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Aid organization is to be extended to the Channel Islands provide some certainty going forward say Specsavers the World Trade Organization is a global body which sets and in forces trade rules and works to help producers of goods and services conduct their business without this announcement the local companies would have been in the dark regarding trade if the u.k. With to leave the e.u. Without a deal. Police in the Spanish city of Barcelona have been pelted with rocks and cancer in protest against the jailing of 9 Catalonian separatist politicians for their role in the 27000 independence referendum the consecutive nights of violence followed a day of peaceful marches and a general strike. The European spacecraft that's been designed to take the closest ever pictures of the sun has been completed the solar orbit a probe which was assembled in the u.k. Will launch on American rocket in February Ali Gilbert from NASA says observations made by the probe will help scientists to protect astronauts in the future once we get to the moon and especially to Mars those astronauts will be well outside the Earth's magnetic bubble that for it helps protect from these solar storms so yes it's going to become very important for the astronauts health and safety and at the Rugby World Cup England a currently 79 up against Australia in their semifinal me Milan and fly half Jonny Sexton says playing New Zealand in the quarter finals of the Rugby World Cup later this morning is a bit surreal all in take on the holders as they try to reach the semifinals for the 1st time and Sexton says they've been looking forward to this for some time in the back of our minds this quarter final always going to be a case of if we do get to approve that we replace it after a New Zealand we're hearing or it's a little bit surreal it's a little bit sort of I can't believe it's finally here and you know really looking forward to get out there and on the big stage and I'm trying to show we can do against you know the best team in the world and meanwhile in tennis Andy Murray is through to his 1st a.t.p. Semifinal since 2017 with a hard fought victory over Marius Kopel at the European Open Murray one in 2 hours 35 minutes and 2 up and now faces Hugo. And 3 time world champion Mark so he came from 31 down to beat China's mation way 53 and reached the semifinals of the English open he'll play Markham later in the other semifinal it's Tom Ford he's playing against David Gilbert's b.b.c. Radio against news the time now is 5 past 9. B.b.c. Radio gansey the line in the station for weather. Well hello there and good morning from me Charlie McCall good to have you company let's see what the weather has to offer us today well federal sunny periods but with the odd shower perhaps heavy in his own. A risk of hail and thunder mainly this morning so tempted to not bad actually at 15 degree Celsius tonight dropping down to 9 the visibility good moderate to poor in those showers the wind Southwest to west moderate falls for you then decreasing like for 3 to moderate falls for by mid day veering northwest like for 2 to 3 this evening perhaps variable like fools one to 2 at times then northerly over night open sea states moderate decreasing smoother slight by the sea evening with a life swell looking ahead to some day now pretty much the same actually rather cloudy with some bright sunny spells but also the risk of the odd shower becoming cloud your overnight with some patchy light rain or showers likely times the winds north to north east light for 3 increasing moderate falls for to fresh by mid afternoon at the top temperature in the Ardennes tomorrow all 15 degree Celsius Charlie McCarthy b.b.c. Radio a. So here we go another Saturday behind the could and behind the wheel of my car I call the b.b.c. . About. Islands community enjoying some music along the way. Kids. The souls of kids told. You you just look so good. That. Was going to. Be a huge public you. Well I'm imagining now that Little Red Corvette That's Princess Good morning it's Charlie McArdle with you today how are you feeling is not a bad day the weather could be brighter but we're not going to let that stop us will be out soon about we're talking chickens and eggs which came 1st we'll be peeling apples and stirring away with a delicious end result at the Jersey black butter and I've got the Gospel Choir choir Gogel choir live from Gatwick airport plus very shortly and I'm looking out the window now watching for his arrival Ralph roll the drummer from the chic. Freak. Of I'm trying my best anyway he'll be joining me live in the studio. She. Just. . Yeah that's from noon today and of course before that you've got me for the next 3 hours ably assisted by John. Which came 1st the chicken or the egg that is a question an eternal question we've been asking for years well actually because that's what's being judged at guns these poultry club poultry and eggs show we are at the heart of the feathered community this morning and John is there for us right now good morning Joe. Good morning Charlie one of my favorite views is from the top of rouge in simply to pull and that looks out on to Guernsey's East Coast it's in that view that you would see St John's Church in less ambles it is just in front of the church or behind the Jamaica or in that there is the church hall and it is where I am this morning and Charlie I am not alone I just enjoy the sounds of this . This morning it is the Guernsey poultry and they're having a show 116 classes are on show this morning that includes rare birds also there are young people exhibiting as well this morning we're going to find out all about the different categories and soon we'll know the difference between the spur of the sickle and the comb number wise are on that but I am loving the sounds how busy is it down there because they mean sounds like a lot of birds it's a lot of birds a lot of cages essentially just full it was like at a railway station or sort of. All the carriages disappear with the animals that might be going somewhere it's like a circus preparing to leave also. This morning the judging is taking place at the moment so I don't I don't disturb them too much certainly those doors open very soon and just by all means come down and enjoy the show come I just ask you one thing John what's the smell like. Absolutely fine I mean you've got to think it might have been raining last night you have heard the rain but these are birds on show the likelihood is that they were being kept inside last night so as they wouldn't be murdered or indeed any dirt on them at all these are a lot of the judging is going to be about how these birds are cared for so no. There's no smell at all and it's quite a pleasant place to burp right really well listen John will join you in your feathered friends a little bit later on this morning yeah we're at the heart of our islands community John is there but he's also going to be heading off to summery manner a little bit later on we'll tell you all about that I'm off to the elms in St Mary's where the black butter is literally coming to an end that's the making process thanks to many islanders who came together to to do all the peeling and all the hard work and they've been staring at through the night an i.q. Big cold running over a burning hot fire the flames a licking the sides of the Basha I think will be about o.b. Something anyway we'll catch up with those a little bit later on. But 1st keeping an eye on the travel news at 60 minutes past 9 on a Saturday and it's looking actually pretty good out there no big problems to report just to let you know in Guernsey or full or is close there repairing a low vote voltage cable there that goes on until the end of next week as well so do watch out for that in Jersey nothing really to worry about just to let you know tomorrow instance a view of the junction along the road on route appraise going to be closed tomorrow they're doing some resurfacing works there and if you go into long they'll manifold lunch possibly or afternoon d. Access to the man a hotel will be from the west of the junctions so an access to to pray trading estate will be from the east only so do bear that in mind I've just been looking at the airports good news no problems coming in or out of both islands and over at the harbors 1st up I think Jersey harbor the liberation is the next arrival that is at a quarter. 12 today before that it will be arriving from into Guernsey That's a quarter to 11 Don't forget though if you spot something we need to hear about it That is the beautiful South and you keep it all in good morning it's Charlie McArdle with you law you've all local and live in the heart of our community and also well coming style guests into the studio this one he's literally just arrived he's just gone to the restroom that's really bad isn't. He will be with us in just a moment but he's a man who's really March to the beat of his very own different drummer he's also worked with some of the biggest names in music sheet drama role is live in the studio very shortly but if you're out and about today and you're looking for inspiration for something to do I have a few suggestions for you. First up for those of you who couldn't attend the meeting on Tuesday Well the Guernsey Heart Support Group are invite you along today between 10 and 1130 you'll find them in the community room Nouvelle military and gems is an afternoon tea it sounds great doesn't it it's a bar and then into the rocket starts at 2 o'clock this afternoon if you fancy going along the also include an option of beautiful jewelry and a raffle as well so join the fun filled afternoon plant heritage Guernsey continue then Noreen festival for 2019. It's on until today between 10 and 4 o'clock today that's again z. Gardens in some pizza port totally free to get in and just a reminder no rains are on sale as well and here's something that sounds rather delicious a cake sale for cancer research all you've got to do is head for bans on Ylem church it's totally free for entry and they're there from 1030 this morning to around 130 this afternoon as well as cakes the lap drinks bacon rolls on sale and also be a Children's Corner a raffle there's a few people also selling their local produce products and remember there's parking available at the church or in the car parks is something to look forward to a little bit later on in the week this is on Wednesday between 12 and noon McMillan a holding a coffee morning that's a cafe Amity just to remind you that every single penny raised goes to buy 1000000 and can help more people with cancer live life as fully as they can to tell us about your event email b.b.c. Jhansi b.b.c. Dog. Yeah just a few suggestions of what you can get up to today still to come on the program I've got the powerhouse Gospel Choir Now last week I had the Abba Valley choir all 35 of them strike 36 with the young lady as well live in the studio and I was hoping to get them in the studio but they don't arrive until a bit later on this afternoon so we'll be going live to Gatwick departures and they're going to entertain us as well as entertaining those people at Gatwick airport so looking forward to catching up with them very shortly also John is outearn about trying to discover what came 1st the chicken or the egg He's at the Guernsey poultry and eggs show and then I'll be off to the elms a little bit later on the small inning to find out how the black butter is going my next guest should try Black butter especially as he is a bit of a connoisseur when it comes to food we'll find out more in just a moment because he's played with the likes of knowledge Rogers and Sheik of course sting gosh I'm reading this is like a who's who's. Better pull saw him and Aretha Franklin a Queen Latifa slash gosh that list just goes on and on and on it's Ralph roll he's the current drummer of knowledge Rogers and shake and he's hosting a very special master class in Jersey this week and for you to discover how he's been successful we are here to discover that all sells a good morning to you how are you fine how are you listen I mix stream excited that you're here glad to be here thanks for having me and 2nd time lucky actually because I know you were supposed to be here the latter end of last year wasn't it yes yes yes a sudden emergency had to deal with well we're glad that the emergency has been dealt with Yes well here in Jersey yes because not only are you giving a master class something rather special happening tonight that we don't want to give that away just as yet Ok I want to talk about the sort of the 1st time you picked up those drums. Sticks How did it all come about for you well. My brother who's about 6 years older than me is actually the the person that started with the drums in the house I grew up in public housing in New York City in the Bronx and we it was just me and my brother in a room and 8 by 10 room in one day I came home there was a drum set sitting in the middle of the 2 beds and I just always did everything my brother did so I saw the drums and like Ok it must be cool to play so let me play drums so I started playing drums and. It just stayed from there from the time I was 99 years old so does he still play the drums No I was about to say who's better when my brother turned 50 we surprised him with a drum set and I think he might have played it one time he did something very nice he gave it to young kid who was actually a drummer who couldn't afford a drum set which was very very nice that's an amazing thing to do and I know you do a lot you give so much more. Back to people young people older people as well because you helped to encourage people to maybe pick up the Tom sticks for the very 1st time yes I'm in college and a nut shuts Holland why why do you do that well mainly because I feel like I was very lucky. As a drummer you know I came from some serious serious humble beginnings so whenever I have a chance to give back to someone else I will do my best to do that you know it's like is paying forward you know and just showing that you are very happy about what you've achieved so many times for 17 years when I worked at the Apollo I taught for free you know if you came in you want to limit Yeah if you want to learn how to play drums come on and that was a big thing for you the Apollo wasn't it huge not just what really started for you kind of but the Apollo is huge for every musician musician in the world I don't think there's a single person out there who doesn't get butterflies for the 1st time when they go on the Apollo stage it's an amazing stage just take us back to 1st time that you did do that you know because I can imagine there's a lot of anxiety and sort of be quite nervous about that for us even though you know that yeah. It was a lot of us well the very 1st time that I did I played on the stage at the Apollo was with an artist on the Def Jam label which is the label that hip hop mogul Russell Simmons on and his name was Chuck Stanley and I sat on the stage and I remember looking up in New York in sin looking out at the seat that me and my sister used to always sit in the same area not believing that I'm actually sitting on the Apollo stage about the play for the 1st time and then a few years later I got a phone call to sub for one of the drummers my friend buddy way mc couldn't make it . After that one situation they called me back and said well we really would like to use you because you can sing and play and that's something we need so I called Buddy I told him what was going on he said no it's fine I'm too busy anyway and that ended up staying for 17 years college Yes incredible it was great and when was that there's always like a tipping point is an effort artists when literally it just keeps on coming the wookie don't have to do anything that literally everybody knows about you don't want to know you they want you to be a part of that project when did that actually happen you realize wow this is it so well my 1st professional game started when I was just turning 19 and you're good gigs and then you play in local bands and then people here you know keep honing in on your on your craft and then you get that other gig where you're more visible and then someone else in the band might see you or something and someone out in the audience will see in it go this guy's pretty good let me find out more about you know if he's reliable if you've got a good reputation and then the stars to you name gets passed around pretty quick like if oh you need a drummer call I was I was the the sub drummer for many years for many drummers and then one day I got the call to do you know some major stuff and the rest is history. I read out that just a list of some of the names of the people who were saying that made us Group Yes well it's not like. It's really a dream come true I've studied where I wanted to be able to have the ability to play in different genres of music and you know do it naturally so I would I would listen to everything study everything so when I got called to do you know a gig staying off I got called to do something with D'Angelo that I would be totally prepared it's an amazing feeling you know to be in the room with these people that you've had mine for so many years you know 1st ever hassles with Aretha Franklin What's that like when he was intervention now this is the this is a legend you know what I mean this is a very funny story about everything I actually recording I've recorded with a wreath. It's on a tribute album for Luther Vandross and she really did house is not a home so I'm playing drums on the house in the home so when I go to the studio the very famous legendary producer Mr reef my den is producing he's produced everybody Bette Midler being one of them so I'm waiting I'm excited about meeting him for the 1st time and I'm excited about a I'm going to meet a Retha for the 1st time but then she she didn't come to the studio she actually conducted the session that we were on together on the telephone she had the flu. So she conducted the host session for everyone that's in the room by telephone because she didn't want to get everybody sick. But the vocals in order to lay down a vocal. The reference vocals were there and she didn't actually do the final until she was feeling better again so it was so funny because she's such a nice lady so she would hear something Ok baby I want you to do it this way now I cannot come back and I want to hit it's pokey baby you know she was very very and that's a reason why someone like that is a legend because they know what they want and it's not about this stuff it's about the arts and the craft of and I get the impression that she knew what she wanted and you helped Great Well you know sometimes I miss some things I knew that Aretha Franklin was an amazing piano player but not like that she arranged everything I mean yeah she's really amazing she was an amazing piano player and a range of a lot of songs that she played piano on on her songs so a little boy from the Bronx who had a fortunate Korea What does your family think of what you've done and how you've taken it from that 10 by 10 room with a drum kit between 2 beds to 2 way you all today it was a combination of emotions. Starting with my oldest sister who was rooting for me from day one. If I was playing in a club somewhere in New York City in a local band and nobody showed up she was the one screaming in the. Club like it was Madison Square Garden my mother wasn't as happy about me being a musician why well. My mother comes from the Deep South and she was that 1st migration of of African Americans that went north after Jim Crow after slavery when you wanted to find a better opportunity so my father my mother who were very young had no kids they just moved north because that's what everybody else started doing. So to her it was about having a job that you know that was the thinking you need a job and being a musician being a drum is that's an asset that's something you do for fun that's not a job so when I told I want to be a musician and I didn't want to go to engineering school she cheats she literally lost my mind and went to change of mind. Did she she supported me you know and she supported me for up until the point when she passed away but she never got a chance to see me play professionally really and I know that it was the crazy thing is there was one show that she was coming to and she was in the audience and believe it or not halfway through the show before we went on the show was canceled because the promoter ran off with the money so she never got a chance to see me play it was just so all monies there. It's sad but she'll be looking down on you and I think there's my son I didn't want to be a musician and now he's at the top of his guy here I've got to ask you before we start talking about why you were here and about Ok special get this happening tonight cookies Yes because right cookies as well yeah I do have a I have a cookie company in New York City here at How did that start. Being a shy kid I was a very shy kid I sat up under my mother all the time. I was you know pretty nerdy scuse me and my brother were both nerdy kids and we were always 10 going with something always learning something and my thing was baking his thing was cooking my other sister was the best cook in the house so I'd just watch my grandmother and mother bake and being a shy kid so a light bulb went off is like I want to meet girls how do I meet them. Because some cookies and I don't think. I did that well look Oh absolutely and there's this little this cookie making has turned into a big business as well yes I mean some of the supermarkets a lot yeah Yes Do you have to be as big as I want well I hope to be. When I started actually selling cookies my girlfriend and I was trying to save money for the holidays we had a bunch of people 36 friends on the list and we couldn't afford at the time to give everybody what we wanted so I said one I would use big legal case and everyone came back and said you know with these a mazing you might want to sell them and that's how we started I started my apartment and from my apartment I got a factory and then from there we see we were in the New York Times and then we wanted t.v. Food Network and it just kind of went crazy from there that is huge it's been fun it's it's exciting I what I like is to me it's not that much different from being a musician by by making food because it's all about. Attainment you know when you go into your favorite restaurant you're going for the ambiance you go for the music you go in because it's nice people there you go because the waiter knows your name and you have great food in its intertainment Oh you're the cookie King I think well I hope to be the cookie was the signature cookie if I wanted one of your cookies which one would you say listen Charlie you got to have that the sweet potato cookie what's Yeah I think that's our biggest seller really we sell a lot of sweet potato cookies don't imagine that if I'm honest with you while you hear this there's a delicacy called Jersey black butter. Really sounds good just the name well. I think undersells it so just imagine it's like Christmas in a jar Ok so I tried means pollies do you do sort of I think I mean I think I want yes sort of a sweet and sort of savory kind of thing anyway it's a bit like that and you could imagine that just in with a cookie grab yourself a jar whether you grab it to die or grab one at the airport got a definite west trying it's nice with cheese as well so you put something you put it on something yeah it's like a like a chuck meat kind of thing to some people either out the joke yeah me. I just try that you could have gotten a cookie right so you hear and you're doing master classes that's what it's just so you know you're rushing off to do something about 1045 today and you got various different master classes going on. Which is a great thing to do and that's why you're here isn't something there are some years ago I started taking my teaching that I've done my entire career and started doing it internationally so I hold master classes that took all of the information that I've learned and all of the stuff that I've torn know put it into a package. And I teach all musicians not just for drummers it's most times it's almost like can even see. In the room between different types of musicians who are basically trying to access information about how to get their careers going so the topic of my master class is how to get and keep a gig since I've been playing for the last 41 straight years I wanted to pass that information forward so they understand exactly what it takes to how to get in keep a gig that's probably the hardest bit isn't you've got the talent you can do and what you've got to sell lots of it to me saying I've seen the frustration on musicians faces and hear the stories sometimes it is very difficult and they want to know what is it you know that happened and I told them Listen I'm just a kid from you know public housing that didn't get a drum set until a year before I started playing professionally but I just had what I call the 5 peas and I to talk about his passion power placement performance impurity and I expound on that and give you know stories about what that means and hopefully it inspires under some playing do some more talking but it's all about just trying to motivate that's the main thing is cutting on that switch and maybe maybe changing the direction or the way you're thinking about being a musician and another thing that I really talk about a lot is the word can't and how devastating that could be when you say the word can't you know you put up these terrible building blocks of you know brick walls that you know have to mentally breakdown in order to get yourself moving forward so you're motivating me to small and I don't think you love the 5 I know it is invited for people I think Event Brite has got all the details if anybody's interested guy I presume that is a still space available if anybody wants to go to that's like yeah if you want to guys who are part of music go along to Event Brite just pop in and you'll find all the information you need for the last one I think it's a school wanted 1045 as another want to know that later on around 12 o'clock I think it is today I now want to talk one of those other people reminds me of but then to know. You gonna do the day job oh you love your night is going to be fun it's a fundraiser. For Janko and it's open to all ages and it's a lot of fun I have rehearsal with the band yesterday and we just had such a great great time we're going to be playing all different kind of music and we'll be sitting in having fun with the audience so come on out you're going to be with l n n tonight between 7 and knowing feel like it's going to go on longer than 9 o'clock tonight I really do and it's sort of a chic disco funk combination with the local band and it's the blue note this evening yes it will be rocking and those going to be fun I mean if you've ever been to. A Chic show it's kind of that kind of energy you know I tried my best to always perform and give the audience something great so with my master classes and when I do gigs so that the but the big important thing is the fundraiser you know it's always good to try to do the right thing so come on out and please do the right thing this is one of the hottest tickets in town tonight this really is the this is a great opportunity to really yeah I can imagine the fun yes what I am going to when I'm finished I'm going to go out New Orleans and talk in the science of Mardi Gras and get to meet some people and you say hello any questions out there take a listen it's not the biggest of venues arrive nice and early to get in there and grab your space but I think even if you're wandering by all listening out which I will be to save it because I'm out and about things cause. I can't wait to just hear it you know I think I'll be incredible So that's a lot between 7 and 9 that is in the blue Now if you want to get involved with one of the master classes as Oneness after 1 o'clock then go along to event brought That's all the information you need to grab it soon rather like where is the master class as. It is in the loop Ok Is it the Blue Note so possibly you could just turn up as well you never know you might be able to get in but problem to the blue note from 1 o'clock to. Die for this master class I looking at you as a 40 year career you do not look old enough Ralph. Actually 41 I mean I start out numb k. . Let's talk about shape because the. Next guy I know nice Yes said how does that all come about like I've been a chic fan and like many people for many is one of the activities that I would do in my free time as a live roller skating and in the 70s roller skating was extremely popular in America especially New York and then disco rollerskating just kind of took it to a whole nother level so there was a few roller skating rings in my neighborhood and I happened to be at one at this particular night and this song comes on want to. Freak out and everybody screams and jumps on the rink floor so I asked someone I said what I've never heard this song before this is hot who is it and I said oh this is new group the song is called freak out and the song wasn't called freak out it's actually called a freak and that began my love affair with with that she called it is a she and now Rodgers and but not Edwards wrote some amazing song so yeah I think that was the nothing that you can't do still rollerskate that is that please if I rollerskate I'll break everything you might actually rollerskate at the hospital that's. But I could yeah I saw your drama rollerskate you know there's a part in a musical called a bit of a palette for a roller skating drama did you know that no and a singer as well that you are asserting. This and I'm waffling on a bit here one of the reasons is I'm swapping the songs around so I can get love for it because this will bring back memories I suppose because that is the one I had another one lined up and I thought I'm going to put this on Listen Ralph thank you so much for coming thank you for having me I really really want to get into all this and I'm loving every minute of it you go let's do it we could if we could swap sides kind of way we I wish I could but we've got loads of other things that I want every interview you know not a chart Ok so like being interviewed really I don't like to make someone come back I'm going to interview you you can't you know I told him I was I'd rather just chat to people and find out about them I just bribe you with cookies so yeah where all the cookies are at the hotel why don't you also I was told I just told my manager I was like oh man I forgot to bring the cookies so we're not there far away so all of pubs are my Or I'm going to see the man I bring you so of right listen thank you so much for coming and going to really appreciate it just remind everything on Event Brite pop long to the Blue Note the softer noon from 1 o'clock get there a little bit earlier if you want to find out a bit more but even if you're not musician I think you could be inspired to do good at whatever you do just by listening to you thank you and then tonight this is the night you know it's not a secret because it's all being organized but it feels a little bit like it's like a thing that's just sort of just happening but it's sort of a sheet disco funk bands night with Ralph on the drums there along with a local band Ellen and that's between $7.00 and $9.00 at the blue note thank you so much for coming in thank you very much I'm going to press a button now and this is the. Things I found You've ruined my flow but well worth it this will bring back memories of you skating around this is a freak from a sheet thank you very much Ralph thank you. Sure you'll. Have to. Plug. It In. And. Make. Sure. He's off of course. To different things throughout the day if you can meet up will be inspired by many one of those you're more than welcome to do so anyway good morning it's Charlie McCarthy with you live local lively and this program is all about getting out and about. Community and it doesn't get more community related then the feathered community where today it's the poultry and eggs show but the question is which came 1st the chicken or the egg. I have no idea which came 1st shot of the chicken or the egg what I do know is one the full experience is down here in. Church Hall. Family event for you so now it stays until 4 o'clock this afternoon I've already identified my favorites clearly that dark indigo color on one of the I think I think it's called Dark I think that colors Absolutely. Certainly the Drakes when they stand up they do look like the wine waiters as they sort of make their way across the cross all standing up as well as a Chinese goose more on that Chinese goose very famous almost not just here in Guernsey but I believe it sets the standard throughout the u.k. As to how Chinese are judged Joining me is also he's the president here a very good morning to you morning let's just take a sense of that sound just in here for a 2nd. You got to be pleased with the number of passes there on show to the yeah we've got a very good entry. The quality of. Most. Pleasing and the Reuter of both as lots of different colors and shapes and sizes. And so we don't disturb the judging is take place very soon the judge leading that really well known across the u.k. He's from West Sussex has flown in the small and very good morning to you. What are you looking for today. The standards for. Great Britain and this. Is every breed of got a different set of points so. If. 2 2 you're looking for. I mean I 1st came. 2 to. The 1st 93. I think our President Nasser was you've been a young lad back in 93. Over 90 Well I was already in spoil sport anymore. Being here with a top judge now he's inspired me for the last 10 years or more now which. You know it's been a great help and inspiration along the way to me on my son to mention the u.k. Poultry standards that's the stance that we judge today there is a case here at the show that's in the book that represents the top stand just don't tell the judge. To keep away from his ears so you also keeping this going on husbandry poultry is something that young people involved in your son's involved. Which which both of you brought into the white. House I was looking after the birds very time. Very poor weather last night Jersey and Guernsey rain was coming down did you keep them penned in last not yet most of them. When did they get their bath and. Late last night last night you know you stayed up late to give the ball there were a lot of people exhibiting today given the bath maybe a couple of days before as well one of my favorites as well we've got a well we've got a duck out there. Head actually head that looks a bit like from Coronation Street from all that lovely hair that their hands got and certainly we need to do a little call out as well we got in the shows and said Bright Sophie I'm saying that correct let's see bright Well it's always looking for the female and I think there's one in Jersey so Charlie if we could match up a Seabright female in Jersey to what we got a century of lot of males in Guernsey that would be a good thing to keep the see what's going. On I'm loving this is what I'm loving all the sound effects because that is the real McCoy just remind us if anybody wants to go along which sounds absolutely fascinating what time is open to today and where do we need to go. Take place well. That can happen in. Front of a. Open until 4 o'clock this afternoon there's a little parking on site itself. But it's not just on the East Coast. For the time because I know you're off to your next location which is some. Spooky . At the heart of the community. Together. Make of Candi Staton Young Hearts Run Free Good morning it's with you live local and lively where. We'll be heading off to summer. And I'm off to the elms that's all still to come this morning. On. B.b.c. Sound. Radio. Station. It's 10 o'clock Good morning I'm James Raby the deputy head of a school says it's very important to teach children from a young gauge how they can report abuse the n.s.p. . Schools this week to teach children about the different forms of abuse and who they can talk to about it this is the dept head it says the lessons this week of being very useful of the safeguarding children and keeping children safe is a fundamental part of the role we play so having charities out in a species to talk about what they do and the role they control in children's lives and support in this is really important. Addressing the commons in an attempt to get them piece to back his new brags that Dale in the storage 1st Saturday sitting of the House of Commons since the focal war 982 the power. Ministers hoping to persuade enough Labor M.P.'s and leave seats euro skeptic conservatives and former Tory rebels to back his plan he told parliament they had to make progress by backing the deal a deal that can heal the rift in British politics unite. Unite the warring instincts in us all and now is the time. For this great house of commons to come together and bring the country together to do those things I believe as I believe people at home are hoping and expecting the b.b.c. Understands that Mr Johnson will send them peas home and not allow them to vote on his breaks it deal if they back an amendment that could further Britain's departure from the e.u. The proposal which has been tabled by the former conservatives are all of the left when says the decision on the revised deal should be referred until all the legislation needed to implement the terms of the agreement has been passed through parliament our system political ads the Norman Smith explains why the government doesn't want to let one amendment to prove that it would then put no detail back on the table from the government's point of view because they would argue well House of Commons hasn't agreed to anything today so we are now heading towards leaving on October 31st without an agreement opponents would say hang on a sec that means that then act kicks in so you have to write that letter to the e.u. Asking for a delay which means I suspect on Monday Boris Johnson metaphorically would end up in the courts the owner of a long standing local business says he thinks it would be harder to set up shop in dancing now in the modern day than in years gone by flat just for sport started trading Kerry 936 and Terry for brush bought the business 40 years ago Mr Faber says knowing what sort of demand there is for your product is is crucial the retail side of his change dramatically hasn't it certainly sometimes you get a bit blinkered you perceive to be that you know this is going to be a good solid business and if you can turn your passion into a career that's lovely but what you've got to be careful of is that your passion is shared by enough people to sustain your business where you have thing that's really where he's the chief executive of Kenzi post at MIT's having the likes of Moon pig and funky pigeon basing their services in Ireland have boosted stats in this year's annual reports the group's annual report shows strong numbers on the profit sheets but the number of items handled. Yearly has dropped by 2000000 but bodie Smiley says having big companies based in the bay which is a huge positive we've got some very big but mailers on the island who specialize in online greetings cards which of course marries both things together so big part of our existing success has been able to keep those companies and keep them you know based in Guernsey the Spanish government's warned that protesters involved in the violence in Barcelona could be jailed for up to 6 years more than 30 people have been arrested as part of demonstrations against the imprisonment of 9 separate as politicians earlier this week our reporter in Barcelona Guy Hedgecoe says there was a tense atmosphere and protesters were all over central Barcelona in standoffs.

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