Again and again an inquest heard how a man from Chile died after choking on a piece of meat 63 year old Selwyn Francis died in hospital 2 days after falling ill at the restaurant in North Wales he was living at a nursing home in surely but visiting his brother at the time the inquest was told in the past he'd suffered a series of strokes which affected his ability to swallow it's the end of the line for Britain's longest running rail franchise Virgin Trains which has been operating the West Coast Main Line which runs through Lancashire since 1997 the routes now being taken over by a new train operator van seat our business correspondent Katie Prescott has this report. On a more nonstop drive to drive $99.00 to $72.00 pounds. Will be off I'm not sure which should Branson providing an upbeat sign off for Virgin Trains despite what has been a difficult end to the company's u.k. Franchise in April the entrepreneur said he was devastated to be barred from making a fresh bid for the route by the Department for Transport because of a row over pensions liabilities the final Virgin Trains service will be the $942.00 departure from London Euston to Wolverhampton this evening with the company says a glass of fizz for passengers on board. Many shops across Lancashire are taking part in Small Business Saturday today the idea is to encourage people to buy goods locally from local retailers one of those taking part is Alice to share it who runs a gallery in language he says small business is a vital to the economy you know half a 1000000 people are employed in small businesses and there are 5800000 small businesses up and down the country they really are the backbone of the of the economy you know and I'm a micro scale and of course small business in any town really given its individual and unique character the annual hedge laying competitions being held at Moscow college today competitors taking part in the Asian rural craft will include some of the colleges students head of Agriculture Craig Thomson says it can be a lucrative career there for those with the right skills some of the competitors are contractors' and they'll Gartner hedges and you get further mentor and you command quite good money so it is a really good skill to have because certainly they're immortal hedges and to be led is good opportunities. Football and Blackpool host Fleetwood Town this afternoon in a file coastguard in League One town a looking for their 1st win of Bloomfield Road in the club's history but head coach Joey Barton thinks there is no doubt which is the better club currently let's be honest if you're going to go and watch the pure statics of it when you watch Fleetwood because we put much but football on them we've got better players got but you forgot me better the only thing is bottles older more traditional big club bigger support base book if you are coming in from Mars and you said which is the better on football court then off to Fleetwood would be because you've got people in charge Joey Barton with one view on the file Coast Darby in League One later on today full match commentary coming up for you on b.b.c. Radio Lancashire on that one with match day of our of building up from 2 o'clock you're listening to b.b.c. Radio direction use at 5 minutes past 2 off the radio Lancashire weather. Is Over the weather for Lancashire today we have got a weather warning in force with regard to the strength of the wind is this deep air of low pressure starts to move in overnight and into tomorrow along the coast we could see gusts of up to 70 miles an hour so there's a very gales rather large waves as well to cope with and also inland 50 to 60 miles an hour so some very strong winds coming in as far as the rest of today goes though it's not looking to that outside at the minute quite cloudy a little bit of brightness sort of breaking through but the wind will start to strengthen into the afternoon and daytime temperatures today will be 2 months and 10 Celsius and then through the evening and overnight this is when the wind will strengthen further it is going to turn quite wet as well we have got a band of heavy rain moving in traveling eastwards into the early hours of Sunday and it leaves behind it quite a few showers so the showers will be there with us through the daytime it tomorrow pushed along by this very strong westerly wind though there will be some brightness in between but some of this show is could be quite heavy with some hail and thunder temperature wise highs of 10 Celsius but I think feeling a lot cooler due to the strength of the wind. B.b.c. Radio. Many thanks it is highly Kay flying solo this Saturday afternoon as Mr Royal is in power. You know his last night we will be catching up with him a little bit later on in the program but all the usual stuff to look forward to including one of those pesky aliens we don't think this week will have an all important clue the Volk plus a comedy guide some quickie news stories this week we're going to be getting to know you know don't make getting to you this week and it's all about negativity Plus news traffic and travel brilliant media between now and then of course much Day Live it's a biggie the guys taking over from a Saturday night that we kick off with want to wait to start the program with madness this is at b.b.c. Radio like you. Like to. Find out. About. That. You. Please. Please. Please. I'm going through. Elaborate a. Pearl. Lead plane. Ily. Ily. Ily. B.b.c. Radio Lancashire made a decision an executive decision. I'm on my own this afternoon Steve back on the program with me next week so we're going to do this and we're doing it now getting to know my. You know my. So for change it's not we're not doing this is I'm on to the question you are what I want to know when you do need to take as a kid I want to know who you played in the Nativity and not only that I want to know when and where because I was went to see my little boy's Nativity yesterday's only in free school so he was for us it was also his birthday so he was full and he played the shepherd and he was excellent and there was just so cute I mean how they got him to do I do not know who's 50 kids in that it's a all of them for a number it was a feat that alone was impressive and it was super cute and yet he had. A lot responsibility all sheep. It was brilliant so mine was at Waterloo primary in Blackpool 1984 and I was. The writer Yes I was and I'll be honest I wasn't happy with the part I wanted to be the angel based on the tinsel Halo the white sheet but she cost I mean that's all the walls bury it in front. Of the boy he wasn't keen on it however the angel Paul my friend the angel so I had to present I was shocked about it but really I was and I wanted to be the angel and his dad I had to wear my uniform no cost you and I still in a p.c. Box and read the script so I mean I'm not bitter about everything however. I just thought I'd love to know about you so please tell me where it is nearest possible when and where I want you plate and the the more out there the better really because some people end up playing the most bizarre characters and so do you get into it you can do it all the normal ways our 873583 cinema every new take. Nichols and of course you can under the text just make sure you stay with the wavelength and send it to 81. Straight to Day I am. B.b.c. Radio I just got a call to get an update now on the. B.b.c. . Says for you around the county to be doing Ok at the end of the motorway through. A little bit busy again. The you. A few delays coming. This way. All the m 1631 if you. Press the. Press to. Slog through well. South Poles. Street. They can. Still road. Still anything else going on 80 come across. A 18 was. Beginning to look a lot like Christmas. It's. Going to start. And Stacy. Provide social media for a sleigh ride together with the. Love the admissable podcast now at last is still happening of course we're in the build up to Christmas and lows of to get involved with the family my the Hoff been very busy this morning they've got their winter wonderland. I'll just I'm really bad this has been given Father Christmas and helping out with with Father Christmas related activities made for a lovely picture anyway also happening tonight is Laura's foundation charity Christmas fundraiser is that White Chapel village hall in Preston starts at 7 as goes until quite late at 15 pounds for dinner and a drink there's also an auction and a disco afterwards they've got loads of really good prices which include a tandem glide and. A glider experience at the trough of Bowland a look she cheese also you can pay on the door or head over it to their face. Page which is called Laura's foundation you'll find all the details but it's all night and Laura's foundation's mission is to provide education to those who don't have the financial ability or opportunity to otherwise access it's low as Foundation it's a really small charity with no paid staff costs 100 percent of donations plus an extra 25 percent and gift aid goes to all of that projects so if you can. Support that tonight coming up there all the usual stuff will be catching up with men lovely Mr Steve royal Of course his palms who opened last night so yeah it's always a bit of a crazy morning after the night before when you open so we finding out how they all got on in Neverland a little bit later on plus I've been asking you about your nativity what you played where the detail I want the details it was my little boy's Nativity yesterday he was a shepherd Natalie's been in touch back in 1991 I don't know with us she played the show she played a sheep not a shepherd she played a sheep which was Ok she saw over the hour but then because her mom would go into so much effort making the sheep costume that. When they went to a fancy dress party in the New Year her sister won as Bopeep so she could be the sheep again so she never said I was 5 at the time thank you very much for sharing that with us Natalie if you want to get in touch with your story you can I weigh 178 double 3583 s. On them but also me a text message just make sure you start it with the word blanks and send it to 8 treble 3 at right now this is cargo Whitney Houston and hi I love. the usual way we do this this week it's all about you getting to know. Getting to know. You saw this week asked about your maturity when When what you played brilliant to be traditional what Malibu was a shepherd yesterday but I do know people who have been entirely random things as so thank you very much see who this one's from. Chris in Costa del Koppel he said school that it's a 1986 couple County primary school naturally I was that Captain of the Yellow Submarine 2 kids either side who would dress. No idea what was going on. I love it just run them no one knows doesn't also big day is text as well he said I played Joseph back in about 1975 I was 7 All right back at Highfield primary in Chile and I loved it even though me and the shepherds what he tells on our heads I reckon kids today think with Mt When we talk about the costumes you wore I mean I mean really I remember the donkey in our house had. Even Know Why I thought really God He had a donkey costume which was made out of cereal boxes. I thought really go out. With yours it's lovely to get snow you a bit more a 178 there were 353 all day what big day and Chris has done as well as struck with a text message just make sure you start it with the word length send it to $81.00 trouble free and started message right supply coming up then we are going to be chatting with the lovely Mr Steve Wallace a lot quieter without him in a on a Saturday some would go as far as to say it's quite peaceful it's quite feel like sitting. Over last night in Blackpool so I will be catching up with him and finding out how his 1st night went plus I want to know why played in that it was what Paul would have played in it if it's a. Donkey's what I'm going for but. We chatted with him. Perhaps after this from Queen this is Radio Gaga b.b.c. Radio like you just Saturday lunchtime. We. It's Queen radio Gallagher b.b.c. Radio like you could have them we're going to be funny all of those pesky aliens have been going through this week and also cut it with Mr Steve. Don't forget from a much they live returns life for me would park with full commentary on Burley's visit to Talk of the Premier League press an authentic he p.r. The championship and the big. Between Blackpool and Fleetwood Town in League One meet dad a real half ago in the super excited honestly like Chris was already an hour out for that and why you won't miss any of it at least after the Match Day Live from through until 6 you'll get updates on all anxious sides in action. And then of course between 6 and a Saturday night soul returns keep Flecha with the biggest and best soul choose as well as the 3 before 8 to launch straight into your Saturday night before we hand the reins over at 8 o'clock to b.b.c. Music introduce it as a brilliant brilliant line it was Saturday at right now it's time to catch up with my lovely partner in crime well. Specifically Neverland after they missed a royal. Good afternoon time all this time Laura. Opening night last night I'm always a bit of that role for the sun a little holes well it's sand them in the hole given to specifically particularly in rehearsal time so how was opening night tell us everything it was absolutely fantastic yeah everything went really really well with that please that place so much so we probably celebrated a little bit more right don't know me but you know what it's like. Some lists are off of the. Wild So we ended up going out and we stayed over in Blackpool last just out of just of the recovery Bret all of like pain a lot back and I wanted to know something I wondered why you reply so early this morning authorities apparently all in bed late I couldn't decide it was it was definitely a lot. Oh we'll we're. Going to hear it's not so you've got a bit of a hug over that you realize just how loud the sea. Yet if he'll allow just all why were you feel right enough fresh air you'd be Ok not fresh air but time you get it so you'd be right. The way I would things about love Flay everything's fine here was funny chilled out in the studio without even really relaxed very well you know there's a lot less stress about me. These brought slippers and a pack of dogs and. Face just smiling he's just did a lot. About your life. He only wanted to check in with the just to find out how when I got in this there's one more question I need to ask and I want to know Steve want Did you play in your nativity you want a wall about. I knew you were going to ask me this question I was really trying to think about what Nativity to have got and used always because as a shepherd I know it all as a show yesterday yet always is that this time of year the time of year when you need say towels because having guests there are always missing out the best and it's always the best one and if you have visitors right and you know it isn't true they go it makes you got the nice clean towels out of them and then you go or count nursery. So apart from a so I mean see telomere had to be shattered many many years even they when are you going if the sheep did she didn't juggle a sheep or anything like that you know it was a little before Ok. Anyone Jesus is very. Good if I used to balance did Jesus on my chain instead look at the one I remember the one I remember the most though it was 'd being Joseph finally getting past the church church nativity and I spent the whole power proper method I had a hammer and a chisel I stood at the front of the church because most the time Joseph isn't there doesn't really do much in it as it is stuns around all the visitors come and so I just in the background pretending to carve all the names in the more. General a block or so in this where I could do this. A little. So I just. Said Stephen's United Church mill no. Thank you that is the most economical one and I thank you all think you very much for to chat with us I know it's kind of busy now because what can I put to see warm up me stronger now we're we're off now to do a fight rehearsal. Spot on last night which will make a difference I have heard well that well yeah everyone's alright it's a very complicated site fight sequence where I only hit piece by ones for. The sword so I've got to go now and watch people swinging swords like mad are literally running hit him once and then go off. The. Straws they pour in and he had the horrible graphic swords all the while. Well we're missing a mysterious and may serial and she really are. You could be an x. Ray cow where one of the Yeah Yeah so they have to get the brews are you know you know me or do you know me at all you are and over the already lined up in which I already know she is in the bags in the coat ready for your safe all right will have a brilliant to show day to day almost bt next week so you know. Well yes say season I just I just wanted us to crab a quick catch up with him because I knew we'd have a title only Steve could go method on a nativity play I tell you that right get into the open sea stories you can call us on a 172 with rate 5 and 3 well some of the techs I need to travel through just starting with the Web likes to. Make you mad. For one scene you did it the. Wow Don't you. But a life is time to change it Ribisi radio Lancashire for me as a Christmas album I like that it's quite hard I think to do new Christmas songs that people kind of like the the stuff they've got don't like it right how are you having a lovely Saturday I'm hake a wizzy it through until this afternoon before we hand over the reins too much day life now I know the big vote is the next week I don't really want to talk about it because I'm sorry about it however what I am interested in is the strictly semi final believe that the final is like next week and still I think my faith going back and forth and back of all but I think my favorite is Calvin I think he is I really like him but I also quite like I am a bath and on Sunday back about cannot White Sox to me strictly zone so I can not wait and then the other thing I'm loving is I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of It All of it just really enjoyed the series and. Also that so. Weekend. Enjoy it much more than customers vote next week at the Says political as we get here on a Saturday that was a case you missed it by going to we will have an all important clothing full cost if you don't get yourself dressed Yeah I'm a Saturday lunchtime why not have just the thing for you coming up in the next 10 minutes plus I will have an update on lanky shoes wrote In fact I will check in with a travel Santa after this is the brilliant 10 show up they say it's you at b.b.c. Radio link. Move. Still. As well give me a little bit heavy still in. If you go to law. You can find a group. Christmas . Radio just so that we have been doing this it was you get to know. You it's because normally I have to ask the question but this week I wanted you to answer the question it was all about negativity so you know who was so I was the. $184.00 was Lee probably in Blackpool I was pretty annoyed about Excel wanted to be the angel mainly based on the tinsel Halo situation where my uniform is done on a p.c. Box it's not the same however as facsimiles going touch and 960 to greet the hill infancy says here I was a 2nd angel my left next to Margaret Bradley I blinked constantly so my mother sat and I'm still friends with Margaret a lifetime later said she recently found an old photo of her in the arms Carrick advertiser thank you very much dot a low fi life and some really really lovely stories coming through she was just just interested in what you'd like to some people early on he was a guy early on someone told you earlier on and he was that Christian who said that he played the captain of the Yellow Submarine Copple County primary school back in 1906 he said I've no idea no idea what it was about but do feel free to share yours I want to get to know you this after day Deacon called us on our way 178 there were 353 or so and is a text message just make sure yes starting with the word once and I'll find it's right to make the b.b.c. Radio. So this might be of interest to you also when you know it's a new group that has started to provide support and social events for single parents at now these groups all about positivity in getting together the having a Christmas party this time next week between midday and 3 o'clock at Walton community center there's no charge just bring along some food of Jacob's join style and that sounds really good doesn't it higher waltz and also this is happening tomorrow of already seen the signs up around Blackburn there at Town Center it's the 2nd annual Blackburn Santa dash it's happening and to raise money for the Northwest ambulance the fun one has some to suit provided and we just have to get sponsorship people can do one to 3 laps of the town center any age any of. Everyone's welcome to join in and here find out more details. About the event tomorrow on the Northwest ambulance his website so yeah I'm sure they'll be hundreds of some tos making their way around these parts tomorrow if you're taking part the best of. T.v. . Now I can't believe that some people across the county all still not dressed so it's time for the ole important clothing forecast today is big coats and chunky jumpers generally dominating much of the region with vests remaining essential of light however scarves and hats will continue to appear spells of mittens pushing in from the West generally though throughout the afternoon Sunday morning is expected to be largely pajamas for the most part into the afternoon expect more in the way of jeans and nice top combos she states remaining sensible for the forseeable future with boots and thick socks tights highs of 110 year underwear thermal to risky and that is your clothing. Like we'll have the latest news for is coming out 1 o'clock. B.b.c. Radio coming up after 1 o'clock some fantastic music including the likes of Simon and Garfunkel also some you see on the right plus we'll be finding out what those pesky ab Innsbrook see this week has a Steve role quite rightly pointed out a good few weeks ago there's always an alien story every week you could never have never too far away from an alien story so find out what the pesky aliens have been up to this week plus we will have a comedy god find that way can have some laughs across the county over the coming days and as always we never disappoint of course there will be a tale of the totally expected that's on the way between one and say and then of course we'll be having it was the same from much to live at right now though it's time for not that. Great. Radio like. My question we call been has dismissed as a nonsense the idea that leaked u.s. U.k. Trade documents used by Labor in the election campaign a link to Russian interference Mr Corbett has claimed the papers show the n.h.s. Is up for sale which the conservatives have strongly denied the online discussion site read it said the documents were posted by a campaign linked to Russia. And it suspended $61.00 accounts security correspondent Gordon Corera said the paper's origins were not yet clear they are believed to be authentic but no one is quite sure whether they were hacked whether someone leaks them and then a account linked to Russia saw this and started to promote them so there's still quite a lot which remains murky about this but certainly it has raised that question about Russian interference potentially in the u.k. Election the man who killed a couple from Lancaster in a crash on the m 6 near Preston has been jailed David and Patricia Howard died following a collision near junction 31 in November of last year James Nicoll whose 23 m. From Wakefield admitted causing death and serious injury by dangerous driving fraud and driving whilst uninsured he was jailed for 8 years and banned from driving for 11 years scientists say they have fresh evidence that climate change and pollution are contributing to falling levels of oxygen in the oceans threatening many species of fish but of course at the u.n. Climate conference in Madrid says $700.00 sites with low oxygen have been identified globally compared with only 45 in the 1960 s. Apps from the International Union of the Conservation of Nature worked on the research we've known about the phenomena oxygenation but we haven't known that the linkages to climate change and this is really really worrying because what we're seeing is that not only has the decline of oxygen for triple in the last 50 years or so but also with look in the future scenario oxygen is still Don't going to decline in the ocean here an inquest May hearing how a man from surely died after choking on a piece of meat 63 year old Selwyn Francis died in hospital 2 days after falling ill as a restaurant in North Wales he was living at a nursing home in shortly but was visiting his brother at the time the inquest was told that in the past he'd suffered a series of strokes which affected his ability to swallow Welcome football fans or . Being asked to do their bit for the local food bank this afternoon the club's urging supporters to bring a tin to their home match against Carlisle last year a similar appeal was a huge success the shrimp's manager Derek Adams says it really can make a big difference at this time of the year it is extremely difficult for families because you know when they have kids and they have to spend you know money and kids they want presents and it's really important everyone has you know as good a Christmas as a possible can and the food banks alone the community to come together to make Christmas a better time for many families while on the pitch then football Blackpool host Fleetwood Town this afternoon in the filed costarred in League One of the 2 managers have been swapping banter ahead of the Clash town looking for their 1st win at Bloomfield Road in the club's history head coach Joey Barton thinks there's no doubt which is the better club currently let's be honest if you are going to go and watch the pure statics of it when you watch Fleetwood because we play much better football and then we got better players got but you forgot me better the only thing is bottles 'd older more traditional bigger club biggest support base book if you are coming in from Mars and you said which is the better on football club then obviously Fleetwood would be because you've got people in charge but the Blackpool boss Simon Grayson says he isn't interested in what he called the mind games from Barton ahead of the match Grayson says his players will know what's expected of them to win the game honestly I don't give one iota about what. 3rd in the nicest possible way they can say what every wants to about this that new order I was concentrate what we need to do my team will go out and do what's required. Well whoever wins you can follow full color 3 all not fall costar be on b.b.c. Radio action this afternoon during Match Day Live which gets on the way in and out as time at 2 o'clock your listening to Radio one should use.

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