Transcripts for BBC Radio Lancashire BBC Radio Lancashire 20191125 080000

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And said it was poor suffering who by all accounts was very upset when she was voted off her a.j. On Strictly Come Dancing b.b.c. Radio it is Graham breakfast coming up after 8 o'clock this morning we will look ahead to the live them Festival and it's just been announced on the Sunday Little Mix will be playing at will of them festival so the line up this year on the from the Wednesday to Sunday Westlife Louis cupola the snow patrol Lionel Richie and Little Mix will bring in more of that coming up in the next 15 minutes b.b.c. Radio Lancashire travel and George Wallace with the latest on the road to remains very busy I'm 65 in both directions between junction 2 and junction 4 very busy Also if you had a young towards the a 56 the southbound side looking very slow way from how things went towards the infield area northbound very busy towards the rising bridge roundabout street was a stall of water for break up road still looking busy and if you're heading out towards call via freeway the invalid side very slow indeed is more than 15 minutes . From the river last 3 to mull combat a common hill to the I receive good friends good company and great music. That is b.b.c. Radio like Isha. Good morning it's just got 8 o'clock on Monday morning the 25th of November this is your local breakfast show live from where you live I'm Graeme live and you're waking up to b.b.c. Radio Lancashire with the latest news right now here's our legs were Thank you Graham Good morning a man wanted in connection with the death of a woman he with killed in a suspected hit and run in Blackburn has been arrested Alison blame was hit by a fee at panto on Wally banks last Tuesday evening 18 year old Caleb Connelly who's from Blackburn has been arrested on suspicion of murder offices are continuing to search for another local man 20 year old Dean. More than a 1000000 students face disruption. From today when lecturers and support staff at 60 universities including Lancaster and Edge Hill begin an 8 day strike over pay pensions and working conditions members of the University and College Union say staff of reach breaking point and this after the strike they will work to rule University say they'll do everything they can to lessen the impact during a stoppage by union members last year there were calls from some students for financial compensation many students support this year's action but some are worried that I've paid so much money and to have basically a week written off of my course so it's not what I want my money back and it happened in my undergrad I know to station 2 to 6 weeks which I think back to my final mark considerably safer to be happening again is just ready annoying motorists in Preston a being advised to plan their journeys and leave plenty of time as new road closures come into force today is because the next phase of the 200000000 pound master plan to redevelop the University of Central Lancashire is getting on the way motorists wanting to cross the Adelphi roundabouts can do so through the link from filed roads to Corporation Street only there's no access for more lane Walker streets and fry a gate there to you see is launching a campaign today to urge councils in Lancashire and across the northwest to significantly increase investment in local services if follows a survey showing spending has reduced by more than a 1000000000 pounds in the last decade with 3 Lancashire councils among the top 5 in the league table of cutbacks with the details here's my question to you see survey shows councils across the northwest allow spending 1400000000 pounds less on services than they were in 2010 Russian they'll tops a league table with cuts of 57 percent or $9000000.00 pounds a year closely followed by Preston with a reduction of 46 percent and Burnley were cutbacks of amounted to 44 percent to u.c. Says there's been a serious impact on services such as Social Care Waste Management libraries and transport and urges policy. Missions to reverse that the Cline and boost council budgets pro-democracy candidates have won a landslide victory in Hong Kong's local elections reports in the Territory say the opposition has won control of 17 of the 18 councils the election was seen as a test of support for Hong Kong's rulers after months of unrest the Territory Chief Executive carrier said the government would respect the results of the elections and listen to the views of the public with an open mind a 70 year old British man and his Filipino wife who were abducted in the Philippines last month have been free during a military operation Allen and Wilma Hiren's were seized by militants allied with the Islamic state group here's our Philippines correspondent Howard Johnson the couple were rescued by the Philippine Army following a firefight with the armed militants early this morning in the Sulu area the fighters fled the scene leaving the couple behind they were taken to a nearby hospital for a checkup and are said to be in good physical condition Mr Hiren's who is a jewel National has lived in Zamboanga del Sur with his wife says 2013 the rest of island of Mindanao has several militant groups operating on it the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office voices Britain's against all travel to the area where Mr Hiren's and his wife were taken to line up for next year's live in festival has been announced and it's just been revealed that little mix will be the headline act on Sunday the 5th of July Westlife will kick off this year's festival on Wednesday the 1st live with apologies on the Thursday with Snow Patrol the headline acts on the Friday and Lionel Richie is the big name on the Saturday night finally for now a small act of kindness has led to praise for an acquaintance Stanley player and already aesthetician bubble and wrote his local paper to say you met 3 young men including Stanley some thinly in a cafe in Crosby after a Remembrance Sunday service when he was wearing his medals Bob said after they left the waitress told him they paid for his breakfast. That's b.b.c. Radio Lancashire news 6 minutes past 8 with the sportiest Scott Wallace England well beaten by an innings and 65 runs against New Zealand in the 1st test bus John Coleman hopes are creating can drive up the table after beating Bolton 7 warm manager Derek Adams says their defensive record isn't good enough sport and for a 30 c.b.c. Radio Lancashire. Hello Richard Davies here with the weather it looks like it's going to be a pretty gloomy start to things this we've got some patches of rain around through the course of this morning and into this afternoon as well it could be heavy at times this is going to be feeling fairly mild as we go through the highs of 11 or maybe even up to 12 degrees Celsius and as you make our way into tonight it will be staying fairly damp to begin with it's having a little bit drier in staying cloudy as we head towards the early hours of tomorrow morning with temperatures down to 7 or 8 so a mild start to the day but there's some more rain on the way as it makes its way up from the south through to the arts and you know looks I will have a few patches very new around once again and the temperature is roughly the same so still holding on to that mild fill through to more. Love for you live below grandma you are right on b.b.c. Radio. Good morning how are you Monday morning the 25th of November I'm Graham lie but this is your breakfast show Leon is here to produce a good morning Scott Wallace good morning a Spiderman pajamas he's here as well and dressed like Queen Victoria going to bed is Alex where to go tomorrow morning of this morning we will very shortly bring you the latest on the festival the full lineup with announced the live in festival of course b.b.c. Regular show a big part of it so 1st of July when z. Kicks off on the green it's Westlife then Lewis could be on the 1st day patrol on the Friday line the rich Saturday night and then the show because the last night of the promised concert has been moved. A little hole in the plans that go for it will be beautiful everyone with a picnic basket some blankets and the we're going to light the whole this could be beautiful and we're going to be a massive part of our On Saturday the 29th of August but that means the Sunday not of living is a bit different some day the 5th of July Little Mix are going to be that your your daughters were very excited we've seen them they are fantastic marvelous so I will be talking about that this morning we talk about what you wear for bed because Rod Stewart has admitted he says now he's in the seventy's although seen from Haitian been where nothing nothing is going to be a tug pardon if the big talk well Roger. Now is 74 he gets dressed for bed he wears. He has an electric blanket yes a softie has the socks on and vest and I asking what do you wear for bed you put the full works on don't you know I have experiments socks big thick socks and my feet get very cold and last night I had my hot water bottle with me as well can have a whole can have a blanket because it's not fair when your partner they don't want to be that warm so the electric blanket and then you just going to get one for your son anything yeah there is but one on your side you don't want to go to bed with on a you know you learned 3 months to Towson you know that walk between when you take all your clothes off and getting on that your big tub Dva That's 3 things you know terrible moment of the night you know it. But it's almost like Scott Wallace you have Spider-Man germs. And Transformers all of us find Ok so you go to bed like a 12 year old. You. Go with nothing at all just a mile and some perfect behind your is over and over when you go about far occasionally I may put it best top on All right top but it will come off strong best message drink you know what guarantee will be. I'm off for welcome our looking out today we want to hear from you your winter bedroom attire call this is morning do you wear socks in bed I don't know under 7 a couple 3583 or send me a text message 8 Mom trouble 3 probably likes in France the message I want to talk about I'm a celebrity as well later on this morning it's getting a bit boring I think I saw for too long and the Jacqueline what she called just like why she moan and why is she moaning and crying and saying I'm having a breakdown you know what you could have you know we're going to get you if you go and I'm a celebrity a lot of money which is why they're doing it and I don't condemn them for that I completely understand why they are doing that but you know you're going after 8 unmentionable bits of a kangaroo and pigs do dars and the anus of a kangaroo or wherever enjoy breakfast by the way you know you got to do that you know get a creepy crawlies crawling all over you could be hanging from a tree or buried on the ground or whatever don't when you. Do When Judge I think part of the problem is she's been voted to do the trials Well the system because she's when you know all the time but they don't you know you must think to yourself when you've got no t.v. No social you know nothing people don't like me that's why they did it now most affect you're going to a little bit will start moaning you know if you go when they say I'm scared of spiders on the opening video Yeah why would you say that you know what's more you can get Pull yourself together I think she refused to watch it I guess why because it's cruel on the on celebrity so I don't have the little maggot mind of their own business calling over the leaves in the jungle all of a sudden tipped into a purse black box with a scream in celebrity with Minty from a stand this. Little animals and insects. They're eco warriors so when I spoke to there was no spitting out no so give us a call is it boring or did need to start moanin they said let's be like Caitlin Jenner who I thought I thought she was a meal I like a van. Gets to where she just does it I like are a lot cracked on cracks on no messing around away under at 7 a double 358 Bring me the in Lancaster room my breakfast on b.b.c. Radio Lancashire. Show the latest on the little festival Little Mix have just been announced it will catch up with the man behind it Peter Taylor that's going up shortly you're very excited very satisfying life Louis Cataldie Snow Patrol Lionel Richie and Little Mix that I'd say I think it might be the best line up yet to come here if you I think it is have you heard of Movember Yes just about it's where you have attached and you've done well this year I've been. Excellent all of my you are very well I know my own very good value but he has laid it. It all revolves around mustaches and growing them to support a charity which aims to raise awareness of Men's Health from prostate cancer to mental health now usually it's it's a it's a man's thing here so it's something that blokes can do and grow a moustache for the month of November book was an amazing woman doing race in the north of the county from class and dark who's wearing a tash for the whole month to raise money for charity she's called Sophie black. And I've been chatting to work and I asked her why she's doing it she started by describing which trash she chose she doesn't grow where. She's got a salon she sticks one on I think I've come for a French look today I've got the straps on it so it's quite a full mustache I'm still going to use my top lip a little bit but do you have a different one every day a different one every day yes some of them are too big to have brought some to show you some of the most likely to get I don't want to yeah absolutely a big yeah go for the big although if they were got a great one so you could go so slightly Mexico No no follow this is a guy slightly more restrictive than I expected him to so you have a different moustache every day yeah they're only stick um so. Flexibility you know and you keep on all day yeah yeah old days but there's been some interesting meetings with senior management at the university where I work. Everybody's very polite about it nobody necessarily wants to raise that sometimes you're in meetings or you're walking around Lancaster Yeah yeah I didn't think it through I just thought well this is a funny idea yeah anyway and then people immediately thought of donated to me so I couldn't get out of it that I knew doing it for Movember I'm damned if I'm over Yeah so I work in the quality diversity and clues in team University and a lot of what we do is for minority groups a lot of it at the university it's just to do with gender equality. Sometimes we miss men Our And there is a huge mental health issue with men and suicide rates at the moment and I think we all need to come together but really help each other out so when did you come up with this idea I thought about if you years ago and just life got in the way and this year I thought. You know let's just do it so you wake up in the morning yeah and you put a different Tasha well there and get ready for work while my daughter cries at me and says Please don't know the mustache on Mom you look you look horrific what do you could say I've got 211 year old boys who are thinking hilarious and I think you're funny I totally on board with my my daughter's discourse to me she usually wants me to go into girl and say goodbye to her in the hall and now she's I may just drop me off the daughter get out of the car so in terms of you know stretching the mother daughter bond because I'm talking to you this morning because our reporter was down at the Unity doing an interview with one of the reporters and came in and said You won't believe this woman came in and she had a mustache on. You must be turning heads people are being very polite about it I have had a few beats in the cast which is nice. And people are star you know give me a not knowing if they get it quite a lot of people don't get what I'm doing but don't necessarily feel comfortable asking so I thought it's quite funny that that that sort of came to me Are you saying that your job you need to make sure everyone's treated equally Yeah Yeah Yeah absolutely yeah I think you know we all need to look after you to that our way and I don't want to generalize about genders but I'm generally women but me and my husband separated earlier on this year and I've got women surround him Am friends surrounded me and I don't think the male experience is necessarily the same I think you know he's relying on me to speak because men find it difficult to talk to each other so if this helps somebody say to a bloke you know it's probably strictly celebrate our parent all it's going to char and how you do it yeah it's worth it and how will the donations go in don't actually going really well set myself a 200 pound challenge and I beat that earlier this week and now around 300 and I think 90 pounds is going donated so you know so hopefully you get a few people into it yeah so how complete. Paul donates a I've got a website so it's most sister s I s t a doco fall it's a show for black or if you'll come over page you'll be able to find a link to me or any other women doing this do you know I've not seen. Any But if they are I would love them to come forward and we can we can be a gang together because it's quite I didn't think about it so so so walking through town by myself with something stuck on my face that I didn't think it through I know you can't seem down to the end of them all I absolutely are mostly because taking me off each night means that my top lips get quite soft Most her it's like a like a daily walk when I'm in my forties all but I need to. Find out now if it is a bit painful. Yeah and also people do that when they're talking to me they rip the top layer of unconsciously well from all the men in Lancashire going to say thank you oh you're very welcome you have a lot I don't often get the chance to say this to many women but you have a lovely moustache thank you very very flattered she did where she is what a wonderful woman a lovely idea. Brilliant a talent is nearly as good as yours thank you but you're not growing yours form of minds unintentional cause is just all here around. Right now 19 really separate c.b.c. Radio Lancashire travel. On George Wallace with the latest on the roads problems on the m 65 the westbound side report is partially blocked because of an accident from Junction 4 towards junction 3 for Blackburn West certainly looking very slow on the westbound carriageway the moment slow on the opposite side of the motorway past people slowing down to have a look at what's going on on the westbound side it remains busy a 56 northbound towards the rising bridge roundabout southbound looking busy towards Eden fields as well of course busy between what a storm was but on break up road because of those road works and looking fairly busy impress them as well because of the roadworks of the Adelphi roundabouts so various lamest reactions in place. Expect delays to your journey heading that way if you think it also gives the called a safe and legal follow 330-123-0121 let's travel updates in 15 minutes c.b.c. Radio like you should probably show the weather for today so you know what to wear for bad you socks no. Doubt I wear now greater than I how do where you are now when is everything from bad according to the papers this morning but socks advanced electric blanket I magine away willy Winky hat doesn't want to have a bath and then you know wear a hat for about like a bubble Ah well. You know what one cow Nope we will get to where you don't mess up yes. We will wink you want to know someone's just told me you can actually get you know sometimes in couples Yes one's heart and one's called Yeah my wife. Can actually get a double electric blanket that you can switch on on one side and have off on the over how to tell Dave that So yeah you can get that online right it's about 60 quid apparel and I get enough for moving out I have a need to tell you my moving need to tell you that I ended up being the estate agent on Friday something happened now we're going to talk about what happened as well. When just when you were there stated we will. Cope the words are ma'am and he's I said I think his wife and daughter came to look at the house because what's happening I'm getting the estate agent to show people around because you don't want I want to show people around my house either while impaired but this they turned up and I obviously I'd need to get back home and take the dog out yeah for an hour but they turned up like 45 minutes early I guess I ended up showing them around and to make it more interesting the family I showed around didn't speak a word of English so I was very much like bustle faulty. And shouting at them. But the man seemed very interested good and then offered me a cigarette he often cheered Yeah for me a cigarette asked him a dining room and then little I got a mano a mano Yeah your house a little later Yeah cigarettes in your how to throw him out without him what I what I was a I don't say a lot of said whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no I didn't I didn't you let him have a cigarette in your house yeah so if you buy it I don't care what he does with the I was he could turn into if you don't buy you just out of cigarettes shall always seem to find it in their world when their culture it was only being nice I'd have said well you know out well I didn't know I didn't know what it was in time to read or whatever well you don't know I'm. Going to take a fiver to do that in someone's hand with the speaker would have English props to do that I don't know. I wanted to I didn't want to be disrespectful and always like to open my eyes for ever no. It was that Reagan's qualify question for lyrical today is to get your hands on my Christmas baubles Yes because my question is on this day in 1992 the film The Bodyguard opened starring Whitney Houston but you played her bodyguard and now we're not the t.v. Bodyguard No it was Richard bodyguard Yeah the film the one that's got rates in a 100110 times so give us a call you can get your hands on my Christmas baubles 0878 double 3583 and they are top quality and maybe you finish a trio of old finish or tradeoff So give us a call 8078 double 3583 the question again on this day in 1992 the film The Bodyguard opened starring Whitney Houston but who played her bodyguard 08078 double 3583 callers now 087-3583 who played the bodyguard in the film with Whitney Houston. I am live b.b.c. Radio. So give us a call who played the bodyguard in the film with Whitney Houston who was 808078 double 358373583 you are excited this morning because the full lineup has been announced for the for next year's crop this year for next year's live them Festival and at 8 o'clock it was announced that. Little Mick. Will be performing. On the show. On the green. Sunday the face of all you're excited by the I've seen it before they are absolutely brilliant daughters will be excited by this is what I've already texted my kids that. Were there well let's talk now to Pisa tell us from conference I love pizza girl morning and morning show. Little Mix on the Sunday that Sunday the 5th sings of a changing this year and you've got these massive headline acts to perform on the Sunday night of a new Yeah that's right move the Proms night from the Sunday to another weekend in August and we've moved the optimism all. To raise money for the hall and the restoration and so that means we can have $5.00 big headline concerts on the greying Yeah and I've told you about plans that you got for the whole night Saturday the 29th of August and you'll be announcing cmon you who's going to be performing that night this is going to be the perfect setting people with. The whole lovely and we're going to be part of and he will look it will look really really lovely but little makes are massive and to have them on the green is wonderful news isn't it Peter Yeah well the night before that the 4 men in Hyde Park side are gives you a bit of an idea of how big. They are and then of course we've got. You know 5 great nights starting on the Wednesday running right the way through to the Sunday yeah and starting on the 1st of July Wednesday the 1st of July on the green with a. Yes we're slice of performing live and they've got back together and they performed strictly didn't they when it came to Blackpool that show many great songs petered out over. The ultimate boy band and you know there are a massive play Wembley Stadium next summer that's already pretty much sold out so yeah I really prefer us to get them to let them know we're really excited for that so when the 1st of July it's Westlife then on the 1st day the 2nd of July. Louise compiled a massive name how did you get em but I love persuasion we did some concerts last summer and Scarborough where they I mean literally sold out in my back garden and we talked to him about coming to lead. It was really. And you know you start lot probably the biggest single of the year this year. So yeah a great one for us to get in and you know bring in a totally different crowd as well yeah so why slide Louis cupola down on a Friday night. Snow Patrol on Friday of July it just gets bigger and bigger doesn't it Peter Yeah well obviously from the back of stereophonic space yeah we decided we needed. Which kind of sweet speak Thursday and Friday rounds just sort of mix it up a little bit and yeah start Joe I think. About some station causes thing that most played song on the radio Oh yeah yeah rock great rock great soul and festival so this morning we'll tell you about what Rod Stewart was for a bad way yes because he was brilliant on the Saturday of live them last year this Saturday they Shiah I don't know what this man was for bad boy. Dancing on the ceiling and he's a whole lot. Louder you'll reach. That sound you know it's going to be so me special isn't it yeah I mean I've been trying for the last guy 11 years to that Lionel Richie to. Do we went to see and High Park supporting Stevie Wonder I can't a day or a stay I think he kind of stole the show so I kind of my mission and it started you know we even got to change it all so that he would everything that he would end up in let him start the one that's probably taken the most work but I think going to be a great kind of you know how Rob that like. Thank you. It's what brilliant So if you want of a 5 day pass they were on sale last night and individual nights go on sale on Thursday. Yeah. Very. Lovely and you'll announce soon. At the end of August Yeah we're going to be about you're not. Going to be a great night you know next something totally different. Yeah. Marvelous wonderful creative thank you for joining us this morning Leon your. Best year ever this is going to be very exciting right now is coming to a b.b.c. Radio. On the latest on the road still problems if you heading out towards the m 65 the westbound side closed off because of an accident this is from Junction 4 and towards junction 3 for Blackburn West and congestions all the way bad schools junction folly for God So expect delays that slow on the opposite side of the carriageway eastbound looking busy because of people slowing down to have a look at what's going on on the westbound side of the motorway there are a $56.00 northbound towards the rising bridge roundabouts also looking very slow in the Eastern Avenue in both directions and fairly congested 3 full would a 6 hour way from the Preston area out towards the end $55.00 junction what if you said what if you could also give us a call it was safe and legal 330-123-0181. This is a radio like. Alex were thick with the headlines an 18 year old man wanted in connection with the murder of Alice in the plane here with killed in a suspected hit and run in Blackburn has been arrested officers are continuing to search for another local man 20 year olds Dean. More than a 1000000 students face disruption from today's university lecturers and support staff begin an 8 day strike over pay pensions and working conditions sick. The universities including Lang Castor and their chill will be affected around $35.00 fighters have been tackling a fire on Central drive in Blackpool the ground floor of a 3 story commercial building was alight it was quickly brought under control in the early hours and in the past half an hour it's been announced that little mix will headline the Sunday of next year's Lytham festival the lineup also includes Westlife Louis compound the snow patrol and Lionel Richie the weather the cloudy start with a few patches of rain or drizzle rain becoming more widespread in the afternoon and evening but feeling milder than recent days a top temperature 11 South Yes that's the 2 parent height is after $830.00 which means. Lines are closed for let's get lyrical open for everything else we've received right back. With the small this morning is Scott why should morning England have been well beaten by New Zealand in their 1st test they lost by an innings and 65 runs after failing to bow through the final day England head coach Chris silver word says they need to take their chances because they're few and far between 1st innings we felt sure. Of anything sort of north of 4450 would have kept in this game of the things could've been different and equally I think I mean the way that they bowled as well for him and send itself in that help balance fantastically challenged and so obvious things we can learn all round and we also know actually chances in this part of the world has come by so we're going to work hard to make sure we don't miss Meanwhile in the last hour England fast bowler just for Archer has said that he was subjected to racial insults by a spectator on the final day in the Premier League on Sunday Manchester United came from to nail down to eventually draw 3 all against Sheffield United Burnley goalkeeper Nick Pope says confidence is back with the squad after making it consecutive victories at the weekend the carrots followed their victory over West Ham a week ago by beating Watford 3 mail on Saturday before that though only suffered 3 straight defeats but Pope says bullet. Some form are all just part of a season. Certain seasons and you can't play tremendously well every week so. Come up the bucket. And get your results as replacement we expect to find out this morning the extent of injuries to Preston North End Ben Davies and Andrew Hughes and Davies with Drew during their one they'll defeat to Darby at the weekend and Hughes didn't make the match day squad are going to manager John Coleman says it's important his squad don't get carried away after their 71 win over Bolton it was Stanley's biggest ever Football League win on Saturday and Coleman was pleased to see many of his forwards on the scoresheet for them score to nuts like a shot of adrenaline to the foreign oil fields and the least 41 you can leave it there you know it always only gets to a man and we have to sample ourselves. Hopefully we can do it again sometimes more combust Darry Adams knows their current defensive record isn't good enough the shrimp's were on the wrong end of a 5 nil scoreline at Crewe over the weekend and the manager says the problems are there for all to see it doesn't ticket office scientist of what courts proof would have got a main is 19 goal difference and. Is simply not good enough we have to become a lot better a been in here no 10 days I've seen a number of things quite quickly and I can see what we need to improve on in tennis Spain are the Davis Cup title winners after beating Canada in the final and in golf Spain's John rom is the European number one for 29 team after winning the season a season ending top Championship birdied the last to deny South ports Tommy flavored in the small sport at $130.00. 3 in my breakfast on b.b.c. Radio like you should. Do you follow the lead of Rod Stewart What do you wear in bed us stocks in bad a way as ever. Socks electric blanket he's got a lot he says now he's hit 74 he feels the cold so a nation call this is morning her husband nothing absolutely nothing just a smile in bed they've upped their tongue how big if you know my mean personal habits will tug. I don't know just a normal size I don't know the size of mine other. People who went to one now know I just have an average dog. It's been announced this morning. We're. Going. To. Be. Giving him a few. Eggs. If you. Can you. Give me a. Few. We'll . Cut you. Have. You. Cut. Cut cut cut. Cut cut cut. Cut cut cut. Cut. Cut. To Dave the window cleaner Dave just said just add that little mix of playing I want to tickets go on sale very excited. There are several ready individual knights go sailing Thursday so I think the music festivals. Available but in don't know we got across the across the northwest and b.b.c. Radio like a show it's like this is biggest music festival by a country mile of course we are involved in it because we are like this is radio station on the night that's been moved because on Sunday it's usually the last night of proms and yeah that's a good move to Saturday the 29th of August and in the New Year the tickets are already going quickly for that already and people don't know. They're performing but it's going to be going to be really it's a it's a classy night and living Hall is a perfect setting and the way they get a light it's going to be lovely and we will be there so it's our it's our big night so in the papers this morning the whole has been the of of the deep Jacqueline Jacqueline just that same layoff or you know. She's having a bit of a hard time tough I'm sorry I I'm really really really really sorry for you know what you got to get. And I. I watched on i.t.v. Plus one last night the live they did a live Love Island type thing didn't they. Live challenge thing you switched off their mark I watched I watched Jacqueline go down into the tunnel and then I had gone there but they got in and they did a live thing where they all the 8 horrible stuff and 8 spates but it's borrowing now what more can they do almost a celebrity gets eaten. You don't mean you can't eat a celebrity No but usually celebrities eaten in sex the most exciting thing is when one gets stuck in someone's ear nobody would be more it would be interesting if if something vicious you know started eating a celebrity then that would make it interesting. You know made press particular if it was his celebrity that no one liked you know if if if if a tiger went in another go at the Dell robots I wouldn't be that bothered to be perfectly honest. Lay off Jeff lay off Jack it ain't nice Jacqueline just as husband has begged viewers not to make her do more Bush to good trials over fears that she will crack well maybe stop moaning stop moaning x. Eastenders actress Jacqueline has braved a snake infested pits and Spider filled helmet who you don't want the. You don't want in. In 3 I'm a Celebrity challenges so far she was in tears when told it should be doing another crevice of cruelty where they can use the room with me but we're credits of cruelty can you imagine that little scar Well the crevice of cruelty Oh it sounds awful and I Spy difficult helmets. Ok but you wouldn't win Jim would you if you were told to do it all to be imposed exactly just think of the money and I don't you know if you were off in the office silly money don't pay for this is not for all but still for a lot of them it's it's a big paycheck it pays the tax bill. And so does panto doesn't it. But I mean don't moan don't when huge just ate the horrible bits of kangaroos or be prepared to be buried alive or swinging from a box from wherever you just do it don't when Jim own what you found in the papers he was over for sale now you know less we talked about. I'm showing last week we talked about yesterday and soon sweet they went out for auction they they went full I think 5 ground right Orville and Amy. Over being sold seriously yeah so the original or go on any puppets are expected to fetch Tang ground when did they go under the hammer next month right because how awful we can have moved or will our way out. Yet taking roundabout totals No they're not selling coke for some reason I don't think is keeping Google's they had that dark I still like the look you have no idea we're talking about that also that you know about so I would believe only tangoing date for a Dr who can what you don't call them yet great along the. Way a good thing I'm unusual for you socks them to bad yes. But don't think you need to just get a big a tall glass windows. With the best is electric blanket on. The lot you weigh nothing no a naked George what about you. Wear pajamas. What type of pajamas. But Yama bottoms on the t. Shirt I How unusual understand the song thing that. Is Why I'm I think I wouldn't count the bottom well. If you. Don't have a big do vary how big is your. Nose like 12 how can I do it well they don't do it well as they did. I think you might be able to get to 50 if you're at all I think 15 ridiculous but I'm under 13 point heavy. It's quite heavy it's like someone lying on top of you. Well that would keep people . I see b.b.c. Radio travel. For the latest on the roads the m $65.00 on the westbound side queuing up because of an accident which is now on the hard shoulder from Junction 4 out towards junction 3 for Blackburn West we have congestion about all junctions 5 all going to be reopened we're still looking for the busy on that westbound carriageway on the. Very slow people slowing down to have a look at what was going on on the opposite side of the motorway so still allow some future any of you heading that way very busy 3 forward. 55 as junction one and it remains very slow a 56 northbound towards the rising bridge roundabouts if you spot the thing also give us a call of a safe and legal 103-301-2301 extension 81 election 20 b.b.c. Radio Lancashire we always see politicians getting grilled on the telly to even know the cost of a pint of milk but what if you could ask that one question I just want to know why we cannot. Do what I do between now and polling day we'll be putting your questions to Lancashire's parliamentary candidates whether it's you or your health all your pension it's time to get some says you're not answering the question all you need to do is call the action during office hours 345305. And get your questions answered with b.b.c. Radio like you should say 48 let's find out what's happening weather wise today at the pvc Weather Center Ridge Davis hello good morning it's a pretty unsettled start of things as we go through this week we're expecting to see some cloudy conditions with a few patches of rain around through both this morning and into this afternoon on and off throughout the course of the day could be heavy at times some of those outbreaks of rain but it is certainly looking fairly gloomy as we go through most of Monday temperatures today up to about 10 or 11 degrees Celsius so at least it's feeling a little bit milder than it has recently as we go into tonight well staying fairly down to begin with. But gradually it's becoming a bit drier and staying cloudy overnight with temperatures down to 7 or 8 degrees Celsius so another mild start to things as we go into Tuesday but more rain is on the way as you make our way through tomorrow morning and into tomorrow afternoon that could be heavy at times especially by the afternoon will see temperatures roughly around the same maybe a 10 or 11 degrees Celsius as we go through the rest the week well there's a few more outbreaks of writing to come but eventually it will be telling a bit drier and hopefully brighter by the end of the week in into the weekend those temperatures are going to dip down so it is looking like it should be feeling fairly chitti by the end of this week in shallow waters a great on head to the mouth of Galloway strong winds are for cost when se 5 or 6 fearing south 4 or 5 later see states move or slides at times in English shows otherwise slots all moderates whether occasional rain or shine was visibility moderate so good occasionally pull the next high tide at Blackpool is it 2200 at a height of 9 meters thank you very much coming up next after the new one from simply red. It's let's get lyrical we have a winner for my bowl today. Chad . Issue. Radio Lancashire show you like me Liam We are an equal agreement in agreement yes but I'm a celeb It is a bit that I see that each day is it just not the right people this year I don't know yeah I mean it's something I look forward to and we talked about it here it's ago and I was really excited and it started and even after the 1st episode the 1st episode was on too long it was I was like an hour long maybe one out of that and even after the 1st one I thought oh I know how much entertainment is awash in celebrities horrible bits of animals. What more can they do it would if for a creature ended up eating a celebrity then I'd start watching. I think I watch it more front and back. Yeah because some of the jokes in. That the funniest bit well the girl from East Enders you know the times don't moan and. Then you may not be put up for the bush the controls of that unhappy wreck not last she was absolutely brilliant it was great and. I got a Sony a.t.v. It's all the Gillian said I love I'm a celebrity I'm glued every night Jillian is a fine. Show the Christmas let's get let's go to a big mall is no more consigned to the history. Of legend. And the new year we have a new prize for new chance Jacobs limited edition prints which are beautiful but between now and Christmas Leon what have we got small they can get their hands on your lovely Bobo's festive ball and there's probably only you know they are nice and showed some friends at the weekend they were quite impressed with the ball bowled I think you'll be on well worth having on your tree so if you want to get it going to be part of let's get lyrical on the qualifying question today it was all about the film the bodyguard because he opened on this day back in 1992 starring Whitney Houston of course and the question this morning was he played her bodyguard and the onset you know I can constantly telling you the same if you don't see. These 12 that's when I tell him. Yeah I will do in 1000 minus 3 while. Really no wonder your way where Spider my pajamas and back. You finish school yeah just about you don't want to experience. Let's talk to Emma black but Emma Good morning good morning no you don't go about where you are right you were out last night when you know I was here and what did you do I went to mass regular I think it's. Always funny isn't it always from prostate Yeah we got very good I like him a lot yeah I like him a lot yes very very funny so every film I'm asking a personal question Ok what do you with that. But at the moment now it's all cold How could you talk. I don't know I mean you know who I want to know. How am I the only person going to bed. No no Soon a shimmies should sue and a host but. It's me so when I was but not say. Well whatever keeps you warm there. Sally those Sally naked Yeah command that she's hot stuff and show me yeah but no I don't I don't I'm surprised by you I thought you'd be hot Well thank you. Now I am but if you were to get down to my balls how would it be Christmas. Well I think. The Christmas tree when I. Know it won't. Be pushing it was opened. The way that you're. Supposed to decide. If you got kids. Yeah I am a Geno how this works Ok yeah you want to sing or say the very next. Time you're. Getting so let me be the 1st to issue a very Merry Christmas. About. Was . The and. Was. You. Get. Was you. Get. Was. Get you. To a. Pallies on the Thursday and Snow Patrol on the Friday and Lionel Richie is the big name on the Saturday night organizer piece it's a list as he's been trying to get him to lead them for 11 years. I can't say I think. You know we've got. Everything. And that's the latest b.b.c. Radio. The weather it looks like it's going to be a pretty gloomy start to things this we've got some patches of rain around through the course of this morning and into the softening as well it could be heavy at times this is going to be feeling fairly mild as we go through the highs of 11 or maybe even up to 12 degrees Celsius and as you make a way in suits night it will be staying fairly damp to begin with it's having a little bit drier instinct.

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