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So you have and alongside more traditional dishes as well and you know what I thought about this I'm going to go with the 1st one is true just don't know what land those can be I can actually 20 quid here 20 quid there it all adds up doesn't it I was once living in a house where the curtains were so bad I had to get my own ones put them up and so when I left us walk them back again and he tried to charge me for the curtains like these are your question seriously yes it's. Like yeah yeah I think it was probably the landlord he put into the microwave for a Monday morning I am bitterly disappointed with both of you because you are correct. So I have you on a particularly on or on the on the rugby story well I just don't buy a lot of rock I would have I would have heard it by now that's the thinks my ears were picked up at that been in the knees in the Rugby World Cup was already started so that was my theory back to normal to more Producer Michael back and he'll have you to more. Wake up with in college and and cooks and 080756 double one double one b.b.c. Radio. And this in from Phil who says this is reference politics labor in Britain of course will come to that and not a boat in just a 2nd but 1st as I think we're very different times right now the environment and economy both hugely interlinked will mean that we have to think harder about the kind of government we want capitalism is under the spotlight like never before so despite conventions this could be Corbin's chance something needs to change and I don't believe other parties have the answer I'm not sure but maybe Labor does what do you think our 80756 double double one is this Corbin's chance right now well of course he is under pressure to resolve divisions within labor over Prexy at the moment it's the 3rd day of the party conference in Brighton and senior figures including the deputy leader Tom Watson in the shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry a calling for Labor to campaign for remains from now on but Mr Corbyn stance is different he wants the party to remain neutral on any further referendum until after a general election. In war labor shadow home secretary Diane Abbott spoke to us earlier on the program and she says there needs to be a choice we are the only party offering people a choice we want tank backed people we would like to have a friend. Sleep often we believe. That we can get and we want food we won't offer people choice let's discuss this now with opposition Medway Labor councillor who joins us live from the conference thank you for sight taking time out on a very busy Danish are we appreciate that 1st of all I put it see that the preferred choice of your leader Jeremy Corbyn is too confusing for people I mean somebody said on this program earlier on it simply won't pass the doorstep test being neutral and not coming out for leave all remain. I think we certainly have what in terms of economic and ensuring that people young. People now offering opportunity have enough to stay on track and we said we will hold a referendum on that. We will go back to people and say. Negotiation if there is. A consideration by the previous prime minister is this actually what you want do you still want to. Know everything we have. The problem you've got is that if you say Ok The choice is between remain and the deal that we've negotiated a labor deal with the e.u. What incentive to Brussels have to give you anything new when they know that remain is going to be on the ballot paper and that would be their preferred option. I think there's been a with Brussels I think they clearly would want to see some form of deal with the United Kingdom they understand that there was a referendum the problem is when Theresa May went in to her redlines made something on the table that just wasn't political good for this country and that's why we went back to a situation that we're in today where one point we were hurtling towards a no kill Black Sea And that's certainly something that the European Union don't want there is an opportunity here to these a little bit different and trying to get that work to the country and I think a label that negotiation on that could potentially do something that works very well being the people are saying no shoppers are actually you weren't even believe in your own deal if you still got remain on the ballot paper what what incentive is there for Labor to really hammer out a new deal if it is going to take you back to the people and we know that many people within your party would back remain. Your number 2 who is in the party that there are also others she wouldn't there are other too so the referendum that we held a few years back. As an opportunity as a democratic vote that they want to see played out so there are there are people who are not quite a great a great or whether we simply go forward with a woman but my personal view is I would like to campaign to remain I think the best of the change for this country but it's certainly not as simple as that actually if there is something on the table that it would do workers that would make it a different result what is going to happen because I was reading that actually this choice between you know the neutral stance the German Coburn wants and their main stance is actually going to be put to delegates at the conference today and voted on I mean what happens there if if everybody sort of votes unanimously for mine will you change tack. If we if there's a unanimous vote remaining that we have said will we go forward as a country and when we go to the country again and alter of a referendum then we will be a party for a minute we will back remain however the resources used to Chichi to have an free vote and allow a loud and he's not allowed shouted cabinet members in the party to take a position on this holiday do you feel that the conference has become a little bit overshadowed by the practitioner. I think it was always going to be it's one of the most pressing issues that we are facing as a nation so there is always going to be a significant debate about Bracks and rightly so because it is one of the biggest challenges that we are facing as a country now but that said we saw it in really strong policy debate I guess around education and we've got we've had to be really good we've got an agenda that is really packed with policies that are about creating a very different type of country and so yes Bracks is dominating but there is so much debate about other issues that impact on people's lives and wasting a lot of that can vote as well yeah we are but I guess the other distraction that we've had over the weekend is this whole hullabaloo with Tom Watson that he later went from saying actually we're going to remove the job title that you have obviously that's been been rectified now but what was that all about. That's an issue that's been resolved I think it was a distraction and I think it's something that should have in the right conference starting and we are sitting here facing challenges that we talking about. Looking at how our economy works ensuring the people are getting the type of country they want those are the things that we wish to be focusing on and I think certainly for made that issue's been done and dusted conference has refocused on to the issues that matter and we are seeing that now yes it does lead some people to ask though if your party is united enough to be ready for a general election are you. Of course every party has challenges in it isn't anything new to have robust debate and differences in opinion and you see that in every single party conservative philosophy of that we face an Iran challenges when it comes to our faith is so strong policies that robust debate about leadership and ensuring that we had a vision for our country a very uncertain I can feel it here is conference that we are on the phone and really get not hashing and energy from Jeremy and we're ready to leave the country so why are you still trailing behind in the polls. I've seen so many different posts in the he says more than. You can pick out one. Thing another 06 different I'm not suggesting we can ignore. But I think we do have to post because we are living in interesting times things change very very rapidly and I think that the pretzel issue is something that is certainly playing in the forefront of people's minds and if they see different things coming forward they will change Additionally I do think any general election we have a future will potentially largely focus in on taxes and I think that's why it's important we go into that including our position Ok let's have a thank you for talking to us they come and talk to us again saying that this other car opposition Medway Labor councillor who joins us live from the Labor conference at the moment another busy day there and yeah the same for Miles who says you know after Katrina Tom Watson which was only averted because Germany how we realize how bad the headlines would look to see what kind of party this has become far from testing the water and shifting slightly to the middle the early signs this week of it will shift even more to the left many will argue it is that choice that you need in a democracy. The Blair Years was with the very years the accusation was that it wasn't really a Labor Party in the conventional sense it was just a sort of Tory light or in some that is something he's more to the right than the source Yeah it's essential to left that you can't really Wayne County let's go to our other story as well this morning this is Thomas Cook in the early hours it was confirmed they had ceased trading last ditch rescue talks to save the company failed yesterday and employs around 20000 people 9000 of those work in the u.k. The largest ever peace time repatriation is now underway to bring stock holidaymakers home right about 150000 British people are still stuck abroad less but we mark for every travel commentator and writer who we spoke with last week on this just before this happened Mark and of course the unthinkable does happen what's gone wrong here. I think is a very sad day for the travel sector and also for Britain and obviously all of those people who are affected by this I meant you know sirens and thousands of people you know obviously employees of Thomas Cook including people in which small country and deal in those high street travel agents and you know that's part of the problem that you know it's an old fashioned model you know people fewer people not going to high street travel agent if they're increasingly booking online Tomsk obviously tried to do something about that and it's had its own online of aeration but it's been too slow to change. And people tastes are changing as well people want different sorts of holidays. But what's interesting is that it hasn't run out of customers as it hits its rates model has run out rubbish because under 50000 people at the moment that were there as Thomas Cook customers so clearly I mean it will there was some of the something more to this yet so I mean you know the company has something like 10000000 customers every year and if you look at if you look at sales because you think that there was nothing wrong I mean. Made sales of nearly 10000000000 pounds last year so if you look just at that figure you say well you know there's nothing wrong with that obviously people like It's called proposition but you know the problem is that the model that it's had just no longer works in the current market and so it owns those bricks and mortar of the travel agents It also owns these concrete hotels and that's turning in the results and the problem is that the companies challenges you know people like b. And b. They don't own any of those things and they don't have to fund those things and so that that's one of the biggest problems for companies like Thomas Cook I think you know there are there's a sort of a perfect storm happening here as well I mean obviously you know you talked about breaks it just now that's been one of the factors people are holding off booking because of the uncertainty of that the Sterling exchange rate that's caused a problem for Thomas Cook you know most of its operations in the u.k. Has made it more expensive to operate and as I said people want different things they don't want 7 nights on the sunbed anymore they want enjoy whole days on hold and take city breaks things are just in 10 seconds if you could Mark what did if you've got a holiday already booked with Thomas because. So if you're if you booked through that or operation at all protected you just look at dedicated web site Thomas Cook dot ca dot crater u.k. For details of what you do you you will get your money back but it may take a long time unfortunately but don't quote don't go to the airport is the big piece of advice of course Mark thank you as ever Mark Perry travel expert and write a commentator with us here on the Wake-Up Call and a 3rd time so a lot of people I think it's a wake up call with Ian Collins and Alex on b.b.c. Radio Ted Also this we love a bit of exercise health news for a grab my eyes usually glaze over your slight This however we're not doing enough exercise apparently in fact we spend more time doing what than we spend exercising so that we have parity spend I don't believe this by the way we spend 40. Minutes a day doing this thing I was going to say looking off but I'm not going to believe this could we do more of this than we do have access I'll tell you what it is in just a couple of moments time It's 20 past 8 let's get the headlines now with Rose one of the world's oldest travel companies Thomas Kirk has collapsed after rescue talks failed an operation to repatriate holiday makers abroad has begun the largest of its kind in peace time 6 Iranian men have been detained by immigration officials in Dover they crossed the Channel in a small boat yesterday morning their latest suspected illegal immigrants to make the dangerous crossing Labor will announce plans in Brighton today to introduce free personal care for people over the age of 65 in England if it wins the next election the pledge costing 6000000000 pounds and funded 3 general taxation with more than double the number of pensioners eligible for home visits and residential help and for McCain 10 p. Jonathan Aiken he was jailed for 18 months 20 years ago has led his 1st mass he once served as a Conservative cabinet minister were sent to prison for perjury last year he was ordained in the Church of England and now works as a prison chaplain cancer the fine and dry with a lengthy sunny spells highs of 19 degrees Matt has the sports erotic of urge the football authorities to take action over allegations strike in the f.a. Young was racially abused during a game with Hartlepool on Saturday the mattress suspended for more than 10 minutes after he was allegedly racially targeted and the manager said he'd been prepared to take the players off the field in the Premier League leaders the report be Chelsea to want to restore their 5 point lead over Man City at the top of the table and can start their final county championship game of the season this morning against Hampshire account of it's turned into a straight fight for 3rd place Jordan Cox Markus a written and Grant's tour to be added to the squad and a rope union will start their rugby World Cup campaign this morning they face Georgia. Travel News from b.b.c. Radio Kent and on the m 25 years yet another breakdown on the clockwise carriageway it's. Junctions 6. Hard shoulder Vera 6 I can see on camera who are hopefully they won't have to put in any laying closures how to recover that will keep an eye on things the clockwise carriageway still quite slow between junctions 2 and 3 downs will Swanley long delays longer winds could bypass the 8 to 89 queueing westbound towards the higher max of the 826 because Elaine road works it's slow for 3 miles from the forum cell roundabouts and I think lots of you would find alternative routes and heading into this story would be $80.00 to $8.00 Astrud difference rewrote is queuing had delays also on the a $26.00 into watering brief from t. Since last with those roadworks long delays and while delays only a 21 of 50 minutes between Forstall farm and the Blue boys roundabouts possibly works there the 80 to 9 and Linton slowly with those temper lights by the bull in on to the train southeastern reporting a good service by James will be more trouble in 20 minutes on $104.00 f.m. In Ramsgate with stable and across west on mighty $6.00 f.m. This is b.b.c. Radio 10. Drive time with John Warner we try to put the world to rights we discuss the big issues of the day we have a bit of fun as well and we play some great music then we travel and all the news you need passes for our my weather drive time with me John one it's free till 6 Day Afternoon b.b.c. Radio in Cannes. And right now is the wake up call on b.b.c. Radio. To bring about a health data whenever we can about the most if this is about exercise we spend more time doing what than we do exercising the answer is making to take spend 3 times as long making cups of tea as during exercise they spend around 40 minutes a day brewing up compared to an average just 14 minutes working out what have you been 40 minutes. How long is that how big. Cop Yeah and if you're making it for the whole office there's that might take a little bit longer and 40 minutes a day so when I make my coffee in the morning or put a lock about a hot milk with it comes out the machine lowers she'd say I need you go you go have your capsules i.v. You have nothing without your capsules for and have no idea how I'm going to talk to people haven't got them no you can't talk to me is Ok if you don't drink coffee . But already Yeah I reckon that takes me probably about one minute and 30 seconds and I do and there's no reason to that's cough I'd have to have like 30 cops to spend Ok here's the thing or maybe today you could put your time on your phone every time you well I had a couple to cover this morning and have one after the show that's probably the only coffee Oldring called I know maybe you're the examiner now moves along the side of the moon might yeah I'm the same that I think in the end when you do you have to stop drinking tea probably about 11 o'clock to get it so you can sleep in the evening quite surprised by that right stick around we're going to have more on the Rugby World Cup and how England got on beating Tongo of course but some say it was scrappy we'll get some analysis on that in just a bit but right now let's return to our debate about pheasant shooting some say it's cruel Some say it's actually necessary we're a week away from the start of the pheasant shooting season and the government's confirmed that it will review the way the release of game birds is done on protected sites because there's been a legal challenge by the t.v. Wildlife presenter Chris Pac and the group Wild Justice now shooting organizations say there are conservation benefits to game shootings but campaign is say it's just not right and actually if you do want to show why not clay pigeon shooting instead so let's discuss this with Chris loving him campaign director League Against Cruel Sports and Dan Reynolds the director England from the pushes Association for sheeting and conservation thank you both so much for joining us on the show this morning and starting with you Chris why is it cruel. It's cruel because shot out of the sky for no other reason than an entertainment with bringing in up to 57000000 birds a year of non-native species into this country which if you did that with any other animal or any other species bring it there would be piles and piles and piles of paperwork with the game bird industry apparently you don't need to do that you can you can just bring in what you like for no other purpose of them entertainment what we do know is the game but industry also has occurred catastrophic impacts on other wildlife as eggs and young birds are brought in to be shot and in order to protect those birds that are going to end up shot out of the sky then he will often and frequently try and eliminate any kind of natural predator all of those birds to increase the numbers that are available to be shot so not only are we bringing in a non-native species in the vast quantities we are damaging and having a detrimental impact on the wildlife in our countryside let me put this point to Dan say you had what Chris said that it's cruel and it's sort of stealing our own bite of that stay here in England yet in the end Kristie some very mighty language that I would like to deal with the fact. That. Huge benefits no only for the economy and this does produce huge economic benefit but also massive contraction benefits which are well documented you know the shooting community annually spending about 250000000 on conservation allowing that 8 times more the r.s.p.b. There is the equivalent of 16000 people working just in conservation see the delivery of benefit from that she can communicate she told up to 4 tons of diverse if Spacey and Chris Cox by President felt absolutely necessary on cheating is that these are the places that we are a threat in space Blackwing Skylark right. Cartridge returning and recovering because of the good habitat management and predator control work sheets are undertaking and let's add to that 2000000000 to the u.k. Economy and equally Chris is talking about shooting solely for sport Absolutely not this was delivering all of these things but it's also putting fantastic rerunning food on the table 97 percent of which makes and is fit for human consumption is reaching everybody tables across the. Ok let's let's start with that Chris it's interesting isn't it because it's really uncomfortable if you love nature and you love wildlife but if what Danny saying that this industry has to conserve what we've got here in England and hearing can say is that therefore an argument for even though it might seem counter-intuitive. What we do know is that nobody's eating again but me of the 57000000 birds that are released in this country let's take and I see the figures are a lot less than this. But let's just for just a sheer entertainment say that 20 percent of the bird shot of those $67000000.00 end up in the food chain that's still millions and millions and millions of birds that are shot and have to be disposed of and then they never went to the sea change in fine again but industry has to give. Food away Give going bird away to butchers because they can't they simply cannot sell it this isn't a question of things by by birds entering the food chain this is a massive destruction of wildlife that is there just for the entertainment of rich people that can go and shoot things at the sky than when the team is me I mean again and I would just question. You know that the day to run 30000000 which relates you know and I mean I know you know the fact that far it's been a. Lot of the night study which is undertaken independent study 97 percent for human consumption and reaching the freight train and I use a folding. So you can walk up and down the country they are sold in the local parties they are hiking home for the people who shape consumption as individuals there is a huge amount of stuff you know and they're all white in which we are having a community benefit because they're also. Tonight in something called the country so it's because they are creating males and I mean other than going out with the people who. Are already disadvantaged backgrounds and and the right. For a healthy. Let's take the money side now Chris I mean how do you address the point that people are paying to see it and not a lot of that money goes back into conserving our habitat there are any number of studies that say the preservation of wildlife is a is is is far far greater income generated than shooting at the sky and target or trophy hunting or any of those other blood sports there are that we know the conservation of wildlife and people going in observing wildlife and taking part in countryside activities that do not result in the destruction of wildlife of far far more valuable to the rural economy than than blood sports than that should. Make it a matter strictly craft. I can't really figure out or have those tomorrow to have this is this is well documented stuff I mean. If we if we love. The arguments just being made around kind of food and entering the food chain I'm sure people would be expecting to see aisles and aisles of. Projects in the supermarkets in the fact is it will happen because a lot of it is waste none of it is none of it goes into the chain very very small amounts that go to the center in the rest of the end of the barn or incinerated or destroyed at a time. I mean you know there we go after that because on it he hasn't been able to yet is well documented study so I will give you the facts 2B2B times produce the u.k. Economy 3 shooting in the side effect quite the 370000000 and baseball shooting is helping support rural economies helping support rural businesses you know these are places where in the winter things like the local pub may not survive but it does because people are going in there spending money or staying in it so spending money in the local pub and food and game is absolutely in the market you can go into white so you can go and going to going to Little every game in most markets that the public can buy and they can control it is reaching it is absolutely weeks since you meant to say so you're not listening thank you both for your time today I think we're going to find agreement anytime soon but fascinating discussion that's And when I was there the directing them from the pushy satiation of the sheeting and conservation alongside Chris loving a campaign director at the League Against Cruel Sports and having heard both sides of the argument that I want to how you feel about it should it continue or not I 1756 double one double one still to come we're going to be talking of course of buyouts the Labor Party conference big announcements going on in Brighton over the course of the coming days we spoke to the shadow home secretary Diane Arbus a little earlier and she clarified in her words what she said the Labor Party policy will be on matters break and also hinting at issues surrounding private education as well plus we're back into the rugby it was a win for England only just it was a convincing results but the manner in which they got there has been called into question all of that on the way the wake up call with Ian Collins and I am in coaxing b.b.c. Radio. On pigeon shooting clay pigeon pheasant shooting all of that we're talking about earlier on I say Clay because Giles got in touch from the Holcomb by the. Morning and says shut the game parks the pheasants except China and there be more room for new housing estates clay pigeon shooting does not need all that countryside he says but what about the biodiversity what about you know the trees and the plants and everything that's going to be conserved for a feature can just have houses everywhere and it's not we're not there is that but you can't have pheasants everywhere either so there's also that point in from Jeff Ok now I am from Jess and if you build the houses for the pheasants of course that's a whole other story this could go into a rather fly for a I think you've got a strange place is the real and Jess reference what's going on with the what's not just the Labor Party conference about the Tories coming up just as we need to stop obsessing about the 2 main parties and have the confidence to look at some of the smaller parties and see what they can do I would happily vote for the Lib Dems although I'm not sure they have the right leader I would definitely not vote for Johnson or Corbin However I wonder whether people are becoming more divided about that but there's not make it interesting that the whole point about an election was to have a majority in parliament and if we end up with a coalition we don't have that and if you have a coalition and a rainbow alliance you know one of the issues that has kind of worked a little bit in Northern Ireland but has been also problematic but if you as we were talking about the construction and industry that I mentioned a particular not the construction is your particular company that a friend of mine works for it said that they could probably cope with no deal bricks they make it work somehow because you've got to build some level what they would struggle with would be alliance of parties or if you had 3 or 4 parties of whatever make up that would just mean there's no direction you'd have all different ideologies vying for the the headlines like we have a moment of a back to quite frankly I think is an Ramsgate he says Corbin's trying to replicate how old Wilson and he will not work he thinks Labor voters don't have anything between that is an till say anything to become prime minister I suppose that's something that we've seen before let's go back to our one of our other main stories of course it broke throughout the night Thomas Cook is. No more opportune Jolie is here devastating news for lots of reasons Mike obviously there's the history of this proud British travel company going back over 100 years 150 years or something . And that of course there's the people stranded but perhaps perhaps more saliently there are jobs involved in 1000 yeah there's 20 days under Yes 22000 jobs worldwide but 9000 jobs based in the u.k. So it is a terrible day I mean apart from people not being able to go on holiday that is one side of this tragedy but 9000 people without a job this morning so what happens to the 150 I mean we hope that at some point a new company will form there is clearly a how many did our last Travel experts say that they've taken on how it was 10000000 people 70000000 customers so you've got a customer base there but at the moment 150 of those customers are still on holiday wanting to get back well here's here's where it is if you are already on a package holiday your covered by the scheme now a package holidays just that it's where you buy the flight the hotel maybe the car hire and probably the holiday insurance all from the same place all from Thomas Cook That's a package holiday and you are covered by the asshole scheme now that scheme continues to pay for your accommodation abroad so if you're on holiday just enjoy it although you might have to move to a different hotel or apartment and asshole will also pay to have you bought home assuming as we do now that there are going to be no more Thomas Cook flight so at all would arrange with the civil aviation authority to repatriate you it should be fairly close to the time that you were going to travel before but it's not guaranteed of course that if you had a flight booked at 3 o'clock this afternoon you are going to be on a flight through it was off duty or Ian Tattersall you know if you if you've booked a holiday for the future and certainly for the next week you're not going to be going on holiday what about in terms of getting money back I mean some people will just want the flight back they don't know. They've had their holiday but there will be others that have book where as all of us are well if you've booked a flight only do you need to apply to your travel insurance company to get the money back you should be Ok there particularly if you get some decent travel insurance you're probably very well covered perhaps interesting as well you probably know this already if you've booked your holiday on a credit card you will get the money back directly from your credit card provider make contact with them tell them that the operator in this case Thomas Cook has failed to provide the service that's the key thing you get your money back if you paid on a debit card you can seek a refund as well so there's asshole protection as credit card protection lose your own insurance protection so in most cases and there will be some exceptions one assumes to this even if you've just booked the flight only if you put the lights only that can be tricky yes particularly if you haven't bothered ensuring that your credit card could screw still when you don't think yeah there's no one size fits all answer to this but we will bring you more as we get it and I'm sure Jules will also update you as that story develops as well Mike thank you very much indeed one on a shooting that's coming from Auckland she's a disclosure I would never seen as I approve of game seating it's not like the ban scene but a good start would be to ban lead shots to lessen some of the problems that shooting cause there's also another issue that even if you could articulate and lay out the absolute necessity to reduce numbers and shooting was the best way to fix what to do that. You still had one about the person who does it that's what I find interesting if it's not your job and you choose to do it for fun then like any form of hunting you know if you stack for example it may well be that the numbers have to be reduced in order for the survival of the herd to continue but the fact that you are doing it because they're not wild about a part gamekeeper whose job it is with what you read or your Sports Direct Yeah it's the wake up call with Ian Collins and Anna cooks and you're listening to b.b.c. Radio Kent also this is fascinating the number of streets in the u.k. . Where the average home is over the average I was over a 1000000 has form but it's still all watery how many roads are there in the southeast how many roads other in the southeast where the average price of a property is a 1000000 quid you will not believe the answer it's coming up on the other side of the headlines 20 to 9 now let's get the news with Rose Thomas Kircus collapsed after last minute negotiations aimed at saving the holiday fem failed 9000 jobs in the u.k. And now at risk while the Civil Aviation Authority has launched an operation to repatriate around 150000 British tourists to camp bishops have called on the government to ban the sale of pointed domestic naives the Bishop of not just a James Lang staff and Simon Janus the Bishop of Tunbridge signed an open letter published in The Sunday Times and Game of Thrones and fleabag with the big winners at the television Emmy Awards in l.a. Eva Knight taking home the prizes for outstanding drama and comedy Cannes where the fine and dry through the day with a lengthy sunny spells atop temperature of 19 degrees Matt has the sports lead over striker in the f.a. Young says the racist abuse he suffered in the game at Hartlepool on Saturday was the worst he's ever had on a football pitch the game was held up for 10 minutes manager and he hasn't said he was prepared to take the players off but they want to continue little Paul a 5 points clear at the top of the Premier League after beating Chelsea 21 Joe Taylor scored a hat trick in Cray's 52 wins over so and they join 4 other Kent clubs in today's draw for the f.a. Cup 3rd qualifying round chilling and women scored deep into stoppage time to earn a 10 draw with Chichester in cricket can't concede cure 3rd place in the county championship of the big Hampshire in the final game of the season starting today can will stop the match 2 points off their opponents in their 1st season since promotion and head coach Mike Walker feels they have to be at their best if they can overtake we go still work very hard to do that because Hampshire a good saw it in very good position. And place a very good cricket at the moment so it's going to be more hard work but it's our challenge out these last 3 games to win them all. We've done throughout. 3 moments ago so what will be will they give it up for Wales begin their rugby World Cup campaign when they face Georgia 1115 this morning our time in hockey Holcombe made it so that it's in the men's Premier Division that soon a win against the University of Exeter the women lost to on the Clifton and in ice hockey the Invicta dynamo suffered their 1st defeat of the season they were beaten 5 Fort home by the Jets. Travel News from b.b.c. Radio Kent the m 25 1st of all is still quite slow impact choosing clearing up towards junction 6 Goldston not helped by a lorry this broken down is actually on the hard shoulder I can see on camera junction 6 but there's a heavy up the hill where anticlockwise is busy into the loft tunnels and 20 isn't bad the $8.00 to $89.00 though still long delays along the way to bypass towards the higher makes it the 86 because of road works taking 20 minutes to get through that queue refrain from lengthy queues on the 857 into a little ball slow each way there actually and very slowly a 28 from charts and all the way up into was cancer by the fact that he starts just where those road works are fanning turn looking onto the trains southeastern Europe on your us are reporting a good service now James Wally there's more in 20 minutes on 104.2 f.m. In Ramsgate with stable and and across west on 96.7 f.m. This is b.b.c. Radio can it. Be early cold with Mike Surely if your day starts early we're here to help all the news weather and travel you know a little less 1st Response our daily quiz and some great music to get you up and running start your day with the early call weekdays from 5 Mike sialic b.b.c. Radio Kent. Morning it's got it tonight it's that wake up so b.b.c. Radio can't really and coming up after the news at night of course Julia George is here we call George Moore Joel Shanks I know you've been talking a lot about Labor party so. Let's wait on him with one of the policies they're looking at Labor's pledge to fund free personal care for people who need it so let's be clear that means help getting out bed in the morning it means help with washing and feeding yourself often quite sort of intimate personal needs 1st I want to hear from you right now if you already have help with personal care do you currently pay for it do you think that's fair maybe a family member does it maybe you will all the unpaid family care or what does that do to relationships when you are the care of your husband or wife or your mom or dad or somebody else in the family so let's look at the now for everybody living in Kent and tell us about the situation the cost of this labor pledges estimated around $6000000000.00 pounds let's be clear this is not saying we will pay for you to stay in a care home or a nursing home residential care is not included in this pledge that would still be paid for by individuals unless they have very low levels of savings but this is about person the personal care elements of it so I want to hear from you this morning Does this sound like a good plan does it go far enough they were also looking at the people who provide the care they want to create a national care service they want to get rid of 0 hours contracts in this field that would get rid of 50 minute they don't happen in Kent anymore anyway but there's lots around the people who work in the care system as well so let's hear from you if you working care what needs to happen to make it a more. Realistic option for people to do as a Korea I'd like to hear from you if you are receiving care and I'd like to know who you think should pay for our old age care you can call us now 180756 double warmed up warm as he said earlier keep it on the Thomas Cook situation you're very welcome to get in touch with this is morning if you've been affected by this it's interesting how that Kolker thing sort of it's like what's in other countries because you've you we have these debates endlessly and I know you focused on the Jools a lot over the years and. If you speak to a German person or French. Person you know when I've sort of a casual conversation prove that oh yeah we've got a huge problem with going to cross it we have this image in our head that it's all Ok everywhere else and nobody here we have a yeah I don't know I don't know how they do it mostly in Europe the reason I know this is because I was helping my daughter with her school homework at the weekend and she was asked to decide which is better an aging or youthful population has. Really good credit because they really are benefits him and threats on both sides of it and in Europe generally we have aging populations did you know it's not as old in this country as we were led to believe or massively aging population or the average age of a British person is younger than you and I probably slightly older than Anna but younger than us and it's just over 40 the many in the mean age in this country but it is yeah you know if that is going up all the time and the consequences are that are we going to ask people to look after their own family members to pay for their own care or are somehow going to raise the money to pay for everybody to have it done for them for free by the state and this is so real you know we've got crises going on in families like all across Kent right now where they're stressing about how they're going to pay for it with their it's them whether it's a family member and it's it's interesting that actually you know the conference been tying itself up in knots over backs it but for a lot of people this is what they want to or this hour they want to talk about and I've got a funny thing later in the we might get on to scrapping private schools as well that one's quite a lively issue too yes I mean you have a Labor Party Congress today says you care if you get it already if you've got somebody helping you get up in the mornings tell me if you're paying and actually getting good quality care I weigh 2756 double one double one thank you to see you in a round about 10 minutes time here on b.b.c. Radio Kent it is rather fascinating that was it when you think of we were doing that thing a couple of weeks ago of people talking about how much their parents or grandparents paid for their 1st home and you get these are watering stories paid 3000 pounds for their house is now worth 970000 Yes indeed when you're in that situation. You see it and somebody says well you might have to contribute to you know because either you pay for it or you ask someone else to pay for the collective of other people and I know that that's the whole idea of a socialized system is that it is a collective it's not based on so you know David Cameron's mom gets a bus pass the same as me Auntie Gladys would a got a bus pass don't have an article on this never did have part of it she did so I did that she would have the above bus pass as well but there is a sort of an irredeemable reality about someone who's got a 1000000 quids worth of equity in a house and thinking you don't have any responsibility to put that towards something your children will inherit that they'll get the full the full booty coming their way but you don't contribute exactly and then of course we look to those children and then we think Callen if they can't afford to get onto the housing ladder if they end up renting their whole lives then they won't even have that to put towards their care so what did they do I mean you can't square off they because if you say well they need to inherit it but then he pays now yes and then you know this is sort of a sidebar issue but it's all connected and we talked about it once before to me about people who inherit I mention a chorus poacher guy who just happened to inherit about 3 or 4 houses in sort of 5 or 6 years so he became at the age of 38 a multimillionaire he'd rather not have been a millionaire because it meant he lost people in his family along the way but the more similar just died and he became the chief beneficiary of everything so of 30 and we're hearing more of those kind of cases where because you've got the 1st generations where the grandparents owned homes as not just the parents yeah you're coming into that territory all of that So if you're suddenly sitting on 2000000 quid that suddenly pitched up in your bank account by dint of the fact that some relatives passed away while you've got tax to pay I get that you've got you know inheritance and all the rest of it but. Surely that money's got to somehow contribute to something indeed old to be discussed after o'clock today on b.b.c. Radio can't with jewels and talking about houses in one you going to tell me about the number of houses I don't how do you know no man alive this is waves or whatever this is just I mean is it road Yes So yes it's the number of streets in the u.k. Where the average home is worth over is worth a 1000000 pound the average home is a 1000000 pounds that So the number has fallen but it's still an eye watering number so in the southeast how many roads are the how many streets of with a home value of an average of a 1000000 pounds just in the southeast alone yeah go on 5671 streets where the average home is a 1000000 quid that's not even just having you know one big pad and the rest are kind of normal so the average home on that street so like a whole street yes a very big house anything else off the people that's down 820 on the previous year in London just London this 5329 streets where the average prices kind of you don't think of them are in London we don't think that many streets to you that's the what what caught me so that many streets in stores that would be thousands of them so the South London is bigger than east of a top of the list Southwest is only $695.00. So. But they have got some where they've got it they've got it good right how many streets in the whole of Wales where the average price of a house is a 1000000 pounds I love how many stats you've got on this I thought you were doing or are what is the quality perhaps if you go to the northeast of England 73 Yorkshire harbor 165 the list goes on but it's interesting the home the amount of streets with a 1000000 pound average has fallen by 10 percent in a year I don't think anybody should be losing any sleep over that unless of course there is some hidden statistic in there that tells you actually that's quite dangerous because when people are going permits say you me you know when we talk about house prices need to come down on this one if there's a bit of a recession they might come down by the thing they might come down by 5000 quid then you come down by about 50000 quid 100000 quid and then what does that mean does that mean we've had a big old crash and everything else if you hadn't thought hey why Yeah if the average house in your area is 350008 comes down 230-0000 that's still an affordable to most people it's not that little last bit is pushing you over the edge into it that way but when you see the ship it frankly should be taken to the Advertising Standards Authority you know when you see new builds anywhere there's a big sign outside saying move in from only 410 how dare you put the word only Yeah any 6 figure figure like that but you see that little is no Only about it isn't it is absolutely heartbreaking and look at going on Thomas Cook from Gary he's got in touch he says to put the 9000 job losses into perspective they've been something like 1000000 new mostly full time jobs created since we voted to leave the really Gary in 2016 and employ still claim they can't fill vacancies because of a shortage of good stuff I can't verify that stat in the slightest Gary but you could argue couldn't either we are in a healthy jobs market at the moment it's but still that doesn't help if you've lost your job are you waking up this morning thinking what am I going to do next say without more in the knees with those at 9 o'clock but now back to Labor delegates in the night. Party in Brighton are expected to debate breaks it today with the leadership facing criticism its policy is confusing Jamey Corben is promising another referendum if you comes prime minister but he will offer the public a choice between whether to stay in year in the European Union or except a renegotiated Breck's a deal he says he can get that deal of course many in the party want to go all out for Remain don't know Well earlier we spoke to labor shadow home secretary Diane Abbott's about all of this we are the only party offering people a choice we want to take the issue back to the people we would like to have a referendum where they seriously vote for we believe there is hope to negotiate we believe that we can get it and we want to go forward we want to offer people a choice we understand that it was actually a close that we understand that it's the most important. Constitutional issue for generations that is why we want to take it back to the people but how in the referendum process credible leave off and the possibility of an in terms of other policies you're discussing in Brighton over the course of the next couple of days I mean we know that education is certainly come under the microscope so is is this an unequivocal promise to scrap all private schools so that wasn't the wording of the resolution that was discussed what we're seeking to consolidate private schools with since there was no mention discussed scrapping private schools so that's not been discussed at all to get rid of private schools that all the headlines today done about seem to be talking about what to get rid of private schools yeah. Go buying you spent the headlines so the tone will be fine. So there was no motion on the floor of conference about scrapping private schools we're talking about seeking to consolidate private schools with the skates well that's kind of a scrapping in itself isn't it you can't do. Math Well I'm going to speculating based on your world exactly exactly you are speculating it's not an unreasonable if you're consolidating then you're putting 2 things together right so one would have to assume you are therefore diluting the status of the private school i.e. Scrapheap I mean when I was. On the floor of conference about scrapping anything we do want. The private sector in the public you can't have that working but you can see why that confuses people you know because you have I want to run over the whole story of you know your own child went to private school Shami Chakrabarti Mr Corbin himself Seamus Milne The man behind Corbin John landsman the man behind momentum Emily Thomery sending our kids to a selective school that your party opposes So there's a lot of confusion could reasonable accusations of hypocrisy here in these posts. Up and. Up. 'd people in parliament but by the party as a whole and just one of these. Is the tax treatment Oh private schools which is very favorable they get then that they be sent home secretary Diane Abbott talking to us earlier on here on b.b.c. Radio This one comes in from Juniper who says Jerry Herman is a lot of things he's not stupid to coin a phrase he spotted a gap in the market and was correctly identified the changing mood of the British people we are no longer a nation obsessed with homeownership materialism in a way even a few years ago you might have thought according government will be a welcome start to a new kind of politics globally you wonder that when you watch the kind of extinction rebellion protests and lots of people you might not expect would be there Stanley Johnson the Prime Minister's father was there at those protests we can you think is that a chair is that just. Small clique of people or is that part of a wider belief and doesn't correlate even to which political party that you vote for which made this point he says why does Corbin think that Brussels is going to give a Labor government a better deal than the withdrawal deal that they already have if they know the referendum or then be held between remain and that deal a question a lot of people are asking is it from us we are back to more boring 6 o'clock on the wake up call in the mean time it's coming up to 9 o'clock time for cordials more jobs good morning Labor's pledged to fund free personal care for all older people who need it that means help with things like getting out of bed in the morning washing and feeding yourself the cost is estimated at at least 6000000000 pounds so I'd like to talk about elderly care on the program this morning I'd like to hear from you if you already receive help with personal care has somebody come already this morning or are you waiting for them to come do you currently pay is that fair call us now 180756 double one double We're I'd also like to hear from you if you are a carer for somebody in your family or if you work as a carer There's also talk that under their plans for a national care service that Labor is looking at the people who work and exactly how they are remunerated ensuring that care is a paid a real living wage including for travel time ending 15 minute Kevin says and improving access to training development people who work in this field so let's talk about working in the field and being on the receiving end of the care don't forget this doesn't mean residential care is going to be paid for by the state that is still the responsibility of individuals unless they have low levels of savings so the idea of selling your home to pay for old aged care hasn't gone away under these labor policies let's hear from you this morning what do you think of the idea I'd love to hear from you about what sort of k. Get now and who should pay for it who should pay for old age care. You can call us now on 8756 double one double one that's over 80756 double one double one on f.m. D.a.b. Freeview channel 719 and the b.b.c. Sounds at. This is b.b.c. Radio Kent. And at 9 his rates remain good morning the holiday company Thomas Kirk has ceased trading after last ditch talks to save the business failed the company's collapse but surround 9000 jobs in the u.k. At risk it's also triggered the biggest ever peace time repatched relation aimed at bringing home more than 150000 British holidaymakers the company's chief executive Peter thank Hauser has said it's a matter of profound regret that the operator couldn't be saved travel expert Simon Calder says Thomas Cook hadn't been able to adapt so it was just using a model was great for the 2nd half of the 20th century where people would be gently go into their local travel agency and now of course everybody can well have pretend they're a travel agent at least they've got access to all the Arab states all the hotel beds over Tower rentals in the world and they can put things together themselves a motorcyclist has died after a crash on the m 20 yesterday afternoon the man in his fifty's from Yorkshire was involved in a collision with a lorry at 20 past one and was pounced dead at the scene the road was closed for around 7 hours police are appealing for witnesses and dash cams that each Labor members will decide the direction of the party's bricks it policy today delegates will decide whether the party should explicitly back remain in a future public vote or adopt the leadership's neutral position labor m.e.p. And south for the Southeast John Howard told b.b.c. Radio Kent it's not clear enough that is it is reasonable policy but I don't think it does is that the. I don't think you can easily explain to people on the doorstep and also I believe we need to be honest as to the best deal that was available to do that we have now 70 percent of every seem to believe that we should but remain to Ken's bishops have joined a call a pledge which they reckon would cost around $6000000000.00 a year will double the number of people who do not have to pay and it would bring England closer into line with Scotland where personal care is a ready free for people with the most severe needs is going to the shadow chancellor John McDonnell and his keynote speech to the Labor Party conference today he will say the move will be funded out of general taxation I'd like to hear from you does this sound like a good idea to give away 80756 double wonderful want Don't forget that in anticipation of a general election this autumn Labor has already made some pledges a pledge to x. Prescription charges in England and remove the charitable status of private schools as a 1st step to integrating them into the state sector I think we'll do that as a separate subject on the show this week quite contentious pretty interesting let's stick today though with this idea of many more people having free personal care in their old age 080756 double ones up all want to have you'll say this is not about care how this and that aspect being paid for. Which I know is controversial that you might have to sell your home to pay for your old age care Labor are not tackling that one in its entirety but they are also saying we're going to look at the conditions and pay of people who can double one another quick text message and then we're going to go to Steve Davey who is the director of Bluebird home care in Sevenoaks This from Peter in facts and he says why should someone script and scrape to buy a house will say for a time and be penalized when the other person who has squandered it. It gets everything for nothing and there's an assumption there isn't there an implicit assumption that people who don't I mean their own homes have just been frivolous with their money is that fair if you don't own your own home things that you have squandered your money as you went along is that true let's talk about this wait 10756 double double Why not start with a his ideas and let's put it Steve Davey He's the director of Bluebird home care in 7 Welcome back to the show Good morning to you good morning to you so for our listeners to understand your company provides precisely the sort of care that. The Labor Party is talking about in this policy.

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