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The start but there is still a chance we could see the old shower drift again but I think they'll clear off toward start the evening top temperatures today of 5 degrees who is feeling very chilly you need to wrap up if you're out this afternoon and the same for tonight were high on those cold temperatures overnight lows dipping to minus one degree Celsius. Let's see how the road to getting on this Tuesday afternoon coming up to 4 minutes past 12 now here's Louisa Gale It remains very busy heading into and out of hole on Cleveland Street it's not being helped by these ongoing works in 3 way temperature like the railway bridge so causing delays to buses as well of up to 20 minutes it's very slow again heading into not a Woodmansee on the a 164 minutes to way through Bentley That's because the works in Tempe like they're on Shepherd's lane and another very busy afternoon on the 18th and that's because of the temple lights need to crawl back road all thought so that's what's called most keys in both directions as you head into an artist on thought however the m 18 that's moving are both directions and no problems either the m 62 the m 180 a moving nicely on the trains anything you spot call if it's safe to do so when I double 301230182 more in 30 minutes. Is Sally Fairfax on b.b.c. Radio one beside the well hello how are we this set to stay afternoon Sally Fairfax a with you till 3 o'clock that was very wintry in Christmassy today even sparkly talking about Sparkle to begin with and how it is there well not as bright and shiny as it seems certainly not for the environment sequins are in no me a by no means biodegradable and that's why they are a problem for the environment Oxfam is warning that today and they're rare urging is to give away if we're going to give our sequin clothes away given the way to a 2nd hand shop like Oxfam rather than putting them in landfill or better yet where the lots of times instead of just for a couple of Christmas parties and then banish them to the back of the wardrobe we're talking about that today we're also talking about winter walks in an opportunity to get out in the open air over the Christmas season we'll find out about that more besides between now and 3 we'll hear from you as well I hope it won't triple 3 is the number if you'd like to get in touch same number if you'd like to take part in today's mystery person quiz starting in. It was tiny it. Is Sally said facts on b.b.c. Radio one besides. It's pretty. Good. Wow wow wow. Wow. Wow Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. I'm. That Son I love your smile on b.b.c. Radio coming up to 10 past 12 this. With our house our 9 year old has just recently got into. A particular. Series of. Just wonderful to watch him. Drain because the him this is the 1st time that he's seen all these jokes in these scenes particularly in Fawlty Towers they only made 12 episodes and they were Fawlty Towers is in the Guardian today sad news actually Nicky Henson who was an actor in Fawlty time and tower is has has died and he acted with the role Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre as well as having roles in Eastenders Downton Abbey in the bill but he is fondly remembered as Mr Johnson a character in Fawlty Towers in the episode called The psychiatry's whom Basil suspects of having a woman in his room contrary to hotel rules the actor who was once married to fellow actor Eunice Stubbs found fame in the sixty's he appeared in more than 30 films including Witchfinder General psycho mania Vera Drake and Syriana he was diagnosed with cancer on Christmas Day 19 years ago and he's died recently at the age of 74 you can read more about that in the Guardian today we're going to hear in a moment about sequence is the case the time of year for sequences in it really they're everywhere they're on Christmas cards they're on Christmas decorations and worryingly I suppose they're on clothes as well and Oxfam a most concerned about that because apparently people are only wearing their sequin dresses and secret jumpers a couple of time of the governor times and then throwing them away instead of giving them away to charity that's what we need to do we'll hear more about it after this from our Harlow Morton Harkat. a lot of people get out of that sense of pride should be fabulous by the boys have known in Lincolnshire. I'm fascinated by this and you very much for taking the time to say. What you hear in both is seeing a good outcome but you know that Happy Days Are Here at that coffee thank you for letting us know and thank you for giving us a ring in the 1st place he barely enough without those days is happening in our region you can be sure we'll be talking about the David back tomorrow morning from knowing b.b.c. Radio Humberside. Bases b.b.c. Radio Humberside. Thank . You very Christmassy shooting from Kelly Clarkson underneath the tree on b.b.c. Radio homicide 20 past 12 this cheese day after dinner now plastic straws plastic bottles and now we're being reminded that we have plastic in our clothes we're well into the Christmas party season and what would be a party without a bit sparkle but today Oxfam is warning that sequins are made entirely out of plastic and therefore of course are not biodegradable they don't some research which suggests we'll spend an eye watering 415000000 pounds on new sequin to garments but will only wear them a maximum of 5 times before binning them earlier I spoke to t.v. Presenter and fashion stylist Grace Woodward and also Oxfam sustainable fashion expert fee Gill feather I wanted to know if there's an answer that means we can still be billing Well you can still love your bit of bling there's no rule no funds bunches Here's great flame have we definitely want to live encourage people to keep buying their sequins but you can buy them from charity shops give them a 2nd life the research that we've done has found that 1700000 garments with sequins on will end up in landfill after the festive season and what we're really asking people to do with don't throw it in the bin you can donate it to a charity shop and then a to talk from and give it a 2nd life and you're not the only one that's hard bro. By this you know I I've worked in the fashion industry and when I found work with lots of celebrities lots of celebrities have got behind this campaign because they too are really surprised by the results and don't want to be a part of the problem so we've had at least a dick then you know he honestly Alison Steadman loads of people donate their personal pieces because the what the research has found there's loads of people that kind of keep sequence in the back of their wardrobe and then keep sort of buying new pieces rather than revisiting So what we're saying is if there are pieces in your wardrobe get them out dust them off donate them to charity it gives them a 2nd life so you can if you want to buy new sequins either you know buy a piece that is going to last that won't fall apart after a couple or where so you can do your eco 30 worse thing or what buy quality that you can then pass on to charity Well that is a relief because actually anybody who knows me knows that I buy most of my clothes from 2nd hand shops anyway so you know looks like I've got off lightly here I do have a pair of sequined Doc Martens. And I think and I'm sure they've had 30 whereas So far you know and there is a series of the easiest things boots are a great thing for your literal footprint but you know perhaps that you can donate as well to earth and and the listeners can find these pieces online if they want to look at what the celebrities have donated they can find them at the Oxfam online shop so they don't have to if their bit time Polk's we're nearly at Christmas if they don't have time to actually go to the shops they can find them online the other thing that concerned me about this and it has worried me for a while every time I do any bits of crafty things with my 5 year old we get the glitter and the secret is out I've always been a little they aware that it's probably not very good for the environment and it's going to end up in the bin or down the saying this applies to those kind of sequins as well doesn't it the kinds that you know you stick on paper most sequins. Our plastic at the moment there I've seen ways I've seen a student coming out of college and there is somebody on Etsy who's making sustainable sequins that but you also you can do this at home if you've got you know a belt or something like that or a cutter you can make them out of plastic bottles and actually plastics quite easy to die so if you do want them you can get really I mean you can get really crafty at home if you want to do this and also there is now sustainable glitter is more expensive but you know I think that at what cost do we have fun and that's what we're trying to get around we can have fun but not at the cost of the planet basically your stats show that a quarter of people like me say they will wear their garments again and again so that's heartening isn't it do you feel like this message about sustainable fashion is hitting home and hitting home quite quickly because I think we've only really been talking about this for the past few years absolutely it's something which in recent years people are noticing more and more it's people are finding out more and more about how all aspects of their life have an impact on climate change so we know that clothing has a huge carbon footprint so the textile industry worldwide has more carbon emissions than international shipping and aviation combined So it's a huge impact on the planet and it's something which people are becoming more aware of and people want to make a difference and your message then to people would be finally they can do something about this big problem from from where they are standing just by making sure that they donate to charity or buy from charity Absolutely it's a way to make sure that the closing they've bought if they don't want to anymore it can go on to have a 2nd life it can help raise money for good causes but also if you're buying in a charity shop it's a way of finding something that's a bit unique and might sort of live again create your own individual styles. Well that's a subject that's making the papers today as well as in the Daily Express this morning at least should Dixon is pictured She's one of the stars also urging Christmas party goes to help save the planet by donating old sequin for. To charity stores and also by buying them secondhand as we've just heard and it's got a photograph here of the click see Rick so red dress donated by Aleesha apparently is worth 295 pounds I don't know how much so Oxfam a setting it for but if it hasn't already you can look for it on Oxfam Louise read Napa's also donated a shimmering shirt which she wore this summer when she performed with her new single lead me on telly. Who else has given something well lots of people as we heard just there when we were talking about it more than 30000000 secret items are usually sold over the festive period at a cost of as I said 415000000 pounds each garment will be worn just 5 times on average and one in 20 will be dumped in the bin Oh here we are former Saturday singer in a Healy actually says see the in Ray and Alison Steadman have also joined the charity's donation drive on the website to find out more b.b.c. Radio Humberside Fritchey staff today has just gone 25 past 12 will get the latest on the roads very shortly and a look at the weather it was before he wasn't This morning we'll see how it's going to shape up for the rest of today for now there is how this from David. But. God it's. Not. Going to. Cosmesis. Much to say that test to check. In and the slaying. Zone one of these men jumped. To the end to let the snake to. His skull and to see a different man. Changed. His. 0 . 00. 0 would. Change the sound but now bugs in the stream movements and so the explodes room. Spits. Seems. At least. That you spit on as they try to change their minds. They are constant Xan sleep quite aware what they're going. To jump. On the snake to check the bill to the pole and the Know the fabulous song from David changes only b.c. Radio Humberside just gone half past 12 hello to dynamo who sent another Jew b.s. Joke for me he says is another dodgy Christmas cracker joke Saturday why did the gulf where 2 pairs of trousers in k.c. Got a hole in one fantastic dynamo glad you enjoyed our Ha I prefer the Chris Christie jokes though if if you going to send a joke let's keep them seasonal 81 ship a 3 star message with the letters r h i can't promise I'll read them out I think it's about time we got the latest on the roads now 1231. His Lisa gale. Remains really busy this afternoon heading into and out of the land only 18 long keys now as you approach those temperature lights between the a 161 and bank right all thought but long queues as well had a few West l.-a on the a 164 that's because of the ongoing works in temperature off it like there as you approach the rippling and wrote a very busy as well in and around whole city center not being helped of course by those 3 way temperature place on Cleveland Street not far from the bridge that's causing delays to us Stagecoach bus service 10 to 20 minutes which is bad as you head into the city on Claiborne Street this afternoon I got a couple of issues on the trains actually because of an insta. At Finsbury Park currently a service is at are at a standstill on whole trains and London north eastern railways into and out of London's King's Cross and if you spot call if it's safe to do so on notable 30123 I want to see more infertile minutes. You're listening to the. Radio. The weather today sunny spells are expected this afternoon but the odd shower may drift in from the northwest at times a maximum temperature of 2 to 5 Celsius that's 36 to 41 in Fahrenheit this evening in tonight any showers will soon fade to leave a dry and cold night with light winds as the night progresses fog and low cloud will form in places a minimum temperature of minus $1.00 to $2.00 Celsius this evening that's 30 to 36 in Fahrenheit tomorrow fog and low clouds will lift through the morning as winds freshen from the southeast giving sunny spells through the afternoon the winds will continue to freshen as cloud builds a maximum temperature of 4 to 7 Celsius tomorrow that's 39 to 45 in Fahrenheit looking ahead to Thursday the rain will be pushed away by strong winds there after the theme of sunshine and showers will prevail for the rest of the day on Thursday night a spot of rain will move up from the south and on Friday further rain and Hill snow will quickly move up from the south this clearing north late sorry this came in north late in the evening mostly dry and partly cloudy on Saturday. Every. Just. Go. To. Liberty x. I'm just a little on b.b.c. Radio Humberside not far away from 22 on this Tuesday afternoon a bit Laura Branigan coming up in a bit and we're also going to hear about when to waltz and an opportunity to get some fresh at this Christmas season with the Ramblers who are launching their festival of winter and it reminds me of a story you know a few years ago when my sister was married at the time to a home Gary and chap still a good friend of the family and he was over they were both so rain England for Christmas and we went to Bethany Westwood as is the tradition for lots of people on Boxing Day and his English isn't bad his English is good and we were walking around every Westwood and he said to Miss. Why do they have these plaques of people's names on the benches and. Remember people have died and he said Beverly Westwood is a really dangerous place and I always makes his laugh every box and I would tell that story we'll hear about when to walks after this from Laura Branigan. Right. Let me. Make. Sure. The. Lot of Brannigan and self control on b.b.c. Radio Humberside now Christmas that is just around the corner what we now week away from Christmas Eve is a wonderful time of year if you can catch up with friends and family but it is stressful to as many of us try to get everything together for considered the big day well it's timely then Ramblers have launched their festival of winter waltz which many of us agree help us on wind and relax it does make you feel fantastic getting out in the fresh air do you just got to do it I mean that's the thing it's the it's that kind of barrier between the sofa and the front door early I spoke to g.p. Writer and Rambler Dr Nick Somerton and I asked him to tell me about the benefits of walking particularly this time of the year which is a very stressful time of the year walking's a great distress or makes you feel better but actually it can actually prevent both anxiety and depression as well so it's very important in that way but it is a great medicine in many ways it helps to reduce risk of heart problems strokes diabetes even things like the mentor and cancer so it's so fantastic medicine unfortunately just don't do enough of it and I should think we do less of it this time of year because we think it's too cold and wet to go out but the answer to that is just to wrap up warm and then once you're out there and you move in you feel your circulation working you know enough that you feel better once you get out but I think the part of part of the issue if you rightly say is the actual tendency for people to rather sit on the sofa and the safe is a Redemptorist place this time of the sit on the sofa rather than getting outside. And I think walking sometimes in groups is quite a good way of trying to motivate yourself to get outside doing it on a regular basis I mean walking as a as an exercise is very easy to fit into our daily life but but to do walking on a regular basis part of a group is actually much much better way to go I mean that the government of recently produced some advice on walking and they recommend that war exercise that people should try to about 150 minutes a week which And in many ways that's it's a good recommendation. Can be a bit off putting So what I would say is a little bit of any amount is good rather than the none at all so a little bit every day I suppose we are getting into regular walking every day and I think one of the things that if I can mention about the Ramblers they're doing at this time of the air is they've they've they've just setting up a festival when to walk. Running from about December the 20th to January 5th and this is about free walks that you can join as part of a group to get out they can be short walks long walks for adults or families all ages or places so they're not they're not designed to turn you into a limp or ghastly they're just about trying to get you walking getting a bit more active and that thing about walking is a great there's a great social aspect to that isn't there in this something about walking like that you know you can be chatting away and you don't even realize on many miles you've covered oh yeah exactly and I know I think that's one of the things about walking is as I said earlier on Exercise is good for anxiety and depression but don't you reconnecting with people and often as a g.p. Are seen people who've lost loved ones lost jobs gone through a serious illness and actually beginning to walk the exercise will help them but actually the company is also very valuable as well and being outside in the open air in the sunshine even on yesterday it was cold but you know where I've walking yesterday it was the biggest now out there it just makes you feel better really but reconnecting with people as well as exercise is important Yeah I mean we went out for it just to run around the park me in the kids and my partner yesterday and it was it was wonderful just to be running around outside and I'm in a play even though it was as you say it was cold but once you're out there it's fantastic and I suppose the other fallacy is that we imagine that you need to go out into the countryside to go for a walk but actually lots of these walks that have been that apart this festival many of them are urban out there yeah they are they are yes urban as well as rural I mean the thing is to actually get off the safe or as I said earlier on safer that are dangerous places. And I think the interactivity and there was a report in the media last week about the mountain activity in the southern effect it can have on our well being over the Christmas period. So yeah it's sort of the Ramblas festival of winter walks very easy to access and I can give you a few details the Ramblas website w w w dot Ramblers dot org dot u. K. Just gone to there scroll down and you'll see the thing that says little logo says festival of winter walks you just click on that and then it then you can click on find a walk near you underneath and just put in your postcode and they go and I looked around here yesterday and there's a load of the walks even on Christmas Day you can find a walk if you've had enough on Christmas Day I think there's there's a couple on Christmas Day as well so so every day you can get out of this period and stop to nick some attention to me as you mentioned it's on the Ramblas website if you'd like to find out more about their festival of winter will just go on court if you want to b.b.c. Radio Humberside will get the latest news headlines at 1 o'clock today and after that we will launch today's mystery person quiz so get ready to listen carefully and drop me a line on the usual numbers 81 triple 3 starting a message with the letters h. That's Coldplay and all friends on b.b.c. Radio Humberside Christmas only b.b.c. Radio Humberside. The classic Christmas chain coming up in a bit but 1st on the subject for Christmas info read many of those we associate it with spending money in the papers today apparently the high street is set for a cutthroat Christmas as stores drop prices by a record 44 percent in a bid to boost sales they could fall by more than 50 percent on average by Christmas Eve for the 1st time ever experts say the cuts. Point 2 percent deeper than the same time last year some products are down by 78 percent of clothing and accessories the best bargains around analyst Jason Gordon said retailers have faced a challenging year as consumer confidence has continued to fall amidst economic uncertainties and often what has got that much money Black Friday means that consumers now expect an increasing amount of pre-Christian most discounting the result is a blending of promotions and a steady price decline rather than a steep Boxing Day drop reminiscent of Christmases past yet that is how it's been in the past isn't it I know people who for reasons better known to themselves will spend Boxing Day or at least the early part of boxing day and I mean the wee small hours queue in outside places like next for their Boxing Day sale I do not know why why would you want to do that on Boxing Day but people have done what it may be a thing of the past now because they might be dropping the prices instead before Christmas prices have been slashed by up to 60 percent to change such as gap with half price deals also at top shop and debit ims it says here soups are down by more than 50 percent at Burrton and habitat launches its sales today with up to 50 percent off many items Boxing Day sales may come forward to Christmas Eve can read more about that in the mirror today and on the subject of Christmas dynamos been in touch with a Christmas Eve joke Why did Santa parked his sleigh on the roof because the drinks were on the House was that seasonal and Office says it was seasonal but I don't think it's up to your usual standard dynamo but thank you very much for the text anyway it won't triple 3 Start your message with the letters h. And talking of consumerism other papers are talking about what are supposed to be the 10 best products of the year this is according to which they've named a car as its product of the year it is the high on diet Kona electric car claims the vehicle makes one of the strongest cases yet for car owners to. Switched to emissions free vehicles the group's researchers tested 3 and a half 1000 products launched and reviewed between September $2800.00 to September this year to juice those considered outstanding in terms of performance innovation or value also in the list then is the Sony s r s x b o one whatever it is it's only 20 pounds I tell you what it is a Bluetooth speaker around the size of an apple it delivers a beautifully clear and driven sound apparently for a fantastically low price also in all Geo products the Sony's over a year noise cancelling headphones their $250.00 pounds undoubtedly apparently some of the best headphones money can buy and oh a leakproof travel cop who doesn't want one of those well I don't know if it cost $12.00 pounds it's the world's 1st reusable coffee cup to be made from recycled paper cups Oh I see oh all that said that's a hit in the teeth into it from recycled paper cups they've actually made them into really usable Cup with this leak resisting lock mechanism and solid build quality it's been designed to last a minimum of 10 years daily use oh well maybe they've sold me they might they might have sold me then even if it is 12 pounds and finally for now I knew this would be in here the Amazon Kindle Am I the only person left not to have a Kindle we haven't bought that in our house Amazon updated its Kindle reader with black lighting this year earning its place in the top 10 for its exceptional value for money that 70 pounds. And the i Pad and i Pad is in here there's a smart phone in here and a fridge freezer you can read more about it if you need any of those products in the in the newspaper today not far away from the 1 o'clock news then we will also launch mystery person quiz after 1 o'clock today usual ways to get in touch one triple 3 is the number start your message with the letters r.h. All. You can email me. Once again the clues coming from pupils at broader take a primary school. This week. With. The. 0 6. Brenda Lee rocking around the Christmas tree on b.b.c. Radio Humberside not far away from 1 o'clock Sally Fairfax Media til 3 today still to come we're going to hear about a lovely play which is on at whole truck how to fly like a reindeer is a new play for 2 to 5 year olds and their families it uses original music sorry that's my spoon from a copper tape digital animation and projections it specially designed for young audiences some of whom will be getting their 1st theater experience so it's really nice things to your kids too if you can over the Christmas season we'll find out more about that and we'll also hear about a wonderful way to top off your Rem your year in style top $29.00 in the 19 with a concert from the orchestra of Opera North at Hull City hole it's in the tradition of the Viennese who hold a concert around new year and have done for years apparently we'll hear about that and more besides between now and 3 o'clock. Because of the new rules in Lincolnshire and east to accept the 95.9 is a digital radio and freeview channels 7 soon. B.b.c. Is b.b.c. Radio homicides. That want to cut them time to get the latest news headlines now from Jill Senate the top stories this lunchtime half a 1000000 washing machines are recalled by Whirlpool bigger wind turbines could mean smaller intially bill in the last 5 years the cost of offshore wind has fallen by 2 thirds and that's obviously great news for. Consumers that will mean cheaper energy prices and there are even huge calls for the 100 bridge tolls to be scrapped Plus we'll have the day's sport with Mike White and the weather with Jillian Brown . More than half a 1000000 hot point in India set washing machines sold in the u.k. a Being recalled because they could catch fire in another embarrassment for the makers will pull the owners of those machines affected face the prospect of having to wash clothes in cold water for months until the appliances are fixed or replaced is our correspondent Kevin Peachey affected machines have been sold in the u.k. Since late 2014 well Paul says the door locking system can overheat when the machines heating elements is activated creating the risk of fire the fortress calls 7 c 9 fires and now the company wants hot points and intercepts owners to check Veyron on line register whether their model is affected if so it should be on plugs or used only on a cold cycle replacements or repairs will be offered from early January but could take months to complete the recall comes after whirlpool spent the last 4 years dealing with the fire risk from more than $5000000.00 of its tumble draw as its claims bigger wind turbines off the coast will mean we do standard g. Bills that's from the firm behind the world's largest wind turbines commonly being made in Rotterdam and used in the dog bank wind farm they are 850 feet high and will produce enough power to 16000 homes Clark for me we knew pulls you cases the big it is really the best growth that we're seeing in turbines is really vital to the step up and the scaling up that we need to happen in the next 510 years to meet our clean energy targets when we look ahead we're going to be using turbines that are actually 3 to 4 times larger than the turbines were using even 5 or 6 years ago . And in scale they're going to be taller than the Kirchen skyscraper in London and actually they'll be approaching the height of the Shard the tallest building in the u.k. They're moving huge cools full the 100 bridge tolls to be scrapped this comes as the 7th bridge marks one year of being able to cross it for free with local businesses saying it's had a positive impact on the economy Mike Wells from the road haulage Association told b.b.c. Radio Humberside there is massive potential for growth if the bridge was free to cross the cost on to a cost of one when they told him why you. Don't don't like somebody taking on work to move into your area. Next to Boris Johnson has addressed his new cabinet for the 1st time and promised to work flat out to pay the trust of those who voted for him in what he described as a seismic election he told the ministers You ain't seen nothing yet but Labor has issued a warning about the prime minister's 1st significant move changing his withdrawal bill to make it illegal for trade talks with easy to continue beyond 2020 or system political editor Norman Smith is in Downing Street this is a clear attempt to turn up the heat frankly on the e.u. Who might have been thinking that actually they could take the time over these trade negotiations Boris Johnson pretty much saying no it's going to be done in the next 11 months of his going to be done at all that will cause some nervousness in Brussels and I suspect some nervousness in the business community too because of course if it isn't done if a deal isn't reached then we all slap part back and no deal on the next Archbishop of York has spoken of his hopes that Britain can move on from the divisions caused by Breck's it has been announced that the Bishop of Chelmsford Stephen cultural will take up the role when Dr Johnson's move ties next June Bishop cultural told the b.b.c. He thought it was a tragedy and on British people it started defining each other by.

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