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B. B. But I'm. Going to. Be. See. Some. Of. The sound of Gary sound too I'm not one is alike you open Brucie's that are Jessie Close burkas. You aren't you didn't to this situation is b.b.c. Radio in Lancashire and it's race can with you keeping you company this evening all the way up until midnight 7 minutes past 10 and we've got a fabulous show lined up for you this evening so no need for you to go anywhere at all keep it real locked on to radio Lancashire and you may have guessed it's beginning to go a lot like Christmas. My singing isn't quite up to scratch Well that's right we are officially into the festive season with jingling bells death tolls and partridges impact trees but fear not my usual tired elves there's always one not so festive feature to spice up your winter evenings moving the sala is back with another stocking full of Bollywood ball bull's eye fall but there's only one Mary made with the holy in hand to jingle your bells lights camera action it's the always festive. Pirate. That sounds all right because the thing is quite the thing is quite obvious like Ingo belting out of joining the unthinkable you think about prison I love the interdict invade Christmas I know the tell me about how you doing your I'm fine what do you actually have a Christmas tree you know I don't have a Christmas tree and it became is no it's not because of any kind of light religious kind of thing it's just. Never really been a thing in our household I mean we do stuff for Christmas in the sense that you know we all get together reality kind of stuff. I think maybe is a really just thing to the to the good degree whereby I think the association of the tree yes with Christmas has about as much to do with actually the real message of Christmas. As you know bananas How do you do with it I mean we we put a Christmas tree up. Family and simply because the gals my nieces the absolutely love just get in it's Christmas decoration because it feels like you've got little ones in the house Yeah you know when we have little ones in the house we'll probably have to know even before the little ones get up and I know what even the little before the little ones of that it was just I always say to my students that there was no machine do you celebrate Christmas and I will say yes because it's such a you know doing to volley time you know it's not as especially impressed and it's not as festive if you're there's no Christmas lights up there's no late night shopping you know you won't find all the light selection until about a month afterwards and now when you go there you can see all these law it's and and Stich a huge part of British culture I think so you do all the farming or you do all the farming Christmas than a month no no no we just we actually I think it's you know how the Americas it's like holidays Yeah I mean it's just celebrating the festive Yes involving the spiritual aspect and I think we do that as well when we saw kind of side of it yes side of the holiday Sorry but also R's. How can I put as as Muslims because we because we believe in Jesus yes I saw all of government Yes So and I'm not saying this as I'm not by any means speaking for all Muslims talk about me personally Shall I take Christmas as the opportunity to think about the birth of a prophet right how interesting you know because that's what it is that's what Christmas is Christmas is supposed to look at whether or not it was born on the 25th of December is irrelevant really is just symbolic Now yeah I think as Muslims all Christians or whoever. If if if Jesus means anything to you then you should be taken Christmas as a time to reflect on him as a prophet or whatever you see him as depending on your really just validities Well Christmas for me now has become to me. The Christmas Carol home alone one in 2 and just eating through all of which have absolutely nothing to do with the actual So there you see why yes there is just a holiday side of it and of course everybody off as well as my dad. So the holiday side we do you know will go and see my in-laws and all of that kind of and have a present year of course. At the start of this movie was you asked how I was I have to ask how you. Find. Your. Love today why because you do that because I've never seen the. It to me like an easy ride so explain to them why right so they see Nate is tonight me and I'm running the desk I am in control and only today after 7 years of knowing raise I think it's about 7 years. Actually I'm controlling him and told me I have my own microphone Well you know it's not why we're moving so fertile when I have your microphone on he put. Me Down at. You know what is so funny because I've never I've never ever had to run the desk when it's race speaking still it is word it's weird for me to be on it's very weird for me to not be doing anything well. Now you will laugh when I talk about the alligator clip of Hamam ago but I will now you'll find out what it's really like I have to I did yeah you want yeah good ones where you have but it's most a controlling you love it you know what it is think you want to have a control over the you know I am I know I am when I think this is a show you know I am when it comes to the show. I think listeners sometimes think that we just come in and we just press a button and we just play music and they don't realize how much it is that you have to do and sometimes you know it's when guests come in and they see the desk Yeah and they call my call you know what would yeah what else do you think we just sit here I'm president that's what I mean you've got to think of time you got your script on one screen you've got the the music on another screen you might think I'm using you need to drop all the music and you need to take control from one studio to the next and there's a lot so I do I actually find it I feel is really weird for me to be on this side and not have to worry about any of it I can only describe is that this innate is if you are just kind of imagining what it's like it's almost like being. Just like a pilot you've got all these kind of having You've got all these but in there you have to and those buttons and screens you have to manage and but it's really exciting isn't it is exciting I mean I've always enjoyed it hence we have this which is why you've never you've never done it when I'm in here because you love it because I love doing it I think I'll be honest with you I love doing it so that's why it's only been really gender and age it's only now at this point 7 years on or 8 years on we're off for ice time to maybe relinquish a little bit of control. Over you know until the standard bail until then though I don't know any way yet most all of them yes in that case 1st top. But the but the me orrible Yes but they didn't talk about this for Margo you know but we talked about it because it was the trailer had just come out and said it was you want to team no I wasn't to keep his. Old tried and tested kind of formula yes it did and. Lo and behold that's exactly how the reviews have you know come to form and that's how it's all been described so for example but the but the Neil will is a remake all of the movie that Hudson. Was an iconic to but again it wasn't the time of the Me to me and with me to being so prominent in in the in the Hindi film industry in particular Well the Indian film industry in particular this movie was wasn't well even the traitor wasn't appreciated as much but the music was getting a lot of glory so the movie got released just today and the reviews so far have been that. And you know the family fortune big cross I. Tell me read so far as just in a nutshell it's about that but the but the Neo will means the husband wife of the other lady why. I was the husband the wife I'm the mistress but what war does it have a literally means the of and the other literally the other and but in this case is the mistress and so he's my me too this. Guy is my way to his wife and the wife is absolutely beautiful she's as played by boom. And you know she's this lovely wife they have a great relationship but as the years get on they obviously it's not a get bored of each as I have and they you know he's looking for more adventure and then it becomes this young and. And stylish girl who gives him all the attend. In that he's craving and you know and that's how the story unfolds now it is taken more of a comic we haven't taken into the whole emotional and c.b.s. Know of it they've just kept it light and funny I got the irony is kind of going in to got to come in here not to please the husband role he's going to that John know where he's you know he wants to become like almost the Goldman that kind of character the film would have been appreciated it's only caught between. One and 2 stars however performance wise to me but Nick who is the most experienced actress of the whole 3 has got all the kind of educations and has been getting appreciated the most I like to me and I was fairly surprised why she had she took the movie on but. You see why because you know she she stood out like a sore thumb amongst them so you say this is. A remake rehashing of an old film. You keep bringing up the whole kind of you know me too and all of our kayaking yeah wouldn't of being. Clever or better. If they'd have gender reversed it. Perhaps yeah you know so if they had rather than a husband with his wife and a mistress to have. The wife with a husband and a bull I think sorry I doubt any actually could have been you know but for me but the Orval I mean it would have been a great idea but you can member didn't you be ready for. I mean I think Indian audiences would be ready because you know the Vic set to do a very you know angry Goddess is. Except a margarita with a straw which were all kind of films based on a lesbian relationship or infidelity they've they've accepted movies that I think it's that has actresses who who would want to play the role where they don't look holier than thou you know they want to play the image the actresses chase and this is this is a proven proven fact if you will it's either the girl next door all the sexy actress and that's what it is or the very good actors they don't want anything where they could either come across as the valley either come across as you know like I said not holier than thou and that's why you will see there's hardly hardly any mainstream actress who would ever play a role where infidelity is involved and when it was tried and tested. That was good and Joe His biggest flop and people were people walked out the studio not to do so in the cinemas because they could not handle the fact that Rani Mukherji and. Actually having an affair. And it was it was you know there's never be. Again it was it was too hard I don't think India was ready for the Indian audiences in particular were ready for that I really got into her Conan interview and he said. You know a couple walked dream sequence hey you know this was a dream sequence so when they found out it wasn't the balked and demanded that when people go to your always at the back so I think that's a really good question but I don't think it because of the response Rani Mukerji and. Got Rani Mukerji in particular I don't think any actress an actress would want team to be over there not grandmother was a while back. In 2006 there we go it's a while but still nobody says only 10 years ago people you know surely have but changed them up if you look is it going to be about a female There's never been a successful movie about a female being. You know female being. Cheating on her. Husband even in a funny way don't know just I wasn't he wasn't you know she she didn't want to get she sold a husband remember that was ninety's. And that was it again I can only if we do look. I was watching Hungama but that was that was a mainstream actress that was roundly sad though because I think that would have made a really good movie yeah I would have gender reversed this but if you look even if you look at movies that must be added if you see musty Vivek Oberoi and I think so they all have a fairly good they'll have as it is set up and they could roll reverse that if they could but it would have 3 women deciding to go off and have a fat God No I mean. What is the engine would insist take the stalls too literally but they don't. Surely I mean how sick must you be through like realize that these people are actors that playing a role is I mean they've got a place of worship for that but that was held on like I'm sorry that tells you everything. It's unbelievable right but it is to do they take it that's why this dogs that are adored absolutely adored it is just it and that's what it reflects in their. You know the movie choices as well let's go to the 1st song on the 1st song is a key of the goalie money from the movie. But he put the our whole. The songs I want to play be so. I. Would. Look. Like. But. But the but the old one is. The modern That's the 1st song chosen this evening by Nico. Still to come we're going to be discussing you movies but that's coming up for you after this. B.b.c. Local radio this Monday have you on the general election as the campaign trail takes us to. Bringing together the b.b.c. Local radio single and telling your stories. About keeping England moving and the election could affect. You live. From 7. B.b.c. Radio show Indeed it is 26 minutes past time and you want units of this nation will respond to me full power keeping you company up until midnight we are on our move you must follow and if you just tuned in you missed was talking about but the but the me or vo next we talk about new music new film rather the trailer has been dropped for. Danny to oh my god I remember the Danny warm stuff you don't remember why would I because it was such an iconic iconic film so much Donny one was released in about 5 years ago Rani Mukherji. Played the role of a couple Shibani Roy and she veggie Royale and she is the 1st time a female police officer has been shown a power be having such a oh my god like being playing the title role and literally changing the meaning of Madonna because Madani is associated with showing your manhood your strength of a man and and I think it's a really really clever name because she said you know I'm a Donnie is about you know courageous about strength and it's not just associated with the monster anyone can can have but about any regardless of whether you're male or female so they're basically redefining what Mom Hood is basically Absolutely and the topic which you know and it might Dani is money well most about human trafficking in India and it was based on human trafficking with children in particular and they know they never left any stones unturned they literally every gruesome emotional hard hitting a vision that you can you know you don't want to see you know sometimes we kind of sugarcoat the reality a little maybe she could. Reality there is no sugar coating and that's why my daddy really hits cold with audiences it was really difficult to watch and Ronnie was. Doing Oh my goodness he was outstanding now the review came and it we just did we did well and for almost 5 years Evelyn is just become a Ronnie do another Madani we want to Donny and. Obviously the read at the trader got released just a couple of days ago or a few days ago and it's based on the based on the rape of it's based on a rape case and it's very similar to the rape case that has just been just you know taking place it again a few days ago where a victim was gang raped and burned alive and this in the trail you cannot see that this case is coming alive in front of your eyes and what of what a female police officer does about it because you will see some of the dialogues in the trailer where that you can do it you get them do it for the women do it for us get that justice and and it's just that. Really hit home it was so powerful and it's great to see Ronnie back after 5 years as well she looks fantastic and she reminds you once again why you know she is an actress who is. A legend I think she's becoming a legend with some of the roles that she has done especially a role like this which is empowering and really really presenting a release a perspective of what is happening in the world today I think of calling to see you know I would really recommend a specialist form as well I'm sure well the 1st one is on I think it's on your you know you find online increasingly I don't know yeah yeah of course you know it's been released. On. Bail So you have their own channel and you can just buy off the you know what you and. I can that's what I'm not sure I'm not sure if suddenly perhaps it's an Amazon Prime a thing but like I said it's. This so many movies coming out at the end of December think they're all cramping the movies in before the holiday season so you know I mean. Very holiday season type of film No it's not but this is the one that I mean it's the moment I mean this particular case you know these cases Well it's made it it's made on the main news here you know u.k. As well because of all the riots and an older all the kind of one of the riots again in the not in a negative way it's people at the Indian Test yet protest the Indian. Society kind of all speaking out against rape and they said how many times you know Nubia case happened 5 years ago 56 years ago and it's happened again but more horrific what is happening over this woman was on the way I think the recent Yesus just happened she was on the way to the Hill or yes she's on the way to the hearing you know and she was again abducted and burned alive yeah. She was a doctor she's only 23 Roosevelt wasn't and it's just I mean it doesn't surprise me as much because there's so many cases in India and I talk about India particulars because I've I've been reading up on it and you know and if you look at what some of the I was watching a program where they were saying you know it happened in the so many cases that are not even reported even on the even the most Dani trailer he says these are the cases that have been recorded I think is that it's in the 20000 cases a something just on rape and gang rape and they are the only ones because it's a cultural taboo people don't necessarily want to wear the woman gets blamed for it can you ask for a or you and they are some of the strong opinions that people have on a victim movies like this of I've called how long penc as well with no means no and all of our common stuff. What kind of difference are these type of films making in the sorry ole i t saw thing if Bollywood can be blamed for how people dress or how people act then it should also have the responsibility of making some positive changes in awareness it's a fact that they are actually doing these movies it is. You know I think it's a really really powerful statement to make because these like you said they really start to be their own and take their message to be verbatim and the truth ultimate truth and nothing but the truth and we've got for example what Ronnie said and that was at the start of her mother Donnie won it she was the message I want to give is you know this is just a film I'm doing but what I've learned the skills that I've written is self-defense you know I'm preparing myself I've prepared myself physically of if I was to be attacked what I need to do and I keep saying it because I've seen it for 5 years that every single woman as part of their curriculum the way they learn math English science they should learn how to be able to defend themselves and it's actually. What she said she learned and so it's Arabic women in this particular form of protection it's like this it's not karate it's self-defense one but it's it's a mandatory thing for this can't remember where but she said she did say. That women have to learn this and let me just after this song I'll actually get the specific name of the training for you yeah Ok. Interest and you know what I think is interesting to see running more kind of. Trajectory now in his interest is that she's. Selecting her roles very carefully. She said it so that was the 1st film she had after delivering her little baby. And she said depending on this film it will determine my next choice because then I know whether the audience will see me or not and the movie did so well that you know she was nominated as a best actress and she was given a special award at the film which was given an award so I think she's making because I'm no longer chase I'm no longer to prove anything I'm to do movies when I want to do em when I want to do them do their interest me do they excite me creatively and I'm able to balance it with my family. Song the song is from the movie Hum Tum it's a title song and this was a game changer for Rani Mukherji because she really truly well and truly came on the maps of the them. Some courses some need to. Listen to me to. See in. Those. Good sanitation. You as much. Is. Is the and all of. The is. From the film. You go about was the 2nd truck chosen this evening by me on this evening's movie Sala okey doke what else Ok so final just over what is going on and. That is just. So that the movie Bonnie but released as well the. Movie talked about you starring. Those quadric is returned song and he's just you know the last time it was more 100 oral hasn't been well remember this is the same director of Lagaan and joy that so they say I know you like to these actually doing a I'm not sure this well it seems with. You like on so there's a lot of expectation of him because you know his movies are always so opulent and beautiful and whatever however. Has become somewhat of a jinx if you will every single movie he comes in is unfortunately a flop. And the reviews have kind of reflected that although he's a performance has been somewhat appreciated has been appreciated so much so indeed that however has been has again walked away with all the accolades and all the appreciation but appreciation for his performance Bonnie put is. And. Why he laughing why you greeny Well if you just read Del was reading about it from Mosul Yes Like I said in the movie I'm 14 it hasn't done as well as expected still really it's not been it's not done brilliantly I thought he would have them all she in the corner No I don't I am to you know because then you've got down it to. Another period film. War Mahratta warrior. And. It's about. Dave and cephalic con and conjugal and it's got the saying that one looks much much more better this one far too similar to Danny and hints about but I think people are just bored of it I'm so bored of it. So interesting and then we've got on the release another great. Thing that happened this week I don't know if you find a great or not but the discussion on depression and Polly wouldn't depression but sister. But has wrote a book never been unhappy and she talks about as a putt daughter my. Sister and Sony was done and obviously but 303 main superstars I mean put up with was a huge star back in the day how she felt almost isolated and you know how to pression hit has so and I came on to the budget cut the show to talk about depression and spent kind of half of the show crying and crying and crying and there's another kind of criticism coming her way because people felt that she took away the attention from her sister. But the fact is the reason I came out because she's such a huge star and with her talking about she's able to relate to the youngsters a lot more Ok interesting. I mean you know so we've cut his old girl the moment Ok so what was your farm and Chong trot and my final song gordie a from the movie by Allah it's the biggest hit at the moment and to and that's that was that is a film I would like to see of us are it's about a man losing his hair and how we overcome that and the reason and the pressure that comes with talking about Ok so what's after this resume after this we're going to have a look at what's happening on the official Asian music trial top 10 we'll find out using a warm. A level trial as well before we got a call in the meanwhile this is your food and final song selection from the film all of it is. With. B.b.c. Radio Lancashire. To. Do. It. Their money and. To be silly and let. Their money down. The you. Let these songs I am lucky and close the. Good find that somewhat good luck the day I get some. Sun to make it cold the night the not the. Good you let. Me. Get it. I mean it but suddenly. No longer. Can Love love me a little let alone go to the middle. In the. Morning. Come. Up. In the. Morning. And. Go to. Sleep. On. The cutting cutting me out because the whole world got itself made of bad me to effectively run the game out exactly what the play the. Could it would but it's a. Good look at. The United States and enjoy some good. Luck or love blow to that other lot closer to the middle. Of the. Board. Cuts. The. He. Can be. Pretty let. Her. Go let them on the run and the bill they should be doing a little. Later in the Let them on. Monday morning and then. Like you say on some Culture Show this week. Then it's best of all of life meeting the ghost of Jacob Molly from a Christmas carol Plus I've gone back stage of the hassles with the cast coming to doll way and to kids and that's a whole set of competition to give away like a shot some culture shock this Monday evening from a b.b.c. Radio Lancashire. League player to try to get. Played a little let me. Play a. Game. Plan. To. Try. To touch your flight gets keep the feelings the cats got let. Me get a gun in their. Face Time now feed the. Kid they struck a match on my knowledge. They 6 of. The sign rock star. And it is. You watch it in once again to this he mentioned on b.b.c. Radio Lancashire it is a race car keeping you coming this evening all the way up until 12 o'clock midnight tonight but now it is time for us to take a look at what is happening on the official Asian music top 10 softball we crosspost to the wonderfully or part of who's going to start us off with numbers $10.00 to $6.00. At number 10 we've got well this week we've got 3 full days for mommy and 3 new entries and number 10 we've got my job that needs. In the. 9 we've. Just. Gone down. Number 8 I've got a feeling this song might. Remember. Number 7. 3 weeks in the. And. We have. To. Never. Came back to. The real classroom. At the back. Of. The fabulous joy crooks that featuring Jafari one is early as this week is number 6 on the official Asian music charts drug crimes to check her out she is. Fabulous half Irish and Hof Bangladeshi absolutely full combination go running so a banker to me till now he's going to take us through. The 5 we've got a brand new entry one week and the song is called. The body. And. The song dishonored never heard that it's a brand new entry at number 3 we've got a nominee there. The weeks in the charts at number 2 this is my absolute favorite and I hope it was the one but it's not enough on leaving my job and a spy of David Olofson on me the 3 reeks in the chart and at number one we have a non move up 8 weeks in the top seed with. May still bangles and step. On the water as. You say if I was what you're saying off an hour ago so this is this is this week on the official age of music drop thank you to me or I should be back at the end of the show with the agent diary but in the meanwhile this is 47. Missed steel bangles and stuff. Up the full color yeah just leave a trace on the monitor. And glass to my officers. To. Visit with. The weights and yelled it off I'm not going to. Talk to. Look at. What you're coming. I would. Think. The you know you would need. To supply. The good news of the fallout from a. Public so. That . Would. Make me a believe drinking goodness in the public to Mr the pro-choice. Listeners members underbidding done. It with the top $10.00 price can see we did not. Get. Sucked into. Ulises city. So. You know as you. Just saw in 98 then it kind of dank me to. Bring a friend to. Meet me here in Canada me to be here there and. Saying to any. Friends to. Leave here and cannot be just here so you got to touch down. Down down. Down around them and gone around there but. We met on a donkey and a man and Jonathan. Karl take you back to my place and show you my own way you know that I'm on now. Then look at it and. Bring your friends to. Meet me here. Because here in Canada is just a year well you would have faced I mean what it's done you would have basically you can never studied No I could I can be to. See you try to run if you will get no money you know kind. To. See. Them cute couldn't. They kidnap. Them. But it did it. And that's the sound all that Zac night with. In a 2nd we're going to hear from the fabulous new conversation with Bobby friction but 1st this. I checked I left that out. Of some of the like. You are tuned into this nation is 7 minutes past 11 is race current and keeping you company up until. 12 of them a dime to you said power.

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