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And trebles 3 b.b.c. Radio 10. Yes men's just me match are today's jump it is good he found out he swines I'm Jewish boys from a Robbie Williams at Wembley pretty Christmas cheer for John there but just myself plenty of sporting goodness you have the next 60 minutes here on b.b.c. Radio and as ever We'd love to hear from the Sick of us a call 290756 double under one or you can text as I want you to 3 please make sure you start the message with the word questions you'd like to come to come back to me on is what Christmas gifts would you give a sporting personality and also what's been your sporting highlights of 2019 Be it national or local or even your own personal sporting achievement We'd love to hear from the that number again our 8756 or wonder one or you can text us right one chip with restart the message of the word can we can tweet as follows at b.b. King bbc can sports is arts with Twitter and oh with John White I I'm delighted to say I'm in the studio I mean the saving the doorway of Kent journalism and a friend of b.b.c. Radio Kent tiny Howard Good evening Signy you are you smiling my thank you for inviting you back about city lights the be here thank you note from what caught your eye this week nationally and locally speeded up 1st was because nationally with Dino Ashley Smith finishing 3rd in the Sports Personality of the year surely next year what a year it could be for her could burned out there are those of p.b.c. Rodeo can sport remind will remember I chipped for greatness about 4 or 5 years ago mistimed them are called the Go from all sin and she's justified my confidence she seems to I think 2020 she could be the golden girl a pretty sport when we are Kelly Holmes back in 1004 when she did so well in the Olympics and everything was that was a bit of a surprise I think Kelly Holmes doing so well but now everybody expects the us with us to do well in the 200 metres world champion one that can she bring home 3 gold medals in a sprint in the Olympic Games surely next year are sincerely hope so I think she's an outstanding af. And she works very hard at the sport and she deserves the success which I believe is coming to her next year what I like about her is where she seems quite down to earth as well because she did a lot more media work and she comes across really well in that but there will be a lot of pressure on there people like us who we build it up enough in the summer though I think she's got the character to handle that pressure because there will be a lot of pressure on what I was I was going to search him out of the notice when she's on c.v. On the road she handles a so very very well it says oh she's being coached and she is not sign she has been coached but she does handle it so very well she never gets flustered it's all about her coach though John Blackie got the coaching award at the Sports Personality is big the likes of year Klopp somebody she's worked with for a very long time and I think that's the awards one of the a great award for somebody who's given his life to athletics and to be in the success he's got with Deena and I must be such empowering for him as well to pick up an award like that it was interesting that Dana was a split use for him as she was for us so until King about him very finely last night about all the things that he has done for her in terms of coaching been a mentor has been a huge huge influence in her career that things like that there's probably coaches like that been around the year for so many athletes are who whatever sport you're in they're people who give all their energy energy and effort for somebody else but I think seeing his face as well and what it means to me that must mean for countries out there you might coach their kids team or whatever you know that there could be that time that you can take them into a different level yeah he's inspirational and he set the bar very high but you know as you rightly say people looking in playing well he can do it maybe I can do it but my goodness it takes a great great deal of dedication of course to talk about Ben stocks a great year for him the England helping them win the Cricket World Cup will have no will forget that fantastic. Not again sadly no surprise he wanted Lewis Hamilton was in there as well but I think Lewis Hamilton has got they the Swire over the British public is maybe that Ben's like no r r agree with you I thought maybe I expected Ben Stokes to win there are expected. To finish runnerup So a little bit surprised to Lewis Hamilton came in 2nd but you know there you go you know an interesting fact I would guarantee because I was into him when he said he could go anywhere in the World Cup and go on but in 1960 you thought well that's guaranteed sports person here he lost the Nigel Mansell who was the foreman one driver and no arguments he was runner up they have back there that shows that they can use Hamilton's 16 Formula One World Championships that maybe hasn't got that sort of link with the British public with something like Ben strikes you know he's got his problems but he seems a bit more man of the people are great with you and I think the term maybe Lewis Hamilton doesn't connect with the with the public in this country could be wrong but it's not the 1st time he's been up there but he's always been picked at the Post Yeah it's back to can sport I know you will talk about the big game coming up against West Ham in a couple of weeks time I would think their season is going a decent draw against Fleetwood Steve Evans seems to be turning around good at home do you think for up to Christmas busy Christmas period from a chilling important you think them a decent season yeah they could have but the thing is that he's very thin on the ground and you saw the Christmas period coming up a lot of matches in a short space of time has he got the staff to cope with that we're going to find out very very shortly but yeah a good point at Fleetwood and listening to the radio can sports have on Saturday he was a little pleased I mean yeah they got a point of free will but he felt he could have been more and he fired off a warning he didn't want any of these players sitting back on their laurels thinking well that's great you know he wants them up a ladder and he wants some up and out it in the next game and I think it's m.k. Dons at the weekend yes mpeg on strike the. Wrong end of the table but they did pick up a result in the way that she was currently learning 13th place quite a tight division in there when you look at it as well Wickham the only side that has been beaten this year by the g.a.o. Is running away with it 7 points clear but of course the big game coming up for you is the West Ham going on of the season the tickets are going really well their. Set I think I think Steve Evans is one of these managers who play lucky manager that's a great draw for them as from West Point of view very hot and cold and the manager seems to be on the brink of a sack one minute then he picks up a result is a good game for the Jews the play that won it expectations were the sharks on the cards Yeah I think that that's very very true and I believe that if. It provided there are no changes so it was time for Mr Pelligrini still in charge the national press would be send on Priest field anticipating a shock what will happen if jailing him big time a lot of pressure on one's family and again what sort of thing will Pelligrini put out West Ham no great shakes in the f.a. Cup in recent years a bit of a tradition for slipping up against lesser side so a big big game and I'm sure the preschool to be rocking for that one Yanks but there is a Sunday game on that where course you'll be all over b.b.c. Radio Ken about that guy movie was in the new year with new years coming thick and fast of course with the non-league clubs it's only will start with our all star from the top down so to speak we start with more boys diver as regular listeners to this program of a little bit concerned where the season's going to go to the trophy at the weekend listener on penalty to King's Lynn a so I lower down with them scoring goals has been a problem in listening to and has since I was in 3 from the sports upwards as the could be that. Time at the club could be coming closer to the end of these get a little bit frustrated on his own solo with the players he's got. I think i've of invested a lot of money in the infrastructure of the club here but let me think maybe I can do a little bit better yeah they should be and I want to know when you watch them week in week out why is it by all so very poor at home can you put your finger on it it's a real strange one because I only started back to back in the last season when they turned around and they stayed up the hunt for was absolutely crucial and you know as a football fan you go to the game think a fancy We're going to win they win games at home but then something's gone and you just go there you thinking I just I fancied today that is a concern because every week your bread and butter come to you on a Saturday night see the good results away from home and that's frustrating the gates have dropped a little bit and what do you do to turn 4 home form around you think maybe a city that came but the since then 3 games 2 defeats in very poor defeats as well how do you use people around that area you see before I buried that was a comparison he was a burger when he was about the charges I think there we won't say what he did in the corner of the grounds but how do you get psychologically it is a concern because it doesn't help people like me Go Daddy hasn't are or when you can send you home for ground as well Well you touched on it there psychologically do they need to go to shrink over and talk to the players because something isn't quite right there for a team of their caliber who cannot win a home for love nor money something is seriously wrong their big game the next time game is on Boxing Day because Willie Bromley comes to go to probably never knew Smith Bromley you know friend of the show a guy over underachieving. What a good year that we've seen over the last couple years when they got to the trophy far no the solid National League side 2nd in the table there were. Just a couple of points off the top can they can they be the next Can side in the Football League. Well I'll have to wait and see but our had 2 good friends of mine went to see them at Dorking on Saturday and they said Bromley we're all 4 and it's interesting and the manager Neil Smith Well got a lot of time for he's one of the brightest young managerial prospects we've got around issued a public apology to the club supporters tonight because his team works so woeful in the trophy tie on Saturday I remember that it wasn't so long ago that probably were in the Trophy final at Wembley here and I think that nearly as well down for that he's got to pick them up this weekend here out there and I do work in is a lot of money going in there in sorry plight a lot of money but Bromley you expect them to go into a result there and it was a no patched up side as well it was the main side of the year bit of a concern for for Neil Smith there and here we look to try and carry on the former are there in a good position for class I don't think they can win the league personally but they're in a very good position and Neil Smith is going to make sure this doesn't the rile him a little bit what I think of Robin stance Inglese has come in and he's running the show it probably is a very very ambitious man and he wants Football League for Bromley and I think there are funds there to bolster the fact that dream that are going to get them there so they do start falling away I think Neil will have money to spend and get better players in but that was a big big setback for them on Saturday make no bones about how much it meant to embrace the club when they got to Wembley and going out pretty pitifully pitifully at the weekend as well would hurt them a little bit see how they bounce back this weekend absolutely and I see a lot of absolutely chat on The Sports Hub. Still in the relegation zone got some big games coming up as well 22nd place for points inside the drop zone change of manager this year Kevin Watson I'm not the j.v. Comes across very well and wants to succeed in the guy do you think you got enough to get out of it it's been a disappointing year for you as they put me on the spot there and if you ask me are saying no I don't think I haven't Charles Webster one thanked me for saying that but seeing nothing to suggest it's free can get out of it but I've got to pattern scrap and there I want to know more than one or 2 out there that are not prepared to roll their sleeves up because this is a critical see some fretfully they dare not be relegated to much as going into the club but having said that no one has got a divine right to dodge rather go shit on a go to field feeling that unless they start putting results together soon winning results then they'll drop our $87056.00 The Wonder one if you have sleep Fanny think they're going down the guts and big Christmas coming up as well which will be a big game for them I think the fun for an absolute fact is being one of those years when the start of the 29 saying they're in the playoffs then the financial problems is road on throughout the years where they've been through so manages I presume that if you are a loose supporter just want some stability the company Well absolutely and this superstition thing has taken hold up a stone bridge because support is a sign to me that will you stay away and I saw it was what we always lose when you come in. Which isn't strictly true but yeah they're getting very sick superstitious up there and they're getting very nervous as well the games this weekend on The Sports up on b.b.c. Really can probably play a silly Eversley home to Woking Well done over to Chile which is a long way to go on the Saturday before Christmas and a real does difficult game for the whites hopefully form from ice I can get result there might stand united sorry you were there on Saturday to live up in the f.a. Trophy and our competition that means a lot to John Steele and us into. And I checked at 6 o'clock and they've lost 3 goals that say what went on there what it was quite extraordinary because Maidstone sailed into a 2 nil lead and I was with me at the time and I said we could have a really big school here like to get 4 or 5 there was so much in control and then what on earth happened we're I don't know whether it's for cheek lack of concentration or what have you but they just fell away and the opposition decided well we were going for it we'll go for it Concord Rangers and they got back into it and then Danny Green the former champ winger put in a free kick at the end and that won it for them $32.00 and Danny Green is a former Oh boy John still's as Doc in a red brick Joel knew how good he was separate says but it seems that the message didn't get through to his defenders down the stairs very exposed by do you think looking at him the thing the right like the leg off the top of the table the word again we can look at him I think there underachieving as well my saying they say he's into the john still thinks they should be doing with his experience and a decent so I scored a decent budget they think they could be doing better but I think you've got to remember that it was a total rebuild there John and how can arrests in went in there and have to rebuild squad it had to be restructured a lot of players who moved down a lot of players who moved in America doesn't happen overnight and I think I've got some exceptional players there it's still a question of giving them time to knit together I think at the moment they're not knitting together as well as they should do but the quality said Fanchon and for the playoffs people say John still side nor when he gets stronger is that the winter goes into spring so that they paint if he's got money to spend with white and see the 2 other sites in that division Dartford Steve King's come in good result we can be in bericht. Steve King manager you know this level pretty well we were quite surprised he got the job but it's I think in the history of dolphin there manages but he's doing a good job and he's already planning for next season as well yeah I think the term yeah good luck to me is planning for next season but really it's the now that matters and to Dartford supporters who want to see see the club climb up the table Great Expectations at Dartford they've got very very low supporters they keep their loyalty but the same time they want to see that loyalty rewarded and would be interested to see a 1st Steve King can do that yes I was surprised like you when they appointed Steve King I think there are certain fits certain clubs and I wasn't sure if Steve King was the right fit for that job I'm sure he's going to prove me wrong you see he's good at this level of course Tom Ridge I knew says well they're still in the tribe they were there been absolutely going to replace Americans Hampton in Richmond they came back from 2 goes down with 2 goals in injury time their priorities to stay in the conference south but they seem to be turning a little bit the corner of their statement came I think is an excellent manager right fit right time we mention managers they're doing a good job yeah I think Steve's done an excellent job and I showed battling qualities over the last few weeks I've been trailing sides and I battled back got into games and I picked up very very valuable points so but he's got to keep it going and he's got a very very small squad there are few few injuries to key players and they'll be up against it you know one big game if you want some football on Boxing Day Tom Ridge I knew he might start a long way will be an absolute crack if you want some football over the Christmas period that's the game to watch when I have a bit whether what our driver was actually born with right this is what Nina Ridge says whether whether saving one day the night tonight he's going to be cloudy and what's the rain quite widespread and persistent but we'll have lows of 6 degrees so plenty of cloud of rain 1st thing tomorrow morning but the wet weather is going to ease into the afternoon in many places drawing but pretty gray and I have a car and just a few showers scattered around it's going to be another chilly day with highs of 80 degrees for Wednesday temperatures dropping down close to freezing during the early hours perhaps a few showers around but they will clear away so probably our driest and brightest day of the week with highs of 10. Traveling from b.b.c. Radio came with the right road. Battle Marjorie's again I think yeah there's quite a lot going on the seating so when the empty eastbound tonight got an early a break down big pool and a 4 vehicle accident on the Mt eastbound from Junction 5 for city born and stop the roundabout to junction 6 for fashion we still got one lane blocked just before junction 6 at the moment so that is taking a long time to get back to normal this evening but the breakdown Baker has been removed elsewhere it's not in Sandwich the 856 is close southbound due to emergency repairs from Ramsgate right to Monk's way in Queens or to night Railway Terrace is closed in both directions due to a gas leak from Paul cool to rush and I'm right and we've also got quite a lot of motorway closures in place tonight the m 20 is closed in both directions for even night from Junction to for Britain to junction fulfill a bonus not land the Mt was closed westbound you to robots overnight from Junction 4 for drilling into junction one for St The m 20 westbound is closed overnight from Junction 115 to junction 9 for Ashford and the m $26.00 is also close eastbound for overnight from Junction to a for rate him to junction 3 of the m 20 if you spot something that we're not talking about please give us a call on our 8756 double one double one maybe more travel in 20 minutes all 96.7 s. Am in law just had a word and Dartford and across East Kent on 1040.2 f.m. This is b.b.c. Radio can. Julia jewel of the wonders of the period that point. I'm wondering. About your program sometimes I go to order something for somebody that is marvellous and open your mind now when are you really a great Julie a jolt back tomorrow from 93 b. C. Radio can't. Some things made me think that I was my to a close it could be next week I guess. You were talking about it early on you. Could be a lot like you. Might about the same Father Christmas or the way in which I come from that anyway but I have to say our next guest was probably on the show just about a year ago I think it was he was he was limping then he had a brand new neighbor is looking good now as he looked ahead to a brand new adventure for him. Was a well known pathway for any parent having played a manager was of course as well as spare was absolute when him but his current job of taking it far away from the delights of party right and praise feels so good evening 2019 has been a really decent year for yourself tell him this is the way you've been managing and I do suspect the clubs we just mentioned it's definitely a little bit more exotic then partly right to praise failed Good evening Jane snow to see you both you know been appointed head coach at a club called Bernard d.p.m. . In East Asia. And has gone very very well we become so you will probably champions this season so it's been a very very good very good year for me can you remind us how you got the job because 2 years ago you lost the dealing in job when you went to Barrow I was well in the National League and as we know and I've been a football manager you have to go where the work is how did something like this come about well you said in the intro I don't need a place I want to Barrow. Really done really well there in the league and then I left because the chairman so I'm torn So was it all you know if he's going to leave those leaves hadn't had the whole knee replaced and then I'd a phone call completely blew from somebody. With broken English. It was the c.e.o. Of. The pm him and I thought he had warned up you know I promise you I don't know even if you knew he'd have an agent he does this for you always it's just a thank you for this come straight to me I do have an agent but this kind. Straight to me in a long story short I knew. Him and I knew background that he was there for a troll when Steve King was there but 4 or 6 years ago so I told him I said you know to shop just a phone call is in Hong Kong at the moment plain and I said you know the gentleman called Ali So and I'm a couldn't pronounce and they don't know you're a c.e.o. Of a team in Brunei called d.p. Memo. Right thank you very much an I'll call you back bell and when it's all called Ali back and and he said would I like to come over in November and see the last home game of the season I met the crown prince and in this order came back spoke to the wife and the children and said You will take the job and start on December 1st . Look at on Google Maps Bruno eyes is a nice day just about 14 hours flight yeah. We might be better than mine did you know where Bruno is when you got given the go honestly Matt now didn't I think know where it was after all the family scram when Google in this any other and. But bring noise bill on a jungle and it's a beautiful place very hot of the for every day all year round is you know getting temperatures from 36 to 4 degrees humidity is not 93 so in effect the 50 went for either of us may not so much when I factor 50 but but you just commented to it but . It is a beautiful country the people are fantastic and every way you can we play in Singapore so and simple to say roughly 2 hours away your airplane so we play at home games in Brunei and then away games in Singapore. Again if you don't there's a Bruno I league but you play in the Singapore illegals Well what's the reasoning behind that. D p member no d p m of the only professional club in paranoid only small country I think 450000 people population so we're the only fault on club there. And they played in Malaysia only they played a league in there they want to go any Indonesia but at the moment they've been planning games in single Premier League so it's us another team called a Japanese with 2 foreign teams in Singapore Premier League and an Aussie The rest will see it from Singapore So the reason is just to play a competitive one and good standard as well 80 Good to see against Spain alongside our no. Listen I'm all right in thinking that your employer is the richest man in the world he certainly is. The sort of Benoit I can open and believe me fortune it's a real really but you know even the sort of Benoit his family. His son who's the crown prince will be paranoid when his father passes on. But. The richest man will be the richest man in the world I think he's a 2nd rich man at the moment I saw in his and I think when he passes the title on to his son the Crown Prince who's my boss he'll be the richest man in the world so it's incredible really in a nutshell bit of Mick the the royal family I've been to the palaces it's a bit surreal you have to pinch yourself. On this where you are if if I said you 5 years ago you know you'd be managing in Bruno I again which probably one of the safest countries in the world is. Did you see the I say the career of a football manager can go either way where you can go to go up down and you forgot about how important was that core to you to go to Bruno Have you thought about managing We played abroad yes I did you think about. A world game so this place to go to something you thought about. Yeah I did I'm actually playing in Norway when I was 2021 to play the Norway and I loved every minute of that you know Scandinavian it's closer to England but again the people fantastic great experience. But apparently met when the call came in just at the knee replacement and and I What a challenge and this is something it was a huge challenge and the biggest thing for me I'm a graft I want to work wherever they are just want to keep working and working and whatever well you know if you want to stay in for a long life but this is such a roofless business not an opera do believe in this country is very very ruthless. It's a lot the rat race really but what have the opportunity of see what go on off here broaden and see where it takes us and it spreads spread my wings out about order and around the world of. God that a.d.r. My assuming rightly or wrongly that one day you hope to return to this country and manage a club somewhere. Yes of course the football is not forever but at the moment you know the mortgage is getting paid I've got a job. And and I'm fairly enjoying it where I am and of course not after a lot to come back but I mean really really enjoying it actually helps being away from the family that you win something John I mean if you are in the league and struggling week in week out and. You know the players have been actually fantastic when they've embraced me a lot of embrace them and embrace the culture of Benoit. But of course to come back one day but when you just never know because football water is a funny business isn't it you know it's a strange business and look you said before who would have thought 5 years ago. Or longer than when I was well a manager that would be in in managing a team in Asia are you what's the standard like over there how would you a quite over here is it. Division 3 is very difficult time the National League or a lot of people were massacred at question time and the thing is no disrespect a prenup it would be that they're not like our European people they don't think in strong that they take me very very good football is. There none of the 6 for the goalkeepers you know fall of 10. But technically all of them are very very good. So we so hard to you know if they you know put me in this league in the National League or division one division 2 whatever the championship or do believe there's one or 2 players could play the championship or division one. But only the majority the plays it's difficult say what Stanley because the their build is not like European build you know I mean they're not big and strong lot I think in English football we do need be big and strong but technically very good so it's hard to put everybody else without question but difficult to put an actual you know if they can be changeable Division one players or nationally whether but it but they are they good the good honest boys you mention about the different. That means you as a coach is that to develop as well rather inside out there's the big guy out there . Through it as much as possible so you think you've improved as a coach as well yeah most definitely and we always learn I don't care what anyone said doesn't matter how old you are able long you've been in the business you always online and every single day in fun pick up little bits from other people fantastic you know and but yet you do and you have to change because the Singapore plays you know they are bigger and stronger so we have to play different learn and figure be honest we're one of 8 December 1st and. An overnight $120.00 players in front because all troll games and $43.00 overseas players will be Argentinian Brazilian English over in the world and one in 3 places to be in there and then the rusty The rest will from Brit I want to be in in the only professional football club in Britain I want to be in that team in that squad so most quoted from 25 so you know I had to that you have to adapt because of the look you say we're not totally different from English football but with the depth very well what about the you know your lifestyle as well is there pressure for you seems a nice as a person but you put any pressure on yourself to a result and as you mentioned earlier winning the league was probably. What you had to achieve when you went in there when you got you know the 2nd richest man in the world is this is the same pressure on the did you find no not told to put pressure on yourself the only person professional Michel because on a performance my wife and children my family my family more more life and then we're number one so that's any pressure put on me if I'm losing games then I lose the job that's what football is all about you know and that is a cut from over there you know people you know. It was even asked me a question also you know we've got the richest man in the world but he doesn't put the money in he's just largely a name obviously but he's the crown prince comes to every training every training session every single trying to newcomers to offer you know when he's come along go see a police cars are also orange here and there and everywhere and when he leaves he loves his football. But when I got the job he just. I think we've done a less than what we've done you know we surprised everybody because even the crown prince when I got the job and the management above me I got 4 people above me and that he's there his friends you know the crown prince's friends. They call in the management and they said well me table b. Would be great. But we had a very you know I'm a great believer in pre-season you know you we work very very hard to learn their culture the why they are built because they put on me a Muslim country and they have read the damn if she wants one month so we was playing games in my Madame way you know and again we only listen to him in the simple Premier League so you know we played free of the 3 games in Melbourne am and the boys would starve themselves from up asphalt in the morning until 7 o'clock at night because it was the time in Singapore are going to kick off up a 7 so what that just ahead they were eating and drinking and everything else so. So that was difficult but you know but then even after that the month after is called him heavy Roy and they celebrate Ramadan because a month before so and that is they open the doors up the whole country and they do it everybody in the in drink so I'm trying to you know educate them to eat and drink the right things because when I again they drink the wrong thing in them so you can drink things and they have followed food sugar and everything on the everything associate over there and. You know they go to the precision we were doing you know doing here runs in the jungle which is incredible when you know when it's real for me but they are just the way I was working as well I mean look at English culture as well obviously and profession is a morning Elton and after the 1st 2 or 3 months you know we are doing 2 or 3 sessions a day you know gym sessions as well as just running and football sessions but they saw a difference because we start the season very well and when you win games they they get that belief and that belief just snowballed and snowballed into the in the season we won the league. If you go back over again when does it go back up to Christmas as well Sally being bad. Karen being back here a month now so of time I go back and go back for pre-season on the 2nd of January so it's not as well and you know again as they say they're put on the Muslim country but they want me to come home for Christmas because of the I'm Christian blah blah and we celebrate Christmas and what Me being with the family. So here we go back on the 2nd generation I'm really looking forward to it was one of the How difficult was I got grandkids and kids is rather difficult is it been like these days with Skype but it's not the same with you know seeing the kids every day how difficult is that been for a year I believe there is a down time that really it's at them Tom when I'm coaching when I'm watching games and when. We play ourselves. Is fine you know young I'm doing my job but it's the down time when I'm back in the apartment you know Aussie because 8 hours difference when I get out or going to bed then it's thought of those here so I missed him terribly Of course I do but like I said before I'm doing it for them. If I wasn't enjoying it then I won't be doing it because if I wasn't enjoying I'll be back here with my family so sure and and obviously that pays the bills but. They've been over as well you know it's just been over the holidays which is which is again which is fantastic you know relate we've been Malaysia Singapore on the Singapore Grand Prix I would you gentlemen Lieutenant are massive Lewis Hamilton fan I think if you don't want to. Said the wrong thing but now we you know went see the Singapore Grand Prix it could be massive Singapore Grand Prix fans I went there and watched that which is great and this is such a small world I'm on when I'm on my own at Singapore Grand Prix and queuing up and this is 2 couples run the corner from running them in Kent you know and then I said I know I do what you do and what the bumper exam is you are you know I'm such a small world that you know they're getting in fans and everything else and then they were faced on the Sun's bike I've been saying a little got here and so I had a drink with them and you know got Union Jacks or flags and it's just a small world and. But you know that like with lovely people lovely people and it's just shows you have. This world is the jails of course we talk about the jails now you know for a couple of years and she left with Steve Lovell in the shower last week and he's desperate to get back into management he lost the job due for their look at price from afar you see how the Jews again only got big cup game against West Ham Steve Evans is coming he's you know some people like him some people doesn't. She still feelings about the club. Always look at their results you know and for me that's moved on that was a tone of you know what. Happened when. Things have been said before but again I moved on you know Jim you moved on you know people talk Stevens but I think when he carries like him in the game and he does a good job he's got West I'm coming up with it which is fantastic you know a lot of West Ham fans in can. Have big game for them but always look at for their results quarter to win you know as much as your town of don't want to want him but now I. Think the I think the county needs. Joining him to do well we didn't mean so we're not doing as well as don't get the county but. Id go back a long way with the former chilling of manager Tony Pulis he's not in the game at the moment I know you're in touch with him regularly always going to seem back in football or what's he doing with himself is he just taking his grandkids out for walks in the pushchair or we also want to go and he's got grandchildren and his love and all of you not I think you want to come back he does want to come back he's turned in a couple of jobs and the person I think you've got to go abroad and work abroad not in Auburn or d.p.m. In time on from a job but it's a but now you know he's I spoke to a good friend of mine to know. If you know last week but he's looking very good you know very relaxed nothing else so it was backing football so you know I think and again we need characters like Tony in the game and you know and I hope he does come back very soon we said about 4 years ago we'd probably laughed if you say you were managing the Singapore in Premier League and winning that so I do there where can you see yourself in 5 years' time would you want to be back in England or could be somewhere else in the world you want to manage a woman on the Join the challenge of coaching abroad you know and next season we are force whatever and you know we've we've had players who are retired we got we have got. And players who are 30 to 36 you know in a very old squad so and next season not the last and we just we wanted not to Leicester So I think it would you know here we are here we play so we're going to go more young bring on to me and you know we even last season and we had a 15 off you know light come on and scored fortune even on my beautiful debut to and it's not many kids coming 1st of all can do that but the next 5 years who knows who knows but the moment I'm enjoying it I mean Joy not foreseen Jorma football which is important and so be interesting to see in 5 years time we will be well exactly as a part of that it is great when you're back in the summer in the spring and come and see is great to see you and crazy you know hobbling around you know you probably get a game there every day you know that's like. But I want to just ask the past about the fantastic thanks for coming he's looking so well you know you can see the enjoyment of. Enjoying the. Company. Enjoying the weather in our place there not running we found out that his name to reach overnight tonight we keep the cloud the outbreaks of rain going so it doesn't mean it's relatively mild tomorrow morning at around 6 or 7 degrees but still pretty cloudy on what during tomorrow morning although things will improve as far as the rain is concerned it is going to ease off so most places drawing through the often a still quite gray and Eva costs a few showers all possible and on the chilly side with highs over 8 degrees a chance to start to Wednesday morning at around one to 2 degrees and possibly a few early showers but they should clear away so Wednesday is going to be dry with some bright or sunny spouse a little milder with highs of 10. Traveling from b.b.c. Radio came. The traffic because I think well we just got a remote travel throughout the evening b.b.c. Radio can school 08756 double one double 10 tax can use to h. One travels through a tax of charged at your standard message rate c. Are pretty c notice at b.b.c. Don't kowtow ek slash local radio previously. On b.b.c. One this is an opportunity of a large leadership race in May just by sticking it in a nutshell they think they should make an absolute allows on the palace Agata back a very big decision Oz got to decide which one of you is dancer with like 260000 pounds of investment this is one vision I can't let go today that this is your last opportunity to convince me it should be here The Apprentice defined Wednesday night at 9 am on b.b.c. One. I think Karen probably should be worried about the Jews telling her to mind about the extra prejudice we're already thought that's what we were concerned still being at West Ham they got a sorry doesn't look well. It's a picture of health it's Bruno did some homework Apparently it's one of the safest places in the world lovely where the people is he said really friendly in place for me and a bit of a rough ride at the Geos did NATO is a difficult army came in to the club come in there I think he's probably got a very nice lifestyle and fantastic he won that division as well and he's landed only sweet as well which is about one of football's decent guys yeah good luck your idea there was definitely game on the show from that I'm sure could he could write a book I think I would be painted because he's at some. Hellish probably of. Various clubs when I was going to work for him tonight should I do it well I think you with your pedigree really can do it so we talk about it is the time of the year when you scout around to get your sporting loved one a Christmas gift and sometimes something smelly just why do so we thought on the air with John amat without Jon the same when we try to help you out while having a look at the latest sporting to boggle phase with the help of Omar Cohen who joins on the phone he started to put its prestigious Daily Telegraph Sports Awards which is now in its 18 year and some are announced its long list for the 2019 awards Good evening I'm are you doing I'm not too bad so a stellar list of sporting books this year again including that man of the moment Ben Stokes started the summaries had it put the right time to bring our book isn't it. Well I mean you know it was fantastic saying Ben when the Sports Personality of the Year awards and obviously. The the long list is under embargoed until May Day. So I think it's safe to say that Ben's very very likely to be on the long list Yeah again we said it before cricket in football which apocryphal he's sort of the dominant force but there's other sports again this year we seem to about cricket by Jimmy Anderson and Alice the cook token you know about their sporting books as well but other sports are coming in as well rock break cricket multi-role getting popularity so all of a sportsbook and I think it shows a real thirst for anybody in any sport people are willing to tell their stories and . Absolutely I mean we. Are on an annual basis you know we we wait for those books to come out and we just go there there are so many brilliant books out this year and you know you've obviously touched on and the surrounding steak cooked. You know in rugby union Sam Walton's book you know chronicling his rise and. Very very successful well kept in the British line kept. It you know I think sometimes very very likely to appear on the long list. And then we've got dear old Tyson teary. What an amazing Rice he's had you know coming back from the dead with an. Amazing draw against the on say wild. Yeah I think Tyson series book has been received with incredible critical to try chronicling an amazing rise to prominence again really. Good evening. Good evening filthy Knight Yeah I was served on the Football Writers Association books committee for many many years and I've only just come off it and I found I'm right then if you found the same there were years when we were spoilt for choice so many outstanding kind of eights and there were other years when they were really lean do you find that. Yeah I think I think it does go in fits and starts. I think you know outside of the back story a biography. You know Warren Gatland booky Dow Jones book is out. There are there's a plethora Premier League football is the 2nd one so I think you're absolutely right it does go in and I just feel that we've got a real list. This year and I think coming back to match point about you know the plasterer choice. We've got some fantastic women's books as well any. Book. I can get it. In the William Hill. That was announced the other week Duncan Hamilton's book about Neville Cardus one prestigious prize and then we've also got a mentor as well. You know arguably the best netball player in the world so yeah we've got a great lesser choice really but I think coming back you'll you'll form a point it definitely goes and starts this cover. Like a sporting book I read that I've read a bike who won with Gary Lineker which is a sidewise look at it which is a good wife to do I think it's on this one but you mention about some theory that he has had you know not great press in previous. He seems to turn that reputation around and I think even deeper than that as well if I didn't read his want to get to the root of what the author in their life has to say rather than you know I'm reading books but when he's on the ice he's you know you said all we wanted to do we went down the pub and things like that you have to have that brute. I I think you're absolutely right I think I think mental health and well being is very very much to the 4 days a real a lot of this form a former winners of the the best old bugger feel Ward has been people like carrots on. An incredible book. That obviously chronicled in him coming out and finding himself. Brought an old book and Marcus Trescothick spoke for example that it's really really focused on on mental strain and hardship and it states very very much. To the fore and I think yeah I think the I think books go data these days and I think it's. I think that is a common theme running through. You know says Nick Ben Stokes book and an Tyson series book as well which is you know which is a really really great thing he took about women in sport we talked and they knew Russia Smith she's one of our own and we're all hoping hearing can bring home some gold medals from it was from a tiger 2020 you find in even the more women's book you mentioned a new kind of footballer in the netball of that are you finding that women in a quite happy to explore their life story as well. I think. You know we we need more more women writing books about themselves really I think they know Rush it's me. And hopefully Kasserine and Johnson Thompson not I won't be surprised if in a lympics year there are there are more women women sports books coming out and I think and that will only be a good thing. That that hope really that. The actual long lists. For this award and and for other awards we see more women sports books on those lists I think you said as I said is that we would be going for 18 years and that's how I'm sportsbook society evolves are there is there any I would I was 18 years you've been doing this the sports but the thing you keep coming back to and think that is a brilliant book. I mean I really think that Gareth Thomas book has been an incredible book you know the. The the trials book I think my hands the book. The last approach he was he was tragically paralyzed is another great book I think read he actually. Really really produced this to mean something 7 credible books we've had pulled out Cano and I and I think this year will be no different with Warren Gatland Sam Warburton and Annie Jones Jones and got them will probably feature in the best international category I think the record books. I think you know recklessness for really really hinge and as you know the sport itself engender team spirit. And great camera Algerie And I think those books. You know a lot of the are of the books this year I think will but since books. Been written extremely well. I was just coming back to a point you made earlier talking to my book loving book reading friends they a lot of books about mental strength what it takes to succeed at the top in sport are you finding that now that more and more of you will subjects want to talk about the. I mean coming back to. You know the Stopes. And you know if you think about what state has been through in the last 2 years. And obviously coming through the the problems that he's faced off to his his inquiry following the personal front. I think you know well what Stokes has done this year. In winning the World Cup and his amazing performances Well he's amazing performance at Headingley. You know to come 3 dots and then obviously trying to The Sports Personality of the Year Awards has it's been an incredible well but it speaks volumes for the for the man really. And. Again I think. You know the the the Jimmy Anderson books and the Sarratt of stick cookbooks I think. You know they that fantastic books chronicling very very successful successful careers you know to me as the leading England wicket taker and Sir Alex . As one of the greatest batsmen of all on. Oh no thank you so when the long list will be announced Then I were so so the lonely it announced that 12 o'clock tomorrow. I will go live there now and then the actual event itself is on to the 2nd Lord's next year and then the great thing about the event is that there are 10 categories best rugby cycling cricket that's the autobiography. So yeah we've got a long campaign that kicks off tomorrow so we're looking forward to seeing the long list and it's in its Koori thank you very much Emma thank you Mark thank you very much I'm sure they'll be some upset if anti-state books out there if you've got any loved ones you don't want to get for Christmas always recommend the sportsbook some of these books. He was well particularly That's nice in theory one a really interesting read that is thanks Ira and a Merry Christmas to South is boy Merry Christmas thank you that's I think. You're on the committee for these books and how did that work out when he you read a lot of books the right yeah that's right. It was on the national committee and then they said well look we're going to start this books commits a source of law Ok I'll have some of that so I went on the books Committee was on it for donkey's years. Read some good many bad but many good and that's how it came about what would you say the best sporting book that you've read for you could have . One of the best. Of read was won by Martin Ling. Has that mental issues and certainly the mental issues is so but he didn't hold back he spelt it out I think he's now director of football like Nori and it was absolutely fascinating. And really you know I couldn't put it down it was Martin was very honest very forthright and he as a person went through the mincer I hope he's come out well the other side say Director of Football like Norrin but I found it absolutely fascinating I want to enjoy recommend you know robot and the German goalkeeper I think he committed suicide because in the mental issues that we knew he had in his game is a book out it's been a few years now it's a talking to his wife and he's psychiatry's than that and that is are very emotional range I think I was right that the days of the football is there you want to get to know about her and with mental health being there in the in the mainstream these days that people are happy that it can really help and we see some greedy good books out there young and I think that the reader wants to get under the skin of all that what makes a top sportsman top sports woman get to the top what is it what about mental strength what about determination resilience and a lot of them to spell it out off on an absolutely fascinating. Get back in the Premier League sometimes go about that is finished Crystal Palace one bright and one that might doesn't much for any 3 sides or a late equaliser from Wilfried Zaha there from that point of view we've got about 90 seconds left and you want your hopes for 2020 for Arkansas you've got 30 seconds for that. Wealth success but hope they pick up and I hope that they do well I hope to stay in the division and not relegated. I have my doubts but I hope they make it more about the g.o.c. Against West Ham do you think you can smell a cup at say your mates in the press or the main national press can smell it oh yeah they'll beat down on Bassett if he if don't change their manager be looking for a big story but you know chilling and good would it depends what sort of team was time sent down. The Coast Guard is that big items over the Christmas period you'll be out of following the money. Coming in. From 9 pm every day every evening. Between 2 pm. And police. And. School. B.b.c. News at 10 on more Alderson Boris Johnson has welcomed a new intake of Conservative M.P.'s to Westminster thanking them for what he's called their incredible achievement in changing the political map of the u.k. The prime minister told the 109 strong group that be working flat out after Christmas to repay the trust of voters with. The aircraft to continue. To. Be you have to change. This country when you take the that. Meanwhile the former Conservative m.p. Nicky Morgan who left the Commons at the election is to keep her job as culture secretary she's been made a life parallel on her to remain in government and the m.p. For KMOV and west and south Pembrokeshire Simon Hart is the new Welsh Secretary I'm amazed and delighted Yeah I really am a trained. And I love the area of the u.k. I live in. It's a great job there's opportunity elsewhere shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry says she's begun legal action against a former Labor m.p. Who claimed she called some leave voters stupid she says Caroline Flint's claim is a complete lie Miss Flint who lost her seat at the election is standing by her remarks hundreds of postmasters some of whom were jailed for stealing money from the Post Office of one another significant victory in the fight to clear their names a High Court judge has ruled that the computer system they used contains bugs Arras and defects that could of course shortfalls in their accounts former Formula One boss spending Eggleston has suggested a break in at his daughter's home may be an inside job Tamara Akhil stone is reported to have had 50000000 pounds worth of jewelry taken the B.B.C.'s Danny and Ralph is outside the house in London the police say they were called it's of our Ecclestone tells him just after 11 o'clock on Friday night and it was reported that a high value of jewelry had been. Stolen they are now looking at but 3 men believed to have been inside the property in connection with about Lori British Airways pilots have reached a deal with the airline to end their dispute over pay and conditions that led to a strike in September they have voted overwhelmingly to accept the offer reported to be 11 and a half percent over 3 years a student has been permanently excluded from school and by after several other pupils were given cakes laced with cannabis 614 year olds were taken to hospital following the incident at Danesfield school Navy reading last Friday firefighters in Halifax say a man made his car explode when he lit a cigarette after spraying too much and freshener the blast blew out all of the windows and buckled the doors and booze but the man managed to escape with only minor injuries windows were damaged at nearby businesses and the road was closed for police investigation b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 10 b.b.c. Radio and on the best late night chats with Paul may. Very well my little. Welcome. I wish you good Elvis. Just over a week to go over the big day a move the gas far out on Saturday ready for them. To get a bit of a sweep as well which city of.

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