowest the boob. Tube I must. Submit this column and. Sluggo Classic that is Africa by Toto Lucas Graham love someone I want to read your Lincolnshire. Michael Jackson Calvin Harris and some Smith heading your way very very soon a little choice a must see T.V. As well. Sheffield Albert Finney. Who seeing all those analysis him Patrick Stewart Michael Caine play Scrooge Albert Finney in the 1970 musical adaptation of Scrooge has always been a favorite in our family really you sent me a link to a an online video it's called I Hate People Scrooge the musical I have to check this out when I go. Also I get half of that there must have been hundreds and hundreds of out of taste is. Most of them of sort of you know gone away into into the history of going into the vaults of the television companies and. Bring a few of them back home asr isn't a channel just entirely dedicated showing different versions of Christmas carol on a loop from the 1st of December to midnight on the 26th of December you know just for that time do nothing but show Christmas card. By the idea that those at the director general will get straight on it tonight's must see T.V. Though it's a very new series it's been around for 6 series I want to start a fresh one it's 8 o'clock tonight Channel 4 strange thing is with with both of the the guys on this program is I really don't like the shows that they do individually but I quite like the one they do together I think they temporary each other in quite a nice way and I'm Joy 8 and this is like Jamie Oliver and Jimmy of course Jimmy Dr. And the series where the got like a cafe at the end of Brighton pier and celebs come along and everybody cooks a few dishes and they give a bit about about let me tell you about you know how we fall like this and they go here there and everywhere it's a brand new series if you've seen it before you know exactly what to expect the 1st guest cooking their own meal is Jody would take us Dr Who is in attendance at the end to brighten your N.C.C. And I must see T.V. 8 o'clock tonight on Channel 4 that's followed by Gogglebox all the jungle on the other side which. I how. Is it. Is it. It's. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Listening. B.B.C. . And. Long. Long. Long. Long. Long. Long. Long long. Long long. Long. Long. Long. The. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut cut cut. Cut. Michael Jackson. Heading up to 5 minutes to want to wear the team for mobile night arrival. Told from the headlines good conversation as well and so was a lovely showed the effect of the day will take is that just having a look around. As. My city looking at I am stunned at how many people. Other than Alice dissin Patrick Stewart and Michael Caine if we see play every day he's a Scrooge on Ted and I for the life of me when we said this midnight I could not have believed. The list of names now Jim Carrey is one that we did remember from the animated version so he was that Tom Hanks in The Polar Express. Albert Finney in Scrooge Thank you Andy in Sheffield for the notes about the musical version I will check it out. But there are the names like George C. Scott. Tim Curry played Scrooge. Upon half of me remembers seeing. Him most of it on one day Christopher Plummer Kelsey Grammer as did it rich and when Simon Callow. And i once you get past this this. Well as there is quite a lot of different people that turn up on the. Jack Palance Ultimax. I would love to see Walter Matthau do Scrooge. Buddy Hackett Robert Morris George Cole. They were good. So the answer to how many people have you see play Scrooge is is loads frankly absolutely loads of them. Only am many of them are going to be all over the festive period I do hope it is more than just like the usual bunch the usual handful they owe it to is for a bit of variety. Anyway that's pretty much nothing which most of the show is about as far as we go tonight thank you so much for your company really calls texts emails and tweets most importantly company even if you had struggled to get through to us tonight because these problems like the phones have been having all the way through the day. Thank you Hope Ursa very lots of lovely set sounds brilliance it sounds and a half hours of power coming up and free for all Friday is going to be here a little bit later on tonight we are going to bookend in with both Cox for obvious reason keep your eyes peeled Facebook dot com slash late night Russell when you see the post go there you can get your requested and be nice to look for to the company for listing on radio Lincolnshire have an ace weekend I will see you Monday night at 10 would do it all over again the big finish next. 5 of course at this time I welcome local radio stations recalls the B.B.C. If that is you than Good morning I'm Lisa McCormack the main news on 5 Live to apologize is after a data outage hits millions of customers and in sports Anthony Joshua's come. On his W.B.C. Belt is the top priority. I don't know if you got the new B.B.C. Saw and sure you can listen to this show want to you can also listen to all of our music radio podcasts as well make sure you subscribe as well as he did with any episodes. This is B.B.C. 5 I am a B.B.C. News I want to claw kids Doughty McCloy it says it's working through the night to solve a problem that's left millions of customers without internet data on their mobiles the company's apologized saying it expects services to be fully restored by the morning the disruptions also affected bus timetable information. And businesses Tom stone works for a packaging company we have colleagues at work not just in the U.K. But I have a year and it's been massively affected from production staff through to external Representatives delivery drivers who are out on the roads are paying travelling from the north of England south of England not once as much fun going out of no service a senior Tory M.P. Says he'd welcome a delay in next week's Commons vote on to reason May's breaks it deal if it would help address concerns over the controversial backstop designed to avoid a hard Irish border the prime minister suggested giving M.P.'s a role in deciding when to activate it his own political correspondent Nick Clegg some are saying to the PM Look if you can't give the clarity that we need to get this through just no delay and so Graham Brady he's the man who cheers the group of backbench Conservative M.P.'s the 1922 committee has told our friends at NEWSNIGHT exactly that leading universities are failing to attract a wide enough range of talent that's according to the Sutton Trust research by the charity suggests Oxford and Cambridge recruit more students from 8 top schools than almost 3000 other English state schools put together Oxford says it must work harder Cambridge says the should be more support for students the number of attacks on cash machines has nearly doubled in 4 years a report by the A.T.M. Operator card tronic.

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