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It's fall it's dignified it's become Corso and Ruta and social media is deeply abusive caustic nasty vile because of 24 hour news we see a lot of government by press release rather than government by deeply researched decisions and policies it has become a less pleasant less effective process new research claims the n.h.s. Could save millions of pounds a year and reduce carbon emissions if people with conditions like asthma changed their inhalers scientists at Cambridge University say that if cheaper dry powder devices were used instead it would take the equivalent of 58000 tonnes of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere every year Dr James Smith was involved in the study really important that patients don't hear their story I think I'm going to stop my inhalers it's bad for environment but you can go and talk to your g.p. Or ask your hospital consultant about switching to a laser options in your area and they will be local recommendations there is a patchwork of recommendations across the n.h.s. About which once you get what cap or to is testing new ways of boarding passengers on to planes so they don't have to squeeze past each other one of the measures on some easy Jet flights will mean people in window seats are asked to board 1st starting at the back followed by middle and then aisle seat passengers got wick says it hopes to speed up the process by around 10 percent well Bailey has left strictly come dancing because of a leg injury the Paralympian landed awkwardly after jumping from a raised platform in studio rehearsals he says he's got it and that he's loved being part of the show b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 8 thank you more. Because the stories below. Because we can see. The b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. Promised. Me and. The final. Leg. Polls. Mr John never found another like. What. Was going to. Cut down on that you like me. Is Silas with them Brendon Urie with me on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire Good evening welcome to the evening show with John is just going 5 past 8 and on the way for you very soon I've got some John Legend Coming up brand new post I'm alone my truck of the week is still to come the savings while someone else called Maisie Peters who is fab can always play that for you in full and of course my it's called guess evening and Josephine we're going to talk about the Asian food festival coming to the county which is very very exciting and a whole lot of other stuff as well with Joseph and he's my guest so you're going to be here in a few minutes time but also on the show this evening we've got to co-host the call Paul and I had that currently at the new inning Gloucester because that's where they're holding that paranormal investigation evening for the public tomorrow yes on Halloween Hi guys I know it's that here your co-host for tonight and I would got some I believe very lightly I guess been at least days. I know you moved on to someone. Life is beautiful you were that way from. You know from my chair I just want to say thank you even so far so. Good. I learned pretty. Girls don't suppose. In those posts. For any but somehow it's good for old Ya know pretty words of. Prose. Some. Bad. a little while and just being he just said you know you're going to ask me for strange facts about myself the guy said no we don't do that for this president why we're not going to put you on the spot how are you and thank you and thank you so much for joining us on the show this evening we are going to talk about the 1st Asian food festival which you are behind but to begin. With Chad there by you has your day been it's been good thank you all for me getting up so I was just out today doing some preparation for the festival and I was the preparation going it's going really good all the important things are sorted now. Ok so for those people didn't hear you on the show 1st time around just tell us a bit about what you do outside of the food festival some a bit about you and your job. Right so I'm a graduate from the Royal Agricultural University I did international business management and then I did my Master's in London in psychology and early December I've just thought that joining the and the price program in the are you in the area which is there I go Cocina a city so the program helps individuals to develop their own business idea so I've just started running my business early this year and I will be organizing the 1st Gloucestershire Asian food fast which will be on the 9th and 10th of November December bring them yes by the festival and people can expect if they come along with us but more about the business than and because if you started up this is going 1st if you are what exactly is your business all about so my business focuses on in the area of tourism educational tourism as well as events early December I brought a group of. 13 Malaysians to resist the u.k. Which has been really amazing and also I'm starting to focus on doing events now. So it's always through your moving to the role of a culture in a very serious I went to move to Gloucestershire in 2014 so I've been in Gloucestershire for the last 5 years you can see 1014 where we before I was in Malaysia What made you come to last year in the role of culture universe. I wanted to do business management and I've heard good reputation of the university I saw I wanted to come to me through what that move was like growing up in Malaysia and the young. Man and specifically Gloucestershire What was that like for you in 2014. That was. It's been quite tough obviously there's a lot of cultural differences and also when in Malaysia I live in a big city in Kuala Lumpur various sirens I start it's small town so it's been quite a huge transport that's one mission for me but I think I'm quite adaptable and. And I'm actually really enjoying the. British countryside. Because I think this is a massive city to the yeah you know the culture difference is what was that like you remember arriving Gloucestershire for the 1st time what did you think. Yes I remember arriving in Campbell station actually and. My 1st thought was wow it was so pretty the the quite small in general it's really amazing the nature the she's everything and also that I find like people in the countryside are incredibly polite and nice. And there are of course universities or did you did you live on campus or were you staying somewhere oh I live on campus for the 1st year Ok yeah and then I live. Just outside and I think outside yeah for the 2nd year yeah and what was the whole experience like you said this is somewhere once got her to go really good reputations and what was that university experience life. The most amazing amazing thing is the letter s. In are you. Incredibly helpful and supportive. So yeah I free see a lot of help from the letter to help me not only in terms of my studies but in I dare spec of my life as well in terms off 15 meet. The uni life and. British culture in general as well yeah yeah I did you find that kind of getting on with other students to begin with and meeting people isn't something you find quite easy or was it a bit of a challenge. It was a challenge I would say for the 1st year but after that like I'm used to it yeah. Ok We're going to break for song and then we're going to talk a bit more we'll move on to starting the business more inspired you to do that because you bring in bring in Taurus over to the to Gloucester I mean it sounds incredible So we're going to song this is John Legend with all of me on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire I'm moving back to Josephine after this. You. Even. Gave you. A good meal. Seems. To me. You. Just. Confections give. Me. Even. Give you. Can you give me. You give me. It's John Legend with all of May on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire music on the way very soon from grace on the brand new track from postman line it's called Circles and it's coming up for you in the next 10 minutes right here on the evening show but my guest this evening is Josephine Laurence from Siren sister and we've been talking a little bit just think about your move from Malaysia and talking about university life in the more like a cultural university so let's move on to starting the business then when did you 1st inspiration come to start your own business. My families have always been messy flee in wars in business so I basically am following your footstep and I just love the idea of business allows you to. Create something new something creative So that's what that's my passion was always your intention you know you moved to university was it was your intention to stay and stop a business to do something in the hands of family what was that decision like. That was never my intention Yeah but then. After being in Gloucestershire for a while I can see there's a lot of potential So that's the reason why I wanted to start to start my business in Gloucestershire but I must make quite a tough decision if it was never necessarily the intention to begin here what it was a family members and friends are instead actually I think of. My parents have been incredibly supportive and in fact my parents have been helping me and getting involved in the business I'm doing for him Ok so tell me a little bit about the business than because you mentioned very briefly the tourism side of it but what is it you wanted to achieve by starting this for the events is it yeah yeah for all of everything. The main goal for the business East to promote Asian tourism in Gloucestershire and in terms of the events the reason that I set up the event because I would like to bring the people of Gloucestershire together to celebrate the differences of culture and to promote diversity through the experience of tasting various agent kucing and also to watch some traditional performance at the event we've got I'm in at least 10 different Asian Cusins at the festival we've got Malaysian food typhoon it Philippines Indonesia and Sri Lankan Indian and Chinese food. How long is it taking need to find all these people and bring them together for one of and. It took me about nearly 3 months nearly 3 months to set this all up yes how do you go about doing that as. A good kind of network of people that actually people know people you have to go individually to everyone and bring it all together. The University. Has been very supportive they've provided me with a lot of help and support and more importantly they provided me read many contacts and also I use social media mainly to get to find the foot stalls for traders and also for people to perform at the festival yeah and why is that is so passionate about this do you think the interest in what made you think I want to celebrate all these women coming together performances for why is it so important. I think it's about the location why speakers I would like to have. A cultural events like these in Gloucestershire because unlike big cities like London and there is already a greater awareness of. Different culture virus in Gloucestershire they can be like off exam exposure and like big cities so I would like. I would like to make the Asian culture and heritage to be more accessible in Gloucestershire as well is that something you experience just as you really notice when you miss the country and the different yes also because I live in London for 2 years and I can see a huge contrast. Yeah yeah yeah. Just awareness things that are off of people or what was the differences. Awareness and also compared to living in big cities where if you want to get like. If you want to find like. Agent people it's very easy to be in Gloucestershire it's not very obviously you can find but it's not very accessible so it's harder to find them in Gloucestershire Yeah so what are you hoping will come out of particularly Then the food festival which is going to be in charge. Or what what would you really like to come out of that is in this in positive reaction is you know awareness is a. Combination of things so far I from what it is even on. Social media and if received really good feedback from people just taking your friends inviting your friends to the festival and I'm really hoping that the festival. Can bring a positive effect whereby people can immerse themselves in a completely new experience new culture and. Just have a great time. When you talk about performances you I've mentioned some of the cuisine some of the food Yeah but what kinds of performances can people expect as well most today's So we've got Borneo performance which is very rare and it's originated from the Borneo island between Malaysia and Indonesia we've got performance and we've got Bollywood performance at the event as well. And a lot of these people are from Gloucestershire is more this is the thing most. So it's all happening here there are people and it's just putting out there for a so that when you have approached people that have been really positive and said yes means to us yes many people have been really positive and also because this now would be any Asian festival before so this is the 1st time this event he's being held so people are quite excited. For it we're going to break from the song and then we're going to more because I want to talk as well about the side of this where you brought people from Malaysia to say. That one as well and what their experiences were like Ok the song. And it's called circles. Coming this is coming to. Was right. This is new music from host Malone on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire it is called circles from the album Hollywood's bleeding post Malone aka Austen rich a post American rapper and singer and that's the latest stuff from them which we love is coming up to half 8 on the even if I've got music from grace some brownie stuff from Beverly in my truck of the week as well from a.z. Pete is coming up very soon indeed but my guests on the show tonight is Josephine Lawrence and Josephine is behind the 1st Asian food festival which is coming to chant them in. Under 2 weeks time now how you're feeling very very now are. You actually preparations going well yes yeah all the important things I thought at now so that's important Yeah when you say the important things are sorted there I ask what is left to sort out yes is there or is there a law or actually get in there getting there yeah it's all people on board yes stuffs and I just yeah together yeah for those people who just joined us just explain a little bit again about what it's all about and why why you're so keen on doing this. So I'm hosting the 1st Asian Fassero which will be on the 9th and 10 off November which will be held in the house in the heart of child gnome at the problem not just outside of Kevin these house in the town center so you can expect the fasl there will be many foot stalls selling many different agent Cusins we've caught Malaysian Indonesian Thai Vietnamese Iranian and so on and and also you will be able to watch some cultural performance at the un I think this is the thing that kind of the whole experience isn't there you know you've got. The performances and then you've got the food as well as actually make it I have it yes it's a yeah which I think is brilliant and earlier on we were talking about your family as you moved through agriculture university and some have family been really supportive in the business what do they think of you doing this now and moving own starting your own events as well. My parents especially my that he thinks this is an amazing learning. Opportunity for me doing events because I'm starting everything from scratch and. I've been like the only one doing all the work from eighty's that so it's been a lot of learning experience and they've been really supportive body especially my dad he in terms of. Finance he he sponsored need to do this business Yeah Ok so if you had some support and then you know now you've been able to do this which is obviously you know a good thing when you know all these people together to be able to put this on and even so you've been here for a number of years since 2014 when the family might be moving a little bit closer yes. That's going on. Yeah. Yeah I Ferentz just migrated to England I saw about a few weeks ago. Yeah they went start following me. Or is that like you and I have ever so much close yeah. The best thing is that I can receive like lots of support from them especially in terms of the business and which it is amazing Yeah so what happens next I mean I know we've got to get past the 9th and 10th of November which I'm sure is going to be a massive success but why do you hope to take this next because I can tell full of ideas you're doing lots of exciting things you know what are your hopes for this do you think in the future. Obviously because this is the 1st. Fast Well it's really hard to predict what the crowd going to be like what's the footfall going to be like but. I'm being very hopeful for this festival and I'm hoping that too if the event is successful I'm hoping to make it. Like a regular thing so I'm hoping to do me to run it again in the next 4 to 6 months maybe why Ok so we're not even talking and you know you want to go for this and yeah yeah why do you think that's so in Bourne support on regular things like this. Right yeah yeah I think it's amazing like. For people to. To experience different culture and also because this is a family friendly event so even young kids can come and they can e-mail stuff to themself in a new experience they can it's it's a completely new thing like new site new new smell and. New experience Yeah really I mean hoping maybe to change people's perceptions or introducing things as well yeah that's important cos the share compared to the places you mention before why you think particularly here this is something. I think it can help people to be more accepting and understanding and tolerance off different culture which I think is very important Yeah absolutely Josephine I wish you all the best of luck since the night from the 10th of November this is on the problem just as I can in this house between 11 and 6 or 7 hours. That's a lot of food and a lot of nuances. Because your wires are be otherwise about twice the size I was because I believe that probably all die for both of them. As well definitely after thank you be brilliant thanks so much for coming in great seeing you very much. Walking down the street going into people that you know local. The local multicultural community like the Sacred Music Festival just the Day parade and I find that when I'm with Asian I speak in Hindi. Which means I can speak in the being a local is walking down the road and knowing just about everyone you say insane Good morning and hello. Because we are counting a.b.c. Radio. It's grace with You Don't Own Me on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire coming up to 20 to 9 this is the evening Show with Jon My guest this evening Josephine Lawrence who is behind then the 1st Gloucestershire Asian food festival in Chatham which is on the 9th and 10th of November between 11 am and 6 pm just outside Cavendish house on the prom and it sounds great they've got people that represent in various different cuisines time Malaysian Indonesian Vietnamese the list goes on and on and on and on and on Africa signs bring wish you all the best of luck as well right still to come on the show then I'm going to remind you what happened in the course of the day yesterday with Ali who joined us to start the 62nd time or he is in a band with cam from Monday so we'll find out how we got on yesterday Robin takes on the 62nd time on Tonight Show also on the way. This is new music from Beverly nights on the evening show it is called Now or Never celebrating 25 years in the me the me in the music industry is Beverly NY and that is from her latest album b k 25 says now and ever is about how we look at ourselves through the prism of social media I want to disco but a strong message and upbeat vibe with a lyric that makes you think. Maybe I'm a mushrooming at work doing the voice maybe I am who knows what's coming it's a quarter. Got music from Muse can up and some drake to. This morning come in spoke to Rob from over farming buffs that we've carved a load of politicians faces kids of this all part of that annual Halloween Horror Festival right now it brought well into the studio and while it was pretty gruesome I thought interest in maze had who else have you got there what we've got Michael Gove Margaret Thatcher she's coming out of her grave turning in a grave. Made out of green pins and Boris is obviously pushing Donald Trump who's in a pram the daytime thing is very much for children so the adults bring the children and they've got something to amuse themselves as well looking at and see if they can work out which ones which really. Want to see all of it seems very much but some are from 6 and the Coming from a 3rd seat. And I'm again it whole again your co-host for tonight now we've got a classic from Muse feeling good thank you Paul there at the new in this evening our co-hosts because they are power normal investigators and look at some of the again soon. With Feeling good. Grades his amused hair on the b.b.c. Radio got drunk on the wine expert right now is the very latest travel news for you . In terms of traffic things are looking much better than they were earlier on we do still have one laying plows heading sides on the m 5 between junction 11 and for the block with bypass under the quitely and hardware. Northbound side fully reopened and has been closed most day fully reopened on the northbound side now but things are easing on some of those key surrounding routes as well which is good the a 38 day 40 and a full 17 around Boston looking much better the season the National about right through the evening get in touch the number 101 c 17575 travel you can trust b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. Ever since I left. It strike with all I'm blaming on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire remember all the means in life chucking stuff Arayans people up Photoshop it because it was in the video and it just looked like he was right there were like Mom Bowls he says if you know what he's talking about a whole lot of things anyway it's kind of the 5 minutes and I'm this is the new show on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire would come from our Lawson Pussycat Dolls as well will very soon but also we have got to remind you what happened in the course of the day yesterday or if you haven't got Sally for the 1st time all this we are joined by people from cynical shift festival as well being faster. Well in stride organized by the lovely Robyn walk ins Davis who will be joining us a little bit later on because she is the person taking on the time this evening so things again really serious name but last night it was all you know all these from a band who performed at the festival and this is what happened when we started the 62nd time a. Question number one what. Is coming to i Phone. So tight what type of place. Where. We pass. Gender neutral a mode she's been in the news today Question number 2 the people of Gloucestershire have been in the House of Commons today for what event I said no politics or what vent I've been up to yeah people think I'm from my county. Extension rebellion or no that's a good guess it's normal fried know they've been a taste of Gloucestershire It's like a food event question number 3 Today is National what's Day Today is National what Yeah yeah I mean yesterday was like chocolate they wouldn't yeah today is now. I don't. Sorry it's national. From Monday still has the high school. Right now it's the Pussycat Dolls. She's told you. Could see. The. Flames. Looking. To. It's Percy cat dolls with don't show on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire rubble forgot coming up for you Well as I've just been telling you the course of the Day is on the way very soon indeed the current high score is 2 from cam on Monday tonight is the son of Robin she organized shift festival in stride and should be here a little bit later on start the 62nd signer and take on our questions all about things that have been in the day's news they all trended on social media stuff that's happened basically also on the way more with our co-hosts Paul and Ed there at the new ending bluster this evening because on the way and they are paranormal investigators don't you know so I will catch up with them again a little bit later on to see what's been going on the new in and music new stuff from James Blunt's on the way very soon which is really call a classic from Mary Mary with shackles and one of the favor seems our last an all coming up next because we love stories people music sports because we love our county b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. B.b.c. News at 9 and more on the sun the 1st official report into the Grenfell tower fire says the decision to tell residents to stay put cost lives the inquiry is highly critical of the way London Fire Brigade responded to the blaze which killed 72 people in 2017 it also criticizes the head of the service Danny cotton the saying she wouldn't have changed anything about the way her team responded Shah Glahn a lost family members in the tragedy we need the cultural change needed to be able to address the problems if we don't address these problems this would happen again and again and again for a fire chief to say looking back. They wouldn't change anything that they say like saying that we would do it again they shouldn't be anywhere near commanding a fire service legislation paving the way for a general election on December the 12th has now officially cleared all of its stages in the House of Lords the bill is set to receive Royal Assent tomorrow triggering the start of a 6 week campaign earlier Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn clashed over the n.h.s. Breaks it and leadership at the last prime minister's questions before the country goes to the polls police searching for missing British backpacker in Cambodia say they fish she may have drowned 21 year old Amelia Banbridge who's from wedding in West Sussex hasn't been seen for a week since disappearing on the island of co wrong the B.B.C.'s Nick beak is there the focus today was probably 25 miles out to sea and that's where a local fisherman thought that he saw a body at the weekend that is just one sighting into day one lots of boats were looking they found nothing so this agonizing wait for the family continues scientists at Cambridge University say if people with asthma switched to cheaper dry powder inhalers it could significantly reduce carbon emissions they also claim such a move would save the n.h.s. Millions of pounds a year Gatwick airport says it hopes to cut plane boarding times to just 40 minutes by trying new ways to get passengers on to their flights methods would include boarding people in window seats 1st starting at the back followed by middle and then aisle seat passengers aviation analyst Sally Gethen says it will be interesting to see how the trials go obviously many airlines already operate a system where they board in a phased fashion from the rear. But allowing the business passengers to get on board that year for this new project which conical Anyway welcome to the show is just gone 5 past 9 this is the evening show on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire music to car from Mary Mary got some Pet Shop Boys news news and James Morrison also if you just joined us what else you missed we got Paula now to work. I've seen the show from the new in the c evening they're both paranormal investigators things have been getting very very spooky and date with Paul and that will catch up with them again I'll have to let lights are all on the cause of the die on the way very soon. With Robin from Shift best of all cars course will she be able to find up at lights wrong. And then one day. Going to. Be dead. Like.

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