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Poor it's peachy cool and you can see a 41 in space we should heading north by and there we're just. Going on. With the. Traffic and into to be a for find 7 part Greenway school. Years between Bush and Hill Street. Light Night Graham Torrington Yes hello again from Graham here we also give them for a choose their knowledge to March ever singled out have you ever been judged for the way that you look to you all the. The Life and Times of a whistle blower story coming up. Stories music. Nightline Graeme time to move on b.b.c. To present. It's like my grandchildren to light a map or let me guess tonight knows all of that some being on the receiving end of abuse and being singled out speakers he's a football referee players and fans don't see past the kids that he wears They don't know for example that's the guy that they're shouting at lot after his dying father who was trying to hold down a full time job they don't know that he once was worried sick about how to feed his children when he got made redundant they only say what's he represents not the person that he is so tonight it's and the story coming up after 11 domus that's online now Graham Torrington songs on the show this evening always coming up ahead of one there's the ladies from. Also on the way Carly Simon. Says. It's cut. Down to 12 going into Wednesday with the next round of the men model of songs featuring air supply. So. This. Is just a little taste of some the songs on the show tonight are many more of course you listening right the way to 1 o'clock want it yes course it will but 1st tonight's Have you ever been treated badly by other adults because of who you are or what you look like talking about this on the show tonight because of the shameful display of racism towards black England players in Bulgaria last night imagine being on the receiving end of that kind of abuse just because of the color of your skin or as an adult have you been singled ads for any reason could have been because of your job that you do or maybe something else so what happened go on Chase story right now have you ever been treated badly by other adults because of who you are. Be what you look like get involved now you can. See the pseudo code from a text. Message way of teaching a koan to slow slaves 66 move a little slower lady and double. Song from the Pet Shop Boys together with years and years in dreamland. Coming very soon got some Texas I guess some from all the murders and some jack Severus he together with me coming up in a few moments time as well. So have you ever abuse because of the way that you look I'm talking about this because of the utterly shine 4 and a half size shine full rices abuse held it by members of the England football team in Bulgaria last night some of the Bulgarian fans were making Nazi salutes just because the players when the same color as them. Totally mindless so. Even now or in 2019 there are still many kinds of prejudice people are discriminated against all sorts of things for many many reasons how is that happened to you Have you been singled out because of who you are what you look like or even because of the job that you do involve Now you can email me b.b.c. Doco Dr k. From a text triple 3 star your message with the g.t. I can also post on my show page on Facebook which is light now Graham Torrington I posted something on their just before we went on air tonight and a couple messages on there already June on Facebook says I found out that I was bullied at work and single dads when I moved house I've always tried to be nice and I don't know why people were so horrible to me I'm 66 now and don't care what people think of me anymore so that's what Gene has to say what about you have you ever abuse because of the way that you look. Che story run out. Text g t And your message to one triple 3 it's a standard message right see ya pretty soon no taste would be good at u.k. Solution oh cool radio previously. B.b.c. Radio darling. And. The. Just to. See how my. Sister. Has. a few moments time and some Ali Mers as well. Thanks for your thoughts on this so far keep on coming in I would like to know from you have you ever been treated badly by other adults because of who you are maybe what you look like as an adult have you been singled out for any reason could be because of the job that you do all might be the way that you look if you chase stories right now or you can e-mail me Cheeta b.b.c. Talk. If you're not text 803 Start your message with the g.t. You can also post on my show page on Facebook which is a late night Graeme Torrington I missed on that she said Funny this should come up Graham I was attacked at the weekend by 2 girls because of what I was wearing and what I looked like I was wearing stuff. I'm recovering from the injuries now or one of them clobber me and my friend to a game who'd look different when I found discussing was the door staff at the bar just shut the door on us and the taxi driver just sat there and had absolutely nothing I'm glad I managed to get away in the end and I'm lucky that they didn't have knives Wow So because they dress in the way that they dress they got peace for that's a crime stuff. Have you ever been abused because of the way that you look maybe the job that you do. That you do is you but you get a piece for that. Story. From a text. Message with Jeter Cole Graham out of 101456161 b.b. Same game. Texas summer sun my grandchildren on the way as the Isley Brothers the latest song from Jess Clint coming up very soon as well have you ever got obese because of the way that you look if you've been singled out because of who you are. To the job that you do oh maybe it's something else Campbell of now you can email me g t a b.b.c. Doco dot u.k. Phone to text a 23 Start your message with g t in Mansfield is Angie Hello Angie quietly am I so tell me about your being singled out them. Well I am going to serve. You while but mind about my I haven't. You ever want to talk about a bull ring a bell ringing. And I go to church. And get quite rude comments and that's because I'm 50 and I can't be well into the press release rebellious teenager right for those who don't understand what a boring is just explain that if you can't enjoy. Being. Right. Well you know so it's not a serious situation people the friendly. And why do you wear that boring am i always a lucky dog and then you say you always have a mean for how long. Years. And you say a certain piece of dormant yet Yeah Ok and what people say or it's my comments or is it literally said to you to your face. Last includes animal related genera not lost weight. And did you ask why they said that if the data actually isn't about the last and they didn't want to root out the niacin will. And in general when you get reaction to it and I'm kind of thinking it's general generally reaction that's not to can torture Yeah yeah usually Yeah well when you get comments that are not so nice towards you how do you react to them what do you say would you not say. I say well if I do want sir so I'll say something like them will perhaps it's 90 years you get no nation and I am respectful of Maine remove the. Building there is rain if I'm going into a place. It's an earth I know someone to he live. On that and I will remain as it is not with a little thing that I have stuff. Ok And when you get great comments what you say then when I was style sign that's really nice to hear. And the the nice comments weighed against the negative comments percentage wise we're talking about. The things that actually last comment about why they're not the ones and because the thing most people oh what you not mean the sense. You know they still think you feel they can think well it might not be the me on the film then obviously I am. And to thank you much indeed for sharing your thoughts on the program serve ever be singled out got abuse because of the way that you have been treated badly by other adults because of who you are maybe the job that you do get involved now you can email me b.b.c. Doco Dr k. From a text 3 star your message with g.t. . Street Police night 5 still on this one you say yes who isn't sure you say yeah any idea yet who is it do you say yes. Do you say yes it's starting is near it's a drug do you say Yeah Ok I'll tell you it's not the wrong guesses that have come in so far are Gerry Horner test Daily Beast and Suzi Quatro Lisa God Super Kings Jodie Kidd lolo Casey Wicks Holly Willoughby Felicity Kendal Kathy Burke Victoria Carr a mature Rita Simons and a rice Victoria Wood Claudia Winkleman Lisa Tarbuck Zoe Ball Fearne Cotton says the strength Kirstie Allsopp Gilder. And Gary Lucy has crept in the end there were some an unreasoned do you say yes not only those but who is How do you say yes or no do you say yes and I would rather you say Yes Ok playing up the news that 11 a prize is just funny to get your answer in by 11 that means you got 27 minutes to get through the only way I can take an answer is on the phone to not text or not email or do not post the Facebook page we can call when you call we can attack the 1st time caller so with a different name and you can I appear on the show once per week which gives others a chance to get through so please tell me all night 5 somebody's going to get it right is you on the phone who is who do you say yes. And. 616 will be. You. This. latest song from just plain together with Ray as well have you ever been treated badly by other adults because of who you are and what you look like I'm talking about this on the show tonight because of the shameful display of racism towards black England players in Bulgaria last night imagine being on the receiving end of that kind of abuse just because of the color of your skin so as an adult have you been singled out as for any reason to be in because of the what happened get involved now you can email me Cheeta b.b.c. Doc how to carry from a text 3 star your message with g.t. Michael in charge and spin into it she said I was born with a cleft palate and although I had speech therapy when I was growing up I still sound like I'm talking through my nose I often get asked if I have a cold which is irritating but I have come to expect it as well what makes me so angry is when people I don't know openly take the mickey by repeating what I've said in the way that I've said it and thinking it's a huge joke if I say something about how rude they are they accuse me of having no sense of humor sorry Graham but I don't think having a laugh at someone else's expense is very funny OTOH I'm not agree with that 100 percent thank you for sharing that. Let's get a bird she's head and Simon Hello Simon. Hi Your thoughts on. Right yeah and they talked about my daughter who is no longer with the family she had Down's syndrome. It was a lot of people taking the mickey out of. Those one particular incident which I could tell you. We should take her to particular. A place for independence training aged 12 should go to the loo on the right. Way which she did and want to keep a day she didn't come out the top 10 to 15 minutes someone came to see what was going on. Seeing a school girl slaughter in the cubicle was calling her the name that people used to call down to Among them on the monk. Study of. The mother of Charlotte's one of the girls actually was very upset the police a cold. To press charges to say the document charges with the drugs on the bills and to be honest with them the sign. Down to. Charlottesville him. Off. On a. Note to help companies spot by at least to me as. Well as in the present parents are trying to build a confidence all the time showing up absolutely slow to slowly with so little Charlotte with. Them. Doing so well and they said the girls. And as the father saw them in sight. I mean well I would with student disability and the amount of the piece that was given is to Coleman's. Alliance or how long ago is this that we're talking about. 15 years ago Ok which say things have got best through worse all the syme other like to think so are you saying you know what much it's like being back in the seventy's. I mean I was telling wasn't it were it was actually stunning whether your football fan or not a football fan to see what happened there and I was just going on air when all this was happening last nano scale I was watching it with the b.b.c. And it's like what. Yeah great totally shocked me so what would you say to someone then who would be thinking about doing something like that to your daughter if she were around now what would you say to that person Ok as questionable I would say you have someone to say how would you feel if you're doing so how would you do that. Because it's not very nice. Thank you that's really sorry you have to be put through that. Other adults because of. How you look. Through already. You can. Text. Message with. Facebook which is like. 10146161. Come up with. The ball. The Isley Brothers harvest for the world on line a gram trying to coming up very soon a symbol in the Carlisle be Coldplay song clocks to play the new song from Mariah and Jess crane and few moments time as well and then later after 11 guest tonight knows all about being on the receiving end of abuse and being singled out because he's a football referee players and fans don't see past the kids that he wears that don't know for example that's the guy that they're shouting at looked after his dying father or asked trying to hold down a full time job that I don't know that once he was worried sick about how to feed his children when he got made redundant they only see what he represents not the person hears that and the story coming up after 11 tonight on Leno Graham Tarrant domicil Graham street police and Knight 5 still on this one do you say you know who is it do you say yes do you say Yes Ok tell me who's not the wrong guesses that are coming so far are Gerry Horner test Daily Beast and Suzi Quatro Lisa God going Taylor super Jodie Kidd lolo Casey Wicks Holly Willoughby Felicity Kendal Kathy Burke Victoria Carr Mitchell Rita Simons Anika Rice Victoria would actually welcome Lisa Tarbuck Zoe Ball fern cotton Susan strengths Kirti all Kirstie Allsopp. Mel girl Roche and there's Gary Lucy for some reason but is there any way none of those who is or you say yes I mean it is you say Yeah Ok playing up to new celeb no prizes just for fun need to get your answer in by 11 which means you've got a Exactly 50 minutes to get through the only way I can take an answer is on the phone to not text on an email do not post the Facebook page we can call when you called most of the 1st 10 callers through the different name and if you only appear on the show once a week or so on the phone place who's the do you say yeah cool Graham now only 201 full 5616 we. Don't. Have you been singled out because of who you are what you look like or even because the job that you do. Email me. In a text 8 on trouble 3 Start your message with a g.t. Garron Stokes been in touch she said I was a parking in force went officer or traffic warden for 3 years and it was the worst 3 years of my life the amount of abuse I got was unbelievable and remember this abuse was coming from people who had parked where they shouldn't be breaking the law or putting other road users into danger. Spots that many times pushed and shoved many times and called a bleep. So many times I've lost count how to make the rules I was just doing the job that I was paid to do to put food on the table for my kids I couldn't take it and went to work in a co-op Center which believe me wasn't nearly as bad Gary thanks. Have you ever been. Abused because of the way that you look or maybe the job that you do. Love me again on late night. Clucks. Belinda Carlisle coming up in just a moment. Have you ever felt you've got peace because the way the local maybe something you do the job that you do something like remain anonymous I was beaten up because of my accent or actually lack of it I'm from north London and I was in a shop in Irvington in Birmingham when someone pushed in the queue ahead of me I told her I was 1st hand she and her friend launched into me calling me a posh bitch. James says I was singled out by a group of black guys and called all sorts of racist names that's when I found that it's my cos that's racism works both ways and Imus Julie He says My partner gets ridiculed he has a number of disabilities but o.c.d. Is the thing that governs his life inside and outside of the house this time of year the leaves everywhere drive him mad so we go about our business and we do it together but people around that stunt understand what he's suffering with start hurling abuse these people should know better as they are older than we are but it's where knots harming anybody but they just can't leave him alone I've heard him so much and it's hard for me to listen to him get this abuse Yeah thanks for sharing that tonight. I'm really pleased with all the site I really am pleased with the site. If only if only. I was as perfect as another person. B.b.c. News it's 11 on more old us and the head of you a fan has a football fans to wage war on racists following last night's abuse of England players at a Euro 2020 qualify and Bulgaria the match had to be stopped twice sports minutes Minister Nigel Adams has told the Commons what happened was appalling and disgusting the idea that you go bunches of people making Nazi salutes monkey chants is a sort of a subhuman behaviors and cannot be tolerated and I do look to you a far in the strongest terms to deal with this particular incident as severely as possible the head.

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