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Judy denial the B.B.C. Across England or the Channel Islands. Across the county on F.M. AM D.A.B. . D.C. Radio Gloucestershire. Digital minister Matt Hancock has said proposed changes aimed at giving people more protection online look at the U.K. Some of the most robust data laws in the world under the legislation social media firms will be required to delete information about users when asked Julian David of techie K. Which represents British technology companies welcomed the plans at the end of the day dater is driving the U.K. Economy it's not just the tech companies companies it's every type of business these days uses data on as digital and online and you know what or for that to work people have got have confidence they've got to have confidence in the supply they got of confidence of the have control and understanding of how the data is being used lucky to have survived that's what doctors in Brazil say about a tourist from south London who was shots off to have family mistakenly drive down into a slum area and always Dixon was in a rented car when government open fire she suffered two bullet wounds but is now in a stable condition after undergoing surgery what is the director of the hospital where she's being treated he says her injuries could be much worse projector before he'll door the every door me. One bullet went through her abdomen but she was lucky it didn't hit any big blood vessels or vital organs the head of the family courts in England and while suggestions Mamby has approved a plan for the future care of a suicidal teenage girl known as X. She moved to a special unit on Thursday last week he said society should be ashamed that she stood to be released without proper care in place of British model who was allegedly kidnapped in Milan was forced by Italian place to stay in the country for weeks ought to have release agent has said a linguist snatched last month by a group calling itself black death while she was attending a photo shoot at a rec. Nice studio in the city center according to her agent PHIL GREEN The twenty year olds by two reporters earlier today I've been for a terrifying experience I feared for my life second by second minute by minute hour by hour I'm incredibly grateful to the Italian U.K. Or forty's for I have done to secure my safe release I have just arrived home after four weeks of being in Italy I haven't had the Times government for so I'm not at liberty to say anything further until I've been D. Briefed by the U.K. Police Tesco will stop selling five P. Carrier bags across the U.K. In three weeks time instead the supermarket will only offer tempi bags for life during a trial and in some of its stalls Tesco said sales of single use bags fell by a quarter and you type the snake has been discovered in the U.K. Bringing the total number of species to four happy thought that the bald girl snake own nature it's helped Atika was a type of grass snake but scientists have now find it's actually a whole different species the weather there are a few weather warnings which have been issued yellow full rain in East Anglia London and the south east of England and expect periods of heavy rain to persist into Wednesday B.B.C. News It's three minutes past ten. Daniel Chisholm. Now here's a question for you write if you have to choose one type of cheese to flush a grizzly bear out of the woods which would it be which is the best. Come on back. It does mean you're. Funny all weekend isn't it you know. Bait we were all waiting for him to win and it didn't happen Justin Gatlin wins the crowd boos him and I'm thinking to myself as I'm watching that and I'm looking at his face and he looks totally you know. With all situations as he probably should be and there's a camera just looking at him and his face looked quite sad and I thought I know how you feel. I know how it feels to be that popular and if you've no idea what I'm talking about just keep listening for the next three hours and you get. Along to the first light show of the week tonight's the big name music bringing in a new look record store to the West Country capital but I'm going to be asking these vinyl really making a comeback. The surprises in store in the background when taking selfies. And top advice for a long life from one of the West country's oldest resident colleagues say it's a night with your crypt. It quits after eleven o'clock and I'll have something new atop cost ten tonight when we open the lines fold downs and Deitrick or should we call it down and stay out of thing that might be better actually done stay out we'll explain it's more of the same just different. I know and you'll confuse some I know all promise you it is very straight forward and first off tonight as per usual our musical trip across five decades with hits from list between one nine hundred fifty eight and ninety nine th. Damned cheese and B.B.C. Radio Gloucestershire. How can it be true that I played this in the night clubs when it was a hit. Me . Absolutely. Taste Of Honey. The number three song on the list day nineteen seventy eight and that was boogie woogie you gave twenty years later. a night out with Melvin think of it from. The Spice Girls and forever number one song on this day in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight she actually I suppose I'd rather sit down with Mel C. And we could work out whether or not she's a distant relative and in fact owes me lots of money. It's worth a try her being a Chisholm but I don't think very likely anyway sixty minutes past ten that was Song number two on our trip across the decades tonight where we play five hits from the state across five different decades so it's all the hits from the seventh of August in years gone by we've done nine hundred seventy eight and nine hundred ninety eight we go back to nine hundred sixty eight next on The Late Show. If you are neighbor asked to look after your pet King. Holiday. The radio Gloucestershire I was off he says to look after someone stick insect off of it for a week check to every day and it seemed to be fine though I did think it didn't leave much. It was until they got back when I found out that what I thought was the insect was about to twig. At the realistic it's at the biggest scapegoat before through holding the lid on B.B.C. Radio Gloucestershire. ending in eight from ninety eight that was the new cut. And Mark Cummings is back with your breakfast show from six in the morning here on B.B.C. Radio Gloucestershire if now you can bro States might Burgas from it's an even barbecue it but when was the last time you ate lamb We'll explain more in the morning we'll also talk about the man who was one of the main campaign is against slavery and now his great great grandson is trying to trace relatives for when a blue plant is unveiled in Gloucester in his memory more on that story and the day's news with Mark in the morning right here from six. G.'s G.'s G.'s G.'s So the ugly brothers and all I have to do is dream which would be perfectly wonderful if we could just get to sleep and that was number one on this day nine hundred fifty eight in our final song of five as we went across the decades tonight we started with a taste of honey from one nine hundred seventy eight yum and Boogie you the was at number three we then had the Spice Girls from nine hundred ninety eight number one with Viva Forever Simon and Garfunkel from one thousand nine hundred sixty eight and Mrs Robinson you're trying to shoot. What that sound like James Stewart and nine hundred eighty should decision sounded like James Stewart from nine hundred eighty eight it was Kim Wilde and you came which was number three on that on this very day in that year and so those were around five songs tonight which I hope you enjoyed and it just gives us an opportunity to enjoy some of the great music which is around which will do again tomorrow night on The Late Show it's around about ten past ten. Inches and B.B.C. Radio give us a shout. And it's Monday and that means colleagues here Hello Mr Dan how are you very well thank you very much you went to the Science Museum in London at the weekend then I did yes yesterday we spent all day looking around the Science Museum did you what did you learn what did I learn I learned lots. I learned that I probably shouldn't look at displays that show things how they used to be because I'm there going I remember that I had one of those I looked at this British Telecom display of very relevant historical models of color foam and they're thinking we've got three of those five in our house do you remember the days when you used to know you were probably too young but maybe maybe it depends whether your parents were one of the first have a phone. In the House yes in the one nine hundred seventy S. When people started to get telephones in the house I do remember that my folks got one I don't know how in line they were with everybody else but I do remember the impact of having a phone in your house was that everybody couldn't be bothered to go to the phone box they'd come around say Do you mind if you use your phone the worst thing I know is vision. Is you dial the numbers with it but the worst thing about it was is once they've got their your phone number and they gave it to the relatives on a Friday night I was like the messenger service because oh can you go to number three because they've got this messaging can you go to number seven and number ten and then they're all Kerman's trannies the phone Friday night our house was worth the telephone exchange and if we needed to make a call we had to go to the phone box because our phone was in use by all the neighbors. Those were the day those were the DAY It's Monday you it's funny because I was watching a program late night on Saturday on B.B.C. Four which was followed on from one of the old screenings of Top Of The Pops and it followed it was all about children's television from years gone by and I suspect it's one of the programs which has been round and round you know but it showed lots of children's television what was really alarming was realized how much of it I actually remember. And then they showed a clip of some current member of the segment was they were showing but they showed this clip of some of the toys which which children had back in the sixty's and seventy's and you may recall that I've told the story on the program many times I think I've repeated it probably overbought done this what two and a half years plus now so I must have told this story at least three times I'd imagine the robot which I was given as a Christmas present by my father and it was it was in. The wrapper and on Christmas Day when I got up at four in the morning or whatever it was and ripped all the presents not there was this warm wrapper which said Do not open before midday or it will explode and so I didn't unwrap it and kept looking at it until midday and of course when it was midday it was then it was just a ruse to you know to stop me opening the present basically yes and so when everybody was there at midday they saw me or this up there was this amazing robots which was inside now in those days they were just literally mechanical thing yeah you put batteries in and but this one had a chest which where the the front of the chest opened out like like doors swung open and then two guns came from the inside with little like machine gun lights I went to get I got to get the guy and then it closed again and then it walked on a few steps and then open to get into to get to the while over them and I saw this on the T.V. Clip yeah I saw this on the T.V. Clip on on Saturday night and I just started there thinking. Does all this time I mean I'd imagine that the people watching the T.V. Show when they see people going along on a on the old footage with a hoop and stick and they think you know remember that. Generation of youngsters if you look at Prince steak Well my kids can't believe that I used to take will from prams I didn't just go randomly and take them by making car making cards is yes and then once I'd made them I painted them I used to go down and there's a little much. Just come in they were just the paint. And wonderful paint pot with enough to do one of the carts so yeah I used to paint it all up to make it look nice you know just for a second I thought you going to tell me that you were having difficulty explaining to them how you used to wear a dress but. Go shopping for sweets but yeah you know anything is possible and it is possible and years ago your version of childhood completely different to mine yeah everybody listening to the program will be somebody who will be another generation back you'll remember even more I know and they'll be those who grew up in the war years who have virtually nothing you know you get like I think in those days used to get something like a you know being serious from Imus and like in an apple an orange and well my mom used to say that fur and she. But just about to turn seventy next February and she remembers the only as old as me. Her Christmas she would get a tangerine and she'd get some money and that would be her present. I'm sure there's a joke you can do there but. Anyway no doubt somebody was sending messages saying oh yeah I remember. You know anyway little reminiscences all those wonderful things just think in about fifty years time when we've well when I've long gone you might still be here but the thing is you know they'll be people who were going on you know I remember when I got this thing called a nine pound R M O U R remember some bloke on the radio going on about how he had three computers and none of them were working as you remember those days where we used to use give users obviously Anyway we got something new tonight we have and it's time to go out on Dan's day trip with the late show bands day two I like the thought of the trip it's just basically it's a bit like relabeling Marylander snooker's new improved trying trying to find a different way to get us into doing different different things OK so I thought we'd just change just move the goalposts to slightly with this so once again what we're doing is we're looking for your best song suggestions which connect to where we're heading for our imaginary day out now I want you to suggest up to and listen carefully to this three brilliant U.K. Hit singles by that definition I mean top forty OK So they're going to have to be Top forty hits to make it into the final selection that's the first thing I need to tell you so so you know let's not go for a random album track that nobody's heard of Hubert Hebblethwaite and the Humphrey ites And you know singing Karl is a lovely man I mean it may be a wonderful record but the fact is we want the hits on the air that's what I'm. From you for this so let's get some great tunes on the air but each song of course or artist name must connect with the destination OK So that's through the name of the song through the title of the song or the artist's name there has to be a connection with our destination on our day trip OK OK and lines will close on the sound of the eleven o'clock news jingle so you got twenty five minutes don't leave it too late all qualifying suggestions will be placed in myself in my suggestion box not my selection is me thinking of chocolate again trivia game I was a lovely child come Friday. And will pick three top tunes to play after the big night news our day trip destination tonight and this we thought we could be a nice easy want to start with is London leather to do with London so well so knowing what we've talked about you no doubt going to say Thomas told me She Blinded Me With Science I was going to say Thomas thought you. Were you know he was . However I've changed my mind I'm not going to fade out I'm going to say really you know if I'm garden party because if you go to beckon in Paris that's in London and there's always a garden party all right OK Well you've got the idea now so you can see I'm sorry. I just came off the top of my head as well I just know the way you think sometimes I. Meant to usurp you I'm sorry about that is that the word used for word or something like that I don't think that's what you call me at this point anyway so if you'd like to get in touch then call Carl the lines are now open a number is zero three four five nine hundred five ninety four nine you can text is on eight one three double three make sure the first word on your message is Chiz spelt C.H.I.'s that way when it goes into the B.B.C. System it will find its way to me and if you'd like to email it's Chiz C H I S at the B.B.C. Dot co dot U.K. With a bit of luck I'll be speaking to you at the end of this track from Ed Sheeran if I haven't been throttled the thing can. Sometimes. It is the. Thing that I know. When it gets hard. It can get hard time. Is the. Thing Me. St. Ed Sheeran and that was photograph air on the light show what is called Happy company have you been getting on then tonight with suggestions for a new little competition phone lines very quiet. It's all menace no not really I mean we're doing OK We've got quite a few suggestions which come in but on the phones it's been quiet at the moment so maybe you're just having a bit of thinking time. Which is fine but you've only got ninety minutes to get through with your suggestions so it's the same idea as the shopping trolley but what we don't do is we don't go to a store what we do is we go to a day trip destination and you've got to come up with some sort of connection through your song title or the artist's name let's give you an idea of what what some of our friends have come up with tonight so far good evening Garry and thank you for your suggestion he says what about Yellow River by Christie West End Girls by Pet Shop Boys Waterloo by Abba you see there's a really good suggestion in itself climbing Good evening to you suggesting London Calling by The Clash We Built This City by Starship our Friends Electric by Tube by Army what I won't be doing by the way as a go through all these things is passing judgement on all of them all just make a decision over which ones are in and which ones are out and then we'll see where we end up when we will get past midnight as the best way to think Marcus Hello to you he suggests Julie London's version of Cry Me A River Duke of Earl by Jean Chandler Blimey that's going back a bit and I don't want to go to Chelsea by Elvis Costello Alan Good evening to you Waterloo Sunset The Kinks There you go he's got the whole world it is have inspired by Laurie London you see very good. Now and G.E. Has been in touch and Angie's two suggestions for tonight are streets of London by Ralph Mattel living for the city by Stevie Wonder Peter suggests miss a vote by passengers passenger by Iggy Pop and road to nowhere by Talking Heads and finally for the moment Hello Vincent thank you for your suggestions of Warrick Avenue by Duffy I've been thinking about you by London beat yeah. And Baker Street by Gerry Rafferty Yes. See it's beginning to get easier now you think about it maybe you see what I mean there's so much you I mean London is a mighty big place you've only got to think about not only the tube lines the cheap stations the railway stations the places you could go you could take in I don't know football grounds buildings museums anything famous really about London and incorporated if it inspires you to a song or to a group name you know part of the way there so give it your best shot our number is zero three four five nine hundred five ninety four nine and Cole will be very appreciative of a call from you I say that knowing that he will because the fact is I should remind you the football season is back so when we get to midweek you know what that means . Exactly so take advantage get in tonight three four five nine hundred five ninety four nine is the number because I can't guarantee when I will and won't be there during the course of the days with football matches to cover and stuff like that so anyway that is that for tonight. Now just before we move on you know with all this talk of a comeback of vinyl records I never actually seem to see anyone buying them a few. When I was recently in a big store in Cheltenham I never heard the playing vinyl while I was shopping in the store but equally despite a sizable sizeable display I didn't see anyone buying them so is it really happening now is pointed out to me that you can buy vinyl records in the supermarket these days and I am slightly bemused by that from a you know nipping to say nose for Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon on heavy white vinyl doesn't quite have the same ring about it really OK I mean you know we used to pop into Frank Brawley store when I was a kid and occasionally nip into Woolies or to Smiths Joe I think is where Cole got most of his records from all those years ago you know but for me it was all about the wonder of the trip not to Wally's but to the local record shop in my case white for this the over very appropriately named LP bishop that really was his initials on a slip a man he joked about everything I once went in and asked if he had a copy of friends by rival he said no but offered me a copy of enemies by departure that's the sort of guy we're dealing about you know for a kid though who saved his pocket money and bought records rather than sweets like other kids I guess I must have loads of money is way over the years and heard probably every one of the jokes now all these memories came flooding back today when I was reading that a new branch of rough trade is going to be opening in Bristol these days the modern record store comprises of a record shop combined with a coffee bar and a performance area for any artist passing through might want to sell their tunes by performing a bit in attracting you to want to buy the their wares as it were while people in the West Country capital were concerned by the forthcoming closure of rise Bristol on the Clifton triangle it seems the new venture is actually going to combine the talents of rise and also rough trade Well according to Bristol three six five dot com The announcement also reveals that Bristol will be one of only four cities in the U.K. To host the music joint So the big question tonight is why. What was the last final record you bought and why and when rather So what was the last vinyl record you bought and when easy for me to answer those I am still buying them but what about you by the way just for the record no pun intended I did by enemies body mean friends by rival. And inspired me so earlier on today on Facebook I put out there as a little numbers game to go right through my vinyl collection to pinpoint a random piece of vinyl eventually after the suggestions we got down to a live stream where I invited people to pick between a range of numbers and then I pulled one of those numbers at random and the vinyl we ended up with was incredible I didn't realize it at the time the significance of it but it was almost perfect so here we go have a listen to this piece of vinyl just for you from my collection completely at random from the go along quite introduction as well. I reckon I had this is the bug. Video Killed the Radio Star. Yes that was. I was. Yes The album was called the plastic age and that was one of the singles from it and we thought we'd honor our story about vinyl just by playing a bit of falling until we listen to that still hear it going back. And the needle off the record by Hugo and it was the buckles which were played with the plastic Have you enjoyed that thank you to tell you who was the one in the end who picked the team which we subsequently played so thank you Dave and thank you to the others who participated to help you select that one a little earlier in the day. All this week Davidson all the usual fun of the fair on the one show but with. A flavor we've already been having a chat with Strictly Come Dancing group of. Person possibly that. It is. The road trip and of course I'm. Going to talk to this week. Radio Gloucestershire. B.B.C. News at eleven and Chichi is indie business leaders a warning that some companies could face massive fines under need to to protection bill announced by the government people will be able to all slams to delete postal data. And pasted when they were children the Federation of Small businesses is concerned that organizations on aware of what they need to do at Johnson Williams is from The Open Rights Group which campaigns for civil liberties online he welcomes the legislation it's about online shopping it's about your email providers and potentially is also about your internet service derived lunches were about charities all sorts companies people are trial acting huge amounts data about us and this this is a really well to move actually to give ordinary people greater rights to have control about data about Norfolk Police have launched a murder investigation after an elderly man was found dead in woodland near East hollering where he'd been walking his dogs the eighty three year old whose body was discovered on Saturday morning had been repeatedly stabbed in the head and neck Detectives say the motive for the killing is unclear Chief Superintendent Mike force it is leading the investigation local people will be shocked in relation to this and anybody were shocked when they see this brutal murder the reassurances we've got our major investigation investigations take investigating this matter we have a visible policing presence at the scene three children are being cared for by relatives after their mother was found dead in the family home in the Black Country Police think the twenty six year old woman was killed by her husband who then killed himself the B.B.C. Reporter Nicola Bedford has been L. Side the house in all Berry says local people have reacted with disbelief This is a very quiet neighborhood mostly young families living here and I spoke to a number of people they didn't want to come on camera they are just incredibly shocked quite traumatized really by what's happened and what they've said is that basically that they don't even get antisocial behavior going on here so to have something as tragic as what has happened on Saturday taking place on their doorstep is indeed a real shock Tesco is getting rid of its five P. Carrier bags from the end of the month shoppers will have to buy ten P. Banks for life instead environmental campaigners say all sleeping. Market should follow they say a bad for life is better for the environment and the actress taking over is the doctor in Dr Who has been talking for the first time since it was announced last month Jodie was it is in a new T.V. Drama called Trust me which starts tomorrow evening on B.B.C. One says it's a relief to finally talk about being the doctor the relief of it being public knowledge and knowing that I hadn't leaked in all those kind of things it's just been amazing to see you know the through there the filtered prison the people send me things it's been you know it's hugely positive and thank you very much to Jody wish her and also to see SCHIEFFER And thank you for the news which will have another detail bulletin at midnight tonight now to the subject of the weather from Dr Who to doctor what. That's what we should probably say when we talk about the weather Clive Mills Hicks actually I call it the sound of Dr Clive middle six that sound I quite like that was oh I'm not presuming you're not a doctor though yes and no leaks from me either OK well what can you tell us about what's going on because I don't know if it's me but it sort of it was like it might have dropped a little bit temperature wise tonight. It's not very exciting weather wise has it been a rather uneventful day it was on the cool side during the afternoon really despite a bit of brightness breaking through and yes not not particularly warm the nights are drawing in a bit of course now it's August and temperatures out there between eleven and thirteen tonight and this impact the rain around started off just light earlier in the evening but it's getting a bit heavier and I went over Bristol and lost the show in particular that's going to last for another two or three hours I think some quite sharp burst of rain and a move away ne so later in the night the rain turning light and patchy again so Tuesday morning may see some dry dry and bright spells I think particularly over Bristol and Somerset but on the whole there's going to be a lot of cloud again tomorrow there is some showers about in the morning it especially over Gloucestershire and will then by late morning I think the showers are going to be breaking out almost anywhere so likely not a great deal of sunshine to be found tomorrow afternoon and that way for the showers some of those quite heavy just the chance of thunder and a few of them as well temperatures are going to be on the disappointing side tomorrow Bristol might just about make twenty or twenty one before the showers break out but for most of us are rather cool eighteen or nineteen degrees in a mainly light northerly breeze and going to further rain showers on Tuesday night and for time on Wednesday morning still some quite heavy rain around as well particularly over Wiltshire and Gloucestershire but hopefully during Wednesday it will turn brighter and drier with a bit of sunshine breaking through and it will need some sunshine it's going to be particularly cold morning with a northerly wind and that cloud and rain around hopefully eventually eighteen or nineteen degrees later on Wednesday and the best day of the week looks like being Thursday at the moment to dry was sunny spells but I'm afraid down there's no real sign of any settled spell more rain turning up later on Friday and a few showers over the weekend are obviously trying to remember is it is it actually the start of your autumn for meteorologists or is it next month. September. You know just had a doubt in my mind as to whether it was the beginning of August or not for some strange reason because I know it's completely different to the actual seasons everybody remembers them but I was trying to remember how I worked I don't know I couldn't remember it's only feels a bit autumnal the weather we've had the last couple weeks been rather unsettled I think we could do with another drier warmer Sunny a spell but no sign of it at present I'm afraid there was a bit of drama in the in the little close in which I live tonight and just before I set off I noticed as I was getting ready to leave from Barry mind that you know I sort of heading to work at around about seven pm normally or some seven thirty and I was just looking out of the bedroom window as I was cleaning my teeth and noticed that several of my neighbors what washing their cars and I'm thinking seven o'clock at night what's going on and when I got outside I discovered one of my neighbors said don't I Oh you got away with it and I got away with what and it turned out that I hit flock of birds gone over and deposited in a straight line on every car on my side of the close my car was the only one call away without it. And I thought well that's a different color I don't think they're very selective No it's not legal to presumably Well I don't know what it was Don't know what it was that came over because I was otherwise occupied so I was completely unaware of this but they normally I get a lot of pigeon activity targeting the rear end of my car because they saw a balance on the on the on the end of the gable end of the house or something then go and do what pigeons do so it's not surprising but they literally this was a passing flock of birds that came over and just literally deposited on everyone as they went like a gun or afraid or something. I mean they didn't quite do a blanket bombing land with a Thank You know it well I think it was for everybody else I think that's the way everybody else viewed it but not me personally. So as I said to the neighbor I said Well it certainly adds to the demeaning I've never heard the phrase shower used before but never quite in that context if you know what I mean but still. Anyway are you back tomorrow I'm not done to I did a Sunday so I know this and they don't do many of those but Sunday into Monday this week. Another week and a half I think back OK Well we'll look forward to you joining us at some point in the near future but in the meantime rest up my friend rest stop work on my doctorate so he can think for real that when you've got that I want to know because I want to be able to do it with a big fanfare and everything that. Trumpets. In the background. Of a few ice creams as well if you ask nicely thank you OK thanks good night. With your weather tonight. White six seconds for it to be. Going to do. It's because I'll do it like now it is eleven minutes past eleven and eleven seconds or eleven seconds into it but anyway no I mean and if we are on the Late Show it's Monday the seventh of August it's my cousin Heather's birthday I've tried to ring her not been able to get a hold of her I think she must be living it up on the town or something call probably at about yeah maybe you know but you know if you're listening I hope your dancing shoes will be here probably will be not be out there doing the light fantastic with the I'M WHITE Oh yes on about you just got married recently did you yes you did yes yes Heather was at the wedding I have was looking because I think it was in Hello magazine or OK or one of those publication and so I was you know desperate to see whether or not hell have made the photos you know because that would mean that would have been something with Ruby a lot of people who are tuning in thinking What the heck is he talking about because they won't be able to remember it's now thirty years since the people strictly It doesn't seem that long ago that I know it's incredible isn't it and for those who don't know my cousin took part in the people strictly in that that's how we talked about it a lot at the time and so I got the. I still remember that day when I went down to see them doing the routine together when they were rehearsing and went and recorded a piece with in and had together and I just remember how when I saw my cousin who previously liked a bit of a ball up but you know she never really done the full no problem dancing thing when I saw it was like. Oh and I stood there no store due to poor Oh no no they said oh you like to you know. But anyway so I choose birthday today so I hope she had a wonderful day and if she's listening to us then you know age the next well it won't be the next song. Because something you might like to dance to a bit later on the call is here. I was reading late this afternoon about the B.B.C. Television program panorama always I know it well yes which reported. On this day in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven fifty years ago today without frightening on the reported on the upcoming hippie movement the hippie movement has the hippies were all doing their thing yeah doing their thing yeah depending on whether or not you believe the Americans or James Brown know he was American but you know and they tried to give on Panorama the older audience an insight into what the hippie thing was all about oh now the presenter of that time was a fellow called Robin. And in his introduction he said that to get a good understanding of what it was all about they sent a middle aged reporter thirty three year old who should. Thirty thirty three middle aged middle aged they have a gently thought so in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven How so here's what happened when Mr Kershaw your middle aged Mr Kershaw went to talk to some of the hippies. Damn. Right you were there to do. It because I had pretended. To tell you this on decide this had been going to insist to some music in. A time period or cowboy Isn't that what you mean by visual being this is good feeling good or be good or being a rock What do you mean by the giving me would you feel beautiful. In my view the. Center in Atlanta. Not everybody is going. To goof around in black and. That's the whole of their nice sense of black and white. And I night too. Name a little really an interesting out and two pretty end sex in the way I have people really up to me an answer to. That you may run in Didn't has no reason if you can understand I. And. The entire history. Are you conscious to make yourself believe it when you basically make a resume believe it or are you trying to be here and then you send the. Damned cheese and B.B.C. Radio Gloucestershire. Now the big question is do you think that they deliberately picked on the most well educated youngsters they could find or is it that all hippies were all terribly educated I've never heard a hippie sound like that before ever in my life they all sort of said A man has a go in the minors or they all sounded like Dylan the rabbit in the round about that that's what Yeah all hippies have to sound like yeah. Pretty in my dreams homes but he didn't sound middle aged to the he sounded old he found the very whole Well I mean when you consider that he was sort of saying. Although you know. As Frankie Howerd always used to sound it sounds like he was wearing a truss. Well nine hundred sixty seven the era of flower power and the hippies was fifty years ago and that was an insight into how the young people of the day thought and here's an insight into one of the biggest hit singles which strangely enough came back almost fifty years later. a. Said the days of pearly Spencer That's a great song that's the original version by David McWilliams and it was later recorded by Mark Almond correct Yasser right drives you nuts thinking now that I've got both versions of that song have you I have I've got the original single of David Williams and I've got the CD single of Markham and. It's a brilliant song I didn't know what tenement was until I went to Scotland about all fifteen years ago I had no idea what a tenement was and then suddenly they put me into this accommodation which was a hotel which was an old tenement I was there that's what it is just bashing the money. I struck that's got me thinking which was the song the very very famous song that mentions tenement slum Do you remember the song move her to a tenement slum. Are crimes crazies name somebody you know and somebody you know and they will message they will text in one double three first word choose C H I S That way it will come to us will be most interested to hear from you by the way if you are texting Please remember that standard network rights apply OK if you've got your quiz paper and pencil or pen ready or you to lose your utensil you know then we will be hitting the bell in a moment we'll just give you a final forty five seconds to get ready one hundred years ago more than half a million soldiers were killed or wounded in the mire of blunders in the battle of passion Dale just stretching out in front of me files and graves of servicemen who are buried here there are. The missing from the kitchen regiment I was live in the time of cemetery in Belgium to mark the anniversary each one of these things cost on the war you know is a story of a life story of family people left behind their hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled I think when you come in that is the message to turn away or you can listen to the whole program again on the B.B.C. I Player app OK that's it so you say we're not going to get any text messages and no no we were three short. Well we we were three short of a text number we were what we what happened we did and when double three but we missed the other three or for the end we did what you did or are. YOU not ME Oh yes no I might have known that you because I don't I don't you see you don't actually make mistakes very often and I do them frequently. And hope I get away with it but I hadn't noticed it don't generally didn't did you did. You. Hole gold as well but you always got together the wrong text. Paul though you give the text. Imagine that if you imagine the days of Steptoe and Son Yes and we were able to integrate some of the modern things so instead of them going around with a horse and cart you know doing all that and go on texting. Yeah anyway so shall we do the quiz then share with our way shall. We shall we. Shall we dance shall we quiz right yes so knowing you you would have come up with something that is completely twisted We asked for a cryptic ways what sort of version of cryptic have you come up with tonight Well tonight's cryptic wisdom is all about cars it's the cryptic cards you send what you send what you came from sale of the sentry just like the voiceover man and say you know like Nicholas Parsons saying so what sort of course is it tonight and you go Well Nicholas of the century we have got the cryptic cards. Sorry would you like. Cryptic cards quiz down the answers to all of these questions are British. Are you ready for question number yes I'm sorry I was drinking coffee and you could say yes I did you expect me to speak while I was talking I thought you just going to think about how well I have and then you have you know I do apologize I'm making a bit of a pig's ear of this and while he was doing very well during nobody knows about and I know I don't I'm going to now not going so. Could you hear that question one question one which alarm both based district support sorry so I read that again I would if I were Yeah which term but he never makes a mistake. That was the kiss wasn't it. Quite like commentators Kurt. I don't know if you ever notice this if you watching a sporting event you get somebody say how brilliant a footballer Cristiana IRA Now there is and then he misses a penalty you know something death like that happens sorry so cryptic cause Chris question number one which Lambeth based district supported King child the first in the English Civil War That's which Lamberth a base the district supported King Charles the First in the English Civil War. Question number two which World War two era plane may be considered a winner that's question number two which World War two era plane may be considered a winner if I were entering this quiz I know what I'd bring up and say for that just for the. Question number three which dependable bird is noted for its red breast which dependable bird is noted for its red breast if this is the bean family fortune somebody would probably have said Naomi Campbell. Member that what was the question somebody said the question was something like because Les Dennis was the host Yes And the question was name was it was name. Name a bird with a long neck which it was looking for the answer of ostrich Yes the fans. It's like the name of dangerous race one where somebody said the Germans that wasn't here it's that it wasn't the idea that we should we should we do a bite sized chunk recap before you say I think we should do a cryptic cause quiz bite sized chunk recap question number one which Lambeth based district supported King Charles the First in the English Civil War Can you do the lumber for by the way if you do in Nam both know what I mean is can you do it. Question number two which World War two era plane may be considered a winner that I don't get I get I get that they're doing it again to get again good and. Hot chocolate how to. Win a bet yes I recognize it now you've told me what it is then before that question number three which dependable bird is noted for its red breast. And those are your questions remember these questions are British. And they as they all cryptic clues the answer can be worked out by unraveling the question by kind unless you know me. And then they can pick. The number. Three four five nine hundred Actually brutally on The Late Show and that was told me so the cryptic quiz tonight is what Carl has called the cryptic Carl's quiz the answers to all these questions are British cars remember the clues are cryptic so if you listen carefully to the question you can revel what the answer is by unraveling the questions OK So question once a night which Lamberth based district supported King Charles the First in the English Civil War. Actually a but I just did what can I just double check something with a call sorry can I just check King Charles the First no or not King Charles first in the NG got you right OK Yes I was right OK So sorry to interrupt which Lamberth base district supported King Charles the First in the English Civil War That is question one question to which World War two era plane may be considered a winner which World War two airplane may be considered a winner and question three which dependable bird is noted for its red breast which dependable bird is noted for its red breast remember that all your answers are British cars. So that's the way you go to unravel it I don't think you can have too much trouble with at least one of those but let's see how you get on if you want to get in touch then do call call directly on three four five nine hundred five ninety four nine if you'd like to text the program number. Please ensure the first word on your message is. S. If you go to facebook dot com slash radio the chances of the top it says just fill in the. Love the common people I'm just slightly like with. Forty five which is back at eleven thirty. Five minutes ago so I will give it another five minutes old there before we'll get rancid Thanks for. Coming into the recap on the questions before long and sneaky price is sitting in on the morning show for Anna King this week and between nine and twelve this Tuesday morning we're going to invite you to meet the night yes we're going to be visiting two communities in Gloucestershire to navigate this rather complicated etiquette of moving house would you introduce yourself with a smile or twitch the curtains and study firmly behind you all for. It's amazing how we don't even necessarily told to our neighbors in some cases what do you do before the House in the morning with Nicky price here from knowing in a jigsaw we need to give you the opportunity to message through but give us three answers all together the reason we do it there's only two of his one of us is be on the mike the other one is trying to sort the rest of it out so you just make our job so much easier if you do can only by the way just say a very warm welcome because if I've got this all absolutely correct I think I am right in saying that we have a first time takes to tonight I think and I think there was worth is a first time text or certainly to the best of my knowledge and nice to have you on board and and hope you will stick with us it is good to have you are taking part in the course as well lots of people having a go I must say oh and by the way you remember I was talking with Carlo earlier and I was saying which was the song which was the hit song The famous hit song that had the line about the tent tenement slum and I couldn't remember and I was desperately trying to and couldn't Two people got back to me including Jeff and woman coat and the other was afeared from. From Cotterell who said it was Diana Ross and the Supremes and love child thank you very much it was one of those things which will probably bug me for the next few days had you not of put me out of my misery and hell would have just be sensible I don't know so I'm not worrying anyway your cryptic quiz questions for tonight just ahead of our Forgotten forty five is a cryptic call's quiz the answers to your three cryptic questions provide answers which are all British cars so in a cryptic question you've got to unravel if you don't know the answer it doesn't matter because you can unravel it from what is in the clue if you know how to do this stuff are not very good at cryptic quizzes I've got to admit I'm not very good at many things in life I just give it all a go I'm black my way through it really not so good because he's there wasn't very good at crosswords cryptic clues as always these are clues for me and even then I wasn't any good at them so TONIGHT Question one which Lamberth based district supported King Charles the First in the English civil war that should lead you to a British car question one question to which World War two era plane may be considered a winner which World War two era plane may be considered a winner did I question one that I honestly sure I did. Of them both again just to make sure question one which Lamberth based district supported King Charles the First in the English Civil War question to which World War two era plane may be considered a winner and question three I don't need to say this more than once only need to say this once which dependable bird which dependable bird is noted for its red breast. An additional clue from me don't get caught short with your answer I tell you that so good a clue that I'm giving you their name call looks baffled. I'll explain to him in a moment. B.B.C. Radio station. So those three questions tonight our number is zero three four five nine hundred five ninety four nine please remember that if you're entering a course it is just for fun I'm afraid we really don't have any prizes to give you I don't even have a packet of bird seed I can send you out of the ground by it if I did so you know. It's amazing everybody's perception of what we can do with this program but in terms of going out and buying fantastic things to give to you our listeners I'm afraid I can't do that. And the reason is because Chris Evans has got all the money now we'll move away from that little matter if you want to text by the way it's eight one three double three and get please that the first word on the message should be cheers C H I S It's not because I'm an egotistical little maniac that lights up a name all across the screen it is the fact that if you don't put that on the front of the message it will go swear in the B.B.C. I really don't actually know it would be interesting to find out and I joke about it going to the director general but I genuinely don't know I really would find out find out where does a text message go if somebody doesn't put cheese on the front. Probably goes to somebody like Nicky Campbell or somebody and I no idea anyway so over to you and It was the move from this very week in one thousand nine hundred seventy one and that was forgotten forty five for tonight and that was cold tonight such cry so much on a wall you don't hear it so often it's just one now just before we move on twelve minutes to. So you've only got just over five minutes left on the quiz you'd you'd imagine wouldn't you that if you had been a strong Labor Party supporter all of your life it was probably the most unlikely thing to pop up in one of your personal photographs taken at a music festival did you read about this today Picture the scene if you will a crowd of people at a music festival in Oxford cheer and enjoying her weekend there was a member of Stroud town council the lady's name Vanessa price now she thought it would be a great idea to pose with husband Steve for a selfie and got the camera in position up in the air to give them the perfect shot of them having a great time with the crowd behind them when they looked at the image on the camera they spotted a familiar face looking straight at the camera in the background much to their astonishment they saw the former prime minister David Cameron who was with his wife Samantha. It's like now the story is making many of the national newspapers as you can imagine I love the quote where Vanessa reportedly said that as a Labor councillor she had helped with demonstrations in Mr Cameron's former constituency in Whitley she had stood outside his offices but never seen him there and only actually ever seen him on television and then he pops up in a field at a festival but it's a very posh one when she's trying to take a selfie. It's a great story and even better picture is tremendous if you haven't seen it you certainly will do by tomorrow in the papers for sure but I wonder whether or not we've got any stories what's your story of bumping into someone famous would love to hear it if you want to do e-mail it in or get in touch by text eight one three double for the first word on your message should be. C H I S not C H W E S E C H I S and if you put that on the front that it will reach me and we look forward to reading whatever it is you put forward. Our guest says come all the way from Texas to join a. Blues icon the like Bo Didley Steve kids I just want to see him at a show I have been a fan played for and backstage people just took note of it and called me up on stage and give you my number on this like this can't be happening on B.B.C. Radio. And. We became friends to think back you know I'm just. On the phone be like Hey did we do you know you know. You really were just cool about. This system Steve kids on B.B.C. Radio. So far not and I want to know Well love is OK we got the news on the way and then after midnight it tonight's a little day out and where will our top teams takers we shall find out what we know is London but what what's going to be the story sometimes we find out now to the course then. The lines have now closed and all our answers we have let's see how well you've done I've been very tough tonight Mr Damn I've needed to both the make and the model of the car for people to get it correct All right OK so which Lamberth based district supported the first in the English Civil War That was the Vauxhall Cavalier Yeah yeah question number two which world will two every plane may be considered a winner of that's a Triumph Spitfire. Yeah and which dependable bird is noted for its red breast and that was the Reliant Robin OK So Robert that was the point I was making that Robin has not enough no wasn't enough OK Right OK We have loads and loads of people have got it correct tonight rollin when it's time to start the music that I start whatever OK yeah Marlene in church down marking nails the Antony in Somerset Jeff in Woodman coat and in Ellsworth Rita in Bradford on maven Dave in Bristol Gary in Cheltenham Charles on text Vince in Broughton Gifford Mike in form Bree surely an agent on text surgery untaxed and Ray on email all of those have got everything correct. Oh so I bet they'll be some people are a bit oh. Yeah so are you being so we had lots of people with half marks tonight we had lots of with who got two and a half out of three because they didn't know triumph or something like that some of them if you put this together they would have got it totally right but not by themselves Yeah well very hard taskmaster I do you know sometimes I think I need to be a hard taskmaster sometimes it has to happen yes you do. I'm amazed because you're finished in record time there and I wasn't ready for the it wasn't if you did. However we have now managed to fill the required gap. Thank you very much noise course. Yes. Like sweet soul music here on the like a shot across the west country on the B.B.C. Establishes me so watch them Roger shot with up when I say without a break first from five if you're up and about early in the morning time now midnight. Across the county on. Radio Gloucestershire. B.B.C. News at midnight. The digital minister has said proposed changes aim to giving people more protection online will give the U.K. Some of the most valuable states the laws in the world under the legislation say show media fans will be required to Dili information about their uses when I lost Judy and David represents British technology companies welcomes the plans at the end of the day the user is driving the U.K. Economy it's not just the tech companies companies it's every type of business these days uses data in as digital and online and you know what or for that to work people have got to have confidence they've got to have confidence in the supplier of the God of confidence so they have control and understanding of how the data is being used lucky to have survived. Doctors in Brazil say about a tourist from south London he was shot to have family mistakenly drove into a slum area. Dixon was in a rented car when a gunman opened fire as she suffered two bullet wounds but she's now stable after undergoing surgery or Miceli is the director of the hospital where she's treated he says her injuries could be much worse projector before help me. One bullet went through her after she was lucky it didn't hit any big blood vessels or vital organs the head of the family courts in England and while so James Monday has approved a plan for the future care of a suicidal teenage girl known as X. She'll be moved to a special unit on Thursday last week he said society should be ashamed that she stood to be released without proper care in place a British model he was allegedly kidnapped him a land was forced by Italian police to stay in the country for weeks off to her release her agent has said Kylie Ayling was snatched last month by a gang calling itself black death while she was attending a photo shoot at a recognized studio in the city center according to Phil Greene the twenty year old spoke to reporters at it today I'd be in for a terrifying experience I feared for my life second by second minute by minute hour by hour I'm incredibly grateful to the Italian U.K.R. For ities Roy have done to secure my safe release I have just arrived home after four weeks of being in Italy I haven't had the Times government for so I'm not at liberty to say anything further until I've been debriefed by the U.K. Police Tesco will stop selling five P. Carrier bags across the Cayman in three weeks time instead the supermarket will only offer ten P. Bags for life during a trial in some of its stores Tesco said sales of single East bags fell by a quarter and any type of snake has been discovered in the U.K. Bringing the total number of species to four have been thought that the bad grass snake all metrics Helvetica was a type of gas make but scientists have now found it is actually a whole different species of. Damned Chism. And your light show forecast for Gloucestershire cloudy skies persisting through the night and there will be further Sherry outbreaks of rain across the whole of the county and the may turn heavy in places minimum temperature of eleven degrees Celsius which is fifty two degrees Fahrenheit As for tears days. Well it will be a cloudy and cold day with spells of rain at times the rain may turn persistent for some with a strengthening breeze tearing the afternoon the maximum temperature across Gloucestershire a fifteen degrees Celsius that's fifty nine degrees Fahrenheit your outlook for Wednesday and heading towards the weekend again well breezy and cool again on Wednesday with sunshine and showers it will be drier brighter and warmer on Thursday before the rain and brisk winds move in from the west again on Friday and that your forecast a on B.B.C. Radio Gloucestershire will have more for you during the break for show with Mark Cummings right here in the morning from six. Town. And it was Rolling Stone cowboy just before we go next little musical bit so I thought you might like to hear this bit of news which is just coming this is rather interesting I must say this is going to get a few people going. Specially values who are huge fans. Of Michael Jackson a three D. Version of Michael Jackson's Thriller video is going to debut at the Venice Film Festival more than thirty years after its premiere the director has promised there will also be a rather shocking surprise when you know what that means there's no clue Well the latest singer's state said the latest available. Or the late singer's est said the latest available technology was used to convert the fourteen minute short film from its original thirty five millimeter negative to three D. And although the film was not really edited already cut in any way the director John Landis has been able to use three D. Creatively he's quoted as saying I am so happy to have had the chance not only to restore but enhance Michael Jackson's Thriller he says we took advantage of the remarkable advances in technology to add new dimensions to both the visual and the all go bringing it to a whole new level that suggests to me there's going to be surround sound thing going on there then and one assumes that you'll have all the all the ghosts and zombies and everything sort of floating around you could be mighty interesting he says we took full advantage of it story even though Thriller was shot traditionally I was able to use three D. Creatively and then he says let me just warn you there is a rather shocking surprise in there wow what is this just such a weird thing to say isn't it because it just leaves you wondering what on earth could it be. If they're not changing the context of the actual feature film itself and not changing the format with which we are so totally familiar with I would imagine majority of people listening to this program must surely have seen Michael Jackson's Thriller video it was incredible. Arguably never better as well so I wonder what it will be well we're just going to wait and see when it premieres We'll find out but one thing's for sure although I'm not a particular fan of three day I would certainly go to the cinema to see that so we should wait and see. Anyway it's nice to have a company and welcome to the final hour of tonight's Late Show or on air through until one o'clock and then Rod Sharp is here with tonight's edition of up till night well now it's time for us to go out on Dan's day trip with the Late Show I think I might call it Dan's day out with the Late Show and he just rolls off the tongue a little more easily and once again we're looking for your best song suggestions which connect to where we are heading for our imaginary day out I wanted you to suggest up to three brilliant U.K. Hit singles so that was the first hurdle you have to get over they have to be U.K. Hit singles that meaning Top forty for them to qualify and each one has to connect in some way with our destination through either the title of the song or the artist's name so there are lots of opportunities but you have to think about popular tunes in order to get your selections in. Now tonight what we did was we put all the suggestions into the suggestion box and those which qualified to left us with quite a long list is true to say we had some brilliant stuff like Patti ROBERTS The Ballad of Bethnal Green was one of the suggestions tonight I do remember that song ever so well as well I think I mentioned that before I think I played it once as well as far remember rightly why Back on one of our musical features. Also things like West Bengal's Pet Shop Boys that qualified to see. ELVIS COSTELLO I don't want to go to Chelsea. He missed out because of one of the chewed which we decided was in. I let out as Waterloo go past because we've already played Abba tonight it's rough Mattel's streets of London obvious one which came in our all the like London beats and if it had been left to me I'd probably have gone for I've been thinking about you because I love the track but you know it's not about what I like it's about what you likes of trying to sort of mix it up a bit as a Weiss. We have the suggestion of Kokanee rebel make me smile come up and see me Judy team was another one to go suggested as well Michael Jackson band was a good one Frank Sinatra Three Coins in a fountain yes to jam going underground was a good woman as well however I had to pick three so I decided to go full three brilliant top forty songs and the three we chose were the ones you're about to you hear on The Late Show times day out to London. Stanchions and Will. He was. Told. Me at. Length. So those were our trio of songs tonight and the three we chose bearing in mind it was a day trip to London we came up with the kinks and Waterloo Sunset Duffy and Warrick Ave in case you don't understand why that would be a London reference it is because it is achieved station correct and the Clash and London Calling slightly easier to work out I think so anyway hope you enjoyed that and thank you very much indeed for your participation in that on The Late Show tonight I was just having a look to see how much of the program might be affected by football tomorrow night because we do have the fell Cup which is basically what we formally knew as the League Cup and the first stages of that on the way most of our. Local teams are playing in the competition in fact I think it's probably just about all of them just just thinking about that momentarily Yes I think that is the case so. The best way of explaining this is there is likely to be an overrun because with cup competitions which go to penalties which I think it does that would mean a likely likelihood of an overrun it could be your sports program may overrun and you may miss the start of the late show if you're not choosing to listen in on line tomorrow night is the online sums it varies from station to station very if there's yes some of them it's medium wave some of them it's online Seek and ye shall find yes that's the best way I can put it I'm pretty sure that you find this program online I think most mostly everywhere and the reason is to do with commentary rights can't go on the Internet basically so that that pretty much takes care of that but anyway so that will be my best advice but you think is the presenter a slight bit of clarity on this but you see the trouble is we cannot predict where the overrun will be and so what I do know will happen is if there is an overrun people will ring the station ringing others to complain about the fact they can eras and in fact it's no fault of our own because obviously if the game's on going then the station continues to cover it so anyway please bear that in mind that if you were to want to be with the late show and you're subject to an open run just hop around your station's frequencies and you will get there so tomorrow night just to tell you that for example Bristol both Bristol City and rovers are at home which took me by surprise because I thought in terms of policing that didn't usually him but anyway tomorrow it looks like we have got Bristol City home to Plymouth Bristol Rovers at home to Cambridge United just trying to scroll down to remember them all here for a screen Robers at home to Milton Keynes Dons. Also. Nor city versus Swindon Town. Oxford United versus Cheltenham Town. And I think there was one more year over how some wondrous versus Yeovil town will remember to call it and so those are the main ones alongside that of course the wrong games in the National League which are taking place was just wondering whether or not to put just a quick look I've got a feeling we not got an additional game in there somewhere I'm looking for not tomorrow night with the looks of it when it looks again yes chip in town playing tomorrow night but they're playing ball city as well so. Local local event and I don't think I've missed anybody but I've just been trying to make sure capture everything but you get a sense that pretty much the world and its wife playing football tomorrow night so don't be too surprised if you find that there is a bit of an overrun and please bear in mind that. Don't shoot the messenger that's about sides apart from that thank you very much for your messages tonight on one thing and another we've been extremely busy before we just move on I just wanted to share with you a lovely little story doing the rounds which tells the tale of the Somerset woman who was celebrating her one hundred third birthday last week Wow So imagine this was your celebration right Cal How do you imagine the day would pan out when you're one hundred three I would have thought lots of rest. Maybe the thought was OK That's OK lots of candles never never a bad reason for it. But imagine Dorien Fleetwood the lady's name it was going to be a special day for her with the party but she began the day with Skype video calls to her relatives who were unable to come over that is brilliant the party at Wyndham house in mind head was well attended by friends and family but she wanted to ensure nobody was left out after having Skype chat with her other loved ones it was then time to get ready for the Big Bash where the local paper reports she was showered with flowers gifts birthday cards and balloons before enjoying a special birthday cake made by the staff. And in case you are wondering what is the secret of reaching such a good age in good health Doreen said there is no secret just have a good life and diet and look after yourself belated happy birthday Doreen or lovely story to me is the producer of the new show because with Melanie Sukumar Cummings and Brad first everybody loved that great. Pride. They. Were going to this new producing generation going you know who presented the show in the seventy's on the one occasion the priest for the wealthy really maybe. Because generation game produces a gay so young these days OK this person had a great dedication I thought I don't know if Mark Cummings and Brad first weekdays from sake's on B.B.C. Radio Gloucestershire. It started with a kiss and that was hot chocolate on the light show and coming back with your breakfast show from six in the morning. Now you can. Even barbecue it but when was the last time you ate lamb We'll explain more in the morning we'll also talk about the man who was one of the main campaign against slavery and now his great great grandson is trying to trace relatives for when. Lost in his memory more on that story and the day's news with Mark in the morning right here from six. No you're all right yes yes you're not you. Russian side actually should I in a Holiday Holiday nothing wrong with this not. Just by before I forget because you remember that I did make the assumption that when we were sort of walking down the beach on Weston super Mare with that song we looked a bit like Laurel and Hardy and we did yes going down there that day but I think I look the spitting image of Stan Laurel I really really. I can't get over how much I looked like all of. These mirrors when he when he. Sold out was lots of them was not. Cut it. Again but oddly enough you know I was asked this by the listeners car member who it was who asked me you know when somebody asked me Is it going to go back down to West Palm Beach again and I thought well can we do that again because we can you know well that the trouble was was posted down all the. In it's just. I'd like to be able to say it was a straightforward is turning up and doing it but it's not it's never a straight from you know not unfortunately I think you know what I'd like to do OK nobody has yet as dead to offer up the chance and that was when I said Wouldn't it be great if we took the Late Show Out to our listeners House I think that would be amazing Now I know somebody did offer ages ago yes but what I'm what I'm talking about is this would require somebody you know getting their friends and stuff together until you know heaven for saken o'clock in the morning which is slightly more challenging it is but I would love to take the program out for a night who will be a lot of work to deal deal did offer but she's got lots of sheep lots of people we need lots of yeah love in the snow you see that yes I mean that's a lovely thought but can you imagine you know when you got to the first of the interviews you say so so what sort of things have you been up to today there you know I mean that's it and it'll be requested Bab around by the Beach Boys. By. I don't think we can do to those jokes when we know we will be fleecing. The store right up. To inches and B.B.C. Radio Gloucestershire. That was me telling myself to shut up that as it is already Can you believe it twenty two minutes to one and I know that because it says so in front of me and strange thing is it's time for us to remember then this is when we take our daily trip back through this day in history now this was a real job because we've moved on to the eighth of August and Karl I will share with you that a number of very big news stories have unfolded on the eighth of August in years gone by have they now isn't that surprise and yes well you sit back and relax I will endevor to explain as best I can so well first off for example it was on this day in one thousand nine hundred sixty three that thieves in Buckinghamshire ambushed a train travelling between Glasgow and Euston and got away with more than two million pounds in what became known as The Great Train Robbery that was nine hundred sixty three eighth of August nine hundred ninety one a man held in captivity in Lebanon for more than five years the journalist John McAfee was freed he was one of eleven Westerners believed to have been held by Islamic Jihad happy a news from this day in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight when Buckingham Palace announced the arrival of the first child born to the Duke and Duchess of York the as yet unnamed baby Beatrice as she became weighed in at six pounds and twelve ounces a mum and baby were said to be doing well so happy twenty nine to Beatrice for later today. And into. Thousand and One this is still on the same day bear in mind it was announced that Hollywood's golden married couple Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise had just divorced the couple who just arrived separately at the premiere of their new film in Los Angeles which was what really set everybody talking and then they all found out why so lots of stories in there from the eighth of August alone in years gone by and still one for me to give you the event which I chose as probably the most significant of the more was the news in one thousand nine hundred seventy four that President Richard Nixon announced he was stepping down as president of the United States and he became the first ever to do so the announcement came ahead of a name imminent impeachment trial and possible removal from office of the Watergate affair over the old Watergate affair which we've heard about so many times over the years the president made the announcement in a live television broadcast from the White House at nine pm local time I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my permits completed every instinct in my body. But as president. I must put the interests of America first. America needs a. Broken. And a full time Congress. Particularly at this time with problems we face at home and abroad. To continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication. Would almost totally absorb the time and attention of both the president and the Congress in a period when our entire US should be on the great issues of peace abroad and prosperity without inflation at home. Therefore. I shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow. Vice President Gore. Be sworn in as president at that hour and this all. Tricky Dicky back in one thousand nine hundred seventy four. Stepping down as American president. And this was the number one song on both sides of the Atlantic MacWrite. Working at a radio station many years after that getting too old for a cry came through the door and nearly smacked his head on the frame as you can predict. Is a massive about six feet six or seven really really big. Well you see the thing is that's where television is just so completely discombobulating is because you can see people on the television who look like tall look very tall and they're not in real life and vice versa I mean I find it always very interesting when I'm watching people on the television and I if I see somebody I've ever met I can then work out how to hold the person. Is quite interesting I think that a fellow George McCrae really big fella and he also worked well at very high notes because he probably got his head in the clouds a little here you were very good at hitting those high notes are remembering that song you recorded Yes. I think there could possibly. Do you reckon I think your voice my broken hip much of that. Was the one that lets go I know Dave previously mentioned it to Dave they said straight away yes let's go for it. Join me wait for the best guests sometimes put clips in it's to make it go they said. It takes a long time it's always going on about him so he's. Always going to be sixteen months and this is a chance with that system Gloucestershire role for this I need something just to have with me but instead I scribble this when I Fell Knight snakelike and then I have page after page of people what I'm really trying to say I'm back on Monday With. This. Show. Lol. Color. Guitar. Player little. So it was Gerry Rafferty and the street as I'm sure you worked out let me say I got two songs to go both of them straight off minutes ago seven it's like give me a little while to have a look at the morning papers then assuming I can see any of them we should just have a look if this is a wish to use Mondays Tuesday now it's so that means then it's not. Who I was expecting to in the papers so we might have missed it I'll just know actually that's not going to give me the where I normally go for the information is not there so now what I'll do is go to the alternative version which I can do because I've got three full right OK we've got enough so let's all I'm sure you want to know what's in the Financial Times So you're going to hang on to your money because I'll give you information on that in a moment just looking at some of the first editions of the papers I suspect what may have happened actually is there a little bit late for different reasons because they do seem a little bit later in having arrived Although wait a minute let's just have a look see if there's more. Got few showbiz stories doing the rounds overnight for some reason I'm not too sure what that is all about but anyway I got time to look so first editions in the morning the Telegraph set young for. Online to save the country is the headline they say that parents should encourage their children to spend more time online to improve their cyber skills and save the country the former head of G C H Q is declaring So a nice local story for us there contaminated exit imported to the U.K. Is another story which is doing the rounds the Tesco store in the times to stop selling disposable plastic bags of five pence a time and replace them with bags for life costing ten pence. On the way think about that lending cause to be scrapped for millions of Normally you travelers also that story there and the stories on the Financial Times one about a betting company and the rest is about all the stuff which really unless you are a very wealthy businessman you probably don't need to know much about so there's not much going on in the papers really. When I said.

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