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But a holiday through retailer I it was cut short and you don't actually have a Thomas Cook holiday that holiday probably going to be provided by somebody else so for example cruise holiday will be provided by somebody else check on your paperwork to see who the holiday is being provided by because the holiday might well go ahead Mike Hennessey from Cheltenham is a former freons advertising copywriter and came up with the slogan Don't just book it Thomas Cook it at the time help because all the companies kind of passed that we were. Closing and Thomas Cook was the only one of any of the travel agents you actually. 24 pack money and see if if the company went bust and you got a book. To begin the following day and that's. Really Happened 2 police officers have suffered serious injuries after being struck by a car in West Sussex they were carrying out routine drugs checks in the early hours of the morning detectives have called it a deliberate attack a man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder Caroline Davis reports Sussex Police said the 2 officers were carrying out a routine drugs in that will Hampton at around 1 am this morning went to Sadie's Benz saloon car approached them at speed the vehicle struck the offices and another man all 3 were taken to hospital and treated for serious injuries police said the driver of the car tried to run from the scene and was stopped a 20 year old man is in custody officers are trying to trace 2 male passengers who were in the car and Labor members are due to decide this afternoon on what the party's Briggs's policy should be at the next general election the leader Jeremy Corbyn believes his party should remain neutral but one motion which has the backing of many constituency parties suggests labor should come out in support of remain the union Unison is expected to vote against Mr Corbin's preferred option our political ads. Lorcan Burg says this is significant it makes it much more likely that by the end of the day labor might be a full throated remain backing party campaigning from it for it from tonight for the Labor Party conference is king you know conference makes policy and of the conference votes for something in the leadership is duty bound to try to enact that own ruling on the legality of Boris Johnson's decision to suspend parliament is due to be announced at the Supreme Court tomorrow morning ministers say the 5 week suspension is not something that should be determined by judges Mr Johnson's opponents argue that the shutdown limits scrutiny on his brakes of policy the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have arrived for a 10 day tour of southern Africa with their 4 month old son Archie the family will be travelling travelling to a township near John is big where Megan is expected to speak about the rising violence against women in South Africa Prince Harry will also take a solo trip to Malawi Botswana and Angola to pay tribute to his mother Princess Diana's until landline campaign in sports and a 20 year old from Gloucestershire has made history by becoming the 1st woman to manage in the Chelm football league in its 119 year history and he to be honest has taken charge of the bishop's cleaved development team when I was younger all I wanted to do was play football and as I've grown up I've been able to grow up around football and been able to progress myself as an individual and so I think to be able to be at the age of 20 already it's such an achievement for me and I hope to just continue to grow and progress in cricket and Gloucestershire is crucial final county championship match of the season has made a disastrous start after being asked about my Northamptonshire Gloucestershire are $86.00 and rain has currently stopped play a win would guarantee them promotion for the 1st time since 2005. And now for you weather the rest of the afternoon will be whites and gray but it should clear to leave a dry evening heavy and potentially thundery showers will return in the early hours of the morning and the Met Office has issued a Yellow be a wet weather warning for rain at 5 at 4 am the wet conditions will continue throughout tomorrow morning but it should clear in the often in temperatures retirees over 1000 degrees and that's to be nice for Costa it's 5 minutes past full . Because we've come story Beatles music because we can see. Children's b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. Now the weather might be a bit rubbish but at least I've got some music to keep things moving for you. And all this week on The Afternoon Show thank you for choosing b.b.c. Radio. In this hour of the show you're going to talk to Edward Jennifer who we know is a pioneer many interests including in the West that I went to the discovery day how recent. And spoke to Dr Karen at play and actually the 1st time I thought about whether in music was when I used to play in Gloucestershire youth orchestra when I was a teenager in the ninety's and the cellos were being We've been told off for not signing off like the raindrops they were meant to be in the piece we were doing and that really got me thinking and it was really nice and many years after that to have an opportunity to sort of do some do some more work on that. Plus I've got some good music on the way for you one from flaunting also a great one from s. Club 7 looking forward to playing this one on that song by Katy Perry that I kind of try and sing along to and it didn't go in you need yeah that song's coming up for you today and your chance to play Joe's code for questions for you they have one connection in common can you work it tight and crack the code and win my seal of approval. I was asking you earlier on what you were very pleased of having done this weekend and well done to Sarah from press who called in to say that she ran a quarter marathon in in the rain was out yesterday Sara is it with weather wasn't great yesterday was it so wild and I was saying the heart of my weekend was going to an event in London called space rocks and given the chance to have a chat backstage with astronauts and it's always a treat to meet speech one astronaut particularly one having a chat with him peak so a great weekend in London also caught up with some friends as well I got to go through for brunch yesterday with one of my friends and she speaking of the weather I realised Mike went to London that I'd managed to forget to bring my umbrella and I thought I'm going to have to get a new one because I know what's going to happen as soon as I head off to the railway station or get back here to Gloucester it's going to be tipping with rain so I made use that they had they have various sort of stores you can you can get you brothers and things like that I think the lady that was one of the cheap stations was doing pretty good business on Sunday so I did buy myself a nice new one for all of course then it didn't rain did it because that's the rule if you don't have an umbrella you can guarantee it will rain then when you buy a new one you are going to need it. For better safe than sorry. Music for you now a great one this is Blondie our Maria on b.b.c. Radio. Maria from 999 This is the 1st. Song I always just tell you that's 999. It was the decade. And it was the year that I was doing. I was in 6th form and I was working in a shoe shop vocal music rescue up 7 left reminds me of working in that shoe shop talk about that later on and yes so many great songs came out in 1000 I sent I think it was one the best years for music I'm going to say I know you disagree with me but I don't mind everybody's inside their opinion but yeah I think I was a great year for music decade instant tomorrow is 979 so back 20 years and after me a 5 o'clock don't get it Steve kitchen stays with you to round up all of the day's stories here in Gloucestershire and further afield Jones made his mark with the evening show from 7 o'clock tonight and he's going to be hearing from some of the members of youth parliament who are behind the make your mark campaign listen to John then between 7 and 10 and Chris Baxter is here from 10 keeping you company through until 1 o'clock this morning the top 10 a 10 today comes from 978 so you're going to hit songs from Frankie Valli Susie in the band she's in 10 c.c. Of the Chartist this week great featured artist Marc Oldfield and of course the random quiz where you set the questions that's how we line up here on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. 60 Minutes past for time to play Joe's code where I give you 4 questions you need to answer them and then hopefully by the end of the quiz you'll have come up with the connection between them to crack the code. So question number one for you it's an anagram it's going to start with an anagram Len he match Len as in the man's name Len he match Len he match 080-121-7575 you can text to 81 triple 3 Start your message with the word gloss You can also tweet at b.b.c. Gloss so the anagram today is somewhere in Gloucestershire Len he match l e n he match 801217575 you can text to one triple 3 Start your message with the word gloss standard network rates do apply or you can tweet at b.b.c. Gloss That's question one them for you the anagram Len he match somewhere in Gloucestershire where is it question one in Joe's code Steve kitchen. I love my music and I get the privilege on the Dr show to speak to some of the great artists releasing new albums and touring the world as they passed through Gloucestershire artists like France is roughly where we didn't think let's go in to make a status quo go in a recording make some music 1st makes it so then if that becomes a status quo point how a giant love change you can go ahead and when people sing along with you what a pleasure that is and Jack's operetta member listening in my living with a bottle of wine I was sitting in my wife I couldn't believe it was my album such only stay kitchen and friends every weekday from 5 b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. B.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. My pain Question number one then is the anagram for you is somewhere in Gloucestershire and it's Len he match Len he matched that is somewhere in Gloucestershire 08217575 is the telephone number you can tweet at b.b.c. Gloss and you can text your onsets 81 triple threat begin that message with the word gloss now Recently I attended the Discovery Day That was how that the end of August on the bank holiday Monday at Dr Jenna's heist museum in garden and Barclay and it explores some of the interests that thoughts Jenna had including meteorology a music and one of the people I met there was talk to current Aplin who's an associate professor in space science and she's at the Department of aerospace at the University of Bristol she was talking about weather and music so I had a chat with her in the temple of facts and in the garden and I asked her about Edward Jenna's interest in the weather from the 1985 film that sorry that some piece of it one piece of audio that boy I tell you what would have been a music from the Pet Shop Boys and then I shall bring you my interview with current plan I. That streamlines from the Pet Shop Boys and years and years Brownie music here for you on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire loving that one at 20 minutes past 4 I cannot bring you my interview with Dr Cowen up plan she's an associate professor in space science and is the department of aerospace University of Bristol and she was at Discovery Day how that Dr Jenna's heist museum and garden Barkley recently and explore some of the interest that Dr Jenna had including meteorology a music and she was that talking about the weather and music so I had a chat with her and I asked her about Jenna's interest in the weather so Edward Jenner as we know is very famous for discovering vaccination however he had a lot of other things that he was interested in he wasn't just interested in that one things he liked the walls think by the weather and he was interested in balloons in the weather and he launched a weather balloon from the grounds of particle so which is just next door to here and it went off in the wind and they they followed it and ended up in Kings coach and actually. I think they went to find it and there at a gentleman a young lady who'd eventually become his wife so I think that may have had a particular significance for him they be launched the balloon from King's coach and it went off and it eventually landed at the spot that we now have the Abilene pub on believe Hill so he was thinking all the time about how science and weather and everything was linked up for him and that was the way people saw the world and you grew up in Gloucester Now you said when you find out about this connection to the airplane that was really exciting for you yes I was really pleased I knew that it would Jenna and we came to visit bought a castle and I remember coming here in the 980 s. As a little girl however I didn't know about the airplane I knew there was a pub called the Appalachian everyone pretty much in Gloucestershire knows about that pub but I didn't know the Jenners plane landed there and when I subsequently could became professionally interested in the weather later on it was really nice to know about all these different connections between science and off the ship and well now I know your area of interest is in the electrical effects and measurements using atmospheric science so tell me what that means Ok so we're interested in this electorate city in the air all the time there's lightning which is a big spark in clouds and from the cloud to the ground but there's also a little things going on in the air even when there isn't a thunderstorm and you can do things like measure an electric field in the air and you can measure tiny particles and I'm interested in that not just in Earth's atmosphere where it may have small effects on the weather but also in the atmospheres of other planets and we're interested in space missions to go and look at those effects and measure lightning and other planets Well I love talking about space here enjoyed our piece we have us your area of science that's really exciting it's really good fun and it's all of overlap science and engineering and weather and earth and planets and those are all things I love so I really enjoy that now you have a right a weather station that you that you run That's right run a weather station on top of Snowdon in Wales we measure some weather we measure the radiation from the sun sunshine and we also measure cosmic rays which are tiny particles that come from space and they make electricity in the air so that's why are interested in doing that in the beginning that for 10 years that you talk today has been around meteorology amusic So how do those 2 things combined Well I've done music for. One time play the double bass in an orchestra and I've been interested in whether professionally for a long time and I was looking at the clouds and things when I was a child and I've always like to overlap things that I do and I chose science as a career I thought I would be a more reliable career than being musician but I it's really nice to get the opportunity to link these things up and actually the 1st time I thought about whether music was when I used to play in Gloucestershire youth orchestra when I was a teenager in the ninety's and the cellos were being We've been told off for not sounding off like the raindrops they were meant to be in the piece we were doing and that really got me thinking and it was really nice and many years after that to have an opportunity to sort of do some do some work on that I know you have a diploma don't you for a merchant It's a college in London in music so it sounds as if music arts and science have really combined in your life yes I've I've just really like overlapping those things in mind my 1st degree I didn't just do science I did science and I did some philosophy as well and I also did a great deal of music at side my work at university so I really enjoyed carrying on with that and I still play in an orchestra now and play regularly as well as doing science at work or something I do very much here on gender it's peaceful universes bring arts and science together because for me they're both just part of culture but a lot of people still try and want to put them in separate boxes don't they I'm guessing you certainly favor a more interdisciplinary approach Yes I very much want to break down those barriers in our society I don't think people know as much about science as they do about arts and there's this culture that people are sometimes a bit proud to not know anything about science and math whereas people would be embarrassed to say they hadn't heard of a play by Shakespeare or something like that and I think we need to break down those barriers and get people thinking that as you say it's culture it's all together they overlap and they only became separate relatively recently in our history and people it with Jenna didn't see them as separate they just saw them as sort of activities that were interesting to humanity and I think we'd like to get more to that way of thinking about things and in terms that it meteorology Edward Jenna was still around today what sort of area of science do you think he might be interested in in particular thinking about meteorology and the weather while assuming it was still a country g.p. Which he basically was I'm. I have a weather station in his garden he could probably put the weather data on the internet I imagine he would enjoy looking at that looking at other people's data of course we've got our own there he's an urgent cookies and things he might want to link the weather data to the sightings of different bird migration this kind of stuff I imagine he would carry on the same approach that's Dr Karen at play and he was an associate professor in space science in the department of aerospace at the University of Bristol she was talking to me at the Discovery Day how that Dr Jen is hyest museum in garden partly on the oaks Michael at a Monday and you can hear a special edition of my Arts and Science Show at that's Jodi Arias beautiful universe and that was recorded on location at the event so you can hear all of the entire program that's available for you now on b.b.c. Signs. And summer has the latest on the roads. A 4 o 3 in order to come in the blocked due to an accident involving a lorry and it's actually on the roundabout at junction one of the m $48.00 Greyhound gobs in long leavens are partially blocked due to word to vehicle accident and on the a 38 if you head into wards you'll find queues there it's all due to road works and temperature of lights that's it for now I'm Simon Field more enough about. Your trouble. Over 801217575 b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. We're paying job was code this afternoon on question number one which is the anagram Len he match Len he match where is that in Gloucestershire well done to John in Chatham and also John quitely as well as Dave in Spring Bank via Twitter the answer of course is chant Nam Len The match is Cheltenham so Question 2 for you bold golden and white tailed are old what bold golden and white tailed are all what our 801217575 is the telephone number text 281 triple 3 Start your message with the word gloss or you can tweet like Dave did at b.b.c. Gloss. Old golden and white tailed are all what I remember that the answers all have a connection and that will help you to crack the code hopefully by the end of the show so Question number one this in your mind the answer was Challenge Question to you that you need to answer now is this bold golden and white tiled are all what our 801 t 17575 text 81 triple 3 Start your message with the word gloss or you can tweet at b.b.c. Gloss. Exactly 430 with the latest b.b.c. News headlines his asthma Ashcroft the collapse of Thomas Cook has triggered at the biggest peacetime repacked program in British history and will see around 150000 holiday makers brought home the travel company entered into compulsory liquidation in the early hours of this morning after last last minute negotiations failed about a 3rd of Thomas Co's customers who need to be brought back are in Greece they can't countries tourism minister caress says the government is helping with the plan extra flights have been booked. In ports already the 1st 15 planes of coming to Greece in order to ensure that those people go back smoothly to their home and also the cost of their staying for the rest of this is being covered Jennifer Davison is a travel consultant at Katie's travel based in Gloucester she explains what alternatives are available for people and their holidays I think it was the peak season has started to slow down a bit there should be availability you know with other 2 operators but it the case of whether they like you already but can financially a sort of thing now before we can at least 7 children have been killed and nearly 60 injured after a car classroom collapsed at a primary school in the Kenyan capital Nairobi Ferdinand on Monday reports locals say the classroom at the precious talent school. Caved in on students just before 7 o'clock this morning community members were the 1st responders and rushed dozens of children to a nearby dispensary before the king of rock was transferred to the king and national hospital rescue operations are ongoing but only locals of complain the border slow emergency response the schools are wrecked on wasn't around or has blamed the collapse of the construction of a nearby sewer line which he sees may have weakened the foundations of the school precious Dylan school has about 800 pupils Jeremy Corbyn is facing a battle over Labour's Briggs's policy this afternoon as members choose between 2 competing strategies and the party's annual conference the options will be whether Labor should explicitly back remain in any future referendum or adopt Mr Korwin stance all saying neutral intil a later date earlier the shadow chancellor John McDonnell told the conference that the next Labor government would reduce the average full time working week people in our country work some of the longest hours in Europe and since the 1980s the link between increasing productivity and expanded free time has been broken it's trying to put that right so I can tell you today that the next Labor government will reduce the average full time working week to 32 hours within the next decade a. Now to support and in cost issues crucial final county championship match of the season the home side have made a disastrous start after being asked about by Northamptonshire Gloucestershire finish the day on $80.00 for 6 after a rain start to play early and win would guarantee them promotion to the 1st Division for the 1st time since 2005 and that's the b.b.c. News for Gloucestershire It's now 26 minutes to 5. Job. B.c. Radio Gloucestershire. Good afternoon to you would check on the weather shortly and some great news if we want to keep your feet moving from s. Club 7 and some for. Collins on the way to a. Paint Job is code this after name wrong question number 2 bold golden and white tailed are all what lots of correct answers well done to John in quitely also Mike in Sirens Esther Markham from stride Mike from Tallington John from child Dave on Twitter Robin Morton in Marsh I love going to Morton Marsh I was there not long ago actually for the preview in the Morton show all got the correct answer Every are of course eagles now already I can say Mike from thousands and has the correct connections so we've cracked the code Mike you are sitting there on the top of the podium at the moment feeling quite happy about that aren't you if you'd like to join Mike then perhaps Question 3 will help you cite Question 3 is this name the city in Canada that's named after a hamlet on the Isle of Mull and is the largest city in Alberta name the city in Canada that's named after a hamlet on the Isle of Mull and is the largest city in Alberta 0801 she 17575 is the telephone number texture on 381 triple 3 starting the message with the word gloss Well you can tweet at b.b.c. Gloss Now bear in mind the previous 2 answers the anagram with chant Nam and he just correctly guessed the answer there for question 2 was Eagles we've had a few guesses have we had somebody has just asked me Was it the Eagle tower thinking of the Eagles that no bats not the correct answer and earlier on my can Chan was asking was the connection forest green he was thinking anagram is not forest grey not the Eagle tower but good guesses so Question 3 will this help you to identify the code name the city in Canada that's named after a hamlet on the Olive mole and is the largest city in Alberta 080-121-7575 texture on 381 triple 3 Start your message with the word gloss or you can tweet at b.b.c. Gloss that's Question 3 for you put that together with child Eagles and what do you have name the city in Canada. That's named after Hamlet. Is the largest city in 080-121-7575. Stop the message with the word gloss or you can tweet. S. Club 7 Don't start moving from 2001 I always think I hear escribe 7 particular song Reach for the stars of the time I used to work in a shoe shop in Gloucester I was about about this time this period of time and used to oversee have to put the deliveries away when the shoes came in and so we'd often have some music on the background and we'd be singing reach for the Shias instead of reach for the stars so we can always reminds me of that song we've been a paying job at the moment and we're in question number 3 name the city in Canada that's named after a hamlet on the Isle of Man and is the largest city in Alberta 08217575 that's the telephone number text your answer 8 want to portray start your message with the word gloss or you can tweet at b.b.c. Gloss now is a lovely weekend weatherwise was certainly a Saturday was glorious though I spent most of it in the 02 in London but it was certainly a nice day how we looking for the rest of the week he is in Ferguson. Hello there were a very different prospect through the week ahead with low pressure very much the dominant part of the story as remains the case right now with the 1st band of rain that's been moving across us that's now up into the Midlands behind that the rain is turning more fragmentary it will be a period late to the season where it tends to tail off something of a Long before further rain spills in through the course of tonight and that will have signs of turning heavier and persistent later into the 2nd half of the night a Met Office warning for the heavy rain comes in force at 4 o'clock in the morning it runs right the way through the course of to stay all of this tied in with the remnants of what was Hurricane Humberto and we're going to find fairly windy start to morrow morning with whether pretty much which ever way you happening to be travelling and some of that rain will be heavy enough to be causing some problems so anywhere from 15 to 70 millimeters of rain quite possible across the course of tomorrow in different areas and that inevitably is going to give rise to localized flooding and standing water issues out on the roads we do expect there will be some sort of improvement through the end of the morning on into the afternoon some drier pockets of brighter weather emerging but punctuated by the risk of some showers some those heavy in places. And then further right in and somewhat windy weather will start to follow on later through the course of tomorrow evening temperatures even though it will be about 14 or 15 degrees so mild start tomorrow just popping in inclement one and ultimately tomorrow probably up to about 80 to 90 degrees That's your forecast thanks very much what a contrast then from the weekend you listen to Joe down here on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire with you from 5 o'clock the drive time. From 7 o'clock this evening to tonight we're back back with you from 10 o'clock and in the top 10 at 10 from 978 just a couple minutes one question 3 name the city in Canada that's named after that on the Isle of Man is the largest city in Alberta 0801 t. 17575 Textron sets one message with the word close or you can tweet us. To our we Our. Last. Caller was. Told. I. Was. You can have a laugh here on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire It's quarter to 5 Steve kitchen is here with you Dr Tom shot from 5 o'clock I'm just dying keep me company until then and we've got music on the way from Stevie Wonder and that one I love singing along to you from Katy Perry. Question number 3 was this name the city in Canada that's named. And is the largest city in well done to my can talk to myself today is doing well because already got called the connection is. And cracked the code and also to Jeff and Wendy in woman code on the text lines are they've correctly identified that it is indeed cold. Geoff and Wendy of also cracked the code so they're sitting up there on the podium with Mike at the moment feeling quite happy about that so the question 3 The answer was Cole great question one remember the answer was challenge which was an anagram and question to the answer was Eagles got shot them Eagles and Calgary will question for the 4th and final question how Peter cracked the code answer this question for me plays in which sports do you get Alpine Nordic and cross-country in which sport do you get all pine Nordic and cross-country 080-121-7575 is the telephone number you can text me on 81 triple 3 Start your message with the word gloss or you can tweet at b.b.c. Closs question 4 in Jos Co today in which sports do you get all pine Nordic and cross country 080-121-7575 text 281 triple 3 beginning that message with the word gloss and you can tweet up b.b.c. Class and then put that together with our previous 3 answers of Cheltenham Eagles and Calgary and will you like my contorting turn and Jeff and Wendy and woman coat crack jokes code to the counties guy on b.b.c. America you lost a show. There's a bring in share evening at the friendship cafe tonight from 7 o'clock until 9 this is a check as bridge pains that road in Gloucester entry is free please bring some vegetarian alcohol free food or drink to share if you can. But some are morning from 10 until 12 others are watercolor demonstration with Caroline Furlong this is at the court room of the old police station in chipping Camden it's in association with a chip in Camden art society it's free to members and his 4 pines for visitors and refreshments will be included for about one. And one more for you for this hour this illustrated talk on Wednesday the 25th of September from 7 30 pm this is at the Baptist church Chesterton lane in. Chinese court dress accessories didn't stay in the straight to talk by David Rosia for the society of the Caribbean about is happening at the box his church chest and one insider incest and that's on Wednesday at 730 he'll get you have enlisted in the guard if you email us at. B.b.c. Dot co dot you can do please give us 7 days notice the or event. Close to should guide b.b.c. Don't kowtow to b.b.c. Radio to show. You've got a few minutes left then to add to the quiz today the just the fun quiz What will you win I'm afraid is my seal of approval but quite frankly that's priceless so why wouldn't you want it on the last question that in the quiz today is this in which sport do you get all pine Nordic cross country all pine Nordic and cross country you will find in which sport I weigh 201217575 you can also text to start your message with the word gloss or you can also tweet out b.b.c. Gloss. And then don't forget to put that together with question one which was Cheltenham question to which was eagles on Question 3 which was called Grey I'm like Jeff and Wendy and I'm I can Tallington you could crack Joe's coat you. Stevie Wonder if a once in my life here on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire at 9 minutes to 5 with you until 5 o'clock when Steve kitchen will be along and we've been playing. Question number 4. In which sport you get Nordic and cross country wild into Jane from what come on the tax lines also Mike in talking to Malcolm in stride John in quite chilly my concern or incest or even Spring Bank as well via Twitter you will correctly identified skiing is the right answer to that question so if you put that together with Cheltenham Eagles skiing what you get quite a few people who today because. We got Mike in talking to he got this after 2 questions Marcus right at the top of the podium in stride joining quite my concern . Day from Spring and also Jeff in $1000.00 would have said is it Eddie the Eagle. Is indeed born in Chatham a real name in fact is Michael and in 1988 he became the 1st competitor since 928 to represent Great Britain in lympics ski jumping finishing last in the 70 meters and 90 meters events this was at the 988 Winter Olympics held in Calgary in Canada and in 2006 I'm sure you remember he was portrayed by tar an educator in the Bob graphical film Eddie the Eagle for a while then to all of you taking part in Joe's code today I'll have another one for you tomorrow. Cross my heart I will do. Next. To. C this is. Thank. God every way his brain. Can even. That even. If. Obama. Love a ticking clock in a song about song I was trying to sing along and all I end up is going to need. Katy Perry I never really have a hit on b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire hundreds aren't just for a few more minutes and then Steve kitchen is going to be along with you for this Monday evening. Checking on the rights now on his Simon the a 4 o 3 blocks due to an accident involving a lorry a search on the roundabout at junction one of the m $48.00 and as a result the eastbound exit step of the m $48.00 is actually closed as well shouldn't and wrote us a $46.00 and shouldn't and got delays there due to a 2 vehicle accident in the elect Hampton lane close the ballon pub and Greyhound gardens in long Levon still partially blocked due to a 2 vehicle accident me a penny close I was seeing delays on the a 38 into tweak with us hold you to road works and lights that's it for now more in 15 minutes. Thanks for your company on the afternoon show today we'll do it all again tomorrow can be joined by the cast of Julius Caesar. Which is coming to. The school. Give them a few tips from my acting. Is on the way next so you drive time. To keep me company and to want to. Get it right. By the soft inane from 3 o'clock Steve kitchens up next. Enjoy the rest of your evening with what some are on air for online through your smart speak because we love stories people music school because we not all can see. B.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. With the b.b.c. News for Gloucestershire at 5 o'clock I'm as mashed Croft. The British Tourist the 1st British tourists are being flown back to the u.k. Following the collapse of the travel company Thomas Cook more than 150000 people are believed to have been left stranded overseas the firm went into compulsory liquidation early this morning after last minute negotiations failed putting 1000 jobs at risk in the u.k. Operations to bring people back are being handled by the Civil Aviation Authority Diana Holland a union leader who represents Thomas Cook employees said she was deeply concerned that not enough had been done money is being paid now both obviously to repatriate people but also they'll be redundancy payments compensation because this has not been handled right today we just want to make sure that the Thomas Cook workers are paid but then afterwards we have to the back and say what could have been done how can we prevent ever being in this situation again Jennifer Davidson is a travel consultant and Katie's travel based in Gloucester she explains what alternatives are available for people and their holidays I think you know as the peak season has started to slow down a bit there should be availability you know with other 2 operators but it takes whether they like you already but you can financially a sort of thing now. Jeremy Corbyn is facing a possible defeat at Labor's party conference this afternoon over his pregnant policy the Labor leader leader wants to go into the next general election in a neutral position offering voters a choice in a referendum but members are pushing for the party to support remain the shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry told the conference she backed staying in the e.u. Today friends with the instructions I hope you give us today I believe we must strive night and day every takes to keep Britain in the European Union. A car. Meanwhile the shadow chancellor John McDonald has pledged that a Labor government would reduce the average working week to 32 hours within the next decade he claimed the move could be achieved with no reduction in pay the Supreme Court says its ruling on the legality of bar stances decision to suspend Parliament for 5 weeks will be announced tomorrow morning Downing Street has argued is not a matter for the courts but critics say the prime minister is trying to limit Parliament's ability to scrutinise his brakes a policy to people who access c.c.t.v. Footage of football. Post-mortem test have been jailed at Swindon Crown Court for a total of $900.00 the a the s. The old.

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