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The votes come in but we'll do our 1st as well as we head towards Christmas as more and more Christmassy Tunes popping up in the top 10 a but back to tonight's Venga boys or a number 9 with up and down and step number 8 with Hearts great and tragedy it was a double a side and then there was this do you remember. This music will be familiar to you and this was a number. For black string. Just like film. Blackstreet. Me that from the original soundtrack of the ridge motional soundtrack of the movie. 12 minutes past 10 this is. What else was in the top 10 on this day that a number 6 with love the way you love me and then there was this number 5. Scars are a song last night at quarter past 10. This is the Late Show by the way lots of requests already coming in for Friday in the West's biggest requests Friday 11 to midnight I think actually this week shall we just do Christmas tunes for a whole hour on Friday are not be rather nice not particularly unusual ones particular ones that you don't normally hear let's make it really cozy on Friday between 11 and midnight if you want to get something in them we've already got a few coming in. One hour some attacks to backstab a x t e r And the message to 81 triple 3 will get the tinsel out and some mulled wine Babs you can send me an e-mail as well backs to show the b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Backs to Sherrod b.b.c. Dog u.k. And we're going to be opening the lines a little bit later on tonight for the quiz anyway so perhaps you can you can call them with a request to you but back to 998 for now and 5 the best from the top 10 Robbie Williams was brand new in at number 4 with no regrets it was a double a side with music and Bryan Adams a Mel c. Or a Number 3 you hear that track next Steve Cajun how got called an armadillo did you get. The strangest things about the look of the Kokoda another John Smith I big . Life. It was a big. And believing that was the 1st sort of hit record where they started using computers or the vocals was never a member befitting really quiet. As it was it was massive at the time thinking of using that technology misused everywhere even to to improve rather dodgy voices but you can't say that about a share that was number one on this day in 1998 Have you enjoyed the tunes tonight on the top 10 a 10 will bring back tomorrow or are from a different year at 10 pm on the chart this is Chris Baxter on to the weather for you very soon we'll do the quiz questions for the random course as well any that went to the end of last week I'll tell you about I think Ashley I'm pretty sure we're all square from the end of last weeks of the nothing to update you on that but I'll bring you all the questions if you want to try the quest between a. 11 to midnight tonight or little bit of travel news dimensions is just new in and it's the m $4087.00 bridge which is modest restrictions because of the strong winds there in both directions between junction one it asked and junction 2 that's the y. Valley link road in chaps there is says that everyone comes off eastbound a junction 2 and West a junction one around the roundabout and then back on to cross the bridge which does remain open at the moment but might have to be closed any point because of those strong winds so you might want to avoid the and 487 bridge just in case that's all there really is to mention the rights and as you know otherwise still I mean now if you've got something to say Baxter and your message to a 23 you can email the show as well Linda thank you very much for your email tonight as Chris as it's the 39th anniversary of John Lennon's death I wonder if you might be able to include one of his songs as a tribute to his actually that it was the 8th of December wasn't it John Lennon's death but I figure right and I think we should mark in some way or another and in fact as luck would have it I've got a Christmas record beautiful Lennon and Yoko and a track coming up between now and 11 o'clock sir do stay tuned Linda it's on the way very soon. Starting to throw the our Christmas tune in to That was released in 1988 of around them Rattle and Hum you 2 and Angel of Harlem not Christmas say but the lyrics start off the beginning if a bit Christmassy then there was a cold and wet December day when we touched the ground at j.f.k. Snow was melting on the ground as I guess you're in a mode doesn't it but more Christmassy stuff to come for you. If you want Christmas in terms of the weather well it's feeling a bit like that tonight clear and dry for much of the night temperatures falling away clouds will build towards dawn which will bring some milder weather later on moderate temperatures but we will get frost early in the morning and Zillo temperatures in I could go down to about minus one or a bit lower than that as 30 found I had now for tomorrow bands of rain spreading in from the west earlier on some dry patches as wow cloudy and windy and in the evening we're going to get a sharp band of heavy rain sweeping through with some very strong winds as well 8 to 11 Southie as the high 46 to 52 Fahrenheit's now windy again on Wednesday with sunshine and some showers during the day but big cooler dry in cloudy start on Thursday but turning windy again with rain moving in could be heavy emphasis. And for a spell Friday looks continuing to be windy unsettled but the rain starting to clear to the east during the day and the winds easing by the weekend as well so that's coming. This is speedy c.b. Radio Gloucestershire Tuesday morning from sexists Mark Cummings a breakfast and reaction from the visits of Boris Johnson and Jeremy Coleman to the county as the countdown continues to the general election later this week also celebrating the 180th anniversary of Gloucestershire Police and making from 9 o'clock meeting the women have been gathering in Gloucester over the weekend to preparing to battle mediƦval style and will be in South with Calvin wearing and his magnificent Christmas light display in memory of his wife Sandra raising money for the Sirat elect Hampton Court hospice Dominic Carter will behave from a day and you'll hear how a siren says the opera singer is supporting the Gloucestershire deficit. Try to. Take you back to the end. And a reminder that. Here with the build up. An exciting night b.b.c. Radio. One. Thank. You as. Always. To this part of the world for your own little holiday in a cottage or something for Christmas and we're going to enjoy hearing the stories as we head up towards Christmas very soon. Must just mention by the way you might remember earlier on in the year that I did a whole week of features behind the scenes of the circus that was all about Gifford circus which is based in Gloucestershire but travels far and wide in this part of the world and very sad news that over the weekend Nell Gifford who was co-founder of Giffords has died at the age of 46 after having breast cancer a number of occasions it was 3 separate occasions but you know. Incredibly sad news and Giffords is a wonderful friend that lives on and I know there's been many tributes on social media today I mean just reading one can see in front of me from Sophie who says so sad to hear about how Gifford she was responsible for bringing so much joy laughter and magic to many people she leaves an amazing legacy behind and Amy says on social media as well I never wanted to run away with the circus until I saw Giffords us our IP Now Gifford and she was somebody who did it right at the circus she said that's what she wanted to do she's written a book about her life which is beautiful as well and yeah just really sad news just 46 years of age and I thought we might revisit because when I when I did the behind the scenes of the circus features early this year I did quite a long interview with now and she wasn't well at the time but was talking about the theme for this year and it was a massive success this summer. And I know it will be again next year so as we reach the end of the week I'm registering a little bit of that interview and perhaps some a behind the scenes of the circus again in tribute to now very sad news 90 minutes to 11. Its great as Ned John Lennon Yoko Ono and happy Christmas War is over it's course to 11 and does nice suggestions coming in for Friday's Christmas requests between 11 and midnight keep those coming back to show b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. And you can also send a text back Stephanie message to write one triple 3. Jury thank you very much in Barrie for your e-mail this evening and some good answers to the Chris we'll get to those very soon and you also mentioned that I didn't mention your grandson and his name nor did mention here but it was a bit weird on Friday because I wasn't broadcasting on all the radio stations for the holes. 3 hours it was it was a bit strange so I did mention it but I forgot to mention it again so Luke Perry was your grandson this related to a question on the random Chris last week which was the 3 t.v. Series that he appeared in as a child actor and we got them in the end Torchwood one of them was Torchwood one of them was Dr Who and the other one was grandpa in my pocket and if you want to look him up it's called Luke Perry and you can you can put into a search engine you'll find out more about is his acting career now he's got a really it's got really interesting job now completely unrelated to and to bring a child actor saw it with your permission Joy I think we'll run that as a quiz question in the coming weeks because I think it's really interesting what he does now compared to what he did as a child actor I'd like to run that's a question that I think is a good one I think we could run without one how about it Joy and thank you very much for your email of. A good weekend as well so thank you for drop me tonight and if you do want to drop us a line the lines are now open in terms of the phones I give you the number very soon and you can e-mail back to show a b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. And you can text Baxter and your message to right on trouble free the random quiz crazy cryptic cunningly clever we do this every night of the wake and we're looking for some Christmassy questions to take us up to Christmas so he can think of a nice cryptic Christmas question. Might be something as simple as many bottles of it on your tray you know the kind of thing if you listen to the show regularly cryptic. Might be. Something relating to your family or what you during this Christmas or this bizarre present you've ever got send your Christmas questions in as we get towards Christmas because what we're going to do. Is as the questions gradually disappear. As we head up to the big day the last chance for a new question to get on the quiz before Christmas is this Friday and then we'll do a knockout until the 23rd of December. So if a question goes it will be replaced or does not come out until we get to Christmas then we start with a fresh bunch in the new year to keep those questions coming to me head of Christmas festival. What we don't plan on the Koreans question number one this is on day 4 in the questions last for 7 working day to day 7 you know I. Believe the chorus. My guess in the meantime let me check in the struggle. Over Christmas wrapping paper because. Question number one day 4 from Martin in the Forest of Dean Martin recently went on a canal boats holiday on the back country ring. In 7 day how many. Did you get to travel for. And I'll give you the answers that have come in. Question number. 3 For this one from. Now over the last few years actually as I feel over the years. To see many many times. The 1st concert he went to. Was the 1st female singer. To the. Question number 3 day to this is a classic example of you have to give me the answer I've got rained down in front of maybe varieties if. You may have a variety of answers but it has to be written down. There is enough. In the human body to make. It was enough on in the human body to make one fair. Because at the end of last thing. Nice question number 4 day 2 from ball. This is a bit cryptic this one of the clever. Walks connects. Michael Jackson. And. To think about. Aggression number 5 is all day for this is the sound of facts that was e-mailed from Michael in form. Of a festive Santa Fe You can record it and email it to bucks to show the b.b.c. . This is day for question number 5 for Michael. I was there Mistretta is. What is it. I weigh 201 c 17575 b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire texting a standard message right back certainly message the right one trouble free email box to show at b.b.c. . a. Live Can. Show Mendez can be a Caballo and send your return on The Late Show 6 minutes to 11 and this week's featured artist by the way I have mentioned this yet it's ag pop so going to be buying a song from ag every night of the wake the 1st one is coming up tonight at about $1115.00 is from the last few years so looking forward to playing that and I was trying to come up with an idea about next week's featured artist and Ari think I wonder whether we might do the who are the fancy that because they're heading for their 1st u.k. Number one album in almost half a century on the official album charts it's a long time since they've released an album it was a while back now isn't it 2006 they released an album called Endless Wire and it's their 12th studio album and it's ahead of the moment of its nearest competition for the Christmas number one album Robbie Williams is just behind with a Christmas present and it's it's by about 6000 sales at the moment. The only other number one album The who have had is who's next which was 971. So I wonder whether we might just play who track every night an x. Ray the some wonderful wants to play and I haven't heard the new album yet so I'm really looking forward to spending some time listening to that and you might have already got hold of it and you might have a Who song in mind for next week's are if it will bother will do that thing next week it will be featured artist the who and we will rock our way through the week I think heading towards 11 o'clock on the Late Show thanks for your your e-mails and your tax if you want to keep keep them coming will do the quiz between 11 and midnight and I'll read out the answers we've got so far in those questions but drop me a line Baxter be acts. Like you see on the can of soup and send it to 81 trouble free . It's. In the. Following Friday but we will. Stephen this is a fair point or a musical away from the script from r.e.m. And Marvin Gaye it's all coming up off the news at 11 tonight and I'm here until 1 am. Because we are counting b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. B.b.c. News at 11 on more on listen the prime minister of New Zealand says it's unlikely that there are any more survivors on the island where a volcano erupted during a visit by a party of tourists from a cruise ship including Britons 5 people are known to have died on White Island 8 others are unaccounted for more than 30 people are being treated in hospital just into Dan says New Zealand as share in the grief of all those affected the police Igal helicopter restrict helicopter in in the defeat craft have undertaken and number of aerial reconnaissance flights over the island since the eruption no signs of life had been saying at any point a mother who photographed her young son sleeping on a hospital floor in Leeds says she doesn't want his treatment being used as a political football Boris Johnson's been criticised by his opponents off the he initially refused to look at the photo of the 4 year old who was being treated for suspected pneumonia the prime minister was challenged by an i.t.v. News journalist who attempted show him the image on his phone like my phone put it in your pocket when Mr His mother says the n.h.s. Is in crisis what's your spot so. I think that it's a terrible terrible project like i Pod obviously to the family who always use the actor which bridges in the originals but what we are what we are doing is supposed to be a chance Labor and the Lib Dems say the way Mr Johnson behaved today is proof that he doesn't care the serial rapist Joseph McCann has been given 33 life sentences and ordered to serve at least 30 years in. Risen the 34 year old was found guilty last week of a series of attacks on 11 women and children in April May this year across southeast and northwest England senior Crown Prosecutor Ted Turkson spoke outside the Old Bailey the court heard today the impact that McCann's brutal campaign of rape. And will continue to have on his victims are hoping that the victims of this case all of them so I meant bravery and I felt very warm with their logs following the truly horrendous. About $40000.00 customers owed money after Thomas Cook collapsed in September have been refunded within the $60.00 day deadline but officials say they need more details to verify around $17000.00 further claims $1800000.00 S.U.V.s are estimated to have been sold in the last 4 years that's compared to $47000.00 electric cars the u.k. Energy Research Center which looked at the figures says it makes a mockery of attempts to reduce harmful emissions the World Anti Doping Agency has banned Russia from major international sporting events for an unprecedented 4 years including for next summer and winter Olympic Games and the 2022 football World Cup An investigation found that the Russian authorities had tampered with data from an Anti Doping lab athletes who can prove that drug free will be able to compete under a neutral flag b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 11 and the weeks to. The a. B c revealed last issue and. The . Grand. Canyon.

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