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B.b.c. Radio only. B.b.c. News at 7 o'clock Good evening this is Clive subtle germy Corbin says a Labor government would seek to be in a new customs union after Bragg's it the party leaders announced he wants a deal that leaves the u.k. With Terry free access to European markets the leader of the Liberal Democrats of ins cable says it's a welcome policy shift but only a minor one on the the bigger issues around the single market is still in Virtual of the same position stories of the day still arguing that we can have our cake and eat it except in his case he wants to pick out the red cherries around and the blue raisins the the bits that might impede a movement towards a socialist economy about a man has been jailed for 19 years after studying his wife over 20 times to count the money wrongly believed she was having an affair after overhearing her talking to a man on the phone tributes are being paid tonight to a boxer who died after about in Doncaster 31 year old Scott West Gulf collapse after winning the fight at the dome is trying to clean roads from the Sheffield boxing sense that everyone there is heartbroken over what's happened in our council reports from Doncaster deal with the response to the death and there's been a huge reaction from the boxing world including from the former world champion Frank Bruno who said he's very saddened to hear a boxer has lost his life my thoughts are with this family at this difficult time and Eddie Hearn the boxing promoter has said on Twitter after force and can go on and says I with a family of Scots Westcott our fundraising page has been set up it's got a target of 10000 pounds but has already raised hundreds of pounds police have identified a man whose remains were discovered in a farmer's field in South Yorkshire the family of 62 year old Martin John Radford who was last heard from 3 years ago have been informed his body was found a London sways near Barnsley a couple of weeks ago police are appealing for dash comfort each other a fake Lacson to meet in which a 47 year old motorcyclists was killed in a separate crash in 84 year old woman died near. To buy Benny out of the car she was traveling in crashed the 89 year old driver is in a critical condition in hospital a program highlighting the work that we feel is hospice in Leeds does it on the B.B.C.'s one inside out program tonight it's been providing emotional medical support to people with a terminal illness for 40 years 69 year old Carole was told 2 years ago she had terminal cancer this is what I like about wheat fields is when the same She's been nurse it comes out of the pilots in this fire. She have ses the wants one is. The only one that matters 3 people have been arrested during a protest against tree felling in Sheffield It happened during a demonstration on Phone 6 road in Nether range and a 60 foot sinkhole which appeared on land at ripping leisure center won't affect plans to build a new swimming pool bar accounts law so says there's nothing to suggest the sinkhole is connected to 3 recent test drillings there Well just finally further wintry shows ahead of heavy persistent snow during the early hours as temps has plunged to minus 4 Celsius $25.00 degrees Fahrenheit and that's b.b.c. News it's now 3 minutes past 7. If you are in the grip of the beast. In the name of. Tell us about you. Will be celebrating the. Competition. But just cringe at the memory. The virus must be missing and show it sounds. Like out your neck of the woods because knowing is a new interface. I mean. I haven't seen any today really not to speak of but just depends where about you are in the world tell us if you've got any dodgy weather and also we're talking head as well yes the mullet Did you ever have form I have something almost approximating on which is hard like to think was a slightly glam version of a mullet but maybe it was at some point when I say I had one it was probably in the late eighties so you know you know me I was at the very forefront of fashion so what about you tell us about the head use you had did you ever have a perm I had a perm ones why I've got naturally curly hair I cannot tell you the phrase bald there's appears on my head I looked blooming terrible it was a very hideous look it also but the side of my face as well so never again but we've all done it have we were all had their heads and who has that what belonged person hasn't decided that they might go red and put you know red dye over blonde hair and ended up looking like a piece of candy floss Yes I've done that and I'm sure you have to give me a call and tell me about the head too that you really wish you hadn't had we can talk to me about anything you like as happens in call me over 34530858 text 81 triple 3 Start your message with the word Georgie that's George with a y on the end or you can email Georgy at b.b.c. Doc tell you k. Do tell us the headings you wish you'd never had. The b.b.c. Radio. The jury is. Going to. Come. From Korea. Psycho. You'll know it's not a happy thought. Which token had to use tonight yeah but we really are basing this on the back to the mullet was the epitome of style in the eighty's still lives in one small Australian town called Cory. He is home to mullet fests now this weekend more than 180 people competed in 5 categories including the grubby mullet the ladies' millet and the Jouni a mullet. Well when I heard it was a model of best you are now going to build pressure from Allah about Malala the boy 6 you say Oh. Yeah baba get a broader war in the brain and. While it's a school of thought here for now are good at table of knowing here the telling ourselves that sound I actually haven't had the money for the long run we got it right here employing them all a haircut for a 16. Hours it's easy to cut out that this is a problem caused by actually doing my cards but if I want to throw a bunch cultural haircuts. About going to get a grandma play for the sick on the draw it's all of them off. Into and out of the time that I still lie ahead and all my friends are telling me that I want one but. I don't think a lot of people where probably and I would I just love the because a lot of kids talk I only know I belong a. Oh a lot of people call where a to get him I see it's a matter of whether you can wear me to know whether you think it's tasteful or notes and tell you something else well that was some of the contenders from mullet Fest held over the weekend as I have to have one now gone be honest maybe you'd like to admit some of the hair crimes with a whole tongue the Believe me getting to coming up I'll be talking to the top London stylist who's trying to bit bring the mullet back you want to text as a one trible 3 star you message with Georgie it's Robbie Williams. a few had Jews in his day we're talking things that hello to Glade news just driving back to Scarborough he said when he was 15 he had a flat tell both Joey that sounds fun. I'd like to say not now then yes and this is because of the mullet fest in Australia but are you ready for a comeback of the head is that we love to hate I don't think anything is into you such feelings of. Oh cringing us as the mullet jump viol is a celebrity hairstylist from Siloam Sloan in the heart of Chelsea is also a man that's like similis Good evening chum Good evening well I'm all right I mean somewhat traumatized by the idea of the molester making a comeback but clearly your campaigning for it we've got some comfort for next time for you know how boring. And. You know I make it on. Time around but you know how does this quote of the moment that you think about when I was a kid you know all the people in front. On our own lane a Christian walk off the handle grabbing things in the eighty's that are always really interesting and now it's because of it it's about time it's changed for the well I think you're actually right I was looking at some photos and I can't think what it was but it was a host of people and all the women have the same hair it was like side parting and long you no longer nothingness there's a it's not very inspiring to support these rights parents address it's just the same old thing and you know I think the thing is you know what I think what we're trying to do is you know I was but we were all about with makeup you can really change a little yes Dr or in a heartbeat of what we're trying to get some of the x. Or however that product whether it's a moose breast we can just change the look because it's fashion so quickly now to be in to Facebook and snap and all but you can't keep the trend anymore so you have to be really expert if you've got the right hacker right then it's the phone it shouldn't be you know it has had a profession should be you know that's that's what it's about rehab fashion should be fun listen we've not got a great line we're going to call you straight back. Bear with us immediately we'll call you back so we're celebrating the mill it well we need to talk to John because he's designed something that is perhaps a new kind of mullet and what he's getting out about head I mean if you've got long hair people say oh it's so versatile you can do all sorts but generally when you have long hair you don't do anything with it do you that's true Joan you follow on attack Oh marvelous wonderful clarity indeed now tell us about your latest design which is to be fair a very far cry from the classic Molly though isn't it how would you describe Yeah I mean it's you know we try to push the boundaries of the I mean not that particular model is a joke although Leon rushes ahead especially the Westminster color went to the College of Fashion So you know she's quite happy to have a slightly unusual don't know be suggesting that what we're doing there it's kind of wearable anything very different I because we're on why less love So just describe it for her to who need to know basically it's a really you know kind of short hair on the top a very long and a very Socratic architectural way it was inspired by that stingray build in the id did Rhino is a bit bonkers not necessarily wearable but you know fashion I'm having maker of I should be so much really what it's all about it's not just be taken too seriously and it was taken really seriously we've just seen Gucci models walking down the runway with you know with their own had been. Going to carry over to us and drones carrying handbags as well yes. Yes So yes you say that it should be fun and all of that but if you have something quite as drastic as a mullet Where do you go if you decide you don't like it when to having your head cut off and have a really short style don't you because there's nowhere else to go well you know the thing is it's really all about 2 things but I mean I'm not great adaptable and tile and having the right products but you know the sound we're which I'm not sure you can change so you might even not have extremism all of that you might leave it slightly longer at the back so that you wear it down in the day maybe you need a new sort of pin the underneath the way so it looks like so. So you know I mean you know Reverend we've always tried to make sure that we've got this idea that some become whether making change easily or they can you know change as easily you know but not everybody was right with hair are they not everybody's good with has no you're absolutely right you know I want to do the same 15 years a scooped out and the most important thing for us had us is to make sure that the person that we've got in front of us that they can cope with it because essentially you can have anything you know we can create anything whether or not you're going to do in your own head whether you're a wash away a girl whether you're exploiting the expense of a bleaching of a college every 5 weeks you know all of those things so our job is to make sure that a suits you in your station in your bone structure but more into only it was your lifestyle and whether or not your able to recreate that look at hundreds if you know we're doing you a disservice many law Yeah I'm just getting like a little complicated on you why do you think that the mill It got so Mark jump. You know what I think it's just that I think it's possibly something that we think about right now but all of those things that were in the seventy's at all this report we had literally look putting basins I mean the thing is we can all passion in any form whether it's clothes and makeup you know and think My God what we don't at the time but it's just a moment like everybody's wearing glasses at the moment and if you're stuck in a bulletin it's one of those things but I'm told now I'm wearing mine does a convoy without them but you know they you know I'm really glad I can stay and you are just doing it for a fashion statement All right so I have a young Tony classes but you know I you know listen it's it's just it should be a vest on it should be light how you need a great hacker you can change and make a bit higher than and not take you all too seriously at the mall it's a great. Activity in the eighty's or in around with it wasn't Well the word and I was just thinking about the hackers I had in the seventy's and when I got married in 71 had long hair and then just afterwards I wanted to change because I was bald to this so it was like Shaggy on the top and then long straggly bits can you know you're probably too young to manage yes or no across every other galleries we call the shake nothing would call the shape that we saw show really show on the inside of the Quattro is that we yes yes just like that yeah and I think you don't want to go down not have a gay Dr again you just wrote No I reversed immediately Yes And of course the next stage was a heavy toll cut off that lasted for about 3 weeks but sometimes with a hair do it takes a celebrity I mean we think Princess Diana and that style we think what's her name Sarah Jessica Parker do I mean her. You know what's interesting actually I you know I've been involved in sponsorship to do your question you see years now and actually we I've just been doing the shows London I'm going to Paris in a few days and what's interesting is loads and loads and loads of models have had cars and you're absolutely right hot the reason for that is icons that we see for example our Delevingne shades all of the hair off Katy Perry call of the hair and want the happening it definitely has a knock on effect it really doesn't. I think sometimes happen I think you can see a lot of people come. In Iraq maybe the more white balance but all joking aside people often cut the hair off and it's a very exciting time for an address and it's would be honest if you look at the ages all over again we're doing oh well good for you it's not lovely I try not to let you describe your head so we know what's at the heart and you know what I'm going to bail out of pride on the radio I actually have got very very So have I have 400 so you know that the days of how many open shop are gone you know where I found them we could you know we just taken seriously enough hunger got here and he had the most of it and you know kids can you can use too many women to kill to young men having the same haircut for 35 years you know to find her and that's. The most aging that away race and you know when you look back and say why didn't I have a go why did I have you know it's not it's not up to you should really do it and question Ok Akka great part of your thoughts that I'll be on for the appointment later on book me and similar clearly common theme a common theme in your chart you. Have. Come over own career thank you very much 2 vial from Sal on Sloan the a lot of both how much did he say Good grief. We're ready for the return of the let's hear from you about. The guest takes a wonderful story you saw your message with. Or you can call in 345386. B.c. You don't code out you. Know there's some has styles to comes with. This. We're talking the embarrassing that you've had in the past well thank you Christine she said Like you I have curly hair was the time of the stack I wish I had the well I have the poem she said I was mortified she must have used the smallest roll as ever it was like a bowl of bean ball in my head when I went home and was there she looked at me and she said what if you don't you stupid girl I went into hibernation Oh I can remember many a time I didn't want to go out of the house for a while thanks Christine. For Michael says when I was in my mid twenties the long head style I had one with white hair I looked absolutely stupid went to the pub after I had all my mates laughed at me I waited 4 or 5 days and went back to the addresses to fix it thank you very much Eddie for Michael's Oh we've all been there what can I say. Now time for trouble. Let's hope she's not marooned. 65. To crime to the junction of the right and the Christian right. Around the 9 as well. Except that still shuts off the new coalition it's closed to both directions between Alexander Street and the junction with Princes Street streets with some delays around the. 3123. 84 that's the latest. Well we're being warned about the beast from the east How close are we to being in the clutches of the beast from the east we're now going to cross to the b.b.c. Weather Center Alina Jenkins has got the latest for us hi Alina Hello there Alex as a city starting to dig its claws in isn't it is it really Yeah and if you notice today is that you know already in so called much colder than it was at that you know and yeah I'm not writing minus 15 or something overnight yet but it that's probably how it will feel good on the strength of the wind at times I mean I don't know that the moment will get as low as that as such I mean tonight we're looking at. Sort of minus 6 minus 7 but it's really cold out but I think is more of a snow that everyone's talking about as well as in Alex did you see any today a few flakes here in that Nothing to speak of really but just as I've been traveling around today quite round and about yeah a few flakes here and there but nothing settling atoll where I've been yet I mean it has been the case across much of the country the air is really drawing at the moment so everything that's holding up at the sky is just it's not settling it's getting blown around in the wind is starting to very pretty outside my window. Thankfully nothing is settling but this is just is just a taste relics of things to come really because things do get rapidly downhill through the rest of the week and we've got ample warnings in place for snow to with them tomorrow. And the 1st is for East in the northeastern parts of England in particular Yorkshire Lincolnshire and the Midlands and also for southeast England for through the Thames estuary Northwest Kent and both of those are valid 3 smaller morning till around about. Lunchtime now we could see some of these these snow showers that are feeding in from the North Sea could well get some significant accumulations of particular hitting highly populated areas could really cause some troubles on the roads through smart morning so just back tonight they look at the showers of sort of starts to fade now but more will start to pile in as the night wears on the areas that I just mentioned So southeast England parts of East Anglia and northeast England that are most of a threat of seeing some significant snowfall through this evening and overnight temperatures widely below freezing minus 6 minus 7 but as mentioned if you add on the strength of the wind that's what makes it feel even colder and the winds will be strengthening through the week so tomorrow I mean the further west you are some days you have a you know a very bitterly cold day but will be a good deal of sunshine around but some of those snow showers further east will just start to filter their way a little bit further westwards and then on Wednesday we have another Amber warning and this one is for northern and eastern parts of Scotland and northeastern parts of England that's followed from 4 o'clock Wednesday morning through until 9 o'clock Wednesday evening so that's all day and again some significant accumulations of snow 5 to 10 centimeters quite widely and over the tops of the Pentagon's a high ground we could see as much as 20 centimeters and then the I don't the strength of the wind as well. Drifting snow in places and then just to top it off just when you thought well can it get any worse through Thursday and Friday we've got this area of low pressure coming up from France and. Just to the south was bumping into this cold air bringing with all this moisture and then we could see potentially some significant snowfall across a large swathe of the country and there will be really strong winds that's going to lead to severe blizzard so it's one of those weeks Alex really could to keep an eye on the forecast because things are changing hourly and we were just getting giddy about those crocuses you can get to see that now. We won't be able to come back but look at snowdrops. Well never mind I think we're all hoping that once this is over we can start seeing some spring so let's hope for that well if it Fingers crossed so many looks like it's slightly less cold at the weekend but it's you know it's always a battle between this is modern culture and certainly for the next 5 days it's very cold winter it's just like well we've been warmed by the highest Alina thanks for talking to his about. Well there you go now you know if you thought as I did the other week I got a big 80 and I thought well maybe I don't need to be single for quite so long how wrong was I talking of cold weather we'll be talking about. The World. Nothing like a bit of Bacharach. So there we go Dionne Warrick do you know the way to San Jose No but I'm prepared to have a go as long as I don't think I'll be lost forever now talking of traveling a policeman from Caldwell is preparing to swap these pens on speeds for an elk to Creech in weather I'm all polar bears than people Blimey Ben James is preparing to trek on skis to follow Bob to raise money and awareness for a new charity that supports men and women who serve with the place and called Bill b.b.c. Radio call him wills and estates he caught up with Ben is. He was training for the trip so normally I'm a response officer based in Penzance school the 999 calls nonemergency course we deal with as well as investigating any crimes that we we hold as well always being my dream job and I try to for years to gain and after the cuts and exception of a funny recruit again and I got through so very office might want to do and I love it and enjoy every minute of it the a fairly recent recruit Yeah. 3 years now so yeah not very long Tell me about the expeditions you've done in the past most recent ones was Iceland last year twice to Iceland 1st time climbing the highest peak across in the large glacier and then the 2nd one was crossing north to south and unsupported across the desert said I was about 16 days of carrying water and care in not seeing any people alive just recently come back from Morocco as well climbing the peaks. In the Atlas Mountains the upticks echo what preparations have you got to do and what might you expect from this trip is going to be very cold on my think research is about minus 20 is going to be probably the worst temperature we're going to care then you know wind chill as well so a lot of it is going to be fitness based stuff during long days hauling a lot of care but also preparing for the cold so a lot of lays a lot of trips to cold places to the Atlas Mountains or just been to was minus 20 that kind of prepared for I'm going to face and just having the knowledge and all to know what to do in the cold in case you get in any trouble as well and moving on skis all the time is that you know any means of moving Yes it's going to be a cross-country skiing so go go and do some practicing for that as well. Yeah it's not very walkable just because part of the snow depth and different types of snow of not we are climbing the highest peaks as well and those large you can be on foot and they skis just because of the ice. Is a game to be in that is a significant area for pale a bit yeah. The population is more than p. Forces about $3000.00 polar bears. Is a lot of risk assessment you've actually got to get a permit from the governor's fall to be able to leave the main city to go out into the national park area and ensure you go precautions tripwires flairs steaks and you also have to carry a rifle when she leaves the city it's strictly That is the last resort and you've got to have it but you don't want to use it the same time now you're raising money for a police charity Tell me about that and the reason behind that obviously with Devon and Cornwall Police Yeah the charities Christly the churches set up what started off about 3 years ago they should have just wanted to register as a charity as well. Kristie basically the Corniche based and they work to support Cornish offices as well as offices that work in the call area. And they support the move care for say for example if it officers injured on duty and they're off work for a bit they provide them with support support package is breaks if they need it and that was a source a few people you know psychological issues if having you know problems stress. Struggling to cope with that response also helps that so my aim really is to make President more pics in new charity so his name is not very well known so as well as raising funds is to kind of put them out there a bit as well so people know they don't Ben James speaking to Hannah Stacy before he heads off to Saval bad to raise money for police support charity Chrysler and would you credit it in a completely unrelated story will be back against this fall but later on tonight. Never let it be said that this program is failing to get the b.b.c. You radio police. Chunks. Extremely. The b. G.'s and child told concussion got some brave listeners to volunteer in their photos onto Facebook bbc Georgie tonight thank you very much now who now one of them let's have a local come to those the photos I've got them right in front of me Hazel said I had a mullet in the ninety's and you didn't see me as soon as it was done but just had to wait for it to grow so it didn't stick out so much and we did stick out it was why it was an 8 it was a white head to Hazel Thank you that's very brave of you when you look great I'm sure you the very epitome of elec. Nowadays And thank you very much we have Goodness me Barry said I had a mullet in my new romantic days back in the 1980 s. Can I ask for 57 other fashion violations to be taken into consideration Barrie we're all in the dock with you on that one trust me we are and that pictures on Facebook if you search for Georgie tonight as well. And Jackie this Jackie from Newcastle said there was a girl in my class at school who who would take the free samples out of Jackie that was a magazine and do a hair in 2 tone orange and black look like a battery jacket What a brave girl she was and what a hair's like now and who was it who said Now let's have a look we was yeah that's right it was Jude from Worthing she said I have Afro hair I was a model in the seventy's for a vigil Sassoon name drop I get you friend of mine was a hairdresser wants to try something new for me she straighten my hair 1st for me and then cut it into a bowl fashion it was awful Well Jew That was before the invention of the amazing straightness we have nowadays but isn't it typical you know I have very curly hair was frizzy I always wanted it to be smooth and shiny and glossy never quite pulled it off I do my best but really now it takes up quite likely to be loose curls and looking great but it's never quite how you want it to be. Ryan from Lancaster who phone dose of 34530858 said looking back on my Chelsea coat it was awful short hair but with a massive fringe at the front Orion honestly the things we do in the name of trying to look after us and it's a tough one isn't it Richard gnarly said I used to have the flat top in the 80s dyed blonde but nowadays it's just a short walk inside. Who has a purdy I can remember having a purdy. To remember you know Purdy who was in The Avengers it was Joanna Lumley. Go on have this purty which must have been terrible because my hair was all frizzy and hideous nowadays I think I could just about manage it you know with straight nose and a good coat but back in the day glory Bay with no easy to do that but we're always battling against our hair up I say we are the must be some people who have the hair that God gave them and they've never changed it they've never tried to do anything they've never done anything different that never colored it is life so much easier and richer if you do that all those of us who've spent hours and colors and efforts and corkscrews and straightness and all those things on our heads we the one who had richer lives who knows give us a call at 34530858 text one trouble 3 Start your message with the word Georgie We'd love to hear from you the hair disasters that you've had in your life the Crimes Against have styles that you've had who had a mullet put your hand up and be awfully brave We'd love to hear from you coming up but to smile about. So. So. Somebody gets. The air. I on the lookout for somebody to love call me. Send a postcard. After a skulk. Go on Friday find me.

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Radio Program , Hairstyles , Mammals Of Asia , Mammals Of Canada , Bears , Human Geography , Demography , Radio Bbc Leeds , Stream Only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

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