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Lead the party during that period to ensure that discussion takes place and we move on into the future. Towards a germy call then I think we can possibly go to a declaration in hand and North London any freer coming or is my Korea the Conservative Party candidate us 24106 thank. You Thank You. And close Houston later one for what 13347. Thank you I thank you very much. And I thank you so much that Michael Whitney Fria commonly known as my Creator is Julie elected thank you that is the latest 100 then we're going to bring you the results of course throughout the program this morning as they come in to us here so Labor's results that as we say the worst since 1935 all thoughts how it's looking at the moment why it's so bad well Brecht sit on the leadership have both been blamed his labors roofs see me through lost her seat this is what she things I think will be and should leave immediately and I have nothing further surgery with the labor I think what he's done is devastating it's not about my policy it's about what he's done to the country it's about what he's done for my constituents for. Thousands and thousands of people who are struggling who have been taught to the Biden by Tory austerity for 10 years and yet we've had our worst result in our history on his watch This was with his manifesto a this was it with his worldview it was with his prints it position it was with his top team he this was his choice no one. Says it was on him he has no role in what happens next he should resign now and he should walk away while another Jewish m.p. Of course who left Ruth met Ruth Smith stayed in the Labor party another Jewish m.p. Who did not was of course Luciano Berger and we heard it wasn't hand and the declaration we heard it was French in Golders Green and she didn't manage to win that for the Liberal Democrats previously she'd been in the end of independent groups and she was beaten as we had there by Mike for the conservative candidate Finchley in Golders Green formerly of course the constituency that Margaret Thatcher was a member of Parliament for for many many years so Rachel quite a few seats counted already Yes 586 out of 650 seats the state of the party currently looks like this and so far the conservatives have gained 50 seats all but 2 from a labor so far labor have only gained walnut Patni in London the Lib Dems have 7 seats but their leader Jo Swinson has gone losing her seat in east on Barton shut to the s.n.p. The s.n.p. Doing well they've currently got $44.00 seats that's an increase of 13 seats gaining them from mainly Conservative and Labor and Northern Ireland nationalists M.P.'s now outnumber unionist ones for the 1st time Nikki those numbers are changing all the time just looking at the school boards now because these results are coming in thick and fast conservative gains now stands at $52.00 total number of s.n.p. Seats now $45.00 Ok Nick we got a little taste of you earlier on now you can be in full throttle for us some of the night for us well look I mean there's no doubt this is the best night possible for the conservatives they were absolutely delighted with this result because it gives them that freedom to do what they want to do over breakfast in the next few months is worth just pondering what this does the Conservative Party as well a lot of Northern M.P.'s know a lot representing working class areas will that change. What they have to think about when they're governing secondly because Boris Johnson Well a bit more leeway it might mean he doesn't have to listen to some of the hard break City years and his party is much that might change how he pursues a trade deal with the e.u. When that becomes the main talking point catastrophic night for labor I mean it's hard to overstate how bad it's been at possibly the worst election results in 1935 you heard Jeremy Corbin saying that he's going to go eventually seems to me like he wants to hang on for a bet to try to influence the future direction of the party but I suspect they'll be many Labor M.P.'s and labor field candidates who want him to go a lot sooner I am cause John Ashcroft the spokesman for health who's conversation was unfortunately leaked his private conversation leaked to the ghetto Fox website the other day he was saying he claimed it was banter later on but he was saying what a lovely lot of Labor M.P.'s had been saying that on the doorstep as they put it Jeremy called in was a big problem we can just say at the moment the conservatives already have a majority of 16 and it is 9 minutes past 5 in the morning the that the Jeremy called and problem Nick Yeah I mean it's something that we all hared kind of quest but over the last few weeks I think those whispers will turn into show it's over the next few days we've heard a number of M.P.'s Some of them former M.P.'s now saying in the last few hours that they think Jeremy Coleman is the reason for this election defeat I mean the leadership is still insisting this is all about bricks and I suspect over the next 2440 hours it will become a mixture of the 2 there's no doubt that the brakes of policies harm the party in some of those former heartlands that voted leave but at the same time you know the fact that Jeremy Corrigan is no field to aim to elections is Labor leader and has gone considerably backwards in mess one thing inevitably. Means that p.s. The Tea Party the blame for what's going on here too was so they have absolutely won this general election they have passed the line the conservatives now have a majority of 16 they will be forming the next government and lead the Lib Dems what what a night for them it was what a terrible night for them it was a disappointing one might say but just let me take back take you back to the point about the Conservative Party you made it at the beginning it's worth exploring a little bit more Nic the fact that they have won so many seats that had a 2 they want would not have dreamed to have won a lot of working class seats and this this necessarily change the nature of the party and the nature of some of their policies how they are targeted I think it has to do because if the conservatives want to keep the seat said in a future general election they need to offer something more than simply getting breaks or the line don't they that seems to be their the catalyst the breaking the historic bond the some of these areas of how do the Labor Party but you just need to look through the lest you guys mentioned some of them at the start but you've got places like dot com creator Grimsby sage field leading Greater Manchester red car Bishop Auckland places that should be as safe as they come for the Labor Party are known conservative hands and if the Tories want to keep that the need to see to these people we're offering you more than just getting breaks it down we have social policies we have welfare policies they can appeal to you to say yes to no war quite potentially this could lead to some quite some reconfiguration or for the Conservative Party or for the country too and it's always the case when a party does particularly well perhaps better than some in the party much of thought they would have done some interesting show is a characters slip through the net we shall see what emerges over the next few weeks on that particular front quick word on the Lib Dems Joe Swinson she lost her seat Yeah I mean humiliation for juice once in 6 weeks ago we were talking about her pitch to be the next prime minister she's not even an m.p. Now I mean the. The Lib Dems thought she was going to keep her seat in Easton Barton sure to be honest the s.n.p. Who eventually won it seem to think she keep it too but it's part of the big story the way she is completely different in Scotland is there simply of almost swept the board and Swinson has been taken along with that more broadly her party just has feel to make the gains that it was expected to make the bank had to be brought over from other parties and feel to me the inroads and it's not been a good night for the Lib Dems at all thank you very much indeed Nic just to reiterate the conservatives have won an overall majority in this the 29000 general election they've passed the threshold of 326 seats more seats many more seats yet to declare that is the situation at 12 minutes past 5 o'clock Rachel Bunny Curley also mentioned Bishop Orton there as being one of those traditional Labor seat it is a constituency that has never voted to conservatives and it's seen a 9.5 percent swing to the Tories another seat that's gone to the conservatives but also for the constituency formally of Dennis Skinner legendary Labor m.p. On the longest serving and labor m.p. Elena Largent Yeah he has been a member of parliament the ball so ever since 1970 and it's gone to the conservatives so as Nicky has been saying the conservatives have now just in the last few minutes really this is been confirmed got the majority that they craved as the morning goes on we'll get a better idea of how big that majority is going to be Sean Farrington is by my side in our studios here in sulphide Nicky is in London he'll be talking to politicians face to face down there close to Westminster but Sean is by my side here in Seoul for keeping an eye on all the numbers for us as they come through keeping an eye on all the social media reaction as well Morning Rachel so just the latest in terms of numbers the conservatives have a majority of 20 right now we have $41.00 states left to declare if we go through the amount of seats each of the parties of one of the lightest Council can. 335 Labor 199 Liberal Democrats have 8 and s.m. Pay 45 got through a few of the others as well a little bit lighter just to update on the currency movements as well because when the exit poll came out last night there was a big move in the pound against the euro the dollar and the pound strengthened to one euro 20 just over one euro 20 last night still at that level and against the dollar it's now just $1.35 so those levels against the dollar we've not seen since around June 28th and those levels against the euro we haven't seen since just after the referendum so big movements in the currencies and keep you updated on other segments and so I'll be up to quarter past 5 on your 55 life breakfast general election results special program this morning the conservatives have won a majority in terms of what happens next and obviously we're going to take you through all the results this morning but then in terms of the politics next what happens to Bret's it to the negotiations that are the withdrawal agreement Bill things could move really pretty quickly if Boris Johnson decides to put forward his Queen's speech next week which is what what is looking quite likely so we'll get some of the detail not throughout the course of the morning let's go to Lucy pound now there has been Labor m.p. For Manchester Central since 2012 and regained her seat tonight congratulations 1st of all thank you very much but this is been a terrible ever awful night. Obviously really has. Beyond and any of our expectations about what might happen. This evening when you say it was beyond your expectations did you get no sense of this when you're out canvassing. Yes I mean you know that it is a collection for us when you get a beautiful this collection for us. Been difficult on the doorstep as well but that's hard to gauge because 2070 felt difficult times then as well and that turned out to be a lot closer so you can get a sense of things but it's very hard to church the relative nature of that to the extent of just from your experience on the doorstep and I've been out to many of the seats that we've lost this evening the crew in which. Both ne. Middleton they were able to Middleton I've spent a lot of time in those seats over this election as well and. It was difficult on the doorstep but not as a problem then because throughout the night we've had the Labor leadership blaming Breck's it but there seems to be an inability to perhaps confront the problem of leadership in all of this. Well it clearly breaks it is an issue there's no question about that it's fundamentally we shaping the country but it comes from before practice it. Should've given the Labor Party should have given all of us. A bigger warning that we should have heeded because many labor communities many labor constituencies voted leave and we you know we didn't understand the reasons behind that and we certainly didn't address those behind that we probably went the other way and they say is definitely an issue in this in this electorate that's what the I mean how much was Jeremy called and the problem for you I know you were one of the M.P.'s who who voted to oust him didn't you back in 27 today I did but you know that was a long time ago when we had those those relationships I think he was a problem we certainly came upon on the doorstep but I think it's hard to untangle the leader. The to everyone sees as being the Labor Party with all the things about the Labor Party as well so. You know the ratios policies of the things you know people often show I'm as just a leader so I think I am pleased that Jeremy is set that he will. Oversee a proper process of reflection on how long as I just am as I did in 4 do you think how how quickly should this happen for your party Well I think we need to do it properly and you know as long as. Jeremy you know seeing that we'll do so objectively and with humility. And we can really do that proper analysis that we can come to some collective understanding about what's gone wrong wrong was there was the problem do you think he's just trying to impose their own predetermined conclusions about we'll yeah I did all there was no problem trying to face both ways should you have picked a side in the Bronx debate. Well I don't see how we we we could have really I mean in the us and don't forget that the last 2 years of sort of party membership which is overwhelmingly more middle class more with a you me all 'd based in the city. Was trying to to push those into really the main position while it what we can see from internationals in the places that we've we've lost heavy aced and where there's been the biggest thing the way from has been cleaned. But you will remain constituencies as well not quite as heavily but you have lost support in those constituencies let me tell you this the shadow Yes I mean you have a coffee that would be gained like put me and we increased our majority in places like count we so this year there is your share is voted on down and remain seats as well let me play you the shot of justice secretary which Bergen who did manage to keep his seat in Leeds East of course the Murdoch press the Sun newspaper and also the Daily Mail have done a very good job of making people think that Jeremy Cole being a decent man is some kind of threat to national security some kind of terrorist even all racists when he says that the fire is the fault of the media is the folder the media is the phone of bricks is not the fault of the people in control of your party. If the right wing newspapers if it didn't work when the when they do that they wouldn't bother wasting their time or expertise on money on that but I think the primary reason was this was a brags it's election the primary reason he reckons the media and Breck said but when do you look at yourself let me read you this text as an old Labor Party supporter I would just like to say how glad I am called in has lost now is the time to rebuild the party no momentum no cool bad call been called an out out out. Yeah and you know I have history I know's of it. On the doorstep as well but personally I think if we really straight from this into a leadership election and think that just changing the character and personality at the top is somehow going to solve all our problems rectify what's happened in this election campaign I think he's making a very big mistake I think this goes much deeper much more profound particularly with our traditional heartland working class trees whatever you want to call it he'll have raised away from Labor any significant way in this election it's been a trend coming for a long time and it is as a 7 for it to breakfast should have given a much clearer warning that that was coming what the problem happened in the 1st place so I know you get a final question I know a yes or no and reflect on what's next for the Labor Party but now looking at the way this parliament is going to be made up and it looks like the British people have given clear support for Boris Johnson's plan for breakfast do you support that now will you support him in his efforts to go and get this trade deal done. Well I was elected by by. By my conceit to him to you didn't for you don't support that and that's why they voted for me overwhelmingly but I mean clearly he will have a majority now to get his. Deal through I don't think that's the best deal for for the country but that's what people have voted for in this election and he will have the majority to get out through regardless of what I do about it thank you very much and has been a long night so we do appreciate talking to helpless Thank you pal who has been reelected as Labor m.p. For man just a central 523 system on your Boris Johnson has won the general election and Jeremy called when he said he will not lead Labor into the next election he's going to reflect on matters after what has been the boards of Jeremy Coleman a very disappointing night Jo-Jo Swenson has lost her seat in east on Boston show the leader of the Liberal Democrat party the Conservatives have already won a majority in the House of Commons and Boris Johnson remains the prime minister of our country it's $52031.00 about Joe Swenson she's lost that seat column and Donald is that a 5 Live column a dreadful night for the Lib Dem leader. Yeah morning Nikky it was quite clear quite early on in the night actually we were in Fife to begin with but when it became clear that this was on a knife edge through the night we charge across the eastern barn sure and it's just as well we did this is a big name to fall in as a result of this general election just once and went into this election with a majority of over 5000 and that's gone she's been beaten by Amy Callaghan of the s.n.p. Who's 24 years old. Or beat still Swenson by a $149.00 votes there was sort of various bundle checks and votes being counted in the adjudication areas but drama people walked around and try to work out what to do next but yet this is the Liberal Democrat Democrat leader she has fallen to the s.n.p. And just went and made an emotional speech after the result let me say no for millions of people in our country. These results will bring dread and dismay and people are looking for hope. I still believe that we as a country can be warm and generous inclusive and open and that by working together with our nearest neighbors we can achieve so much more liberal Democrats will continue to stand up for these values that guy ate our liberal movement openness fairness inclusive. We will stand up for hope. Just once in there who has been replaced by Amy Callahan of the s.n.p. Here's what she said straight after the result it's incredible you know the message that people every sin by shooting to people Red Cross call in b.j. To state it in the poverty the object everything the Lib Dems stood for in the question government things you know issues for me personally thank you for the people of Scotland What would you see to Joss Whedon's and as leader of a national party who you've knocked out after being chosen only a matter of weeks ago I would say this is what happens when you run a local campaign that you know grassroots from the ground up you know we've we fought hard for every single vote here not been a challenge to voters constantly what happens next with the s.n.p. At Westminster it looks like it's going to be a good night for the s.n.p. As we go into Friday what what's your next move would you say I think on the one for for the next few hours and then see how it goes from there and elsewhere in Scotland Kalam a dismal night for labor I think they're going to be back to that one seat and decide if in Mari who is no friend of Jeremy called and of course on the Scottish National Party a very very strong performance by the s.n.p. Group Davidson the leader of the Scottish conservatives said that he s.m.p. Exceeded 50 seats she would swim naked in La mass. Is absolutely right and as somebody who was born and brought up in Inverness Nicky and you'll know this is where you've got choose your moment for Dependent to organise and I would recommend that December's really not to be doing that as things stand the edges it is it's a learning why France moment though isn't it yeah absolutely absolutely as things stand the to make Ruth Davidson go for a Duncan Loch Ness the s.n.p. Would have to win the remaining 4 seats that are yet to be declared in Scotland they have $46.00 as things stand off the $59.00 seat across Scotland was really really fascinating about this of course and it was highlighted with just Winston's result is that across Scotland this has been a battle of the remain parties when it comes to Bragg's and it seems pretty clear no. That the s.n.p. Message referendums both you and independents that's the message that's cut through Scotland this election thank you very much indeed Callum Good morning 5 Live general election special it's breakfast Nicky Campbell Rachael burden 527 the conservatives have won the general election that is the big news we're bringing you this morning Sean can tell us the numbers right now so that majority for the Conservatives is currently running at 32 seats there are another $31.00 seats still to be declared so that means the conservatives are at $341.00 Labor have $201.00 liberal Democrats 9 Scottish National Party $46.00 and then Green Party have one seat the plod Comrie of we're 4 seats and then in Northern Ireland just have a look here to see the breakdown nor do you pay have 8 seats Shin Fein 6 Alliance Party one and s d l p 2 with one seat still to be declared in all and what about the overall share of the vote Sure and again you know where West still kind of getting results in so we don't have an absolute definitive hair but what is the general picture there can you tell us so looking right across. The u.k. The Conservative party share of the vote 43.3 percent at the moment Labor's 32.8 percent again this is with $29.00 seats to go now so again more of an update the conservative majority is now 36 seats putting that into perspective with John Major's majority that was 20 as majority of 21 back in 9092 so we've passed that this this morning in fact if the conservatives continue to have 43 plus percent share of the vote there Boris Johnson will have done better than Margaret Thatcher in 19031907 now we will wait and see because you know we've still got a few hours to go yet. But that is a significant vote not as high as Harold Whitman and MacMillan in 1959 but better the Margaret Thatcher the picture in Northern Ireland you gave a 6 is very very interesting still to have all the seats declared but it is possible that for the 1st time the Unionists will not come on the majority of the seats in Westminster Let's find out what's happening from all political reporter Jane McCormack who's in Belfast at the moment Hello Jane what is the picture as it stands on well I mean if you cast your mind back to this time you know 2 and a half years ago the pay were sitting on 10 states potentially about it to be the kingmakers and hold the balance of power in Westminster and tonight I mean I was in the Belfast kind artier and it really did feel like there was a political scalp when we saw all the deputy leader Nigel dogs lose his state that he'd held for 18 years to Sion fans John Finnick and it's always been a union a state no it is a nationalist state and I'm really this sense is that people are for straighted with high the d. You pay has handled brags that they lost their sight Belfast state as well they didn't pick up a seat in North on where they were hoping to take it that actually went to the cross Community Alliance Party who've got their 2nd ever St and Parliament and things have really shifted hair and I think part of that is to do with these electoral pact that the parties here signed up to say we should fail and managed to persuade the s.d.o. Pay the other nationalist party in Northern Ireland not to stand a candidate in North Belfast because last time in $27.00 taking Nigel Gault only held on to state by about 2000 votes so they knew it was close what they didn't expect was to actually bait dogs by nearly 2000 votes tonight so in fact all those s.-t. O.-p. Voters it looks like they did vote for John Finnegan it's a really big win for them they've lost a seat up in foil to call any sort of the s.t.l. Page but taking This is a coup for them and there is a sense within unionism tonight they are rattled they are shaken. Yeah and that will be very significant won't it the 1st time that the Unionists have been in the minority in times of Westminster seat absolutely it will really spoke a lot of them you got the sense even those do you pm Pace who did hold on to their seats tonight the likes of Sammy Wilson and Governor Robinson and there wasn't the usual cheering and singing of the national anthem that there would be when a d.p.m. Pe wins their state they saw their majorities significantly reduced and Gavin Robinson only beat and I only known the Alliance leader by just shy of 2000 votes and they're really feeling the pressure from other political parties and I'm not sure it's because they unionist either didn't come out to vote for the deep a or because unionists transferred their vote elsewhere this time it but it does seem that some people in Northern Ireland anyway going to straighted that for the last 2 years it's been the d.p. Represented I mean I stick on apologies for the interruption we've got a declaration at chipping Barnett currently held by the conservatives to reserve villas but on a very small majority let's hear what's happening I 932. John. John Anthony Sheffield fonts to get 71. Teresa and that is the Conservative Party candidates 25007000. 1000 hours. And Felicity most Faisel later posse trying to 4533. Which I thank you for explaining that series and then as is generally an act. Harare's another conservative hold that and chipping bonnet a lot of people felt that three's Avila's might go in a selection the same is also thought to be true possibly of Dominic Rob in Duncan Smith a of all held on to the States during the cold of the night that's the latest from chipping Bonnett So as it stands conservatives now have an overall majority of $42.00 that are saying stand. At 5 33 in the morning let's go to some news on digital b.b.c. Sanctions ministry and this is b.b.c. Radio 5 line and I was an x. And can take us through the might had lines as you've been hearing the conservatives have comfortably won the general election Jeremy Corbin says he won't lead labor into the next one the Lib Dems Joe Swinson is no longer and paid with more than $620.00 seats declared the conservatives have taken over 340 and are expected to finish with a majority of more than 70 they've gained a series of constituencies traditionally held by Labor in Wales the Midlands and the North of England Germany says it's been a very disappointing night for his party which has lost almost 60 M.P.'s I will not lead the party in any future general election campaign I will discuss with our party. To ensure there is a process now of reflection on this result and on the policies that the party will take going forward and I will lead the party during that period to ensure that discussion takes place Boris Johnson says it's been one historic election which gives the Tories a powerful new mandate to get Bracks it done is the chancellor such a Javid message has got through people have rejected utterly the division that was offered by Jeremy Corwin and John McDonald Dion Ahmed and the others and they want unity they want this country to move forward of course they want bricks it done it looks like that is one of the messages from the result and that's great the Liberal Democrat leader Joe Swinson has lost her seat to the s.n. Pay she says the election results will bring dread and dismay for millions of people and that she'll speak again later today the s.n.p. Is predicted to have more than 50 M.P.'s its leader Nicholas sturgeon says it's been an exceptionally good night for her party which says that Scotland and the rest of the u.k. One divergent paths is the s.n.p. Pete Wishart this is been another profound and the failing election probably the most important feature I believe is that Scotland has chosen a different and distinct future to the rest of the u.k. And that choice will have profound consequences for the future of a nation the Green Party have held on to their seat the Bracks it party have failed to to win one imply Korea forecast to finish with for the u.p.a. Has lost 2 M.P.'s including their Westminster leader Nigel dogs in lost his seat to Sion Fein after last night's exit poll predicted a conservative majority the value of the pound jumped by more than 2 percent against the dollar it's at its highest level since May last year sawmills and Chris asked. This morning recast the we have dug out an interview from Smash Hits like disease in 1985 smash it we're going to do the same with brushy the same questions do you think resembles you the most so still be careful I'm not going to say I'm going to say on the drums because a lot. You said Rolf the piano player because this is lots of people said your dog Guys good morning is like to marry in the name of God mills and Chris star Saturday morning from 9 he sees radio is. Good morning The Tories have won an overall majority in the general election Welcome to our 5 Live general election special with Rachel Burton and Nicky Campbell on Amelia Hadfield is joining us had a politics at the University of sorry very good morning lovely to be here thank you with your very very soon actually to Stephen crabs on the line who held onto Pacelli in Pembrokeshire for the conservatives very good morning hello good morning I think you are Stephen just a quick one from a really terrific one of the big themes emerging throughout the day and weeks to come decades following that the state of the Union the s.n.p. Have done extremely well in Scotland and we have their ritual speaking to Jay McCormack our our reporter in Northern Ireland that could be the case that for the 1st time there are more nationalist M.P.'s than unionist M.P.'s in Northern Ireland the shape of things to come some people might say a quick word on I think from the perspective I'd just like to get a sense of what this is going to be for the future of the United Kingdom and how the major parties are going to recalibrate themselves I mean it's one thing for the conservatives to gobble up seats in the north tactically but how are they going to manage this strategically next to in 5 years well that's something to put to Stephen crop congratulations on holding onto your seat Stephen you've got all these new voters how you're going to is a 1000000 puts it to recalibrate you know practically to a to absolve this strategically yet huge challenge so a remarkable set of results across. United Kingdom. Really at the very top end of what we were hoping and believing for and present to redistrict challenges one is I think you know those all those new working class communities many of them in Wales voted for the 1st time for a conservative member of parliament how do we show them that we can hold on to their trust so that means helping to rebuild those communities getting investment into those communities rebuilding hollowed out town centers improving transport infrastructure and all of that and then an 2nd strategic challenge I think alongside Bracks it is the issue you just mentioned which is the pressure on our union and you know we've clearly got different national politics now in Scotland at different national politics in Northern Ireland and the fruit of these different national politics are going to be rubbing up against each other in conflicting way so. The Westminster u.k. Politicians and civil service machine is going to have to work incredibly hard in new and innovative ways ways to to project the u.k. Into these parts of the night of the country to help buying together and create straw stronger ties between the different parts of the United Kingdom not not an easy thing east talk about but not an easy thing to deliver Yes and and Stephen Crabb the messaging was very disciplined get breaks it done get breakfast done if we heard it once we heard it a 1000000 times a lot of people have gone with that because it's a it's an appealing message to those of us out here and there who thought how come just so sick up to the back teeth of all this but is that very phrase not a hostage to fortune because you know as the thinking person's m.p. That it's in the words of the old wedding song. We've only just begun. Yeah so I think most of the people who spoke to on the doorsteps while expressing exactly that frustration around want to see some progress understand that BRICs it isn't just a one off event that there is more to come particularly in terms of locking down the future trade agreement if I if I may say so we didn't hear that too much from conservative representatives that we have been interviewing over the past few weeks we didn't have we didn't have that that measured thought from them saying hours it was a whole lot still to come it was very much to get bricks it done and then Happy Days Well I thought the phrase that really really did land that certainly the last days of the campaign was about breaking the deadlock vote is understanding that you know for the last 2 years we've been cool gummed up in parliament and that cannot carry on it's not in our national interest and actually Boris is the one person at Westminster love him all over the one person that a plan to actually break that deadlock says that did resonate with people and I think you know people you know we're going to be very careful as a government to provide good government means being honest and direct being honest and direct about some of the longer term challenges as well love him all over him quick answer Boris Johnson do you love all over well actually what I'm going to bring you down on this one is really is really grown on me he's delivered a hell of a set of results for the Conservative Party in Wales and working I'm certain I love him very much Yeah I thought you might say that. Thank you very much to fly 41 here is a text thank you for this great news to wake up to go Boris get breaks it down and get the commies out of our country we don't want identity politics or aggressive agenda get rid of the license fee to hopefully you will be looking for a job sooner rather than later bye bye b.b.c. Not religious or. Not terribly getting a friendly Friday vibe or not. But we welcome all thoughts your text there as of 8505 a our text page is open for you this morning for your reaction to these results as they come through at b.b.c. 5 live on social media as well Sean is keep. Across the social media response text and also keeping an eye on this big kind of portal of information that the b.b.c. Produces every time there is a German election which gives us all the numbers all the figures effectively So where do things stand at the moment leaders and they've been moving very quickly in the last sort of half hour or so so the conservative majority is now 54 seats there are still 18 seats yet to be declared so if we just look at the Conservatives and Labor for now $353.00 seats for the conservatives that's with a share of the vote of 43.5 percent and labor 202 seats on a share of the vote of $32.00 and a half percent and the Lib Dems didn't make anything like the showing that you might have thought they would have done if you looked at the polls back in the summer when they were up at around the 20 percent mark Yes just over 11 percent of the vote so far and 10 seats they've won to this point right let's go to Rory Carson who is in Cardiff we've just been hearing from Stephen Crabb there talking a little bit about the picture in Wales but you can give us the news from across that nation Rory what's happening Well Stephen crowds are at it tonight it is all in this morning it's all about the conservatives I think there's still quite a bit of shock among a lot of the Labor M.P.'s and activists that I spoke to they may be the largest part party but it really won't provide much consolation because it it is all about the conservatives you have to remember that we have. Carry on. They will voted to leave the e.u. And 2016 and the conservatives. Cut through above all else tonight we've seen wheels as 1st 3 female Conservative M.P.'s it's their best election result 14 M.P.'s since Margaret Thatcher swept to par back in 1903 there were some really extraordinary results remember that at the start of the Campion much was made of this red war which stretched into the the north east of wheels traditional Labor voting areas that voted to leave the European Union and the conservatives target a dot area and it really paid dividends Wrexham it's been a Labor since 1905 never had a conservative m.p. It went blue the feel of clued Delane clued South were Boris Johnson 1st good as an m.p. They all went conservative really quite astonishing So do you think in general Rory has followed the pattern of the. I think so particularly in areas up in the north east of the of the country which voted heavily to believe the European Union and that that's really was the defining issue of the Campion night it wasn't a total disaster for the Labor Party there's still a large party and I suppose there was a slight sigh of relief in the garden until over in south west Wales because Tony Antonette say it was quite a tight a tight neck and neck race was she retained her seat as a Labor m.p. On a bit more and he was reelected and car of the north where she said and the knives have been night that Mr Corben he must go immediately and I think the picture overall to be a lot of frustration among those labor who have never been on board with the Jeremy Corbyn project and the be a lot of soul searching and I think just finally the one thing to mention is that you have had a great night they've managed to hold on to that their 4 seats. In our form they were a very slim majority is less than a 100 votes it's not a great night they they would have had. I. Well that they would have looked in the small and probably the only one which they thought they would have a real crack at it and I just think that on Anglesey they voted to leave the Conservatives been campaigning really hard and again it was part of that sort of north of wheels sort of went went blue and I think that's really what happened the remaining vote between labor implied sort of it was split which allowed the Tories to to to push through and to seat thank you very much Rory Carson who is in Cardiff looking across all of Wales for us at the moment without another declaration the conservatives have won juz Bre from Labor Mark eastward is the victorious conservative candidate they're taking it on a fairly narrow swing to be from Labor's Paula sheriff It's 546 when I speak to a 1000000 hard Filled out of politics University of sorry very good night for the Conservative Party excellent Labor Party their worst result since $935.00 word of a go well I think they have to completely rethink from the bottom up it's clear Corben is not going to lead to either the next Labor Party to the next election so the question is twofold 1st of all who's going to be the new leader and how is the new leader going to rebrand I think there's a clear sense that an ambiguous Brecht's that message has not played well on the doorsteps but also I think the sort of tit for tat approach to trying to score points of the edges actually hasn't worked they might have thought they won the debate on that but I don't think they did in the end also I think the presidential style of the of the campaign didn't necessarily suit Jeremy Corbyn the so whoever the next leader is they have to be very very thoughtful he's a great campaigner Jeremy Corrigan I don't think he did himself at all justice this time I think this is we've really seen a slide from the sort of Glastonbury old Jeremy Corbin who really was able to basically rock every platform to somebody who was unable to motivate any anybody beyond his own very very tight coterie and he really really didn't resonate with the voters this time around will coldness him survive No I don't think. It will I think if you look at the mass membership I think if he leaves I think that there will be a massive dent in a drop in momentum and I think that the the korban theology as a whole will dissipate the question will be can can the Labor Party remain where it is in terms of its left orientation or will the entire edifice slip to the right I think it will move right and with all the results not a cloud it was the Lib Dems could end up with even fewer of the 12 seats they wanted 2017 The current forecast for the Lib Dems is 11 on the Labor party thing we were just talking about we're going to have the debates that we've had within the Labor Party after every single general election disappointment as long as I've been covering general elections and that's often about knowing and it's going to be the the the set the center left against the further left and that's that's that's going to be raging isn't it it continues to be a real battle for the for the center and the left as well my sense is that the Lib Dems have like labor overplayed their hand I think Jo Swinson may you know repent of the day when she she felt the need to be so strident and say Article 50 is the only way for this party to work you know and move forward because I thought I thought really think that a lot of people who characterize themselves as Lib Dems felt that this was an undemocratic move and despite the fact that they may have technically agreed with the need to revoke Article 50 for them I think that was an end and not a means that I think she can possibly confuse the 2 we'll have to see with labor again I think I think they've they overplayed their hand the into the other extent with this sort of gigantism approach tonight to nationalisation and. A manifesto that simply said it's serious and fully costed but with figures that are were very difficult to digest ultimately there we could have an interest on welfare and the Labor Party now on 3 So we've got to look for 2 over the next few weeks Super Bowl so we're on the road knowing what's the timetable Well I'm not a funny face yes I know because I have at the assumption. It's simply that returns all his his M.P.'s who have promised hand on heart to support the deal back to parliament and now that the mathematics work in his favor that it can simply roll through the house I'm not entirely sure that that's a done deal because I think many of the conservatives who do the new ones will I think take a good careful look at the the deal and think might a minute I'm not entirely sure that this is in fact the best and may push back and particularly in terms of the time of the scrutiny needed if there are changes that's going to that's going to certainly slow it down and I think they're going to be some very very serious opposition now the numbers may be against labor but that this will make them all the more strident in terms of opposing the deal going to 2nd direction and so on one more question for you the Tories have won an overall majority in the general election Boris Johnson has won Jeremy Colburn will not lead Labor into the next election why did Boris Johnson win so big Amelia in a sentence I think he captured the voters by looking a lot more decisive than Theresa May and he seemed to say the one thing that they needed to hear get Rex it done Rachel want to just want to ask about turnout as well actually looking at that I know when I go into vote I always ask the guys at the polling station where they said it looked pretty healthy in my constituency last night but what's it looking like overall Szell and slightly down on the last election so 67.2 percent turnout figure just to you know the conservatives of majority of 60 seats now with 13 to go so yeah those there's a lot of talk yes they were in their early morning of big queues lots of people tweeting about the weather and is that having an effect but it is not been a massive change a turnout from the last time we did this yeah so 367 seats declared assured says 13 to go the conservatives currently have 355 seats Labor have crossed the 200 mark there on 202 terrible night for the Lib Dems as we were saying really they're down one seat at the moment with just 10 the s.n.p. Currently on 48. And the greens on one and then of course the picture in Northern Ireland is absolutely fascinating as well because if you're Miss if you missed it earlier we were saying that we are looking at a situation in Northern Ireland where we could see unionist parties in the minority for the 1st time ever and I know some people have been speculating in terms of the future of the United Kingdom Never mind the future of breakfast in our relationship with the e.u. But the future of the United Kingdom could we see a united Ireland before we see even an independent Scotland if that's going to be very much on the cards as well and when you look you have a look at the seats breakdown there so the d.p. Have 8 seats Shin Fein 6 s.-t. O.-p. Have 2 seats and the Alliance Party have worn on the wrist still want to be declared some of your texts then as a Labor band last night I voted Liberal I could not vote conservative but knew I could never vote for Corbin time for a change or Labor will never get back to power another one here it would be interesting to find out how many remain as voted conservative like myself says Martin and backing him and this one buzzing with the result of the referendum or do they mean election here Boris promised Boris delivered I can now enjoy my holiday in Barcelona for the weekend says Tom in knowledge Nicky our sports story London hello hello hello. Hello hello hello I can hear me Ok yes you are live on on the air speaking to the nation good I thought it was a 1000000 Did you hear the difficult the possible but I did I thought I was really finding a bank well tonight but a border humor there. Like you so a lot of people are talking about Boris Johnson or Jeremy Coleman saying it they were just saying it's about the least worst option is not a terribly inspiring choice but that seems to have been defied by the results tonight maybe perhaps people have voted holding their noses to some extent not everybody I think is important or some of our it is here is quite a quite a quite a nose to hold here perhaps in terms of not being OS really enthusiastic about this is a triumph for Boris Johnson this or I think it's a tactical win why don't if it's a personal triumph I think he's worked the narrative evidence for that well I again because I think somebody who has quite frankly behaved the way in which he has a very rambunctious approach to his party and him into messaging in general and not being particularly clear and if I did I dare say honest in terms of actually platforming I think he could have been a little bit more balanced but it doesn't seem in the end to have made a great deal of difference people want to see decisiveness you could say that but maybe that's a little bit of a Westminster bubble thing he's what they want working to be in Burnley Wrexham Redcar West Bromwich I've been to places like that and many more and a lot of people say well as he's a character comes across in the television he gets right through that screen and he gets to people and people have an opinion on him so do not be too disparaging I'll try not to I'll try not to I think perhaps it was the it was Labor's to lose in many of these heartland so in Sedgefield and in both over and Darlington and Workington the iconic constituency the thing that's made emblematic of the entire election. These are these are labor heartlands they're emblematic I think of labor idiology and labor outlooks in terms of where Britain has gone industrially but what Labor have failed to do conspicuously is to articulate how labor mess. Huge chimes with leaving the European Union and I think in as much as Corbin has failed to articulate that. I think Johnson has really done a clear job of simply saying one simple thing you can trust me to do it and I think again this is against the context and it's just a year ago that you know to reason it was prime minister it's against the context of what seems to the nation to be inept leadership in Westminster tortuous mathematics resulting in a parliamentary impasse and a very unclear sense of how one deal necessarily differs from another he brings back a clear deal from Brussels or at least a deal that appears to be clear says goes to the country return me the mandate to get this through and that's that's an appealing logic and I think people have gone with it and the the the join our field clip the other day when his gossipy Bonser e whatever it was it candid telephone conversation was leaked by his erstwhile friend everything he said there is everything that a lot of people have been saying on the doorstep when it comes to call been a lot of labor perspective M.P.'s have been saying this on the doorstep when it comes to coal but it was dire dire dire the Bracks it message was hopelessly confused so that may well that particular conversation may well be. Symbolic of exactly what is happening it's ironic that both politicians articulated they were bringing a message of hope to the nation and I don't know if that's particularly because it's campaigning in the festive season but both of them I think meant hope in a different way obviously the hope for Corbin was the hope to rebuild and redraft almost from scratch 21st century state that looks wholly unlike what it would have now basically from the ground up and I hope for the Johnson camp I think you can maybe disconcertingly for those around him was simply to bear alone at all costs and try to get not only the the the Labor heartland in the north in the Midlands scooped up an employee popped into the conservative camp but to do so in such. That absolutely guaranteed that he had. A mandate to continue to when to pull off that we were talking about the state of the Union potentially they were there will be more nationalist M.P.'s than unionist M.P.'s in Northern Ireland for the 1st time it has been a very strong performance last fall by the Scottish National Party in Scotland here is the leader of the s.n.p. Nicholas sturgeon Well if the result across the u.k. Is grim I don't want a conservative majority government but the fact that it's good to be the position after this election underlines the importance of Scotland having a choice of something different and you know I don't pretend that every single person. Will necessarily support independence but that has been a strong indorsement in this election of Scotland having a choice over their future of not having to put up with a conservative government that we didn't vote for and not having to accept life as a nation state the European Union so that independence referendum that was very much at the heart of the same piece campaign that is a renewed recession strengthened Monday for that and just as I reluctantly because it's a direction I did great. As a Monday. He must accept that I have a mandate to offer Scotland the choice of an alternative future some people say the times there are changing it has to be said conservatives have one called volley from labor That's another significant sculp Emilia for for the Conservative Party just a quick reflection of what Nicholas Sturgeon was saying but I think it's interesting she's using the same language that everybody all of the leaders are that you know they're the result tonight is a mandate to dot dot dot and for her I think this thumping s.n.p. Victory is not only reminiscent of the s. And victories that she's enjoyed in the past but to her clearly indicative that that Scotland is not just allowed to have a choice but is is going to be now forcibly given that choice I mean you have Phil thank you very much for now it's good to know that you're sitting there the small. With all your expertise and the occasional opinion spiked in there as well it's all good stuff racially friendly Friday it's always friendly Friday when we do our program on a Friday are things different today I know I know because you know we are a friendly 5 Live family. $88.08 an undefeated season. The Island station. Is b.b.c. Radio Jersey. It's 6 o'clock on Friday the 13th of December Good morning you're listening to b.b.c. Radio Jersey and I'm Chris Stone the news this morning Jersey's Minister for External Relations has congratulated Boris Johnson on his win in the u.k. Election Senator in Course says it's important now for the island to keep a positive working relationship with the country as it's likely that the Bracks it deal will come back to Parliament before the end of the year he said the state for work to make sure the island's address are taken into account and states ministers will meet the softening to discuss the election results now consider what the vote could mean for the island but Johnson has held his own seat of experts and south rise up with an increased majority the prime minister said the results across the country were a powerful new mandate for a One Nation Conservative government to get it done and unite the country I want to thank the people of this country for turning out to vote in a December election that we didn't want to do which I think has turned out to be a historic election. That gives us now in this new government the chance to respect the democratic will of the British people to change this country for the better and to unleash the potential of the in time people of this country the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn held his own seat of eyes into north with a reduced majority he acknowledged that it had been a very disappointing night for labor and said he wouldn't lead the party into a future general election but Mr Coleman indicated he wouldn't be stepping down in the near future I will discuss with our party to ensure there is a process now of reflection on this result and on the policies that the party will take going forward and I will lead the party during that period to ensure that discussion takes place and we move on into the future. We modern The biggest shock of the night the lip then Lida Joe Swinson lost by $149.00 votes to the s.n.p. And he's done both and she said the election had produced significant results for millions of people in our country these results will bring dread and dismay and people are looking.

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